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How has he played in Manchester United so far? He used to be the GOAT defensive midfielder in Real Madrid, but I didn't see him playing for MU.
casemiro is trash and was overrated in madrid
You're a nigger and know shit about football. Let me guess: you also think pissi is the goat?
Dude rapidly declined after moving, him having to play as a CB at times since the rest of the team was ded didn't help that part was weird, but definitely lost a step or two
I think he should move to Arsenal. He would fit there. It's hard to fit in MU because they don't have a coherent team.
Have you watched either Arsenal or Casemiro in the last year?
He's absolutely not an Arteta signing and would never start for them, his legs are gone. His end of the season was atrocious, I remember Keane and other pundits just begging Ten Hag to put him out of his misery. He looked like he was in the wrong place.
i feel like people forgot how good he was the first season and would pop up with random game winners too
i'm sure it's completely fair to say he's rapidly declined when he has been playing in a dog shit man united team
Similar to Ronaldo. Was arguably the best player in his 1st season here but declined rapidly in his 2nd.

He's still capable of world class performance but it's just not as consistent now.
Great 1st season but 2nd one is generally bad.
Mostly because he was injured and never looked the same since.
Half of the squad were also injured so sometimes he played CB and no one covered him.

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