30 mins to go
gypsies vs inbred goatfuckers kek
>>145648388how the fuck did we just get away with that fuckup
100% Kosovo da primu gol
>>145649056we are giga jewish now, we get riggiti priviledges
not looking good
>>145649518almost as bad as eating in a romanian restaurant, never safe from agens trying to inject poison into you to trigger a heart attack.
>>145648388- prietena a mers la parinti in weekend- am rupt la dota 22-2 cu zeus- labarit putin la chitara electricacum va e seara?
>>145649832fr, el e doar un gagiu de weekend, cea ce conteaza e ca se intoarce la tine, you're the boss
>>145648388absolutely worthless fucking gypsy scum
>anti hungarian chants in a Kosovo gameWhy are gypsies so obsessed with us?
we are beyond shit but someone some miracle deflection keeps saving us wtf
how was that not a red card
>25 years later>still seething
>>145650431romania is woke and jewish
>>145650086seethe, incel
>>145648388just end the match with 3-0, fucking kosovan frauds
what happened though, why did they seethe?
Nu s-au putut abtine ultrasii nostri retarzi?
>>145650516>>145650540A zis cineva ca fcsb este Steaua si din solidaritate au parasit terenul, Respekt kosovo! Nu inteleg dc nu joaca Chipirliu!
>>145650516frauds couldn't score, so they blame it on referee>>145650540da-te dracu de tigan obosit, n-are treaba cu ultrasii, s-au enervat aia ca le-a zis alibec ceva
>>145650557oare sunt talpisti pe aici? trebuie sa fii prost caruta sa fii talpist
Muie kosovo
România este moldovenească, simplu
what the fuck, the match was abandoned, but it didn't end 3-0?
Bun. Hai cu 3-0 pentru Kosovo si 2 ani cu portile inchise. Asa meritam daca fanii se comporta ca niste maimute.
>>145650557>>145650559arigato, i dont get the kosovo thing tho, serbia has russian roots and it's obvious that the US has an interest in destabilizing it, so they created kosovo
>>145650610>serbia has russian rootsMai pune si tu mana pe o carte, lasa fotbalul.
>>145650607intoarce-te la spalat curul babelor ca nu mai mult nu duci
>>145650607Coaie esti idiot?
>>145650607>england's most clever immigrant
>>145650607Vezi că ești la spălat wc-uri în Sheffield
>>145650627>stag rusesc plus un mic scut>'zero relations with russia'>CIA giga interested in splitting themcartea cui ai citit tu, lui bergstein? common sense
>>145650607Marș înapoi pe reddit
dont the rules clearly state that grabbing a player by the throat is a red card offence?that kosofag did that yet only received a yellow
>2nd time kosovo faggots just walk out of the game>2nd time they won't be punished for itSick of it.
>>145650607ma pis pe sarbi si pe albanezi dar e distractiv sa provoci pe maimutele alea cu scandari gen Kosovo e Serbia, ii intimidezi asa. Dar nici macar aia n-au facut
how much threatening is it gonna take to get them out of the locker room and play 2 minutes?maybe they are literally having a motivational gay orgy rn
3-0, muie la albanezi
fr tho guys, who killed the dude at the restaurant that came out on the news?
>>145650607N-a scandat niciun fan de la noi nimic provocator retardatule.
>>145650610And The Albanian Ghica family created modern day Romania, I don't get it guys.
>>145650873that explains why so many have black hair and black eyes
>>145650516A fost Ciolacu in tribune si le au reprosat kosovarilor ca “nu stapanesc o meserie”
>>145650887seethe, incel
tourist here, hello. what is happening?
>>145650913kosovo is very sinsitive to politics, if you set kosovo is serbia's, they get hurt down badBut allegedly the romanian crowd said none of those, so it's kinda a '???' situation, before this one kosovo player sperged at a romanian player and the chimpout happened and led to kosovo leaving the field
>>145650913basically romanians have big dicks and discount albonigs have small peepees
>>145650913Romanians being racist as always.
I don't even know why some of you gypsies hate on us so much. We're barely aware of your insignificant existence
>>145650963Stop trying to force a rivalry with us.
>>145650961Man I wish
>>145650935>>145650946>>145650948>>145650961thanks lads
>>145650963U wanna fight? hol' up right there, i'm changing to winter tyres on my Dacia Duster, i'm coming right there
>>145650607E frumos la salubritate la Luton acolo?
