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Baldal edition




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BASED edition, Olympic goat sub-edition
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I want to see the asshole of every ATP top 100 player
very happy she did on her first try <3
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Olympic Gold will always be worth more than a slam
Can we hug ourselves <3 :)
*kisses Britpole on the mouth* mIgfhfphorfhf
You knew it's gonna be 2 ngubus at the end
why not :)

it actually felt great <3
I hope she winis at least one medal for you guys
Coco Gauff was America's flagbearer? Really? I can understand Lebron but they really didn't have anyone better than Coco?
she's a neutral athlete chud
Famm, bro. What happened to Nadal's face? It's like he's getting the bronze version of what ever Trump's got on his mug, ceramic baked into his face by all the Sun he's been out on.
He's almost 40
this is 12312312th time in here that i saw someone saying Rybakina has AIDS but google doesn't return any results.

Is it some meme that I, as /tennis/ casual, am out of, or what's happening? Srs question bros, no troll
i honestly respect the combover
The joke is that she’s always sick like she like is immunocompromised
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thanks american brother
hvala poljski brate

don't know guys, i like fit women of pale complexion and bright hair / eyes, would't really say that she's sick but then i really don't know much about physiognomy
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kek embarassing paedophiles
I am genuinely immunocompromised (had a kidney transplant last year, on immunosuppressants for life) and I'm ill considerably less often than Lena
I have a yeast infection
wash your hands before you type please, I don't want to catch that
lmaaao yes embarassing Rotherham and all the other Muslim rape rangs
lmaooo yes emarassing Jimmy Saville
go on little lad!
Man I'm so happy
love that conchita is so close with mirra, judging from what the vlog it's quite rare for coaches to be this friendly with players
>wake up
>see walkover
>but not for mirra
She really seems to be some kind of mother figure for Mirra and I think that was missing for her ;_;
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page 6
If I want to recreationally get into playing tennis with a friend at some courts in our city, can we just buy some balls and a couple $30 generic rackets and be good to go? Are there any special little things we need to pick up beforehand to start playing? This wasn't a sport we were exposed to in school
It's incredibly difficult if you've never had some form of training or coach.
You won't be able to land a serve, you won't be able to hit a backhand.
You're both going to look like clowns out there, and as long as you're okay with that then have fun.
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>Pulls out of DC
Very fraudulent behavior
if you don't care about whiffing/netting/overhitting every other shot, it'll be alright. if you can afford to pay 40-100 bucks for some instruction, I'd highly recommend it. I took some cheapo group lessons (maybe like 6 sessions total) over one summer and it considerably improved my enjoyment of the game, though I still found the game kinda fun before that. ymmv
>France's cowardly Tiafoe
>can we just buy some balls and a couple $30 generic rackets and be good to go
not sure if it's like that in the states, but i assume it should be similar
yes, you are good to go with just that. most tennis places even let you rent the balls and rackets along with the court time (usually the cheapest possible, but still playable)
then there's free community courts where you'll have to bring everything with you (even the net in some cases) and obviously you can't book it nor there play any time you want
I know I asked a sperg question, but our hand-eye coordination isn't terrible. I wasn't expecting to be unable to land our own serves, but it sounds like getting the hang of the rackets isn't so intuitive. We weren't about to jump into any doubles games or anything, obviously, but maybe we should find a practice wall first to get the basics down. Thank you.
I'll take a look and see, thanks for the idea. Maybe there's some sort of parks & rec program going on as well.
I was thinking the community courts, because I knew they were around, and we don't know if we'd like it enough to stick with it. I hadn't considered that the net might be our responsibility. I'll look into that. Thank you for the heads-up.

Cheers again to all
Disgusting pits
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>No one told him about Hitler
pls no bully mirra
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>if only you knew how bad things were
christ the lack of sovl is unprecedented

someone needs to coach her how to like do this fuggin instathottery shit

like she needs to be taught how to folm herself or take a photo and not look like a replicant from bladerunner
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i miss this giant fridge like you wouldn't believe
corr need to see girls face in denim

at least troonlenga does this less embarassing than that faggot kostyul

cutie volysex

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Incoming failed drug test
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is she sick?
>No Iga
We lost Igasisters

they're all ugly tho
I know, how ugly must Iga be then
iga a beautiful polish poppy
Only the incels here say this shit, ignore the faggots.
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Iga :) soon
that was fucking weird last night what was that big finish about with rafa and serena on the boat

