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>26th July 2024
17:00 1.FC Nürnberg 3 (THREE) - 0 (NILL) Juventus

>27th July 2024
15:00 AZ Alkmaar - Atalanta
15:00 Hansa Rostock - Lazio

>1st August 2024
2:30 Bbilan - Real Madrid

>3rd August 2024
21:00 Juventus - Brest

Remember to PLEASE take your meds, shave your balls, not post if you're from a third world country, text your sister that you love her and keep it comfy, crusty and smelly.
I would drink that water
Mo tell me why I should care about the olympics inauguration
I don't like this boat thingy lol
Can this Rai 2 dude stop tryharding every fucking French name pronounciation
This is one of the worst inaugurations ever lmao
Algeria and then Angola… how can the French tell them apart from their own team?
Why are Azeris dressed like that
Why does Bahrain get to have their own boat?
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This image will never be as relevant as now
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How long until a falseflag
I like him, but why does he suck so much. I genuinely want him to succeed.
The flag bearers barely get any attention wtf
What are the belgio's wearing lmao
Sissy Sfinterista spotted
Sborra & Eiaculaziovina
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AC Unity reference
There are countries with less representatives than Burkina Faso, let that sink in
Fun fact: Bosnia has 5 athletes at these olympic games and that is coincidentally the same amount of times as Bossnia thinks about Jj per hour
Not only the bitrate is horrifying but the broadcast also keeps shitting itself. Thanks Rai!
It's a world feed issue, same thing happens on the BBC and NPO
Thanks Véronique!
Business idea: make them swim in there right now
Notre Dame will reopen earlier than Giuntoli closes down Tobido and Koopmeiners
This... does not look ideal for a fast and safe rebuilding of the Cathedral, but I'm no architect
>Modern building among haussmannian houses
I'll say it again, there is literally no way that character isn't inspired by Arno from AC Unity
>Unity 60 FPS patch releasing the same day as RDR2's
This is the worst opening ceremony ever kek
Fun fact: I collected all the monnaie collector coins available in Paris and surroundings :3
It really isn't.
The masked AC man is Juve's next signing
/biathlon/bros! It's FourCHAD!
Maybe I'm biaised because I know how the French have reacted to it and how much of a meme it is over there tbqh
god I hope its him
No, he was just there standing next to Phelps just now
Bring back the boats?
ah, its so over then
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>dancers dirtied with chiralium
He did it again...
Théroigne de Méricourt's Women March almost mentioned!
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Lighting is powered by Napoleon spinning in his grave
Well the French are impossible to please and hate everything. I'm honestly beyond impressed by how they are pulling this of. Just the logistics of it are leagues beyond doing a ceremony in a tightly controlled stadium
That dude's gonna fall 100%
>I don't plan to play Weah as a full-back, but if we need him, he has already shown great willingness
t. mottard
where do you plan to play him in any 4-men-defence formation then? he is not good enough to play as a defender, let alone as an attacker
being more difficult does not mean being better btw
Messmer impaled all of THEM?!
That's why I said impressed
It took one single friendly for jewentini to lose their minds kekekekeke
Does it really take a very high iq to understand a coach like Motta needs time?
I miss Eurovision so much it's unreal
Chuds do be seething at this in outer/sp/ kek
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This is a humiliation ritual
No one does this, right?
They spent 4bln of taxpayer money to clean the Seine and made living in the city nearly impossible, the logistics did work but I understand them being butthurt
Well maybe they should go on strike about it
Just unbox this mystery nigga already kek
Wtf Queen Marika the Eternal?!
Eurobeyonce is up
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>they got Aya Nakamura
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Le Pen in the mud btw
Boats pls
Kek poorfags seething at these black bvlls
>you will never explore the Louvre while it's closed
Are Italian intellectuals still seething about Italian art being in the Louvre?
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Cock Islands lol
Holy plastic surgery
Costa Fica
>Croats have an Italian as flag bearer
:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
Imagine the smell on the Danish boat
These poorfags on the boats are eurovision-tier redditness
Cute birb on Dominica :3
Dominica flag bearer a cute
>waving two different flags
The Eritrean flag bearer is CUTE
You guys also getting the froze images with a wipe giving over it?
>best moment of your life
>wearing a rain coat
Yeah, we're seeing & hearing the same thing
where malawi
P*rugia mentioned
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I've now decided to Georgiamaxx
Britain got less athletes than I thought
(surely their boat won't sink ahah!)
>she's 17 yo
Not real
>Gualtieri with Guinea
Badminton is only played in schools when the PE teacher doesn't want you to play football but you also don't want to play volley
I unironically play badminton
Are the statues naked underwater
Hong Kong is China.
>Iran shown
>Rai negrus suddently talk about terror and defend Israel
Why didn't they put Iran and Iraq on the same boat?
There’s no reason for all of these countries, there just isn’t. Bring back empires ffs.
Based Scottish people voting against yet another separate country
day ruined
The notArno is Deschamps
this, let's split africa between us, france, belgium, portugal and spain, like the good old times
Yep, it's time for a tactical piss
Les Minions
I like minions because they make people seethe
Would the minions be better coaches than Motta?
Black again
Is she French?
>niggers literally everywhere
Damn, that's a big palace
>your statue will never appear at an Olympic inauguration
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Negotiations between Juventus and OGC Nice for Jean-Clair Todibo will enter into key stages starting from tomorrow.

