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Canadians must feel pretty embarrassed by this one. To rub salt in the wound, it was an economic disaster as well.
digging a little deep in the archives for a gotcha moment. Everything alright over there, Sven?
Everybody was doping back then and testing was non-existent. We were one of the few countries that had morals.
He's 100% right
>population under 500k
does canada REALLY...?
wait the OP pic is just one olympics now I look like a RETARD
Then Ben Johnson arrived and morals went out the window
They also did the stupid "youth torch lighting" and neither ever went to the Olympics . At least they were both white and cute, but still a stupid meme that should curse every host city
>it was an economic disaster as well.
Check which part of Canada hosted it and you'll see why
>Olympics didn’t let the US have the Olympics for its 200th year anniversary.
>gave it to Canada of all places instead
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based retatd kekk
well after a while, you need to keep up with the competition eventually. Funny enough, after Johnson was DQ'd, Carl Lewis was given the gold, and he was also on drugs but the IOC looked the other way for some reason.
>the cope
>Carl Lewis was given the gold, and he was also on drugs
he even participated as a torch bearer today
funny how that works
Montréal only won because Los Angeles votes went to Montréal to prevent Moscow from hosting the Olympiad
>do what you can to prevent the bad guy from winning
>they win anyways 4 years later so you just wasted your time
sounds like the upcoming US election.
Fitting since it was the last gasp of Montreal as Canada's #1 city
Ohnonono pirate bro
Frogs brought their decline on themselves by trying to leave lmao
Considering the direction the country has gone, i'm really sad we didn't leave in 1995.
>Liberals win the second most seats in Quebec from 1997 to 2011, a span of 6 elections
>then Trudeau shows up and the Liberals win the most seats in Quebec in 3 straight elections

If Quebec didn't want this shit they sure have a funny way of showing it
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>for its 200th year anniversary.
The olympics is thousands of years old
He's just jealous that his women's soccer team didn't think to use drones to help them win the gold medal last time, like we did
lmao Quebec is still paying for their shitty stadium
He meant the USA anon
1988 was just as bad. More embarrassing really because that was winter.
The modern olympics are only 200 years old, and really it's only been legitimate for about 100 years
Ontario has the most liberal seats by a factor of x2. Also Quebec tends to have just as many PQ seats. Montreal is solid red though because there are a lot of anglos, metropolitan globalized faggots, and jews there and thats where the majority of Quebec liberal seats come from.
It's okay they still have womeme's socc--oh wait

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