>>145650516>>145650540>>145650913Fans started chanting "Serbia, Serbia" and the Albanians shat their pants and went to the dressing room to change.
what will the punishment for this be?an albanian journo got sent home from the euros in the summer for doing this
>>145651198to change to the serbian kit :))
>>145651198LMAO. So easy to trigger those inbred bulbheads
balkans are soft as shit. Worse than afro americans
>>145651209From those 50 thousands romanians who went to see the game, a few hundreds cared about Kosovo. In the first leg played in their home the entire stadium booed us kek, shows how much we give a shit about that NATO base wannabe country
>reff speaking on the phone KEK
don't these retards nuke their chances at qualifying by forfeiting this match?
>>145651388no, google 'nations league' and see the google thing, they are still 2nd
>>145651388Do not look up Albania's iq
>>145651406they're still throwing off 1 point (plus the goal average) in the trash for no reason
this cameraman is based
so serbia loses 3-0?
>>145651492That is set to be decided soon in the following days, for not it's a 'suspended game' status.
>>145651521it's not "suspended", it's "forfeited"
>>145651521makes you wonder why these goatfuckers didn't just keep playing for another minute and take the point.
>>145651553It's a gamble. 0-0 makes it impossible for them to win the group. So they're trying for 3-0.
>>145651700and we wouldn't have been able to pull that had you not been such retarded gypsies. Thanks for the win, we actually deserved it this time.
>>145651773>Thanks for the winKek this monkey thinks his monkeys won. Say thanks if UEFA doesn't ban your fake country for the World Cup qualifiers.
>>145651773>he still thinks the win is going to himYour team has no alibi to leave the pitch.
>Play 4 matches>Score 0 goals>Seethes about it and leaves the pitch twiceThose subhumans are so pathetic lmao
>>145651823Truth nvke
Maybe the Serbians were right about Albanians.
Yeah bro just let us throw hard objects at you and point lasers in your eyes. Didn’t know the gypsies were ass lickers, do you happen drink vatnik cum too? You can’t compete with serbs though sorry :(
>>145653195>we were literally holocausted on the field but waited until the last 90 seconds to complain about itOk bro lol
>>145653195>Yeah bro just let us throw hard objects at you Your team was in the center of the pitch when it happened
>>145648388>Hope for something to happen the whole match>Nothing happens>"Let's try to score">Can't score>Decide to start a fight in the last minute when you had no chance to win anymore>Leave after you hear Serbia from the crowdGrim
>>145653661>4 matches>0 goalsTheir only goal was trying to get a forfeit win lmao
Where are Moldavians?
Ez win
Kosovo is Serbia.
>>145674877you forgot to include the country that puts a dent in our unification with "Bessarabia" :)
They're seething in the comment section of every video and it's still morning.Wtf is wrong with them. They started this shit and they're the ones that are mad.
>>145676108Retarded muslims. Incurable disease I'm afraid.
Apart from the fact that its hugely embarrassing and bootlicking to chant foreign countries names, is it an actual insult nowadays or did they leave because of something else?
>>145676108>Wtf is wrong with themSerbs were right about them, only now we are truly understanding the implications
>>145676610Bootlicking? We are only doing it to provoke them because we know they will chimp out kek
>>145676610Just Albanians butthurt as usual because literally nobody likes them.
Kosovo? More cuckovo am I rite? Lmao
>>145648388so why do serbs albanians and romanians all think they're exceptional people when they're all the same
Disgusting behavior from the romanians. Thats why you will never be a democratic country like Kosova but always a shithole full of gypsies
>>145677479flag checks out
professional victims
>>145678152Sure. Get the ruzzian and gypsy cock out of your mouth
>>145678220Do the world a favour and hop into the suicide pod.
>>145678478Go steal some copper wires gypsy
MUIE ROMANIA(nu-s ungur)
>>145678626>(nu-s ungur)>t.
>looks like gypsy>says to kill the white one while calling his gypsyKek
>>145678549ywnbac (you will never be a country), cucksovar. Cucksovo is Serbia. Now back to cleaning Hans' toaleta, saar.
Looks like a 3 - 0 for us. Press S to spit on cucksovar
>>145677479>Disgusting behavior from the romaniansChanting "Serbia" is disgusting behavior? What a bunch of crybabies you are. This is just fake outrage as an excuse to forfeit the match which is your only hope you can climb up the rankings. Not to mention you made banned gestures.>shithole full of gypsiesYou're thinking of Hungary.
10 more years until the bozgor shoah and huns are expelled from Panonia , trail of tears style, by the jeetpsies.
