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How does this affect his legacy?
boomers are officially not allowed on /spuh/ now
he'll always be a pedophile rapist faggot that got raped in prison.
Well it isn't great
It's exactly the sad cashgrab everyone expected it would be, so no change. But he comes out on top if he uses it to fund more seasons of Mike Tyson Mysteries
Norm's dead...
The first thing anyone said in the ring was that they broke the Mayweather vs. McGregor record.
get adam corolla, i can't tell the difference between them so surely nobody else can
they both went limp mode for $20 million
didn't get knocked down, or out.
everyone knows its an exho for money. doubt he cares.
saddest shit i ever seen the jews won once again
and now the pathetic setup with Logan trying to get in there. nobody is watching a asecond Tyson fight with Paul's
It doesn't
Jake's legacy is destroyed though
GOAT boxer. 58. i knew Jake was gonna win
mike doesn't get knocked out/down
its gravy.
after taxes like 12?
still a decent payday
Norm is spinning in his grave
>millennials and zoomers too boring that Paul can't find another one as an opponent that anyone would watch
>millennials and zoomers too stupid to realize an early senior citizen can't go like this
nice try
No one even got knocked out. It's just one of those yeah it happened events.
literally 0 effect, maybe a slight positive since he didnt get KOd
wow what a surprise a 60 yr old man got gassed after the first match. In his prime he would have turned the faggots face into a pulp
Considering I don't see a billion webms and gifs of a compromising looking frame of Tyson with BLEACHED memes I'm going to guess it was a mid as fuck fight
Goat boxer, even without legs at 58 he still has speed and a solid punch,as long as he is not gassed out, would have clearly won on the first 1 or 2 rounds if it was not an scripted fight
Nothing ever happens.
when will AI make this happen?
not really since it wasn't even close to serious, just an obvious cash grab
It doesn't, everyone knows Mike even at +10 years on Paul would murder him
At the end of the day, people still like and respect Mike Tyson more than the Paul brothers. Strongest 58 year old around.
>I'm happy with what I did today
Mike is a fraud.
The money goes to thier companies which will post a loss so they pay no tax
First half was Jake Paul dancing and hugging Tyson with the occasional weak jab
Second half was Tyson standing still not doing anything
Its embarrassing neither did anything in the final round either this was just a payday
neither could Seth MacFarlane
LMAOing at tysonfags coping ITT
went full 8 rounds in the ring just shy of 60.
Didn't get knocked out by someone half his age.
That's a victory.
nobody will remember this.
Coz really not much actually happened. It'm really was that uneventful.
Losing the fight doesn't affect it, but the big old negro booty cheeks he flashed to the camera certainly do lel
Mike is based. As usual boxing plebs got played again kek
It doesn't lol
Prime Mike was a scary dude
But enough about your Daddeh
does it really affect is negatively? he was already super washed and an unstable retard by the end. being able to come out of retirement and seem like a decent person is a boost if anything.
It just makes him look like a retarded goofball, which everyone already knew he was.
>a 100% meme social media netflix meme fight with a more-than-double age difference
No one's gonna remember this. This entire thing was a way to trick people into thinking a "fight" happened to rake in ad revenue from everyone watching and sell shitty Walmart body spray
To be quite honest I can't agree with the people who cope about "uwuu the poor 58 year babby" but simultaneously wishing he destroys Jake Paul and I don't even like that zoomer fuck. Mike Tyson agreed to the fight, probably for a giant payday and hoping he could he get a cool knockout frame maybe. Jake obviously agrees to get one of the biggest names ever on his belt. It was a fair deal
Mike's legacy ended in the 90s. He was washed near the end of the 90s. The fight was sad, but in the way of bringing out some old race horse and making them race with the prime horses. But in this case the promoter was also the prime horse. Jake Paul is embarrassing and people are retarded for thinking Mike had a chance to begin with.
About as much as Larry Holmes vs Butterbean.
He's an old, retired boxer. I'm not gonna challenge Michael Phelps to a swimming race in 30 years and then be like "YEAAAH, I BEAT MICHAEL". People degrade with age. Nothing compares to how you perform in your prime.
Based that he could even stand up in the ring and go 8 rounds. Champs gotta go out on his back because otherwise everyone will say he can still go in his 70s.
Jake was respectful in the end but Mike is unfortunately past it.
this was the nail in the coffin. no more oldfag ex champ vs influencer. this is the equivalent of the dundee olympic break dancer who destroyed it forever
the boomers wouldn't have gotten so excited if trump would've lost
they thought the stars were aligning fr
Hollywood ran out of old movie franchises to emasculate and kill off original characters in, so now they've moved on to retired and elderly athletes.

