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I've met France
she's black
how do greeks feel about this? do greeks even care about olympics at all nowadays?
In my country this statue is green.
I don't think we give a particular shit apart from wewuzing
They should make the Statue of Liberty black if they’re really about it
I think it was bronze originally
It was the frenchest moment, unironically.
Great performance of the french anthem even if she's black, maybe a black from the overseas department.
Most of the whites performed woke shit.
Atleast greece had the most gucci ship of all
And us germans trying to lockstep with globohomo, letting the most disgusting nigger hold our flag
Greeks are dirtpoor because of 2004, they don't give a single shit anymore. Don't try fucking with Olympic tradition though, that shit is theirs and they will fucking kill you for it.
c'est la reine!
I think she's from the west indies
I think blacks carry france as they handle labor and french whites just signal virtue through them, truly a postmodern society. French revolution was the ultimate simulacrum in this event
You know they are going to make the statue of liberty a black troon at the 2028 LA games
That whole sorority segment is a huge insult by the way. The Olympics were for MEN.
Let's get this shit started! No to segregation!
Greeks were both pedophiles and homosexuals, idk why chuds act so surprised
yes but not in the way you think
Yes they were, and they also had IQ superior to any motherfucker currently present in this gay ass world right now. They made the basis for today's societies while fucking twinks, before degeneracy could be coined and weaponized for evil.
>The Olympics were for MEN.
What a shame, imagine if we had traditional style Naked Olympics and all the muscular Greek women were wrestling and sweaty hahaha oh man wouldn't that be awful
lady niggerty

No they weren't, but of course, retards like you buy up post-1960s western myths. You use the word "chud" unironically while you leech off a website created by Europeans. Not Mexicans.

I mean, fuck you you coward.

Find proof that Greeks were tolerant of homomsexuality and pedophila. Because that is like saying Afghanistan is also tolerant of homosexuality and pedophilia because of its probably ancient greco tradition of Bachi Bazi
Society is filled with hypocrites. Even the ottomans enjoyed pederasty as a demonstration of power.
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typical ancient greeks
Was pederasty in ancient Greece a sport?
That's funny, because no one in France is bothered by that, even the "far-right". The tranny part however...
It'll be that dangerhair shotputter twerking in a toga lad, can't wait.
>because no one in France is bothered by that
I always say that you're at least 10 years forward regardin the shape of modern society since the racial factor has been completely eliminated in France (modern states are no longer race-oriented)
thanks based capitalism for not giving a shit about anything but the well being of the bourgeois elites
Was I the only one that laughed when I heard about the immigrant arsonists attacking the Paris metro hours before the ceremony, only to see the ceremony include a segment with an Algerian man and a black kid running around the metro with torches.
Brazilbros, the Olympics should be olny for greeks. Let the world have some neo Olympics or some shit where they can put women, slaves(niggers) barbarians(crackers and chinks) and troons to their athletic standards. But alas, globohomo raped this event up the ass.
I wonder why you guys didn't keep some sort of local olympics to honor the ancient ones, exclusive to greeks, maybe just as a tradition. After all, it was inevitable that globohomo would steal everything from modern olympics
Okay what the fuck is it with France and black people? I thought americans were bad but their shit is next level, and americans at least have the excuse of having blacks be a heavy part of their mainland's culture in one way or another for like 3 centuries
the french colonised half of africa
Yeah but they just stayed there, the average frenchman could go their entire life without seeing a single black in person up until recently
yeah its strange, its like all of french culture is reduced to africa
Sad cope.
Why didnt greeks recreate the plympics then? It took a french to do it. The olympics are french.
There are a lot of black in france for decades. And there are a lot of french in africa too. Many soldiers included. Also some african countries deposit their reserves in the french central bank, kek
In gambia there was a vote and they decided to end colonialism the french destroyed lots of stuff on their way put as revenge.
I dont think this is true.
By up until recently I mean before WWII
You black people sure are ignorant.
Bcs unfortunately we have no greek cites or colonies or even themata to invite. Unless if you mean some pakis or lybians or coast slavs being invited due to being in the area of those cities or kingdooms. That for shits amd gigles might work but not for the true Olympics.
Part french. One of the men behind the modern Olympics was greek.
Did you know that some brazilian niggers went to nigeria and lived prosperous lifes there ?
So there were probably more macacos in nigeria than niggers in brazil before the jews completely seized power 80 years ago.
*France, my bad got caught up in the niggerdy
oy shut up goy
Yes yes, and there's a foundational communist writer who has a quote along the lines of "an arrow of libido aimed at the fetus"
And by an arrow of libido I mean my peanus weanus of course!
Is that lady liberty?
Because Greeks are lazy fuck who can't do shit

Modern Olympic Game was created by a French and they even made the first one in Athens to calm down the greek retards acting like retards going wewuzz
And who was behind the opening ceremony?
Opinion discarded
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nu uh
Its just brown shitskins who are mad at this
Argentina indepedance : 1810
Guadeloupe french : 1635
Have you pay denbts yet? How is Greece nowadays, on the up & up?
She was born in Paris her parents are from Gouadeloupe
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Simpsons predicted this.
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That's because of our oversea territories we are used to french black people for centuries unlike most of the others europeans also the Anglo especially the US are obsessed with race and colours and the south American for some reasons have a complex about who is the more white, strange world...
A pig born in a horse stable is a horse now?
>no one in France is bothered by that, even the "far-right"
Race will become a thing in France when they will be 50% of the population
Bahrein independance : 1971
>do greeks even care about olympics at all nowadays?
they only care about gathering medals and stroking our already overinflated national ego(read: muh ancestors).
I only care about a nationwide bataclan happening in France for the faggotry they have displayed

>Greeks are dirtpoor because of 2004
it's not just that, we had accumulated shittons of debt before that. 2004 was just a blowout where they could see the writing on the wall, and they thought "well, we may as well leave with a bang" and "let's see how much debt we can accrue in the span of a few months"
i think he meant academic source, friendo. certainly not "please donate so I can buy a new boat"pedia

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