>>145648388Sqhipnigs are like jews if they had half their brain removed, Tito gave them a whole bantustan just like his masters commanded him to and they still want to play the victim.
>>145679002Are the magyars really that bad over there?
>>145679237Huns are like kikes, the moment they don't get prefferential treatment and are not the elite, they cry holohosx/Trianon.
>>145678974Rural gypsies are better than urban gypsies, better than shitting up the cities and towns.
>>145679348They shoud go back to India, saar, 2030 sooper pooper nukelar shart fearing civilization
>>145679382Well there needs to exist a serious remigration movement for sending gypsies back to India. It probably won't work but it's desperately needed.
>>145679237They were nomads from asian steppe that migrated to Europe like 1000 years ago, controlled Transylvania for about 200 years with the help of Austria and now they're frothing at the mouth that we took our land back (in which we were always the majority)>>145679348The only good gypsy is the one that doesn't live in Europe. >>145679436Not a chance in this pozzed globohomo world. Not only they won't be deported but European governments are importing even more Indians instead of deporting the ones that already live here.
>albanians when the banter is against them
I had no idea they are such pussies, I think this is the only nation in the entire Balkans that can't take some banter without screaming "racism"
>>145650961The only racism involved was that of discount albanians calling us gypsies, Ahmed Rexhbe.>>145649955>>145650086>>145650963>>145651773>>145653195>>145678220>>145678549Meanwhile look who actually behaves like gypsies.
>>145676108What is that zalgo language
>>145678885Kosovars (like albanians) are illyrians. The basis of modern white european man. Shut the fuck up brown gypsy>>145678902Gypsy country>>145678974Imagine if palestina would play against hingary and hungarians chant israel. Serbia (like israel) is a genocidal fascist country. Kosovo is a sovereign european country. No crying will undone that.>>145679110Disgusting fascist gypsy>>145679229Lmao albanians have more brain and culture than dirty slavs.>>145679847Turkish mutt>>145680134Here your banter: Go beg for money on a public place>>145681267Yeah and they bombed the shit out of serbs lmaoo
He really took all the bait lmao, can't believe they got so triggered over a mere mention of an internationally recognized country
>>145682367Go back to your shithole village and stop traficking organs in the west
I'm gonna say it brosI'm gonnaSay it.....SERBIA SERBIA
>>145682367Your fake little country is so great that you don't even live in it. You wouldn't even exist without NATO using you as pawns to weaken a Russian ally. Also I noticed you replied to a shitton of posts but you skipped this >>145680397 probably because you don't have any argument for such savage behaviour.>>145682636Bazat.
We'll get the 3-0 obviously. But I hope they ban those retards for the next qualifiers or at least they'll play all their matches without their subhuman fans in the stands.
>>145682636that's racist
>>145682677Clean it up gypsy
>>145683350Return to your shithole asap
>>145683398Kek they earn like 300 euros per month in Analbania. He gets more in Switzerland from begging.
>>145682636okay, buddy. you went too far this time, expect an interpol visit soon.
>>145683466I wonder how are North Macedonia's demographics hmmm
Gyppos gonna gypp
Behead all shitptars
>>145682636Look bro i am serb this is not ok, okbro?
>>145684782Yep, look what they did here >>145680397
Based Romanians. I kneel
>>145682367>Kosovars (like albanians) are illyriansWhen's the last time Illyrians are mentioned in history?When's the first time Albanians are mentioned in history?Any physical evidence, artifacts, any cultural continuity, any consistent historical records that demonstrate a direct lineage? They are a mixture of everything, from North Africa to Caucasus, including Slavs, with little connection to Illyrians, from a qualitative-methodological point of view, this "Caucasian" theory has more scientific foundations, because it is based on at least some historical sources, at least one of which is very reliable (Byzantine historiographer Mihailo Ataliota), in contrast to the "Illyrian" theory (whose most ardent supporters are precisely the Albanians, for completely understandable political reasons). Btw the Albanian language, there is not a single word for plants and animals below 1500 m above sea level. Not to mention words related to the sea. Most of them are of Slavic origin. Fun fact, not even their founding fathers believe in that Illyrian descendance myth.https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9.pdf>Imagine if palestina would play against hingary and hungarians chant israel. Serbia (like israel) is a genocidal fascist country. Kosovo is a sovereign european country.How ironic of you to call Serbia Israel and compare "Kosovo" to Palestine, when Serbia is the one that recognizes Palestine, and "Kosovo" doesn't, kek. Retarded goatfucker brain. Also, the main protagonist of the "make Kosovo a country" bullshit was the biggest kike there is, and you celebrate her as a saint, you made her a monument, kike lovers.
