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Week 0 Schedule
Saturday, Aug. 24

Florida State vs. Georgia Tech (in Dublin, Ireland) | 12 p.m. | ESPN
McNeese at Tarleton State | 3:30 p.m. | ESPNU
Montana State at New Mexico | 4 p.m. | FS1
North Alabama vs. Southeast Missouri State (in Montgomery, Alabama) | 7 p.m. | ESPN
Florida A&M vs. Norfolk State (in Atlanta, Georgia) | 7:30 p.m. | ABC
SMU at Nevada | 8 p.m. | CBSSN
Delaware State at Hawaii | TBA | TBA

previous: >>142802106
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
Can't wait until camps start and the big media shitheads and social media shitheads cycle through every team and why they're a "dark horse" playoff pick. Late July and Early August are so brutal and frankly gay for /cfb/ discourse.
Big 12 additions be like...
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I for one fucking HATE college football
cool it
bit rude m8
and there it is
HUGE day
Deion does kinda look like a baboon though.
Not in a racist way but it is uncanny
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I'm still sad that Gabriel left but I still wish him well. Hope he gets that Heisman
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>this is the meme the schools that left the Pac 12 almost fell for
>this is what Arizona State's president thought was brilliant and would be better than the Big 12's ESPN/Fox deal
For Apple that's probably pocket change
Apple will be fine, but they shelled out 20 billion with the expectation that streaming investment would eventually pay off instead of being a bottomless pit. "Cutting back spending" means they'll start cutting corners on things like marketing, tech support, production values and infrastructure. If the Pac 12 stayed together after losing USC/UCLA and signed with Apple that would have been devastating for their media partner to immediately scale back on streaming just as your contract with them begins.
cfb is probably one of the few things they could actually get a return on their investment
If Ohio State fires Ryan Day this season where do you think he goes? The Gators should take him
Did Pac 12 have some kind of exclusive streaming deal with Apple or something? Wtf why would you do that?
iirc it was proposed by the commissioner as the conference was imploding
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Reminder that Oklahoma won against Kansas last year. And to prove it, the Sooners should hold off moving to the SEC for one more year to gang rape the Chickenhawks one more time.
I'm sure an all streaming deal would be lucrative for both sides with the B1G or the SEC because they have enough fans who would subscribe as well as huge games that would draw in subscribers from outside of their fanbases. But the Pac 12 didn't have that plus streaming probably would have meant fewer late night games since you're not competing for traditional broadcast windows, which was their biggest appeal nationally.
Last year, shortly before everyone except Oregon State and Washington State left for the ACC/B1G/Big 12, Kliavkoff presented a deal from Apple TV that would have been entirely streaming. It had bonus payouts for hitting certain subscriber amounts and could have reached ACC/Big 12 money with enough subscribers. But the schools were concerned with how viable an all streaming deal was and it turns out they were right to be skeptical.
>Football boomers didn't want to stream football games on apple's no-name streaming service
Shocking. Millennials couldn't even keep Jon Leibowitz in business on apple tv. How could football have any chance there?
Pretty sure they lost this game. I remember because I seethed when they chanted "SEC" when we lost it. Fucking KansASS
Didn't happen. Drake Stoops caught the game winning touchdown as time expired, and Chickenhawks fans started crying.
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Based denial fag. I will start doing this too
Don't worry. Jalon Daniels is a fragile pansy, and they have no other quarterback and a new offensive coordinator. Watch them fall to 3-9 in 2024.
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Reply to this post if you will be /watching/
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Based Tiger bot
Florida is an upswing program, meaning they hire coaches who are rising in their careers. Day is probably better than Kiffin but if Ole Miss gets into the second round of the playoff this year, Florida probably makes a run at him even if Day is also available. If Lane says no, they probably still don't consider Day because he just got fired, even if it was Ohio State who fired him. It's not rational but it's how pride works.
I'll catch a couple of the PAC After Dark games. 10:30PM kickoff on the east coast is great for those of us who are /cfb/ junkies.
>Kiffin accepting a job where he won't be viewed as a god
he's the greatest coach Ole Piss has ever had. Why would he leave the paradise of Oxford to be an also-ran in his school's own state?
>those schedules
they just can't admit that they're already in the MWC. Just swallow your pride and accept the fact that no conference wanted you
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I liked PAC12 after dark games so count me in, anon
The Mountain West is throwing minor hissy fits trying to force WOSU to make a decision now but they'll wait until the last moment looking for a P4 invite to come from somewhere. Everyone knows that if the PAC02 wait until the very last second, the Mountain West isn't going to reject them, regardless of what they say while whining that WOSU won't make a decision now. As a result, there's no pressure for them to make a move yet.
Because Oxford is a nowhere nothing town and Ole Miss has a much lower resource ceiling than Florida, which will become increasingly important in the pay-for-play era. If Lane just wanted to be seen as a local god, he never would have left Florida Atlantic.
I'd still put Freeze over Kiffin. Kiffin has yet to win a game he wasn't supposed to win at Ole Miss compared to Freeze knocking off Bama a couple times. Kiffin has the chance to pass Freeze but he has to win some big games first.
LOL at the barner thinking he bought a diamond for cheap when what he really got was cubic zirconium.
>tfw team is still shit, irrelevant, and everyone hates us
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based doomer
>Sonic is from Oklahoma
Huh, so that’s why it was in To the Wonder.
>zoom zooms have no idea who johnny vaught is
I have bought too much into presearon hype, tell me everything wrong with my irish : ) to bring me back down to earth. I will repeat the favor the best I can if you tell me your team.
>refused to play integrated teams
meme wins and meme championships
All the best teams in 1962 were segregated. And Freeze and Kiffin don’t even have meme championships.
but they refused to play teams that were integrated (ie yankee teams)
>national championship voted on by journos
I haven’t really followed much of the preseason hype at all. All I know is that our teams will play each other for their first game of the season :)
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>All the best teams in 1962 were segregated
>No.1 USC and No. 2 Wisconsin were integrated at the time
dixie education
Segregation aside, modern accomplishments are still more impressive than boomer era accomplishments because the job is a lot harder
>scholarship limits, you can't have a yuge roster of 150+ scholarship players solely to deprive the competition of talent
>shorter timeline to succeed, unless you were terrible you used to get at least 5 years to show you can build a winner but now you only get 2-3 years (with that same short leash Vaught would have been fired before his best years, in his first 5 years he went 9-2/8-1/4-5-1/5-5/6-3-1, today in the SEC if you do great years 1 and 2 then flirt with .500 years 3-5 you're fired)
>have to know how to manage the portal and NIL now
>longer seasons
>now you have to win multiple playoff games to earn a natty, until 1965 (AP) and 1974 (Coaches Poll) the natty was voted on before the bowls were even played
These changes that make coaching harder today outweigh changes that make coaching easier (players arriving to college much more developed and ready to contribute early nowadays, quicker/better injury treatment, far more information available when scouting recruits)
>The Gators should take him
If they were smart, they'd beg on their hands and knees for Mullen to come back. UF has literally only ever been relevant when they've had a scheme autist head coach. Napier is going to be fired this year and they'll restart the same process that's been repeating since Spurrier left in 01.
Also, Ryan Day is whiter than bread. They would never hire him.
>Just swallow your pride and accept the fact that no conference wanted you

*No good conference wants you

MWC sees the writing on the wall. The Pac-2 is going to absorb whoever they want from the MWC as an attempt to ditch the likes of Wyoming and Hawaii (maybe others). WSU+OSU are going to do the same thing to the MWC that the Pac-12 just did to them: leave behind the programs they don't want to play anymore.

