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I did not watch this shitshow. Can someone give me a qdr of what was so bad?
Unmitigated faggotry
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/pol/ won
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Pedolympics opening day
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>French pride themselves in la haute culture
>like half the soundtrack was ENGLISH and AMERICAN music
Literally beyond parody. The French are a defeated culture lol.
>like 5 minutes of fucking MINIONS instead of showing French animators like Sylvain Chomet
I'm not even French and I am fucking seething at this
100 years of French culture amounts to other countries' celebrities, other countries' music, and globohomo.
Sweden yes: the ceremony
Typical 2024 western country shit. Worshiping men corssdressing, thats about it
the minions part was strange, are they french?
why were they even there
an horse has had enough...
/pol/ is ONCE AGAIN always right

Like a woman, Parie was great at exciting the emotions for their gain
No, Despicable Me is an American franchise. It truly baffles me why they did that. France literally has its own gorgeous animation industry to show off and they just... went with American CG? It's fucking insane
If Lia Thomas is not in the Olympics.

I am not interested in these Olympics

Is there an alternative sporting event to the Olympic games for the person who is in favor of the transgender community and supports Lia Thomas?
This had nothing to do with sports
>It's fucking insane
it just shows France has completely capitulated to westoid "culture", expect a French Revolution Cinematic Universe full of quips and pop songs
Gays, trannies, crossdressers everywhere. It had nothing to do with the Olympics, it was just a Gay Pride show.
Illumination Studio Paris is French and has animated basically all of Illuminations movies and the creators of Minions are French as well, tourist.
The minions were created by Pierre Coffin
I felt this horse so badly dude
Please post the pic of the rats watching from the sewer grate
Got everyone talking about it
Mission accomplished
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Im sure the horse feels sorry for France too
That wasnt from Paris
Now do one with the old white guy in the wheelchair lol
Volcano eruption incoming in next 4 years.
Blacks, trannies, and globohomo.

Same as everything.
>like half the soundtrack was ENGLISH and AMERICAN music
The soundtrack is there, where do you see half of the music being american?
what does that even mean you argie troon
Music selection was pretty broad, we had French variety classics from Claude François, Michel Polnareff, and very good representation of Daft Punk adjacent artists like Justice, Stardust, Cassius, Thomas Bangalter, DJ Mehdi and older Disco stuff from Marc Cerrone. Favourite moment was when the masked guy started doing flips and cool parkour moves when this came on : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOyU_OzRXnM
The final lightshow was great as well, the Eiffel tower hasn't been lit up like that since the y2k celebrations.
It was quite gay, I'll give you that. But otherwise the lights, music and procession on the Seine were really well done. It's probably my favourite ceremony so far, the second being Athens in 2004, although I am partial to DJ Tiesto's music.
Well forgive me for not looking up the fucking credits sequence, but Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment are headquartered companies in the USA and the film was scripted in English first and foremost so I'll still call it an American franchise
Enzo Fernández was right.
They baited the chuds a bit too hard otherwise forgettable
Wtf why does Spotify only have a 1:04 long version of this?
Parading along the Seine instead of a Stadium was quite cool and I hope they adopt this concept for future Olympics
Jaguar and Land Rover are my favourite Indian cars.
>I hope they adopt this concept for future Olympics

