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Just WHO was he?
maybe me
maybe not me
it was me, I've just got back
they call me olympic anon
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death to britannia!
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Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès
I don't get it. Is it an Assassin's Creed reference?
it was kanye west
Imagine he slipped off a roof and died mid ceremony like those Russians who climb skyscrapers kek
Joe Biden
The lightbringer, duh
Realistically how many normal people would have gotten that? lmao
AC is one of the more recognizable games

that guy's hood is modernist crap that looks nothing like an actual AC hood
I've played all AC games barring the post-Origins ones, and even I didn't get it
The only reason I guess AC was the peacoat and it's france. Looks nothing like the typical assassin.
Then why didn't they give him a normal costume that actually looks like it's from the games?
That thing looks like he ripped his granny's curtains
You were supposed to save the ceremony not to pass the torch to slop again!
I agree, I meant that the game itself is quite recognizable, better to reference it instead of like Rayman
But I would like him too :(
Wasn't that badd, I guess they had to do it more neutrally, so it works even if someone doesn't know the games, and so they can say it's either a reference or something original for the ceremony
Cuz have you seen the ceremony? They didn’t had quality if a truck hit it with it.
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So how much did they pay for this advertisement?
Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo
the masketta man
Ezio Editore
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I don't know but the fact that he remained fully anonymous allows me to turn him into one of the characters from the story I am writing so that's p based.
Asscreed's MC
so ubisoft just wasted millions and millions of dollars for an ad you have to look up in twitter?
fuck this world
Assassin's Creed ahh character
he represents us, the anons
Because the design is mixed with the phantome de l'opera and the masque de fer
it was me
anon representing 4chan
Pissi Cuckitini
It doesn't matter who he is. What matters is his plan.
The ghost of Paris
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It was a she
It was the Phantom of the Opera

I felt so baited both with him and the horse lady...
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It’s a mashup of the various AC leads. Didn’t pick Arno because his outfit is ugly as fuck.
I thought she'd take off the mask at the end and it would be Céline Dion
Should have picked Yasuke.
nah there were 2 of them
>Two masked figures featured in the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris, first as a torchbearer ran across rooftops before a caped rider galloped down the Seine on a metal horse to deliver the Olympic flag.

>The rider, Floriane Issert, a non-commissioned officer in the Gendarmerie Nationale clad in silver armour, concluded her ride at the Trocadero, giving the Olympic flag a majestic entrance before it was hoisted.

>Earlier, a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak, white hood, and with their face covered by a dark fencing mask, was heavily featured in the three-hour ceremony produced by director Thomas Jolly, and which included appearances from Lady Gaga, Zinedine Zidane and, for some reason, The Minions.different people
El Misterio
Probably David Belle. If it wasn't the french really are grade A retards.
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However he was, he brought the kino
Ubisoft ad for ass creed
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Based Feldman appreciator
I forgot ubisoft was a french company
He is the harbinger of parkour to the Olympics
I've played most of the AC games and did not realise this was supposed to be a reference
It wasn't an AC reference, it was a parkour show mixed with theater elements to have a mysterious torchbearer.
Perhaps not instantly recognizable but it was a cool idea.
final boss of france
It is a refetence, ubisoft is a french company
>Masked guy dressed on thematic costume do parkour on the rooftop of paris' buildings
For your average guy it was just something neat
For anyone with half a brain it was obviously an assassin's creed reference, anyone saying that they had to look it up either knew jackshit about some of the most basic things about AC OR are a normalfag themselves.
assassin's creed
What if he comes back and reveals himself for the closing ceremony? That would be kino.
I really thought it would be David Belle, you know the guy who invented parcour? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVNpa_q71Bg&pp=ygUdZGF2aWQgYmVsbGUgZGlzdHJpY3QgMTMgY2hhc2U%3D
yes and also parkour originated in france
>and even I didn't get it
Then you must be literally retarded. Ubisoft is French, Assassins creed is the most famous french culture media product internationally, dude is dressed as an AC character and free running on roofs.