If I'm Utah State and New Mexico, I'm praying that our basketball success is enough for the Pac-2 to care.
The teams filled with blacks sucked that year. USC (3 nogs) and Wisconsin (5 nogs) were the most “integrated” and both were over 90% white. Ole Miss had the best body of work in 1962.
>national championship voted on by journos
Check again.
>national championship determined by some autistic formula decades after the fact
An even bigger meme than journalist national championships
Which accomplishments are you talking about? A sugar bowl win? Vaught has 5 of those. An AP top 10 finish? Vaught did that 10 times. Unless you’re just gonna say every head coach today is greater than every head coach in the 60s because muh era, no, Freeze was not greater than Vaught.
Still more championships than Freeze and Kiffin have at Ole Miss, zoomie.
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>seething pississippian
I'm surprised you had the internet connection available to post
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Paul is live
Honestly I expect the game to come down to whos players keep there cool and dont have stupid turnovers or penalties more so then some of the other big match ups(i expect there to be many laughs at both our expense that day), which makes feel good about our veteran laden roster. Although Elko isnt a slouch or a stranger to Texas AM or ND, and I really dont know what the potiental is on the roster. Also I think there is way too much emphasis from fans on the game from our side cuz muh prove SEC bias wrong and we dont have a big matchup to be excited about again till FSU. Could see it being a really physical low scoring game
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No doubt 2PAC wants to cherry pick the best of the Mountain West and perhaps some other G5 conferences too but in order to get the Mountain West to fill out the 2PAC schedule, they had to agree to either take everyone or pay some high penalties for leaving shitters behind. They don't want the 2PAC to do to them what happened to the 2PAC.
Doubt they want to ditch Wyoming. Pic related is a Wall Street Journal estimate of the value of MWC programs though the data is a bit old the order should still be roughly correct.
Here's the fee schedule for raiding the Mountain West but not taking every single member:
Accepting MW Member Institution #1: $10,000,000 ($10,000,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #2: $10,500,000 ($20,500,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #3: $11,000,000 ($31,500,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #4: $11,500,000 ($43,000,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #5: $12,000,000 ($55,000,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #6: $12,500,000 ($67,500,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #7: $13,000,000 ($80,500,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #8: $13,500,000 ($94,000,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #9: $14,000,000 ($108,000,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #10: $14,500,000 ($122,500,000 aggregate)
Accepting MW Member Institution #11: $15,000,000 ($137,500,000 aggregate)
On top of this, the MWC schools would each owe $18 million to the conference, or $36 million if they gave less than a year's notice. If you're Nevada, maybe you hope you do get left behind to collect a $533 million windfall as the only remaining member of the conference.
This assumes the schools leave when the current GOR ends after next season so there will be no GOR issues.
>waaaaaaa how come millennials aren’t paying for the same subscription services I’m paying for don’t they know it hurts my programmmmmmming
Because >we learned how to pirate satellite TV in the early 90s at age 8 and never looked back, Mazda.
w-w-what happens if I don't call...?
Forget it man, it's an aubie unable to admit their school fucked up once again in hiring a coach. He wants Freeze to be Auburn's Saban when he's going to be their Bret Bielema.
He sends Phillis to your house.
Freeze is still Auburn’s best hire ever. Seriously look it up, that’s more of an indictment of who Auburn has managed to attract instead of praise of Freeze’s.
I’ve only been to Mississippi twice, I just know who their best coach is.
A thread or two back there was an anon who said the PAC12 already found a fix for this in that they would invite the entire Mountain West into the conference but have conference rules that automatically expel members who don't meet attendance and viewership numbers. Schools got good at manipulating "attendance" numbers by buying up their own tickets or having boosters do it and counting those tickets, used or not, as attendance. Viewership would be much more difficult to fake since it is calculated by third parties for the advertising industry accustomed to content providers trying to fake their numbers. The bottom four plus Hawaii are probably doomed. They probably find a way to not fuck over Air Force as it's a bad look to screw with any of the service academies but USU, New Mexico, and the Nevada schools probably eventually end up in CUSA.
This all assumes the two PAC12 leftovers don't find a way into the Big XII or maybe even the ACC somehow.
If those four (or five if Hawaii still has a team) did end up getting kicked out, instead of joining Conference USA, they could poach UTEP and New Mexico State and maybe get Utah Tech and/or Southern Utah to move up? That would be a nice little regional conference. The MAC of the West.
How many this year?
also Leonard Riley and Elko are familiar with each other from Duke but I’m not sure how much of an impact if any it will have on the game.
I am going to mississippi to see the vicksburg battle site later this year
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How the fook is Tittman still the head coach of Arkansas? What are we doing here? Urban needs a job. Why won't Jerry Jones, Walmart, or Tyson Foods do something?
>wsu and osu pick off the top 4 MW schools and then grab 2-4 AAC/SBC/WCC schools west of the eastern time zone
>MW has 8 left, speed dials idaho, utep first to go to 10
>pac-x becomes best g6, MW becomes MAC West
The fort sumter museum was kino, literally a bunch of it wasnt actually bc slavery info panels and then a boat with booze taking us there. I hope they havent shitted it up since 2015.
charleston Sc is a fun city. citadel chads walking around, heavily female college of charleston is downtown so southern belles are all over. narrow streets tons of bars.
They are waiting for FSU drama to end to see if cal and stanford can come back. Without clempsus and FSU plus ND affiliation its ogre.
ponies need to get it together fast with NIL and make the playoffs so they have prestige.
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>Pittman @ Pitt State
Even weirder than that is the kid in the second panel 'Chad Plowman'. Sounds like the name of a gay porn star.
If Arkansas has a bad season and lets Pittman go, would they be interested in Gus Malzahn? UCF had a meh season last year but as good run this year could put him on their radar as they tried to hire him away from Auburn back in 2017.
>freshman qb

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>Chad Plowman
That name rules lol
>they just can't admit that they're already in the MWC. Just swallow your pride and accept the fact that no conference wanted you
Ironically BYU had tougher schedules than this after leaving the MWC and going independent
Reminder that if you can't wait another month for football to wake up early tomorrow and watch the Olympic rugby sevens qualifiers. If you haven't seen it, it is like hook-and-ladder: the sport. Pretty entertaining
I better go there before the lost cause myth completely dies.
Right? He’s the midboss of this gym.
How does a tornado feel
>pitt state gorillas
really makes you think
They can get NMSU, UTEP, and go into FCS especially Big Sky if they can get a cohort
They'll all be fine, even Hawaii will find a conference to stay at. It's just going to suck for their pride to be relegated from fucking Mountain West but that's how it goes and they'll find footing
It’ll never die because the “myth” wasn’t really a myth until relatively recently. Now that it is entering into mythic territory, the people who believe take full control of the narrative. That’s the problem with myths, they can’t really be controlled by anyone or any sort of directed effort. They’re controlled by believers and belief tends to only work as directed if ignorance is enforced. The people trying to stamp out the myth cannot enforce ignorance since ignorance can’t be enforced in the Information Age, we can trace slave ship ownership and investment to jewish interests and northern demands, there’s too much out there to scrub and the cat is out of the bag anyway. Slavery wasn’t even outlawed in the north until the war was already won. Even then, there was a ton of pushback and many politicians were removed over the ordeal.

The most dangerous thing a man can become is a myth.
Did Michigan really hire their head coach because he went viral crying about how much he loves Harbaugh?
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Why do Notre Dame fans get the best pussy?
A bit more then that, they are also hoping to immediately take FSU + Clempus' spot if they get out for ACC if Big 12 says no, or if ACC somehow manages to convince some of UCF/WVU/Cincy to move over, or even some of the ACC to Big 12
If you have to pick G5 schools now, like it or not OSU and WSU are the biggest of the remaining ones even over UConn. They are borderline P4 territory, and in better years where television money still allowed for indefinite expansion and schools like UCF, Cincy, Houston weren't picked up OSU and WSU would have already. If ACC stared losing schools they'd actually consider the two
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How do I acquire a Heather Dinich gf?
there was a thread on /v/ for the cfb game a few days ago and I 100% thought I was posting here because a person pretending not to be a bama fan got incredibly mad
be yourself
It’s been a myth since it became embarrassing for one side of the country to realize they fought and lost a war to keep people enslaved, so they retconned other reasons like “taxes” and “tariffs.” The Jewish slave trade is another myth btw.
nigga why
>finally has a QB that can throw checkdowns
I'd say at least 7 wins. They'll be bowl eligible. If Rhule can get some speed on the perimeter, they could compete for the Big 10 in the next few seasons.
all things considered they got a favorable schedule to make a bowl, which means they will go 2-10
>If Arkansas has a bad season and lets Pittman go, would they be interested in Gus Malzahn? UCF had a meh season last year but as good run this year could put him on their radar as they tried to hire him away from Auburn back in 2017.
Would be kino for Gus to go back to Arkansas where his CFB career began
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Exactly. The north fought and lost a war to keep men free, now no one is free. Women fought and died for the right to vote in elections that are rigged. How sad.
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imagine the smell
Still think rugby concepts are the biggest area for potential growth in schemes like option is great and all but you don't really see any mavericks doing stuff like having a hitch route who catches and then immediately laterals it to a runner with momentum
If I could go back in time, I would play rugby instead of football. Maybe I wouldn’t have had six surgeries on my knees and hips and four before I was 30. Rugby concepts won’t work until the “science” shows that less padding and plastic and steel results in less serious injury.
>Maybe I wouldn’t have had six surgeries on my knees and hips and four before I was 30.
Do you regret playing?
>t. middle school dyel that never considered it
the hook and ladder is a well known trick play sadly.
Not really, since I had a high school sweetheart who cheated on her husband with me and I learned sophomore year that I wasn’t as awkward and ugly as I thought I was. These days, the majority of men think lesser of themselves than they should. I may think greater of myself than I should, but if I have the desire to take someone home I can do so easily.