>>145682367>Lmao albanians have more brain and culture than dirty slavs.You unironically have less culture than niggers(prove me wrong), also, you have the lowest IQ in all of Europe. Is there any stone they carved? At least one. Where are the descendants of those capable and brave people today, because they should exist, just as Serbs have been resisting various occupiers for more than half a millennium? Where are the great Albanian scientists, writers, poets, artists, and even athletes? Chess players? Ballet dancers? World-renowned noble people who help humanity? Where are they? Are they perhaps embodied in the noble figure of Haradinaj, lmao?>Go beg for moneyLook at your flag diasporafaggot. You chose cleaning toilets over your own homeland. >Yeah and they bombed the shit out of serbs lmaooThey bombed the shit out of Albanians too, the only difference is that NATO accepted our victims as civilian casualties, while they characterized yours as "collateral damage" (literally). Yet we're the one hating on NATO and you praise them.
poor kosovars leave the pitch in tears after getting racially abused by children stunnning and brave
>>1456548532 Rrahmani : unul cel mai prost dintre ei si celalalt cel mai ok
>>145691176Racist piece of shit
>>14569117610 points off Gryffindor
>>145692673About that...
romanians are based
Saw that they will give a verdict before the last match which is tomorrow
>>145693510I'm 98.31% sure we'll win, but it's Uefa Riggitini so you never know
>>145687941>This will surely help our case!monkeys
>>145706195>Genocidal, fascist slavs & stealing gypsies Gay friendship made in heaven
>>145682367>That flag>That post
Vă poftesc.>>>/int/204612154>>>/int/204612154>>>/int/204612154
>>145706259Your friends are orangutans and chimpanzees
>75 IQ shitptar still yapping like a rabid chihuahua while cleaning toilets in another country because his village of a country-wannabe is too poor.
>>145706195>orthoDOG ciganyDISGUSTING GYPPOS
>>145709604Silence, stinky mudslim
>This makes the inbred subhuman shitptars seethe and shit their pants in fear
>>145710421More like basedarabia
>still no decisionThey are obligated to give a response until tomorrow match
>>145687023rot in hell
>>145714989>HELJP ME UEFA!
>>145648388you pussies are still going jfc the only thing going on your side of the world are blood feuds i guess
>>145717287Should we talk about trannies and Trump?
What if they give 3-0 to us but not the points ?
>>145710421what does it say?
>>145718905They should give the points to Serbia for maximum effect
>>145719396imagine the butthurt
>>145710421>>145719142yeah ok i had to search myself"orthodox brothers. kosovo is serbia, basarabia is romania"
I use your posts to bait people on /pol/. I will proceed doing so
>>145717287Read the thread, mutt. The only pussies are the almost-a-country your witch-in-chief >>145687023 concocted and who throw a temper tantrum when they hear/see the word "Serbia"
>>145721077Good bot
>still no decision
>>145709645Lol>>145731262Am auzit ca abia prin decembrie o sa vina decizia
>>145731851The rig is in
ramane acelasi thread pentru meciul cu Cipru sau face cineva unul nou?
>>145733448N-are rost alt thread.
18/18 ez
>>145731851UEFA said they will have until the 11th of December to make a decision.
Firul nou.>>>/int/204685944>>>/int/204685944>>>/int/204685944
>>145707209>>145743985Ești mega cringe, cerșetorule de atenție.
>>145744492Mulțumesc pentru atenție.
golazo is saying the UEFA verdict will be wednesday or thursday this week
>>145746890Probably because they will have a draw for relagation and promotion play offs on friday
>am luat amenda peste o suta de miiMarfa
>>145755682kek what a kosovar kwab
>>145756716yeah if anything this decision favours Kosovo
Summary of goatfuckers' chimpout and provokationshttps://litter.catbox.moe/kp11jy.mp4
>>145756716Ce rahat! Păi și pe găozari... pardon kosovari de ce nu i-au amendat că și ei făcut nasoale, mai ales la celălalt meci.
>>145759293Le-au dat 61k pt meciul tur
>>145759319Adică jumate din cât ne-au dat noua lol
>>145759332A contat si faptul ca au iesit de pe teren, ca si noi daca ieseam de pe teren ar fi primit amenda mai mare. Oricum, amenda aia nu prea ma intereseaza, au de unde sa dea Burleanu si Stoichita dupa ce an am avut. Meciul ala suspendat aparent nu e pt mondiale ci pt urmatoarea editie de nations league.