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mr. Sandman edition

CX races:
17.11 X2O Trofee Hamme - Flandriencross (C1)
23.11 Exact Cross Kortrijk - Urban Cross (C2)
24.11 UCI World Cup Antwerpen (CDM)
01.12 UCI World Cup Dublin (CDM)
08.12 UCI World Cup Cabras (CDM)
14.12 X2O Trofee Herentals (C2)
15.12 UCI World Cup Namur (CDM)
21.12 UCI World Cup Hulst (CDM)
22.12 UCI World Cup Zonhoven (CDM)
23.12 Superprestige Mol - Zilvermeercross (C2)
26.12 UCI World Cup Gavere (CDM)
27.12 Exact Cross Loenhout - Azencross (C1)
29.12 UCI World Cup Besançon (CDM)
30.12 Superprestige Diegem (C1)

Upcoming road races:
17.01 - 19.01 Santos Tour Down Under 2.WWT
21.01 - 26.01 Santos Tour Down Under 2.UWT

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>CX races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:

Previous thread:
It's a SWEECK world and we just live in it
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great edition
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there will be certain so called "Berts" who do not know who this woman is.
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Rusbert if you set up a po box I'll send you butter.
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linked the wrong post FUCK
That's April Lavigne and that's the bottom line.
don't worry, that post will be relevant in this thread as well.

I always figured they didn't like eachother.
That would be Lance and Contador
NEET larp thread
I feel like you could slot in many names alongside Lance
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>out of my way fucking euro shits
literally only hated because he's American
old bikes looked so much better
the ecuadorian rai indeed is shit
Did my boy Chalapud win again?
the kid spez bike out in the wild
does anyone not sponsored actually buy this
HUERA won, let's see what it means for GC
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Spotted dick with custard
3 (THREE) servings
if only most of the playing field didn't mysteriously lose 8 minutes on that first stage
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This place has every meal for only $10CAD plus tax, but the portions are kinda small despite the okay quality. Definitely not enough fuel unless you get 2 meals, or just 1 poutine which is satiating but still lacking in overall carbs and protein. Quality's usually pretty good, but the papo seco rolls were a little too soft and the leg was over-salted unfortunately.

In Newfoundland and Quebec we got figgy duff and pouding chomeur, but for me, it's sticky toffee pudding.
You made me google wtf that is.
Now I'm intrigued.
Anyways cycling.
Pog said in a recent interview that he is pretty rich so he is going to start funneling more money into his development team + making a female one.
TomSprm looking mf
why do retards start personal project ego teams???????

Tinkoff was highly successful and it hemorrhaged money
Wiggins team literally made him homeless

now Pog is going to start a team and a WOMENS team no less???????????????????????????????????????????
what a fucking retard
>Tinkoff was highly successful and it hemorrhaged money
Don't all teams do that? I mean their only real income is sponsors and they spend all the money they get.
Besides the Wiggins team was fucked because of mismanagement (which he claims he was unaware of until it was too late). Pogi has lots of money as long as he doesn't get scammed like Wiggo he can always stop the team if it becomes critical.
surely this isn't just some slovenian hover goblins scamming him out of money
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Because they actually love cycling.
I don't think it's hard to find people genuinely interested in developing local sporting talent. People do that shit for free. Someone as influential as Pogi has access to actual competent coaching and management staff most likely.
maybe he's doing it for the gf
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>Pogi has lots of money as long as he doesn't get scammed
I doubt he spends more than a few 100k on the projects. He is there more as a front man that sponsors recognise and give shekels to.
Bald people will never recover from this
This dude literally set back the peloton by a generation with his Z2 BS
you now remember Luke Plapp
Huera is also leading the race now with 12 seconds to Obando and 29 to the young Sevilla
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Phwoar, my new tootsie covers? Incredible. my first MyKek ride in them was ALMOST ruined by the SCANDALOUSLY. fake "shimano" cleats from amazon with a 30 degree float.
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Nvm, this seems to be the actual GC
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He put 2 minutes on them at the lagunas
leather upper. carbon sole. dual boa. im never /goingback/ to anything less frens.
no it's Eugenia Cooney.
Random girl from ipad commercial?
of course
and don't forget to visit Jerusalem
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>check in on /sike/
>he's still here
later guys
imagine having a job and a wife and posting on 4chan
imagine lingering around where people don't want you, like a fart in an elevator

These boys are built different. I don't think I've exceeded much of 60 km/h on a descent in a straight line. Let alone nearly 80 km/h in a bend on a -14% gradient
The great Michał PALUTA has ended his illustrious career at the ripe age of 29, after a two year hiatus in 22-23 and winning the coveted KOM Kurwatour jersey this year, as well as Polska champ jersey in 19 (which is a meme since a while at this point).
Probably acknowledged he is sure as fuck not going to the vismoids or sheiks and either it is wasting life as a contishitter or starting fresh at something else while he is still younger than older.
as a non racer there is no reason to do any of this in the first place
Should i do another threshold session on the vinester or do I go for Vo2max?
1h 30 min threshold session (in the sauna)
I'm afraid I'm too weak for that
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X2O Trofee Hamme - Flandriencross (C1)

