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based, hope they rape Argentinian female tourists next time
France is now part of the third world exclusive club.
France is officially a third-world country now.

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I have to thank the Frenchbros, it's been a long time since I laughed like this, but seriously why such a grotesque ceremony?
>why such a grotesque ceremony
they put a gay french jew in charge of it?

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frenchbros why are you like this
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Ban check
A Greek Othrodox guy living in Japan?
That is my dream...
Such cope
imagine still being in your atheism phase in 2024 lol.
I'm glad that the West is becoming more secular desu, we gotta do something about Islam though.

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See? Enzo was right, you can apologize now.
never doubted him
what happened
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Luv these edits
a guy painted himself blue
Enzo has been vindicated

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Cute but she would be devastated if I broke up with her (which I won't).
kino kino legs
>almost looks like a triangle
Maybe she's an Illuminati
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They do this but they pressured japan to Ban Junior idols.......
For me this was the most demoralizing part of the woke political spectacle, when they made these guys in the Republican Guard bow down to some random ugly niggers.
France created modern Olympic Games with Courbertin. The point is that Paris already hosted it 1 century ago
hate to say it but /pol/ was right
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>Athletic competition?

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Is an horse an athlete?
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We're getting esports added to the Olympics soon enough so computers will be athletes, might as well throw in motorsports too
equestrian events start in 4 hours btw
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you could argue that a thoroughbred horse is the ultimate athlete
because unlike humans they are bred purely for their athletic performance
They live and breed for their sport
>esports added to the Olympics
Hear that? It's the sound of Nvidia execs rubbing hands.
which is why i question how horse racing gets to still exist while greyhounds have been sent to the shadow realm

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Let’s have a thread about these things.
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Cobi and Misha >>>>>>>>> the rest
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Huh last pic looked like shit so version 2.0
is he retard?
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lewd echidna

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Manchester City have made an offer to sign 26-year-old Spain midfielder Dani Olmo from RB Leipzig. (Foot Mercato - in French)

>Barcelona are also chasing Olmo and have bid an initial £40m - which would be spread over four payments - plus £20m in add-ons for him. (Mundo Deportivo - in Spanish)
However, Leipzig have rejected Barcelona's offer for Olmo as it falls well below their expectations. (Sky Sports Germany)

England defender Jarrad Branthwaite, 22, is intending not to sign a new deal at Everton unless they can match the £160,000-a-week being offered by Manchester United. (Mail)

>Manchester United's English defender Aaron Wan-Bissaka, 26, has rejected advances from West Ham and would prefer a move to Inter Milan this summer. (Talksport)

Manchester United have revisited a potential swap deal involving Wan-Bissaka and Inter Milan's Dutch defender Denzel Dumfries, 28. (Mail)

>Brentford's plans to let Tottenham and West Ham target Ivan Toney leave the club could be shelved after the 28-year-old England forward's replacement Igor Thiago suffered an injury in pre-season. (Sun)

Crystal Palace have agreed a 15m euro (£12.6m) deal in principle to sign Senegal winger Ismaila Sarr, 26, from Marseille. (Athletic )

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top kek, my dad is a spurs fan and i was going to say i might watch them
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watch ur mouth "mate"
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>food shortages in the olympics village
>terror bomb threats at key locations
>terrible logistics and transport
>dirty sewer-river as main open water venue
>dogshit opening and closing ceremonies

Paris olympics will be everything the media said the olympics in Rio would be. APOLOGIZE
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puta merda seu filho da puta, você é burro pra caralho
Seeing First World decaying and the europeans damaging control at every aspect is so funny,
First ESCUCHCEN and now this clear competency crisis
Every olympics they complain about the food and when you think about it makes sense cause how you gotta provide so much differnt cuisine based on bullshit cultures and religions and the logistics of that gotta be a fucking nightmare
Only the e.coli colonies swim in the Seine
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>reading comprehension

Is it time for the MLB to step in and do something about this franchise?
there are at least 10 other baseball teams more pathetic than them, including the other one in New York, so no, they have other priorities
the other one in new york that just embarrassed them in the subway series?

What is the point of so much satanic imagery in these shows? Do they like to triggers christians or they just like the symbolism and want to appear deep?
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>he doesn't know what baphomet is
kek, I like how the fluffy fur stuff really makes the compression algorithm shit itself
Artsy types that would be put in charge of directing these kinds of things stupid just love symbolism, occultism and other sorts of obscure, esoteric and "deep" shit
It's probably not even malicious they just think it's kind of neat
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Wow look at this baphomet worshipper
Do you think maybe context matters?

Hi, I'm Razor, the GOAT rugby coach

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end it already

streams: https://worldsports.me/olympics-2024/games-of-the-xxxiii-olympiad-paris-2024-opening-ceremony-live-coverage/7
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>Judo, skateboarding, and archery are all at 2-4 in the fucking morning
all extremely boring or bullshit sports
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Anyone knows the name of this cute girl?
Peg Leg Petra

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"The first non-white player in the NBA was a 5'7" Japanese from Utah" edition.
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Pacers, Nuggets, Magic
Doncic is a wigger
pistons were league pass superstars last season
the most watchable pistons moment from the past 5 years is when that one guy went after lebum for punching him in the eye "inadvertently"
the people wanted malice in the palace part 2 so bad
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>that facial hair

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