Juventus will offer loan with buy option clause, almost guaranteed mandatory. Barça will receive 20%.

Understand Nice want also sell-on clause included.
>AI-generated olympic ceremony
I don't think Aria is getting a statue bros
This woman is dressed like a Nox you meet in Nokstella lmao
Had to write an essay about Olympe de Gouges, fun facto
Related to Charles Michel btw
>Juventus are preparing an offer of around €30m to sign Galeno from Porto.
t. some Portuguese paper idk how reliable
At least it's not Adeyemi
Yes, we get it, it's France. Can we go back to the boats now
imagine being remembered not for what you achieved but for being a female achieving it after millions of men did that and more.
females and niggers = the europa league and conference league of sex and race
The showbizz will continue until you go to France
>a Jew who legalised abortion and then back to a foreigner singing your anthem

Flush this country down the toilet pls, it’s not funny anymore
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The star on the Jordan flags is too thick lmao
Kyrgyz fra ;______;
t. had a brown man and multiple women leading its country
Klosebros we are so back
fuck mutta
Why is a Serbian region allowed to compete as its own thing?
Weah mentioned
We’re all in the same sinking boat. That’s why I support a decisive victory for the Russian Federation over the satanic forces of doom
What is this Sims 4 tier song
Bikes :)
*looks the wrong way*
Doom64 or Doom3?
No homo, but he's hot
Rain noises >>>>>>>> females, and I say this as a Juventus fan and former player
Di Mali in Peugeot
>his country has a smaller delegation than Malta's
Do NOT look up the Marshallese language
These people would’ve eaten you a few years ago
But why
Sesso selvaggio with Moroccan qts!
They literally speak Romania what's that guy smoking
Me like the Mozambique jacket
Ypu are a rebel. Black people have the real power these days and we must challenge them. The black beggar i always see on my way home will listen to some truths today.
Nigerian names are fucking horrid
t.Oronzo Di Oristanio
*turns off*
Wtf, Zidane raps?
grande Enrico Ruggeri
Vin Diesel and Pitbull linked up
I thought that it was Erdoǧan.
What the fuck
Fat gf wojak
Logan Paul?!
this is embarrassing
Bebe Vio with Big Boss prostethics when
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>Bebe Vio
Had a nice afternoon at the sea and jewve pathetically lost again
Wonderful day
Cute birb uganda
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Is that Higgs? Another Kojima reference?
Please don't be an trans
This goes from bad to worse
I mean... tbf...
cant suffer in ducciolandia
I wish to be a toilet in Porto Rico
Qatari princess
North Korea yes
Russia no
Belarus no
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Negotiations between Juventus and OGC Nice for Jean-Clair Todibo will enter into key stages starting from tomorrow.

Juventus will offer loan with buy option clause, almost guaranteed mandatory. Barça will receive 20%.

Understand Nice want also sell-on clause included.
What happens in San Marino?
Cute Seychelles girl
Sierra Leone, so easily forgotten
>aren't sweating
My bisnonno was stationed in Somalia before he was sent to liberate those poor slaves in Abyssinia.
Suriname... DVCCIO DNA...
What a king that Tajik
Fun fact: 40% of Czech women have done some sort of pornography
tfw no ladyboy gf
Ti sta scomparendo il Tonga, Tonga in mezzo alle chiappe
That's actually crazy
We prefer the term Turkey
Me? Love Central Asian countries, it's simple
Epstein mentioned!
full of fika
It's impossible that USA's boat somehow sinks...
They're wearing fucking jeans... why can't they dress themselves properly?
Me testing the newly made animations in AC Unity be like
>rainy night in Paris but it’s bright and sunny in the Tahiti shot

