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Does she sell bathwater?
To Spanish pay pigs. It funds her and her English bfs holidays.
ronald araujo isn't english

I would lick her pink pussy until my tongue is sore

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>Every event begins at 4AM

Shit, I really got fucked over by the time difference. Watching the recordings won't be as fun as watching the games .live.
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The pros of being a neet, Ive watched EVO, watched the opening and will what the games while the wagies slave away
>not east coast master race
ur loss
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as long as we get some solid coom clips, I'll be satisfied.
for me it starts at 8:30 in the morning. I'll be skipping that shit as well. don't sweat it bro. You still get to watch certain events at an okay time.
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>admitting to being a west cuck

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False demoralization info
It was shit.
The only cool parts were the boats concept and the Eiffel Tower.
At least better than Tokyo
>The deadliest terrorist attack
you mean based attack

Discussions about the brazilian Memelympic team
prevejo 0 ouros
As long as we are gave the best performance of South America I'm happy

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Sit down. Be humble.
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are those naked painted on boobas?
hey thats Minoan civilization?
as a fag for ancient greece this is porn to me
minoans are very mythical
>tfw no minoan gf
>ywn be a minoan boy hanging out with your crush in a farm in the countryside of France

I am rooting for Botswana this Olympics. I have my reasons
>'ddit constantly hyping up Botswana and how well it's run
>look up their GDP per capita
>lower than Mexico's
Am I just doing something wrong with Botswana? Yeah I guess they do resource management better than their neighbors... but is that really praise worthy?

Their boat was cool with the random white woman, from what I understand the race relations in Botswana are decent.

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American football should be an Olympic sport


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this is the only french guy i know. why wasnt he in it?
Yea he is the only notable frenchmen
He's actually a Spaniard.
I get the impression most frenchies don't want to be associated with this shitshow.
he's a pied noire

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Does BHARAT have any medal prospects this time?
maybe field hockey
That javelin thrower guy.

If he fucks up, India might be going away with no golds this time.

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Why cant they win the rugby world cup
Why can't you?
Southerners cut northerners from receiving funding and taking part of the championships because we are "too far away"
Aren't you like a 1000 times richer than those poor fucks? Even Chili and Uruguay are playing Rugby at an okay level now.
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u mad?
Good, southern Brazilians are proud Argentine clay and should keep their barbaric northern brothers down.

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now that the dust has settled and it is still agreed upon that london opening ceremonies mog every other, why was france‘a such an utter and complete failure and insult to the Olympic Spirit?
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A lot of people on here are zoomers born in the 00s. They were unironically children and pre-teens during the London Olympics and just took the globohomo slop without questioning any of it
>Paris was anything but French
In true Parisian fashion lol
Was definitely different
What I find funny is that France is only a Republic by accident. They voted majority for a Royalist parliament in 1871 but then the stupid fucking Bourbon heir threw a bitch fit over the Tricolour flag and refused the crown, so France was actually stuck with a "provisional" Republic for the next 70 years until WWII


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>lights dim, kino is about to start
>loud islamic prayer rings around West Ham stadium
>goes on for about a minute
>suddenly, a mujhadeen rocket strikes the Big Ben
>it's showtime
>keir starmer has just been beheaded in the middle of the stadium!
>audible gasp from the london crowd
>a black hand emerges and picks up starmer's head
>it's stormzy
>camera closes up
>Hip Hop music blares across the city
>everyone and their mothers get up and start dancing to stormzy's latest track
>King Charles emerges from the shadows

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>I can't believe this. It's Pep Guardiola. He's somehow rigged his way into this.
>116th charge
>Robbie and Troopz lead the boos while dressed in medieval knight armour
>Pep has that smug look on his face that he always has
>he jogs up the stairs to the they/them cauldron
>does a little hip wiggle and is about to light it
>Raven Saunders takes it off Pep's oily hands
>She SHARTS into the flamess like a kween

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Netanyahu brings his dirty laundry with him when he visits. He says American protestors, who are protesting an evil war on innocent people and children, are Iranian-funded and implies that they’re terrorists and should be stopped and the trained dogs in Congress line up to lap up his piss. Why on Earth would they honor our sacrifices if they know they have us in their pocket?
Why would they honour their slaves?

>America is bla-ACK!

It's crazy how distorted the view of 15% of our population is.

LeGoat has arrived.
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