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Friday’s here for the better part of the world
hello, full body with camera roughly eye level about 2 meters away, do i pass
Pass + uncanny valley
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I'm so ugly it's unreal. What surgery should I get?
Stop with the surgeries, you're a woman
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https://unsee cc/album#Dsqmra5H8aLW

fight fight fight fight
Made for plowing the fields of Éire
mogs me, pass
that's our asian princess
shut up spicebag
you should post your ass
No one wants to see my man ass.
I'll be the judge of that
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yes super duper pass
pass for mid woman
absolute slampig braphog
in a good way or a bad way??
in a good way
I'd fuck that fat ass until I passed out
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cute but would not .. now...

you didn't rate me am I a hon?
too uncanny
you just look very normal as a woman, you pass very well
lol yeah you pass fine, slightly boyish but pass, you look like a long lost great great great grandneice of Oscar Wilde
you pass alright but these pictures look very strange, you're the kind of woman id see in a nightmare at a shady german motel
>you didn't rate me am I a hon?
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In bed unwell, light makeup so I could go to the doctor earlier

Been a long time since I posted probably don't pass any better but I think I dropped like 40 pounds
holy shit is that snurly? you look great and yeah you pass well, whether you’re her or not you have that signature autistic gaze
Not snurly just an oldfag who never used a trip, but you are spot on about the autistic gaze
Would cuddle with >.<
You're very beautiful, and pass a cute TF2 player princess
Wow, you're girlfriend material
Wait, meters? nvrmnd, wrong country
Really adorable
I feel like there's a sex tape in your future, at least I hope there is
Too hyper closeup to tell much but really cute
I like the pink lipstick, highlights your very high kissability factor
pass, but what happened to the wall writings?
pass you look great compared to the last pics you posted with scars and all
passoid very very pretty

here’s me in bed with slept in makeup :p
don’t hugboxx me i’m no gigapassoid :|
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I'm going back to boymoding

super pass
imo you look like a regular not super attractive woman
get new pictures
kind of... weird looking
pass ofc
could pass but not in this pic
>uncanny valley
The word has lost its meaning
you pass, you just look european (in a pretty way!!)
I'm a weirdhon :(
a rare Saar chaser who trooned to lez out on troon dong. lmao seen it all now boys
what do you mean by that? how isn't it uncanny?
Show body
How is it? She just looks like a normal woman in an autismo room.
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U pass
Facial hair
Stop Boymoding

do I pass while super sweaty and eating pizza
It's been a good 10+ years but tf2 was very much my Jam

Boymoding with pretty lady face just looks kinda weird

bit rough in this one

Pass well

Something is up with your face idk what it is not trying to be rude I just can't put my finger on what's wrong
Here we go
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hi passgen, posting on the behalf of pichu who is currently banned atm

>she says, showing forehead for forehead/hairline ffs suggestions, and also asking for hair color suggestions that suit her coloration

she thanks you all in advance <3

pass but do agree these pics are rather uncanny in a bad way
pass the shorter hair looks so good on u
pics laying down always bad
>pineapple pizza
DROPPED irl (my slice burned the fuck out of my mouth…)
luv u azelf <33
>bangs removed
>doesn't pass
many such cases
I consider myself a latehon so this is very much a compliment to me
made for chaser cock
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You pass at this angle, although it’s really impossible to tell without seeing you up close. Kind of doubtful. Giving me invisigirl vibes
Pass but not the best looking. I wish u the best though. Much love!
Pass, lose the bangs. It’s so out of style.
I would hesitate, but I would say you generally pass, although, no offense, but it might be healthy to lose weight, in terms of passing. Weight shifts tend to make people pass more. Also, Victorian child vibes.
Passing except for the first foto, slightly uncanny, but my gosh, girly, take some iron supplements. You look like you’re starving, make sure you’re eating healthy or at least eating. Please, seriously eat, you look pained
You would pass but your haircut is killing you. A mullet is not a good idea, girly…>>36657422
No pass
No pass greasy boy
No pass
Barely passing, but sweetness vibes cover it

Sorry if I was cruel, I love you all and I’m sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings.
>what happened to the wall writings?
I worry that it looks too mentally ill, i'll probably put it up when i have an entire wall's-worth which could be soon
Also, I do appreciate your hunter schafer mimicing, it’s very cool.
Oops not a mullet I just have all my hair tucked behind my ears but looking at the pic it really does read as mullet
she says,
>That's +1 to FFS needed, thank you anon
she also says she'll reply to people with feedback tomorrow <3
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pass rip rei :(
pass, smth slightly off but i think its just lighting
pass very cute
pass, love those earrings and glasses together
pass, simple but rlly nice outfits
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I could see it going either way depending on body, voice, mannerisms
Probably pass to all but professional clockers, also you have really pretty hair
Def pass but this might be a situation of my being racially blind
Pass! very cute and I love your glasses where did you get them?
Desolé, no pass.
Very pretty and passing in the face. I don’t think your baggy shirt is helping you out here though, it kinda just makes you look blockier. I feel very confident though in your ability to glow up if you dress less like a boymoder
Pineapple on pizza is a wonderful topping and I could see why one might be slurping that slice up. I cannot tell if you pass or not, I think it’s like when you look at something for too long and can’t make sense of it anymore. But longer hair could probably go a long way towards being fem if that’s ur thing
Your phone, haircut, and glasses are all very cute! I think you probably pass to the world but less so to transvestigators (they are insane anyway tho so what’s it really matter)
no question about it unless everything else is egregious. Also the red works very well for you
dumb, idiot, mentally ill, needy, worthless bitch, ugly cunt, violently kill yourself or just grow up already please
thank uuuu <3
maybe next time anon i don’t think you want to see my mosquito bites anyway
>facial hair
i think it’s just extra dark in this picture? maybe not.. i’m going in for laser consult tomorrow
>pic laying down always bad
ur on to something.. here’s another one
i thought it was super cool and very unique way to decorate
>hunter schafer mimicing
i think we’re just both natural super blonde because i’ve gotten this before but i just don’t see it nor am i trying to mimic but a compliment nonetheless thank u <3
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pass, mildly clocky
i don't want to comment
full pass
full pass
pass, could be anglefraud
no pass
pass & cool
clocky to me
pass well, cool
clocky but probably most feminine person here

