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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36638995
>Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?
i forgive easy and quick, i just might not want to interact much if you wrong me too harshly
>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?
Not really but a lot of ppl hold grudges against me
>Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?
i forgive forgivable things, which are most things
>Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

I hold on for dear life, grasping and clutching the riverstream's waterfall with my arms, trying to pull it into a hug, all i get is wet and sad and the water leaves one way or the other through the cracks in my posture, i cannot hold it, it flows over me and i beg it to not leave but its forever useless.
halimedemoder gf...
never forgive, always forget
i am angry with everyone but i dont know why
Its better to not date someone who you know will eventually leave, either by force or will of nature alone. There are some things that cant be avoided. Just as sure as the moon will rise, i will dive back into the sea and not be seen again, for what once seemed eternal was only a momentarily drop of bliss, an eclipse to break the monotony, but order returns, and you dont have gills.
wash your ass
as the grass is always greener, so too am i cursed to follow the light wherever it spills through
forgot what general i was in for a second and was confused at how little everyone hated each other
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I wish my gf lived in my city I wish my gf lived anywhere near me, even if she was just an hour away I would visit her all the time I would hug her and kiss her and love her so much
Gotta stay locked in
I hold grudges for life, forgiveness just gives them another chance to hurt you. Also I want a cis asian gf etc.
wydag who is still mourning her cat almost three months later
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kys lagoloaf
never again...
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>probably hates pineapple on pizza
can you do a backflip? no? then shut the fuck up
i could
I bet 50 smackaroos you couldn’t
That's normal behavior
Its been over a year and i still sting when i recall the day i bought her to the vet, telling her it'd be.... sigh..
Once you get a gf its like you enter a lifelong contract of eternal inner and outer war. Because she WILL leave you, and if you DONT move on and find a jew gf you will begin to despair. So you're literally FORCED to find a new gf.

This means that if you've never had a gf you're free, but once you get one, you're chained to fate of repeated bliss and misery. You're throwing yourself into a sea and its currents will control you greatly.
Well, there is also the third option of getting over your ex and just embracing solitude, but that takes a lot of character and willpower.

99.9% of us including me are like puppets to this theater of repeated love and sadness, togetherness and solitude.
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New gf* (not jew gf nol)
we're in the dance now, there's no sense lamenting the steps we're forced to take
let the waves take hold and wash us to shore
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Yea to shore only to be SWEPT RIGHT BACK INTO THE ROARING SEA BACK AND FORTH AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL WE ARE TIRED AND EXHAUSTED! Until we lay exasperated on the shore begging for sweet mercy. How many gfs will it be, how many times will i suffer. Im putti g an END to the cycle of foolish misery!



I will become the 0.1%
>taking to the skies and their wayward winds in protest
she's perfect...
Is this a quote idgi
if not the waves, where else would we go but up?
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We surf
teach me
No, this is a trap. Do you think im not gonna catch on you demon
i forgive pretty quickly, too quickly in fact, and then I end up letting people who hurt me back in. there are some ppl with whom I constantly have to affirm myself that they are in fact shit and I should not go and be friends with them again.
wydag who warns you that she is a complete fucking psychopath but seems normal
but i'm not chasing you anon, i have someone else in mind
Nope, I’ve learned to believe people when they tell me who they are.
tell us your story?
hello lesbians, does anyone else remember that one greentext of a midshit zillennial tranny who was doing softcore striptease at her high school graduation and ended up throwing her bra pads at the audience? cause like i got a bit of physiotherapy yesterday and did some nice and functional exercises and stretches and i keep thinking about one line in the greentext that was like
>horny dancing is easy, just open up your hips and let your ass swing
and idk but my hips feel like a fucking gordian knot lmao anyway i found 50 bucks on the street too about an hour ago so im gonna get high now, toodles!

dooooooooOOOm ^_^^^
good luck to you
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The thoughts are so intrusive, like an scp, a cognito hazard. Soft.. soft flesh... i hate women..... women iv never even seen haunt my mind....ahhhhhhhhhHhhhhHHhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHH ARGHHHHHHHH