I'd say the fact that he lasted all 8 rounds and didn't get knocked out by that loser is good enough to keep some respect on his record though.
sane members of society agreed to support seeing jake ko'd. it's just how things go.
There was no fight.
Tyson could do way better than that if he really wanted to fight even if he would certainly be gassed in no time, but he had to stand for 8 rounds and Paul wasn't allowed to go too hard on him either.
Paul was able to do a show match with Mike, one of his dream and they both got their money from it while retards got scammed (again).
>boxing hall of fame
Jake Paul will never win a belt as is a faggot. It will be nothing more than looked on as a simple money grab.
>if he wins, he cements his status as the GOAT
>if he loses, everyone online can just say "yeah he's 60 years old, prime mike would've killed jake"
>either way, he walks away with a massive bag since no one is going to treat this as a legitimate match in the public sphere due to the manufactured spectacle behind it
The only smart people were those who bet Jake Paul winning by decision.
Mike tyson is the most overrated boxer of all time. He was maybe 3rd best of his era, after Hollyfield and Lennox Lewis. This GOAT talk was always retarded.
Today he fought like an 80 year old.
>The only smart people were those who bet Jake Paul winning by decision.
Everyone said this is how the match was going to go down years ago when it was first rumored
they should throw in adam eget instead
Total Kike Death.
Total Streamer Death.

Carbomb that faggot immediately
Norm was actually funny. Carolla has always been a hack.
It's going to make a lot of people say he could've won a fight in which he was gassed, scared, and uncertain of his own power against an objectively more fit opponent.
He was pushing 60. The argument ends there. Jake Paul could have won, but 'I went the distance with Iron Mike' sounds better than 'I knocked out a senior citizen'. It's the art of strategic downplaying.
I think the main reason anyone had any interest in this at all is to see if Mike could in any way deal with the tremendous generational gap and not many would hold it against him if he couldn't
Makes no difference. No one judges Ali on his exhibition fights either
>But he comes out on top if he uses it to fund more seasons of Mike Tyson Mysteries
Paul shouted out the positive winds of change in the post-fight interview btw
This, jake isn't dumb. He just acts like a retard for attention.
I like that Jutta likes him. Wish she was mine
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I was expecting it to be rigged but not this rigged
>faggot YouTuber punches geriatric old man
>Old man takes it calmly and doesn't fight back
>Faggot YouTuber can't knock out grandpa
>Old man bites pillow
>Faggot YouTuber runs away and also hugs him
>Old man gets paid 20 million dollars
Absolutely nothing, only his bank account is going to be affected. The dude walked with tens of millions of dollars doing nothing at all. Nigga scammed us all.
Nah, we just wanted to see that zoomer laid out. I gotta give it Paul, he's a great heel.
Only thing Mike cares about is that he's +20m
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Is it just me or Tyson was way worse than a 58 year old should have been?