But also when I wake up and I can barely walk and my surgeon says the replacements are coming soon and I look at other people eating…I think “well, it would be nice if I could eat processed slop and it would be nice to stand up without hurting.” But they’re also with ugly fucks.
look at MLS. it barely exists outside of its own apple bubble. trying to squeeze more money out of fewer people is a dumb strategy for sports.
Jesus, that bitch has a shrunken head.
Depends how good of an offense Denbrock cooks up his first year, which will depend on how much he can squeeze out of a middling to bad WR core
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You should have NEVER fired Lovie Smith. That man lives, breathes, and DIES for football in Illinois and you betrayed him. He was on the verge of turning Illinois into a B1G West title contender.
>this general is still pissing and shitting itself over the South being superior
Lol. Lmao even.
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I'm surprised they even have internet in general.
Future's bright.
How hard is it to build a torpedo?
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>black QBs
>Stanford stadium once seated 89,000
>now seats 50,000
>had attendance as low as 23,000 last year
What happened? Did they seriously just become too intelligent to care about football? If so, why do they kick ass at so many other sports?
This is a real /cfb/ nigga. Count me in
8 winds. My huskers are back
ncaa 03 is better because i dont actually need to know anything about football i just air it out and run it up the gut
Mostly Asians now.
Stanford is elite at Olympic sports because they are ideal fits for their student body. Those are played by either rich kids or kids who know they're going pro in something other than sports. They get plenty of donor/alumni support because their alumni like bragging about how many Olympic medals are won by Stanford athletes. They also don't have much competition for some of the sports they play.

If you're good enough to be an Olympian in a sport that doesn't offer much in the way of a career you should get a Stanford degree instead of a Meme State University degree because the Stanford degree will open doors an Arizona State or TCU degree will not. Conversely, if you're a football or basketball player with pro potential your career path might be enhanced enough at a 90% acceptance rate school to make it worth passing up Stanford.
>why do they kick ass at so many other sports
stanford is full of kids whose parents pay for private fencing lessons or niche shit like that so they can pad their application.
how much of a shitshow will this cfb season be?
it's probably going to be a smooth season. There's going to be like 30 schools thinking they can get into the playoffs. It will be kino.
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My confusion here is that surely a Stanford degree is hard as fuck to get? So not only do you have to be elite at some meme sport, you also have to be upper upper crust academically. Seems strange to me there would be a ton of overlap there. If I were good at rowing I still wouldn't want to go to Stanford because I wouldn't be smart enough.
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>my school used to be able to end a pretty good season with a nice owl win
>now our pretty good seasons will end with getting blown the fuck out of the playoffs
Expecting georgiawinslol for the next 3 or 4 years while the chaos around NIL gets settled 2bh.
bowl season hasn't been good for like 10 years. the playoffs will be better. They should expand to like 64 teams though.
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>being a kid and having bowl season kick off with something like North Texas vs Toledo
How is that bunker being powered? I see a television, lights, and heated drink. Not to mention the TV says the world is collapsing, so imagine the power grid would be down: Appliances don't power themselves. I also don't think couch cushions and blankets on sticks would be able to withstand the likely windchill or keep that room warm in the snow.
How are you feeling about the Sooners this year? Conversely, how is everyone else feeling about them? Any forum Boomers turning on Venables yet?
>(((Intrinsic Value)))
What is this?
Through the power of friendship and the light of Christ. They have actually been Raptured and are in Heaven. That's just their own personal Heaven.
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They're frogs. It's all powered by kek.
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>/cfb/ recruits are in the game
is Knigga in it?
Lots of dumb people get 4.0 GPA's if they just tick all the boxes, which people who know they want to go to Stanford do.
>Stanford degree
>hard as fuck to get
you learn the same shit at every school, it's just the caliber of people you're surrounded with. Look up how bad grade inflation is at Ivy League schools. Places like Stanford and the Ivies hand out A's and B's like candy. There are very few places that don't suffer from this phenomenon, particularly tech schools
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>Letting out a long slow fart that ends with a bit of shit coming out, a pause, and then a bit more audible shit a second later
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The last month before the season starts always drags on the longest
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How long before one of the conferences that eliminated divisions brings them back?
That would almost guarantee your season ends with a loss, which is bad enough as is.
I love Charleston, great fucking town.
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End all bowls that aren't part of the playoff and grant all programs the ability to schedule one post-season game. Just like regular season OOC games, let the schools themselves decide who they're going to play, the contract terms, who hosts, etc.
>But then teams with losing records will have games
College football is really weird in that it has a built in mechanism to discourage parity by restricting teams with the worst records from getting extra practice and an extra game of experience each year. I understand how it originated in the days when there were only a handful of bowls and even top twenty-five teams missed out on the post-season but we don't travel primarily by stream locomotive anymore so why keep in place a restriction from that era?
>It's a reward for a winning season!
A 6-6 CUSA team playing a 7-5 Sun Belt team in some decaying town whose Chamber of Commerce thinks a bowl game will magically bring industry back is not much of a reward. Letting non-playoff teams, including those with losing records, to set their own post-season game would be much more of a reward than playing someplace like Shreveport.
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>complaining about more cfb during the Christmas season
>complaining about more opportunities for players to showcase their abilities for the portal/NFL
bowlet, you are hereby banned from the Isleta New Mexico Bowl
DEI coach couldn’t count players with Ohio State on the line
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>all the thirdies seething over olympics, shitting up the board
week 0 cant come soon enough
>moves to austin and starts wearing faghorn gear all the time
T-shirt fans are unknowable to me
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Check out Yazoo, where the Greatest Texas A&M president fought the darkies
>In March 1864, Ross's brigade fought against African American soldiers for the first time in the Battle of Yazoo City. After bitter fighting, the Confederates were victorious. During the surrender negotiations, the Union officer accused the Texans of murdering several captured African American soldiers. Ross claimed two of his men had likewise been killed after surrendering to Union troops.[63]
Not sure how you got the complete opposite out of what I wrote unless you work for a bowl committee as what my post advocated for would be about double as many post-season games as we get now. I'll assume you were drunk or a Middle Tennessee graduate rather than trolling.
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>week 0
My autism makes me absolutely hate calling it week zero. It's week one, even if only a small number of games are on during that week.
Which also brings up the question of what day of the week is the break between weeks? Monday games are considered part of the week the just completed weekend was part of. Thursday games are part of the coming weekend's week. But about Tuesday or Wednesday games?
Weight is correct, but most of the posters here are under 6' in height
>yuro soccer fag tournament into the olympics
It’s an /int/ernal summer
You’re talking about ratios of students getting each grade, not how hard getting that grade is.
I didn’t even realize it was in two days. I find politics is the best current sport so I’ve been focusing on Biden and Kamala.
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New roster limits going into effect for the 2025-26 seasons
>football 105
>men's and women's basketball 15
>baseball 34
Schools can provide full rides for all of these, eliminating walk ons. They are not required to use them all so you'll likely see P4 schools up at the limit while G5 schools don't go up much from where they are now (85 scholarships). It's a huge win for baseball since they currently only get 11.7 scholarships to divvy up among the whole roster.