13:45 CET Women Elite

15:00 CET Men Elite

Eurosport / Discovery + / Sporza
Did some meme workout from wahoo. Clearly felt yesterday's session since I almost gave up and the HR didn't reach 165
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>5 HARO Wilson +01:25
>6 FUERTES Whashington Joel +01:45
>7 SEVILLA Óscar +01:40
>8 GUAMÁ Byron +01:51
>10 OBANDO Bryan Raul +01:52
>13 CHALAPUD Robinson +02:00
>25 GÁLVIZ Carlos Johan +08:11
>26 MONTENEGRO Santiago +11:30
>27 JAMAICA Javier Ernesto ,,
>40 MONTENEGRO Lenin Javier +27:59
>66 COLMENARES Jad Sair +34:01 (Last)
>DNF PITA Sebastián Alexander
Pure dopage, will end up like nixon and stalin
I miss them both like you wouldn't believe
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I did some random meme workouts on zwift last and there was some weird shit in there
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You'd have to be a pure degenerate to watch Omloop reruns

anyway did I tell yiz about the massage gun? Think I was only talking about on /fit/. Buy one right now. So good. One of the best purchases I've ever made. Like a foam roller on steroids. Couple of minutes on each leg and you feel 10 years younger. Go to Amazon right now. I got the Bob and Brad T2
There's CX in Poland?
Memorial Marek KONWA
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cold one today
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we live in Hamme
Brapstead in the lead
Looking good, how cold are we talking? It's 20 degree here but I have to work.
Can't suffer in Austria
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Casasola time
around freezing
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bona fide assassin
Wherever is Fem anyway? It's not like she had a tiresome road season
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>Jay Pal
a friendly Jay Vine from the parallel universe
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hooray! Alvarado wins!
It's 20 here and sunny but I went biking yesterday already and I have stuffs to do. Kinda regret my decision tbqh
at least you have it dry and sunny
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top 10
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good week
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Slowly getting back into it. Christmas is going to destroy that of course but such is life
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Would be funnier if one of those was a goose
kuhne down
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I am completely in the zone right now, my legs feel like rockets
heh...nice kegs ladies'...
it would be a shame if bert were to....empty them.......
my knee hurts
The kids bikes aren't that expensive I thought. I've been looking at getting a kickbike for my friend's kid as a Christmas present and there doesn't seem to be much of a price difference between them as long as you leave out the bottom of the barrel chink shit.
I did this at a cross practice once and some "famous" boomer cyclist photographer was behind me and lost his shit and started screaming at me
I think he was roid raging
For me it's the painful period where the legs can't follow and the HR is basically impossible to push. Still 15 watts off the 300 FTP cutoff,
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I don't worry about the numbers that much to be honest, the feeling is good and the motivation is high.
I need to worry a bit or I can't r*pe. Outside I don't really care, but I need to start doing long rides again
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Ah yes the rare G1 slurp syndrome
It all depends on how well you know the road. On small bends like that there's not much reason to slow down. You're just eating away your braking surfaces and pads while heating them up. Slow down to turns you really need to slow down and coast the other parts when you're spinning out. If you're confident on your bike 100 doesn't feel any different than 70.
get your teammate to block the course like this by "accident" and race is over for all the nerds stuck behind.
Garden gnome has been pretty mid this year
if you start behind the front row you're already a nameless jobber anyway
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Put spd cleats on me old shoes. Gym rape is about to get serious. I will be click clacking around the gym in cleats and bibs
Orts goes
No one follows
he'll choke
Viva España
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except that descent has loads of sand on the corners which is what makes it so sketchy
suddenly, the gnome
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>he doesn't do all his training in a speedo
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Vandeputte wins
waar nys?
nice, he deserved a win
>100 doesn't feel any different than 70
sure as hell you never went past 80
I need a webm of the seething manlet rage
You love to see it
PORNHAAR is washed
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manlets, when will they learn
what's up with that anyway, dude was good last year
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top 10
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that would be less lewd than some of the outfits women wear to the gym these days
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Do you really need to ask?
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Based dude
I should've probably added on a good road. On a shitty surface of course it feels a lot different. And sure there's more wind noise etc. But in terms of how the bike feels I really don't see the difference.
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he's so tiny
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hopeful to get one of them duckie hats in me stocking at festivus this season
thinking about his harem
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and seamless transition to turn left
>Nutritionist Asker Jeukendrup is leaving Visma | Lease a Bike to join Red Bull-BORA-hansgrohe. The Limburg native is an authority in the field of nutrition and has been a professor at Loughborough University for many years. He previously worked for Red Bull in other sports.

