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im back/pookie edition
Previous thread: >>36644612
QOTT: do you get bitches??
what the fuck is this shit? you're not a
if you dont have dysphoria growing up its literally just porn induced agp or rogd
I just take whoremoans cause like I wanna be a girl, and not being one isn't the end of the world but it would be better. So i just do what I can to reduce the small incongruities of my body, like voice and body shape and stuff
idk maybe ill grow old and regret this later but better to regret doing something than doing nothing right? I have been plagued with these feelings for a very long time, since puberty I think, and while porn and dissacotating depression was helping once I was shown trannies I did know something was different. If I knew as a kid maybe things would be different but you can just remember trauma. Idk
I just try my best! Detrooning just feels like a sad thing so i dont do that and keep manmoding till i can be better.
qott: I havent had a relationship in 8 years and i am a virgin. I dotn care if I have sex or not, but masturbating feels really guilty now.
Guess ill never be a girl.
qott: sometimes more often not than than
>its literally just porn induced agp or rogd
oh so you're just admitting it now? so you ARE here just to troll and put down manmoders?
I had intense gender dysphoria at young ages and told my parents I was going to grow up to be or already was a girl from 3-5, still ended up repping by age 6 till 30 and permamanmoding
im tryng to make sense of everything
Why the fuck would I know anything, I am not a previous anon form the other thread I literally just wanna skullfuck myself for being this way and no being trutrans ok
if you don't know then why are you confidently repeating anti-trans rhetoric used to gatekeep and restrict rights?
Idk self harm?
Like how am I supposed to make sense of what im doing to myself
I wish i could just tell you haha im trolling im actually trutrans and had intense dysphoria since 5 but I wont lie
I fucking wish
ok well get over the "trutrans" shit and stop trying to use it to bring down other trannies? this is me >>36666525 and I'm also intensely against the unfounded notions of ROGD and AGP because they are ideologically (politically) motivated exercises in working backwards from a desired conclusion that ignore reality

none of your lack of information or confidence excuses blindly parroting shit like that with no basis in reality, science, or even any kind of rationale
I thought I was going to get pregnant and menstruate, but it was probably me being stupid
AGP is real, retard, not even Moser denies it.
Damn so i should just accept im trans and feel awful and guilty for feeling masculine and doing masculine things like fapping with ym dick ok
Still valid I guess. Fuck why am i like this
Why why why why
I dont even know
Maybe this is dysphoria but nope nobody says it is.
never goon, never detroon
I was debating my elementary teacher that sex is awful but pregnancy doesnt sound as bad as living like a grown man
Then I grew out of it and repressed for 20 years xd
>n his review of the development of autogynephilia, Blanchard (2005)
appropriately distinguishes between autogynephilia and theories involving
autogynephilia. No one disputes that autogynephilia exists or that it can
explain the motivation of some MTFs; many MTFs readily admit that this con-
struct describes their sexual interest and motivation. Nevertheless, it is not
clear how accurately the BAT predicts the behavior, history, and motivation
of MTFs in general.
the dichotomy is not real and has no basis in real data because blanchard fudged it like this is very well documented he's even proud of it, and your appeal to authority only weakens your position

> I wanna be a girl
>Maybe this is dysphoria but nope nobody says it is.
I broke my promise
Forgive me
I wont detroon ever
I refuse to make these feelings into a joke
all I'm saying is it's gender dysphoria, stop tying yourself into knots over nothing

