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"The first non-white player in the NBA was a 5'7" Japanese from Utah" edition.
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Have you guys noticed that the best white players all grew up in places with almost no black people?
>West (West Virginia)
>Bird (rural Indiana)
>Stockton (eastern Washington state)
>Nash (British Columbia, Canada)
>Nowitzki (Germany)
>Jokic (Serbia)
>Doncic (Slovenia)
Thoughts on this phenomenon?
It's basic speciation when a large enough population is placed into an environment that has an unfilled ecological niche. Someone MUST ball.
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no milly enet
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I never played basketball growing up cuz I didn't wanna be around black people

really makes you think
theres an alternate universe where he dominated the league and the meta became drafting short japenese men instead of bill russells
you sound like a bitch
Now 30 years later you're on 4chan living off NEET paychecks.
>Now 30 years later you're on 4chan living off NEET paychecks.
that wasn't my biggest mistake. my biggest mistake was quitting soccer. I coulda been Messi
If you'd taken HGH then sure
>chloe helen posted 3 hours ago
>happy 8 months babe!
>mfs I am still single
I think the starting point guard on the first integrated team John Wooden coached was a 5’6 black guy, basketball was… different then
Were talking about practice
I don't wanna be a player no more
For me it's Stutter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGY_Qqr2Lm0
Joe looks like Draymond x Kyrie
just more proofs everyday that espn makes these threads
There's probably some truth to it. My hypothesis for one contributing factor is that white kids growing up in "diverse" neighborhoods will often be bullied and intimated by black kids on the court, and thus are likely to lose interest in the game and pursue other activities. I experienced this myself growing up, and so I spent more time playing road hockey with the few other white kids in the neighborhood, even though I enjoyed basketball more and was better at it.
Shaq, Ernie, Kenny and Chuck
Did you go to practice
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fuck them broke ass niggas
Bobby Jones grew up in 40% black Charlotte and Manu is from Argentina
Mavericks should sign Dennis Smith Jr, he can defend and will probably get a +2 buff to his 2k rating due to the narratives
Playing basketball requires being around blacks which turns many promising white kids away from the sport entirely
Itt: white guys convince themselves they could have balled as if they weren’t EXTREMELY soft for letting themselves get “bullied”
Would almost make up for them signing Klay except he wouldn't get more minutes than Klay like he should
He’d be more like Exum insurance
Its actually pretty pathetic. Im slightly disappointed in /nba/ tonight. Guys please be better.
>Cooper Flagg (Maine)
>Matas Buzelis (small town in Illinois, 80% white, 1.5% black)
>Reed Sheppard (small town in Kentucky, 98% white)
>Donovan Clingan (Connecticut)

The pattern seems to hold strongly even for recently drafted white americans.