lmk of ur opinions on my "woman face performance"
>I feel very confident though in your ability to glow up if you dress less like a boymoder
I don't really know how to dress. this is a pretty normal outfit for me, boymoding or not. any tips?
>I could see it going either way depending on body, voice, mannerisms
Which features do you think are clocky? Do you think if I got more surgery I could look unambiguous?
Glasses are from clearly an Australian site
longer hair would help u. this is one of the only pics i’ve seen where you don’t look like a theyfab(at worst) and a passoid(at best)
pass in this pic
hair up definetly not doing u any favors but i think if you styled it without bangs you’d probably still look good depending
super super cute overall pass i feel like a tranny could spot you but nobody else
agp curls but cute i think if you start taking better care of your hair you’d be more passable
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Am I even close?
btw to everyone posting here, if you want less biased and more consistent judgements search up clip interrigator 2, it'll give you a decently good idea of if you pass or not
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You kinda gotta brute force it. Both in trying on lots of clothes to see what you like and trying things on to get comfortable with dressing differently. I recommend you go shopping with some cis girl around your age who’s a supportive friend, try on just so many things (thrift stores are great for this, but also places like target do well with not expensive but largely inoffensive clothes that kinda work for everyone). Try to challenge yourself in what you try on and get yourself to get at least one thing every time you go. It’ll take some time but you just gotta keep doing it
>a woman taking a selfie in a parking lot, inspired by Marina Abramović, reddit, realism, earbuds, overcast day, androgynous face, walking at the park
it's over
reads as sad danTDM in a wig, hard to tell what exactly clocks but i think it's probably eyes and jaw mainly. try different makeup and save for ffs if you can. You look very attractive but quite masculine, a lot of it is midface ratio too, again, maybe ffs
i put myself in here and it gave me this
a close up of a person laying on a bed, inspired by Cindy Sherman, reddit, wearing a low cut tanktop, desaturated!!, portrait androgynous girl, webcam
how am i supposed to feel after being described as “reddit” i’d rather be called an ogrehon
the reddit part doesn't really mean anything, gendered parts are towards the end so you're probably very very andro
>a close up of a person with long hair, inspired by Jean Malouel, reddit, ugly woman, shag haircut, frontal picture, full costume, very accurate photo, looking to camera, nonbinary model, curly dark hair
a close up of a person laying on a bed, inspired by Cindy Sherman, 4chan, wearing a low cut tanktop, desaturated!!, portrait androgynous girl, webcam
Thanks ^^
yeah u must be right i put a couple different pictures and it either called me an androgynous girl, woman, or female
I don't have any friends who would go shopping with me...
waooow now this is a game changer… what i’ve wanted to hear my entiiiire life XD
I think it might be the eyebrows, I’m not entirely sure. I think you have a certain androgyny to your face, so it becomes dependent on other factors
>agp curls but cute i think if you start taking better care of your hair you’d be more passable
thank u i def need to get a better hair routine my curls are always so frizzy
You have nice face symmetry and I think you'll be a real mogger after ffs, I know that's probably not what girls want to hear but I feel like you need to be in that 0.001% to fully pass without ffs anyway.
That is def a barrier but you can also go yourself, it just might be a little more uncomfy and you might not have that same source of affirmation. ig maybe just try to set up rules around shopping, like try to try on at least 10 different items, 4 of which push your comfort zone, and leave with at least 2 things (this is just an example ofc, you can figure out what works best for you)
>What surgery should I get?
pluck your unibrow, very simple procedure
> a woman sitting in the back seat of a car, a picture, unsplash, hurufiyya, shag haircut, model エリサヘス s from acquamodels, male!!, oc, !!natural beauty!!, strong jawline, day after raining, messy black bob hair, an epic non - binary model, cynthwave
yeah it can be pretty brutal, enjoy the brainworms
Nice hair on the right.
Clip Interrogator 2 “ a woman taking a selfie in a bathroom mirror, a screenshot, by Kristin Nelson, tumblr, happening, small vials and pouches on belt, diverse outfits, triptych, hiking clothes, high school girls, hands on hips, mid 2 0's female, 2 0 2 1, wearing a cropped tops, zippers, genderswap, messy cords”

wtf does gender swap mean, do I look gender swapped
try other pics maybe, probably just means it can tell you're andro
a woman with glasses laying on a bed, on my bed, bedroom eyes, laying back on the bed, laying in bed, someone in home sits in bed, posing in bed, laying on her back on a bed, laying on a bed, selfie of a young woman, someone sits in bed, androgynous person, she wears harry potter glasses

