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Has Salah surpassed Gerrard in terms of Liverpool legacy?
let’s see, one has a premier league medal and the other one hasn’t
it's a different kind of legacy. salah is a million times better player but gerrard was the captain, passionate, english, etc. salah hasn't won as much to make up for those differences
All of that is true for Van Dijk except being English
No, because he’s br*wn, and scouse are just larping as liberals
>Liverpool 4 - 1 Madrid
>Liverpool 1 - 3 Madrid

yeah, he hasn't surpassed him. People will forget that the only reason Liverpool beat Barcelona for their one CL under Klopp was because Salah was out for the second leg and couldn't choke like he did the first leg.
>FA Cup
>Premier League
>Champions League
>League Cup x2 (didn't play in final for one of them)
>Club World Cup
>UEFA Super Cup
>Been to Champions League final 3 times
>Part of team that has given Liverpool it's 3 highest league points
>221 goals

>FA Cup x2
>League Cup x3
>Champions league
>European Super Cup
>been to Champions league final twice
>185 goals for Liverpool
>Kept Liverpool challenging when he played with a lot of mid players
>Is Scouse

By all rights, Salah has pretty much surpassed Gerrard, but Gerrard saved the club at a time when it was filled with mid players and horrible owners. Gerrard single handedly kept Liverpool relevant from 2004 - 2014 (with the help of Suarez for a couple of seasons). The impact that Gerrard had on Liverpool supporters during the 00s can't be overstated. I remember wanting to be Gerrard as a kid and trying to play as a box to box midfield.
Gerrard is the most overrated player of an overrated generation. Also a legit moron.
>I remember wanting to be Gerrard as a kid and trying to play as a box to box midfield
Pleb choice. Why would you want to be a brainless player like Gerrard? Because muh heart?
for the top tier commentary and blooters fag
he surpassed him a while ago, where have you been?
bro let's be real he was finished that season, as much as i loved the man during his peak years, it was very clear that he was the weakest point of our midfield when he was playing and it's not a surprise that some of the best performances that season were when our midfield consisted of allen, henderson, and lucas
>Gerrard saved the club at a time when it was filled with mid players
This. Liverpool would have been below mid table without Gerrard.
Because of the blooters and the hollywood ball assists
I'm not saying that he was the best player, but he kept the club relevant up until the 2013-14 season. I remember how irrelevant we felt until the 2017 because of Salah - Mane - Bobby
Kinda wild how players like Kuyt and Owen are just assumed to be shit
I dont know why liverpool fans do that to their own players
I don't really care about that but can someone please explain to me why the hell did Gerrard sacrifice his one club man status to go play for a season in LA? fucking annoying, like that other retard De Rossi doing it for 5 games at Boca. what is their fucking problem
Gerrard was a shitter, so it wasn't hard
De Rossi was literally kicked out from Roma. They gave him the boot despite him wanting to stay
Millionaires don't give a fuck about your autism, I hope that explains it well
the main complaint is that gerrard had to play alongside some very mediocre players for most of his career, nobody's saying that kuyt is shit, he's just very limited but very hardworking and i assure you that absolutely nobody is calling owen shit, your ABLism is clouding your judgement
Lampard was better than Gerrard and Salah is better than Lampard therefore Salah is better than Gerrard. Hope that cleared things up.
If you're referring to >>145749370 (You), you'll notice I said 2004 - 2014. Owen left in 2004. As a kid my idols were Barnes, Fowler, Macca, Rushie, Owen, and Gerrard, with a fond spot for Hesky, Carragher, Hyppia, and Hamann, Even before Owen left, I liked Gerrard more, mostly because I'm not a striker
Are you telling me you wouldn't go and live in California for a year or two to get paid millions to do what you love with absolutely no pressure if you had the opportunity?
in some ways. he's probably been a better overall player, but only marginally if at all. And he lags in "lore" because he's not a local lad who climbed out of the bin to join the team as a teenager before growing into the captain.

So overall, probably not, but we are splitting hairs.
This Gerrard didn't win anything for Liverpool AND England but he was charismatic and lost often iconically.
Better to be the most iconic loser captain than the fun goalscorer on a flash in the pan.
what kind of a retard would diminish Istanbul
Retard. Gerrard had plenty of big moments for Liverpool in his career

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>Gerrard didn't win anything for Liverpool

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