Imagine how many more white players would be in the league if black people weren't racist to them. The cities are where the strongest competition is too. It must be hard to get good playing against weak competition in rural, majority white areas where basketball isn't that popular, so it's impressive that we even have as many white players as we do.
>if black people weren't racist to them
Why are you making this up?
You can call it soft as you want, but it should be obvious that the racial dynamic on the court is discouraging to white players. Every time I played basketball with some "brothers", it was always white boy this, white boy that. You have to be twice as good to earn even the bare minimum respect that they would show another random unknown black kid. And of course, black people are allowed and encouraged to be openly racist towards whites, and nobody cares. It should be obvious that this will have an affect on the number of whites that pursue the sport with such an unwelcoming environment. It's not being "soft", it's just basic social dynamics.
Look at this Asian guy cry
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>race wars at 3 AM in the basketball general
just hope it doesnt lap into the daily inceltic/weapschizo/bulgaria schizofest
Get a life
Maybe stop observing the /nba/ general 24/7
racists who watch willingly watch basketball make zero sense to me. thats like a klansman going to an HBCU and complaining about the black people there
I kid you not a couple days ago I went to bed and inceltic/weapschizo/bulgaria were fighting. I woke up like 7-8 hours later and inceltic/weapschizo/bulgaria were still fighting, I scroll up and they were fighting the entire time I was asleep.
there's more than one weapskitz and inceltic. they kinda work in shifts. Bulgaria is beyond pathetic though. Its just him here 24/7
It's not that complicated. I like the game of basketball and I like to root for the white players. There's enough of them to keep me interested. Jokic and Luka are dominating the league. Without these two I would probably lose interest.
But there's also tons of promising young white players coming up just now that I'm super excited about. Cooper Flagg in particular will be taking over the league soon.
filth above me
Sometimes we overlap and whoop inceltics ass
1. Jokic
2. Giannis
3. LeBron
4. Luka
5. Embiid
6. SGA
Argentina has pretty much no negroes
ngl I was suprised to find out Argentina had no blacks. granted my only knowledge of the place was Messi, Manu and Magento killing a bunch of ex nazis there in x men first class.
I rate FC higher than DoFP
You first Chang
I like white players but we need a white prep to take over the league. Some frat boy my daddy will sue you who is also a beast. The eastern European schtick is overdone and the wiggers like Herro make me puke
It's wholesome that Bron, Steph and KD all seem to like each other
Pure love of the game. You wouldn't understand.
Baker Mayfield type personality I must say. He can fit in with the blacks but is a white upper middle suburban at heart
>who is Cooper Flagg
Kek based Lucas
Oh shit I forgot about him. I really hope he ends up being good
Imagine Draymond and Gobert on the same team
How big is basketball in the Netherlands? Are you even Dutch or did you come from one of their Caribbean colonies?
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this is what you look like
it's our national sport and slavs are ultra racist
Why are you projecting? I’m literally in better shape than you.
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damn even official nba channel promoting our next nba player
just imagine when they put him on roids
He's a wigger though which is really unfortunate.
Why are talking about practice?
Good morning CeltGODS. I'm here for my shift so the night shift inceltic can go home, see you tomorrow bro
How much are you getting paid
Wyc pays us each a 150,000 dollar salary to bully gays, gay Bulgarians, and the Miami Weap
I’m the Miami Heat 1st/2nd shift poster, I don’t get paid at all shitting all over inceltic is the only sustenance I need
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I heard someone say that the USA women's basketball team would lose to high school boys. Do you think that's true? I seriously doubt it.
What diminished Tatum’s aura?
If it’s like a CIF/State Championship level team, then I would take the boys. If it’s some Varsity team from BUTTFUCK Wyoming, Women are winning all day
Women’s teams/athletes don’t participate in these exhibitions anymore because the results have always been embarrassing.
Imagine the Lakers somehow got the first seed, lemickey gets mvp and they make the finals only to blow a 3-1 or 3-0 lead
2022 Finals: 44/120 36.7%
2024 Finals: 38/98 38.8% (with Gm1 and Gm5 statpadding)
No fucking way
Everybody watching you make 82 shots and miss 136 shots 37.6% is a tough scene
I think that would help his legacy more than hurt it depending on how egregious the regular season FTs are, the people who like him have already convinced themselves losing the Finals 6 times is better than winning it the same amount
Why do they let him get so many shots? That’s like 26 damn shots a game and he’s missing most of them

I’m not a coach but I’ve played and it seems guys like Jrue, Jaylen, Kristaps, White, Hell honestly even Peyton Ptrichard and guys like that you could redistribute those shots and keep the defense more honest, I don’t care if he’s getting double teamed if he’s shooting 30% that’s terrible
It's 19.8 shots a game
You need him enaged on the defensive end and shots keep him happy
Iggy wasn't going to convert the layup anyway
what a weird cope
This. What self respecting white man would want to play and take any sport seriously when they are patronized and talked down to by blacks? Especially if you're good, insecure black men will belittle you even more, since you are good at a sport they perceive as 'theirs'.
It's an iconic play but look at the angle of the layup. He wasn't making it either way. I think he was trying to draw the foul and just throw the ball up.
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How good is your vision, /nba/?
Because this is 4chan and the demonization of black people runs rampant.
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>Obsessed over LeGOAT
>tranime poster
steven really sold the finals mvp on this play. jr smith was all over him.
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Chuck is not happy
I don't care about Inside the NBA.
A blown 3-0 lead is an instant death for his legacy though. Especially if his biggest career triumph is the 3-1 comeback.
How anti semetic of him
Yeah probably because you watch NBA on TSN (tranny sports network) so you don't care, stupid leaf
My 4chan avatar met LeGod wtf it feels like i met my luxurious king…
No, I don't watch the craptors.
I've just never found the Inside the NBA crew to be in any way insightful or interesting. Shaq in particular is a massive retard. Chuck is alright I guess. The other black dude is bland and boring.
awful take the trio w/o shaq is goated
He post bad takes for attention and never leaves; pretty sure it’s just Ireland
Nikkas seeing me in their walls now kek
It's goated if you have a redditor's mind. Shaw is literally 90 IQ and never would have sniffed the NBA if he was 6'6". I don't care about anything he has to say.
As an intelligent hoops fan I would much prefer real high IQ basketball analysis over whatever surface level hot takes and goofy bullshit they do on that show.
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So what if USA loses a game?
>USA in the same group as JokeBitch