are you over 18?
I thought this seemed like a familiar argument
yes????I REPressed for my whole life what do you mean its gender dysphporia I am just gooning haha im gooning ahaha
What if I want my dick to never get hard againt ahts just f3j-
What if i hate my voice ims till ok im normal
I didnt hate it I was just barainwashed lol
I wasted mye entire life I might as well be stuck at age 20, but nope add almosta decade to that and then add hrt and then you get meeeeeee
Its societies fault
They will never accept me for being a troon
They will never understand how I feel
I will be hiding all my life
Repression broke my mind
I am a broken thing
Gender is afraud
Girls arent real
Men are devils form hell that want to rape you
Ill never be a man
Ill never be a girl
Im a she/her nonbinary manmoder XDDDDDD
i'm a girl
I will never be a girl and never was and I am not
lol what the fuck is happening today, this isn't methschizo hours...
pedos, you will never be girls, the best you can become is women
okay i was a girl now i'm a woman
Matt Walsh levels of stupidity you are all retards
I am over 18 be a decade, I ahve arrested development I think, I dont go to therapy anymore and Im stuck feeling awful about myself instead of improving my situation
Something inside my brain is broken and now I am struggling to accept a lot of things, because it is easier than to just accept yeah I am trans and need to fucking shut up take my dose and be normal
My problematic feelings will only ever go away if I keep just fucking doing what I like and stop trying to justify my every damn thought.
One day Ill be able to dress like a cool kinda anarchist kinda scene kinda goth aunt
But until then I am a man
>I am trans and need to fucking shut up take my dose and be normal
the rest of your post didn't make much sense to me, but this part is very true
death to tomokomoders
finally you losers have a good thread
Ywnbaw weeb
man would eat each other or fuck each other in the ass
i took pics with my partner yesterday and i’m bummed out how fugly and mannish i look in them : /

Oh I get it
I am just jealous
>bummed out how fugly and mannish i look in them
Clearly not if you are showing us
lose weight & ffs chin i'd think
but even that idk if id say clocks you. ur face looks like a womans
mogs me
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suck my dick and balls
yeah im saving for ffs
you underestimate my self-hatred : (
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Am i valid if I wanna look like this?
I havent shaved in a week, I have no razors and didnt buy any cause I forgot
REAL manmoder time
I lost my wallet and hrt on the way home from camping fml
on some real shit I am unwell.
me fr fr ong
these look like pecs right?
or can't i go outside without 3 layers in 90 degree heat? 3.5 months i was told is easily hidable. and does gyno predispose you to cones? i think it's happening already. i wish i have been anamode.
bigger than mine and I'm 8 months in
bitch clean your room
it's just the gyno buff. i'm sure i'll plateau.
don't wanna no energy and i like things being in reaching range from bed
nice tits faggot
aw thanks that's sweet
now take the shirt off.
but my belly is kinda fat and it's my bad sh spot idk...
i don't give a FUCK
stop cutting, faggot
waist :3
i'll purge and try
tried. can't.
I'm going trash star crazy.
im blade she call me bladee
I hate everyone
what could you possibly need to reach from bed? you just leave things on the floor?
A new plushie and dress will make more womanly
same worstie
let's see, things i need for bed... various lotions and moisturizers, aquaphor, lip balm, toothbrush and floss and a cup to spit in, snacks, measuring tape, razors bandages and a roll of toilet paper, vitamins, caffeine pills, makeup and a hand mirror (very light i am not a honmoder), reserve plushes (bed doesn't fit them all), epilator, and salt for when i'm starving myself. i am a professional bedrotter and i hate getting up. and yeah on the floor, plushes in a basket at least
On hand I envy you for not givng a fuck and wasting your money on all that on the other..get a grip
Doing makeup and brushing your teeth in bed is deranged
things in reach from my bed
>spare usb cables
>one or more firearms
things in reach of my bed
>offbrand MP3 player
>8 lighters
what's a waste of money there? it's mostly self care.
how? it's comfier than standing in front of a sink. plus my roommate is a pig moid and i don't feel like cleaning up after his grossness just to have a clean bathroom i'm comfortable in. oh and i forgot a bottle of leave in conditioner, a water spray bottle and a comb in case my hair gets frizzy and bothers me.
oh and switch too, i play a lot of pokemon
>i play a lot of pokemon
I haven't turned my switch on in like a year since I burned out on TotK after so many hours duping mats and flying around on my hoverbike with automated turrets, which is pretty much the only thing I've played it on other than some emulated stuff and booting up TWEWY then remembering they nerfed the gameplay...
i have totk but haven't played it yet. i've actually never played a zelda game. my sister gave me her switch a few months ago with a bunch of games including the zelda game before that too but i haven't gotten around to it yet. i just do wifi battles and shiny hunting in pokemon all day, or pokemon unite lol.
I bought the switch just to play TOTK because the coworker that nobody else liked was super autistic and obsessed with it… I think i only completed two temples