>they are not required to use them all
why wouldn't schools just give out the max number of scholarships and eliminate the "walk on" altogether? Is it to save money?
Pretty much, which is why I said the schools with money will use them all while the poorfags won't. But there are more costs than just the additional football scholarships. More men's scholarships mean they'll need to give out more women's scholarships too thanks to Title IX so that also has to be factored into it.
Ivy League schools other than Princeton all hold that their grade inflation is reasonable because a person who attends an Ivy League school "shouldn't be punished for being successful", meaning if you would earn an 'A' in Calc I at the University of Alabama, that level of knowledge should also earn you an 'A' for the same course at an Ivy League school. To do otherwise would effectively punish the student for being able to make it into the better school. They claim because their student body is made up of better students than a school like Alabama, that's why it's reasonable for 2/3rds of grades issued to be 'A' while the grade distribution at public schools like Alabama is more even.
You can find a lot of articles on the subject but here are some starting points.
>upping roster numbers and scholarship limits
What's the NCAA's endgame? Is competition to compete at the collegiate level dying?
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And since many schools are approaching a 2:1 female:male sex ratio, Title IX requires athletic scholarships to reflect that. 85 scholarships for football means 170 offsetting scholarships for women. Now that baseball has upped their limit to 34, some schools will have to give out 68 offsetting scholarships for women. For less wealthy schools, it's easier to just drop some male sports or not use all the scholarships up to the limit rather than pay out two female scholarships for each male scholarship.
There's also a new requirement that all FBS schools fund at least eight sports for women, so it's not like anyone can just pare back to football and basketball. You must have eight women's sports at the very least. We'll see how much the crumbs from the CFP are worth to the G5 bottom dwellers, along with cupcake money, but don't be surprised if some schools take the Idaho route and step back to FCS. There's less cupcake and CFP money but the scholarship limits and program minimums are lower too.
This was a request from the autonomy conferences so the NCAA's motivation probably is to keep them from breaking away.
didn't know that Title IX took gener ratio enrollment into account with its athletic scholarship policies. I imagine alot of those smaller FCS schools that have blown past the 2:1 female:male ratios over the last decade may just drop to D3 or drop sports period
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Some of those schools are in a rough spot because young men simply aren't attending universities in the numbers they used to, which is part of the reason why the ratio is getting so lopsided. Administrators know that guys like sports so they think by expanding their sports programs and moving them to high levels of competition, it will attract more male students. That becomes costly though when each male athlete has to carry on his back two female athletes. Also it's somewhat questionable how much young men today are into the tradition sports universities sponsor.
Young men see university degrees as a poor value proposition. Since administrators won't cut tuition or fees, they can't address that issue. They also see the curriculum as being anti-male. Administrators and faculty are also unwilling to do anything about that. Same for conduct requirements and the system of student/faculty courts schools have for dealing with complains against male students. Adding sports is about the only thing administrators are willing to do to try to get male students back but if you're not a top school in athletics, it quickly can become a quite large fiscal drain on the budget.
University of Hartford went through this exact problem a couple years ago
>gender ratio is 57:43 F:M
>Enrollment: 3,844
Big Ten confirms they will produce a new version of the 'Map' commercial with all the new schools added.
The now outdated version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TILStesGd4g
That's across the board. Every single big school was celebrating having more women than ever before each year and having the highest percentage of female students than ever before until one day they quietly stopped bragging about it. A few universities are back to being male-majority, but not many.
Again, you’re referring to grade ratios, not how difficult getting that grade is. Just clicking your link, do you really think it’s easier to get an A at Southern Polytechnic State University than Georgia Tech? Of course not, but a higher ratio of students may get an A a GT.
I believe what Ivy League presidents have said on the matter rather than the emotional whining of some easily impressed kid on a Swedish Meatball Recipe forum.
>until one day they quietly stopped bragging about it
outside of the top 20-30 schools in the US, affirmative action unironically benefited men. Administrators just never openly said it
>a few universities are back to being male-majority, but not many
outside of tech schools, I can't think of any
Ohio State, Texas A&M, Pedo State, a few others I can't recall.
I agree with the presidents anon. You just didn’t comprehend what they said.
Call Paul
>Paul called Clemson too arrogant and mid to join the SEC
they kick ass at olympic sports because rich people, can't really blame them for shifting their focus to those
bad news
one month until college football returns
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>texass university
When you see how their campus military act against anyone who talks bad about Israel it all starts to make sense
Lincoln Riley talks about potentially ending the USC-ND "rivalry" game
who is even supposed to be good this year I have paid literally 0 attention this offseason
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i'm dumb af but I'm not gonna fall for THAT
What Division 1 FBS Power 5 college football player is this
>They also see the curriculum as being anti-male
I went to college for four years and I still don't understand this complaint
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WHO /comfy/ HERE?!
I think it's mostly from guys that were late signing up for courses and had to take the shittiest and gayest classes left for their art/culture/bullshit credits.
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While ND likes having a game in California, doubt they'll have any trouble replacing USC on their schedule. On the other hand, doubt Riley gets a warm reception from USC alumni over the idea.
I hate fats.
Well I was until I saw that ugly face
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1-6 vs top 5 opponents
if that doesn't earn you an oof and a yikes what does
>highest win percentage of all time
nothin personnel kid
Expanded playoffs very well may have saved this man's career
is following BC worth it if I live in Boston or should I pick a bigger school
I don't have any connections to anything outside of New York or New England
how did you pick your school /cfb/?
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For me it's Hudson Clement
Fuck this gay sport. I hope TV are going to kill it if they keep trying to milk every dollar out of it. The playoff was the worst damn thing to ever happen
It's pressure on Notre Dame to join the B1G already, where USC/ND would be a protected game played yearly. They won't join until their hand is forced. It would be if their only opponents left were ACC left behinds after all the good teams are poached, service academies and G5 shitters.
4 team playoffs were GOATed. You’re a faggot if you didn’t want to see USC and Auburn play in 2004 or Miami and Oklahoma in 2000 or Michigan and Nebraska in 1997 or all the other matchups we lost because we didn’t have a 4 team playoff.
Killed bowl season, and its spawn is going to kill confrence championships and regular season upsets. Anyway the real problem is greed killing tradition and I think its gay
He went 7-3 last year which was a huge improvement over the previous year. We'll see how he acclimates to SEC (personally, I'm expecting a rocky start) but I'm with him all the way currently. We have a decent QB with room to grow and a kick ass new conference so I'm optimistic
We never get the 06 Fiesta Bowl if 4 team ploff was a thing then
Loud, mostly. Gf's home was destroyed while she was in it during the 2010 tornado in Moore. She described it as being hit by a train without being hit by a train, if that makes sense
coach PRIMATE is an overrated mediababby.
Just a black Mike Gundy
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>ND is finally being strongarmed and their arrogant fans btfo
The only good thing to come of cfb's death
>left behinds
so sick of this fAggy meme
We will affilate with Yormark and replace PooSC with Colorado(Cats vs Convicts 2.0) and it will dwarf all other game ratings
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Excuse the garbage formatting, but here's a bar chart of all the public FBS athletic department budgets in descending order. (Note: 2022-23 fiscal year, new conference alignments, PAC-2 on both charts for reference)

