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For those that haven't seen it yet. Where my Johnny-come-lately Ameribros at?
full of trannies
uh have fun late anons, that’s all I’ll say
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One more episode of Bobs Burgers first.
Got my Olympic spread ready to watch the carnage.
>206 delegations = 206 boats

That's a lot of fucking boats. Did they just commandeer a boat from every rich person in Paris?
they did it with like 82 boats or something
most had multiple countries on them
I see that now. Commentator just said 85 boats. Still a lot.
Im going to rewatch it, just to see what gets censored
it’s still early, but my meme olympic team so far is angola. hoping they get on the medal table
i hope the pajeet javelin guy wins again
I had the same thoughts

Imagine the coast of renting and fuelling all those boats, compared to just having athletes walking through a stadium
Hey look, it's Harley Quinn!
They have never won any medals despite participating in quite a few games. So your wish may not be fulfilled.

I saw the lowlights. I don't need to watch it.
Imagine being some poor chump that has to get to work with the entire city shut down for this shit. I just wouldn't show up.
Wow! Famous French singer Lady Gaga!
you just described every work day in france
It's over. Whatever "it" was, France just beat the corpse to smitherines.
>this level of blatant, open degeneracy
I'm scared bros, it really feels like we're edging closer and closer to the apocalypse and the world ending. It's nothing but Sodom and Gomorrah right now and an inevitable flood approaching to wipe out the sin of the world and start over.
How do I watch it without giving them money?
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Im officially a seashells supporter
Looks like they had her perform just so they could show an ad for the next Joker movie. kek.
you let this happen
Is NBC a tranny loving station? Are.they going to edit it like Morocco did?
i bet the brazil boat is fun to be on
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honestly, fuck it. let it come. I'm all for a nuke wiping all life off earth. The human race clearly is beyond saving
on the live broadcast they didn't show any of the eurodance crap that happened after the parade ended
they did show the initial part tho
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>Snoop Dogg is now an Olympic commentator

WTF is this world?
Why did they cut the best part
>he thinks thats bad
Just you wait till the boats are over my guy
they were busy giving fellating interviews to some of the burger athletes the whole time it was happening
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That dinky little Cambodian boat
I wish the Argentinians sang
Escuchen, corran la bola
Juegan por Francia pero son todos de Angola
Que lindo es van a correr
Son come travas como el puto de Mbappé
Su vieja es nigeriana
Su viejo camerunés
Pero en el documento
Nacionalidad francés

It's a heartwarming anti colonial song
Just woke up and watching the replay
>>They decided to parade the teams outdoor in pissing rain
>>On boats for some reason
>>Some teams have to share a boat, while some teams get a pathetic little dinghy with a motor (see Congo)
>>All they could do was wave and smile at the camera - wearing their disposable raincoats
WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS DUMB IDEA!? The athletes seem to be in good spirits, but god damn is the sight miserable
I wonder how John Lennon would feel that his music is being used for a commercial advertising food delivery to lazy people?
Americans get upset when they see the strong, proud flag of Europe
Hopefully they have Napoleon and Marie Antoinette getting beheaded, best thing about France is the history
wtf is this Assassins Creed parkour shit?!
Wait til you see the athletes soaked to the bone still standing in the rain listening to the french faggots do speeches. They look miserable.
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france is just showing their country pride. 90% of their population came from africa on boats, thanks
Who wants to bet Snoop lighted a joint with the torch while carrying it?
It wasn't a bad idea. The refugee team is ridiculous though, I don't know if that an actual team
>europe has a singular flag
>a uk faggot is proud of it
double grim
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trying to divert attention from the black samurai
What's in the luggage?
I guess they hired pretty much every boat in Paris, and for the small boats they just assigned them to countries with small delegations
it's Thomas Bach's obsessive project
he has a pathological fascination with heckin refugees
>All this gay dancing

Is this France or Fire Island?
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Michael Phelps in a topknot is something I never needed to see.
This is the straightest dancing of the night
Enjoy it
this is so fucking french.
Just tuning in. France is fucking gay, what is this retarded shit?