God..why did you make me desire women....
i dont need luck, im just being myself and vibing, sometimes the horse runs away and other times your wife has a broken leg and that's why she can't go on the 2 years business trip, it'll pass and then that will pass too! also im so fucking high ongg
sorry about your wife friend
what do i do if my cis gf really wants me to eat her out on while she he's on her period... i've fingered her during her period but period oral is way too extreme for my tastes
>my tastes
haha i see what you did there! now everyone who reads this has to imagine the taste off period blood!! what hilarious hijinks you produce, anon!
I cant imagine the taste of period blood
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really hate how much i relate to kris here this is exactly how i would feel too
i'll never not be a sex predator
was finn the crush? brutally mogged
I met an amazing girl and I love her already. I hope we can be good friends but even if we can't I hope her fate is good.
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a knight is never afraid to get blood on her sword.
Sometimes i wonder if im evil... other times i wonder if it even matters...

The sun is indifferent, it roasts us all. Good or bad
cute feet in cute socks...
Ah fuck it... guess ill make a tinder... biting the bullet
cis gf who calls me a faggot in between her orgasms
cis gf who calls me good boy between creampies (for procreation)
Quite simply put, need.
it's not necessarily that different from other blood, depending
cis gf who looks deep into my eyes while we tell each other how beautiful the other is...
Why do cisbians and trans lesbians feel the need to talk about PERIOD blood so fucking oftem its absolutely disgusting.

You never see transbians pulling this nonzense
because they feel safe from the expectation of ridicule unlike amongst straight men
i would absolutely give head to a girl on her period
>gaping bleeding wound

Cis women are FREAKS
if i had a gf on her period i would give her furious oral and then look her in the eyes as i suck the fluids off of my middle and ring fingers before making out with her and shoving my fingers back in
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Please stop this grossness. I bBEG YOU I LITERALLY BEG
sloppy sapphic period PIV plapping so hard blood squirts out the pussy and gets on the ceiling
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cis gf who doms, bullies, and spanks the internet-poisoned cringe out of you until you're a normal well adjusted young woman. best I can offer tbdesu.
you don't have enough badges to tame me
cis gf who cis gf
need my face covered in her period blood after I go down on her
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leaving a bloody snail trail on her thigh while I’m on my period >>>
me halfway through fucking my girl
this but she didn't mean to and was just trying to be sexy and spends like an hour apologizing and being super embarrassed and sobbing and you have to calm her down and make her feel better and it's okay in the end anyway
you need to be 18 to use this site
lol hot
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me and my bestie
Modern "sex" is pretty gross. Anal ls is disgusting for obvious reasons. Vaginas are blood yeast petri dishes.

The only pure form of love is blowjobs (between transbians) and maybe frotting (despite the latter being overrated).

And of course kissing.
need to scissor her srsussy and transfer my bloody pussy flora to her neopussy
>tfw no gf to work out with and practice guitar and bass with and make comedy with
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It’d be really cool to compare pussy taste and scent before and after scissoring your gf.
stop!! ur gonna make office retard cry... ;_;
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licking her from hole to hole while tugging on her leash
should i get a planet fitness membership
I've had 1 thread and 1 post deleted by mods today and I'm somehow not banned.
gym memberships are notoriously hard to cancel. never give your bank info.
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gym memberships are fine if you are willing to go through the full term of the contract
basically dont sign up for gyms unless you have the ability to pay the full price of a year without issue
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I didn’t have a contact and they ignored my requests to cancel until I complained on the BBB website. lol They gave me an apology from some higher up, made the manager of the club call me to apologize for blowing me off and gave me a refund for the two months they ignored my requests.
that cat looks like a sphinx cat but with hair lmao
this seems to be every gym and i am in desperate need of gym access
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I thought that one was pretty funny honestly. I have no issues with it even. Its the fingering or licking pussy blood thing that makes me gag.

Maybe its because i was raised by a single mom, i know how ratched pussies can be, the tampons... uhhhhb
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Rate my lunch
The eggs r healthy but sausage look yuck 4/10
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needs more veggies
completely horrifying but i don'[t like boiled eggs so i'm biased
also this >>36667598
gross, yet I can imagine few things more intimate
true true, they look disgusting but are pretty tasty
agreed but im too lazy and need some quick protein
I feel like a dope fool for wanting trump to win. But i just really dont like kamela, she makes me skin crawl.