BULL domination is coming
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central area is a vip section looks like
it's not, it's the booze pit
more fun than UCI events
it's very fun to go to but I couldn't this year since the non weekdays were sold out immediately
>non weekdays were sold out immediately
the nature is healing
Is this /cyc/ approved?
tolerated at best
More like Marek KURWA. Haha
That seems a bit slow for a ride
Walking is not a sport.
It is for amerifats.
never forget what they took from us
If thoma wins this would be kino and help the image of six days (being fixed bullshit)
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based midget heemer strikes again
5h Z2 done. Now sauna.
lmao ultimate choke
he has a belgian teammate so it's all calculated
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Yeah just realized it’s the two olympians winning kek
little cramped isn't it
who is the bigger ragelet, esybert or remcobert?
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>27 years old
why did I get into this gay ass sport that makes you age 100x
looks like Jonas
lock him up
What's with French people and putting bread directly on table? I noticed this recently on my BIG trip and thought it was odd
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Iserbyt for sure
Remco just gets annoyed, he doesn't sperg out
What's Remco's worst seething? Vuelta TTT? Olympic RR post-crash yelling for time?
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>5h Z2 in erg mode
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>Vuelta TTT
totally make sense, your plate would be full of crumbs otherwise
Better to have a table full of crumbs? Why not just use a bread plate?
its' just the way it should be
you are going to clean the table after eating anyway
and sharing a plate other peoples i's gross also unpractical if it's a big table
that's just an extra plate they need to clean
Did you have that green wine bert.
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No, I kept asking, and they looked at me like I was crazy. Had to drink whatever slop they had on hand

i am the king of /cyc/
Seems fancy enough. They would know all about vin vert if they had seen bertao's feastposts.
>le gringue américain
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>zwift music intensifies
this guy is just annoying though
absolute scenes down in ecuador
desu this seems totally justified. Doing a TTT in pouring rain in absolute darkness is retarded....imagine trying to be in full aero position on your bike and trying to have an efficient paceline in those conditions
it was soul
>put on the livestream
>it's just a motorcycle moving through traffic like every other time I've tuned it
thanks I guess
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is that dave matthews
BIG stuff
Nothing ever seems to be happening in this race
stop lying
Ricardo HEURA wins GC overall
Juan Carlos CORDOVA SUAREZ wins Stage 7 kwaking my boy Javier JAMAICA in process
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Thoughts on this guy?

Missing the roadbiking already, trying cope by consuming huge amounts of yt content.

Fuck salt on the roads
Nice setup that. Love to do a long tour on a fast bike like that. Cost a fortune though in hotels.
does cool stuff that I enjoy watching
he seems like a cool guy
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>asking the waiter to hold a bottle of wine so you can take a pic of it
>yes monsieur I need this picture for my friends or berts as I like to call them on the dash cyc dash general
This Drake Maye kid may turn out alright but he is coughing up horrendous hero ball ints.
No that's my wife's hand
oh that reminds me Chiefs Billos is on
grand something to watch for the rest of the night
Lachlan seems like a cool guy.
If Debills don't win the Chiefs are going 17-0 unless Steelers do something about it.
He's coughing them up mostly when he needs to play hero ball. He does look really promising even with this garbage team he has.
nah chiefs don't look anywhere near good enough for that
Chiefs are going to go one and done in the playoffs. They aren't playing like a 9 - 0 team.
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I will say it again, very strange to see Euros discussing handegg.

Also, my burrs are hot garbage
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Es ist slopzeit
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Czech legend Michala SCHLEGEL is SHITTING on Caja Rural in the Bohemian Sporza
He still had clock everytime to piece together a drive and those ints were all nowhere near anyone, like he is fixated on those bombs.
They don't, they have to block kicks and rely on luck but they pull something out everytime when they need to. And none of the remaining teams are any good, besides the Steelers.
Your gem is very fun if you approach it fairly for once instead of sneering at handegg burgerslop where half of the game are commercials and nothing happens.

And what is wrong with the kickers, did the balls got deflated again or what. Not buying it is all because Tucker is done, Moody just came back, Koo just can't do it suddenly and many other, consistent near misses.
Yeah he definitely doesn't have the clutch yet. Today was in a 3rd&13, while still having plenty of time he was running out of resources. Just gotta either throw it anywhere that's open or if no one is open just yeet it to the stands. You've still got the 4th left. But I'll rather see mostly solid play with hero ball mistakes as opposed to mostly questionable play with occasional hero ball highlights.
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how this goofy looking fucker riding 300W in zone 2
looks like he never played any sports in his life
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>Post prime slop
>Get 0 (you)s

What happened to my /cyc/?
what are those 2 flat things underneath it all? Looks meh but would it regardless.

Started a masterstock going that I'm going to use to boil dumplings in. Not picture worthy.
standard paypig activity innit
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thoughts on my new helmet?
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nice schnoz, rabbi.
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Occitan's slop
Would still be hungry after this
Very nice wursht, would fry no doubt.
First day of work after parental leave, feels strange to think about econometrics after such a long time only thinking about the baby's naps, food, playing in the sandbox etc. But it feels really nice, less stress and it's good to see workmates after a long while. And we have a couple of quite unnecessary meetings this week so lots of time for vinester activities.
However yesterday we had bad news, my wife had a miscarriage so no new baby next summer. Sucks but I guess it's quite common (1 in 5 odds).
I'm sorry Bert, hopefully this doesn't stop you in producing Finland next WC.
>he does his meeting on zoom while raping
The madman
I'm sorry to hear that my Bert
I'm sorry for your loss my man
beyond based
Sorry Bert, but it was pretty early so bet it is easier to go over as a technicality, a normal distribution. Still time to make a whole podium of men and women WC.
This is a horrendous way to start my day. I feel sick now.
Oh this is worse news than dirty slop. Sorry man.
We don't need any more white faggots to this world. Especially from a 4channer.
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sorry to hear my man
Thanks for your kind words berts. I'm honestly quite fine with this, but it's been really hard for bertina, especially since she has all those pregnancy hormones already in her body and thus gets lost in her emotions much easier than usually. But at least we have one wonderful child, I bet this would be much harder if we would still be waiting for our firstborn.
I'm fully confident we will have our next child soon in any case, it seems we both are very fertile since both times it only took one try, while many couples need months for anything to happen. Perks of us both living a healthy lifestyle I guess. But yeah, next-next Finnish WC postponed at least a couple months, hehe.
Awful news. Hopefully you guys have better luck next time.
Atleast you have the right mindset on it best wishes for Bertina
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Love finding rape dungeons in for sale photos. Nice setup that
Why are you shopping for tt bikes
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The house is for sale duh
but it's in Kentucky