THIS, is why I don’t watch the Olympics. It’s just a bunch of shitskin niggers mocking their invasion of our pure white countries. Hitler was right!
>>europe has a singular flag
Yes. It was designed originally for the Council of Europe (which still exists - it's different from the EU) in the 1950s. And the Council of Europe declared the flag as a symbol for all of Europe:
>Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of union.

As for anybody being gay, one of us is certainly gay: you.
saw some during my lunch break seemed very gay so I'll probably skip this
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When does the skateboarding start?
no, EU has a flag, that flag does not represent eastern european countries, therefore, "europe" does not have a flag

and again, you missed the part about calling you a leftist faggot for embracing EU instead of Brexit

but I kneel to your digits, king
women's skateboarding specifically

and the 50k run
>Les Mis

Fucking yes
>that's the sound of les mis
very insightful, kelly
Do people even watch the Olympics anymore? Is it that bad to where they have to include skateboarding and breakdancing? What a worthless medal, it belongs in the trash.
I don't care how fruity or French it is, I love Le Mis
Its time
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Oh shit, this just got fucking METAL
no country has ever been pure white anon that was a myth
It's fascinating to watch in real time, like the fall of the Roman Empire
Who is the Masketta man? Why does he wear the mask?
I love Nightwish and that kinda opera metal.
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France deserves to be conquered
again, useless country.
Ratings. They'd lose half the country before the games even started
men start at 6am est tomorrow, the final is at 11
women is the same times but on sunday
Read your bible you retard
Genesis 9:11
>clearly obvious crossdressers
you can't even comprehend the horrors that await you later into the show
>he just called transexuals "crossdressers"
back to /pol/
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Man you fags just missed the gayest thing ever while it was live.
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This, but unironically
the original 9:11
What are you guys watching, on Peacock's stream it hasn't started yet and NBC is interviewing Snoop Dogg
why are you here?
Since NBC took the TNT license I shan't be watching their content. They can tongue my anus
find one of the 50 different NBC coverage streams
I'm watching NBC on my television box.
Yes, I'm old.
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It's fucking France. What the fuck did you expect?!
When does napoleon show up and kill these fags
pure fucking degeneracy. makes me sick!
I would rather see the British stream than support them
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>literally just 20 minutes about being a degenerate

Do people watch this with their kids?
What's a television?
You mean Saladin
what did you expect? this is kike goyslop 101, I’m done watching the Goylympics, see you in /nfl/.
everyday I thank god I’m not fr*nch
the big phone screen your ps5 connects to
yeah it’s gay but i love the olympics and the Olympic Spirit® more than i dislike gays
So are they just going to stop showing the athletes completely now?
Why are you like this? Stop saying the f-word
I prewatched it earlier at noon when it was live; no my kids aren't watching this.
Is the Parkour dude wearing a fencing mask?
>Threesome with a fag and a cross dresser

Peak European "art"
Okay at least this is based. You can't fuck up a military drill parad--
oh for fucks sake
Its a squid games mask lil bruh
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Who is this giant tranny on my screen right now?
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>Aya Nakamura
yup, totally a quintessential French name
I'm sure these prestigious musicians are dying a little inside having to play along with this jungle beat shit.
2nd from left guy needs to get better at tucking
Almost all of this is very gay but was the ship and castle part kind of cool or am I just too high?
>singing about glocks
So crap I started watching the London 2012 opening ceremony.
The juxtaposition is sad, older white french men in the marching band with this thing hootin and hollerin
big booty africans my dick
Weed smoking loser faggot.
The whole ceremony is actually pretty neat, in between the faggotry
Is >our ceremony in 4 years going to be cringier than this?
I'm happy to oppose modernity and whatever ideology this regime displays to the world. It's far more abnormal to find the current state of affairs agreeable. This system gives so little to normal decent people that any defenders of it must come from the tiny minority of extremely wealthy sociopaths but then again some people are mentally ill enough to do it for free.
same bro, it was pretty nice
Far, far cringier.
I don't know, this is pretty awful. If Trump is president it might only be a little gay
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kikes are the culprit, many such cases..
What do you guys do when you're watching with your wives/gfs and the sprinters are on with their giant dicks flopping around? Do you let her watch or change the channel?
the black rapper woman is a tall drink of water, i don’t care what you say
It'll probably be better if only slightly. This thing keeps getting worse, I watched it earlier.
It's L.A., though. That's like an entirely different country.
it would be 1 month before the end of his final term (IF he gets elected), so no it would probably be worse because the pendulum is ready to swing back
Let her stroke you off. She can fantasize about jacking off Jamal on the Track and Field team and you get a free handy jay
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Fucking who??
niggas was about to capsize lmaooo
Mark my words:

Kamala is going to win.

The whole ceremony is about Kamala winning in November.
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>literally swimming in a shit river
That image of Marie Antionette in the water is creepy as fuck.
What's the story on the assassins creed guy? Is there an athlete under the mask?
Torch-bearer. It will probably be revealed as some famous French athlete.
No shit. I live in America and pretty much everyone turned on Trump. Even my biggest racist Trump supporting uncles are riding with Kamala. She is already dominating the polls. A stag3d assassination attempt doesn't change anything.
>calling the torch better a he
umm that’s extremely problematic. xe hasn’t revealed xeds pronouns
It's going to be Kamala Harris or Jill Biden
Anyone got a decent stream, some shady website or something? NBC are being homosexuals with this peacock shit, and I really want to make fun of shit countries in their dingies
artist formerly known as Swaziland
how many VPNs do you guys have at your facility in india?
Yes wheres a full fucking vid of the opening ceremony fucking kikes put it up
He isnt even wrong.
Kamala is picking a Navy Vet/Astronaut VP
Trump picked a couch fucking retard who used to talk shit about trump

The VP pick tanked trump
What events is India good at?
Plus Karmala downed down net & yahoo about having to listen to his speech. Trumps a kike loving faggot literally the only issue that matters.
oh you sweet summer child
Who has to clean up the Indian boat?
Yep and he is afraid to debate her. The tide as turned and pretty much everyone knows Kamala is winning in a landslide victory. Trump will not get a single black vote polls show.
>Boat 37 of 85

We have a long way to go, and I'm out of beer.
good morning, sirs
You better go on a beer run now, you are gonna need it
They’ll just sink it.
How do you not stock up atleast 24 every Friday for the weekend?
I support Israel
I have copilot on this laptop, but I'm afraid to use it.
Who's the main female commentator? I'm getting tired of the "oh wow oh wow omg" routine.
im guessing he’s supposed to be the hunchback of notre dame guy
>rest of the world watches together 6 hours ago
>we have to watch on a delay in order to pump more ads into our brains
Kelly Clarkson
kelly clarkson, I have 0 clue why she was there
she said nothing of value the entire broadcast
your mom
We were at work 6 hours ago moron
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>working a full Friday
No you're just a fag
Imagine doing a promotion of an animated movie made in another country instead of talking about your own culture
I have my own business. We work full days 6 days a week. I pay my Mexicans well.
>an animated movie made in another country
Illumination IS a French studio
Lol minions are so cute and funny.
illumination is french
French master race that's why
Apparently their studio is in Paris so I guess it’s okay

Lady Gaga was much more egregious
There's no reason it has to be boats. It's creative, but that's all there is to it. The entertainers can have their televised show on the boats touring the Seine, but the athletes should just make their entrance in the indoor stadium. I can't believe no organiser ever considered the possibility that the climate can choose to rain on their parade.
Why so much time on the fucking Minions?
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>Wanted a bright sunny day for all this globohomo crap
>God says FUCK YOU and rains all over their shit
Who is more likely to be shown or mentioned- Napoleon or Hitler?
meds now
what do minions have to do with france? sorry im retarded
Competitive scam calling
They're saving Hitler for 2036 Berlin.
What would the world be like if Hitler won? Would it still be shit today like it is now?
What the Hell, man? When are they going to get back to the countries?