Did a couple
Manmoder / expert rating the passgen

Asian pass
British pass
You look like fat bastard from Austin Powers
Nope. Kind of look like a meth user. Sort of hot desu
Yes stealthpass
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local hon goes biking and gets sweaty, gets gendered male
>gets gendered male
voice status?
local meemaw goes biking, looks cute
Do you really still get gendered male even after FFS? How often does that happen? That's such suifuel.
sometimes yea, but much rarer
welcome to my twisted world, where everything is crazy………
I got
"a woman standing in a bedroom, inspired by Cerith Wyn Evans, tumblr, surrealism, long hair with bangs, high quality of photography, portrait of a japanese teen, 155 cm tall, wearing a baggy, looking straight to camera, toy photo, looking straight"
How often every month? I got misgendered for a second time in 12 months after FFS and it sent me absolutely spiralling and I almost roped because of it. Do you think it's because of your shoulders and/or skull size? I think my skull size gets me clocked.
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some basic selfies because everyone thinks my first pics are creepy :( I'm sorry idk
So far a pretty disappointing passgen
in terms of?
i agree, no gigapassoids nor megahons and too few rates
we need bad bitch trannies with big titties and fat asses showing their stuff in here
hopefuel actually… idk when i’ll be able to actually get ffs but insurance is supposed to cover it in my state so hopefully within the next year
idk I’ve been told my voice passes but is just sorta on the deeper side of feminine pitches, admittedly sometimes i get lazy with it
ummmm ffs was 4 months ago and it’s happened maybe twice I think?
I think clothing is usually what causes it because im quite tall and sometimes i just wear an unflattering outfit (like the mens tshirt in my pic)
skull size and shoulders? Idk, i don’t think so lol, most of getting gendered correctly is just about not presenting androgynous i think

I think u pass and I don’t get creepy vibes??
kinda clocky but ur close imo, very pretty eyes and lovely hair
androgynous at worst but very pretty and I think more time on hrt and you’ll be a model
kinda an unflattering angle i think that makes it hard to judge, but I read u as a woman btw pretty eyes

too lazy to rate everyone in detail sorry but you’re all very pretty and ily
in a couple years
no like right now
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Boymoding at university edition.

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Me when I try
i meant with myself, i'll be like that in a couple years, it takes it's time you know
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model material get an agent

no pass to my eye, maybe to others. but insanely beautiful. fix the shadow on your face.
>idk I’ve been told my voice passes
you should just post it
be real
i am thats why i ignored everyone else in the thread
damn i dont pass
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you need longer hair
you're cute, pass
model pretty.. ur very close
andro but can pass with mannerisms and voice
pass I guess but angles
very pretty .. pass..
pass ..
passes perfectly as that sightly dorky girl.. uoure very pretty!!
hello azelf ! pass as always. nice pizza
please girlmode you're too pretty for these unflattering, loose 'dude' wardrobe.. I don't mean no offense I'm sorry if I sounded like that it's just I think you'd be so pretty with more sightly feminine shirts and things alike
pass, pretty skin..
I dunno.. you seem very ok to me.. so many pretty people wishing to get surgeries and fill in the pocket of evil, profit-minded surgeons.. it breaks my heart
hii, pass, as always!

I feel very tired.. this world isn't fair after all.. but what can I do..
kinda chunky bones
reply box is blocking ur face so can’t evaluate, sorry
get browbone shaved sorry look good otherwise
it’s not fair
y u lookin’ so greasy?
Now that's a mare worth chasing
Why do you always skip me? You pass, I guess.
No pass.
Pass as usual.
Pass of course.
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Did my outfit look good here?
I don't know, everything about you looks really uncanny and weird.
ur mean
who r u?
I know I'm a little clocky and look very nerdy. But do I pass ?

