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Was that bird shit at the end?
Does he have a bogger dick than me?
isn't that mbappe's girlfriend?
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prolly water
Sexo then i saw a balding man in a dress
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they brought the lolis aswell
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Are these all trannies?
why do we have a group representing less than 1% of humanity performing the opening act
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it was interesting to say the least
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>why do we have a group representing less than 1% of humanity performing the opening act
you mean... the tribe ?
This is a sports olympic event. Why did they put lgbt shit???
what the fuck is this dogshit
of course since France is saturated with migrants it's basically guaranteed that she has had black males in all her holes
To apologize for the Holocaust.
free from desire is a french song???
It's Europe, anon.
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What is a woman?
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God I wish that were me.
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Enzo was right
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OK, what the point of this if not humiliation ritual?
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this was kino
Paris is a shithole country
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holy degeneracy
the west has indeed fallen
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This one can stay
A world without religion, you like it ?
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cherry on top, upside down flag
everything planned in this ceremony yet they didn't mark the top of the flag so this doesn't happen.
best one so far

Congrats, France
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Should I be tested for AIDS, ebola and monkeypox after watching this ceremony?
That's probably a shota.
makes me remember the brocoli guy from Tokyo 2020 kek, can't find the webm unfortunately.
Do they really think they are doing LGBT people a favor with this? How can this be seen as anything but fanning the flames of hatred? I am starting to think the Olympic comittee are wignat accelerationists.
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I just changed my mind about the whole thing
Very based
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can't belieave it's been 3 years since this qt, wonder what became of her.
please stretch my tight english boipussy queen
No, jews and gaylords don't know when to stop when they are winning
Kinda cool
Sweden YES
How many pianos did they ruin because of the rain during this ceremony?
I think that's a legit girl
>Asking this question in the 8th year of the globohomo.
kek. didn't the previous ceremonies have air blowing on the flag. are the french poor..holy fug.
Late stage cultural Marxism.
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french culture
I'm not sure this semen-slurping sport is for me.
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why do they do these spastic, aggressive movements? it just makes them look ugly and retarded.
This is the pozzed part I mind the least because her singing was beautiful
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need this one with sound so I can hear Darude - Sandstorm in the background
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give me a sec ill try to find it
that looks like the introduction of some austin powers supervillain
As if religion makes a difference. Kek
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If that was Daft Punk instead of zesty cunt, it would've been fucking kino
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Post the beheaded nobles and blood confetti from the Gojira part
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don't disrespect viper, post the entire album cover.
this EVROPEAN KVLTVR and if you can't handle it chud then maybe you should move too Ruzzia
Fucking parisians
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He is a river plate fan. You know what they say about those.
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>moloch head in the background
>listen, we wont lwt you compete with the women in atheltics, but we love you as clowns! Go drag queens!
Mod mod
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>suomi mainittu
You're just a blackpilled doomer little faggot who doesn't give a shit anymore
Eurovision is supposed to be a music festival and it's pure alphabet propaganda
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thank you
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it would have been funny if the torch had a lot of oil inside and with all those movements it burned some of the people in the sides
The ending was pure kino, thanks for sharing these.
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>MERDE ze flag iz upside down, fermé ze blowers
this would have been something out of a shitty comedy years ago
You have to ask? Do leaf women all have ogre jawlines and zero hips?
they don't have the bone structure to pull off gentle movements, same reason they fail at competing with women in figure skating
I think they deactivated the blowing system when they realised that the flag was upside down.
Le fantôme de la flamme!
Satan confirms
>satanic imagery
Thanks for the webms Finbro, but that ceremony was utter degeneracy.
France surrenders again.
what the fuck how long did this shit go on for?
do you have the one near the start when it went full sauron with the spotlight
The tranny segment felt like a good 40 minutes
paradoxically it started getting good in the end with the eurobeats

And they showed ONE traditional folk dance with a couple spinning for a whole 5 seconds before cutting to the sky camera and never showing them again
Perdón, Enzo
That knightess has a nice ass
no problem, yeah the troonshit was rough but at least it made the sticky hilarious
wrong olympics
it was very long, they kept showing like 5 second clips of it between showing the boats with athletes
should've just showed it all at once to get over with it
>upside down
carried the show desu
>prince (le formulaire zoomer)
K I'm glad I'm not the only /x/ one seeing all the moloch shit in this. that and the metal rider leading all the nations to the trocadero are sus
Im interested, where is the symbolism.
Ive heard people say the name, but I thought it was a demon that looked like a cow or some shit.