French animator, director, producer, writer, and voice actor. He is best known for co-directing four films in the Despicable Me franchise and being the primary voice of the Minions, which won him the Kids Family Award at the 10th Seiyu Awards.[2] He also received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature for Despicable Me 2.
>muh womyn representation
it’s all so tiresome
This is easily the gayest sporting related event every single 4 years without fail
It would be worse
No. It would be amazing. The German National Socialists knew if they lost the war it was over for Europe. Now we're seeing it.
I tapped out, they're only in the G's and this shit is still doing.
My big takeaway is Aya Nakamura is one fine piece of ebony ass.
Gojira opened but I missed it
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Most honorable Nihon!
How could it be any worse? Would every country be flooded with browns and gays? I don't think it would.
Fascist dictatorship would be horrible to live under in any circumstance
i bet those bmx guys they showed for a second biffed it at least once in that downpour
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I still can't believe Breakdancing is now an Olympic event.
You got SERVED
americans would know this first hand after the last 8 years
>the worst thing about life is having to see brown and gay people exist
oh wow you poor little boy what a horrible existence you lead
when is competitive eating becoming an event?
>t. politics pro
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It would be amazing for Europeans. The Germans loved Hitler. 12 years not a slave
Holy fuck, the American boat is so full it's about to tip over.
because I have a right to be here chud
is this a shot at their weight?
Yes unironically. I have to lock my doors, carry a gun around. Worry about my female relatives getting raped or murder walking outside. We could be living in utopia with low crime rates. Just look at any full white country for reference.
I’ve never even heard of these countries.
doubtful :^)
From an outside perspective, are we the US based or cringe?
>any full white country
they don't exist and the ones that do are like africa level of crime (ukraine, russia, eastern europe in general)
based and redpilled
You'll never be a woman
whatever you say retard I’m gonna post here until I die
The whole world revolves around us, so I'd say based.
what is a woman?
Look at the crime rates of Denmark, Switzerland, and Japan you dumb fucking moron. Why do it defend these mongrols who do nothing but murder and rape?
You’re right I’m a man and I get a lot of female attention because I’m not a chud
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YES! We won Mariechads
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>LA is not promised

Uhh... what does he know?
>Denmark, Switzerland
not full white, both have 5% african population and the dominant religion is islam
not only are the not full white, they have less whites than blacks, and the crime rate in japan is equivalent to that of UK and Canada which are both diverse
The French are mocking their own history rather than celebrating it. It's pathetic. Drag queens and blacks is all they are now?
There was no way the Nazi could conquer the Soviets. Let's say if Hitler "won" and WWII ends with Germany's border resembling that of 1942. We'd have gotten Cold War to happen this time with Nazi Germany as Europe's opponent against Communism. Which means the third atom bomb will likely be dropped at Berlin by Stalin
it really does, everyone knows who our president is but we don't know who anyone's is
who decided the water canons should be between the ferrys and the camera boats...
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>refuses to sing at the Olympics in her own country
>goes to growing third world countries Olympics to sing
what did she mean by this?
Hahaha shut the fuck up you retarded cuck. The point is the counties with the least amount of browns have the lowest violent crime rates. If you took gun violence rates from America but only look at data from the white population it would be one of the lowest in the world.

Answer my question why do you defend these animals? What do you get out of it as a white man?
Vin Diesel is a rapper now?
go ahead
do the math on why you’re here
I was gonna invent skrateboard but I already have 500 of them
I don't know who that man is
Are blacks and drag queens the only thing you notice? Says a lot more about you than it does France
we'll miss you next week :)

Modern olympics ceremonies after 88 tend to only really represent the prevailing city culture, not the country as a whole, except for China because China.
I’ve been here for 14 years and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon
Is this bait or what? I don't understand you cucks.
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it's Avril Lavigne, post Lyme Disease and Chad Kruger
unless you’re 14 years old, you don’t deserve to be here
Stop your obsession with black drag queens lmao
There's way more unironic Redditors on here now
That chick in the red and blue leotard was kinda hot.
Well when these assholes keep putting the spotlight on them all the time...
Your personal opinions mean nothing to me, or anyone else for that matter
uhhhh..... what the fuck is this?
No there isn't. It's just basement dwellers and thirties who get off with (you)s and pretend. Same people who used to be tripfags and baiters.
>nbc cutting to commercial
I wonder how much troonshit they are going to axe
50k racewalk was abolished sadly.
She was extremely hot and you could definitely see her nipples