Its 2016 all over again. He will win. For sure.

If he loses i will stop tripping in lesgen forever.
Such a cute cat
Sad anon
>bled from my injection again
this shit is the worst part of being trans
stop injecting so high, go half an inch lower from where you're normally injecting next time
why do you hate women so much?
hello ms fart
i alternate legs and shift the injection site around a little each time at the mid-thigh, i don't understand what's going wrong
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I actually love women.
if you're bleeding often its just technique
you're doing those parts right but if find that if someone is bleeding a lot, it's because they're sticking the needle too high and aren't going low enough towards the more muscly fatty part of the thigh
should also really take an extra couple of seconds to make sure you're lining up the tip so the needle is entering very parallel and not angling too much on entry
if you do it right, you'll tend to avoid any veiny bloody areas and it should be going through very clean
also try to apply pressure immediately after, i like to use an alcohol wipe to apply the pressure and further disinfect, then apply a bandaid snugly
it can stop any major bleeding that wouldve otherwise occurred if you apply really firm pressure for about 10 seconds after and also helps to avoid infection if you do it with the wipe
Can i lick the blood uwu
Any women lactating hmu
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Im going to die a virgin
did any of you losers watch the olympics? Lots of cute girls.
the girl who gave me a tour of planet fitness was cute and i made her laugh a couple times so i guess i'm getting a membership there tomorrow
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baka they got you
the real reasons are
>trans friendly
>good spread of equipment
>24/7 with 24/7 staff
>a 15 minute walk away
but i will also lean into the meme to keep life interesting because it would be incredibly funny if i somehow got to date her too
The surfing team is all 10/10s
bitches will circumcise their baby boys but leave their dogs balls intact
white women baka...

(Apologies for the blog post)

I had some questions about transgender relationships. I am a transexual. I always considered myself ace, or agp with only meta attraction to men. I was more of less super asexual before srs and starting prog. After that I was able to coom altho it takes forever. Recently I found I cud have some interest from female ASMR. This got me thinking Abt these ideas
I was wondering if transgender "lesbian" relationships exist? Or well, exist beyond bi/straight women who like penis in their vagina? Or where the transgender is basically just the boyfriend? Prior to coming here I always generally thought the only relationships between trans and women was like Kaitlyn Jenner style where a straight guy becomes trans after being married, but they don't wanna divorce.
Is there something beyond those 3 scenarios?
Also, how do u know what ur sexuality is? Naked images.of women and men do nothing for me but I just look at romantic texts or ASMR.
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>trans and women
Sorry I shudnt have phrased it that way. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm a transexual and took hrt and stuff because I wanted to be a woman/look female. I'm highish on a benzo I took due to anxiety attack that's why. And I guess I have some gender concerns too but I try to be polite and respectful and keep it to myself
I see. I don’t treat my partner like a boyfriend. Don’t have PIV. She’s a woman with a medical condition to me, akin to a partner being intersex.

I know I’m les because I’ve never been sexually or romantically attracted to men. Never dated one either. I knew I found women attractive when I was 13, and I thought maybe I’d find guys attractive when I grew up (lol) but that never happened.
Ah I see. Do u find images of naked women attractive? Do u find women sexually arousing by looking at them?
How did I meet your partner? Do u think others who are similar exist? Or is the Internet for trans mostly just make transgender chasers, desperate men, and women who want to have a yaoi Timothy chalamet long haired boyfriend? Like that knight guy from dressrossa arc in one piece
please shut the fuck up and stop using this website already
Yeah and yeah, but not always. It’s dependent on a lot of things. It’s hard to answer that stuff because I don’t know exactly what kind of erotica and women you imagine I’m getting off too. I kinda have to be in a certain mental state, and pornography usually turns me off knowing how much of it is coerced. Erotica can be good. I tend to prefer drawn/stories.