I saw the last supper symbolism though, kinda icky feeling
>french hosted olympics is the most semen slurping ones yet
I'm uh...shocked...or something
if some wild shit happens during these games, we've been warned
Maybe I am thinking of Baph...(who has males and female parts) You have a female rider on a pale horse leading all the athletes, you had the inverted male/female dancing fashion show. generally a lil demonic, maybe they are flirting with that on purpose as a "look" though
I want to shag her lads(without the fake beard)
Literally a humiliation ritual for the entire country of France, what the actual fuck is this shit
Nah this one was actually based as fuck
The rest was awful
morality and ethics dosn't exist LOL
At least she was born in a French colony and genuinely sings well. Can't really hate too much, I mean the French fucking bought her ancestors lmao
>Celebration of jewish abortionist feminists
>Celebration of Africa
>Mocking the death of Marie Antoinette with satanic music
>Celebration of gay sex

That's Olympic Ceremony in a nutshell
>Agent 47 trying to blend in
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it reminds me of something like this.

Also, you should watch this video ASAP.

How delusional do you have to be to think he looks good here?
>grandma starts raping faster than eminem
I don't know here France was always associated with weird people
France is fucking gay, lol.
>african couple lighting the torch
>african singing the anthem
They really did their best to humiliate the french with this one.
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lmao that was unexpected
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my fucking sides
Thats the autism crab walk
That's some asscreed shit
burn in hell
dude got the fent stare
but wokism IS a religion
Only Islam can save the west.
Literally the only good thing about the tranny bridge

There's video when walks to the committee?
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Say what you want, but at least you'll have memes for years...The worst thing for >us would have been to be irrelevant and forgotten.
It's been years since Eurotrash was on, nice to know they're still keeping it up
Morale is on an all time low over there huh.
The music really added to it, I love this track:
Come on, there were a bunch of tracks from Thomas Bangalter. That's 50% of Daft Punk. Having Marc Cerrone over the lightshow fit really well.
Gay shit and technical goofs aside, this was probably my favourite opening ceremony based on music alone. It had banger after banger, save for Aya Nakamura.
>captcha : TANK
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Wish I could have seen this live.
With sound
You have no idea...
but China doesn't look like that
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hey finn bro do this part
didn't see a webm of this one yet
If Lia Thomas is not in the Olympics.

I am not interested in these Olympics

Is there an alternative sporting event to the Olympic games for the person who is in favor of the transgender community and supports Lia Thomas?
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Come on lads, it was 2min out of a 4 hours show
Stop bullying
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interesting angle
No jews
This guy, the horse and the metal horse saved this shitshow, everything else was dogshit.
I think i made this guy in Dark Souls 2
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How segregated is France?
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You should have surrendered before it started.
the music was kino froganon
Honest to God my first thought was "Is this planed by the far right to get the election or what?"
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have no idea burg sista, but I think its way less than any other anglo country, specially america where its cultural.
I mean they have laws that forbids the state to collect racial data.
A god video on their demographics I saw recently.
K I N O!!!!
Yeah i remember this scene it's pretty early on in Berserk manga.

That fat one is one of the cenobytes. with pin head you know. Also from Hellraiser. Based.
So this is french culture. I can only think of one thing that could improve excellent performance. And that is White Phosphor. Early and often.
literally me
Anon, Ubisoft is French
woah how did they do the flying stars??
holy based
hehe cute
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hol up
that's a man baby
i'm not into this kind of thing but i won't lie she did something weird to my dick. I think it's her long skull or something
You're homosexual
Is she single?
yes I know she's trans but i'm not gay and I'm attracted to her feminine body and nice dolichocephalic skull. I actually get a ton of skull envy looking at her because i'm somewhat of an alpine brute
>child between all the fags and trannies
>france is the most jewish country in europe

it suddenly makes a whole lot sense
Loved it
why is she wearing a Philippines flag?
The Olympics are are organization of the West. It's objective is thus to promote and instigate progressivism, and then, secondarily, to have an international athletic competition would be nice too.
I have no words for this one
who was the sheboon wearing a blonde wig and the gold dress? definitely wasn't singing in french
No Daft Punk!

This is what all white men truly are inside
so now that france "did" diversity at this one, could we just not do it at the next olympics? no need, really.
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Why are they so... Swarthy?
some hunger games shit
Okay, this one's cool.
"Just stay away from the children dude"
What part of this is so hard to understand?
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
Its over
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>song is called around the world
>don't feature it prominently in a worldwide sports event
is this an actual cripple, or is he just rubbing it in?
To make chuds seethe and they're doing a great job
I'd answer, but the character limit would get in the way too often
pelado puto
France! This woke LGBT Shitshow saddens me deeply. Its so tragic how far France has fallen. France used to be the most respected Eldest Daughter of the Church and were the manliest because France defeated the Arabs that conquered Spain and Southern France at the Battle of Tours and then led the First Crusade, as the First Pope who called for a Crusade was French, now France has abandoned that manly chivalric culture for LGBT Woke Islamophilic Degeneracy ;_;

Retvrn Chivalry to France.

