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We SUV globohomo, but faster now, edition.

>Saturday, July 27
8:00 PM: ARCA, Rd 11/20, 'Salen ARCA 200', Salem Speedway, Salem - Indiana US
9:30 PM: NASCAR Canada, Rd 8/20, Edmonton International Speedway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta - Canada
Super Taikyu, Rd 3/7, 'Autopolis', Hita - Japan

>Sunday, July 28
9:00AM: Formula 1, Rd 14/24, 'Belgian Grand Prix'. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot - Belgium
9:00AM: GTWC Europe, Rd 6/10, 'Nurburgring', Nurburgring Grand Prix Circuit, Nurburg - Germany

More races and times at:

Previous thread:>>142894287
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>IMSA and Super GT next week

Finally some good stuff.
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sports car racing
Why aren't there motorsports in the Olympics
Uh, I thought the same thing, but that's the week after. The list is just that short.
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How does a motor help you race
Too lazy and dumb to make a webm.

2028 is a possibility.

Karting should be at least desu, it's very phisically demanding.
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>2028 is a possibility.
It was a claimed possibility two years ago, but the conclusion was forgone that at least one of the Olympic Committees involved was going to push electric-only and nobody wants to see "Formula E but worse."
Third world countries can't afford cars
>Super Turbo Thailand
>Stock Car Brasil
plenty of sovlful vrooms to watch this weekend
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This /FAT/maxxing you say sounds to be an interesting concept, can you elaborate on that

F1 racing at a World's Fair location must happen.
Wrcbros definitely /FAT/maxxing
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>looks up "fatmaxxing"
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>Starting to feel like I kinda pass now. What do you guys think?
Kicked off TK's friend discord because i said that Kamala looks like a demonic possessed being off a Macumba grounds and one of the mods lost his shit and kicked me on sight.
but in a bright side it was good because everyone there shills Fagula 1 too hard and some are DTS babies, a few there are really nice fellas who memes about motorsport but some are faggots.
Mainly the ones using NGE avatars or shilling cheatin yoders in fucking wec
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>NGE avatars
A tranime and F1 infested discord server freaked out because you made fun of an oppressed, strong black (lesbian?) person of color?
Sounds like you won a prize, my dude.
I kind of hate Toyota in WEC, but I try not to hate on people for liking them. It's not easy, though.
this is why i converted to the kinnikuman side of the force
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Formula E to Silverstone next year
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daily instance of fuck you nissan
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For me it's Super Taikyu
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Inject it into my veins
NAPAbro, your time is now
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Big muscley men?
>2 year contract extension doesn't even make it to the end of the current year
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Once you watch and learn the Power of Friendship, there is no turning back.

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I thought he was like the owner of spire
Now they need to go save Kyle Busch from RCR and buy him out of his contract
>not only using discord unironically, but on an influencer server
pls go back
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TC2000 future looks grim
I also mod shit since forums are dead, so is a dead end.
They're using actual SUV's?
>Formula E to Silverstone next year
That MIGHT not suck.
You want me to make a JB Racing Marlboro frog? That's gonna be tough. Can you maybe help me out with some assets to incorporate?
Formula mEme on non-street circuits has been decent this year, though the racing is artificial. They're forced to power-save for the first like 3/4, so everyone packs up. Sometimes, it looks like a big blob of cars moving moving as one, everyone passing and bumping into each other. Maybe not super exciting, but weird to watch and interesting strategy-wise.
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Holy shit!!! These shitting ass shitters are going to be at Road America next weekend. It will be a miracle if no one dies.
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IndyCar trying to be fun
dafuq is this, promo for Haboo Hotel 2?
>Formula meme on non-street circuits has been decent this year,
I agree, that's why I wrote that.
>weird to watch and interesting strategy-wise.
I agree with that, too. I'm really trying to like it because I think it has potential. There were even a few good moments in the meme London course this weekend, but it was still meh.
It's pretty clear they are trying to appeal to techfags and not proper racists, and that is clearly the "market gap" the bean counters identified when pitching it to the richfags, but honestly, they need to at least talk to people who know about racism proper to keep from making simple mistakes like having a track too narrow to put two cars side by side.
I don't like EVs and I wish they would die, but as long as they are racing (and nothing else is on) I'll try to watch them.
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Fatjohn bros it's happening
i dont want to give them traffic.
Did they specify which config? I bet it's the national
Not an official announcement yet, just rumors about talks. Brands Hatch could also be an option.
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Looks alright, but not very aerodynamic, at least Stock Cars one will have good aerodynamic finally.
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I know it's a meme to call everything retarded and gay, but...
Based. I still don't think he'll get too far with JH, but I do like Fat John.
IndyCar "Classic" Rewind, Iowa 2022. Watch Jimmy show these guys how to run the high line all over again.
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>Zoomers on Twitter and Reddit got Corey LaJoie cancelled from his ride
What a world we live in.
F1 does this shit for years at the summer and winter breaks, caters to the dts crowd
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he hasn't exactly helped his own case, BAMF has exposed him all year and now even zane is starting to catch him over the last 4 races
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Looks like they're both jacking themselves off
It is kinda clever that Sting Ray is flying a stingray kite

