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we need more kino like this
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no.. i don't want to see some gay ass stadium concert anymore. Gimme this French opening ceremony every day of the week. And idgaf it nobody came to watch. The whole show is filmed for television anyways.
it'd be the kinoest of timelines really

likely shit over here, we are desceding down to vassals, priced out for foreigers who dont even live here
Why don't they just pay their bills instead?
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>rotting facilities: and that was before the opening ceremony
>almost as shitty as Rio: so you've got that going for you at least
>in terminal debt
There's a very good reason why Greece will be exactly like Brazil: never host an Olympics again, as those two games demonstrated only too graphically
>1908 London
>1948 London
>2012 London
>1900 Paris
>1924 Paris
>2024 Paris
>1932 Los Angeles
>1984 Los Angeles
>2028 Los Angeles
>1896 Athens

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very based
It's 2024 bro, both pics are equally fucking stupid and should both be scrapped from history.
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next Olympics will be so much better

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>french TV livestream of ceremony
>some country comes up
>"they never won an olympic medal in their history"
>rwanda comes up
>talks about the Rwandan genocide

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How many times did they show Misha crying already?

"Citizens, take up arms, form your battle squads, let us march, let us march! May an impure blood drench our furrows."

Y'all froggies love rioting over the littlest shit but you won't take this opportunity to start a real revolution with all the world watching. Playing polo with tyrannical heads is definitely an Olympic sport.
glad we picked an athlete that hates our country
Just started watching NBC coverage, they immediately start talking about enhanced security in Paris and targeted arson attacks happening throughout the city.
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>July 27th TNT Sports UK ESPN+ USA
Joe Joyce vs. Derek Chisora

>August 3rd DAZN PPV
Israil Madrimov vs. Terence Crawford
Isaac Cruz vs. Jose Valenzuela
Andy Ruiz vs. Jarrell Miller
Jared Anderson vs. Martin Bakole
David Morrell vs. Radivoje Kalajdzic
Andy Cruz vs. Antonio Moran

>August 10th DAZN
Serhii Bohachuk vs. Vergil Ortiz

>August 10th ESPN USA Sky Sports UK

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Appalled is the healthy reaction, but you should also be grateful he's confining his mental illness into a spinoff thread. Really though this guy has completely lost it.
Real boxing fans around here lad.
King Fury’s on the Wall (Credit goes to fellow esteemed member of the Furycord)

Oh, King Fury's on the wall,
King Fury's on the wall,
He stands so tall in glory,
King Fury's on the wall.

From the streets of Manchester,
To the ring where champions fall,
He fights with heart and power,
King Fury's on the wall.

He danced with the bronze bomber,
He rose above them all,
With every punch and victory,

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A beautiful ode to the Gypsy King.
Anyone else going to the signing of Frank and Fearless?

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>the section
impossible, it was every section
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You’ve been taping that sign for years at this point
They only recently started backing off a bit

I've met France
she's black
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Yes yes, and there's a foundational communist writer who has a quote along the lines of "an arrow of libido aimed at the fetus"
And by an arrow of libido I mean my peanus weanus of course!
Is that lady liberty?
Because Greeks are lazy fuck who can't do shit

Modern Olympic Game was created by a French and they even made the first one in Athens to calm down the greek retards acting like retards going wewuzz

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The french are going bankrupt just trying to fill their shops with chink shit
They don't make anything anymore
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Nope, still jews
By doing nothing

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For me personally, full 118-minutes of body positivity and black trans rights parade.
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Large choreo with people in motorized carts, sponsored by Walmart.
Synchronised kneeling
I fully expect it to be a 2 hour long campaign ad for whatever political party is in power at that time. That's all the states ever talks about. They're completely obsessed
Neither as spectacular nor degenerate as you people keep predicting.
I predict it being cancelled or relocated to another country due to the upcoming Second American Civil War.

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Are there any trans (MtF specifically) competing in the Olympics? If so, what are their names?
I mainly ask so that I know who to avoid and which sports not to watch.
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they r not allowed in they found away to exclude them thru the doping testing
Perhaps you should control your general urge to consoom shitty Mario Party minigames
I know but won't tell you.
So you'll either have to not watch the Olympics or suffer having to watch those you hate but have done nothing to you personally to justify your hatred of them. Choose wisely
Tell me their names and I will endure watching them, as much as I'll hate that. Please remember I dislike MtF.
I can tell you more than that: the entire Argentinian team

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What would he think of it?
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(i mean now, they used to celebrate Napoleon more than the revolution in past history)
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the archery competition is happening in les invalides
Napoleon would've been the solution to the woes of the declining bourbonn monarchy and shitshow of Republicanism, a foundation of a new strong and energetic house and nation. Bongistan would not have it be.
Probably think it's a bit short

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Either ban them both or unban Russia.
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At least Russia has the balls to straight up declare war and try and take what they want.

Not like the sniveling Jews who use their usual pussy tactics to try and get what they want. Disgusting people.
never chud, war is bad mmmkay?
>Russian athletes must condemn the war to compete as neutrals!
>Russian who's likely to beat USA/France and win gold condemns war
>hmmm I don't think they said it with enough sincerity, denied
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>Israel didn't invade a country unprovoked.

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First Pitch @ 7:10pm CST
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lets get a run
kek wheeze. gg royals...
fuck this park is so deep
gg royals
gg royliebears
At least they aren't tricking me into them being competitive anymore, it hurts less when they just get btfo.

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They gave us a 3-minute long Minions advert in the middle of the biggest parade on Earth and everyone forgot about it immediately.
Frenchoids are pretending that it didnt happen
Anyone have a webm or link to a video?
Missed that part.

I didn't catch the ceremony, did my gauliggas Asterix and Obelix make an appearance?
Nope but the Minions did
>known abusers of PEDs at the Olympics
it would be a bad look anon
WADA needs to test whatever was in that cauldron for banned substances

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How has he played in Manchester United so far? He used to be the GOAT defensive midfielder in Real Madrid, but I didn't see him playing for MU.

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