the NBA needs more revenue to help owners pay all these upcoming "absolute shitkid who barely has double digit ppg 5 yr/100 mil" contracts
Puerto Rico is probably the most likely loss. Kerr is the type to throw a group game if we already qualified for the knockout.
also lebum has never won vs puerto rico and got dommed by a puerto rican midget in the finals and he's the only reliable scorer on the team
that one's definitely an L
Never forget the NBA is a business. You mean less to them than their bottom line, and you always will.
>Rural Indiana
Plenty of black people there though
What's with this Douche Paisley thing?
Pissants having their daily seethe over LeGod again i see
Really? I thought black people outside the South were all city slickers.
t. Southerner
who do you think is gonna carry lebum to a gold medal this time?
AD? Curry? Durant? Someone else?
We should make a poll for it
Focus on that bronze the Nigerian Freak is gonna try and bring you instead of seething about USA for once, Molestrios
i don't give a shit about the greek team as long as giannis and his brothers are in it
I did like the greek team when they made lebum get the bronze in 2006 though
It must make your racist little bitch ass seethe that Giannis is fully embraced by the Greek people. In fact he is the most famous Greek person in the world by far. I can't think of any others.
Yo stop lying kid. I haven't /nba/ posted for 8 hours straight in a very long time.
>Its just him here 24/7
Nah that's your schizo mind hallucinating me 24/7. Bitch.
>the most famous Greek person in the world by far. I can't think of any others
They don't teach you little niggas history over there? Read a book nigga.
I am not racist at all, I like giannis as a player
He's just not greek, not even 1%
I don't like the fact that someone that is not frome greece is in the greek team, is this so hard for you to understand?
Lol cope he’s the only noteworthy person from your bum ass country in existence

Instead of seething about his greatness seethe about your own countrypeople’s mediocrity that a son of nigerian immigrants is the one bearing your country’s flag and not some inbred cockroach whose family spent a thousand years buttfucking their cousins in greece
Why arent YOU bearing the flag lil molestrios?
How many games will the Nets win with Simmons + Killian Hayes backcourt?
holy shit, I have no words my friend
you are beyond saving at this point
One million games.
You are so fucking mad right now lil molestrios
I'm talking current living people dumbass, not niggas from 2000 years ago. Name a living Greek more famous world wide than Giannis.
A black Nigerian is the most famous Greek. LOL
We dont want shaq for his "analysis" we want him as the lolcow. I enjoy listening to chuck and ernie. The other two? Meh
>Name a living Greek more famous world wide than Giannis
Tsitsipas. Also basically every famous white turk. Sengun looks greek
Sissypas has no championships despite tennis having fucking 4 of them a year KWAB
He was born and raised in Greece, so he is Greek by definition. Any other definition of nationality/ethnicity is logically untenable. There is no such thing as "Greek" DNA.
Sissypas insta followers 1.9 million

GiannGod insta followers SIXTEEN million


GianGOD is the most famous Greek in the world
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>Name a living Greek more famous world wide than Giannis.
Santa Claus
I'm not a woman so I don't care about fame and how much famous another man is.
it's durant or nobody we've seen this team and lebum needs more help
steven putting up 10% from 3 or w/e aint gonna cut it
Post your favourite epic highlights video


Prime Run and Dunk Man was unreal to watch, its a shame he started thinking he was Dirk in the last couple years and stopped playing like this
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jimmer range!
>playoff piss

1.6 million followers on Instagram
16 million followers on instagram
This nigga ireteeth going around collecting all the bad karma he can.

kek are you a fucking jeeter

imagine believing in fucking Hinduslop concepts couldnae be me aye
I guess if you're irelisp it can't get worse anyways though lmao.

