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What SPORT is this mean to represent?
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Avatar 3 is looking zesty
>>You will need to ask the producer of the show (French Jew) But it's probably to celebrate inclusivity and France's cultural richness. Dionysus represents freedom and diversity, fitting with modern values of acceptance and equality.
The straightest man in France just had to make an appearance at the Ol limp dicks
That sex has finally been recognized as a sport
You don't know shit americunt
Modern Olympic Games was founded by Pierre de Coubertin who created the International Olympic Committee in 1894(also made the logo) and its stated mission is to promote Olympism

Olympism is a philosophy that seeks to blend sport with culture, education, and international cooperation. It emphasizes the joy of effort, the educational value of good examples, social responsibility, and respect for universal ethical principles.
The ultimate goal is to use sport as a means of promoting the development of humankind and preserving human dignity.

>Old white man passes the torch to a black couple
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Imagine freezing all those girls in place like in timestop porn, then bringing 20 or so black bulls into the room (they’re all like 6’2” 200 lbs, with six packs, totally jacked) and pumping the whole place full of aerosol aphrodisiacs and mating pheromones before locking the door shut tight for 48 hours with cameras capturing every single angle of what’s happening inside
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Now ask you why they replaced him with a black guy. You are almost there anon, keep it up, soon you will understand it.
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Because he already worked with the directors in another film?
About the fact this has nothing to do with winter or summer, popularity or gold achievements.
They were always going to pick black people to light the torch because in 30 years they can say see this is what french people looked like back in 2024. The most symbolic moment of the games is that one and white people couldn't be the face of it in France, not in this day and age. The same way Phelps will not be the face of 2028

>Are you angry they are blackwashing everything as part of a propaganda campaign
Sure am.

>can't sleep
Kek no wonder you're defending this travesty.

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>ynr that one trophy pissi won

The prestigious Ballon d'Or worthy competition is back

>What is Leagues Cup?
The Leagues Cup is an annual soccer competition between all clubs from Major League Soccer and Liga MX
World Cup format, no ties in groups if tie they go to penalties and the winner gets an extra point

>When does pissi play?

Day one:
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our (leagues) cup
will they rig it again?
POOmASS choking again
i hate pumas and their cocky fans they deserve to be humiliated

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"The first non-white player in the NBA was a 5'7" Japanese from Utah" edition.
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ireshart doesn't know ball and its so clear.
That faggot on the left has zero aura.
Who Stench i missed the meta update
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>most underrated

>phoned in gold, dunk of death team

>most JUST

>prob best starting lineup

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t. The only PissStain Predator fanboy in the world

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Week 0 Schedule
Saturday, Aug. 24

Florida State vs. Georgia Tech (in Dublin, Ireland) | 12 p.m. | ESPN
McNeese at Tarleton State | 3:30 p.m. | ESPNU
Montana State at New Mexico | 4 p.m. | FS1
North Alabama vs. Southeast Missouri State (in Montgomery, Alabama) | 7 p.m. | ESPN
Florida A&M vs. Norfolk State (in Atlanta, Georgia) | 7:30 p.m. | ABC
SMU at Nevada | 8 p.m. | CBSSN
Delaware State at Hawaii | TBA | TBA

previous: >>142802106
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Could the Pac-12 reincarnate as the strongest G5 conference ever?
The MAC (the highest level of midwestern college football) will not sully itself with west coast teams
120 years of rivalry, gone like dust in the wind of conference realignment
wait im retarded, carry on
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Tonight and tomorrow morning
>Basketball (Boomers vs Spain)
>Rugby Sevens medal matches
>Canoe Slalom
>Road Cycling
>Hockey (Kookaburras vs Argentina)
>Beach Volleyball (vs Sweden)
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thing is, the timezones are fucky for us. no way i'm watching sports at 3am for 2 weeks
tokyo was awesome.
9Now and Stan Sport
>finland's youngest olympian is a 14yr old skateboarder who learnt to skate when living in sydney during the lockdowns

Is it that easy to become an olympian? pick some meme sport as a 10 year old and just be the only person who can do it?
What medal events are on today?
Individual country threads like this are not allowed.

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Press S to spit or K to kneel
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3 for 3 shots per minute even in the rain
The only thing hey should have done was not make the transsexual bridge so long and not put a blue retard on it.
c'eSt foutu..

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Do you think people are going to start questioning things yet?
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>boomers are not your average normie but it goes to show how over the top things have become
The concept of 'Normies' has just been destroyed. But then...:
...the word 'Normie' never had the right to exist in the first place, as the above evidence proves. Average Americans not only accepting what they're seeing but fully embracing what they've never seen before. That's normal Americans at a sport that's as normal as apple pie, voting Republican and owning guns.
There is now no such thing as 'Degeneracy'. Liking VTubers is normal. You now only have the right to deal with it.
look at bottom left corner.
It's a show no different than a festival.
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No, ecelebs make shitty amounts of money promoting this crap nowadays and talk positively about it to merely promote their own platform.

In reality, most people at those fields don't give a shit about anything but the Baseball.
Some even psychologically disassociate themselves in these moments.
That's why they have these soulless dead eyes nowadays.
They're brain is turning off.
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>most people at those fields don't give a shit about anything but the Baseball
>massive queues at the Hololive merch stand: where there were more baseball fans than those of Hololive's VTubers
>That's why they have these soulless dead eyes nowadays.
Yeah. Because you'd personally know about that, amirite? Baseball is more popular in that country than Cricket, correct?
Either Hololive has gotten a whole lot more fans or your opinions are wrong. Choose wisely.

Canadians must feel pretty embarrassed by this one. To rub salt in the wound, it was an economic disaster as well.
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Fitting since it was the last gasp of Montreal as Canada's #1 city
Ohnonono pirate bro
Frogs brought their decline on themselves by trying to leave lmao
Considering the direction the country has gone, i'm really sad we didn't leave in 1995.
>Liberals win the second most seats in Quebec from 1997 to 2011, a span of 6 elections
>then Trudeau shows up and the Liberals win the most seats in Quebec in 3 straight elections

If Quebec didn't want this shit they sure have a funny way of showing it

What went wrong?
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I hope Popeyes is paying you well
>Guys, I'm thinking about trannies again
You completely misunderstood what he said. Brush up on your English, ESL
Sweet acronym usage. You are an epic 4channer.

what was the purpose of this scene?
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It's so funny that whenever they try to shove some non-binary person into something you can always tell if it's a man or woman.
what a gross scene, I dont think even gay people liked it.
What the fuck does this have to do with sports?

Volta a Portugal (2.UWT)
Stage 3
Crato - Covilhã (Torre)


GC after stage 2:

Live stats:


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youve seen my sweet french mother on pol? holy BASED
>Rare tommy mommy
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are you a regular here fren?
please don't all anhero tonight frenchies, we know it wasn't you who planned the ceremony, just meditate on happy memories of the tour and it will all be alright
As much as it would pain me personally it would probably be best if we banned all burgerberts for a while

CFFC on now
A1 Combat on now
Tuff N Uff on now
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you can tell it’s a big fat green calendar nigger thread from all the wmma discussion
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Alice Ardelean has a nice butt
ew w qhat the fuck
conceptualize the aroma
>Alice Ardelean
imagine the smell

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How has he played in Manchester United so far? He used to be the GOAT defensive midfielder in Real Madrid, but I didn't see him playing for MU.

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Literally the best part of the opening ceremony
It was the only good part, so yes, it was the best part.
>glorifying murder
isn't that completely against the olympic spirit?

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