>Ohio State is by far the most well-funded athletic department. Might change once Texas gets the SEC media money though
>Clempus and fugg shit university are budgeted like proper B1G/SEC teams, even though they might not get into either
>Washington, the most well-funded public PAC refugee, is only mid in the new hierarchy (and will be lower on half a media share)
>Miss St has shit funding in the SEC
>OSU/WSU are significantly underfunded compared to the rest of the P4, but are significantly ahead of 99% of the G5
>San Diego State and UConn are funded like low-tier P4s already
>MAC and CUSA are the poorest conferences, SBC not far ahead

Keep in mind that Oregon State's budget is around $90m and Wazzu's $85m (10m less each) for the next two years due to media money shortfalls. This is also data reported prior to the media deal renegotiations, so B1G budgets will spike like 30m+ and B12 budgets will see a marginal 10m+ bump.
Funding changes year-over-year and isn't a really good indicator of what is and is not a "wealthy" program. You may not see budgets improve excepting in instances of construction/renovation or coach upkeep.
And you'll still watch while screaming you'll never watch again, just like white boomers did with the NFL when blacks started kneeling during the National Anthem.
BC has its moments but in general they're that girl who was a six in high school that hooked up with chad a couple of times but now is married to an average guy, is middle age, and put on some weight but isn't a ham planet. She makes a bit of effort but not too much. She's ok with that. Her husband is ok with that.
You can be content following a school like BC. Maybe once a decade, you'll get to enjoy a significant achievement but you're not going to be basking in reflected glory all season long like a Bama fan. You'll be able to attend the games without much trouble or expense. You could do much worse and its local so might as well do it.
I bought cb25
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It's interesting that in the P5 the only obvious drop off is between Ohio State and everyone else but I've seen these charts before and Ohio State isn't always first. I'm guessing they had a large one-time expense that's factored into the year covered. Beyond that, the slope is mostly gradual, making a cut-off point difficult. There is a small drop-off and slope increase starting at West Virginia so if you really wanted to toss some programs down into G5land, guess that's where you'd put the dividing line.
Things are much clearer over in G5land, with the top four clearly sticking out from the rest but like with Ohio State, some of this could be due to an outlier year. Also spending lots of money on non-revenue sports while starving football is somewhat common at smaller programs so it would be good to see a five year average of football spending.
Some in the G5 could also argue that if they were P4 they would be able to spend more and thus would be in-line with those programs. Memphis in particular has claimed for a long time to have significant local money lined up to fund facility upgrades if they got into a P4 conference. Schools like UCF and Cincinnati seem to show that you have to make the leap of faith and spend the money first and then use that to ascend instead of the other way around.
Do we talk about cfb 25 here, or is that verboten? I'm new to it and generally just trying to figure out how to do Dynasty
It's the offseason so the thread is pretty liberal on what can be discussed. There are several others here who are playing the game so you should be able to get someone to reply if you have a question.
> all but guaranteed wins against anyone who isn't Michigan or the SEC because of talent disparity
yeah, not impressive
>how did you pick your school /cfb/?
'Why I support my team' Power Rankings
Current player
Former player (graduated)
Undergrad diploma
Former player (did not graduate)
Grad diploma
Work for the school
Dropped out (undergrad or grad)
Child attends currently
Child graduated
Child dropped out
Parent graduated
Parent dropped out
Worked for the school in the past
Live in the college community
Lived in the college community
Live in the state
Lived in the state
Like some aspect of the school or program not related to winning (e.g. UAB's dragon is a pretty good mascot)
They win a lot, which makes me feel like my miserable life means something if I cheer for them even though I have absolutely no connection to the school at all.
What about "Family member was prominent player"?
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If it's a child, one step above "child dropped out". If it's a cousin or some other relative, one step above "they win a lot".
After "they win a lot" add
>They lose a lot, which makes me identify with them because I too am a loser. It makes me feel good to see people like me on tv in a place of prominence. I call this "rooting for the underdog" and pretend its for any reason higher on the list when it's really just what was stated in the previous sentences.
He's my Brother in law, though he lives thousands of miles away now lmao
Bowls were still around, and that’s the spawn’s fault.
>#8 vs #10
Because why?
>that doesn’t count, you recruit too well!!
I’ve been wearing cloghes for my school since I was 0.
Why play an evenly matched game between good teams when you could be losing to #1 overall
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Guys know the truth. Collapse stage of civilization
More like black Chad Morris
They're the third best Tigers team in the SEC
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Tigerbro are 4ever (except on game day).
The commissioner of SoCon (the Southern Conference from which the SEC and ACC were born) has leaked out that the conference commissioners have approved of the P4 being able to form their own division with its own rules and governance. This keeps the P4 conferences within the NCAA but gives them even more autonomy over their affairs.
#8 and #10 wouldn’t make a 4 team playoff. Did you ever actually watch the 4 team playoff? It’s between the top 4 teams, hence the name.
After undergrad diploma, “wife/girlfriend graduated from there (and is not a rival)” needs to be stuck in.
>nobody here has a wife or girlfriend
Eh, the girl I’m fucking went to Arizona State.
Wife is alumni goes between Child graduated and Child dropped out. Girlfriend alumni is above Live in the college community.
I'd say you're missing quite a few reasons in your ranking, biggest is being a current student.
I'd also include a sibling attending, maybe if a grandparent/other extended family attended, a team that used to win a lot (rooting for Nebraska hoping for them to return to glory), living/lived in the city or near the school (unless that is what's meant by college community), and it's the closest school even if it's another state (for example living in eastern Oregon and rooting for Boise St or living in west N. Carolina and rooting for Clempus/Tennessee).
This might fall under 'like some aspect of the school or program not related to winning' but organizational/religious affiliation could be also be included. Stuff like I'm in the Air Force/Navy/Army so I root for that academy, or I'm a Catholic/Mormon/Baptist so I root for Notre Dame(or BC)/BYU/Baylor.
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In that case, there needs to be more of a flowchart than power rankings.
I feel like for me its way more consistency then it is reason. If you are a fan, you better ride or die (unless something terrible off field happens like pedo state or something). If you are trailer trash support dem tigas, plastic paddy rooting for the irish, or a resident of the state of ohio, its all good. Just dont switch because they are in a down year/decade. Consistency is better then purity
It's not a bad list as a start. I got bored a year or so ago and came up with a much longer list but kept coming up with different edge cases. Ultimately, it really comes down to people who have never completed a class at a university they root for shouldn't talk shit to those who have class credit at that school or a rival school.
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Excellent chart, anon.
Let’s see your list.
What's thr next cope from fandoms that wish Alabama (the main character of CFB) would fall off?
Auburn needs to be put down... permanently.
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Alabama is a poverty state and the wealth of its fans is puny compared to other blue bloods and blue blood wannabes. The era of being able to openly pay for players is the end of Alabama as a major program.
will he fix Milroe or will he turn back into a pumpkin, costing bama an important game?
A QB having a repeated issue with illegal forward passes is really bizarre
>black QBs
They have the #1 recruiting class for next year and their new head coach has the best w/l ratio in the country. Kalen will be Kirbys, Sarks, and Ryan's new daddy. Cope?
i only remember him doing it during that game but its still nuts that he did it twice during the same game lol.
Inertia but that won't carry Alabama for very long in this age of free agency. Three years from now Alabama will struggle to keep above .500 as all their good players have been purchased by other schools and transferred out. Husky Harsin will be on his way back to NAIA, which is where 2/3rds of his current win total came from.
Head canon shit is wild. Guessing Bama scarred you and your favorite teams asshole in the past.
Who is their QB2? Ty Simpson still?
>I'm happy to be HERE (echo) *long pause*
Coach primate hehe
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hold up - when did UCLA hire Bienemy to be associate HC/OC?!
>let's hire a black coach so he can attract all that hot young nigger ballers
>hires the most milquetoast faggot on earth, probably has anal fissures from getting railroaded down at the bathhouse
Damn, Nasheed was right about everything.
I have no clue what point you're trying to make here. "IF THEY LEAVE NOW THEY HAVE TO PAY $137 MILLION!" no shit, they're just going to wait 2 years and then leave for free when the Grant of Rights expires.

There's a reason WSU/OSU only have 4 non-conference games scheduled in 2026 and beyond. They're going to raid the MWC free of charge. Everything is already in place. Now it's just a matter of "do the MWC schools want to do this"
Didn't realize CFB was a case where a villain is the main character, interesting.
What exactly is your definition of "compete"?

It's an 18-team conference and they're nowhere close to a Top-4 program from a coaching or recruiting perspective.
He could recruit but he couldn't coach. Bielema will run the program into the ground after winning with Lovie's kids.
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Always has been.
He asked for cope, I gave him cope.
To continue, those familiar with Saban's thinking say that he's scared of Heupel and that's the real reason why he retired.
>being successful means you have to be bad

Actual villain mentality
Saban buck broke him. The dude acted like a bitch after the game during his press conference last year. He won't survive.
You're conflating GOR, exit fees, and the schedule contract WOSU signed with the Mountain West. They're all three different things.
Hopefully soon with the Big Ten.

Div 1: Pac-4, Mich, MSU, OSU, Rutgers, PSU, MD

Div 2: Big Ten West + Indiana

Don't add nobody, just have a 10/8 imbalanced division.
DeBoer turned an Indiana reject into a Top-10 pick.

He will do wonders at Bama.
>To continue, those familiar with Saban's thinking say that he's scared of Heupel and that's the real reason why he retired.
why would he be scared of Heupel?
Chip Kelly left at a bad time to hire a replacement. All the good potential hires were already off the carousel. I'm sure UCLA would have targeted Jedd Fisch if he was still available but he had already accepted the Washington job. Foster was already on staff as Kelly's RB coach so that helped keep portal losses low. UCLA probably looked at is "We can get this guy cheap for a few years and if he sucks the B1G checks will be rolling in by that point so we can swing for the fences with the next hire."
the important question: will there be a chance at refunds?
No refunds was such a fun meme. I can't believe Michigan State actually got a refund.
Call Paul
Him getting caught brought some good memes too.
>I was masturbating but it was consensual
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>tfw your no refunds policy gets voided
Have you see him? He's missing a couple of chromosomes or something. As a good Catholic man, Saban probably thinks Heupel is some kind of demon.
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>All the good potential hires were already off the carousel
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who gets a HC job again first - him or Petrino?
>Indiana reject
He was awesome at Indiana though, he just couldn't stay healthy.
Crippled by brain spiders
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My Goofers are winning the B1G this year.
He also wasn't a 'reject,' Deboer was the QB coach at indiana and Penix followed him when he became hc
The literature
Won't even be bowl eligible.
So far dynasty experience tells me I'm at the right setting at all American.

Me sharty got rekt by tosu and mich, beat a cocky Oregon(fly routes into cover 2 man multiple pics) lost a close to Maryland and won the rest. The back shoulder no look picks by CPU against tosu and mich slaughtered me.

Rankings are wonky as af
Fcs teams get injured every other play.
A small difference in stats is massive in game
Teams do have their own identity in play style massively
I'm two weeks away from postseason and if I win out it's impossible to know if I'm playoff bound bc upsets are the norm. Rank #15.
Recruiting feels cheesable but I haven't really cheesed it bc old habits
Transfer risk for Aiden Chiles is super high despite using him as a duel threat. I don't really understand the transfer risk stuff.
Add Rolovich and Harsin to the list of radioactive coaches. Which pops up at a G5 school first?
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What did he actually do at Auburn that would make him radioactive? Another coach that is definitely on the radioactive list is Todd Graham
let him be an alcoholic in peace
Even though most people want to pretend they didn't go insane about it, he still has anti-vaxxer stink on him despite being in compliance with the university's policy which itself was in compliance with federal requirements. There's also the weirdness of Auburn needing to fly an intern to Boise to repo the university SUV from Harsin's driveway.
Petrino is in his 60s. Doubt he gets another P4 HC job. He could get another at an FCS school instantly but apparently isn't interested. The real question is if he's willing to be satisfied with winding up his career at a G5 and is that better to him than just being a coordinator at Arkansas. He might like it in Fayetteville and not want to move again.
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>There's also the weirdness of Auburn needing to fly an intern to Boise to repo the university SUV from Harsin's driveway.
lmao thats kinda awesome
did that dude seriously still have a house in boise while he was coach at auburn? If so I finally understand the "he never belonged there" argument
Kek. Did cfb actually fall for experimental gene therapy?
SEC shilled it harder than anyone bizarrely enough
they ran tv ads about it in 2020-2021
If you commit to the University of Kansas to play football, you've sentenced your football career to death.
Imagine being 6'6 230 at 18yo
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>Aqib Talib
>Dorance Armstrong Jr.
>Chris Harris Jr. (undrafted)
>3 good players in 20 years on the next level