you are on your period about wayoff piss’s shattered leg KWAB
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This nigga ireslop got a shattered ass. Little man big mad rofl.
According to xhom lol
According to DNA.
oh he seething
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Anyways, laughing at injuries is peak reddit. I wouldn't laugh at even LeMickey or Gaytum if they got injured.
my go to line is
>nigga kd & russ can't win w/ deez cats nigga shiet
>Anyways, laughing at injuries is peak r-*ACK*
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He wasn't injured here, his pussy was just hurting.
based LeLigamentsOfSteel surviving what would have shattered Paul Piss’s feeble bones into grains of sand
ireshart talmbout bones when he aint never boned no bitches
gayoff G
it works cuz his last name starts with a G
Selfies go on /soc/.

Fuck Gayoff G

John Wall won
>2 europoors sub tweeting each other in the 4chan NBA thread on a friday night
grim stuff
Stay at home, stay safe chud
I don't like LeMao personality wise but I do think he's better than Jordan solely because he's still playing at an insane level for his age while Jordan wasnt that great with the Wizards. At this stage in their respective careers, he's far superior
Naw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tETePgXXkDE
Was MJ good in baseball?
King shit.
Don’t let Molestrios see this…
He’s about as Greek as I am, what’s the point of the Olympics if it’s just the biggest Africans going up against each other?
Ummm, we’re you born and raised in Greece?
I like Giannis because he’s like me, both my parents are immigrants from the Caribbean but I was born and raised here. Pretty inspiring for all children of immigrants.
Am I not American then?
PG will make philly's offense a buzzsaw
Being American is different from being everywhere elsian.
Only kind of true, one of the NBA's predecessor leagues (the NBL) let black players in during the war but the NBA pretends that the NBL never existed and only the BAA counts
Do not you dare reply to me. You know who you are. Don’t touch me with ur stench.
>Ingram looking for a 200 mil contract
He aint even worth making a full "potential man" meme at this point but I'll start it off:
>0 highlights
>0 playoff series wins
>0 all NBAs
>always one of the top 10 best small forwards in the west
>no one has watched a full game of his since he came to the Pellies
>benched for Hart on a Team USA team that didn't medal
>they just aren't using him right, a good coach will unlock his potential
>what’s the point
I don't know man, it feels weird and cheap from both sides
giannis should be proud of his country and representing it in tournaments and greece shouldn't rely on foreigners to win anything
it's just wrong whichever way you look at it but you can't really say anything about it cause you will be called racist
one thing is for sure though, if greece wins a medal behind giannis greek people won't feel the same joy and happiness that they felt when they were winning 40 and 20 years ago
but they will cope because after all it's nice to see your country win something, even with these conditions
so let's just not think about it too much because there's no point
he doesn't shoot enough 3s
nationalism is dying but globohomo will lose soon
it's hard to find a team for him. He's been very available this offseason but nobody is biting. The hawks straight up noped him in the DJ Murray trade
Alya is a qt...
kys bitch
The stench, can you smell it? It’s right above me.
This nigga talking about stench not realizing that he's basically announcing to everyone itt that he stinks.
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NBA made such a stupid decision.
I didn't think I'd ever see anything gayer than Ireshart but then that opening ceremony happened.
Imagine the shame Victor Wembanyama feels right now.
Tatum's Olympic exhibition stats: 6.4 pts on 46/0/80 shooting, 3.4 rebs, 1.6 asts, 1 stl in 17.8 mins. LeBron's stats: 14.2 pts on 60/46/64 shooting, 4 rebs, 3.6 asts in 20.4 mins. Embiid who many thought has been the worst in team US: 10.4 pts on 51/33/80 shooting, 6.8 rebs, 2.8 asts in 16.6 mins.
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>Russell Westbrook signs 2-year, $6.8M deal with Nuggets
That’s good value
I really wanted him to sign with GS on a sweetheart deal, felt like he could start next to Curry in the backcourt and breakdown the defense/find shooters and at this point he’s a better defender than Klay always gives effort with solid size for the 1/2. On a 2 year like that he could be a valuable trade chip or in addition to a trade, but Curry tends to make players look better than they do on their own (KD, Iggy, Barnes, Poole, Wiggins, Jerebko, etc) and Russ has been solid post LA

Could have traded the farm for Lauri and flirted with a WCF, we owe Curry that much.