True dedicated raping, no tv shows, no movies, just watching the leaves fall. Much respect.
>Saddlebag on the raper
Always prepared
>daydreaming about living in Kentucky
When do you start your new job Bert?
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wew, was it a mistake to commute by bike today. while it was pretty fun in the morning, it was snowing the whole day at near 0 temps, so it felt like 5 km long wet sandpit all the way home and I'm no Laurens Sweeck
time to get that FAT bike
good call. would be piece of cake with fat tyres. I find it kinda annoying how all them weirdos on fat bikes disappear once summer ends. like, what's the point then.
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because you buy one, ride it in snow and realize its a stupid meme bike that's basically 1% better than a normal MTB on snow, and now you have a big dumb bike that isn't nearly as fun in the summer as a real MTB
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soulless triathlonfag
you know that person just sits on that trainer in ERG staring at her head unit for 6 hours a day at 130w Z2 maxxing not looking at the woods
the only people I see with fat bikes are boomer tactards with fully geared out bikes including multiple TACTICAL flashlights, powerbanks, speaker, baofang radio, antennas etc.. going 40kph+ on tarmac
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*laughs at your watts*
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looking at his smirk, he just got milked
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*doesn't brake*
*can't break*
why does she looks so bogged here
Good thing /cyc/ keeps going into the off season
>LEWANDOWSKI to Team R*n & Race
>WANG to Astana Development Team
>MOREIRA to Hagens Berman Jayco
and most shockingly
>CARSTENSEN to Team Storck - Metropol
leaving south asian pro peloton and coming back to Germany
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found the Belgebert out in the wild with his 10 spare tubes
two spare tubes? how can anyone safely ride without carrying at least four tubes? every big ride needs at least ten spares
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new euskatel bikes, never hear of it
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Looks like any other modern roadbike.
I recognize that seattube lettering
off season rape blues
>jewing the jews to get jewed by the yacht jews
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I like Steak Tartare
who doesn't?
reveal yourself
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it insists upon itself
you men have diz nuts in your mouth

mfw this very general has conditioned me to mentally refer to it as raping (and by extension rape cave, rape session, etc) and i have to self censor around normies
>hemco r*nning around in commiefornia
no wonder are matty o'jorgen's on the bitterroots again
You can't ride a regular MTB on winter trails if there's a lot of snow or it isn't completely iced over so that you can walk on top of the snow. It's not once that I've been on trails where a MTB guy has almost ruined it by riding their shitty MTB on it sinking into the trail so that it leaves squiqly tire tracks. Last winter I had to do extended hike a bikes on a trail that was perfectly rideable on a fatty until some retard on an e-MTB came through and afterwards it was unrideable at places.
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>he can't keep getting away with this!
nice larping like a guy with hair
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a girl can dream
The difference in ground pressure between a 29" running 2.6" and a fat bike 26" running 4" is hardly anything.
You have to ride fat bikes on groomed trails just the same as MTBs, they can handle about 1" more of fresh powder than a normal 29er. The window where fat bikes can ride places a 29er can't is incredibly small.
atleast you have the QOM
whoever designed this should be shot with an AK67

her w/kg looks like its going waaaaaaaaay down if you catch my drift hehe
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In reality the difference is massive, especially when you have 5" tires.
are nod de STIER also r*ped this morning
based rational finn
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meant to be a rest day
went to the gym because I have no sense
very tired
did a weak ass session
cycled home in the freezing rain
I'll never learn
um, based?
>130W Z2
maybe he has 20 zones
gotta hit that zone 14 sweet spot
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>heartrate 250 unlocked
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>How to Get Rich - Season 2
I fink I figured out why the polar explodes when stressed by the pumping of BIG bpm from my zone 7 training, so in case it might help someone else will share here
basically the monitor pod needs to be a bit offset from the centre of the chest since there is a thick mat of fur there where the connexion gets disrupted. if one spins the strap a bit laterally then the conductive part is touching less of me chest hair and thus the drops seem to be mostly solved
and yes I know they say to shave your body in the manual but that's a bit fruity for a casual rapist such as myself so there you go
what is reading comprehension
this is a twink thread, bears keep moving>>145733972
never had this problem with my tickr
horse category
damn those zwift graphics have improved
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thoughts on my NEW helmet?
bit racist to mark your minorities innit
the mountain classification system in cycling came from the use of Citroen 2CV as the common car of race organizers and stewards.

