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Blacked.com should make their own version of this...would edge
kekked pretty hard ngl
Highlight of the ceremony desu
A black made this thread

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Just WHO was he?
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assassin's creed
What if he comes back and reveals himself for the closing ceremony? That would be kino.
I really thought it would be David Belle, you know the guy who invented parcour? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVNpa_q71Bg&pp=ygUdZGF2aWQgYmVsbGUgZGlzdHJpY3QgMTMgY2hhc2U%3D
yes and also parkour originated in france

>July 27th TNT Sports UK ESPN+ USA
Joe Joyce vs. Derek Chisora

>August 3rd DAZN PPV
Israil Madrimov vs. Terence Crawford
Isaac Cruz vs. Jose Valenzuela
Andy Ruiz vs. Jarrell Miller
Jared Anderson vs. Martin Bakole
David Morrell vs. Radivoje Kalajdzic
Andy Cruz vs. Antonio Moran

>August 10th DAZN
Serhii Bohachuk vs. Vergil Ortiz

>August 10th ESPN USA Sky Sports UK

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Cracker of a thread.
Fury Bless.
Chisora will win. Juggernaut has come in too heavy.
Appalled is the healthy reaction, but you should also be grateful he's confining his mental illness into a spinoff thread. Really though this guy has completely lost it.
Real boxing fans around here lad.

What went wrong?
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Long term peace.

Can anyone explain why cant FRANCE in Cloud seeding to prevent rain?
Technology is 130 yo
I visited Paris last year. It was pretty nice.
probably cancelled their attacks when they realized how nigger faggot the opening was XD that did more damage than an a bomb :P weird fuckin wokies
they couldnt even afford to have the flag that spent 40 mins on horseback flying
i guess all their money goes to the niggers that are fucking paris up

>food shortages in the olympics village
>terror bomb threats at key locations
>terrible logistics and transport
>dirty sewer-river as main open water venue
>dogshit opening and closing ceremonies

Paris olympics will be everything the media said the olympics in Rio would be. APOLOGIZE
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I don't remember a lot about Rio's ceremony.
But, desu, I would rather have my ceremony slip through that having it being remembered by how bad it was.

The minions where literally the highlight of the Paris ceremony. That's how bad it was. I may have forgotten Rio, but I won't be forgetting how bad the Paris one was anytime soon.
Rio may very well have been the most forgettable ceremony of all time. Don't remember anything from it.
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Pretty sure the 5 guys that raped that Australian girl 3 days ago weren't caught.
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Rather have green pools than whatever blasphemy this was

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We SUV globohomo, but faster now, edition.

>Saturday, July 27
8:00 PM: ARCA, Rd 11/20, 'Salen ARCA 200', Salem Speedway, Salem - Indiana US
9:30 PM: NASCAR Canada, Rd 8/20, Edmonton International Speedway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta - Canada
Super Taikyu, Rd 3/7, 'Autopolis', Hita - Japan

>Sunday, July 28
9:00AM: Formula 1, Rd 14/24, 'Belgian Grand Prix'. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot - Belgium
9:00AM: GTWC Europe, Rd 6/10, 'Nurburgring', Nurburgring Grand Prix Circuit, Nurburg - Germany

More races and times at:

Previous thread:>>142894287
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Fuck everything
Life is shit for years now
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Strange in the sense that 2002 was the second slowest pole speed of any race there but maybe Servia crashed or blew up before he ever stopped fuel saving in the years before the meme pit window rule.

The actual fastest lap ever turned there was in practice in 1997 before the Handford and someone probably did 260mph that weekend.

The modern shitbox has massively less drag and more downforce than a Handford era car, I mean they push acceptable lap times out of them with like 600hp and too much weight. Full size tunnels (look at that tiny rear wing) and full width sidepods and front wings to cover the tires beat about anything. As fucking fat as the car is frontal area hasn't increased all that much either, well nowadays just the windscreen which about pays for itself in Cd reduction.
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I knew this faggot would arrive soon
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the image that broke /sp/
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Hey at least that it ain't a white chick.
It was only a matter of not getting on a boat 500 years ago.
Now it's too late.
But you brazilians seem to behave better. Like there is not a single week where a colombian kills somebody in the streets of Madrid with a machete. It has to stop. They have to go to the glorious USA like Mexico
Rent free, baldie
I love Mexico and I'm so happy for you guys that the border is so easy to cross :). I hope you guys start using even more English words in your everyday life until the day it becomes a whole different language and we finally don't have to share it :)