I still contend
Lauri or Kuminga

Could be the scariest lineup in the NBA
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I will vote for LeGOAT when he runs for president. This is a leader I would follow into the depths of Hell.
Damn this sucks.
bird was famous for playing with black adults on break when he was like 12
Stench above me.
Nothing about Warner Bros lawsuit against the NBA?
I know the Olympics are today but this at least deserves a mention
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>west is from west virginia
Shivaball is the exact opposite of Curryball. It would fail just like CP0.
>[Stein] League sources say that the Bulls are thus resigned to fact that they will likely be forced to start the new season with LaVine on the roster and take it a step further by trying to help him rebuild some trade value after months of fruitless efforts to find a new home via trade
Take a shower if you stink nigga.
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How long until Wemby does this?
Nugs fans should be madder about Russ being the 5th best player on their roster than about signing Russ
next person to post is gay
Reminder that Lavine has 3 years left on his contract
>i heckin love the flag that i've knelt for and disrespected now that it's convenient for me to pretend!
Is the Smellgarian here?
The stench keeps posting. Do you smell it?
Blud smells of sweat from grinding bug contests all night kek
Keep posting stinknigga.
The woman above me has a certain stench
Stinknigga lives in a dump with some fat bitch on the top of his bunk bed.
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>oh no we are going to waste 3.4 million a year to a former mvp who has averaged triple doubles 4 times in his career
>he is definitely gonna waste valuable minutes from our talented roster full of all stars and elite role players

even if westbrick arrives and not westbrook, nuggets will still be a better team than last year
but i have a feeling just by having jokic on your team and not pure cancer like lefraud, pandemic p or james "the system" harden will make him him a better player
he hasn't forgotten how to play basketball, he just needs the right people around him and this nuggets team is definitely a better environment than anything he had the last few years
KEK. Stench gone mad.
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nugs fans are mad about that and I'd probably take Braun over current Westbrook
Nuggets were smart to get WB. He's the perfect bench relief for Murray
You see this /nba/? Buck broken loser seething
stench gonna start spewing racial slurs now KEK
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its over
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lebron is such a chad omg
the stench, can you smell it?
>giving the white green and red attention in 2024

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We are so fucking back burgerbros
>not flying the blm flag or that african version of the usa flag abomination
"i only believe in things when it's convenient"
no wonder his fans like him he has the same values they do
>its the olympics

it shouldnt be about politics
actual aura
u kidding
that's all it's about
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It must feel so awkward for Embiid lol
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Sports ≠ Politics.
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>nuggets will still be a better team than last year
>he just needs the right people around him
You can't rely on Braun for heavy minutes yet unless he makes a major jump. He'll show up in spots but he's not someone you can count on every night. Brodie can still be a decent 6th man like he was last year, should be an upgrade from Reggie but not anywhere close to what Bruce was.
Westbrook is the best bench PG in the association, Nuggets made an undeniable upgrade. Don’t compare him to KCP compare him to Reggie Jackson/their young players who would have played the role this year

If they got Trent Jr also they’d be in the Finals this year
Underated fucking post kek
The stench has resorted to being racist again.
you can rely on Braun to at least play good defense even if he disappears on offense. Westbrook is only good at speeding up the tempo and attacking bad defenses. Even then he's often aggressively bad. He's unplayable in a serious game
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Westbrook has good defense and playmaking, can shoot off the catch
westbrook is one of the worst defenders in the league. He'll occasionally make a flashy play but he's awful at the possession by possession, stay in your lane defense. He's also not a good playmaker vs good teams. This is self evident if you've watched for the past 3 years. Pretty sure the last thing is a joke
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You need to watch him play
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>westbrook can shoot off the catch
You can get some defense from all the shitty Nuggets bench mob besides Reggie, Justin Holiday was better than Braun in that role last year. They need quality players more than role players and while Russ isn't quality he's better than what they have.
>le 2 playoff games in 2 years man
harden almost carried embiid into the ECF
that's a bigger accomplishment than an mvp, which embiid also has one proving that it's worthless
also gobert has 4 dpoys, another worthless award
tatum has exactly one ring, another worthless metric
Giannis has a FMVP
i kneel
CP3 carried Dominayton and Shooker to the finals.
Nikola Jokic will retire top 10 all time.
Top 10 all-time nugget.
He’s already the greatest nugget. 4th in GOAT centers (Kareem, Hakeem, Shaq are ahead)