*30 years
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Yes. Universities are filled with leftists who loved all that pandemic shit. They flipped out because Harsin refused to do a commercial pushing the shots like Saban did. How could they show their faces to their colleagues and fellow students at other schools when their coach wasn't willing to push everyone to get the shots? It was humiliating for them.
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at least the people on the sidelines didnt really take the mask stuff seriously
I haven't forgot many schools denied admission if u didn't get vaxed.
My 96 yo great grandma got covid twice, bless her soul. A straight shooter hates degenerates esp within family but thinks it's still Kennedy Dems.
>they fell for the muh playing time pitch
I'd rather be warming the bench at bama than starting at kansass
Football players are also gods at Alabama. In Kansas you'll get asked if you know any of the basketball players.
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the neck brace and huge pads need to make a comeback to football
Everything seems to be going in the opposite direction.
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He died for our sins
>sieg heil
Why is this allowed?
Dumb people have a constitutional right to ann arbor. That's why emu exist.
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>michigan weather is always cloudy
>i know, let's have a gray field
the fuck your depth perception field
Wonder how much of Eastern's enrollment are people who never had a chance at getting into UM and how many are kicked out UM students trying to get their GPA up so they can return.
To be fair half of everyone at MSU, uofm, wmu, cmu, emu are from metro Detroit which unless their dad went to MSU they grew up with a Michigan man dad
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a refund to last for a 1000 years
Can we talk about how if you’re a decent student in B1G states you have to settle for directional schools, while the same grades and test scores would get you into every SEC school not named Vandy?
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gettin' awfully tired of waiting
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its almost here anon. just wait a little bit longer
It's worse in California. You basically have to be a scholarship athlete, a rich kid or a valedictorian to get into USC, UCLA or Calford. Even some of the G5 schools can be picky there. San Diego State has a 39% acceptance rate because so many kids want to go there since San Diego is an awesome place to live if you have subsidized student housing. California not having enough universities for the amount of high school students it graduates has fueled enrollment growth at other Western states because they send so many kids out of state.
Its true, Im currently trying to work my way back to a cal school and Im going to have to pull every lever Ive gotten from working with people whove graduated there/know the school.
I got into cal poly, and that was probably my finest academic achievement. You can't be some slacker to get into sdsu, cal poly, or half the UC system (at least if you're getting in by merit and not jewgolds).

The major you declare also changes your admissions chances. Things like engineering tend to have 5-10% lower acceptance just because they have so much competition, and a good engineering degree is basically a cheat code into the middle/upper middle class.

colorblind anon here, what am I missing?
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Grey turf, the logo and end zones are green
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Yes. The summer deadzone for sports will be over soon enough.

.. wait a minute. how did you know the pic had something to do with color?
Dead period is already over. There are recruits going on visits this weekend. It starts back up in a few days for camp though.
Will Apple allow the Stalions-Manifesto-app into the app store?
>muh marketing stunt because we suck and can't compete with the P4
all non-green fields should be outlawed. And Boise State's field should be torched
many SEC schools (Alabama, UK, LSU, Ole Miss) also offer substantial scholarships to out-of-state students if they do the bare minimum test score/GPA-wise. I fucked up not taking that offer when I had the chance and went to a dreary, sausage-fest tech school instead because >muh rankings
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Coach Rhule complaining the NCAA won't let him hang out and have some private time with high school girls.
Learn to play a sport well. Then you don't have to settle. Michigan will let you be an illiterate drooling retard if you're a top notch receiver.
Problem is they were going to a sports fund drive with a bikini car wash
A few weeks ago the news was that only the SEC picked Apple and everyone else was using Microsoft Surface tablets. Guess Apple's marketing department didn't like seeing that reported in Big Ten and ACC country.
Yet another reason to hate the NCAA.
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They didn't want a repeat of the "Baylor Incident".
....Pop-tart bros....
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Why did this happen?
the Big East is never coming back anon
2007 was when we entered an alternate universe.
If Silver Linings from Guards isn't the song of choice for this commercial then get that gay shit out of my face.
He can't finish his contract as Head Coach. He needs to resign.
Who was on that South Florida team? Why were they so good? I know they ended 9-4 or something but I can't remember anyone
Outside of George Selvie I don't remember them having anyone noteworthy.
Looking over the roster, no one really stands out. A few guys appear to have gone on to play in the CFL or other non-NFL leagues. From the stats, it looks like they were a very well balanced team with few stars.
I still can't believe West Virginia slipped against Pitt. They should have won the natty that year.
Kansas let it slip against fucking Mizzou. That was their only chance ever to win a natty.
Kansas didn't let anything slip, Mizzou was better than them all year and played a harder schedule. It was beyond retarded that Kansas got put into the Orange Bowl ahead of Mizzou.
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>Juice leading my Illini over then-No.1 OSPoo in Columbus on the way to a Rose Bowl appearance
lads...take me back....
I forgot all about that conference desu, even when I look back on college football over 15 years ago, I barely remember the Big East.
What a weird year. Auburn lost at home to then unranked South Florida and then later in the same month went into The Swamp and beat #4 Florida.
How many teams ranked #2 lost that season upon gaining that rank? Seemed like almost every week it happened.
The ACC would very much like for you to forget that conference ever existed or why it fell apart and instead focus on something else like the Big Ten luring away teams from the PAC12.
Reddit doesn't know humans are primates? Talk about being anti-science.
#2 in particular happened 7 times, and all in the latter half of the season. #1 lost 4 times, and there were multiple weeks where #1 and #2 both lost.
If they beat Missouri they would have had to beat Oklahoma next in the CCG. 2007 Kansas were some of the biggest schedule babbies in the history of the sport.
>no OU (1st in Big 12 South)
>no Texas (2nd)
>no Texas Tech (3rd)
>all Norf teams besides KU and Missouri finished below .500
>joke nonconference slate of Central Michigan, Southeastern Louisiana, Toledo and Florida International
>best regular season wins were 7-6 Oklahoma State and 7-6 A&M
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Set divisions were a fuckup that lasted far longer than they should have. If the SEC hadn't found that obscure passage in the NCAA rulebook that was intended for allowing the lower NCAA divisions to hold conference championships, no one would have been dumb enough to create conference divisions in FBS. Once the SEC exploited it to create a conference championship and everyone saw how lucrative it was, everyone wanted one and split into divisions regardless of if they made sense or not. The NCAA could have done away with that requirement but instead they stuck by it, only relaxing when the Big XII cried it was unfair to them.
There were two issues with divisions at the time they existed. If they still existed there would be a third issue of divisions basically becoming their own conferences due to size, causing cross-division games to be very rare.
>potentially imbalanced (huge problem in the B1G and the Big 12, not as much of a problem in the SEC but they still had stretches where one side was clearly superior, Pac 12 Norf was better than the Souf most years but 9 conference games with only 12 teams minimized problems since you only missed 2 teams each year)
>scheduling could be really lucky or unlucky because conferences didn't want to acknowledge some programs are just better than others and thus you should schedule in a way that fairly distributes games vs the best teams instead of just throwing crap at the wall
The Big 12 could have solved the second problem by guaranteeing every Norf team had to play either Texas or Oklahoma. They played 3 cross-division games and the divisions had 6 teams so the math checks out, but the other Souf teams would have got butthurt at the conference officially recognizing who ran that division. The first problem is harder to solve because geography is responsible for it. You can separate the top teams like the B1G did with Leaders and Legends but they were relentlessly clowned for that plus it's hard to remember who is in what division with any setup that isn't based on geography.

