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(non)binding contracts edition

CX races:
23.11 Exact Cross Kortrijk - Urban Cross (C2)
24.11 UCI World Cup Antwerpen (CDM)
01.12 UCI World Cup Dublin (CDM)
08.12 UCI World Cup Cabras (CDM)
14.12 X2O Trofee Herentals (C2)
15.12 UCI World Cup Namur (CDM)
21.12 UCI World Cup Hulst (CDM)
22.12 UCI World Cup Zonhoven (CDM)
23.12 Superprestige Mol - Zilvermeercross (C2)
26.12 UCI World Cup Gavere (CDM)
27.12 Exact Cross Loenhout - Azencross (C1)
29.12 UCI World Cup Besançon (CDM)
30.12 Superprestige Diegem (C1)

Upcoming road races:
17.01 - 19.01 Santos Tour Down Under 2.WWT
21.01 - 26.01 Santos Tour Down Under 2.UWT

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>CX races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:

Previous thread:
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get on the weighted blanket bandwagon
better sleep
better recovery
bigger watts
guaranteed or your money back
just watched a natural documentary about Tenerife on arte. Teide is emitting volcanic gases which explains the literally sulfurous performances of some riders. I guess jumbros breathed in a bad batch of gases on their season prepartion which triggered the curse of the mount Teide.
>Teide is emitting volcanic gases which explains the literally sulfurous performances of some riders
carbon monoxide sniffers at it again
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fugging belgians shouldn't drive cars
how seething would you be if a naked schizo smashed up your brand new Aston Martin
the fact that a naked Belgian runs in front of my car, takes a hit and then proceeds to steal the car that ran him over would make me seethe even harder.
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>But there was a sort of funereal atmosphere there. I looked at the faces and I saw Demi… No one was talking. I could feel the bitterness from Demi, I definitely got a weird vibe from her.
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Nobody hates women more than other women.
If I had a brand new Aston Martin I wouldn't be seething at all over the car. Insurance will sort the car out. I'd be seething if I or someone else in my car got hurt because of it.
I like mine and use it nearly every night in the winter
in the summers it can start to interfere with my sleep temperature which seems to counteract the benefits
>outta my way brasschaat fucking shits
did us a favor of ridding us that ugly aston
>naked schizo
Yeah we already knew he was Belgian, no need to clarify
what the fuck does CX mean
Belgian Mudrunning.
muddy clams
>Axel Laurance could well turn out to be one of the most successful transfers of the season. There must have been quite a few who have been interested in the French Comet's signature – and the British team won that battle. Although their characteristics are not one-to-one the same, he has many similarities to Mathieu van der Poel
can't wait to spend all me velocoins on this lad
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its the proper gendered version for CIS-races. Its 2k24 bert, are you still using YX and XX?!?
>he has many similarities to Mathieu van der Poel
Why do people always have to make exaggerated comparisons? He's good but comparisons to MvdP will only make him look bad.
Just noticed i now own seven bikes. I should get rid of some
i had a tasty "texas" burger
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swamp people sports
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Mr Slick Rick
what sort of roadkill do they use to emulate tejas burgers in the good old czech'em?
is it bóbr, some other kind of squeaker? or something entirely foren
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I know I've been hard on you for the quality of your burgers, but my recent Tour des Burgers Francais has proven that you are really working in a burger vacuum

anyway I encourage pictures
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>fugly poleshart still seething after attacking mommy when she was crashed
cheater didnt respect mommys yellow jersey *spits*
They shouldn't breathe oxygen let alone drive cars
Skinny women with puffy clams are the greatest thing our heavenly father ever produced
En lunge + 2 store boller = 3 Tour de France
wood sample clams and cheesy ft birbers/10
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I hope she will kwab Lotte next season, although FDJ support squad looks nowhere close to worxpack
mommy neber gibs up. she still hasnt used her most powerful weapon - gassing the peloton with her stinky tootsies. rumor has it, mommys grandma defected to the g*rmoids, and was INSTRUMENTAL in fumigating the )ews at birkenau. holy BASED!
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where can i find frames like big dabby?
FDJ climbers look stronger to me with Labous and Muzic.
Meanwhile worxpack has no strong climbers left other than Lotte herself and maybe AvdB (big ?), even Fisherwoman-Black left them.
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i need dabbys glasses frames to go with my NEW ponytail.
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>got rid of Vollering
>literally double down on Kopecky
>W**b*s and my sweet succulent mother figure battling for cheesiest tootsies in the tootsieton
holy BASED!
Van der breggen is leader though
I mostly mean there's two Kopeckys now
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there used to be 3, but he got keked
I don't think they would sign him to SDworx anyway
>honestly wood
why does her eye area look like my ballsack? curious
New steel Colnago, shame about the ugly new Super Record
For thzt price might as well fly to Bergamo and get a stelbel
Pic related, even took one with d*sc to make it a fair fight
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Well yeah, obviously a Stelbel or a Bonanno or any other top of the field custom build is a better choice at that price point. I guess it's just fun to see Colnago make a fully modern steel frame, albeit a limited run.
Personally I love Kirk Frameworks, that slender stainless steel build is just so sexy.
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>first night of frost (only -1)
>Completely dry roads caked in centimeters of salt
And then when it actually snows or is wet with multiple days of frost they'll have nothing left as usual, fucking hate this city

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