things in reach from bed
>3 sharks

all a girl needs
stopped using lotion or face cream cause they feel weird and i shouldnt be using them anyway
>the coworker that nobody else liked was super autistic and obsessed with it…
literally me lol
I was really nice to him until he started sperging about me being on hrt
Once in front of everyone he asked if i still have my pp i was so embarrassed
on some real shit I don't know how much longer I can do this.
out of psyllium and i have to bottom in 2 days. yep i'm starving
ok maybe less literally me
literally me fr
worried theres a scar from banging my head
i guess ill hide it under my hon bangs
the hospital is calling me saying they want to follow up on treatment but they're scary and idk if i wanna talk
anyway, how do you hide a scar under hon bangs when you have Jewish hair? worried
anyway, how do you get a job when you have irreversible brain damage? worried
straighten your hair its shameful to not have straight hair in 2024
Actually gen z prefers volume
just do it sweetie
and don't bang your head against things, just gives you concussion

>how do you get a job when you have irreversible brain damage
in my experience you don't
I've had enough of my life wasted waiting around for my ex to straighten her hair already thanks
fr twin u finna ptso
Nah bruv
The weed delivery just called and said they can’t come for another 6 hours… it’s over time to rope
gentleman, it's about time I passed away. I won't pray for you after I've died, and I will in fact intercept all your prayers so they never reach God.
Dont go yet anon
it's no longer my choice. my heart will give out any moment. goodbye anon. I'll be praying to our Father to keep you in purgatory for as long as possible.
Anon call the hospital now
they're busy, there's a very serious drug problem in this city and it would be very rude of me to go to the ER when there's a schizophrenic homeless man ODing on fentanyl who needs that room.
it's Friday evening, this is really the worst time to go. maybe if it was Monday I would.
you're just worried that i'm going to keep you in purgatory for thousands of years (which I will).
Are you the same anonette that was vagueposting about imenantly dying last week and refusing to go to hospital in mmg?

You are annoying as fuck tell us WHY you are fucking dying and stop fucking vagueposting to bait sympathy or fuck off

I don't want to hear another godamn post about I'm dying fr u guys I'm so stoic a cheating man death not going to da ER every fucking week for the rest of my life
You are gonna be in a hospital and then you can do w/e you like
Don't support her she's not dying she's just being fucking annoying
It's not fair that i dont get called she and her
yeah that was me
i fuck around dude
chill out
but seriously one of these times it's gonna be for real and i'll actually die, and I probably won't even know myself when it's happening.
where have you been
Bitch I don't know who you are but none of us do IRL that's why it's MMG.

I swear half you dumb girls get way to drunk or stonned on a Friday night and just start doomposting here.

Just go to bed ffs
and for what it's worth i did get EXTREMELY ill after i stopped drinking that last time, like bed ridden for days.
-_- you are annoying as fuck, no one is going to believe you when you are actually dying dumbass
nta but same lol it won't matter 4chan will be the only place that anyone knows except whichever neighbor smells the body first
Fuck i do need ot wake up tomorrw
manmoders with no hope of passing should hide all their tells. bind your chest. shave your head. grow a beard. change my mind.
my mom believes me and she helps me get back to normal every time.
counterpoint: nah
imagine having anyone in life to help you and not being completely isolated
Lmao no I like my long hair, tits and lack of beard I'm not a fucking repper
I just called and they won’t answer me :( i dont want to drive there i am too ugly
Dick is so gross why am i cursed to be effeminate I Want Pussy
Anyone else here fucking hate bras
They are uncomfortable and annoying
I empathize heavily with all those 70s feminists that burned them, worst fucking invention
desu yeah but also like what am I suposed to do uhhhhhhhh boobs
I'm probably a bit to jaded but I just don't care like I'll wear a t-shirt and shorts in summer and just go to the store
Based charli xcx listener
who tf is charles xcx?
Damn you are too based
TBHON I do wear double layered shirt and jeans in the summer
My legs are disgusting so i hide them
I guess im just pushing my own fantasy of ebing a woman too far. I am manmoding nobody can clock ema s a tranny lmao
The nigga who’s song lyric you just posted….
Silver cross is in my playlist
so damn tired...
lyrics? what? i was just trying to be nice.
pls be nice to me
we've all been there.
i wanna see u be my sidekick
>what is your queer journey
>what are your pronouns
>i will learn and do better
for the love of god how do i get my mom to stop talking to me like an annoying libtard and just treat me like im normal
She is trying to support you
One day I’ll conquer my self image issues
But today I’m a shitty manmoder with no control over her life
She's just trying to be nice, just tell her you're trans take the free she/her and move on ffs
>please mom don’t treat me like a faggot i am a MAN
Sweetie yes they can clock you 99.9% of people don't care enough to say anything