You can also blame Nebraska for a lot of this. If they had their shit together in the Big 12 the gap between Norf and Souf would not have been so large. If they had their shit together in the B1G the West wouldn't have been a tallest midget competition. Both conferences thought the cornfags would stop rolling around in their own feces eventually and they were both wrong.
Opt-outs weren't nearly as bad in the BCS era. They've ramped up since the 4 team CFP and will only get worse with the expanded ploff.
>Summer "commitments"
Means nothing. At least half of these shits that committ this early end up flipping to another school.
If the Spring Game was any indication, they're going to be re-implementing Rees's scheme
For me, it's the game where he committed intentional grounding but Gary Danielson said some bullshit about the LOS extending out of bounds forever.
Also worth noting he doesn't stay at jobs long. He's basically the equivalent of a millennial job-hopper. If Bama does well, he will leave them for the NFL.
I wore a neck brace and huge pads in high school…I fear I’ve become old all of a sudden.
Aside from Michigan, all of their conference losses were one score games last season. Nebraska is unironically a QB away from being a top tier Big 10 program. Rhule is known for recruiting great athletes which is a perfect compliment for what Nebraska usually gets in recruiting.
Every job DeBoer has accepted was a clear step up on the career ladder, it's not like he is taking lateral moves to milk a raise or leaving town before he can be fired. You can't rule out the NFL but he has zero NFL experience and has never been connected to NFL jobs in carousel rumors. Alabama is a destination job, there is nowhere else left at this level for him to job hop. His alma mater is a lower division school so they're not a threat to poach him.
How'd that Rose Bowl go?
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there's a reason I stopped at "appearance"
Too bad Nebraska is an irrelevant shithole with nothing but methed-up farmers.
Appearance is pretty generous Illini fren. If it means anything to you I plan on building Illinois into world beaters in NCAAF 25 eventually.
Juice Williams still has nightmares about Rey Maualuga
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I post the only positive thing about >my illini all year and you dickheads have to shit all over it. Gonna go back to my cubicle and look morose and haunted for the rest of the day
>or leaving town before he can be fired
That's exactly what he's been doing though. We don't know if he's a good recruiter/culture guy or not because every FBS team he has ever coached has been with another coach's players.
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Uh huh
Freshman QBs always suck. They get limited options and limited throwing zones and still are dealing with massive stadiums full of people and trying to make decisions. I won’t be surprised if they are a 5 win team
Look, I wish Alabama would fall off as much as anyone else but DeBoer is doing exactly what you would need to do to sustain success. There has been zero dropoff in their recruiting after the biggest question when he was hired was "But can this Norfener recruit in da SECSECSEC?" Their class of 2025 recruiting floor is top 5 and they're more likely to finish 1st than 5th. If he was a bad culture guy he wouldn't have had instant success and exceeded his predecessors' accomplishments using their players.
>Freshman QBs always suck
Not always. Nebraska didn't even ask much of their QBs last season, the only issue was that all three of the QBs they played were turnover machines that regularly costed them games.
The only reason college football is popular in the midwest and south is because there's nothing else to do. Literally nothing. People in the northeast are busy becoming filthy rich, and people on the west coast are busy living in paradise. The only thing the midwest/south has to offer is prairies/swamps, meth, extremely uncomfortable weather swings, poverty, rust, and incest.
Like I said, summer recruiting means exactly nothing. Many of these players will end up going somewhere else. There's also the fact that Saban probably got most of these recruits interested in the first place, not DeBoer.
>If he was a bad culture guy he wouldn't have had instant success and exceeded his predecessors' accomplishments using their players.
Culture isn't something you can evaluate in fewer than 3 seasons, we don't know that he's got a good culture because he's flipping jobs every time the talent runs out. He and Grubb (I speculate more Grubb than DeBoer btw) are just great scheme autists that were able to leverage their players to good jobs.
>People in the northeast are busy becoming filthy rich
He's had four jobs
Now he's just going to stop? Dude has zero reason to stay in Tuscaloosa if he does good. "Destination" is something every fanbase deludes themselves with. Western Alabama is a shithole whose shortcomings can only be ignored by an obsessed autist.
We know he did well at his NAIA school. Everywhere else he's parachuted in, made good use of what was handed to him (itself a valuable skill), and then quickly moved on. If it turns out he isn't a hidden recruiting genius, that makes moving on to the NFL even more likely as recruiting isn't part of the job there.
But we really have no idea if he's a good coach or not against sustained high level competition. During his entire career he's only played against a couple of actual top level programs. Everything else has been Port-o-Potty tier. He has three wins over top ten teams during his entire career. This season he will have a strong roster, limitless resources, and inertia providing wind at his back. How long will that last? We don't know because he bounces out before it becomes apparent.
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Since we're on the subject of DeBoer's last job...
Oh and another thing, just getting a highly rated recruiting class isn't a win in itself. As we saw with Ass-To-Mouth, you can easily bust on a lot of 4 & 5* players or just not utilize them if their isn't a good culture.
Even Alabama hasn't been immune to this, their last good homegrown WR just transferred to Texas.
What Fisch did with Arizona is unironically more impressive than anything DeBoer has ever done. I think the Huskies are in good hands.
>Like I said, summer recruiting means exactly nothing. Many of these players will end up going somewhere else
That's a huge cope. Recruiting flips are becoming rarer due to NIL, plus Bama is allowed to try to flip players away from other schools too. If you remove the top 3 recruits from their class it drops them from 2nd to 4th and there would still be a massive gap before you get to 5th place. Even though Saban did the groundwork with this class DeBoer still had to convince them to play for him. Why do you think scheme autist + top 3-5 classes is somehow doomed to fail?
You're underselling it a bit with those top 10 wins. They weren't against jobbers like Penn State. All three of those top 10 wins were against teams expected to compete for the title this year after returning a lot of talent (Oregon and Texas) plus Washington was supposed to lose each of those games. I'm sure ESPN's (((metrics))) would still say 2023 Oregon > 2023 Washington. This sounds a lot like the "He won't be able to recruit in the SEC" cope.
Recruiting doesn't guarantee championships but it is required for championships. It's retarded to use that against him and assume the worst before his team has even taken the field. You're moving the goalposts from "He can't recruit in the SEC" to "Well who cares if he actually can recruit in the SEC, he'll just fuck up A&M did."
God I fucking despise what college handegg has become.
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Could this save the Pac-12?
Bama will fail because Deboer is not Roman Catholic thus cant fight off the hexes and curses placed on the program placed by the rest of cfb
No. NDSU will never move up, it's a losing proposition for them.
>He's a fucking protestant
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My chips are not a joke
>Why do you think scheme autist + top 3-5 classes is somehow doomed to fail?
Because scheme autists don't do as well in CFB as head coaches, at least not in the long run. See: Gus Malzahn, Tom Herman, Chip Kelly
Washington last season was literally the worst matchup for Oregon in the country. Lanning's defense is not designed to take on pass-heavy offenses with good offensive lines.
Fraudulent team that shouldn't have been in the playoff, did you not see the Oklahoma game?
>Recruiting doesn't guarantee championships but it is required for championships.
Michigan barely met the blue chip ratio threshold and Washington did not meet it. So not necessarily, but I get what you're saying.
>You're moving the goalposts from "He can't recruit in the SEC" to "Well who cares if he actually can recruit in the SEC, he'll just fuck up A&M did."
I didn't move the goalposts, I'm claiming both of those points. He hasn't signed a single recruit at Bama yet and we haven't gotten a chance to see if his recruits were well-scouted. And you can't just handwave the fact that Saban likely softened up a bunch of these recruits for DeBoer.
Still think its funny both Belichik and Saban are Croats. What a random ethnicity to dominante both levels of football for 2 decades
What saves the pac-2 is one of the following

>they skim the top 6 MW teams and survive (45%)
>they simply become the skinsuit MW and invite everyone (20%)
>they invite top MW and AAC teams to become the best of the rest (20%)
>they wait for an invite (10%)
>other strange arrangements (less than 5%)

This is, of course, assuming the ACC survives. If it dies, the PAC and ACC remnants can probably scrap up the remaining g5s with any value and create one big conference or two smaller conferences that become a comfy middle class of cfb. They might even be the landing spot for teams that get squeezed out of the B1g/sec/b12.
TEXbros...how do we cope?
Your Chippies were 8-6 in 2007 with the following losses
>Kansas, 52-7
>Purdue x2
>North Dakota State, 44-14
>Clempus, 70-14
>Eastern Michigan
The Cuckhorns of UTA are officially the Cowsois of CFB
>Caleb Williams somehow wasn't the zestiest player in his draft class
12-2 in 2009. finished ranked. crazy they had antonio brown.
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how we feeling this year reffies?
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bank-accounts gonna be expanding too
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Looking forward to yet another undefeated season, as usual
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Not sure why people think the Dakota teams are western teams. All four of the schools cling to the eastern most borders of their states. If they were going to move up, the MAC is where they'd want to go, though not sure if the MAC would want to expand their footprint even more.
Three. As in, One, Two, Three. Not three per year. Not three per job. Three over his entire career. Three. One, Two, Three. Not twenty. Not ten. Not even four. Three.
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kino will be back bros
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why did you photoshop the money out?
Georgia WR arrested for domestic violence. He was competing for a starting spot. He got in trouble for something similar with campus police in 2023 but this time the charges probably won't be dropped. I wonder if all this criminal shit constantly going on with Smart's team will catch up with him in recruiting or if Ngubus and their family don't care as long as the NIL check clears.
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>new clock rules
>new teams playing in new places - plenty of opportunity to show fans who's boss
>need to make sure the right teams get into the playoffs
This might be our most stacked unit yet bros. We going wire to wire this year
Odds I go to the bar and eat something (beer)
Evens I go home
Physical therapy kicked my ass but I broke two machines through sheer power of will and incompetence, so I’m almost back to playing shape. Six weeks ahead of schedule.
Whelp. That’s that.
>going 3-0 in 2023 as an underdog against top 10 teams is somehow a red flag (btw that's more top 10 wins than Ohio State, Oregon, Alabama and Texas had last year and as many as Michigan had)
Evidence based on what DeBoer has done at every single job suggests he will succeed, as does the fact he has crushed the first doubt people had about his ability to recruit in the SEC. Each argument for DeBoer failing is based on conjecture and what ifs and assuming worst case scenarios will play out. Basically just people with Bama Derangement Syndrome hoping he'll somehow fall apart and forget how to coach football now that he is at Alabama.

Also since you're so hung up on top 10 wins, part of the reason 2022 Oregon and Oregon State finished outside the top 10 is because they lost to Washington. Would it be more impressive if Washington lost those games and had "quality" top 10 losses instead of wins over #15 and #17?
“I’m too poor means NO”
A&M didn’t fuck up, they slid right in and functioned exponentially higher than anyone expected them to function. Problem is that they have a ton of money and want to buy success so they overspend. It worked for Jackie Sherril, but sanctions got them so they figure since sanctions are a thing of the past the wake of Pedo State not getting the death penalty for covering up boy bussies getting busted on camped by a coach they can open up their bank accounts and blow billions of dollars.