You must literally, literally be super retarded.
1. That hood is post-modern crap, very misdirective
2. Ass Creed hasn't been good in over 10 years
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The best part of this whole thing, that's what. Legitimately better than the rest of the ceremony
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parkour edgy larper
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It was David Belle I think. Most famous parkour performer in France who was part of Yamakasi and played in movies like District 13. Highly recommend that movie by the way, he actually performs almost all of his tricks.

Mystery nigga was obviously based on Assassin's Creed but the game itself is heavily inspired by parkour and the character Arsène Lupin.
It's Captain Jack Sparrow!
AC is Canada Ubisoft.
French Ubisoft is Rayman and the Rabbids. Very stupid to not showcase them instead of minions which are americans.
Fair chance it's him. The Yamakasi movie was a massive hit when it came out. It's comm here to say "doing the yamakasi" when referencing parkour kek. Maybe they didn't want to say who he was for the "faceless hero" character but eventually we'll get to know I think.
billions, ubishit is desperate
in retrospective, unity kind of survived getting the revisionist treatment of ubisoft since oddisey
>District B13 Chase Scene
Looks kino
Ubisoft will never outdo Unity
This is ART

Unity fucking sucked, everything past AC brotherhood did.
Actually I take that back, it was all fucking garbage and even AC2 was super fucking boring.

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask
That is Assassin's Creed, from the video game Assassin's Creed.
Assassin's Creed is a pretty cool guy.
He’s just Assassin. Creed is his group
Mix of
Yamakasi (french Parkour)
Assasin's creed (Ubisoft is French)
Man in the iron mask (french myth)
he was all of us
Ricochet, former WWE wrestler.
Tell me about ass man why does he have the creed
Assassin (formerly creed)
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I heard it was Hulk Hogan.
Ubisoft advertisement apparently.
Shame, I thought it was an announcement for yet more Elden Ring expansions.
Have you even watched the new stuff?
I haven't.
Looks kinda lame.
How is a hood post-modern I hate you faggots
Had to go to bed so if there was a reveal I missed it
>ubi is french
>parkour was invented by the french
>they helped reconstruct the cathedral
It makes complete sense
I know you guys want to hate but that was actually a cool inclusion
I can't wait for a Walmart shopper in a scooter waddling through the office of Apple
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we work in the dark... to serve the light...
joan of ark
A bit scary, a bit pathetic. One of the many white nonames. A ghost of the past that has revealed itself to us to be forgotten once and for all.
Meanwhile, corrupt politicians...
"we work in the light... to serve the dark... in fact, we barely work lol"
A lot of people? There was a movie you know
He was the last white man in Paris.
I don't think there'll be more Elden Ring dlc bro
i thought they would unmask him and it would be revealed to be mbappe turns out it was just some ubisoft slop after all
the friends we made along the way
i thought it could have been david belle
Isn't he like 50 by now Banlieue 13 is ancient.

I believe this >>143019982 more. Seems easier to have 2 or more people do it.
I wish. We would have gotten her glorious tits instead of drag queens.
Honestly probably a homage to assassins creed since ubisoft is french
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What about the hood?
As soon as I saw him, my first thought was assassin's creed. You have to be dumb not to recognise it as an assassin's creed reference.
Should've given him something red around his waist, so hel looked a bit more French.
I'd actually like to know too

Was he meant to represent something? Or just be France Ezio? I don't remember the guy from Unity's name
Parkour was created in France, I don't think it has much to do with Ubisoft.
Much more sense than fucking minions that's for sure
Minions was created by a French company
minion are french tho, whats the problem wit it ?
it's fucking silly and has nothing to do with sport, or paris
they surely could've come up with something that made more sense and wasn't partially american
same with music - for the most part it was just a random mix of 90s club music instead of idk, french music? they even played fucking darude sandstorm at some point
>french animation movie made by french studio
>partially american
how dumb are you?
minions are kino
>Despicable Me is an American media franchise created by Sergio Pablos, Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio
>Despicable Me is a 2010 American animated comedy film produced by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, and distributed by Universal
>Illumination, formerly known as Illumination Entertainment, is an American animation studio founded by Chris Meledandri in 2007 and is a division of Universal Pictures
>calls others dumb while spewing bullshit
just stfu mutt

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