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Let’s have a thread about these things.
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Have Afghans ever met someone they didn’t want to kill

I like him, his snout looks like a cock and balls.
That was the qualifications or shit like that, it wasn't even filmed and there was no audience.
Here in Spain we are masters at creating soulful mascots.
Cobi and Misha >>>>>>>>> the rest

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I have never been so committed to a goal that I would cut off parts of my own body.
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His finger was already badly fucked up
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Not more important than trannies though
A finger rota away after a lifetime, glory and Rome are eternal
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>He wouldn't even be able to cry into his own hands without being reminded

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Those are the worst defeat in sports for america, russia, china, france, germany and italy. Discuss.
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Did they send professionals?
For france I ended up putting a non olympic event, the 2007 rwc
OP said "in sports"

Serena making an ass of herself wasn't even a loss
It kind of is just amerimutt propaganda. Theyre the ones who mythologised the one event and ignore the olympic mogging that took place

>tfw checking in
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This is a common white genocide trick. Why do they have to pull it in Brazil?
mine gets insta binned every time i send it because i haven't had a job in 2 years
Same lol, I don’t even want to work but I need to get them off my arse
make shit up
my honour is my prison

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end it already

streams: https://worldsports.me/olympics-2024/games-of-the-xxxiii-olympiad-paris-2024-opening-ceremony-live-coverage/7
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Are we going to have a watch thread for the NBC primetime broadcast of the Opening Ceremonies? I've been at work all day and haven't seen it yet.
make one
I'm watching the rugby semis + finals, personally but there's simply way too much stuff to decide on something else
it's a super packed day
The only good opening ceremonies in my lifetime were China and Japan.
UK, Brazil and Greece were okay.
This one was awful.

I've met France
she's black
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It'll be that dangerhair shotputter twerking in a toga lad, can't wait.
>because no one in France is bothered by that
I always say that you're at least 10 years forward regardin the shape of modern society since the racial factor has been completely eliminated in France (modern states are no longer race-oriented)
thanks based capitalism for not giving a shit about anything but the well being of the bourgeois elites
Was I the only one that laughed when I heard about the immigrant arsonists attacking the Paris metro hours before the ceremony, only to see the ceremony include a segment with an Algerian man and a black kid running around the metro with torches.
Brazilbros, the Olympics should be olny for greeks. Let the world have some neo Olympics or some shit where they can put women, slaves(niggers) barbarians(crackers and chinks) and troons to their athletic standards. But alas, globohomo raped this event up the ass.

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She looks soft
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>them tan lines
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are any american athletes defecting to china for these olympics?
What's it like to have a beautiful gf?
probably stressful
Is she on onlyfans by now?
I have a gf who makes more than me and is more attractive than me and she takes advantage of my insecurity to force me to eat her out for up to half an hour every day
It's wearing me down but at the same time I know I'd regret leaving her forever
We've only been together 6 months and she's already taking about marriage and children...

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What SPORT is this mean to represent?
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Male volleyball
HomosexBall it's VERY brat rn!
yeah, the olympic ideal is something you neither know nor care about. that sounds about right.
The seven deadly sins. All portrayed on that recreation of the last supper. He is coming. Repent now. Go to church or pick up a bible at the very least.
seems related to this dude somehow

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>saves your gay ass opening ceremony
Based Zidane didn't even do much and he was like Atlas carrying the sky on his shoulders
He’s my goat. I’m pouring honey on him.
I rate Zidane (but unironically)
Whites are relying on muslims to save them once again
he just stood out because he was the whitest and only straight frenchman in the whole ceremony
You wish

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kekked pretty hard ngl
Highlight of the ceremony desu
A black made this thread
I don't know how to feel about this.
and many white men replied

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>26th July 2024
17:00 1.FC Nürnberg 3 (THREE) - 0 (NILL) Juventus

>27th July 2024
15:00 AZ Alkmaar - Atalanta
15:00 Hansa Rostock - Lazio

>1st August 2024
2:30 Bbilan - Real Madrid

>3rd August 2024
21:00 Juventus - Brest

Remember to PLEASE take your meds, shave your balls, not post if you're from a third world country, text your sister that you love her and keep it comfy, crusty and smelly.
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At 01:03 in the morning? We'll take it!
Stop hating on Pioli. He was on fire
Reminder to watch Tokyo Vice, it's incredible
kys grimtoli
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now that the dust has settled and it is still agreed upon that london opening ceremonies mog every other, why was france‘a such an utter and complete failure and insult to the Olympic Spirit?
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That was gay as fuck. It was peak French
A lot of people on here are zoomers born in the 00s. They were unironically children and pre-teens during the London Olympics and just took the globohomo slop without questioning any of it
>Paris was anything but French
In true Parisian fashion lol
Was definitely different
What I find funny is that France is only a Republic by accident. They voted majority for a Royalist parliament in 1871 but then the stupid fucking Bourbon heir threw a bitch fit over the Tricolour flag and refused the crown, so France was actually stuck with a "provisional" Republic for the next 70 years until WWII

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Pre: >>142932208

>July 27th TNT Sports UK ESPN+ USA
Joe Joyce vs. Derek Chisora

>August 3rd DAZN PPV
Israil Madrimov vs. Terence Crawford
Isaac Cruz vs. Jose Valenzuela
Andy Ruiz vs. Jarrell Miller
Jared Anderson vs. Martin Bakole
David Morrell vs. Radivoje Kalajdzic
Andy Cruz vs. Ramiro Cesena

>August 10th DAZN
Serhii Bohachuk vs. Vergil Ortiz

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Factual post.
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90's Hw's were about standing and trading. Holyfield went to war every time out. Foreman had no choice but to slug it out cuz he was older. Morrison? Oliver McCall? Akinwande? I think Corrie Sanders would have a good shot against Usyk cuz he was lighting fast in the 90's, way faster than when he knocked out Klitschko. Who else is there?
You think golota could beat Usyk? Shannon Briggs? James Fucking Thunder? Maurice Harris? Oleg Maskaev? I don't think so. Ciff Ettiene? Francois Botha? These are all basic Derek Chisoras.
Make me an offer
Fury won.
You seriously think holyfield would try to trade with usyk? How dumb do you think he is?

Speaking of chisorry, didnt usyk struggle against him too?

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We SUV globohomo, but faster now, edition.

>Saturday, July 27
8:00 PM: ARCA, Rd 11/20, 'Salen ARCA 200', Salem Speedway, Salem - Indiana US
9:30 PM: NASCAR Canada, Rd 8/20, Edmonton International Speedway, Wetaskiwin, Alberta - Canada
Super Taikyu, Rd 3/7, 'Autopolis', Hita - Japan

>Sunday, July 28
9:00AM: Formula 1, Rd 14/24, 'Belgian Grand Prix'. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot - Belgium
9:00AM: GTWC Europe, Rd 6/10, 'Nurburgring', Nurburgring Grand Prix Circuit, Nurburg - Germany

More races and times at:

Previous thread:>>142894287
81 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
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he probably had a big ass tow from cars going 3 wide in front, iirc PT did 255 at the speed trap by himself at michigan, but then the radar broke so people put an asterisk over it
he do has a point even if he sometimes expresses it like a jerk
What did Corie did that they cancelled him ?


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