also gigga passoid, I like your hair.
I'm >>36656218.
Why do you always make that pose? It doesn't really make you pass better, just looks odd.
You looked fine, really. Kinda clocky but it's not over. Agreed with >>36660398 that the pose is kind of strange though.
>reply box is blocking ur face
lol.. lmao even… why even type it out
>ur mean
In my twisted world that's actually a compliment, I wouldn't even shoot you if you went lame, I'd actually care for you
some guys like the knocked knees thing
how am i still clocky ugh its over no matter how much surgery i will always be clocky
It's mostly an eyebrows issue, but it's not like you're a hon. It's more of a small detail you could fix easily.
Yeah, I think it would look okay on a cis woman with a tiny frame but it really doesn't work with trans women because it's not cute at all, it kind of makes all of the AMAB features stand out.
Well, your hands and shoulders are kind of big, the pose is weird and your face looks strange. I'd gender you female obviously but you are kind of visibly trans.
i even got shoulder reduction surgery it was over before it started i should have just killed myself lmao
You could also try exercising your lower half, or gaining fat there?
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>hrt for entire 20s
>constant allegations of bdd passoid
>still indistinguishable from average john, 50
Kill yourself
thats the plan
hard to gauge from just a picture. just lean in to being a weird horse girl and people will prob not suspect a thing
i think you pass
>why even type it out
already tagged your post *shrug*
i wish y to be shot regardless
You look 100% female and you know it.
How much was shoulder reduction and who did you get it with? I’ve never heard of that
I bet you literally never get misgendered.
ur mean
i do lower body day every other day i hip thrust 205lbs i leg press 230lbs i do 45lb bulgarian split squats and then hip abductors at 140lbs
How long on E?
I think Eppley does shoulder reduction.
>doesn’t know how to use phone
pass for being fembrained
and normal pass i guess
Dr Leif Rodgers and i dont exactly remember i think 9k i think im gonna go back for a bbl
5 years
what i do ? v_v
I'd say start eating more then. Fat should go to your lower body by now.
You're a rowdy one and will take some time to break, I have a lot of bridles prepared for you to wear already
how can you POSSIBLY see that when u look at me
You have to be bait
Do you actually ever get misgendered IRL though?
Is my browbone really protruding?
what did you do to your ears
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Tfw 26 yo perma manmoder
Link doesn't work
well yeah twinks are usually unemployed
Lazy ass bitch
i am not all i see is big ribcage, broad muscular shoulders, deep set eyes, chad jawline, roman nose, square hairline, thin cheeks. i'm just someone's stepdad in a wifebeater.
Textbook case Body Dysmorphic Disorder
You've not answered, so do you ever like, get misgendered IRL or not? If not, then you obviously pass.
Imagine complaining about this when no one addresses you as male IRL, that's flat out retarded, you're just fishing for compliments.
Killing myself
Alternatively: make a new link
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6 hours bunch of pics
Tfw 26 year old man model
You mog pre testosterone me
But IRL is literally the best indicator of passing, if you pass IRL and never get misgendered, it doesn't really matter what a tranny board on the internet says. So you are literally just fishing for compliments, you already know you pass. It's not even BDD, it's just typical attention seeking behaviour. When was the last time you even got misgendered? Has it happened even once after your FFS? I bet it literally never happened.
*man moder
Perma man moder
What’s pre t you look like?
not being misgendered isnt the goal normal people dont go around misgendering trannies even when they are identifiable as such just to be mean
and yes i can think of a handful of occasions
I would say obviously female but I got gendered male at least half the time with my hair down to my jaw, so maybe leaned towards androgyny.
>not being misgendered isnt the goal normal people dont go around misgendering trannies even when they are identifiable as such just to be mean
I don't know, people who look obviously trans get misgendered pretty often even in super liberal areas in places like San Francisco. And you don't even look obviously trans, just looks like a normal woman.
>and yes i can think of a handful of occasions
Well, that sucks, how often does it happen to you?
not earlier sage, i had a post go viral on reddit yesterday and tons of transphobic comments came in so they locked my thread comments :c
Disagreed because >>36660892 is right.
People hand out pity correct-genderings all the time to us because they aren't blind, they aren't stupid, they know we're trannies and they aren't assholes who want to ruin our days. I promise you cis people can tell. Its like they have a radar specifically for detecting trannies and it's RELIABLE.
"Passing" IRL is not a reliable way of telling if you pass. The world is hugboxing us. That's why I rely on this thread.
are the high nostrils new?
nah they r like 3 months old
wats ur redit acct
I think if you manmode as a tranny and still get gendered female, that would be an accurate way of gauging passing, no? I don't think pity passing is a thing while manmoding.
Where did you post it?
sage (the named user) you really need a different name lmao
Yeah it's annoying, normally you put sage in all the fields if you don't want to bump the thread, so it gets confusing.
yeah ik >.< feels too late to change it now
r/lesbian fashion adv
I saw that post, did it get raided by terfs or something?

ur pretty btw :>
im pretty sure yeah, but also half a million people saw it, i’m sure opinionated people are more likely to leave hateful comments though, so who knows
I’m really, really sorry if this comment is hurtful. I just want to ask if you have a bodily deformity? You don’t look creepy or bad at all and u pass. It’s just a body type I have never seen in real life and got curious..
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good morning passgen here's me at work yesterday. I brushed my hair right after I took this dw.
very average looking pass
someone posted you on rtranspassing. also pass
clockier here than usual (the lighting) but still pass
probably but hard to tell from laying down
no, beard shadow. without it yes. >>36657433
yeah pass, how the hell do you boymode with that face
pass, amazing pic
something fucky going on with face but I think you pass?
pass, hair up looks like a woman with a big forehead imo.
pass to cis ppl but you look noticably trans, like, I know like three trans women with your exact face.
still no bc beard shadow
same as poster above
>a close up of a person wearing glasses, reddit, portrait of white teenage girl, high res photo, bangs and wavy hair, very accurate photo, 2000s photo, avatar image, full subject shown in photo, portrait mode photo, indoor picture, nft portrait, selfie photo, 90's photo, in the office, mid 2 0's female
not awful considering it once included "chris chan" for me
pretty close, something is off to me tho
yeah pass but, like, somehow abnormally clocky here too?
visibly trans imo. but still pretty and pass to cis ppl.
yeah no
pass I think but also hard to say, you look so much like one friend of mine lol. outfit is good, it's not to my taste but I see a lot of hip young ppl rockign shit like that
pass but the harsh overhead lighting accentuates your chin like hell. it would make most cis women not pass.
yea pass, where'd you go viral? shame about the transphobia tho
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Bump ;-;
nobody likes unsees lol they're a bother. ppl only click them bc they sometimes have nudes in them.
Theres nudes i swear
Wtf kind've work uniform is that

