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One of the sportsball rivalries of all time.
The original Baltimore Orioles
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I think that my Yaks will do okay. It's all right there in front of us.

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Holy shit chud it's actually your greeco western God!

Who would've guessed you're mocking your own God lmao
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Here, found it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSUD-KCve8o
Die fucking kike
OP is a faggot
imagine ancient greeks watching this
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Based Cap

>food shortages in the olympics village
>terror bomb threats at key locations
>terrible logistics and transport
>dirty sewer-river as main open water venue
>dogshit opening and closing ceremonies

Paris olympics will be everything the media said the olympics in Rio would be. APOLOGIZE
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>The thief was shot dead
>The bullet didn't gey anyone
>The thieves got arrested
Meanwhile, Zico got robbed today - in 19éme arrondissement, but still
I don't remember a lot about Rio's ceremony.
But, desu, I would rather have my ceremony slip through that having it being remembered by how bad it was.

The minions where literally the highlight of the Paris ceremony. That's how bad it was. I may have forgotten Rio, but I won't be forgetting how bad the Paris one was anytime soon.
Rio may very well have been the most forgettable ceremony of all time. Don't remember anything from it.
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Pretty sure the 5 guys that raped that Australian girl 3 days ago weren't caught.
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Rather have green pools than whatever blasphemy this was

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They rape kids
Foucault was a pedophile
The founding document of faggotry promotes pedophilia
All these people were molested as kids
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how is that dj controller able to play music without being connected to anything?
>Sodom and Gomorrah's moments before being obliterated, 2000 BC
Are you really this fucking stupid?

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Sorry but you are a faggot
You talk about soccer but Messi and Maradona are like 100 times more famous than the most famous Can*dian.
>shoes indoor
dogshit """culture"""
Enzo isnt French
Indoor shoes only bros

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>You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
chin groove
Meanwhile, at the Animal Farm opening ceremonies...

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The hovering flame is pretty kino
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The heavy rain limited the skyviews but made the laser show more impressive
3 hour show + no hamfisted obese women and drag queens and it would have been near perfect.
Especially considering hot air balloons are a french invention
I think the big difference with other ceremonies is that you had the athletes parade at the same time. Most of the time you have the ceremony, then you could skip the parade. Also the rain fucked up the pacing a bit, and we had way less camera angles than expected (drones couldn't work).
It's just a fucking ball, would have been WAY cooler to light the Eiffel Tower on fire

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Week 0 Schedule
Saturday, Aug. 24

Florida State vs. Georgia Tech (in Dublin, Ireland) | 12 p.m. | ESPN
McNeese at Tarleton State | 3:30 p.m. | ESPNU
Montana State at New Mexico | 4 p.m. | FS1
North Alabama vs. Southeast Missouri State (in Montgomery, Alabama) | 7 p.m. | ESPN
Florida A&M vs. Norfolk State (in Atlanta, Georgia) | 7:30 p.m. | ABC
SMU at Nevada | 8 p.m. | CBSSN
Delaware State at Hawaii | TBA | TBA

previous: >>142802106
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Depression on a friday night
How long before an assination attempt is made on a reffie?
the reffie will duck out of the way of the bullet and then he will fist pump while yelling "Flag! Flag! Flag!"
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>Montana State at New Mexico | 4 p.m. | FS1
i was looking at the spread and o/u for all the week zero games and noticed that Montana State is currently 7.5 favorites over New Mexico lol

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3 more weeks until Caitlin Clark plays again and we can forget about Paris
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Fuck off ESPN shill. Doesn't your internship end by then?
LOL 0-7 in the fucking all star game. She fucking sucks & will be watching the next Olympics from home too
kill yourself

How bad will their opening ceremony be?
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inb4 Dre and Snoop Dogg make an appearance.
>no billboards and actual foliage
they're building a shitload of public transit specifically for these olympic games. tbd on how that'll go but as a local it's nice to finally catch up to the rest of the world.
a bit of both. la county is absolutely fucking massive and your experience living in it will vary wildly depending on which neighborhood or even which block you live on. santa monica is not hollywood is not pasadena is not long beach is not van nuys, etc.
they're gonna be obligated to give the greatest hits of the rest of america, but agree that most of it should focus on socal culture.
He's already preparing for it

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here it comes the fuck anti-semitic
You are years late
actually this year too algerian will withdraw against jew
i think he will miss weight on purpose

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Why is this an olympic sport? Might as well throw spikeball and kan jam in there too

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We SUV globohomo, but faster now, edition.

>Saturday, July 27
8:00 PM: ARCA, Rd 11/20, 'Salen ARCA 200', Salem Speedway, Salem - Indiana US
9:30 PM: NASCAR Canada, Rd 8/20, Edmonton International Speedway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta - Canada
Super Taikyu, Rd 3/7, 'Autopolis', Hita - Japan

>Sunday, July 28
9:00AM: Formula 1, Rd 14/24, 'Belgian Grand Prix'. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot - Belgium
9:00AM: GTWC Europe, Rd 6/10, 'Nurburgring', Nurburgring Grand Prix Circuit, Nurburg - Germany

More races and times at:

Previous thread:>>142894287
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Imagine having decades of footage at hand about cars going insanely fast and jumping big, you have limitless access to the red bull music library with thousand of songs ready to use (but you are allowed to licence any other stock music)
And you come out with this shit
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Fuck everything
Life is shit for years now
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Strange in the sense that 2002 was the second slowest pole speed of any race there but maybe Servia crashed or blew up before he ever stopped fuel saving in the years before the meme pit window rule.

The actual fastest lap ever turned there was in practice in 1997 before the Handford and someone probably did 260mph that weekend.

The modern shitbox has massively less drag and more downforce than a Handford era car, I mean they push acceptable lap times out of them with like 600hp and too much weight. Full size tunnels (look at that tiny rear wing) and full width sidepods and front wings to cover the tires beat about anything. As fucking fat as the car is frontal area hasn't increased all that much either, well nowadays just the windscreen which about pays for itself in Cd reduction.
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I knew this faggot would arrive soon

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This image speaks volumes
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The west was a mistake.
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>/pol/s reaction
They mock you repeatedly and you absorb it like a little bitch and pretend you're in on it versus a boogie man. Link the /pol/ thread's reaction, I bet it is just them talking about what bitches normies are (like you.)
Imagine being a virgin before ww3. Lol some chink soldier is going to use your rictus stiff bussy but it won't count.
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