Like if you are girlmoding or wearing fetish gear someone might yell at you but fucking no one is going to yell at you wearing a shirt and jeans for being able to see your boobs under your shirt
it's hard to explain why i hate it so much
(1) it's like outing me and reminding me in """queer""" (cringe) which is just embarrassing. maybe if my mom actually supported me she'd stand up to my dad telling me to detransition and calling me an angry islamic teenager and mentally ill. instead she's basically treating me as mentally ill, playing along with my delusions and treating me with kid gloves instead if telling me how she really feels. she doesn't support me being trans. she doesn't even understand how being trans works. she just wants access to more information that she's gonna share with my dad while appearing supportive. im never fucking sharing pronouns again. if i tell someone i use they/them or she her then they're (1) sharing that with everyone up and down the block outing me even to people i haven't met yet and (2) they're still not using my pronouns (3) if i ever correct them they'll get super defensive or do a long drawn out apology that makes me look like an asshole
im done with the fake bullshit and everyone walking on glass around me but then calling me schizo behind my back. i swear to god im just telling everyone i detransitioned from how on if they fucking ask. and if they ask twice im cutting them off. there is no queer journey. i don't have pronouns. you won't learn anything and you won't do jack shit. i hate it when people use therapyspeak on me. they're like those psych ward nurses who are always like "we're gonna let you out really soon" and then don't let you out all day or "you can share anything with us" and then immediately spread it around to the other nurses every slightly mentally ill thing i say just to justify keeping me longer. everyone sees me as a basket case and every pronoun circle is just sifting for more evidence to use against me. why the fuck are my parents pretending to ask me my pronouns. they never used my pronouns when i asked for they/them.
My boobs aren’t that big and I’m fat so it’s just guy boobs for being fat
If my singling could tell they would have said something when they pinched my tit abd said:
>you are getting fat go exercise
Sounds toxic
Move out as soon as you can your mental health will be much better for it.
OK so just wear whatever the fuck then?
That's the point of my argument
No one cares either way wear anything up to the line of girlmoding and don't give a fuck