Everyone who was there couldn't see shit, got soaking wet and hated it. They'll go back to stadium shows.
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>No Daft Punk in France itself
Awh hellll yeaah
>I hope they adopt this concept for future Olympics
please no
maybe all you gay "muh opening ceremony" can stop highjacking sportsevents
normal people just want to see sports not this girly dicksucking shit, let alone more of it
>1:04 long version
I think that's the original version from the "Lucky Boy" album. The one used in the music video and the ceremony is the edit by Thomas Bangalter, of Daft Punk fame.
Daft Punk split. They were still here in part, and many artists from the same label were featured.
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>Daft Punk split.
I didn't expect a live performance, but I guessed they'd have some of their own named tracks feature
Is this like the French last supper or something?
>starts with Zizou
>shit goes full Assassin's Creed
>parade of nations over boats and at the beginning of everything
>Lady Gaga doing some cabaret recorded shit
>faggotry everywhere
>everything is pink
>more boats
>polyamorous shit
>somebody steals Monalisa
>Fall of the Bastille feat. Gojira and Opera (kino moment desu)
>French anthem in the middle
>Aya Nakamura and later some bald rapper
>more boats
>women statues of french women that only french know about rising from water
>the gay last supper
>transgenders fashion and shit
>a wild Dionysus Smurf appears
>silver horse riding the seine (kino)
>shit finally arrives at Trocadero
>protocol shit
>Zizou gives flame to Rafa Nadal
>Nadal in a boat with Serena Williams, Carl Lewis and Nadia Comaneci
>gives the flame to Aurelie Mauresmo
>several sport frogs go by
>BASED RINER and a woman light the ballon-pyre
>BASED Celine Dion gives a GOAT tier live show
very unlikely
LA is already confirmed doing theirs in a stadium, I would imagine brisbane will be too
>>the gay last supper
Honestly it was okay until this part desu. Remove the Gay Supper and it improves the whole thing.
I agree, have a short presentation/performance, parade the athletes, opening proclamation 'Welcome, Let the Games Begin', light the candle, 2 hours tops
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зacнoвaни Пyтин
What happened to the French German relationship mein Brüder? You're unfriending France?
Trannies and fags everywhere.
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>what was so bad

Literal gay sex out of the blue. Why was this necessary for the ceremony I will never now.
No metaphor or anything.
yeah, that was literally in the opening ceremony
It is a fag last supper meant solely and specifically to mock christianity.
Of course it was some hideous femboy asianoid.
What race is that
But why though? After almost 15 mins of screentime it was pretty much clear they were gay and they even kissed
Why was necessary to put

>hehe now we having sex hehe
Only watched the gojira performance then dipped because I knew it was going to be downhill from there. I wonder if some boomer watching had a fucking heart attack when he heard metal drums blast his speakers out.
why not, the whole thing was a travesty mocking France from start to finish
nothing but homosexuals and niggers
>French studio
>all movies take place in America

Basically Hitler was right.
are there literally any white people left in france? every part i skipped to either involved black people or crossdressers
It all comes down to what is your opinion on this >>143022858
>but what about
The ceremony had some potential but at the end all of it was dropped so you just get 4 hours of nothing except this >>143022858 I'm still mad at the Masked Man not leading to anything...
>four hour opening ceremony
>two or three 20 second clips of Things I Don't Like™ spammed ad infinitum
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/pol/shit aside, was there any redeeming parts to the show I need to know about to talk about work?

or is everyone just going to be politely beating around the bush?
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I'm surprised so few people caught that the Olympic Flag was hoisted upside down. It's why they didn't have the usual artificial wind in the stadium when the French flag was hoisted, they didn't want people to notice.
Kek they had one job

I heard they did it because they had problems caused by the rain and had to delay things and so sent the cartoon to occupy the time while they adjusted things but don't know if it's true or not.

Still don't know why they used Minions of all things when France has a quite developed comics, cartoons and animation industry and could have use characters from French animation.
Mask fag was just a mix of Yamakasi(french parkour), Assasin's creed(Ubisoft is french) and Man in the Iron Mask story( was an unidentified prisoner of state, nobody knew who he was and some think he was an ilegimate son of the King)
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According to Brazilian media outlet maisntream
>A fraud
>Shit parade
>Paris opening shows Los Angeles what not to do in 2028
>Lady Gaga's show one of the most boring
>Confusion of Brazilian presenters saved the opening from boredom
>Lack of stadium makes show confusing and made for TV
Based Brazilians. Unfortunately much of the media in my country seems to be supportive of it
You guys have some great metal bands. could've at least played some mutiilation or blut aus nord.
They have to or they won't have jobs
Watching the rerun on tv now and the outfits and dance choreography seem shit
>we were only pretending to be retards
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>I did not watch this shitshow.
Same. From the outside looked like a huge blunder winging up some big time ceremony