>just like in my gaymes

kill yourself
It's fucking art. Why are you guys freaking out?
No, it's propaganda
It's the 12th year actually
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Ok stop, this is too much, I can't...
jesus christ. we need a new global conflict NOW
is it as hype to watch it not live? I missed it as wagie cuck slave
The whole purpose is the inversion of femininity.
I really hope Russia nukes France soon.
This dude fucking ruled. He looked like he just got up to the point where he was supposed to do something cool or a pose and he just thought "Wait until these fuckers see my rad leg trick. They're gonna be so into it."
Same. Hopefully Torcongo, Ottawa, and Montreal get hit too.
>t. Quebecois.
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>This dude fucking ruled. He looked like he just got up to the point where he was supposed to do something cool or a pose and he just thought "Wait until these fuckers see my rad leg trick. They're gonna be so into it."
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>It's fucking art.
Lel faggots
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look at "it"s chest, ridiculous.
Lmao you oinky pig I had to check it out and we can barely see on that weird angle but she does have some nice legs
If you payed close attention, all the French flags in the area were being flown upside down as well. It was a distress signal
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surprised this post is still up
Next Olympics is at Los Angeles.
Its the humiliation ritual for all the sane people left in this world right?
First time they've hosted it and instead of celebrating French culture and history they celebrated an American social movement.
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They do this but they pressured japan to Ban Junior idols.......
For me this was the most demoralizing part of the woke political spectacle, when they made these guys in the Republican Guard bow down to some random ugly niggers.
France created modern Olympic Games with Courbertin. The point is that Paris already hosted it 1 century ago
hate to say it but /pol/ was right
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>Athletic competition?
Kevin Nash?
The only GF I ever had was French, and I'm happy with it. I will die alone, but it's whatever, I already peaked in life. They're superior beings.
boyfriend actually
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>every country puts aside their differences and nukes France
Remember previous ceremonies where the focus was on the athletes? This whole thing was disjointed as shit.

its so fucking over for normal people bros

Blame the anglos for that, not us
Btw, what's >her name? She doesn't look like Ines Rau.
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posting in two parts so its not too terrible quality
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Unbelievably disgusting.
Was this before or after the bearded man.

And when did they mention Gauls? Did they? Probably not.
That could inspire actual ethnic nationalism.
Israel likes to beat it's money donating (per treaty) states (the EU) into psychological submission so they're less likely to rebel against the tyranny/colonisation/forced tribute.
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But we started this trend arguably in 2000.
Ours was just so cliche Aus it was almost obnoxious.
Like man from snowy river crap and Nikki Webster (lol).
This feels like some shit Sweden would have done ~10 years ago, but even we've moved on
El FinniANO
I don't think the Muslim majority in Sweden would tolerate this sort of infidel behaviour. Thank fuck they run your country now.
beyond cringe
Ancient Greeks rolling in their graves.
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France is trying, hard.
Our state already picked up on it and is already grooming the coverage of this olympics, whitewashing it and pretending this shit never happened.

Our elites don't want people seeing this. It's obvious.
No I guarantee this is a legit psychological operation. It's too boring for art.
I see scarier shit in hentai though.
So this is aimed at normalfags to trigger more psychological repression and stupor in France.

While we just laugh at this shit.
Can I see more? And without armor?
For the professional opinion...
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Chuds on suicide watch
VGH...the fabled australian bants, I kneel
It's just Zeus.
do y'all think some of the athletes are having sexarino right now?
The Paris Olympics opening saddens me. I used to look up to France since France invented Chivalry and Romance as French is the language of Diplomacy and High Culture. And you had a very manly legacy as the leaders of the Crusades (The Pope who started the Crusades to Rechristianize the Holy Land was Pope Urban the Frenchman), now France has abandoned its Manly Christian Legacy as the eldest Roman Catholic nation and has gone full woke LGBT effeminate crossdressing stupidity with this Paris Olympics. I was expecting so much more from the people I admire.

France how far have you fallen. ;_;
Faggots on literal lynch watch.
This shit will get you killed and I'll bet some muslims have already started somewhere.