I can see women I find attractive in public, but I’m not going to be turned on unless I’m close to her or thinking really hard about it? Like imagining scenarios? But then it won’t involve those stranger women specifically because that’d be weird. Sorry if that’s confusing.

I’m sure other women out there like me exist, who have a trans gf and they’re just normal (relatively) and in love. I met her online when we were teenagers like 13 years ago. We started dating a few years ago after she came out to me as trans and we met in person. I always knew she wanted to be more feminine and that she was bi so it wasn’t much of a surprise.
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this honkai railing stars art has no business being this good
Ok that makes sense. I just wanted to check. For example, in transformers and Spider-Man movies there's a scene of "love St first sight" so to speak where the male character is sexually aroused by the image of a stranger he sees Irl. This is also present for women in movies such as Captain America, Thor, or other major action films. Personally I never experienced this which is why I had some concerns Abt sexuality even before I began hrt not that long after.
That makes sense
I suppose I just always have this intrusive thought that all non transgendies hate trans secretly or see them as freak birth sex members. Or the thought that all inevitably become that way, even if they once were neutral to trans, like Elon musk or jk rowling or whatever. The one exception in my mind is certain males who possibly also struggled with societal rejection and therefore don't necessarily hate freaks. Like how a guy who was teaswd for being fat as a kid might not point and laugh at a dwarf or ask rude questions if found someone was intersex etc
this gen is full of assholes man
>a woman with a medical condition to me
forty million keks
i wish she didnt hate me
Why does she hate u anon?

Hmmm well with this logic passing/tricking people is everything. Not necessarily even for dating but just like life in general. If the general population keks at trans and sees them as freak etc
>Why does she hate u anon?
because i'm an asshole
>Why does she hate u anon?
some reatrded kiddo edrama dont even bother
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daily affirmation:
I have no ass and that's okay
I have no tits and that's okay
I have no hips and that's okay
I am a mid gf with a sorta cute face
break up with her and commit suicide then you ungrateful piece of shit
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>fingering or licking pussy blood
>makes me gag
you're not really attracted to women
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why are you so mad at me anon please tell me please I don't want people to be mad at me
To me both penis and vagina r gross ish. I dunno. Maybe a lot of people feel that way.
i love girlpussy and girlcock
i hate boypussy and boycock
simple as
Insanely based
admirably based
pretty much
>tfw no Don Caballero cover band gf
>tfw no [..] band gf
tfw stuck in a polycule I can't leave
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You’re also forgetting that cis women suffer and experience discrimination too. I’m Latina and have faced racism, poverty, sexism. It’s not just lonely fat male nerds who can commiserate with trans people and other minorities.
>I’m Latina and have faced racism, p
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They’re so cute, I want several. I wish I had a farm.
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Being an ugly spic doesnt make you a victim, it just makes you insufferable, double so when you try to paint yourself as a victim.
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I love my mommy gf who’s younger than me by 2 years
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theyre like farm puppies :3
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Office retard who regularly calls my gf a man but calls me a transphobe turned out to be a mask-off racist. Wow, I’m soooo shocked!
is he discriminating against you for being latinx? that sucks dude
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I need to pet one!!! Yesss, they are grass puppies.
>called my gf a man

Thiis part literally never happened. Every anon who dislikes you isnt secretly me, sorry to break it you. I dont even know who your gfs are, just that youre all poly degens.

Sorry you're not a victim nor can you cling to the victimhood of your actual victims (your "partners")
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Latinx doesn’t really bother me. It’s poor Spanish, but it makes chuddy Latinos mad which is hilarious.
god i love that expression lmao it's like he's angry but not exactly sure about what he's angry with.
I’m not referring to anons. I’m referring to you specifically, office retard. You’ve always had this weird ass obsession with attacking me when I never once said anything mean about you. But you’re also an unashamed racist. Literally just bottom of the barrel trash.
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He’s just a kid and life is a nightmare!
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Sigh, you dumb useless whore. Again. yes i enjoy talking down to you. But iv never called your "partners" men. Not because i care, but because i dont want to take the credit for bullying i havent even done. I do far worse, and am very obliged to a code of HONor where i only take credit for my own meanness. You wouldn't get it.