Also I'm the blue sweater, and "something's off" seems to be the general consensus. I think I just need to experiment with different types of makeup and save for ffs. Also I'm pretty early on hrt, 2 months today
Got curious can u send link to the post plsss
just look at the sub i posted and do all time its like 5th or 6th
was too busy to record a clip earlier

idk if my voice is particularly good but yea here’s a quick example
rating ppl i havent seen before

>>36657063 yes
>>36657422 No
>>36657598 No
>>36657905 yes but side profile might be clocky
>>36658037 im not sure
>>36659511 maybe
>>36659520 no
oh look at her look at her look at this cutie here
i wonder why passgen is so slow today maybe i’ve just got to wait
Cis male anon. Reply to this and I'll tell you if you pass.
Mega pass.
Clocked. Jaw is intense.
Pass and very cute.
Clocked, but could maybe pass with better makeup.
Literally so close to passing.
Pass, cute smile
Not quite, but close.
Cute hair. Not quite there yet though.
Very pass.
That's enough obnoxious mass replying for now.
still not opening it i dont care about nudes lol
not a work uniform, I just work in an office with no dress code
>two months today
ok holy shit, yeah, ygmi
yeah pass
euro hours are always slow
ooh do me do me i'm >>36661167
I recognize you from an earlier /passgen/
Anyway, I feel like you could pass but aren't there yet. Maybe if you were a bit skinnier.
Bad routine. Hip thrusts are the most overrated white girl exercise since adductor machines were invented.

Check out Dr Mike on YouTube beasting his wife and other chicks on lower body. You are also doing at least double the volume you should be for the best results.
>maybe if you were a bit skinnier
yeah deffo. like, irl I pass even looking like this bc i'm really short and my mannerisms and whole 'vibe' is pretty femme. but in pictures I look way more like a fat boy than I would like. even if losing weight didn't help me pass, it'd make me look better anyways so kinda no downside to trying to do it
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you kind of look like the paul dano riddler no offense
pass I think ur pretty!
Fye, did you get a blepharoplasty done? Do you think it helps with passing at all or is it purely cosmetic?
some of y’all got 0 passgen etiquette
do me
-> >>36660285
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>look like the paul dano riddler
considering I usually get compared to picrel (finnish 70s singer Rauli "Badding" Somerjoki), I'm fine with that.
bit clocky but gorgeous too! you look like a model fr
how could you do this to me?
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youll be fine just wait for the swelling to go down
gigapass wow
clocky hairline
i cant tell from this angle but its not a flattering picture at all
clocky shoulders + chin
pass super cute style <3
pass and ur gorgeous
sorta clocky, not that bad
clocky but pass to cissies
pass and adorable
gorgeous, hunter schafer stunt double
pass u look like my mother when she was young
gigapass and cute makeup as always queen
i did and its just cosmetic
Time 2 rate

pass in all of them 2 me, maybe i’m just faceblind to your ethnicity
yeah very pass, i can see the more andro features but as a full package i’ve gotta say pass
beard shadow and something about eye area, no pass
ultra passoid, mogs me and pretty pretty
pass as intense oily college girl, cool pass
face kinda off but not too far from passing, fix hair 2 be flattering and it would be a no questions pass from me
duh pichu you pass
kinda like jay exci but a couple leagues ahead a little off but pass
a couple features are a fraction of clocky but overall passing
yeah you pass, looking slightly brown helps since it makes the nose stand out less
mainly needs laser and time of hrt if not already. Ffs could help a lot but even without that passing as a normal woman is possible
almost but jaw and eyes are ever so slightly off
fully pass but you seem to be dressing andro and such, also might be voice
still kinda off, pass but odd
quite clocky
lol eyebrows and hair
very passing a lot better than usual
not even a question
kinda off as always jade, other responses say it
le bdd lol, pass
very passing
eyes are slightly off but still could pass as very autistic woman
pass clearly
hi again, these pics are better
kinda andro in places, could definitely pass as a sad androgenous eastern european woman