Of course it wasn't expected for him to be like a prime fighter, but he gassed out in 2 minutes. There are older people at the local Y who do more intense sports than that for longer.
He's still got it!
I don' think it was rigged the way you're thinking, Jake Paul clearly didn't want to beat a beloved elderly man. When he saw mike could barely walk he went into sparring mode.
just how many old people fights are you watching?
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try throwing punches
He fought like an 80 year old..
I didn't watch this but I get the feeling there wasn't much of a "out for blood" attitude in either fighter like there may have been 30 years ago
begging you to open a fucking biology textbook
or use your common fucking sense
we have the
>he's 58
cope so it doesn't hurt him at all, instead we're going to have a few years of hearing what a legend he is
normies will think less of him. Specialist already knew he sucked.
he's knee was fucked, go watch his 54 year old fight against roy jones, without legs you cant box, on the first and 2 round he catched him 3 times and if it was a real fight he win this
my man, do you know how taxing Boxing is???
Do you know how hard is it to fight someone almost 30 years younger then you????
Mysteries was a good show tho
Dude how young do you think 58 is? Doing jumping jacks and pilates or some crap isn't comparable to boxing in the ring lol
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He's not exactly proud of who he "was."

So I'm sure since he didn't get knocked out at 60 by a guy who is half his age supposedly "in his prime" is a win.
I won $500, hahaha. I'm going to treat my ladyfriend to a nice dinner and get some more skeet clays.
I expected Tyson to get gassed at the bell of round 2, if the fight even lasted that long, but that was before I knew the format was 2 minute rounds as opposed to 3 minute rounds. Starting and stopping more frequently at his age tired him faster.
Paul is hated moreso for what he represents rather than any particular thing he does. He knows this and uses it his advantage.
It doesn't. Safest ending possible. I feel more sympathy for the old though. Really should make you appreciate your youth.
Kek. I know almost nothing about boxing and my wife even less. She didn’t know who either of them were. I said Mike Tyson was the third best boxer back in the 80s and Jake Paul is a faggot YouTuber.
Mike literally tripped on his walkout. His legs were fucked before the fight even began. Absolutely horrendous that the fight was even sanctioned. Glad he got a bag, but what the fuck
I thought the same thing. I know two guys in the mid 60s in better shape than that.
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I already feel pretty busted at 33 even compared to just 7-8 years ago
Clearly they were agreeing not to try to knock each other out. Of course, if Tyson could have done more, he would have. The match(?) was fought according to his current level. It just shows the effect of aging.
When he was over 80, Jack Dempsey said he could still fight, but could not go on for very long. He had then just easily beat up some thugs who tried to rob him.
It really doesn't, Ali got a much more embarrassing end to his boxing career and is still revered as a legend
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>before the fight
>after the fight
If only he had the legs he had 4 years ago. Legit think he would of had a good shot then, but once the legs go, it's about done.
many such cases
He had an issue with his leg, idk the severity of it but considering he barely moved around the ring I'd say the fight should have been postponed or something.
He couldn't keep up with Jake at all and he is shorter so needs mobility.

Some might say his leg injury was age related but a leg injury is a leg injury, and you need legs for boxing. If his legs were fine he would have done way better in the ring and that's a fact.
you think he can't find a New Norm
Fuck you
Your woman are ugly!
Except for the one I met 12 years ago. I forgot her name but she was so sweet
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Imagine thinking this fight wasn't WWE tier theater lmao.
This shit was all a giant publicity stunt to push these receding hairline zoomers' social media meme careers, energy drinks, and body spray.
Mike is old and skipped leg day, Jake was pulling punches to avoid elder abuse and make everyone think we got le heckin wholesome reddit ending.

The Serrano-Taylor fight was what an ACTUAL boxing match looks like when you have two fighter actually trying to, y'know, win the fight.
Said literally no one.
i didn't even know he was sick
Carolla is a good reliable funny. He's not as punchy or smart as norm, not as high highs. But you couldn't get norm to even interview his friends consistently for releases.
Norm still the GOAT though, and they don't even sound that similar. I bet Carolla could do a good norm impersonation, but he won't.
Anon we were hyping it up in the sticky but we all knew the odds were not in Mike's favour
I like how by the end of the very first round they were already on the MUH LEGS cope. Of course, it doesn't matter for a staged-ass fight like that.
You really have to wonder just how deluded a zoomer faggot like Jake Paul actually is to think that he won tonight. Dude's celebrating beating up a 60-year-old 30 years past his prime as if it actually means anything at all. I beg the question what the point of all this shit even was in the end. It just ended up being a humiliation ritual not only for Mike, but for the sport of boxing as a whole. I genuinely feel like boxing straight up died tonight.
Put it this way, Too Tall Jones was an All-Star NFL player put on some exhibition matches later in life. It didn't affect his football legacy at all because they are different sports and everyone knows it was just an exhibition.