France is based again
>your personal opinions
the sentiments of a majority of the country
Can the Olympics just go back to China again so we can get a real opening ceremony? No one has even come close since. Also the little documentaries about the history and rural areas their were top tier.
damn, I liked watching people die
Holy fuck lol, I never thought of it that way.
>all the time
Well, good job posting something from three years ago lel
Why do western counties no longer like to show off their superiority through spectacle and ceremony but instead like to flaunt their social ideologies?

No they aren’t you pathetic larper. Youre 30% at best
Jewish bolshevism is in full control now
rip deathwalk
was that a kid wtf
Full scale nuclear war and collapse is the only way to save western civilization at this point.
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>Russia still banned

Fucking lol
>admittedly 1/3 of people don’t want you in their country
>I belong here
mental gymnastics cope
How hard would it be for a US athlete to fuck a North Korean girl in the village?
Agreed. Build from the rubble.
Post the WebM, I saw it earlier today but didn't get a chance to save it
Do you want them to drive tanks through the street like a corny third world dictatorship? Lmao
Gotta be 18 to post here
this, sad dystopia. Unfortunately they’ve completely ruined the west for generations. Decades of social propaganda to accept niggers and shitskins as your “equal” cannot be unbrainwashed from the general population.

the fact that you think this is the next/only alternative speaks volumes. geeze, what a jerk
A third is nowhere close to a majority you high school math class dropout
No, build beautiful monuments and infrastructure, show off your best cities and put on extravagant shows. Marching around a bunch of cross dressers, what does that do for you?
You retards can't be considered an "outside perspective", and neither can I because I am your hat.
I’m older than you I bet. It’s the children who think big tank in the street = strong nation
Well it's still on streaming services, isn't it?
A friend telling me this year how he put on Blues Clues on Nickelodeon for his kid. All of a sudden hear heard something about a pride parade. He looked in and saw that shit and changed it.
a third doesn’t have to be a majority
1 in 3 people don’t want you here
go back
They seem to be showing off all their famous landmarks and art and bridges/roads along the river and such things, what are you complaining about exactly?
Show off your superior technological advancements. Drones, planes. Have stunts and shows of talent. Not literal drag shows.
2/3 do want me here THOUGH so who cares what you want. Die seething and forgotten.
>I'm older than you
but less mentally mature
That many people jumping up and down on a boat at once seems kinda dangerous.
Eswatini has to be made up right
I'm feeling pretty drunk chat
Lots of stunts and talent shows during the ceremonies desu. Who cares about fucking drones lmao.
lol, lmao even
That’s not how that works
>south sudan and sweden sharing a boat

Not by a long shot you brain dead chud.
>big tank… strong!!!!!
You are a literal caveman
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We were warned
>Suriname in a tiny dingy

you just proved it

IAYC :^)
You probably aren't old enough to remember the early 2000s but go watch thy old ceremonies if you want to be blown away in comparison.
But it is THOUGH. You should look at the statistics about gay marriage support
what are you drinking, lad?
Whatever you say chud. I wonder what your iq is
Shameless and embarrassingly lacking in self awareness
How did they know?
This kek, sub optimal iq situation
>muh tanks!!!!!!!
you are a monkey
>nbc has refused to show all of the tranny dancing
They showed 50 minutes of it during the live shot
>its either tanks or nothing else
Youre retarded, kill yourself and have your mother record it and send it to me
My iq is much larger than yours I guarantee it
Although the introduction of national ideologies at the beginning was elegant and sophisticated, I am shocked by the Olympics introducing the South Korean athletes as North Korean athletes.
They still have the men's and women's 20k deathmarch, but they got rid of the 50k one because there wasn't a women's equivalent and apparently the Olympic Committee wants more equality. So you can blame this one on wokeness for real this time.
'bout tree fiddy
>guaranteed light skinned black queen wife in ohio
wtf bros… why didn’t you tell me…..
Its been proven over and over again those who think of themselves with high iq are seriously lacking, and your trying to convince others on 4channel.org of this is giving us all a good laugh
Seek human interaction
They changed their name from Swaziland.
you literally shit in the street when the beach is too busy KEK
>separate genders
not very equal
Sha Carri' would be a great Femdom
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> big tank in the street = strong nation
Because it is!
Man the hosts in the Canadian coverage of this are just awful. This women is seriously saying that this is setting a new standard and better than the Beijing ceremony. I just refuse to believe anyone can think that.
she looks like she runs out of EBT in less than a week
I miss the Tokyo opening ceremony where they played video game music instead of this techno shit.
Im in the 99th percentile of human intelligence desu