kinda short desu, sad
Why did you skip me? I'm >>36656218.
>could definitely pass as a sad androgenous eastern european woman
my family is russian thats probably it lol
I'm a Slav as well and I'm a gigahon because of it, it's actually over for me, I don't pass even with FFS. Being a Slav tranny is pure suffering.
i already rated way way earlier, my opinion is that you pass as a regular woman, some slightly masculine features but nothing that sticks out as beyond cis woman normalcy. You’re no model but youre probably quite beautiful when you smile, as are most people when not on the computer screen, sure that’s not competitive but it is true
>some slightly masculine features
Which features are masculine? What surgery do you think I should get?
yeah to me you look like the typical slavic androgynous woman, kinda like the women in soviet propaganda posters but more real of course, you’re more feminine than this example i think
from the picture you’re eyebrows look kinda thick but that could be an illusion with your bangs, if not then you can fix that in like 10 minutes. With surgery your nose, chin and jaw could be made more passing with ffs. Midface might still be somewhat long but that’s just something you have to learn to live with as far as i know
>chin and jaw could be made more passing with ffs
Hm, I see! I just had surgery on my jaw and chin but the results are hard to see because it's still a bit swollen and there's also a bunch of loose skin left. I'm going to get a lower facelift in the future so hopefully that'll make it look better. Maybe I also need a sliding genioplasty as well.
you have a really nice voice and this is a pretty funny concept
u skipped me T-T
yayyy! and yes u pronounced it right
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feel like my fit is kinda garbage
it's actually pretty cute
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I havent posted in passgen in like half a year lol hi

ur shorts are way too small
pass ur so cute lol
rung passes
pass duh
pass mommy
it does not, pass though
the most ethereal passoid
boo from monsters inc
no but wait a month and you will
androgynous?? could go any way tbhh
why are you posting tits
hawaiian pizza u have such good taste and u pass idk hard to tell from the angle
ur eyes are beautiful pass
pass u look like my English teacher in high school
do something with ur hair, layers or highlights or something
>rung passes
am i too much of a newfag or why do i not understand this lol. also you pass.
no im faceblind and regarded and thought you were someone else when i glanced at ur pic
wow u pass and ur gorgeous <3
You're a gigapassoid, did you get FFS? Who was it with?
no i didn't, sorry i cant really help there
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I already know I don't pass and I will continue boymoding the rest of my life, jc what others think

Bigger size shorts will look better
pichu says she loves you and hopes you keep posting bc yr her favorite. i am her liaison for this passgen
Pass! Very cute w the autism creature and rei doll
None. You pass, just look tired
Sadly I can't open the unsee folder
Pass. You're very pretty :0
Could maybe pass. Pic doesn't say a lot, bad angle
No pass
Bad pic can't tell
Pass. I love your hair!
Pass as a very young girl
Pass! You're very pretty too
Could maybe pass, but clocky
Yeah, I'd even say you pass. You're very cute too :)
Pass. You look like at least 3 girls I know irl
Pass, those glasses look good on u
Pass. Elf.
Pass. I wanna marry you.
Pass. Good choice of glasses.
Pass but you look 2012 (not a bad thing, just a thing)
Pass. You look like a girl irl but she had green eyes
Pass. You're cute but the fit really is garbage.
I need to see you naked immediately
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Hot voice
Kdjdkkskss thanks anon <3
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https://unsee cc/album#FtzWLhVMy0WZ

>Sadly I can't open the unsee folder

oops sorry, ALSO CUTE pass
samarie my beloved <3
also gigapass im jealous
drop your discord
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ist ech over für me?
Not quite, but could later.
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> Pass but you look 2012 (not a bad thing, just a thing)
do i look old
Not only do you pass, you're cute as fuck and the Stereolab poster is based. Would kiss.
On point
No. You look like the year of 2013
ive sadly only heard that album and dots and loops,, im a stereolab faker :(
It's okay, those are their best ones anyway. If you listen to Refried Ectoplasm, I'll make out with you.
some NWW tracks might as well download it
thanks anon
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how romantic <3
never been dodged harder in my life, cant believe i wont get to be slammed into a tree
I'm in love <3
>>36657482 no pass but cute
pass as a cis woman
thatd probably be how you pronounce it but its already butchered german so who knows
thankx pally
On the few occasions I've crossed paths with passing tripfags/faceposters from here, I slip in a subtle misgender or two to fuck with their heads. Then by the time the next passgen comes they are observably more brainwormed in their posts
mean :(
ur hair is fucking perfect
perfect is good i think
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hi faggots

i will rate u all soon but i just woke up so gimme a bit <3
>looks like a man
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I need you
everyone remember appearance is like 20% of the battle unless you’re an actual rapehon, ur voice is 100x more important than you would think

ye 100% senpai u got me
does 4chan automatically correct “F-a-m” to “senpai” what the fk
kinds clocky but no one looks good from this angle so idk
what about me...
What about me? I'm >>36656218, do I look male? What should I fix about my face?
Here's a video of me https://imgur.com/PsaU6Xo
Do I look like a man? Is it over?
dumb tourist
i’m sorry life isn’t fair

YES u look like a man to me (I’m actually really ruthless about this stuff so pls don’t trust me 100% x.X) but NO it’s not over don’t be dramatic
first off i would leave the LA Crips. second like i would tell anyone, if u can’t pass by growing your hair out alone then ur face is just fucked up. so do what every real woman has to do to improve their apperarance. get a proper haircut for ur face and learn the basics of maintaining and styling it. figure out what brows look good on u. and if u aren’t opposed to it for whatever reason, learn makeup techniques for male face structures. in ur case even if u don’t want to learn makeup u should at least look into filling in ur brows bcuz they look empty asf. good luck tho.
>if u can’t pass by growing your hair out alone then ur face is just fucked up
What surgery can I get to fix my face? I have to pass while manmoding or it's completely over.
wow who pissed in ur soup? no need to get all defensive
this freak has a phd in 4chan and wants to make it my problem. sorry regular people use ur site now that must be hard.