>Cross the river
>river is dirty as fuck
>in the middle of the city, which is famous
>Residents don't fucking like it
>Also no people in masses seeing the travel
>Show your country, culture and history
>But instead shove foreginer famous people like Snoop Dogg that is very sports related for some reason
>A big ass feminist propaganda ad
>post walled up Lady Gaga (that never was very attractive to begin with)
>All in the middle of the rain
>most of th people that actually went left early due the rain
I mean, after Tokyo and its cucked opening ceremony this was like sobriety done wrong. London was great because it was everything it should've been and more.

So when's Volleyball/Beach Voley?
they threw the mona lisa in the muddy seine and never put it back? fucking cunts
I watched the clip of the horse before the faggot supper And I was wondering why he was so sad.
He knew.
Gojira was literally the only good part
Considering how everything is meticulously rehearsed, I wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose.
This is the anti-olimpics, demoralize the sports and the idea of unity in humanity.
The more I see this kind of shit, the more I believe demons are real.
mechanical horse was kino, albeit way too long.
Fuck, that was so stupid. The biggest proof the Olympics producers are in the middle of their "Oscars" period; literally desperate to get attention and get rating aping anything remotely popular that is completely outside what things should be about, the sports.

Minions? Doesn't feel very French, even the pink panther feels more french somehow. Weird
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nobody in these threads has mentioned the actual worst part of the ceremony
is that not what france is composed of?
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>The Least Supper with trannies
>directed by a Jewish guy
wow damn so heavy
Didn't you catch Karl joking that he would rather watch the athletes on the boats than the fashion show?
we were only pretending to be gay*
How many bings until events?
the last burger
I think it's at 10am my time, so 3h and 30 mins
4am if you're in the east coast, 8am west coast
I didn't know the opening ceremony was today, but so far I've only seen what's in this thread and the fact that lebron james was on a boat holding a flag, seems pretty scuffed to me. Did they even have the olympians walk anywhere or were they all just packed on boats?
Thanks. Peacock won't separate live events and vods. It is a nightmare
France is totally infiltrated, they aren't showing french culture because the infiltrators are busy destroying french and european culture
Gojira + opera + decapitated marie antoinette
Celine singing edith piaf
The bridge with the french flag smoke
literally everything else. It was full of faggotry and nigs. Humiliation ritual for the frogs in many ways
The sterotypes of France I grew up with
horny film and animation
good food
high fashion

They filled all of those except the food maybe.
Wow. Even the flame is a gay women with lipstick on.

You french fags need to get your shit together already.
I am glad someone said it

I guess they had fake "blood" spraying out the windows of that building with the headless marie antoinettes, which took the focus off their corny save the wales lyrics and ade it seem like their music was about decapitating the rich

wtf, even in didgeridooland we have categorized events and schedules with replays and upcoming segregated
3rd world north america becoming a reality
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>that same guy talking to the little kid had his balls hanging out
really feels like this should be a major issue that nobody seems to be talking about
they actually sang a version of a popular song during the french revolution
>I guess...
It was a reimagining of a song from the french revolution about decapitating elites
I'm sure you're busy enjoying the great treasures of western civilization like the poetry of Ovid, the paintings of El Greco, and the raps of Snoop Doggy Dogg, and not just whining about culture on the internet.
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Seriously. Look at this shit.
You fucking french niggers.
The Olympics is a MALE EVENT.
people are not coming to Paris anymore. they are going to panic
Were you around for Sochi? This shit happens constantly
they didn't even do a good job trying to mock the last supper
nobody's in the right positions, the table's the wrong color, there's random shit over them
they had a huge budget and infinite time to put this together and that's the best they could do
that's the libs for u
the remake of the last supper is as low budget and poorly executed as the remake of all the hollywood movies they try to do
At least snoop dogg would make some sense at the 2028 los angeles olympics, wtf was he doing in Paris
somebody probably pocketed the money and gave us budget slop, that's why they put olympians on boats instead of having them walk in a venue like usual
Really makes you think about how it wasn't supposed to be the last supper
Why didn't France just hire Daft Punk and Japanese artists to be in charge of their Olympic ceremony?