Haha caught out, trying to pull the wool over our eyes froggies, clearly pre recorded.
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>tfw never be a fit olympian in the village working your way from one hairy french athlete's pusy to the next
Why live...
A bit too many don't you think
Charles Michel moment, just turned off the electricity at my house
EuroGODS can't stop winning
I'm not too up with the current events but I don't think women can grow beards
I’m glad we left and you still speak our language for everything hahhahaha lmao at you all lmfao
>says the dude whose country is a Pakistani-filled shithole
>English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language family
Uh... anglobros??? Our response?
I REALLY need to piss can this be over soon
to whom do the french refer when singing of watering their fields with impure blood
This does not look too much heterosexual to me
True, it's Darude - Sandstorm
What if this guy slipped ahah
Cisgender straight white males
Beyblade reference
>Craniometry of Thiago Motta: a Venetian native of Brazilian descent, virtually without Amerindian or Negroid influences, it appears close to the Padanid (Dinarid + Atlanto-Mediterranid) with a distinct a-m component. The skull is dolichocephalous. Areal: sweet memories of Nuremberg...
I can’t comprehend the mind of someone who can watch this and not be viscerally disgusted to your core. I’d gladly live in a Sharia state over this. Gladly.
The fatty literally hasn't moved all night
Vargas 46' 2-0
I've seen a blue man's ballsack
Says more about your limitations than it does of anyone else tbqh. Not everyone is as fragile as that
Did they forget about the guy's identity
Virginia Raggi got blood on her hands
But at least sing French songs..........
>see piano and singer
>guess the song
is that easy
Thanks droplets!
Thick French accent though, it's like Lea Seydoux herself is singing it
Litteraly my uncle reaction at that goal
You may well be right.

This is the result of a complete Judeo Frankfurt school cultural victory and it sickens me.
Is that Bad Bunny at the piano
Low-key thick butt on the singer
This negru's piano is literally on fire send help
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Hadn't seen it, damn, it's kinda bittersweet.
He fast
Red Olympic Redemption
It's too dark, how does he know where to go
Litteraly animal abuse
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>no dildo fuck machine on the horse attached to a fat troon bearded faggot asshole
Darksiders 4 looking amazing
Why would the fuck machine be attached to the troon and not some kind of frame?
Im not understanding this, and is better like that
im understanding this and i wish i did not
Cassius Gay
What if the horse poops ahah
The horse is on his last breath lmao
This was more excruciating than The Game Awards, and that's saying something
It's a woman
I think too
inb4 Mbappe
This is a different character than the AC Unity cosplayer with the flame right?
But they can't even see the maestro from there lmao what's blud doing
he is for the orchestra





I kneel
This is how Romeo Agresti wishes he speak English
>named Tony
>isn't an Italo-American
Imagine being lifted so far over the horse than you cannot hold your own fucking umbrella
>Gianmarco Tamberi lost his wedding ring in the Seine
That girl is MIRIN'
There's no way. He still is probably rich enough to get another one, but still.
Can't blame her, he has a fabulous nose
Stop speaking
Be quiet for several hours
...we'll never know their identities, right?
They're saving that for the closing ceremony?
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He's up
another reference
I'm actually kneeling btw
If he lights it on top of the tower I'll post a picture of my balls
That's not how you pronounce Zidane btw
tfw he's on a boat
My dream just got killed
The fuck is Kephren doing
Udinese’s new winger
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Never seen a better pic in my entire life, however THAT one flag ruins it
They'll end up at Rotterdam's port
Surely, SURELY now they'll unmask those dudes?!
>i 4 pedofili
Huh? That's not Laure Manaudou lmao
Wtf somebody just passed me a torch, what do???
>Fake fire
H-How are they planning to make it land
Céline Dept is up :)
Well on that note, let me say this..

I wouldn’t go to France
the tour de france couldn't finish on the champs elysees on account of this dreck
Lazzinho will mog Merdine Merdion at Milano Cortina 2026
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you still have to explain to me why all these fucking drag queens are in every goddamn place
If only this was Italy... what could've been... imagine the boomerkino in worldvision
if it wasn't for that gay bs this would've been THE best opening ceremony I've ever seen
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This is going right in my Jj folder
>Adeyemi is open to joining Juventus. Juventus are now working to lower Dortmund's €40m demands.
It's Skysborrt news, but considering how other sources have been hinting at similar stuff recently, it's starting to actually look likely
Added to my Jj folder as well
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Chiesa pls
Him coming or not doesn't really depend on Chiesa, it's just that another winger will join if he leaves.
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Add this one if you're putting it into that folder
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Same vibes
If she were Croatian she'd be called Inceline Dion
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 trailer is up
Marceline Dion
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Michele is a women's name
Like A Dragon: Yakuza - Teaser Trailer is up
I take it from outer/spuh/ that the french are even more gay and jewish than previously led to believe.
Wtf happened? Was Nürnberg just better?
Happens when you hire a coach who barely managed to reach 4 place with a team that could easily win scudetto with a 30 point margin
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At 01:03 in the morning? We'll take it!
Stop hating on Pioli. He was on fire
Reminder to watch Tokyo Vice, it's incredible
kys grimtoli
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allnegrus kurp
Janisch 3-0 it's over
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Today I feel Apudinese
good morning, have the white skinned ultra-technical wingers arrived yet?
On their way to La Continassa, anon. Also can’t wait for the Matrix Reloaded release, it must be epochal kino!
Badmintonbros where we at
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GODtrick Zaki and Breaking Shitaly linked up
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Good morning /seriea/, calcio when?
Yamauchi mentioned in the Jap volley team
Mo it's Todibo time
you can tell merdizio merdano has jerked off to each single one of his 293 tweets on the huijsen transfer
>“The arrival of Marotta has done nothing but complete an already strong management team. You could say he was the classic icing on the cake.