I'm sick of dumb boymoders wearing a gorillian hoodies to hide there shitty a cup tits
but they did out me to my entire fucking family like "Jack goes by Jill now also he uses they/them pronouns" like WHAT THE FUCK!? I HATE YOU!!
there's no free she/her. my dad told me himself he'd never be able to use she/her for me and my mom defends him no matter what..when he compared the Confederate flag and the trans flag she defended it as an argument about free speech or some bullshit. it's a good cop bad cop routine but i know my mom believes dysphoria is a mental illness I've talked to her about it
"what are your pronouns" and "what is your queer journey" is the bullshit she learns in her training to deal with mentally ill students
that's her job
she's treating me like she's at work and im a twelve year old girl who slits her wrists and changes pronouns six times a day
i can't fucking take it anymore. allies score woke points for outing you while misgendering you and then apologizing just to call more attention to the fact you're trans. i wanted to be nonbinary to escape from gender. now everyone's more focused on my gender than ever. i just wanted people to treat me like a normal human being instead of trying to force me to drink beer and watch sports and always buying me like men's shampoos for whatever reason as if i needed gendered marketing. i just wanted people to see me as me and not as my gender constantly pointing out women my age and telling me to go talk to them. it's annoying as fuck being groomed into being a cishet man. but now they just treat me as a nonbinary freak male which outs me to everyone around me while still treating me as male. to them, LGBT is just another ideology i have a right to because free speech. the trans flag and Confederate flag are equal in their sick eyes
Leave your parents house
Cut them off for a bit if they are being annoying
You don't owe them anything
(1) i am insane
(2) i am mentally ill
(3) nonbinary isn't real
(4) dysphoria is schizophrenia
(5) woke is degeneracy
(6) pronouns are narcassism
(7) i hate trannies kill them all
(8) im detransitioning
(9) i never transitioned in the first place
bro i legally changed my name i am so stupid i don't even have real dysphoria im not transgender laser didn't work on me im typing this with hair on my face everyone hates me and is talking about me behind my back and spread rumors about me
i need to kill myself. i need to kill everyone i know. just stop looking at me. stop asking me questions. I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW
have you considered throwing plates at the wall
Oh it’s you lol
She coddles you and speaks down to you because she views you as a mentally ill person that needs coddling
Because you are mentally ill
That’s why it makes more sense now
(1) change my name, take estrogen, get laser
(2) everyone still calls me the old name, i still look like a man, i still have facial hair
(3) kill as many people as you can and then yourself
What yugioh deck should manmoders play
Something about rot so maybe zombie
Stop posting, go to bed
I’m not Boymoder far from it
But I agree
And not everything is an argument lol
i hate you cruel people i was normal until you made me this way. you torture me just to see me bleed. you watch and point and laugh at my suffering you animals. how would you feel if your white dad said to you as his mixed race trans child that the Confederate flag is fine and that you "fly the trans flag" using you being trans against you in an argument. that's the only time he even acknowledges me as trans. when he's outing me to someone to humiliate me or using it against me in an argument. he always calls me his he/him son Jack
but he will out me as jill or call me trans and say i fly a trans flag when i don't even own one
my parents are just like you. making fun of me and laughing at me HAHAHA POINT AND LAUGH AT THE MENTALLY ILL PERSON i used to be a straight A student but them the humiliation and the bullying
everyone hates me just because im a confused bisexual. everyone hates me and tortures me for not being normal and not having sex even on 4chan
our experiences are basically 1:1 actually
manmoding doesn't work once you've been outed. it's an endless humiliation ritual. the rest of my life now that everyone knows im an ugly failed transgender there's nothing left to do but kill myself. and when i do my parents will lie that they were supportive and everyone will believe them. my dad told me himself ill never be a real woman. i know my mom believes the same thing she always defends him no matter what. the nerve she has to ask me my pronouns just to force me to humiliate myself by saying anything other than he/him when i look like a man
or forcing me to say he/him and delete my entire transition
i hate her. i hate all of you and i hope you burn in hell for what you've done to me
i don't have a job and i don't have a degree and i don't have a resume and my mugshot is on the internet. it's either my parents house, a park bench, or the emergency room psych ward.
I’m so sorry anon
I dint have solution
Try new things is the only thing that comes to mind
It’s rough out there
Least you can do is love yourself even if you are not perfect
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>im back/pookie edition
this cant mean what i think it means right
I dodged a lot of this by telling anyone I came out to that I adamantly still identified as a man and wanted he/him pronouns, but I still got shit about it passive aggressively from "friends" on rare occasion (I mean real treatment or behavior outside of friendly jabs and stuff which I actually appreciated) and very aggressively from my parents whenever we were arguing (which was multiple times daily if I was in the house)
you just know methschizo smells like dried cum and unwashed ass
Do manmoders have masculine interests?
I need to start a hobby but everything is so boring
Gaming and anime especially
i do embroidery & photography mostly
making bouquets
playing piano
reading books
there are many wholesome things you can do outside of being on the computer gaming and watching anime
Embroidery sounds soo intimidating yet fun I guess!
Very big true I’m just an addict
I feel like I have no chance to expand
I cook some mean grilled sausages abd meats though lole
Put some hot sauce and pasta and nobody goes hungry!
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it’s real!
what is this avatarfaggotry drama
omg!!! you need to try embroidery
its really not intimidating. its a very forgiving hobby. you can pick it up & put it down whenever & pretty forgiving.
really you should try it
I’m really bad at starting things ivkug
I look it up ok
I liked some Pinterest stuff but I have nothing special in my head
Wife material
ok but not like THE pookie right...
Intense disgust imagining my masculine body and face doing feminine things like fucking knitting
Holy fuck kms
You guys are so sexist and regressive
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same worstie
Pink is for GIRLS and blue is for BOYS
>Verification not required
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why would that be the case THOUGH
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Let’s gooooo
Casual transphobia is based?????
only a toxic hrt repper st4t relationship/suicide pact can fix me
are you having fun with this league i saw you on
Why are you people obsessed with cartoon children
because we're all pedophiles raping children just like all transgenders now go away kiwinigger
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Cartoons are based nvm i am just retarded
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your son has testicular cancer
you don't look like homura or any other gloomy anime girl THOUGH
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I only post cute anime girls when I look like them uwu
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yes i know
this is /mmg/ you African green monkey
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my transition goals include internal machinery that allows me to harvest limbs and other organs from others to use as I see fit
total nuclear war would fix me
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i'd pick up a new hobby but everything requires talent or money
i do look gloomy and like a girl at some angles though
theres no way you're actually pookie....
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go back to sleep…
going to a renfair doing cottagecore tomorrow. i dont really have cottagecore clothes
does this kinda work?
https://unsee cc/album#b9J69NqRzp0w
just what?
i wish to suck on your toes my princess
0///0... that was... unexpected
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started hrt 9 years ago and i'm one year post-ffs and exclusively gendered male. i've given up and started accepting it to an extent. i've been submitting job applications under my birth name again so I can find a new job and socially detrans without it being too awkward.
only if you come sleep call with me
fuck you fuck you fuck you
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if you're jealous or something don't be i'm 6'0" and get exclusively read as male by strangers even back when i still tried makeup and stuff
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ok call rn
Physical transition + social non-transition was always the most based decision
It sucks that you find that out after putting the work in and everything but I guess that’s life
Dw sis just use he him pronouns and a andro name, it sucks but its the way life goes