so random its a athletics competition why did they have 2 tennis players and celine dion on a boat
It's true thougheverbeit. Sinner is the same way
Elena Rybakina has a compromised immune system totally unrelated to AIDS/HIV.
Roger/Novakbros... How can we possibly compete?
Because those two tennis players are the champions of globohomo.
Olympics has become Eurovision both in terms of relevance and pozzed politicisation levels
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I'm ready for the Olympics
>champion of globohomo
/spol/tards be saying anything
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He's a bit light in his loafers
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Some nice matches in a few bings
when's oiga
20 minutes, if you're into that kind of thing
i'd love to be in that thing
they're both multiple Olympic medallists and both hugely liked in France it's not difficult
efremova bageled vendula? intredasting
tg for roooooves
ATP bros, what are we watching?
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it's all live btw
>already rain delay
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>Igor on Chatrier, Poolini on Lenglen
Fucking hell
Alright maybe I'll watch because of Aurelie
>women tennis on all roofed courts
nice start
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any hot girl
nobody tell him
nishikori vs draper
efremova beat vendula 6-0 7-5
She's too good, even after her injury break
Bo3 in RG feels wrong. WRONG
Where is Halep?
>embarrassing us on the global stage with muttland logic
Is Bogdan bogged?
>hfw I shoot something her way
Yes, many such cases
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>igor vs begu
um i didn't consent to you reading my filenames
>Igor struggling
Ya love to see it
Back home late but still in time to watch Iga :) fucking finally after so long.
>Elena Rybakina has revealed that she was banned from travelling to the Olympics by her doctors after contracting 'acute bronchitis'. The 25-year-old was due to represent Kazakhstan in the women's singles and mixed doubles but withdrew just hours after the draw was made on Thursday.
>Rybakina has struggled with illness over the course of this year, having withdrawn from a number of high-profile events over the last few months. She pulled out of the Dubai Open, Indian Wells and the Italian Open as well as the Eastbourne International in the run-up to Wimbledon.
>Explaining her decision to skip the Olympics on medical grounds, she revealed that her doctors 'forbade' her from travelling to Paris or playing tennis in spite of her efforts to recover in time.
Did you wake up from a coma that you have been in the last 2 days?
>Olympic tennis isn't important
Why is there way more people here than for a regular Iga RG R1 match then?
Bogdan looks bit like Emily Blunt
No gold for Igor
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Poor Girl got AIDS from Vukov
You've been saying she'll lose at every tournament all year
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Why'd he do it?
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:) 11 sets to go
To make her feel better
Based Iga
And that was a shit set from Iga and it was still comfortable
>Igor on clay
Yep, looks like gold for her
She's playing against the world no. 136, are you really gloating? Come on man. She's gonna win gold easily but you don't need to do this
Let people enjoy things
No, Lena hurt me
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Decent lad, how far can he go?
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To the very top :)
Tennis is the only olympikino event at the summer olympics. No one cares about the 23 meter dash
On are so trash with kits, they all look the fucking same
To make himself feel better
best site for schedule? it's all over the place
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Cheer up, you're a mirrafag too, no?
Skill issue, they do have nice kits, just not for Iga
Yes, and her win made me very happy :) Still, I would've loved to see Lena in her Kazakh colors but I'll let it go desu
Hello. When is he real tennis?
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Olympittini soon
raducanu plays in a few days
Based and truthpilled
She's so mid, what was he thinking
He has terrible taste in women, his next gf had been blacked by Kevin-Prince Boateng before
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i forgot to purchase a snack
>waiting until after the draw was made to withdraw
Yeah sure her “doctors” forbade her
great point
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menbrosissies... how do we compete with this?
Who is she beating in the Finals?
Both very sweaty
haha no snack
I can taste the insecurity
like seeing them running in mud, how slow was that run to the net from Begu?
Igor exposed
>2024 Olympics is being recorded in 60fps 8k
now we just need smell
Igor loses this set :)
Coco tier forehand
State, will come back still
Igor looks mentally cooked for some reason
having the olympics on this mickey mouse surface is disgusting
The entire nation of Poland (shit) is on her shoulders
Aroma-vision, Smell-o-vision
Would grass, the surface only used for 5 weeks in the year make it more legitmate?
Igorella considering a strategic bathroom break
Iguana-sisters, I don't feel so good
Clay is the most noble surface
>another overcooked fh
Whats wrong with her?
I kinda agree but our athletics are solid tbqh
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Iga always takes losses for Poland way worse and honestly has had some bad performances getting KWAB'd by Jpeg comes to mind
tennis is grass, the other surfaces are only there for logistical purposes
iga has the ugliest outfits
Iga self-destructing.
She always chooses kits that look like tunics
>mentally cooked
Iga Swiatek? More like Internal Sweat Attack.
Someone post PutintsevaAndKaderLaughingAtIgorsToiletBreak.webm please
Don't you have better looking athletes to simp for?
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Begu gets broken here, would surprise me if she serves it out
These are the wishes of Marc Aurelius.
Instant classic
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This court looks exceptionally slow, is it wet or something?
Probably not, but laying temporary hardcourts over the dirt would. I mean I get that you thirdies like dirt because it replicates the conditions of your homelands but hardcourts are the best compromise for all players.
2012 was kino though.
Oi mate, is Iga cheating?
Would appreciate if the gypsy stopped choking
Yes, with me!
>holding up her racket like always because he wants to stop her opponents service motion
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Yes :) and what are gonan do about it?
Fuck you Begu
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>666 trips
Sorry for being right
begu you fucking clown
Irina-Camelia Begu? More like Irritating camel BE GONE!
Paolini is getting cucked in the finals for the third time in a row
Paolini :)
Tourist here, when's the thigh break?
Won't be one
>that zesty daley gillette advert
Charlie next on Lenglen, and if Igor closes it out Djokovic next on Chatrier
Not a big fan of hers but Paolini has some thick legs.
Just incredible
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IGA doomers BTFO.
Victory belongs to the most tenacious.
>Double fault to lose the match
That's some olympic-tier WTA
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Imagine licking clean Camel's long legs
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JAZDAAAAAAAA IGA :) 10 sets to go for the greatest achievement in tennis
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The hammer marches towards top40
Based Brit
WTA clown show continues
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Sweaty Iga sexo
Of this year's 3 grand slam winners, only 1 is playing the Olympics while 2 are playing the Mubadala DC Open 500
Emma or Muchy will heem Igor
Cum on her tongue
Krejcikova is playing the olympics?
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At this point all of Kazakhstan must be seething about these mercenaries
Looks like that kike svitolina
>putintseva vs kostyuk cancelled
She was there yesterday, I don't know what happened over night that made her withdraw :(
Who the FR*CK is that on the left? Desirae Kcayzawafc or whatever?
inb4 she was robbed again
>Spain polo
Crisp, need more collared kits

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