it just seemed like the most retarded feature a site could possibly have so mb for not expecting it
how am i being defensive i deliberately didn’t comment on you because i didn’t want to be mean
have never and probably will never get plastic surgery in my life so ask elsewhere friend
god i hope this isnt a larp lol i want you to actually be this fucking weird
????? i omitted them from my post to spare their feelings so if they come asking DO I LOOK LIKE A MAN REALLY PLEASE BE HONEST what do you want me to do? i even gave the other person advice because i think they’re too pessimistic and she can pass if she puts in the work
ur just being really bitchy for no reason. believe or not we try to show some respect here for the most part. don't be like jennie and shit up the thread bc ur panties got in a twist
go back to tiktok
Thanks for being honest at least, it's fine. This just proves that t's actually and unironically over for me. Did you see >>36666794 ? How does my face look in a video?
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alright good. im unbanned now and the thread's still up. lets knock out some replies
chiang youre always a pass, pretty and dorky and pass
your swelling went down so quickly! you look great, and i say you pass
looks a little uncanny, head seems a little large for your body
clocky in the leftmost and top-right. others are fine
lying down pics are hard to judge but clearly a woman to me. pretty lesbianish styling, you look like a tumblr user
everyone else has already said it but jaw and shadow looks masc. eyes to a lesser degree. how long on E?
dont think ive seen the left pic, still pass to me
the bangs are interesting. im not totally sold. i think theyre cute but something is peculiar about them
weirdo, get complete forehead removal surgery
(thanks for posting for me nao <3)
clocky appearance but it might be because of twinkhonesque presentation and not anything structural. fake freckles arent convincing but heck maybe they arent supposed to be convincing
thicker brows are catching my attention here, how thin have you gone with them previously?
its a plate.
your eye makeup on the right is to die for. philtrum unfortunately stands out pretty strongly in both pics, as well as hair shadow
not quite there, but keep at it. how long on E?
really really pretty, pass, no notes
i dont think youre boymoding but i also think youre still a bit clocky. im sorry to say youre in the valley in-between. as a cisling out on the street though id probably just see you as a woman
im sorry, not passing. grow your hair out, go less pink with the makeup, thin your brows a good bit, and give E more time
love that youve been smiling lately, your smile is soooo pretty. easy pass
told you on discord, i rly wish i was you, so pretty
it’s so over
u have 60 iq lupron brain and are equating conventional beauty with passability

many such cases etc etc
i am showing respect by not lying to your face WHEN YOU ASK ME and saving you future hurt from false expectations, i even admitted my standards are high because im very interested in this stuff
i am one of you i just got extremely lucky in life Lol
i’m sorry for your situation but can you get into why you need to manmode for lift?
lol yeah she needs to lurk more and learn some etiquette
no offense but are u blind not everyone i linked is conventionally beautiful they just pass
>i’m sorry for your situation but can you get into why you need to manmode for lift?
In my opinion, you can only gauge passability while in manmode, if people gender you female in manmode, then you actually pass. Otherwise you don't actually pass. This can only be fixed with more surgery.
TW since people tend to ask questions they don’t want the answer to
looks worse in the video than the pic but ur still not even close to being unsavable
Is it because of the square corners of my jaw? I have a lot of loose skin left there, I need a lower facelift to fix it.
then even if you’ll never pass u can infinitely improve ur living standards by looksmaxxing and voicetraining
I think I'll pass with enough surgery though.
GL then, Srry if i was harsh, i think u deserve to pass
who doesnt lol
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jade, ill level with you, its a really cool outfit for a festival or something but i dont think id wear this out for the general public even if i did like my body
but i admire your confidence
cis woman forever, im sorry to hear you are also seemingly permanently affected by brainworms. still my goals and still gorgeous
saw these yesterday, you are not manmoding, start girlmoding
gorgeous cis woman, ive been thinking today about stretching my septum because of you
somewhat androgynous still, i think you look better here than in most past photos. id like to see what your ideal hair texture looks like, because frizz kind of seems like a constant
fye you look like youre about to cry more than usual. but you pass, you know you do lol
i think you pass here mina, but it's a little hard to be certain. if anything is standing out it's your jaw. ultimately for your face scales definitely tip towards woman and pretty hair locks that in
what i can see of face passes, good hair, body seems kinda genderless aside from breasts
pass but in an uncanny way. kinda a long face when considering midface length and forehead height together. middle part hair might be working against you. but ultimately these are nitpicks and you obviously pass
clocky. hair needs to be taken care of to stay healthy and frizz-free. i cant tell if the photo is just kinda ghostly-blurry or if its a filter?
face (jaw) and hair are clocky, body is thin enough that breasts are all the signalling you need though
impressive lack of a browbone, have you had FFS? i see a woman with kinda meh skin, looks better than previous pics though
pass, the dress in pic #2 is incredibly cute
chin is clocky, androgynous overall