Anyway, you're not a victim, never will be, and kamela will lose.

And i love black women (actual minorities(

Check and mate dilate
>Sigh, you dumb useless whore.
>Anyway, you're not a victim, never will be
i wish to study your brain
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My mind is a cognito hazard, if you try to observe my inner workings you bring about your own doom.

Im probably an escaped Scp, euclid level..
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Don’t forget asserting I’ve never experienced racism while calling me a racial slur. What a fucking weirdo. Needs to log off. lol

you telling a racial minority that theyve never experienced racism bcuz youve never seen it while calling her a slur has the same vibes as when a guy tells a woman sexism doesnt exist anymore because he hasnt seen it, despite calling her a whore 30mins ago
racists are always ugly
office retards has implied countless times that shes an ugly boyhon who is bad at sex so idk why she acts all high and mighty
she admitted she was ugly yesterday
everything she says is projection
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Hehe looks like i hit a trigger point.

My work here is down

*fades into the darkness of an alleyway*
What a repugnant person.
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She’s a beautiful Latina btw
white women belong to latinas
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I’m a white girl and I love beautiful Latina mommywife
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Fuck I meant to type *MY* beautiful Latina mommywife
kino pairing
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im going to die from making out too much/passionately

please don't give up on love, fight for it like it is your last litres of oxygen
i'm in love with a bpdemon
i'm also a bpdemon
we've already hurt each other before
but we've made up and flirting again... she fills my heart... i feel my chest swell when i'm with her... i feel warm, and nobody else has ever made me feel this way... but i'm so scared of hurting her again
what do i do... should i stop flirting with her...?
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I want my wife to cum inside of me so we can start a family
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Office JD Vance you are the biggest mark on lago's shitlist so you take the fall. Goodbye. *hangs up phone*

jk this is Raya and I am the big bad you are looking for, lago. Under anon's cloak I stabbed bnuy with the he/him dagger. I also called you racial slurs in the past. Mostly I used this thread and board as a dumping ground for random hate and frustrations of mine, which is not fair to others. I have a truly checkered past to answer for.

Lesgeners from now on you should be kind and loving to each other. For your own sakes. Equipping yourself against reality is not wrong. Nothing can survive without love's care and gay women are not equipped to deal with a reality this harsh alone. I'm sorry for all. It's not fair but it's all people can do and should always try to do.

I've caused enough trouble. People might try being mean to you to get back at me, my love. Now lets close the thread and kiss.
who asked?
why are there so many schizoposters in this general
I was not referring to any anon posts and idk why you keep making this weird apology? multiple times. Are you saying you’ve been doing it again? Not even what I was referring to anyway.
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>gay women are not equipped to deal with a reality this harsh alone
that's... strangely profound
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4chan culture romanticizes being a loser loner while demonizing getting mental help.
that also kinda would explain why you get so much hate for being, like, exceptionally normal compared to the usual poster here lol
Doesn’t help I tripfag, but I’m not going to stop. lol I do it to encourage other cis women to post. It’s also helpful since my situation is fairly unique, and people either can already tell who I am or they used to spam “hurrr larp I’ve see this before.” Yeah no shit, because I have posted about it before.

The gen used to be a lot friendlier and I used to want to meet up with people irl, but I’m completely closed off to that now. It’s a different group of people here. A lot of the nicer anons got driven away. Hoping a new batch of better posters comes in and drives out the complete schizos eventually.
terminally online chaser gooner isn't normal
This is a desire that I blame my ex for infecting me with. Prior to her, I never had any desire to get pregnant or have kids with a partner.
But, she would often talk about (especially after sex) how much she wishes that I had the equipment to actually get pregnant and how she wishes she had the equipment to get me pregnant. It was not something that I took really seriously at first. But I warmed up to the idea over time.
Reflecting on it now that we have broken up, it is actually something that I really wish were possible. It makes me legitimately sad it never will be. Worse yet, I'm probably going to have to explain these thoughts to my next partner and risk infecting her.
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gooner is so meaningless now lol
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I think any nice newbs would just get caught by the discord. This thread is dying
No? The gen lasts less than a day during the week and about 2 days max on weekends. That’s really good for this board. It’s not a gen problem you’re describing, it’s a board problem. The board as a whole has gotten less traffic from actual users as more trolls shit it up.
At this point I'm honestly considering just making a discord account and joining the server.
This board as a whole and especially /lesgen/ has honestly become increasingly nasty to the point where not only does it just constantly bring my mood down to come here, but all of the shitposting makes actual discussion impossible. This used to be so much more then what it is now.
I appreciate what you are doing here Lago. But it seems to me like it is increasingly a lost cause, both in this general and across the entire board more broadly.
I think as a whole the demographics of the board have shifted for the worse.
incessant unnecessary apolozing is a common feature of bpd; we both do it and every day we get into apology loops where we keep saying "im sorry~"; "it's okay~"; "okay im sorry thankyou"; "no its fine im sorry"; we usually just laugh about it