For what its worth you are conventionally attractive, people will be nicer to you than if you were ugly as sin
people aren't nice to me. they treat me like i'm an idiot and act uncomfortable around me
I grew up as a visibly gay boy so that was always normal for me… trust the hate would be much worse if you were unattractive
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wait a sec ur not pookie
Who’s pookie is pookie black
Is pookie Built for BBC???
I think for a lot of people it's just about not wanting to hurt the people who are legit and make them look bad. Containing your delusions and self-gaslighting. Is that wrong?
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how do i sound more like a girl when i'm angry
nice tomomo
it's difficult, your voice training needs to have no strain in it. i recommend not sounding truly "angry" but more passive aggressive and, like, upset that someone could be saying what they're saying. it's easier
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smoke that shit sis
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Pretty bong. Uwu.
i need oxys
i'm not a boymoder
I was robbed of my sleep again by demons(I had a bad dream :( )
Bad dreams are better than no dreams. Weirder the better is how I like my dreams, bad or good.
sorry :c weed makes sleep dreamless
very untrue, i have dreams that start as rape flashback and then get worse, like it's more violent or i get shot in the head or cut my wrists in front of them. not too fun
im so fkn tired
i drink. i drink. i drink. i drink. i drink. i drink. i drink. i drink.
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working in retail is legitimately making me suicidal, but because most of my coworkers are women and I'm often seeing them platonically cuddling on the break room, hold hands, hugging, and other close intimacy I'll never have for being born with a y. The worse part is hrt made me prettier and they sometimes flirt with me but I can clearly tell the difference in the way they interact with me and the other women
I wanna sleep for an other 8 hours ighhhhhhh why do I have to make plans for travel ughhhhh
Imagine this but you are in a trans group
Imagine the feeling of not even being able to interact normally with others like you
Dw anon
One day you will pass and have real friends
You should seek help jesus
I am girlmoding at one job, manmoding at the other, but the only difference is the nametag, I practice makeup and girl voice every day. But it still feels psychotic that in this one building I am responding to my deadname. I use the girl bathroom at one job and the male one at the other. I am doing this to myself… why? This gender expression feels invalid
well yeah, i will try eventually. i am terrified of mental health professionals bc of my mom throwing me to the wolves as a teenager when i struggled with anorexia.
will a therapist focus on what i want them to? ie, if i mostly want to deal with the trauma and ptsd but i look like a visibly trans manmoder and a girl voice with lots of scars, will they ignore gender stuff if i don't want to talk abt it?
You are insane lol
>One day you will pass
lol wont happen I'm 26, that boat already sailed
I currently have no money for:

Eyebrow threading
Girl pants
Hair Clips
More tops
More than 1 bracelet (had 2, lost 1 off my hand at work, so now i have only 1 a guy would :( )
More than 2 necklaces

My ears werent even pierced until 2 days ago. i am broke as shit and its not even anyones fault. its been 3 weeks at both jobs and i came out a week ago at the one but the other one is like different and i guess im scared. youd think its more accepting cuz its a more clean setting, but i legit want to wait for my boobs to out me cuz the customers are all elderly and i have had bad experiences with such people
literally why
this kinda >>36673615