Same here. Tyson was a champion boxer who retired. This was an exhibition. It was a fashion show. He was still a beast until he got out of prison.
mike tyson has always been an overhyped BUM
I don't see it affecting the sport of boxing at all. Paul is not ranked by anyone. He is not top-15 in any chart. Boxing is just fine if you stick to the real fights between real contenders. This was neither.
Made me want to look up his old fights.
You guys are fucking crazy thinking that was real.
At least we know he's never thrown a fight before, that was the least convincing lay down I've seen, obviously a first timer.

he still has plenty of power, and if he were really fighting would have known his shot would be a KO in the first 3 before getting gassed. you didn't see that at all. he barely sparred. no strategy.
I think however he retained enough of his pride that he had to make it obvious he was throwing the fight.
He did not get KO so mostly effected Jake Paul.
>h-he threw it!
His ‘legacy’ was over when he chewed off his opponent’s ear and was exposed for only ever having beaten cans past their prime during heavyweight boxing’s worst ever period.
he did. it doesn't mean he would have won if he tried, but not even trying is throwing it.
you are delusional lol
he literally just got tired
playa showed his bussy and complimented jakes throw game
It doesn't. It just highlights the cruelty of aging
Only looked dangerous the first two round, couldn't close the distance meaningfully-- should've just invited Paul to the corner to dig him out and/or grappled.
>I'm going to guess it was a mid as fuck fight
The womens fight before it was unironically better. It was the worst fight of the night
Black people are crying everywhere over this loss.
>it just me or Tyson was way worse than a 58 year old should have been?
No I thought so as well. Even at the very start he was moving more like 68 than 58
I wouldn't want to fight the old bastard even though he isn't half the man he used to be. He should get props for even trying to win at his age.
At 58, the only way he could've done anything to Paul in a real fight is by giving everything in the first 2 rounds for a tiny litlle chance to land a KO which would otherwise result in him being gassed and getting a KO in return.
They weren't here for that, they wren't here to shit ofn Mike, they were here for a show of 8 rounds and getting money at the end of it, so yeah Mike was fucking around to avoid being gassed which happened during R3 because he did too much during the first two rounds so they immediately stopped doing too much after that.
Legacy doesn't pay the mortgage

He may have made 20 mill, but he's probably still down 100 mill
Norm was more iconic than funny. He had funny interactions because he could get a ride out of people but he turned into a weirdo Christian and he was lowkey mentally ill.

My favorite thing he did was interview super Dave and super Dave said if I’m breaking into a house it’s for two reasons, to a rape a women or to steal.
Yep, its evident by starting his podcast alone that Mike's got money troubles. This fight must have been the best thing to happen to him at this age.
Meant for
Are people really surprised neither of these people have any real fighter stamina?
he had a broken hip
the real Tyson was four years ago against Roy Jones
completely different animal
this was tyson at half his strength
fuck... that one got me...
he answered himself
>I like that Jutta likes him. Wish she was mine
Don't ever post something like that again you sad cunt
Based Mike.