Poor Mir I guess he's given up on winning and just wants his checks
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
You say that as if he has a choice. He was a good 7/10+ off the pace last time Honda won a race and it wasn't even Marquez, he's lucky nobody wants to take his job and he has Vale's shitter brother to look good compared to.
They've been doing it before DTS even arrived. Secret Santa and postcards are a thing during the mid2000s and later in F1.
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We wont ever see this semen demon in ERC/WRC broadcast ever:(
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I cancelled any plans to purchase the game after they went to malware based anticheat
Keep you hands off.my kernel ea fags
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Nah mate, I just saw that divegrass thread about some Apu crypto site sponsoring an Italian divegrass team and immediately thought of you. pic was unrel
That said, I really do like the Giesse Marlboro 911 GT1 and I plan to get a 1/43 model of it once the money comes along
Why every finnish girl/woman a horsegirl for fucks sake:(
They were a thing before dts (i never said it came with dts, just it caters to the same crowd)
But it wasnt a thing before 2010, it came innto play when F1 started to produce original content for YT and soc media. Secret santa came around 2013-14, and these drwings came a few years later

it's motorsport related because the post was actually born after seeing Ennis another horse story and I know Reeta is also a repent horsegirl
AI Ogura looking to get the other trackhouse ride and NOT Joe Roberts.
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>TEAM SPOON back to domestic racec, first race is Super Taikyu Series 2024 Rd.1 SUGO
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jesus fucking christ
Since there is no Indycar and /turnleft/ this week
nascarman Kino is out

unironically nascarman released the video above about CART's handford device era.
it's a screencap from that
i know since i finished up watching now, still you will never see this on the new cars unless their size changes and their shape goes back to CART Era Reynards, LOLA, PANOZ and Penske with modern QOL and bigger engines
Imagine having decades of footage at hand about cars going insanely fast and jumping big, you have limitless access to the red bull music library with thousand of songs ready to use (but you are allowed to licence any other stock music)
And you come out with this shit
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Fuck everything
Life is shit for years now
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Strange in the sense that 2002 was the second slowest pole speed of any race there but maybe Servia crashed or blew up before he ever stopped fuel saving in the years before the meme pit window rule.

The actual fastest lap ever turned there was in practice in 1997 before the Handford and someone probably did 260mph that weekend.

The modern shitbox has massively less drag and more downforce than a Handford era car, I mean they push acceptable lap times out of them with like 600hp and too much weight. Full size tunnels (look at that tiny rear wing) and full width sidepods and front wings to cover the tires beat about anything. As fucking fat as the car is frontal area hasn't increased all that much either, well nowadays just the windscreen which about pays for itself in Cd reduction.
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I knew this faggot would arrive soon
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he probably had a big ass tow from cars going 3 wide in front, iirc PT did 255 at the speed trap by himself at michigan, but then the radar broke so people put an asterisk over it
he do has a point even if he sometimes expresses it like a jerk
What did Corie did that they cancelled him ?