I am scared of my manager at the one job, he is always making a mean face and is Catholic. The job is so easy that I am scared to quit. I even trained for another job this week, with another trans girl no less, but I couldn’t hang cuz the job was legit harder and it made me appreciate the manmoder job I have. But its a paradox cuz the thing i hate most is in that job. and i still have to come out at my real job that only opens again in Fall. I wasnt on hrt yet or out when that one ended but i wasnt repping either, just broke like now

Meanwhile the job Im out at i feel like way more real of a person and its crazy not hiding. the spooky thing there is getting approval from cis women and it feels oddly back like being a cishet man, whereas seeming super gay as a manmoder who dresses and talks and does makeup like a girl, but doesnt claim to be one, keeps me very safe from caring what cis women think. but vulnerability and realness is like much better, and manmoding at this other location almost cheapens it in other areas of life. i will prob come out when i feel like just quitting, which is how it happebed at the one where im out. i was just apathetic enough with the chaotic workplace to stop caring, not thinking id be fired, but jut realizing that i was getting upset that shift (was acting like Gordan Ramsey 10 minutes after clocking in) and needed some uplifting
i wish someone would cuddle me
instead i am the rape gender that everyone hates, fears, or is at least disgusted by
i will never be a real woman and will never be loved
everyone look at me. i am the creepy loser autistic male with no friends. point and laugh. shame me. hahaha. humiliate me. reject me. throw my backpack into a urinal. call me a faggot. throw me onto the ground. call me ugly. say you feel unsafe around me.
incel to incel (with tits) pipeline
calling men the rape gender isnt rly nice

most women wouldnt think that about men. i remember well how nicely i was treated in my repper era with my homeless denial beard by older women. they did not see me a walking rape and i dont think of doods that way and have to remind myself that u cant be sure anyone else does and its just ur demons saying that
What anime is that
Damn girl
Fuck I’m jealous of people who are ahead in life from me
the next fotm hit, get writing and get it picked up by a studio so I can watch it

basically me but I'm not a virgin and I don't resent women and just gave up on sex or relationships after a couple bad experiences
im probably ahead in age too, starting hrt at my current age of 23. that it took me so long to do something so basic for my happiness means that i am probably still sleepwalking in other areas, clearly not outstandingly lucky or smart. this is probably all a dream while i am behind the wheel of a bus in the real world
gonna be really sad when I die alone without ever had my tits sucked on or tried piv with my estrogenized feminine penis or gotten boyremoved by dick or by strap
gonna be really glad when I die alone without ever had my tits sucked on or tried piv with my estrogenized feminine penis or gotten boyremoved by dick or by strap
skill issue sorry
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will you be rooting for female world champion weightlifter Li Wenwen at the upcoming Olympic Weightlifting competition? 5'10" 330 pounds btw
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It’s so fucking over bros
listen to ur heart
mirror mirror the reflection of the law
I regret to inform you that I'm Wild at Heart.
should i do my shot or simply kill myself
what do you guys think would happen if i pushed a 1" syringe all the way into my forehead? would i die? would i live but be a little retarded? or would it be no big deal?
what if you accidentally injected a bit of diarrhea?
just woke up from one of these flashback dreams, naps are evil why do they always make me dream.
do you think E could make trauma response worse? i've been helpless in the recent months. maybe it's just bc my other mental illnesses have flared up with starting E and i'm stressed, like sh and bdd and stuff. goddd i need to cut or binge and purge, i think the latter tn...
why are you so retarded and mentally ill?
no u
aren't you too? why be mean
there it is
not giving u a you
i'm the biggest retard faggot
i'm the biggest retard faggot
stupid stupid stupid
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that guy does literally nothing but go around acting cartoonishly abrasive to absolutely everyone so i wouldn't get very worked up over anything he says, even if there's truth in it most of the sting is lost when it comes from someone that's just perpetually seething about absolutely nothing
yea maybe but you are also very fucking gross
yeah? what's your point?
hello Bro
there is no point, it is just fun being mean and i am bored, have a nice day sir
youre a prick enjoy trooning in your 30s
it's true i don't even go outside these because it's so obvious that everyone treats you differently when you're ugly, you can't even be faggy if you're ugly because you're double repulsive (if you're attractive it cancels out).No chance at love, and not having anyone in your life makes you go crazy
>calling men the rape gender isnt rly nice
its literally the truth

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