The number referred to the gear that the 2CV (an abbreviation for "duex chevaux" which means "two horsepower, the rating for the power of the engine in the car.
A category 4 climb could be achieved in 4th gear, a 3, in 3rd gear and so on. "Hors Category" means "above category" or above the ability of what a 2CV could drive up.
i pair it with this shirt
>literally has a hidden swastika on it
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i ackshually got this helmet. in my alien era
Had Krautwurst for dinner again today, very good meal, but I feel that they're a just a little bit under-spiced which is insane considering the amount of shit I poured into the fleisch yesterday. Enough Marjoram to kill a horse
as for me, making an yellow curry with kabocha and pork belly
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>Vingefar vs. Roidlic and Eganito in Il Giro
pretty cool guy doesn't afraid of anything
yeah I may put some effort into trying to tour on a road bike while mostly camping this winter, for that very reason. that's what he was doing for the alt tour, I believe
I have seen a couple guys claim that a good rear-axle trailer is faster than panniers and ime bikepacking bags are an enormous pain in the ass to pack and fiendishly expensive, but it is apparently impossible to get a rear thru axle with attachments for a trailer that has the special snowflake threading for my bike
when I was doing my bike fit, they used these little stickers to help the camera pick up my limbs and joints to calculate angles etc

The stickers were little just like floating on top of my hair and kept falling off. He eventually had to put some type of strong glue on my skin to get the stickers to stick and they still kept falling off

He seemed quite annoyed
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Crowd favourite Jules DE COCK lost 6 (six) minutes today down in Morocco, not a good start of the Tour du Nord for hom.
Morocco with the good old 1-2-3, as expected, kwaking French superstart MARTINEZ of Velo Sprint Boytoys in the process.
EL DOGHMY 26 minutes down.
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I sort of want a new helmet because my current one is ugly. That's the only reason why.

Maybe in the spring....
Does cycling have the best ratio of good names of any sport? Like 30% of the peloton have awesome names
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Baseball actually
>7 guys named Ángel on every team
i ONLY buy aero helmets. this is what i will wear when i start racing as a professional GC threat VERY soon
>HC climbs on Tour of Britain profiles be like
did you also put that apple in the Wurst?
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Time to leave bertacekova alone now. From eating all the czechem šlop, I barely had time posting.
I refuse to believe that Czechs are slavs. It's way too clean, too much Ordnung and the people are way too diligent. They turned the freedom square of Brno from Velvet revolution festivities with a big stage into christmas wonderland with BIG xmas tree and Christkindlmarkt within half a day. Is Slovenia like this as well as being part of Habsburg/HRE for so long?
Pic is bertaczek getting arrested by CSSR riot police for squeaking.
Did you see the man, the myth, the legend rape on his balcon?
any fixed gear buddies there? lets make some bikechecks?
I like my knees too much to ride fixie
my current build:
Soviet special order track bike from Kharkov bicyle plant
Original frameset and headset
Pivo stem
Kharkov drop bar
Gipiemme 26,2 fluted seatpost
San Marco concor laser saddle
Token crankset
Alexrims atd470 rims with aliexpress hubs
Custom cog and basic lockring, 52t Kharkov chainring
I think this kind of discussion will be more suited for /n/
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Another massive EARTHQUEAK in the Bohemian Pro Peloton, another 6 (six) new transfers to the ATT Investments galacticos!
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they're cooking
Well it is rightful Austrian clay after all
Austria is rightful German clay. And Germany is rightful Dutch clay
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I think you got that order mixed up bert
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*me, looking at the rotten HRE squires go at it while I expand east*
MASSIVE happenings in the Finnish pro peloton. A new team called UN Cycling Team x Pyörävarikko.fi just dropped. Stacked lineup includes among others the Finnish NC of 2023 Antti-Jussi Juntunen, the reigning Finnish gravel and CX champion Aksel Rantanen and the Finnish road cup winner of 2024 Jaakko Sillankorva. Absolutely stacked team
waar finbert though
Probably earning more at his "teaching position" working 10 hours a week
Yeah, a little of it with the onion