Daft Punk - One More Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGBhQbmPwH8

Daft Punk - Aerodynamic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkWkWWvCuYk

Daft Punk - Digital Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxzBvqY5PP0

Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjR4_CbPpQ

Daft Punk - Crescendolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S3ISlvlEbs
>low budget and poorly executed as the remake
The best way I can resume this opening ceremony. Closing will be worse I feel
Why was Nadal there, or Zidane (Algerian)?
>they didn't even do a good job trying to mock the last supper
>Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made
If you payed attention it is obvious there wasn't a central organization, it was like a school festival where every class do their own thing with different levels of competency. Every skit felt improvised but the Assasscreed guy and the lighting of the torch.
Getting Daft Punk to reunite for an opening ceremony would be based.

Granted, most (maybe all) of those Daft Punk songs are heavily based on samples from non-French songs.
Very bad
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Why you guys keep posting about them re-uniting, one of them died on my timeline.
It has nothing to do with France. It's the same culture that exists in the US and the UK and that is pushed by a small minority that happens to be close to power and decision makers.
I bet they declined an offer after seeing what a woke shit it would be.
are they... basés?

The Paris Olympics opening saddens me. I used to look up to France since France invented Chivalry and Romace as French is the language of Diplomacy and High Culture. And you had a very manly legacy as the leaders of the Crusades (The Pope who started the Crusades to Rechristianize the Holy Land was Pope Urban the Frenchman), now France has abandoned its Manly Christian Legacy and has gone full woke LGBT effeminate crossdressing stupidity with Paris Olympics. I was expecting so much more from the people I admire.
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>this is what the elites aspire the world to be and us to tolerate
kinda lame, why even inherit the reins of the world if it's gonna just be shoddy parody/mockery of Jesus and constant 'nyehehe we're gonna inject niggers and indians into the society we subsist on, surely this will not backfire'?
>no nafris
>no browns
blackbros we win, we will be representation of european
So did the audience boo the Israeli Team ?
horses are very sentient
>No medals were obtained
Not gonna to lie, I wasted a whole day watching the entire ceremony.
It was mesmerising, bizzare and epic. All the faggotry stuff, came across as being artsy, rather than George Soros making the Olympics gay.
They still had burlesque dancers. It was also self-deprecating at times, the beheaded Marie Antoinette and Mona Lisa floating in the river.
I fucking love the Olympics!
haha yeah theyre based and red pilled like we are :D
>everyone thinks we're schizophrenic hedonistic freaks
>this is a win
Eurovision was straight and wholesome compared to this degenerate abomination. Why do leftists worship ugliness? Is it the antidepressants fucking their brains up?
Pozzed satanic globohomo
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Interestingly modern Liberals have created their own brand of Chauvinism for global homogenization.

Minions were created by Eric Guillon (french) but it was kinda weird i agree.

About the ceremony…last 20 minutes were very good.
Gojira at la Conciergerie was breddy cool too.

But of course…the drag show…
The fuck.
20 minutes. Maybe 30.

80% of the dancers and «performers» are already gay (and black or asian, they didnt want people to see a white straight person, kek)

But no, we had to Watch a bearded «woman», a black dude dressed in white with a pink hat and a kid (?) dancing for 30 minutes.


It’s all so tiresome

>women statues of french women that only french know about rising from water

We’re barely told about two of em in school (louise Michel and olympe de gouges) but NO ONE knows the others
American right wing twitter having a field day the last 20 hours lol
if by "field day" you mean a meltdown, then yes
The cartoon was too expensive to make just in case. I guess it hits a larger international audience, but that and assassin’s creed were all intentional filler
That sums up the whole thing in my mind. Just little sparse street performances that somehow aren’t impressive in any way

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