it improves it

he got knocked out by a bum at 23, now he can go the distance with one
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his real name is michael gerard wtf?
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO what a fucking joke sport
So you're telling me that the biggest champion in the history of boxing got absolutely destroyed to the point where the opponent didn't want to go too hard on him against a literal who youtuber who did a total of like 3 matches in his life?
>no Dempsty Roll
hahaha you faggots paid to watch this shit hahahaha

t.pol laffing @ u
>No liver blow
>No gazelle punch
Why even bother?
58 is absolutely ancient for boxing, a sport that requires great cardio, quick random motions, and bursts of power generation. On top of that, he's a former pro, which makes it 10x times harder than some amateur who goes to his local boxing gym into his 50's but has none of the tremendous wear and tear of a former pro. Everyone thought it was laughable for george foreman to make another run at the title even though he was "only" 45 when he finally got it. But tyson did let himself go for years and years, and you don't come back from that at his age.
He was always an overrated cancrusher that lost pretty much every competitive fight he was in. He built up his record by basically being the 80s version of Wilder. Not sure what else people were expecting seeing as he was getting knocked out by shitters like Kevin McBride 20 years ago.
Him not being able to beat up that scrawny Russian on the plane was worse.
I thought between celebrity boxing and butterbean on espn 2 I'd seen it all
He got millions, he's stopped giving a shit about this stuff a long time ago. Everyone knew this happened so Jake Paul could say "I beat Mike Tyson".
Both of them gave about 40%, and it was fucking obvious. They both have the power to knock the other out, and both had ample opportunity to do so, but neither of them even tried. It was rigged, but Jake lacks the technical ability to make it convincing, and I think Mike was genuinely worried he might accidentally KO Paul and break his contract. He rattled him hard in the first round and it wasn’t even a big hit, you can see him totally shift gears after that moment and fight more defensively. The guy straight up just stopped throwing punches by the end.
when I was a kid he was "that guy who bit the guys ear off"
I wonder if there are any boxers over 50 who could beat Paul
It's almost as if seeing just how bad his legs were we started talking about that huh
by 50 you have lost at least half the strength you had when you were 30

there's no way pal
No one will ever remember this cash grab in 1 year.

I wonder if this helped him pay the bills of if he's still under
>The womens fight before it was unironically better. It was the worst fight of the night
The womens' fight was what I was hoping mike and paul's fight to be, I should have gone to sleep after that one.
i can easily one-shot 1 year olds what you on about
He's just another violent Neger
It shouldn't affect it, really. If he got knocked out then I think it would be more embarrassing, but he got through it. I was hoping for a miracle but realistically it was always going to be rough going against someone less than half his age.
>TFW Gus isnt there to book you solely against jobbers.
It puts the final nail in in boxing it's as real as WWE WWF can you smell what The Rock is cooking what are you going to do when Mike Tyson s**** all over boxing brother!!! Might himself gave a absolutely deranged interview to a 10-year-old girl saying he didn't give one s*** about his legacy and apparently $20 million dollars back set up because he can't manage f****** money he should be one of the richest people on the planet but he can't afford integrity apparently because you can look at the training videos recently and that's not the person who showed up in the ring he wasn't as good as before but he was still deadly it's a fuckimg travesty
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He'll still be a flawed but respected legend. Nobody will remember this snoozefest exhibition match designed to rake in money just like nobody remembers the other times Tyson got his ass beat back when he wasn't even a senior citizen yet.
t. somebody who doesn't even like Tyson
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It means he's pathetic because he threw the fight. No respect to him. The real Mike Tyson died back in the 80s when he still had a Nintendo game and respect.
>source: I'm retarded I made it up
>60 years old with a knee injury in a sport where you literally can't throw a proper punch without your legs
Why not just delay the fight?
leave it to italians to be this dumb. maybe try looking up what age mike is and how long ago he retired? what the fuck do u expect from some grandpa who hasnt boxed professionally for 20 years? actual 60 iq post
0%. Paul had to run and hug his way through the first round because he literally was scared of a 58 year old Cesium Mike. All it demonstrated was that prime Iron Mike would have dropped this kid in 10 seconds.
He was Sonny Liston with a syringe full of steroids and a nose full of coke, he'll still be Sonny Liston with a syringe full of steroids and a nose full of coke.
Liston took a fall for a Mob paycheck, Tyson took a fall for an influencer paycheck.
as much as his last professional fight where in the post fight interview he said he was only doing it for a payday