This mad lad still racing
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You didn't say it was Lenny Sr. I had to inform the people
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How do you do, fellow 20 year olds?
I'm at 65 but 15kg bigger, so technically better
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Would we even want to have the dutch? Could sit them on vinester duty for energy production
>technically fatter
I'd destroy you on the climbs and that's all that matters
Gotta keep getting the sponsor pasta
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Tadej "Upper Carniolan Wolf" Pogacar talks about his plans for 2025.
Only 67 at your running fitness? I call bullshit, I think yours is at least 70, probably 75. My 5min max power puts me around 66 and no chance I am nearly as fit.
He will surprise everyone in the passes despite not riding in as prestigious a team
Did we talk about T. AERTS most likely retiring at the end of the year?
I wouldn't take the Garmin numbers too seriously. In fact I wouldn't take the actual number too serious if I got it tested in a lab. Doesn't mean much
>Tom Boonen is pronounced Tom Boner
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Tour de SIAK has some interesting teams. Did some Berts not tell us something?
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peculiar indeed
So who is riding
Bert Zonderfoto team leader
If you have your max hr set correctly and have done an all-out effort of 3-6 minutes, then the Garmin vo2max should be very accurate. When I did my 5min PR, Garmin gave me 66 while just using a generic formula based on the power (which has been studies to be on average very accurate) gave me 67. But if either of the two is inaccurate, then it doesn't mean much.
In either case, yeah, it isn't that important, but it is extremely unlikely to run a sub-15min 5K with a vo2max under 70 – just like it is to do 5w/kg with a vo2max under 70, it's just biology.
I will be dabbing on UN Cycling Team x Pyörävarikko.fi next summer.
68 and 24 here. It was over 70 during the summer but I've not really done anything above sweet spot in ages.
You could have but you refused to ride with me in nice
I thought the same person can have different vo2max for different forms of exercise?
does that make sense? at most I can imagine that you might not be able to fully utilize your vo2max in some activities but your cardio is your cardio
This is about THIJS AERTS btw. Haha got you all
>pivo stem
don't mind if I do
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Ain't gonna lie I thought you meant Toon
hope troon farts actually does retire at the end of the season so I never have to hear about that doping fraud ever again
I like my mud racing CLEAN
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Didn't get got me, I ignored that post.
I believe the distinction is VO2 "max" vs VO2 "peak", or at least that's what Coggan says and it makes sense to me. Max is max across all modalities, will usually be highest running uphill though well-trained cyclists and swimmers can get pretty close in their respective modalities, requires a plateau in rate of oxygen consumption while workload keeps increasing. Peak is just the highest value on the graph for whatever exercise you're ramp testing.
this has to be true.
Kipchoge would be a wattlet on a bike and Pog can't run for shit
probably has more to do with muscles than vo2max in that regard
the whole new level of dropped seatstays
Whats the point of dropped seatstay on a gravel bike again ?
looks better grandpa
>muh compliance
collecting shekhels from paypigs innit
I have 'pigged multiple times this season ...
Van Gils nukes his Lotto contract
It doesn't though. Crux is by far the best looking gravel bike
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it's fucking happening Maxim VAN GILS breaks contract with lotto
Now who's retarded enough to take on his contract is the question. Ineos is the only logical option. Better not be visma
>Bom in de koers
some of my sources are saying GILS is on his way to ineos merda
It's impossible to say this without a thick kanker accent
contract really are valueless nowadays
thanks blobloblo
I guess you don’t do this unless you’re sure there’s a taker maybe for judicial reasons you don’t go around announcing it immediately
Astana Chinkstan
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what is Remco dong in the bumfuck of nowhere in the US? Specialized HQ or something?
He posted some NBA shit maybe he’s there for the zoo
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>be corporation
>sign multi year sponsoring contract with team because they have [recognizable cyclist] who gets results
>runner breaks contract and leaves
nothing personel corporation
yes, the wind tunnel is there
I done with Lafay. 2025 will be the year of GILS. Whoever signs him is getting a bargain.
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>Specialized HQ
wtf is lotto doing anyway
Vermeersch also gave an interview he wanted to extend early in the year and then the team just never offered him an extension so he left for UAE
>can't ride the whole season because of legal issue
skin about to get even more aero
are spesh going to add 50w to his ftp somehow? Because I fear anything less is just not going to cut it heh
He's going to win the Giro
they’re going full chemical warfare are boy will be a mutant in 2025
In [redacted]'s America, they are going to make doping great again
such a cringe try-hard. slap yourself
Jorgenson's America?
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Word on the street is Lord Armstrong is going to be the Secretary of Health
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What was Ivan VAN MOLD thinking when Remco had to concede to Pogacar? Something along the lines of
>oh boy I have work to do I finna go cook for 2025
>'tis fucking over it's so over we are not coming back from this
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I'm in
this is a picture of bradley VROOME not king lance innit
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It's over
this guy and ibarguren made asgreen win RVV in a sprint against grug and made Jungels win LBL
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Quick Step employs an Italian called Yankee Germano
I've contacted my sources at Almaty Motors and Van Gils just landed
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how the fuck is this real? UCI make fake team staff too?
well which is he, yankee or germano?
italian obviously
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>breaks your contract
They'll just add breaking fee in new contract now. Probably not legal but at least people will be scarred of the legal battle
>Yankee Germano

Just like me desu
the guy has every big rider under him, he'll pressure teams into doing his bidding somehow
It all started with wout
I don't know if that court case is even completely finished yet
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nothing is more try hard than your pathetic wind ups
maybe if you tried a little harder on the bike you wouldn't be so pathetic
>that power
>that cadence
>that stench of failure
>dame mas gasoliiina
So Van Gils insists he is a GC rider.
Don't get fired and don't end up a poor man's Kwiatkowski.
>Neither party wants to confirm that Van Gils has unilaterally terminated his contract. Van Gil's manager, Alex Carrera, stated on Tuesday morning that he will have another conversation with Lotto next week and that he is initially still aiming for a new but significantly improved contract.
As I understand it, it's not yet quite final?

