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>July 27th TNT Sports UK ESPN+ USA
Joe Joyce vs. Derek Chisora

>August 3rd DAZN PPV
Israil Madrimov vs. Terence Crawford
Isaac Cruz vs. Jose Valenzuela
Andy Ruiz vs. Jarrell Miller
Jared Anderson vs. Martin Bakole
David Morrell vs. Radivoje Kalajdzic
Andy Cruz vs. Antonio Moran

>August 10th DAZN
Serhii Bohachuk vs. Vergil Ortiz

>August 10th ESPN USA Sky Sports UK
Luis Alberto Lopez vs. Angelo Leo
Lindolfo Delgado vs. Bryan Flores
Fury won.
Furychads migrate and post here ignore that americuck thread!
Cringe as fuck
Who's next for Ball? Vargas? Inougay?
Excellent thread.
He'll probably fight one of the Mexibum champions after having destroyed the yankbum with ease. Inogay won't fight him, that fight won't ever happen, Ball's all wrong for him.
Any news on when he'll be fighting? I checked the 'cord but I didn't see anything there.
My inside sources do not have any information as of yet, understandably it's very difficult to match a destroyer like Ball, very few want to take the chance of a life-altering beating.
I'll see what I can find out. Updates will be posted in the 'cord.
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>that first sip of the day
Refreshing. For me it's the Furocity caramel bar.
Breakfast of champions
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There's nothing like it. Sublime.
For deals on Furocity, check the deals channel in the FuryCord.
This is the thread
Will do. Been meaning to stock up my 3 months supply has gone quicker than expected
Interview with Spencer Brown today in the Cord, some fascinating insider information into the Ushit camp
Excellent news.
Link to the Furycord?
We’ve had an influx of applications last night and we’re sorting through them all currently, has to go through an extensive vetting process to make sure there’s no FDS imposters
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My hero.
Warren-derful post.
Fair enough, I'll wait until signups reopen
Post proof of your ownership of at least 12 lbs of Fury merch and it will speed up the process.
i dunno wether to be appalled or impressed by bongsa singlehandedly turning this general into a sockpuppet trainwreck
Less than 8 minutes to go until the presser. Watchalong in the Furycord.

Joining now
Excellent way to start the day.
Cheers, mate.

I reckon Joyce will be about 270lbs, Chisora 260lbs.
These are delicious.
A real Frank Warren special.
Here we go. Main event. Let's see the big men.
256.7 for Del Boy.
281.2 for Juggernaut.
Fucking excellent fight.
Thank you Tyson Fury.
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Good luck Britain!
Cracker of a thread.
Fury Bless.
Chisora will win. Juggernaut has come in too heavy.
Appalled is the healthy reaction, but you should also be grateful he's confining his mental illness into a spinoff thread. Really though this guy has completely lost it.
Real boxing fans around here lad.
King Fury’s on the Wall (Credit goes to fellow esteemed member of the Furycord)

Oh, King Fury's on the wall,
King Fury's on the wall,
He stands so tall in glory,
King Fury's on the wall.

From the streets of Manchester,
To the ring where champions fall,
He fights with heart and power,
King Fury's on the wall.

He danced with the bronze bomber,
He rose above them all,
With every punch and victory,
King Fury's on the wall.

Oh, King Fury's on the wall,
King Fury's on the wall,
He stands so tall in glory,
King Fury's on the wall.

The Gypsy King, our hero,
With courage never small,
In battles fierce and mighty,
King Fury's on the wall.

With every jab and uppercut,
He answered every call,
The people's champ forever,
King Fury's on the wall.

Oh, King Fury's on the wall,
King Fury's on the wall,
He stands so tall in glory,
King Fury's on the wall.

In the annals of the boxing world,
His legacy will sprawl,
With pride we sing his praises,
King Fury's on the wall.

Oh, King Fury's on the wall,
King Fury's on the wall,
He stands so tall in glory,
King Fury's on the wall.
A beautiful ode to the Gypsy King.
Anyone else going to the signing of Frank and Fearless?
Cheers mate I wrote this and I'm really proud of it
Amazing merch
That's my two hour session on the heavy bag done. Now to relax with a can of Furocity and catch up with the Furycord. Chisora/Joyce soon. Life is good.

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