I’m probably the most intelligent person you’ll ever speak to
The EDM was by far the best part of this opening ceremony
if you were intelligent, you wouldn't be up at 3am in india shitposting on the internet for $5/hr
>Athletes coming in to the victory fanfare of Final Fantasy 7
It will never be topped anon
Been playing a buncha Les Mis after seeing that and this one with a bunch of actors from around the globe is quite fitting:
I do it for fun

You do it because it’s the only way you can socialize

We are not the same
They get paid like $20 a week
You should be used to humiliation rituals by now
There was a whole 40 minute dancing segment with all those trannies.
It looks like NBC blocked all of it.
so much for the first amendment
Who is paying the Indians though?
Your whore mother literally cannot stop sucking my stinky cock, please call her and tell her to stop
America may be fucked but we are still and will never be as big of faggot cucks as Europeans are.
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Europe has a lot of rivers. Many of them looked like commercial cruise barges
>who is behind the posts.webm
>ur mom
I accept your defeat, room temperature IQ holder
Jesus even NBC knew that shit would play terribly here.
Im not sure why youre so upset
Haha, too many conservative religious people watch the opening ceremony. Too risky for advertisers
ubisoft is Fr*nch, which explains a lot
it's you're; so much for high IQ
The live NBC stream showed a lot of it, but they cut away very quickly when papa smurf showed up.
They're liberal but not stupid they know their ratings would plummet
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>Beyonce is now a country singer
>right wing
I'll never give in
>BBC Nation

What did Beyonce mean by this?
You’re the one seething about my mother lmao, chill out homie
> Mexico's boat getting sprayed with Ganges tier water
>person from texas has country accent
anon, are you retarded?
I accept your concession, and your mother does aswell
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At first I thought it was such a weird choice. Whatever you think of Lady Gaga as a performer, that particular number was clearly written as if for a sexy slender woman, not a shorty with chubby arm fat.
Eventually I realized it was probably intentional and whatever homo programmed this was well-fucking aware of how gross it would be.
They have the broadcast rights, no one else does Olympic coverage in the US
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>The Bronze Age
>say a ur mom joke
>I won!!!!!!!!!!!!
no chud lmao
> 20 minutes
Anon, I...
I accept your concession
There are some cool ideas but there is so much shit that is comparable to putting a cherry on top of a turd
>typing it all out
How can the torch stay lit in all that rain?
unironically gasoline
>replying directly to me
I accept your complete and utter defeat chud
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Did they cut the drag queen Last Supper reenactment?
Greek magic
Indian poop oil
FBI said this Orange turd didn't even get shot. It was just sharpnel. What a faking crybaby bitch.
I did not know that Céline Dion was popular in the USA.
Already thousands of comments about her song tonight. People loved it, many comments from America
Thanks the pandemic, there will never be an Olympics with this fuckwit as President.
>Gets on subway
>It dies immediately
That would be fun to watch as long the best of the best are competing. Tired of seeing weak bitches eating a third of the plate before giving up.
So where did they shave the Eiffel Tower so they could put it in the medals? Is there a big hole somewhere on it now?
Argentina has been the whitest boat so far
celine is loved here because of the titanic
>yous are karma
Summer Olympics
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but she's canadian...
Thanks for cutting out a lot of the pozzed shit NBC
Shut up west coast fag
>he replied again
it’s over
Lmao i found your father
>moving the goalposts as fast as you could
Are his fucking smurf balls out
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WTF is this?
It was by far the worst opening ceremony in Olympic history. Zero grandeur, zero spectacle, boats were lame.
IAYC :^)
u 'miring?
So how are the 2028 LA Olympics opening ceremony gonna go?
Dionysos, the Greek God
gang warfare
Polionigger made it the best ceremony
Trump is going to make sure it's epic. He will be front and center.
Fuck Celine Dion. She wouldn't sing at the Vancouver Olympics, in her own country, which probably won't ever be here again, because she was "trying to get pregnant at the time". What the actual fuck kind of bullshit is that. She has zero patriotism for Canada. Fucking traitor.
>he replied again
Is the US broadcast not showing drag queens a >taps the sign moment?
unironically gasoline and gunfire
You can hear the dance music in the background, they are going to pretend it didnt happen
lol he’s gonna lose and die before 2028
>this is the pinnacle of high IQ bantz "for fun"
Cope troon.
No, NBC still knows what side its bread is buttered on. It's all about the shekels
What would your mother say about your behavior
If anything like the Paris olympics it's gonna be GTA themed and include Ryan Reynolds
>Imagine is a staple of the Olympic games