Wreck the field coming out of the pits, wreck the field on a restart, get a flat tire with 3 to go, and wreck the field on a restart again across half a season.
lajoie? they just got tired of him, people used to think he was a decent driver stuck in backmarker teams, but he got exposed by hocevar and even zane over the last 4 races, he also hasn't exactly helped his case by causing retarded incidents and has wrecked veteran drivers like jimmie and kyle busch (hocevar also does stupid shit but at least he's getting results)
And that faggot was one of the vocal shitters who fucked over Ross Chastain, and led to the entire fuckening the team is going right now with suarez and his car always off pace unlike last year
ah okay I knew he is a shitter, just thought from the comments that he may did an under the knee, under the knee move and the fans cancelled him
>Controlled ECU
Rigged Series

Rigged Series

>F1, WEC
Rigged Series

Simple As
what is happening here
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you just hate f1 and wec, if you would be genuine, you would be aware that every big series is rigged thru the officiating and politics bro at minimum and you would hate that fact. But no, you don't have sizzle in your steak, you just come here to blurp in your bullshit, devaluing the real problem, that without even BoP or control ECU, all series are rigged towards someone
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Lol they were WHOA WHOOAAAA WHOAWHOAing even twenty years ago
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Watch old WRC summaries
Do it now
Let it pollute your algorithm
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Control ECU and BoP covers like every pro series except EWC which we know is not rigged because of Yoshimura dabbing on Ducucky
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ay Tone, how come dey call it da World Driver's Championship when dey always talkin about which team has da best car?
>which we know is not rigged because of Yoshimura dabbing on Ducucky
don't worry, they'll fix that for suzuka next year for ducati's centenary and pecco's run
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fuck the summer Olympics (winter Olympics best Olympics)
fuck divegrass
fuck Olympic divegrass
long live Super Taikyu and other Group N-based grassroots racing series
long live sports car and touring car racing
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>9:30 PM: NASCAR Canada, Rd 8/20, Edmonton International Speedway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta - Canada

Track is in the midst of a very small but awkward enough PR issue that I could see them not being on the schedule past 2024.

NASCAR corporate investigated the track and advised them in writing to permanently ban one of their longtime drivers/volunteers over inappropriate conduct. Management ignored it because he was their friend and continued to use the driver in adverts, in-store appearances, etc, for several years, while threatening legal action against anyone who talked about it.

That info has now made it back to racing mags down east, who have had editorial meetings about the story and may publish at some point if/when their lawyers clear it. NASCAR will catch wind of this when they're asked to comment on it and even though the initial incident was honestly not super egregious, the track's response will probably force NASCAR to pull support because of the optics.
checking them digits but also asking you why the fuck Canadians can't get their shit together to do some good racing?
the Irishman is the worst poster in this general
even worse than that one Canadian
that takes effort
Anon or not, your shitty posting styles are known to us and will be ridiculed
try being not so fucking shitty
fuck that Brazil guy too, just because you hate the leaf doesn't mean you aren't a retard too
real suvs are bof. that's just a shitty crossover.
Average erect penis size in Finland is 13.77 cm
didn't austin make a video about it and then got sued? (if it's you, hi austin)
this makes the selfkwab at mid-ohio and getting punted in iowa 1 hurt even more
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GTWC Europe | Nürburgring | Round 6

>Free Practice Replay

>Pre-Qualifying (7:15AM ET, 27 July)

>Qualifying (2:45AM ET, 28 July)

>Race (8:30AM ET, 28 July)

>Live Timing

>Onboard - #93 Sky Tempesta Racing Ferrari 296 GT3
Race (8:30AM ET, 28 July)

>Spotter Guide

Sainteloc Racing’s Gilles Magnus paces wet-dry Nürburgring practice
Bortolotti: Iron Lynx taking “low-key approach” at Nürburgring
Winward targeting race wins in remaining endurance rounds
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Pre-Qualifying is live now with a tractor on the track
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at least his posts are brief.

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