replies to replies
vocaroo anon i love you sm, please never change
worth surgery for it?
what does "die" mean here?
It's fine, I'll just never go outside again until my surgery next year.
mate are u ok? alls i said to you was basically “im sorry i don’t think you pass” which implies i think you deserve to pass as well. ur projecting that i get offended over little things when i would have said the same thing whether or not u called me clocky, IDGAF u asked me the answer to a question u didn’t wanna know, when the answer was obvious from me omitting you, and now ur assmad nitpicking tiny things i say to other people instead of responding to my real criticism
oh u werent being that bad to me but u were being a huge bitch to the other girl. also im not ur mate dont call me that
she literally asked for a reason. u got offended on her behalf when she thanked me for being honest. and i even told her to keep trying because surgery isn’t the only way she can be happy.
Tips to get a date?
>somewhat androgynous still, i think you look better here than in most past photos.
thanks pichu. I genuinely believe my looks are actually improving at some rate currently, like, I've been on hrt for 4 years now but I've had male T levels for all of that time until last may, so it might actually be not just the photo but my actual face that looks better now than in older pics. desu i'm mostly fine with anrdogyny, like, it used to give me some strange feeling of power when I worked as a cashier and kids would ask their parents if I was a girl or boy, idk im blogposting again
>id like to see what your ideal hair texture looks like, because frizz kind of seems like a constant
do you mean, like, what i'd like to have, or how my hair looks currently when it's under the best possible conditions?
yeah my jaw is definitely my worst feature. hopefully ffs will fix me
ur very pretty! just act urself and i'm sure you'll be date in no time
>do you mean, like, what i'd like to have, or how my hair looks currently when it's under the best possible conditions?
the latter, i think your hair might have a different texture that your current styling isnt meshing with. mostly seeing how the ends look a little tangly, i dont think you have hair that wants to be straight
> how long on e?

Two months
and you're >>36658037 right? two months is nothing, you have a great starting point. keep at it and give it a few years and you're gonna make it
you have to post ass first
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>i dont think you have hair that wants to be straight
oh you're absolutely correct. picrel is from last winter when I had longer hair, I haven't really done anything there except straighten the bangs, my hair just airdries into curls, and that's what I usually let it do.
problem with all my passgen pics, though, is that it's been a really hot and humid summer and I like to take hot showers too, so I tend to sweat a bunch after showering, which always just kinda makes my hair frizzy and horrible. when the weather calms down a bit, it'll probably start looking better again.
I don't have one, I lost it in 'nam :'(
how do you expect to get a date then?
How bad do I look without a headband? I have a scar on my hairline from FFS - https://unsee cc/album#zofacIsRrn2h
Fair, desu I need to gain some confidence I feel like a honbeast and doing anything "sexy" is incredibly cringe because of it
I'll be the judge of how sexy you are
I should have gotten here sooner to get more answers
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https://unsee cc/album#fI5OdkNBQtHT
so i know i dont pass (am a manmoder). but hugboxxers have said i do before, or others have said that i 'dont look like a man'...
what do i look like to others? how far am i from passing?

very close but need laser mostly. ffs can help
its not boymoding if you just look like a woman... pass
pass but some slight clockiness? idk what it even is
clocky, need laser/electrolysis mostly
really close
pass but clocky outfit? idk...
semi-pass, idk what it exactly is though
if mtf, no
you pass as always...
You don't pass at the moment, but I think you'd look really good with FFS, you have a pretty solid foundation.
>what do i look like to others?
In the unsee, you look like a trans woman.
>that name
ooooh someone's about to post a new passgen v2 with a tasty subtitle
Yeah, I made a thread but the thread title stayed in the quick reply box for some reason. 4chan X is being weird.
how about me?

i would say like 90% pass. its kinda hard to tell for sure though
mina you definitely pass
if i look like a trans woman... do i look like a bad/offensive type of trans woman?
like, i dont want to make people around me uncomfortable :(
yungshit do you think I pass? I think you do, especially if your trip name is true.. what age did u transition?
Not at all, I think you look okay. You look friendly and approachable to me.
sorry just saw you already said I pass :)
oh thats nice at least :3
and i guess it tracks since last week late at night when i was heading home. in the subway where i was the only other person, a lady (she was a tourist) asked me what areas would be safe to go and check out at that time of night for women...
i need to work on my worry of making others uncomfortable i guess :^[
oh my god!! the voice switch caught me way off guard omg
the fem voice is good aaa
im not really into women but what about friends? also do you trip, have we spoken before elsewhere?
Fuck this one.
yes u pass. u look like ur 22 but from a different time period.. very interesting vibe
but i wouldnt worry u look great

for other question i was on blockers for a lil and then HRT at 14th birthday, haven't even been on hormones for 5 years yet technically o_O
but social troon at like 11. idek if thats ethical but it was all my decision in my case.
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Exactly, if you dont pass for cis people its over
>how long on e
i started in february but got hondosed until may
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Better pic of the bangs lol
Link broken :/
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to all hons ITT: why the fuck do you trip if you are ugly LOL
really? i tried it on different browsers & stuff
it works for me

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