They poor.
who knows Sporza says that Lotto received the recommended letter of resignation/termination
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ivo positivo
This chicken parm will be levels of sloppa thought impossible to achieve with a decent set of ingredients.
Remember Magnus Cort winning the MTF in Dauphine?
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Sudden heatwave
but biblical rain
the weather gods are laughing
jewy manager playing games for more money, doesn't matter to him if it's lotto or somewhere else
did the same with philipsen
>Where his future lies, is not yet known. But that a caretaker and mechanic of Van Gils recently showed up at the team days of Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe, is striking. The German formation also has 5 places available in the selection for next year.

at least it's not jumbo that poaches a rider for the 4th time
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Yankee Guido sloppa, grana and bread crust, marinara zause, parm and provolone baked in, gremolada on toppa.
Marinara di pomodori di San Marzano, I should add.
fat fuck
>Martinez told French website Cyclism'Actu that he had ridden up to 100km a day on the road during the coronavirus lockdown by using his bike to deliver food to the elderly, and that had given him the idea of returning to road racing.
Obese mfer
Why are Belgians such untrustworthy people?
decent looking appetizer, what will you have for the main meal?
small meal I thought you were 125 kg
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Humbled an uppity *ngl* at the passo
He even ragequit soon after the meta, that will teach him a lesson or two
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It was glorious.
excellent, I myself inflicted great suffering upon the anglo saxon and taco-burger menace in the r*pe races the past couple days
whats it look like going out?
just another gay copy of the Seka Spear
Disgusting slob Polack
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Tinking about chasing it with a kebab.
keep us posted with any progress pics or vid clips
wanna see how freakin huge, thick, solid, and tight your meals can get. thanks for the motivation
Or maybe ice cream. Rather ice cream, don't want to get too fat haha!
take a pic of your monstrous polack sharts?
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Шpeк & Ocёл
>dies at 45
>hehe but muh garmin said im 20 lol owned xD
Negative Nancy's not welcome
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i CANNOT believe it but our boy DE COCK won Stage 2 of the Le Tour du Nord today

BIG win for Global Cycling Team
A win for global cycling is a loss for humanitarian rights
whats the flashlight of choice on this very /cyc/?
for me, its that based frog
please provide some advance notices of your consensual adult exertions
[spoiler]so I can come kwab you ruthlessly[/spoiler]
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>team called anonymous
>no listed riders
>top result by one VAN AERT
wtf is this you fuckers
that van aert has been a known figure for a while
he's a track cyclist
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Berts shouldn't see each other irl. This only works in Finland, where it's socially accepted to say nothing at all. Imagine the awkwardness while meeting another Bert.
the frenchmen know eachother
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Also czech those sick wheels on the rent-a-bikes
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more czechlismo officially UCI approved
Please understand, it's socially accepted in France to squeak at each other.
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Big fella on a bike. Are biceps good for watts?
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dios mio
Burrito = little Burro
what do you think retard?
biceps win races
that explains your lack of podiums
nice post
my favourite Grand tour winner is a certain SEPP kuss
Reminder that in 2022 Maduas was close to winning RVV.
FDJ need to have a long think why they have fallen behind so much. (Even the best dope can't explain this much of a fall).
Mine is Jonas "Én lunge og to store kugler" Vingefar
I forgot that Fred Wright was in the Grupo Principal
is it supposed to be gravel bike?
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>Alex MORRICE switches to Smurfit Westrock Cycling Team for the 2025 season
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>Team Polti Kometa is Team Polti VisitMalta now
I shan't be visiting Malta, Mafia would plant a car bomb in my car
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Strange recon, but OK I guess. Would probably sell it for a 200m2 house in Eze though
They even found a token cyclist from there
I suppose he's losing his job in January anyhow, might as well start cycling
Don't we have a Bert there? I guess he's back to flatland or something
>Lapierre new cycling sponsor of Team dsm-firmenich PostNL
We are back my fellow Lapierre bros
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yeah, right
Glad I don't live in Russia because I suffered from the wind this morning
one day I'm gonna spot you on the climb to Judenstein, and you won't escape the awkwardness
What? I don't talk to parisiens
Brtek quaking in his boots
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usually I would ride my bike in this weather but now I am a cowardly rapist so off to the gym I go
I saw a guy on strava yesterday who is a very strong cyclist do 20 x 40s @ 350W with 20s recovery. Gonna copy that session exactly.
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Those are my 40/20 numbers
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Is that you Josef Cerny?
You should aim far higher than that bert, I think at least 400W for the on parts. The recovery bit makes these far easier than what you would expect.
It's only my first week so not going crazy. Start at 350 anyway and see how it feels.
Just looked at my file of a 3x15x30/30s session from the spring and I routinely hit 500-530W there, so for 40/20 I would try to hit at least 450W.
Well that's okay as well, I just think for a session like that there's no point to sell yourself short, best way to improve is to do sessions like these full gas. But start at 350, see how that feels, and then you can probably move to 400-450W pretty quickly.
that's me tho.
it's always over for someone, and today that someone is me
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too many Austrians here atm., its getting confusing
what happen dear berteke ?
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give are SEPP 20 minutes in the passos and he will make this fraud's heart pop and then grind his bones into gr*vel
kek that guy rode in the same team as I did for 10+ years
>barely beating pre-covid frauds
he would get dabbed on by cat Ds nowadays
That hellemose guy was such a massive shitter in the WT
+2:03 to the actual record of 41:42 set by Gotti, Heras and Simoni in 1999
Easy sub 40 for modern dopeurs then
please pay attention to d*tch propagandas, the pro pedalton is cleaner than it was in 1999 it's just that they've taken training, equipment, wheel roundness etc. to the next level
How was your ride today? Easy endurance for me, going to do some vo2max work the next weeks starting tomorrow
I got inspired to do some intervals and the weather turned to shite here so I'll do that at lunchtime
200 petrodollars sale price for a garmin 530 is enough to make a fella perform some paypiggery
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You got snow there? We were also hit by a snowstorm today, rough gusts and 20cm of snow still coming later this night. Thank god for the vine machine
You can probably buy it cheaper, I got mine for 160 euros years ago
snow is nominally restricted to the w*st coast at this time of year, sadly
5 min wu 25 x 40/20 ayy lmao 630W last one
yeah 350 was way too easy
Nordic curls after dios mio that was the real sesh
Even back then Pantani would have done sub 40 if they didn't expel him just before that stage
shh don't let the normies get wind of our secret weapon
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Will Irishbert finally purchase a power meter for the 2025 season OFFICIAL /bet/

