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The hovering flame is pretty kino
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The heavy rain limited the skyviews but made the laser show more impressive
3 hour show + no hamfisted obese women and drag queens and it would have been near perfect.
Especially considering hot air balloons are a french invention
I think the big difference with other ceremonies is that you had the athletes parade at the same time. Most of the time you have the ceremony, then you could skip the parade. Also the rain fucked up the pacing a bit, and we had way less camera angles than expected (drones couldn't work).
It's just a fucking ball, would have been WAY cooler to light the Eiffel Tower on fire

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here it comes the fuck anti-semitic
You are years late
actually this year too algerian will withdraw against jew
i think he will miss weight on purpose

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Why is this an olympic sport? Might as well throw spikeball and kan jam in there too

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This image speaks volumes
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The west was a mistake.
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>/pol/s reaction
They mock you repeatedly and you absorb it like a little bitch and pretend you're in on it versus a boogie man. Link the /pol/ thread's reaction, I bet it is just them talking about what bitches normies are (like you.)
Imagine being a virgin before ww3. Lol some chink soldier is going to use your rictus stiff bussy but it won't count.
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Netanyahu brings his dirty laundry with him when he visits. He says American protestors, who are protesting an evil war on innocent people and children, are Iranian-funded and implies that they’re terrorists and should be stopped and the trained dogs in Congress line up to lap up his piss. Why on Earth would they honor our sacrifices if they know they have us in their pocket?
Why would they honour their slaves?

>America is bla-ACK!

It's crazy how distorted the view of 15% of our population is.

LeGoat has arrived.

Now that the dust has settled, was it better 100 years ago?

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Wasted chance to let him to light the olympic flame
Litteraly who
>white male
No they knew.
He's not black
He looks too masculine and White to be French

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Now that the dust has settled, rate the 2024 olympics.

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>french TV livestream of ceremony
>some country comes up
>"they never won an olympic medal in their history"
>rwanda comes up
>talks about the Rwandan genocide

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I'm already worried about how bad Brisbane 2032 is going to be.
I was watching the cazeTv on 5% vol
everytime that dyke opened her mouth I had to mute
the destruction of france
kek it's gonna be terrible but hilarious
>USA comes up
>”Largest consumer of burgers per capita”

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How are you guys coping with the fact that we won’t be getting a 50k race walk?
Uh oh
Je Suis sharté
Oh lata le stinqé poopé
By thinking back on the good times

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>england lost the yuro cause of nonce soufgate
>fookin french cunts host the olympics

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what does this image represent?
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That they dont speak german
>Hitler out of nowhere
are you ok, shlomo?
Europe's old gross (white) past passing the torch to their new vibrant black future.
Its a boomer
Ignore it
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>Hitler didn't eat animals and he mercy killed his dog because Soviet chinks were about to boil it alive, please hate him

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(one of the best Olympic performances ever)
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>a fucking leaf
and she's not even french
im germans, thanks for playing, mexicans
in anglo countries they changed it into english by ai

>Titanic song

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The whole show was just banter
Sorry. lol.
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which music?
Celine dion is canadian
Nearly all of it; Gainsbourg, M83, Justice, Johnny, Véronique Sanson, Chopin...
They had a Cerrone song too, I think.
One of these is not like the others.
Chopin is Polish, thief

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