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we need more kino like this
over 70k spectators in Rio, Tokyo, Athens, London etc but like 5k bums on the banks of the Seine...

save me from this shame
I think the whole concept is outdated
especially in times of war
its cringe
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based. we can reuse all the infrastructure we built for the 2004 olympics that is currently rotting away, while raking in that sweet tourist money. this is how we pay denbts. the EU should have no objections since we can finally pay them back this way.
Iirc your king did try to pull that off, creating the “intercalated games” meme, that would be played in Greece every two years after an Olympics. Only had one edition in 1906
Why would anyone go the seine
The whole point of the Olympics was to stop war for a bit to compete together
Yeah, Athens 2004 had the best opening ceremony. I keep re-watching it from time to time.
>watch this
>actually get a bit emotional
>turn around to look at the tv
>it some kind of bearded manwoman thing dancing in a thong
In /pol/ they talk about theoretical globohomo, in /sp/ we talk about applied globohomo
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2004 was 20 years ago
unironically this, also we need to introduce agrotourism because I can't be bothered to pick my olive trees
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>yfw you weren't old enough to experience the peak of your country, with the big trio of winning the euros, hosting the Olympics, and winning the eurovision
dont forget winning the eurobasket
don't fret you were born just in time for austerity, cultural decline. the eventual death of the country which is now a corpse that feeds European and American tourists, and 41%
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imagine the pol threads and pol takes on the ceremony

zaios tranny detected
kill yourself bootlicker
the same kind of stock that enabled the ottomans to reign these lands for 400 years
>that feeds European and American tourists
I was on a Greek island and it was filled with tourists. It was 50/50 between hearing Greek and a foreign language/english. What has happened to our country? We have given up our islands, our beauty, for foreigners to enjoy.
we tried to follow the example of prosperous countries like Thailand and Vietnam
based mr panos enjoyer
i never saw it before since i was like 6. it really is amazing
surprise bjork appearance
Not a greek lover fag, but the general idea of them being hosted in 1 place only would eventually improve organization and management, just common sense
Sorry, too wholesome, soulful, and 'hetero-normative': this is 'problematic'.
Greek-American here: Our motherland is living too much in the past. They never went into the 'brave new world'. It's why Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry.
>It's why Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry.
Tourism kills the Greek society, we have to compete with foreigners for housing and service which is reverse outsourced to wealthier tourists. I've been to motherfucking Albania where the same happens (without loss of generality) and it's sad to see that the locals only options are either to leave the country or live like literal pariahs in their own cities
>Greece would be completely and utterly dead if not for the tourism industry
Stop believing propaganda. You're watching too much You're listening to too much Portosalte.
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>I've been to motherfucking Albania
W-what were you doing in Albania, anon?
bunker sightseeing mostly, it's like 10x worse greece in every aspect
I've read Albania has become an esoteric tourist destination. How's the bitches up there?
I dunno. Doesn't the IOC and all the contractors fuck over the host countries and pile them with debt? Hasn't Greece been fucked over enough by Euro banks with debt?
no.. i don't want to see some gay ass stadium concert anymore. Gimme this French opening ceremony every day of the week. And idgaf it nobody came to watch. The whole show is filmed for television anyways.
it'd be the kinoest of timelines really

likely shit over here, we are desceding down to vassals, priced out for foreigers who dont even live here
Why don't they just pay their bills instead?
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>rotting facilities: and that was before the opening ceremony
>almost as shitty as Rio: so you've got that going for you at least
>in terminal debt
There's a very good reason why Greece will be exactly like Brazil: never host an Olympics again, as those two games demonstrated only too graphically
>1908 London
>1948 London
>2012 London
>1900 Paris
>1924 Paris
>2024 Paris
>1932 Los Angeles
>1984 Los Angeles
>2028 Los Angeles
>1896 Athens
>2004 Athens
>2004 Athens Olympics shitty
London has more chance of hosting a 4th Olympics than Athens ever will. You and I know why. Certainly after 2004.
Greece is too poor lol
We became τα γκαρσονια της Ευρωπης. In 20 years they will be tours going around greek cities to "experience the life of the natives".
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I personally think the part from the 23:00 mark is the best:
Really shows how long and rich the history of Greece is.
Unironically getting chills when the music starts.

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