Which lead us to where we are now. It’s all A&M’s fault, they gave the first million dollar and first hundred million dollar contract.
Drop NDSU and SDSU, add Idaho and tell Cal State Fullerton to start a football team.
>Opt-outs weren't nearly as bad in the BCS era.
Correlation is not causation.
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>muh fox report
>muh incorrect year facebook allowed non-college students
>muh non-existent spike in twitter traffic
4chan is supposed to be above fake shit like this you stupid motherfucker.
It stopped being a major factor after Miami and Virginia Kek left.
There’s a bunch of redditfags who hang out here when they wanna say something racist. You’ll learn how to filter them out, youngfag.
South has warm beaches lakes. The midwest has mostly nothing though yeah.
Word salad. A&M signed a #1 class full of busts and mercanaries.
>Correlation is not causation.
In this case, it is though. The CFP literally gobbled up two of the NY6 Bowls which basically made everything else irrelevant.
Irrelevant how?
No one wants to play in bowl games now that there's a definite, indisputable playoff that determines the champion. At least in the BCS era, you could win a NY6 and say the robots screwed you over
That’s just an unsubstantiated theory.
CFP is one factor for opt outs, but the biggest factor is NFL money. Guys don't want to risk their career right before it starts. If you get injured bad enough it lowers your draft projection a couple rounds or forces you to spend your entire rookie season rehabbing that has a serious impact on your earning potential. Seniors without a future in the NFL still play in meme bowl games because they know it's the last time they'll ever put on the pads.
I’m thinkin we win it all. Who can stop us?
The NFL money thing is debunked because the NFL has ALWAYS paid out the ass, and the shits are making money in school now
Reminder that multiple Michigan staffers WILL be going to fucking prison
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The "players don't care about non-playoff bowls" is debunked by the fact that seniors who aren't going to the NFL still play in them. The only players who opt out are about to be draft picks. CFP opt outs are coming. If you're getting a 1st or 2nd round grade playing for 12 seed Boise State are you going to risk that for a game with a 1% win probability at 5 seed Ohio State or Georgia?

Another factor contributing to opt outs is there isn't a stigma around it anymore. McCaffrey was the first really notable opt out and he caught some shit in the media for skipping the Sun Bowl. The NFL didn't give a fuck, he was still drafted 8th overall. That showed everyone else thinking about opting out that GMs won't hold it against you.
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>Georgia at 41%
That's a joke. If more of their fans attended college they'd be embarrassed about it and demand serious improvement. Alabama is at 93% so they can't claim it's impossible to be good at football while graduating your Tyrones.
Alabama is at 93% because it's a fraudulent academic institution. Every single player on their roster would flunk out at UGA. That's why Jermaine Burton and Trezmen Marshall transferred there, they were borderline on academic eligibility.
>The "players don't care about non-playoff bowls" is debunked by the fact that seniors who aren't going to the NFL still play in them. The only players who opt out are about to be draft picks
Those teams aren't usually the ones in the big bowl games. FSU's entire starting lineup opted out because THEYRE ALL NFL POTENTIAL
>2nd paragraph
Pure whataboutism irrelevant to this discussion.
Florida is at 92% graduation rate, Ole Miss and Tennessee are at 85% and Auburn is at 84%. Is every school in the SEC besides Georgia an academic fraud, or is Georgia fucking up horribly in this department?
They're all frauds. UF is especially a joke in this regard, go look up what their late 2000s and 2010s players were up to, it was basically an organized crime ring.
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Here you go bro
Dumb darkie.
Victory Bell (Cincinnati–Miami Ohio) will stop being played after 2026, basically a given with the future P4 split and just how these two haven't been on the same level in a long time, and how rivalries are dying as a whole.
Surprisingly the fourth most played rivalry in FBS, more surprisingly the series is tied 60-60
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You know I like my chicken fried
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Might as well just hand us the trophy now.
Depression on a friday night
How long before an assination attempt is made on a reffie?
the reffie will duck out of the way of the bullet and then he will fist pump while yelling "Flag! Flag! Flag!"
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>Montana State at New Mexico | 4 p.m. | FS1
i was looking at the spread and o/u for all the week zero games and noticed that Montana State is currently 7.5 favorites over New Mexico lol
>page 7
thank you anon
Holy fuck I am so bad on defense
Use coverage shells, defenselet
You laughed at dabo building his program in the name, image, and likeness of God. But he is making a difference in young men's lives. While kirby let's his players die in drunk driving incidents. Volumes
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i laughed at whoever called this play
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I dream a dream that tSDSU will go to The MAC.
EVERY SINGLE school in the SEC with the sole exception of Vanderbilt are academic frauds. Georgia is fraudulent AND it's students just that dumb.
Reminder that THE Miami University beat Cincy last year.
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Could the Pac-12 reincarnate as the strongest G5 conference ever?
The MAC (the highest level of midwestern college football) will not sully itself with west coast teams
120 years of rivalry, gone like dust in the wind of conference realignment
wait im retarded, carry on
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For me its the Homo CumAss conference
NFL has not always paid out the ass, and the NFL now does pay out the ass. At some point it started. Back then it was socially unacceptable to skip your bowl game, but Christian McCaffrey and Leonard Fournette and other high profile stars skipping them made it acceptable. They did this in part because Jaylon Smith lost $10 million going from a top 5 pick to a second round pick because he got injured in the Fiesta Bowl. Risking $10 million on an exhibition is an objectively bad business decision. Players skip bowl games because they are waking up to that fact. It has nothing to do with "we can't kind of argue we deserve a natty under extremely uncommon circumstances anymore," that's just newspapercuck and BCSfag coping with their retarded systems.
Did we start our online dynasty?
Nevermind I hit 300x5 on deadlift and 180x5 on bench. So there's something to be happy about.
i'm right behind you pal. 285x5 and 175x5 here
Those were my exact lifts entering gym tonight so yeah you are. We're gonna hit that 1/2/3/4 bro.
THE South Dakota State University not A San Diego State University.
You know chicken fried is a way to prepare deer steak and isn't actually chicken right?
>Georgia is fraudulent AND it's students just that dumb.
This coming from a fan of "we ain't come here to play school" school
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It's about fried chicken, not chicken fried cooking method. Using "chicken fried" instead of "fried chicken" as the lyric sounds better.
Pic related.
I look like shit and bench 275 for 5

How can "men" not bench over 225
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The reason I know is because country songs constantly invoke things they associate with their lifestyle in order to be relatable to the listeners. Obviously he's talking about what most hunters would describe as the perfect meal at the end of a long day. He wouldn't be referencing a bucket of chicken unless it was a rap song. It is true they are prepared the same and have crossover. But you cannot say there was another version that mightve said he likes his chicken broiled or grilled because chicken isn't something associated with special occasions like venison is.
That play only worked because niggers in FCS can't tackle. That;s why they're in FCS.
he caught it because hes White
fatty needs some speed abuse to lose some weight
At some point you were not benching 225. Gotta start somewhere.
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4 more weeks until the season starts with Florida State vs Georgia Tech in Dublin
black and white and a yellow flag
black and white and a yellow flag
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*gong noise*
Not if they try to be another CUSA. Just be the "Best of the West" G5. Forget being another CUSA coast-to-coast island of misfit toys conference. The Mountain West has a good strong identity and that's part of the reason why it is viewed in a better light than CUSA or even the American. Find a way to dump the worst members and replace them with P4 refugees that are in the west. Resist the temptation to grab anyone in the Central or Eastern time zones because "they're in a big media market" or other CUSA shit tier thinking.
meanwhile, the average 18 year old normie who wants to go to these schools has a 20-30% chance of getting in
It's a weird conversation because every school bends their academic admission criteria for athletes. Some bend it more than others and some have low enough standards that the bending required is less than at better schools but everyone does it so it's strange when someone tries to chest thump that their school bends a bit less than other schools.
The only P4 I can think of off hand that has a good argument for academics limiting their ability to recruit athletes is Georgia Tech. They bend entrance requirements just like everyone else but every undergrad, even athletes majoring in "Rocks for Jocks", have to be able to pass Calculus I. That might not seem like much of a barrier to the typical poster but lots of these guys have difficulty with basic addition and subtraction. Getting them through Calc I, even with an army of tutors, is impossible. That locks out a sizable chunk of potential recruits.
Better schools like Stanford and Michigan are willing to bend more and have a larger number of special degree programs designed for the dumbest athletes. For most schools, regardless of academic strength, the rules are completely different if you're a talented athlete and it's dumb to pretend otherwise.
In the G5, I'll point to the service academies as being the most hobbled when it comes to recruiting. Even if you know you're not going to go pro after your college playing days are over, the commitment required to serve time in the military limits who they can recruit.
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>Georgia Kek requiring DaQuavious from inner city Atlanta to take Calc I
what a sight that would be to see

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