Since when?
lol my cock is bigger than yours I bet
She is a Québec girl my g. Also her first TV and songs were in France. She became popular here, that's why France is a special to her.
Trump will be on his way out since he can only serve 4 more years. But it'll be a good one though.
>he is simply incapable of not replying to me
Uh... dude, your piano is on fire.
Reminder, John Lennon wrote this song in the midst of psychosis where he genuinely believed he was god himself.
He wanted people to leave organized religion and worship him instead
My BWC is 7.5 long and 6 around. I cock mog anyone here.
hopefully more cinematic and not a shitty macy's thanksgiving style parade like this. go back to the stadium venues and put on a real fucking show.
and make it top gun related
>Trump is going to make sure it's epic. He will be front and center.

Trump's going to be making sure his cell in Atltant will be epic for his new boyfriends.
Based, Canada is nothing to celebrate
>She is Quebec
Yes, so Canada, as I said. Her career started in Canada. Where she is from.
Huh that’s actually exactly what mine is lmao
My mother is a huge MAGA fan.
So that whole part with the fat girl and the drag queens before they all started dancing around on the runway was The Last Supper and the fat girl in the middle was supposed to be Jesus? I am getting that right?
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>burning trash barge

like pottery
Nothing sucks more than "Imagine".
>ubisoft is Fr*nch, which explains a lot
Oh yeaaaah.
It's not a cope to say that he's definitely at risk of a heart attack within the next 10 years. Could happen during his presidency if he's elected again.
It was at that time.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to see gender bending homos prancing around like queers.
AI Stan Lee will give a speech about how the athletes are the real superheroes
>Cope troon.

Only Neo Nazi sicko Trump fans use the word "cope".

>maga fan
>no decency
No different than niggers
It's a bummer that a lot of you Americabros didn't watch it live. The live thread was hilarious and everyone was disgusted. There was vomit and racial slurs everywhere. I hope there will be a lot of comfy moments in the coming two weeks.
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>Here's the final stretch of the Olympic flag
>Let's go to a commercial

Fucking NBC
Trump has insane genetics. He has an incredible drive and swing for someone his age. He is built different .

i love this horse athlete like you wouldnt believe
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Is this really any better than speaking German right now?
Is an horse an athlete?
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not at all
She is a morally sound woman. You are probably some degenerate that applauded the satanic smurf drag show.
Why should I care about some fat hoe imitating jesus
>He is built different .