we literally can't help it it's part of how we communicate we feel physically uncomfortable if we don't apologize for whatever we perceive as something we did wrong, even if it is nonsense, outright false; or happened hours or even days before

tiny things that others wouldn't even notice we will catch and fixate on and apologize about
it's the general issue that imageboards have, they always get this reputation as just being mean and edgy (which they sometimes are, but there's an etiquette). and the people who hear that reputation and go "oh my god that sounds awesome I wanna be that as well!!" are, of course, already mean and edgy. So they end up making that reputation a reality.
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Would help if the shitty posts were actually taken down swiftly. Instead they fester and invite more trolls, which discourages effort posters.

It’s alright, I don’t mind keeping trying to make a semi-decent space for lesbians on 4chan while I still have the time. I’ll probably give up on it sometime next year when I return to uni. But for now it’s no biggie to keep making the thread and maintaining the server. It makes me feel nice when I see people getting along in the server (it happens sometimes! haha).
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Same friend
FR that shit is so annoying. The reason this board used to attract posters was because it was like the old days where people actually had discussions and not just fucking flinging slurs at others. Yeah yeah, assholes always existed and could be funny. But some of the regular posters here don’t even like the concept of the thread and regularly instigate to talk about men, race, or how much they hate (insert group of) women who won’t fuck them. What happened ro etiquette???
Ok but I don’t know her like that and her constant “apologizing” for harassing me (when I wasn’t even aware it was her and she just goes and does it again when I literally don’t know her or talk to her) makes me uncomfortable.
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every day I try as hard as I can to forget that I had to work to be a woman and I had to earn my place having a girlfriend and being see as a girl
I try to craft new memories to explain away the way I am, so that there’s doubt in my head that I am anything but a woman. So there’s no shame in loving the woman I love without feeling like I’m a monster for asking her to see me the way I want to see myself
Every day I try harder to imagine a life unburdened by history, a life unburdened by obligation, and unburdened by perception
All I want is safety and comfort
But that’s for a different general, I love my wife and she loves me back I’m gay yall, boobs in my face
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i cant believe the magic cripple's girlfriend is the bpdemon who keeps harassing the olive skinned olive chaser
NEED short gf whose tiny gock looks big on her
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I want to grow mushrooms so my gf can cook me delicious mushroom meals
>Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?
depends on what the other person did.
i don't usually hold grudges as there weren't many people who wronged me badly enough to warrant it.
but i do hold a grudge against 1 person in particular because they were manipulative and abusive
bruh I told kassie not to bother thread amymore
im not apologizing to you im trying to help people to stop being like me by setting an example etc.
its not even meant for you, just anyone who might read but its okay I also tend to think everything is a message specifically for me
discord drama is so interesting
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>other cis women to post.
Please dont. One is enough.

Ngl it suprised me too. Kinda hot tbqh. I hope after she bullies lago and her "partners" she bullies her bpd cripple gf, and then they make up by kissing.

The more i hear about the bpd cult couple the more im rooting for em.
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>because they were manipulative and abusive

Im sorry... im so sorry... im sorry.. im sorry... im sorry... please dont hate me... im just not of this world...
I cant help myself... please dont hate me...i don't do it on purpose...
I need to write a romance about a cripple transbian and her sadistic gf... i think it could be pretty kino..

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