You certainly love getting yourselves murdered.
>see thing
>make sweeping conclusions about an entire nation
Meanwhile Notre-Dame gets restored at record speed. What do you think about that?
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Mate there will be nothing but focus on it and it will be spun as
>woo free love, it beats bigotry
While muslims, in outrage in france, beat people to death for this provocation and the news ignores it for the sake of promoting the olympic brand which pays the media to mask things like this for sales sake..
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Ever wondered why the olympics are ALWAYS in US election year btw?
I think I have a good idea why now.
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Not Zeus. It's "Bull and Deer"by Paul Jouve
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call the jannies
instead of being faggots in their typical french kind of way (kino) they decided to be faggots in the globohomo jew kind of way (satanic)
man, it's such a shame
I'm happy its being restored. But the first burning of the Notra Dame happened 888 years after the Disputations of Paris were the Talmud was burned.

Very symbolic how it burned down at exactly that time frame.

>as some men did some dancing in a place, for reasons that frankly seemed quite remote at that point, where a thought occurred.

>Maybe this wasn’t just the worst Olympic opening ceremony ever. Maybe this wasn’t the worst outdoor event ever. Maybe this was the worst thing ever.
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Hags are too powerful for this world.
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Of course.
Are these targetted at children?
The hell? It's for the athletes. Go see a psychiatrist.
targeted at mostly the African contingents so yes pretty much
too bad negress hair didn't catch on fire :C
it was close though
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so will it just stay there?
Because it's France, idk what's so surprising here
apparently for whole duration of olympics
God I want to be her 12 year old sex slave
>morality was invented by jewish psychopaths in late Roman empire
npc/jew shill
I saw a tranny on tinder here and arab countries are also flooded with nigs, no, more jewish abrahamism won't save anything
Can someone explain to me how this kind of faggotry flies by in a country that is importing muslim immigrants en masse?
Is this a nationwide humiliation ritual?
Gives more reason to muslims to hate and dehumanize the french.
How did I miss this? Was it shown on the live broadcast for NBC Peacock
Muslims don't watch french TV and don't care about France anyway. They will continue to vote for the left
An outdated gay club tune pretty much sums up this pathetic show. It’s as if they have a budget to some untalented amateur boomer gay and tranny troop in the marais to put it together. Oh yeah, that is exactly whattthey did.
Unfortunately, Muslims don't vote.
This seriously hurt my eyes
Or Guetta
>Bull and Deer"by Paul Jouve
Eh, yeah, you're right.
yes but they're having sex on cardboard bed and it's so fucking funny
i member some yank flags in the sticky saying their broadcast skipped it, so possibly not
>he want the 4chan chud crowd
The ceremony was queer enough as it is.
pretty sure none of the songs used during this segment are French
>me watching the opening ceremony
what is this faggotry and how is it making America look like we're a good guy
Just wonder why they need a fun character and childish puns on them like an adults going to read it and ve like "oh yes i wont rape someone after this fun guy told me to get consent"
he looks like he suddenly remembered he isn't wearing any underwear
anything that makes you /pol/tards absolutely lose your retarded brain is a win for me. Hope women in beards host the entire olympics.

The dumbest thing is that you have to look for this too. If you didn't watch the opening ceremony you wouldn't have even known about this shit and nothing would've been different in the world.
>had to look for it by watching the opening ceremony of the olympic games
Yes hello I want to report a major brain malfunction with a model I recently bought. Can't be exchanged? I'll have to trash compact it? That's a shame, thanks
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Agree about the music. Also I loved that track Lady by Modjo which I'd completely forgotten.
>biggest sport event on the planet
>will be remember by the gay shit
>just don't watch, nothing will change
yeah, has worked for the last 60 years right?
go be a nigger in the middle east, you will never be accepted lmao
t. bbc spammer in the euros
>Hope women in beards host the entire olympics.
dont need that in the future when it is your country in the present
genius design considering the mascot which is meant to look like a hat also looks like the internal anatomy of the clit
Or a uterus.
or an inside-out foreskin
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If only there were ways to keep the fuel from flying everywhere...
>desecrating The Last Supper
it's just me or webms have no sound?
imagine being so mind raped by pol you don't think a cripple badly breakdancing is awesome
it's the pol christian larp thing they've got going on
It's just sad is what this is.
Instead building on the strong foundation of our past and striving for the best, to develop, to grow like our ancestors we delve into useless gender and bolshevic degeneracy.
we keep importing hords of useless people whose greatest achievement was inventing the chair so that instead of standing around 24/7 they could sit around and do nothing but fucking and starving.
It's a city you brain rot murican
Is that a known woman? She looks familiar
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like this siht si sometihng new in france.Remember Euro 2016?
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lol belgium
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You can't hang a French flag upside down ameritard
Om nom nom

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