anyone who watched is a retard

I am better than all of you because I knew exactly what would happen, and then it happened
>that got raped
lol what? Who the fuck is going to rape Mike Tyson?
these celebrity boxing matches are affecting the sport of boxing. The biggest boxing matches in recent years have all been meme exhibition matches like this. So now, it's established that this is where the money is, so these are the types of fights that will be at the top of the card.
>more intense sports
there are virtually no sports more intense than boxing for cardio. And he's a big man with a lot of muscles, which means he gets gassed easier because muscles require a ton of oxygen.
What legacy? He's only beat bums and got his ass beat the first time he faced a strong opponent and never ecovered from it. Biggest fraud of the sport.
>"tyson is gonna KNOCK the SHIT out of jake paul!!!!!"
>tyson loses
>"Don't worry Mike this means NOTHING!!"
his legacy of being an overrated rapist who got buck broken by holyfield?
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I could beat him easily. He'd stand no chance once I start seeing red.
Damn, it can't just be like that unless you let yourself go. 50 is still relatively young
Fuey against Usyk wasnt pretty big?
Mike was dodging and blocking Paul while sandbagging. Paul had the reach to not defend. In entertainment the promotor is what wins.
Klinchko if he wanted to would bury him
yes it was, don't listen to casuals who only hear of boxing when their favourite youtuber is fighting
If this is the thing that kills him the world is over.
>convicted rapist
>nation of islam member
>el che tattoo
>bite off ears

what legacy?
>lost to rando famously
>nintendo kicked him out and replaced him with dream
the ear and rape thing were setups. The rest yes, is bad.
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based child abuser
It doesn't. It strangely eroded Jake's "legacy" even further even though he won.
It won't. Renowned celebs' legacy only get impacted if they become controversial for the mainstream audience (either for ideological reasons or for being plain scummy).
>50 is still relatively young
It's half a century old.
His male ‘father figures’ growing up. Why else do you think he’s such a frustrated fruit?
It doesn't. In his prime he would have killed pretty much every person on the planet in a 1v1 maybe except for some soviet kgb mutant people
>heth suthch a fwustwayded fwoot
i'm not sure why my brain read it in tyson's voice but lol
whose? who is this guy?
Strength is the last thing you lose when you age out of sports, hence the term "old man strength". Cardio goes much, much sooner.

Supposedly cus de amatto was a known kiddie fiddler who always had a pederastic relationship with his young boxers, but I'm just parroting rumors I've heard. Also, that dumb bitch that got him sent to prison did the same false rape shit with another guy a couple years prior.
I posted this commend this morning and got zero responses but i believe in it:
Mike is not a heavy weight at this point and hasn't been for a while. 5'10 at 228 pounds is ridiculous for someone with no legs. he can't punch when he can't go in and out of a tall guy with decent reach. paul on the other hand is a very comfortable heavy weight who had pretty much every advantage. the fight with roy jones was better.
People still speedrun his game....blindfolded.
Still relatively young for human standards, a century is just an arbitrary unit of time
>5'10 at 228
He's 5'9" at most nowadays. He had no hips or legs to go for 3 rounds, let alone 8. Jake is over 30 years younger, that's all he needed to win, not being 6'1" (which is bullshit, he's actually 5'11").
The only people that think he's worth talking about in the future didnt watch boxing outside of highlight clips.
>that's all he needed to win
i said he had every advantage. but my point is weight classes for an old guy like Mike are even more important when you don't have the legs to support that huge body. the fight with roy jones jr was competitive. i believe all said and done Jake had the class advantage on top of the age.
Mike looked like he was walking to his own execution when he came out. The look on his face was pitiful.
the white man's feast
The sheboon he "raped" was a serial false rape accuser.
That did more to Tyson's career than the actual match.
he still is in better shape than most of /sp/ and /pol/
Has Stipe always sounded this punch drunk?
This is what 10 years of liberal policies does to a country. It makes everyone utterly retarded.
these are the correct answers
he had a bandage around his knee
and he was wobbly because of it
he probably had pain
and he couldnt train well enough
thats also why he had no cardio
this wasnt the full Tyson, it was half of him
I actually want a rematch now
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you can also see it here
Not at all.
hopefully the ayys give us nanotech that reverses aging and we get to see a rematch with prime Tyson

