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>Bentancur apologised in June for appearing to say all South Korean people “look the same” during an interview.

>The host of a Canal 10 show asked Bentancur to display the shirt of a Spurs player, with the former Juventus star replying: “Sonny’s? It could be Sonny’s cousin too as they all look the same.”

>The 27-year-old conceded it was “a very bad joke,” with Son later expressing his “love” for his teammate.

its pretty simple, don't be racist
how hard is that for people to understand
he looks jewish
This is oppression of latinx culture
theres jews in south america i thought they all went to usa?
Games gone
>didn’t even say the n word
Englands gone so fucking soft
it was an aggravated breach of rule e3 because it implied race but the rule that was broken is just
>E3.2: A participant shall not use or engage in behavior that is abusive, insulting, or improper, including threatening language or behavior.
reasons for being Aggravated Breach are basically mentioning someone isn't straight, white or male:
Ethnic origin
Religion or belief
Gender reassignment
Sexual orientation
OP of thread

so another situation where th epunishemnt is worse if you do it against a non-white non-hetero non-normal man
Not enough
He should be jailed and sodomized
season ending slur
ffs now Spurs can't win the league
Maybe us Yid Army sisters should've protested.......
Claude died for this, won't be long before Bentancur gets assasinated
What's racist about pointing out that all these slit eyed yellow people with black hair look the same.
it's only the women, chud.
There are Jews everywhere, even in Indonesia. Iberian Jews practically move everywhere after Reconquista.
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What would be a career ending slur though?
something about jews
Mainz did fire El Ghazi over Palestine.
"It's OK to be white"
The game's gone
this would never happen in america

because america is the greatest country in the world. 1st amendment is BASED, owning guns is based, europoors can cope and seethe.
I feel like Bitania has become some Dystopia shithole. You are not allowed to say anything at all
not even racist
our vice president is jewish, and so does 2/11 of our supreme court members, also the second and third biggest tv channels are owned by jews.
Uruguayans are so violent and vile. I don't feel safe living next to them.
what Kanye said
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>anyone with a big nose is jewish
Fucks unironically believe this.
England is literally worse than 1984
how did Enzo Fernandez get no punishment then?
Koreans are a more lucrative demographic than Africans.
>speak the truth
>get banned
Well this is retarded
White privilege.
something about Net and Yahoo
Checking the thread
At least one guy remembered o7
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all lives matter
How do career ending injuries or throwing bottles at player's heads never come close to being as badly punished as le racism?
I bet Sonny didn't give a shit and continued his day as normal.
7 matches for saying he looks similar to his cousins? Wtf England
First Cavani now him
Why are Urgay like this
He literally just joked that they all look alike. That's not a slur.
You know when something is true because they come down hard on it.
Cavani's case was demented because he was speaking on IG with his own friend whom everyone calls "negrito". Somehow in freedom land anglosaxon yeomen carta magna loving England that was a matter of state legislation, what you call you friends has to be regulated and pre-approved by the FA.
Dunno why but south american racists always make me laugh
you can't even be racist against asians. just like that guy claude from aftv with the "dvd" remark. i understand for blacks, but asians?
post nose
every country has jews, they realized this way you can't actually exterminate them
he should post the gas chambers math
They all have slim builds and dark hair, they do all look alike
>punishing his team on behalf of someone on his team
lol do eurotards really?
Argentina is the 3rd country with the largest Jewish population.
All of them are casually located within Buenos Aires as well.
Despite being 0.1% of the world population, they still manage to be everywhere.
black on black crime never gets reported
This the the 3rd racial ban for a Dino
>this negrito
Why can they act right? Culture? Socioeconomic reasons? What?
SON should retire from football to make up for what he did to BENTANCUR. For Asians, For Korea, For Tottenham Hotspur. It's not about race or something. Why should Koreans support this off-putting man?

If I weren’t Korean, I wouldn’t dare to say it, but I have the right to speak up. PLEASE RETIRE FROM FOOTBALL SCEAN
As an Asian myself, this is kinda ridiculous, but oh well.
This bullshit made me dislike Son even more. Son, Please stop causing trouble with the people around you.
it's literall unconstitutional in your country to deny the existence of a genocidal state
People here say how whiteys and blacks all look the same and nobody bats an eyelid. It must be so tiring living in a place where getting offended on someone else’s behalf is not only accepted but actively encouraged.
I remember Como and Wolves players got into a brawl during preseason friendly because one of Como's player call Hwang Hee-chan "Jackie Chan". What's wrong with UK?
>tfw no winona ryder/jennifer connelly looking jewish gf who speaks indon
I suffer
it is actually culture, Uruguay is not a country of braindead retarded faggots and their behavior are very human like
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All fucking niggers must fucking hang
how fucking DARE you
This guy could say he’s from Argentina, Qatar, or India and I would believe him.

arr rook the same is now racist? damn son
> T. Blames Aguirre for getting a fucking can of beer thrown at his head
sexy korea gets it

yep, world doesn't have to know tho, a common custom here, specially for football players, is to hype up everyone in a group by constant banting, so depending on a distinct feature you'll be "the black", "the chink", "the ear", "the ball", "the piece of paper", etc. A good part of the recent suarez drama was the players being separated from the staff, as all of them were involved in this wanker shit they love.

tl;dr: it's not racism, it's wankerism

>t. dino named either fantasy or (disney's) Goofy by coach
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Why would a brown mutt like him be using racial slurs

He's not White like us.

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