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I have never been so committed to a goal that I would cut off parts of my own body.
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The Ronnie Lott special
Yeah, that's really fucking stupid
Absolutely based
stupid because he is doing it for a sport that you make no money at all in
>They say the road to Olympic glory is paved with sacrifice. For Australian field hockey star Matt Dawson, he gave up more than most: the top part of a finger on his right hand.

>The 30-year-old athlete badly broke his finger after he was hit by a hockey stick during a training session in Perth two weeks ago, perilously close to the Paris 2024 games.

>“First quarter maybe only six minutes in, opposition went to drag flick the ball in and mishandle and unfortunately my stick and hand was in the end of his swing zone and pretty much took my finger off, which is yeah, pretty crazy,” he said from Paris on the podcast “Parlez Vous Hockey” on July 20.

>“The injury turned out to be a bit more serious than first thought,” he explained. “I tried to stand up pretty quick and eventually sort of passed out lying on the change room floor, probably in a bit of shock to be honest with you.”

>Doctors said his injury would take four to six months to recover, meaning he’d have to miss the games. Or, he could amputate his finger and make it to the competition. Dawson chose the latter

>The surgery ultimately took off about an inch off the end of his right ring finger, just below the top knuckle.

>“If taking the top of my finger was the price I had to pay, that’s what I would do... (If) we get the gold in the end, it’s not a really big price to pay then.”
>everything has to be hecking logical and profitable you can’t just have soul and spirit in every part of life
I mean this fully, kill yourselves, you don’t deserve to live
>australian medicos
based though
ring finger is useless anyway, good riddance. maybe he can get a protesis *looks it up* I mean prosthesis afterwards.
And that's why you'll never accomplish anything.
now he can be a paralympian champion too
it was a choice between a finger or playing in his last olympics. simple decision for someone who has even an ounce passion for his vocation. soulless drones will never understand this, however.
Kek now watch this dude getting eliminated in the first match
to be fair I've never been placed in a position where my goals are in opposition to keeping all my fingers
Just suppose by losing half a finger you can get a girl you love.
I would totally do it.
>Out of a chasmic gloom my dreams have flown that piled the sunset on a thousand peaks thence sped the colours that have fired the rocks; thence flew the lories to the running creeks.
>Out of the chasmic gloom where hid and beat the broken heart of childhood, at my will, came themes of beauty strong as I could bear; came the forgotten people out of there...
>So this was my discovery — Australia,
the Land of friendly bush and mountain ranges and far-extending plains and dunes of sand and red-black gibber-lands and creeks and rivers...
Go with God, thee ye Man and Son. Go with God, thee ye Son and Man. Thou march to war and battle and scorn, thou who hast now won.
I know somebody who had to have the end of their finger amputated and morphine really does not do the job. He knows that now.
cutting off a part of yourself for a globohomo event
olympic games have no soul anymore
What a retard
ridiculously based
He's awesome. I'm going to watch this event now just for him.
Why would amputating your own finger get you in the olympics?
He is a drone though
>ring finger is useless anyway
ehh i dunno, it's useful for holding pints
There’s a Dutch volleyball player who served in prison to focus entirely on improving his craft at the game every day
The pain
They say
Lingers for every day
The pain
They say
Lingers despite our say
The pain
I say
Is worth the cost of play
Our play
They say
The glories remain
Why are the obvious questions always the last to be asked on 4chan?
He was already going, but had an injury. The digit was dead weight.
Since when do self inflicted injuries not need to heal?
Nah he injured his finger and needed months to heal.
He cut it off so he didn't have to wait.
Since when do self inflicted injuries not need to heal?
Why do you assume he cut his finger off literally minutes before the olympics started?
I don't
He will lose and feel like a fucking imbecile for cutting his finger off because of one event
That's the most Anglo looking man in the world. Prime colonist stock right there!
He cut his finger off and it healed, and now he can play.
What don't you understand
Kino and soul
Oh that's no big deal
i wanted to compete at the jewlympics so bad, i cut off my own foreskin
this, why would a physician "offer" to do that? Seems to contradict the Hippocratic oath a bit, idk.
lol no
how is it better to cut your finger off and wait for it to heal than not cut your injured finger off and wait for it to heal?
He lost a finger forever
Didn't one NFL guy amputated his finger so he wouldn't miss the playoffs?
different healing times
Yes, that would be why the article was made.
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it was 2 weeks ago when he broke his finger
you say that like it contradicts my post somehow
If you can recover after 10 days after having your finger amputated then you can recover from having it broken & just have a splint. Clearly he thinks he will not need that finger whilst playing, so why did he even care about it being broken?
what if he fucks up with his new grip failing and costs them everything. He wouldn't even be able to cry into his own hands without being reminded
Define "recov-
Nevermind, you're not worth my time
Yes and hes an idiot
>>“The injury turned out to be a bit more serious than first thought,” he explained. “I tried to stand up pretty quick and eventually sort of passed out lying on the change room floor,

Field hockey is incredibly gay and should really just be called stick soccer, but I cant help but respect this guy.
Yeah that’s what I was wondering about. Surely it would take ages to get used to gripping things again.
Probably yeah. Especially considering the olympics are fucking irrelevant
Olympic village orgies really are that good, huh?
The Olympics are not irrelevant for most athletes. I agree the whole event is gay, but athletes dedicate their lives for a chance to compete in the Olympics and you say they’re irrelevant?
Its not important
For field hockey it is important
His finger was already badly fucked up
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Not more important than trannies though
A finger rota away after a lifetime, glory and Rome are eternal
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>He wouldn't even be able to cry into his own hands without being reminded
The people in this thread calling the guy a retard have no concept of passion.
They are soulless NPCs who are seething because deep down, they know that this guy has more drive and motivation in the portion of the finger he had amputated than they do in their fat, useless bodies.
most people dont realize that being able to say you are an olympic athlete even if you win nothing is a huge deal for most people. it can open you up to brand deals, sponsors, and other shit
If he was Japanese it would have been SOVL
But he is just a weirdo
Not cutting off a body part to play a fucking game. Grow the fuck up.
You are an actual NPC thinking this shit is worth losing a body part over, life isn't a fucking movie.
Imagine being this retarded.
No wonder

If it was ice hockey, it'd at least be a fraction more understandable but it's the gay grass hockey that only pajeets give a shit about too.
The quicker us Chinese take over this shithole island the better.
Anyone calling this guy retarded has never had a passion and supreme goal. It's not like he gave up something vital to standards of living anyways. It's just a tip of a finger.
Still not worth it, he probably won't even shit.
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>Sedin sustained a broken finger from a slash and the original diagnosis was that he would miss four-to-six weeks. Doctors told him that he could be back playing within a few days, if they amputated about one centimetre off the tip of his broken finger. Sedin agreed to the procedure.

It's not a big deal. Happens in hockey all the time.

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