>Yes 1.72
>No 3.5
Waiting for my pizza, then gonna go pick up some free ice cream and then hopping on the rape machine for a couple hours.

The storm is hitting us tomorrow but it's already quite windy (lmao when isn't it here). Got maybe 5 cm of snow on the ground. Ski season imminent.
free money 2bh
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>bet 1 of course and then gently rub him into the necessity of showing his massive watts
its that easy I'm putting 25k on Yes
once someone gets a taste of number = big and number = getting bigger they never go back. Couple that with bullying potential in multiple directions and it's on
I wouldn't be so sure you know
couple his aloof, devil-may-care-attitude with a strong preference for spectating gym mommies and I'd be willing to wager my Christmas bonis that he'll hold out strong thru to the la vuelta
this, he's also contrarian so he'll do the opposite of what we tell him to do, which is in fact that he
looks like we have ourselves a /bet/ then
>Odd Christian Eiking to tittiemas rockets
grim for that one frenchbert that likes him
This is actually schizobrit
I will not buy a power meter. However most bikes come with power meters and he chances of buying a new bike are fairly reflected in the odds.
25k velocoins is a BIG wager sir, we'll need to see at least half of that as a down payment so it's going to be a very rought start to the goombling season for you
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Which one of you is decent at Art of Rally?
>tfw the eggs were good but you missed the slagroom
I don't trust Hreh with food
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>A 38-year-old Belgian has been taken to hospital in critical condition after a bizarre accident in Switzerland. The man was naked behind the wheel. He collided head-on with an expensive Aston Martin. Police are talking about "strange circumstances".
I suspect this is the beer throwing Bert. Rest in pieces friend
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berts raping even in gag manga
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dafuq is that
poisoned with schizo drugs by the garden gnome
somebody had to do it, better him than me
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>Weighted Blanket Science: The weighted blanket has equally stitched 6 inch pockets for an even spread over your body. This has been proven to increase serotonin and melatonin, which generates a calming relaxation, while decreasing cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. Medical research suggests this natural, physiological approach decreases anxiety, improving mood and promoting restful deeper sleep and relaxation

never heard of weighted blankets before. whatever about their bullshit sales pitch it just sounds comfy to me. buying one.
>Andrey Amador is retiring from cycling. The 38-year-old cyclist from Costa Rica had a contract with EF Education-EasyPost until the end of 2025, but announced in a video message on social media that he is retiring from cycling, because he has not fully recovered from a collision with a truck.

F, did you know this guy got 4th in a Giro once
>Includes: 1 x teddy fleece weighted blanket. Perfect for adult anxiety or stress relief, insomnia, restless leg syndrome (RLS) and autism
also cures autism. there's nothing the miracle blanket can't do!
6kg btw
mine is 9kg but then again I am quite larger than you
also I didn't p*y for it (of coursh)
So it's worth getting one? I'll probably just throw over the bottom half of the duvet so it will be big enough for that.
new thread >>145757828
new thread >>145757828
new thread >>145757828
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first it was the naked hikers and now we have naked drivers as well? why can't you do that in your own country?
>Ein 38-jähriger Belgier liess sich am Dienstagabend kurz vor 22.30 Uhr von einem Taxi chauffieren, verhielt sich aber «auffällig», wie es heisst. Das Verhalten war offenbar derart auffällig, dass ihn der Taxifahrer aus dem Auto schmiss. Kurz darauf zog sich der 38-Jährige nackt aus und lief in der Dunkelheit vor ein herannahendes Auto, einen Alfa Romeo. Dieses erfasste ihn und schleuderte den Mann zu Boden. Die Alfa-Fahrerin stieg aus ihrem Wagen. Der nackte Belgier raffte sich auf, stieg in den Alfa und brauste davon. Und noch während der Taxifahrer sich um die Alfa-Lenkerin kümmerte, geriet der 38-Jährige mit deren Auto in einen folgenschweren Unfall.
you can't make this shit up.
lmao, motherfucker tanking a fucking car, is he superman? and no way he wasn't on drugs

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