Now that I watch closer the constant glove biting may have been from pain. You can see the muscle memory kick in where he starts to move and abruptly stops. Looks like it was really getting to him so they probably decided beforehand to just have an easy match and go to decision.
He probably made enough money from that joke of a fight to buy a whole fleet of tigers
Can someone explain why this match happened?
I didn't even hear about it until right before it happened.
its obvious he was in pain
thats probably why the first round was relativily good, but then it overwhelmed him
he looked like an 80 year old, which he isnt, if you watch the Roy Jones fight
I want a rematch
Really? It was announced a long time ago and it even got delayed when Mike had a health issue. Everyone close to him was telling him not to do it.
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the upside is Tyson said he wasn't done fighting. So it seems like even he was unsatisfied with that performance. Man wants another chance and I hope he gets it relatively soon so he isn't 65 heading to the ring with a cane by the time it happens.
Okay. But why did the fight happen in the first place? Who arranged it?
im only 36 but I might start writing my will because fuck me we all age so fucking quickly bros its literally over before we even started if you're hitting 30 try to kill yourself because it goes down so fucking quick from here
Jake Paul and his YouTube crew of course. Zoomers are on a role right now arranging fights to beat up old dudes.
>But why did the fight happen in the first place
Jake Paul's boxing career is fighting Basketball players, other YouTubers and washed up MMA fighters. The one time he fought a real boxer (not including Tyson) he lost.

Fighting 60 year old Tyson was just another circus fight to add to his resume.
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Cuz dmato?
Why do whites groom so much
comedy gold
Goddamn, Mike
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thats good to here
I want to see him again
But in full strength
I believe he can do way better
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Mike's performance reminded me of the last time I tried to play pickup basketball with some younger college kids after a decade of not playing at all. I was pretty fit at the time or so I thought I was but I certainly felt the lack of athleticism my 3rd or 5th time running down the court. I don't even care about looking worse as I age, its the poorer performance that bothers me.
>I don't see a billion webms and gifs of a compromising looking frame of Tyson with BLEACHED memes
Maybe white people aren't that honorless and don't what to mock 58yo legend?
god i want tyson to cucumber my tight twink bussy with his bbc and make me feel like a sissy woman
I see this fight the same way I do those charity football matches when a 50 year old Zidane, Figo etc. lace up their boots. It's just a bit of fun innit.
Logan Paul wanted the publicity, Mike Tyson wanted the money and the assurity that he could still fight in the ring (which he sort of could, but a combination of age, lifestyle choices, and medical factors prevented him from being at his best).
*Jake Paul
reminder that Tyson is an intellectual
Tyson was never good
>get payed 20 million USD to show up for 16 minutes
>I dont belieth in legathy, you gone die same ass the nexth
Does 54 year old Tyson that fought Roy Jones win vs Jake Paul?
I didn't realize they were 2 different people until my 20s
what legacy. this manlet was always a can crushing hypejob
if jake paul actually fought he'd knock out either version or senior citizen tyson
Some smooth-as-butter sweet peach of homo thug.
>literally almost died a few months before
beast mode
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kek, based mike.
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>mike tyson's last win was at the bass pro shops store in memphis
I hope next year El Gallo de Dorado Jake Paul makes another fight that breaks the biggest Gayweather record.
You live in fucking swedan dude, Do you even have freedom of speech over there lmao
Mike is also on psychiatric medicine
I watched his podcast a few times and I remember he smoked a lot of weed. some of his lines on religion, spirituality and a man's purpose in life were straight from pol
take the thong out yo bussy, playa
Didnt both boxers get way less money tho?
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Amerimutts who worship blacks are coping hard in this thread, their gay sport got exposed by a youtuber, another W for mma.

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