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>food shortages in the olympics village
>terror bomb threats at key locations
>terrible logistics and transport
>dirty sewer-river as main open water venue
>dogshit opening and closing ceremonies

Paris olympics will be everything the media said the olympics in Rio would be. APOLOGIZE
wrong image, excuse the op
Speak a long sentence in portuguese because I believe you are a false flag seu vira-lata pau no cu.
>food shortages in LA
You're trying too hard.
Eu como cu e buceta o dia tudo
>he's still seething about his shithole being inferior
It's literally explaining how everyone expected 2016 to be a shitshow. Only for France to actually fuck it up while Rio actually did well.
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sorry, i need to cope after tonight
you forgot the green swimming pool
let me know when the diving pool is filled with algae
we built a pool for the olympics only to realize that it was too small. They're literally building a new one that will only be ready after the olympics

that's why they are doing stuff in the seine river, it's just because we have no pool
Bro the seine is a open air sewer system, they couldn't clean It in time for the games lmao
there's also this
the organizing comittee is absolutely retarded
Well even with reduced infrastructure and experience compared to first world countries we managed to pull it off so suck a dick fake flagger nigger. Now europe has plenty of those to handle lets see how they perform, they are around 3 high profile robberies and a rape behind by the way, and the even hasn't even started.
literally don't remember a single thing about the opening ceremony to RIo
Beijing - Insane drumming and mass choreography amazing looking stadium
London - Bond, forging the olympic rings, mr bean
Tokyo - Based JPRG soundtrack for a bunch of it

Rio - ?
It was one of the best moments in my life. I loved rio 2016. I dont like.lula but i have to give him that. It was great.
as an angloid your opinions don't matter, leave the thread will ya
thirdie dogs are absolutely fuming
dear oh dear ameribros are we gonna get terorrized
green pools you fucking uppity dog cunt
thanks for confirming my suspicions that it was unremarkable
Slaves, immigration, santos dumont in an airplane
tom brady's wife was there
Green flag, green pools. Suck my dick.
Who are we kidding here you barely watched it, I remember distinctively British journos denouncing it despite the overall majority agreeing its kino.
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Yep. I kneel to Brazil, even if you're now mid-tier at football.
kek you're so dumb holy shit
you say this like it's a major crime kek
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Already debunked faggot

Just type 'Incident during Rio 2016" on Google

>The first attack to make noise since the start of the Games is, in itself, quite a symbol: Friday August 5, the same evening of the opening ceremony, the security coordinator of the Games ceremonies, Felipe Seixas, was attacked by four men armed with knives at the exit of the Maracaña stadium. One of the two plainclothes police officers escorting him shot dead one of the suspected thieves.

>The next day, it was a bullet, of military caliber, which crossed the canvas of the press room for the equestrian events…. without causing any injuries but narrowly missing a New Zealand official. A lost ball "which did not visit the Games", clarified the communications department of the organizing committee

>On Sunday, the specialized police station for tourists (DEAT) confirmed the attack on “a foreign minister of state” the evening before in Ipanema, one of the most chic neighborhoods in Rio. The details have since leaked: the victim is the Minister of Education of Portugal, Tiago Brandao Rodrigues, 39 years old. Threatened with knives by two men, he was robbed of his money, his cell phone and his bag. One of the two attackers was arrested shortly after and the minister was able to recover his belongings. “It was a nice scare,”
>Jorge Ben Jor
>Gisele Bundchen
>Girl from Ipanema being sung by the whole stadium (second most well-known song in the world)
>Santos Dumont homage to poke at the americans
>Hot samba dancers (woke doesn't want you to see these)
>Also Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso but they're old as fuck
You won't remember much because while London's was circlejerk fest for bretons, Rio was a circlejerk for brazilians and cariocas. You would never understand it.
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just you wait
Wow, great deflection you have there. Hope you don't mind Mohammed paying a visit to your games.
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>In July, the Danish delegation, for its part, filed around 150 complaints for theft of clothing, phones and other tablets from the Olympic Village. A few days ago, Jamaican athletes reported hearing gunshots near their hotel near the airport.

You want moore?
Will the swimming be done in Seine or is it too full of shit? I watched some propaganda of mayor of Paris swimming in it preivously and there were supposed to be the president as well at the same time but he bailed out for some reason…
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>He just keeps going
God, i'm so looking forward to Munich 1972 2.0

ngl I see this as a possibility if Kamala wins.
Pool closed due to AIDS
It's France after all
how many women got raped? how many football legends got $200k worth of jewelry stolen? how many times the argentians got robbed even though we don't like 'em

you posting this 10 year old map on every thread about france to desperately prove that paris isn't a shithole is hilarious
He is talking about paris you idiot
massive troon/queer/drag queen shit at the end to kill a ceremony that was actually kino
Yeah but you made in a way that makes people think you are talking about rio
brazil is worse because they killed some animal very sad savages
>retarded monkey can't read
not really surprised
Is there an alternative sporting event to the Olympics games for the person who is in favor of the transgender community and supports Lia Thomas?

If Lia Thomas was rejected from the Olympics games, I don't plan on watching the Paris games.
>The thief was shot dead
>The bullet didn't gey anyone
>The thieves got arrested
Meanwhile, Zico got robbed today - in 19éme arrondissement, but still
I don't remember a lot about Rio's ceremony.
But, desu, I would rather have my ceremony slip through that having it being remembered by how bad it was.

The minions where literally the highlight of the Paris ceremony. That's how bad it was. I may have forgotten Rio, but I won't be forgetting how bad the Paris one was anytime soon.
Rio may very well have been the most forgettable ceremony of all time. Don't remember anything from it.
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Pretty sure the 5 guys that raped that Australian girl 3 days ago weren't caught.
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Rather have green pools than whatever blasphemy this was
>smartest brazilian
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i liked it
Please tell me this isn’t true
how much money do you think our factions were given from the gov to chill out during the event?
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what? Is there already rapes going on in paris? big if true
I remember some building being jumped over and WE WUZZING about inventing the airplane but that's really it.
>esse é o QI de quem fica chamando todo mundo que nao chupa as bolas do Bostil de "vira-lata"

tu literalmente não sabe ler mlk kkkkkkkkk
puta merda seu filho da puta, você é burro pra caralho
Seeing First World decaying and the europeans damaging control at every aspect is so funny,
First ESCUCHCEN and now this clear competency crisis
Every olympics they complain about the food and when you think about it makes sense cause how you gotta provide so much differnt cuisine based on bullshit cultures and religions and the logistics of that gotta be a fucking nightmare
Only the e.coli colonies swim in the Seine
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>reading comprehension
kek poorflag dogs are absolutely fuming

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