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No Zaz, nor Daft Punk, no Asterix and Obelix because the author hated americans and the japanese therefore not wholesome, just a blink and youll miss it Jules Verne Reference
But fucking minions and lady gaga, and a billion trannies
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Was the guy the big fella from Judo? Like I have no idea.
nuke France
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Modjo would've saved this shitshow
Maybe I was really lucky, but when I was in France 2 years ago, I somehow never encountered much of the infamous horrors of Paris. I was expecting Africa, but if anything I saw way more Vietnamese signs on shops and restaurants and stuff. I even used the metro multiple times expecting pickpockets, yet if anything it was just quiet and uneventful, even a few qts by themselves. I think one of the local guides told us there was some sort of event or season going on where a lot of Parisians leave, but I really don't remember. I'm going again next month, so maybe things are different

If anything it was way worse when I went farther to the south. I was near a train station, and my mother actually stopped in shock at how hideous some of the 'french' were: I mean Africans with the weird deformed extended necks and earlobes and lips and the kind of shit you only see in racist /pol/ caricatures.
Celine Dion got paid 2 millions. They insisted numerous times to Daft Punk and fair to say they might have offered even more for them to show up. It still wasn't enough to get them to come out of inactivity and stain their image for eternity.
Justice is on tour right now and performed in NY the same night. Maybe they already had planned it and refused.
Also worthy of note both bands come from Versailles, a rich city near Paris. Chances are they come from aristocratic christian families and aren't pozzed ass Parisians.
The show would have been 100% redeemed by them and they'd have stolen all of it but I can fully understand their decision not to.

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Give me a QRD on the Olympic schedule this weekend
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>women's basketball
I don't get it
>Eiffel tower
>Beach volleyball
Sounds kino
>race walk
This is the marathon relay? They dropped the 50k death march.

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Why shouldn't drag racing be a sport?
It makes ya sweat.
Will be at the next one
it’s a discipline of breakneck dancing
That's somebody's grandfather.
>the fat goblin unable to keep up with the others in the background

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What are thy giggling about?
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Ref is literally me in any group conversation
Did you see Darwin he is SO CUTE
Wh*tes really should just be genocided
I'm pretty sure that mascot passing by is a rooster so I bet they qere joking about seeing a BIG WHITE COCK
the orgy they were going to have later that night

>a minon cartoon in the middle of the broadcast
>cut to a dogshit cover of the marseillaise
>followed by libshit capitalist feminism were they jerk of to made up girlpower women

no offense frog eaters but i am rooting for the terrorists to stage a bombing this year
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Lee Kiefer, married to the guy on the right.
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Completely forgot this was French. Man this show was every millennial dude's guilty pleasure as a kid kek.
Picked minions over tintin and asterix
asscread was sperarheaded by a qt canadian the first at least

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Judeo-christians when a sports event that came from a pagan society, uses paganism as an aesthetic
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Israel is super gay, anon
homosexuality =/= trannism
hermaphrodites aren't trannies
The minotaur myth is about sexual subversion
Yes, in GOYIM societies
Cross-dressing was also part of religious rituals in Greece itself, usually as part of an initiation ceremony emphasizing the essential opposition between the male essence and the female one. Young men at such ceremonies appeared initially in women's clothing and after being initiated into manhood, tossed them aside.

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we need more kino like this
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Greek-American here: Our motherland is living too much in the past. They never went into the 'brave new world'. It's why Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry.
>It's why Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry.
Tourism kills the Greek society, we have to compete with foreigners for housing and service which is reverse outsourced to wealthier tourists. I've been to motherfucking Albania where the same happens (without loss of generality) and it's sad to see that the locals only options are either to leave the country or live like literal pariahs in their own cities
>Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry
Stop believing propaganda. You're watching too much You're listening to too much Portosalte.
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>I've been to motherfucking Albania
W-what were you doing in Albania, anon?
bunker sightseeing mostly, it's like 10x worse greece in every aspect

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frenchbros.. it's been a long time since I laughed like this
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aren't the smurfs Belgian?
I zoomed in, does HE HAVE A FUCKING PUSSY?
how can you justify watching this shit at all if this is the opening to it
Based Katerine
>might be
>one of

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