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Why he kinda hung tho..
Wasnt he near a child tho? Or was a midget?
Probably both
what's moot doing at the olympics?

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this was clearly a hit and mockery toward jesus and Christianity
what happened Christian bros you gone soft
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My local church had the Pride flag up this June and somebody from the progressive side asked how is it possible that even if they've tried making the church more inclusive and there's a resurgence in interest in Christianity, all the newcomers are these horrible "Deus vult nazies". Yeah the church is named after a guy who drank, sang, fucked a nun, started wars and called the Pope a shitpant, go figure.
i mean jesus is nigga that must be respected in my religion and seeing Christians like this just make me disappointed
i try to defend jesus and Christians are the ones who attack me its like they love being humiliates >>143017915
No one cares except whiny incels
>Modern Christians
real christians would bomb the director of that
if by modern you mean 'weak" then you are right
the christians who buile the West were savages in some manner

heres your last supper chud
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>Maturity is being gay or a gender goblin
But why never Islam? It's like saying nigger in here for the millionth time.
>adding an underage girl to the display
They're just parading their pedophilia in everyone's face and no one is stopping it.
Are you retarded?
Why not Buddhism?
Why not Judaism?
Why not Hinduism?

>His sport never had a miracle game

I feel bad for your predictable, boring, soul-less sports.
>his sport never led to the collapse of a nuclear-armed government
The game was 11 years prior to the collapse, but whatever you say.
This loss certainly didn't help things.

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So which events will you be watching tomorrow?
Judo almost certainly. Rowing if the cameras don't suck.
Based handballchad. Will see you tomorrow!
I'll watch whatever is on with a focus on
>shooting (if it's available)
>Canoe slalom (if it's available)
I don't remember this many starting on one day before

i apologize

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i am so fucking hyped for this shit show
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There clearly is no God in France.
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the horse on water and, oddly, Celine channeling Piaf saved their damp frog arses. The fat Mali Aboriginess and some of the tranny shit was fucking awful tho
>Celine channeling Piaf
Just weird, would be like if we had lynyrd skynyrd playing at london or something.

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The heck was that? even on the technical way it was a mediocre presentation, i see Super Bowls openings with 100% more budget and choreographies.
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i watched the whole thing just cause i wanted to see mbappe an wasn't even there
Nothing will match Athens 2004, like watching statues come to life.
Also a pure tribute to European history. The opposite of what France has done now.
You understand the ceremony took place outside across literally miles of river streets, landmarks and not in a stadium right ?
Mbappe is too busy shagging trannies.
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>You understand the ceremony took place outside across literally miles of river streets, landmarks and not in a stadium right ?

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The rain stopped in Paris just as CĂ©line Dion started singing. Does God exist ?
Yeah duh
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What? You didn't watch the full show? He's right here.
Yeah he stopped pissing on them after it was over.
Digits decide how I troll some wine aunts with her fake death for the 74th time
>The True God

He just lives for my wine

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Press S to spit or K to kneel

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>trans poeple as show clowns?
>trans people as female athletes?
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Then maybe it is not all lost.
well if you put it like that...
sadly it won't last though.
It is my last cope
As it should be

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what part of germania are you from?
my relatives live near paderborn
Protip: there is no difference between west slavs and east germans
thats wrong, though
but there is no difference betweens west germans and niggers
Ngaevones ofcourse. the only right choice.

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>gets robbed
>still not as humiliated as France at the end of the day
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France is the reason they aren't still a colony
The first Argentine constitution was a poor copy of the American one.And America's Monroe Doctrine was much of the reason the former colonies retained their independence.

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No games until August 15th
>All Star weekend with Caitlin Clark
>Sophie Cunningham participating in the skills challenge
>No Caitlin or Sabrina in the 3 pt contest
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page 9 bump
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Someone should take over the bumping, it's near midnight here.
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If this thread dies, use the links from here >>142992736 in the next thread op, don't need to put any specific games into op, can just copy those into a reply.
I'll do it since I'm off today

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