>“Inter now have a golden trio that does the work of ten people, one might say,” concluded Faggiono.
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>they needed a guy from Varese to win trophies without splurging cash or have telecommunications leeches set up wiretap machines
>Giorgio Furlani will meet directly with Theo Hernández’s agents. The Rossoneri CEO will present an offer of €6 million plus €500,000 in bonuses to persuade the French left-back to renew his contract, which expires in 2026. The proposal is close to the requested amount of around €8 million.
The deal for Serbian defender Strahinja Pavlović from Salzburg is nearing completion. The transfer fee is expected to be around €20 million, with the player already agreeing to a five-year contract worth €1.5 million per year plus bonuses.
>Emerson Royal from Tottenham is also a target. Milan has increased their offer to €15 million, narrowing the gap with Tottenham's asking price. The Brazilian right-back is a specific request from coach Paulo Fonseca.
The Fofana deal with Monaco has stalled, requiring Milan to significantly increase their offer to revive negotiations. The club is considering alternative midfield options. Milan offered 14m + bonuses while Monaco wants around 35m for the player.
>The Rossoneri have reached out to Javi Guerra from Valencia to assess the financial demands from the club and player.
Talks for the Samardzic deal have stalled after Udinese said no to Pobega and Adli in a possible deal. The Bianconero club has no intention of going down from the price of 25 million euros (20 fixed and 5 bonuses).
>Milan informed Newcastle about the price of Thiaw, which the English like so much: 40 million. The Magpies had a lower proposal of 10 million in mind, but it is likely that they are ready to raise, perhaps obtaining a small discount.
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High-waisted swimming costume's and thick thigh's
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how about do more than monitor

this is a future Ballon d'Or winner
Warra medal shitaly
>Inter Milan are reportedly preparing to offer one of their two fringe goalkeepers as exchange pawns in their attempts to sign Nathan Zeze.

pls happen
If tamberi manages to not win the gold medal it's the fallimentozzo of the year (on par with thiago not winning the league last season with that bologna sqvadrone)
Hope shitalian media shows skateboard kino
Mo Tamberus doesn't have a Scottish playmaker to carry him
how is Italy 2nd favourite in waterpolo and Croatia 4th? you got fucking destroyed in January
You're a dirty bin-dipping zingaro scoundrel "country", that's why
show some goddamn respect to the world champions of waterpolo, you Neapolitan mutt
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Alberta Santuccio
>not sacked yet
>not ded yet
Field hockey is up :)
Thoughts about an Italian being your flag bearer?
Remind me, was it your Mum or sister who was a hockey player? I don't have access to the /seriea/ offical spreadsheet
midfield too stacked to buy mids
Mkhi isn't getting any younger
>too stacked
>its actually serie ded garbage
weah centre forward loading fra
My mum (only a little bit) and both my sisters played, but my uncle (mom's side) and his son (my cousin) actually played in the national team. I'm curious, here it's more of an upper class sport like tennis is I guess. Is it the same over there in the UK?

My aunt on my dad's side actually went to the olympics as a rower, my dad went to World Championships for rowing but never the olympics
>played in the national team
The Netherworld or Israel?

>Inter Lock Down Midfield Despite Interest From Man City, Bayern & Juventus

Good afternoon /seriea/

Latest transfers:
>Filip Marchwinski (Lech Poznan) to Lecce <3M>
>Lorenzo Moretti (Triestina) to Cremonese
>here it's more of an upper class sport like tennis is I guess. Is it the same over there in the UK?

100% but I think that's the same for every sport apart from football here. Anecdotally, the only people I know who play/played it are upper class women from southern England. It is part of the PE curriculum in Scottish schools but that's about it.
Netherlands, you have to move pretty far sideways on the family tree to find someone living there and/or with an Israeli passport

Makes sense, I was mostly curious is stuff like cricket and rugby distorted the sporting landscape but sounds like they don't. It's the same here, if you are anywhere near posh/upper class you probably play hockey, especially women
Of Gregory is just paolo orlandoni with tattoos
Rugby is a solidly middle/upper class sport here. Both for fans and players. Cricket isn't even on the radar.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm starting to think that Locatelli just isn't really good
How did somany italian clubs qualify for European competitions when there is a limited number of qualifying spots? I think it's impossible something doesn't add up
we are a diverse and inclusive society

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