Yeah, he's built like shit. Just like his buildings.
That putting stroke is absolutely atrocious, but it works for him I guess. Like it is quite possibly literally the worst putting stroke in the world.
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Yeah she was huge, an extremely popular household name after that.
>morally sound
>raised a neet chud
Well they choreographed and danced a whole huge routine, but NBC skipped it.
Thats why it feels like this opening ceremony has been sparse, because they quite literally cut 1/3rd of it out.
That's a girl. Look at those skinny arms.
He’s a fat senile diaper wearing adulterer
It's about results.
I was at work unfortunately. Glad I didn't see the full trainwreck though.
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What makes you think anyone cares what you think at all?
it's a model runway you fat idiot
nice high IQ post, Ranjesh
I’m too dumb to understand art bros.
I'm married, have my own home, and business.
Hot armored goth french wife
Not everything is programming for your children. Not everyone cares about kids.
2010? Lmao my city already had 10+ years of" swarmings" by Somalian refugees at that point
So is it safe to say France has the most cucks per capita?
Nothing of what I said was a lie THOUGH
I doubt there'd be an olympics desu
then where are the models
I know. But I also can't not laugh when I see that. It's so fuckin bad lmao
His drive is great but his putting could use work. Still it's pretty impressive, his drive is solid albeit not very long.
They removed the squid games mask
What do the 4 horseman and golden idol bull statue mean? Any smart people here?
How much of this is left? Is it worth starting a new thread?
No that would be your house
Silver chick is hot
>he is still replying
im drunk and high and this ceremony looks fun
did you even watch the bit or did you run to an anime imageboard the moment you saw vague imagery? they had models going up and down for like a solid 15 minutes
>since he can only serve 4 more years.
Who are you?
if it's a model runway then why are there ugly people on it
fuck the cities man, living in a city is shit anywhere in the world
The nutsack hanging out is a really nice touch
>trying to prove yourself on 4chan
This is the most obvious satanic ritual ever broadcast on TV, makes you think
it would be worse. remember: there are no stupid questions, but there are retards like you asking questions
meds now
What a big dumb tower. Fucking stupid tower made by a bunch of dumb french people
What’s the French countryside like?
Assassin's Creed guy ? I think the heavy rain non stop during hours removed some parts of the show. The designer girl said it at French TV without saying much.
In 3 hours Paris had 15 days of rain, it's just crazy.
I suspect a fucking high tech weapon at this point
Full of cigarette butts
Be honest are you non-white? Genuinely be honest.
>Bible references and faggotry for 2 hours
>Haha fake ur meds!!
Remember when people made a huge deal out of Michael Phelps smoking weed and now NBC has Snoop Dogg as one of their correspondents
>high tech weapon
or yknow, that climate change thing people have been warning about
Remember when justin timberlake caused every network to have a 10 second delay on live broadcasts?
Trump could've been a professional athlete when he was younger
He is right that you need meds.
there was only one bible reference
He has bone spurs though
I'd imagine that he'll still die within the next ten years considering that he's fat, vaxxed, and has a shit diet. Golfing can't fix that.
The drag queen shit was the last supper
Whats paris like? Ive only been to italy, never been to france
Based. Hail the cube.
Reminder that the elite are in contact with a cube sending out interdimensional messages from Saturn and worship it like a God. That's what humanity is enslaved for.

Taylor Swift
RuPaul and the drag queens come out and dance around
Pete Buttigeg and his husband hold hands and kiss
Hundreds of thousands of illegals lined up in a row saying the American national anthem
Green Day comes on stage
Brave and stunning.
Monument for abortion advocates
President/CEO of Planned Parenthood shows up
Eminem does 8-mile again then kneels
>Fo rizzle, my nizzle! 1, 2, 3 and to that fo!
Torch is lit by Laverne Cox
Powerful, Stunning, Brave
??? has nothing to do with your original query. but its because designers and show producers need to appeal to a wide variety of demographics
Yeah that’s what I was talking about
makes me think youre an obsessed dip shit
i'm white, what does that mean to you? be genuine, do you leave your house often?
LMAO I thought the same when seeing it live but it's just ripped tights
is kelly clarkson just hitting the blunt
The actual PAINTING of the last supper was painted by an ITALIAN PEDOFAG (da vinci)
That sucked

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