When he retires he passes Hakeem and Shaq by then. If he wins another MVP + Ring he passes Kareem.
well, now you know why representation is important huh?
took some introspection but you finally got there.
have you considered nonwhite kids feeling "bullied" by white kids in traditionally or majority white fields, and thus are more likely to lose interest in those areas too?
hope you develop that kinda empathy if you're going to blame white underachievement in basketball on black bullies.
He's not better than Moses Malone
The person above is just talking recklessly.
KD carried Westbrick,Har_en and Kendrick Perkins to the finals
Pistol Pete is awesome :)
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anyone got the webm of Curry trading pins with the other American athletes?
Is Pistol Pete the new wilt
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Pound for pound, he’s better. If he had near the amount of help wilt had he wings more than two rings.
How does that disprove what Harden said? Giannis's accomplishments are due to his size and athleticism, which is what Harden said were Giannis's strengths.
PissStain Pedo was some random janitor who played nba games to make ends meet and memechucked before it was efficient thus was an irrelevant fraud in the 70s and later retired to teach basketball to children which is a suspicious career move
idk all this over the top slander on a player makes me think that he's secretly the GOAT
no way you win rings and mvp awards with just your size and athleticism
he might not be the most skilled player but saying he has no skill is just stupid
harden needs to do a step back into a strip club to relax a bit and forget about his choking sessions before saying things like that in public
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worst trades of all time?
PissStain Pedo is the CHOMOAT
LeMasterandCommander makes me proud to be american….
keep talking cause clearly you dont know shit about how good pistol was.
John Wall is a greater player all time than PissStain and the statistics support it
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I dont expect vermin to understand greatness when he sees it. Bulgaria was right about you.
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no 3pt line btw
>comparing college shooting stats to CurGoat’s NBA shooting stats (that spearheaded the greatest regular season team of all time)

PissStain “The Predator” Pedo’s NBA career average is 24.2 btw.

His playoffs career average is 18.7 btw

Never mention him in comparison to CurGoat again
>steven "1 finals mvp in 4 tries" curry
pound for pound, Pete is better than Curry. He was a better shooter, ball handler and playmaker. Pete didn't have a 3 point line for most of his career, he didnt have 3 hall of fame teammates + one of the greatest coaches of all time.
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>pound for pound, Pete is better than Curry
bet you this person thinks lebron couldn't play in the 70s. what an idiot.
>The first non-white player in the NBA was…
…a jew.
Ossie Schectman scored the first basket in NBA history
PissStain Pedo missed the playoffs 6 times out of 10 seasons he played in the league in an era where there were 18 teams in the league and he only saw a conference finals once during his career (he was ringchasing on Larry’s Celtics and averaged 6 PPG)
Rioux will break if he can develop enough stamina to play substantial minutes
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dont you dare use that disgusting gif and talk about pistol pete, vermin. his name demands respect. I won't let you disrespect it.
Broke PissStain’s record btw. Now he has nothing in his entire life.
still the all time mens leading scorer. dont expect vermin to know basketball.
PissStain Pete never once played in the NCAA Tournament despite statpadding in college for like 9 years they dont want u to know that fact
imagine if he had a semi decent team around him.
>asking for more help for a college team


The sign of an NBA bust
What’s crazy is he would’ve averaged 57 points a game and 13 threes if there had been a three point line. He was on another level.
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Why do you all hate Lebron, he is very loyal to his wife. He won't even touch or look at this women, not even an air hug.
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/nba/ must be down bad if they are getting into curry and pistol pete debates lmao. Imagine if we didn't have Olympic ball this year, autists would be debating Shaun Livingston Blanco vs Gail Goodrich Ultra Instinct by mid August
I like lebron.
I dare you to watch one of those games played in the 1992 basketball olympics.
USA could have rolled out their version of of USA's 2023 FIBA world cup roster and they would have still smashed everyone, the rest of the world barely played what you could call basketball
On my knees Russ finally getting his ring, pls Jokic-sama
i bet if steven curry played a bunch of randos from the g league without the entire offense geared toward him scoring he'd probably barely score 10 points
would the 2024 usa men's team beat the 2012 usa men's team?
>hint the answer is ROLMFAO hell no
no shit, that team had
>prime lebron
>prime dwight
>not exactly prime but kobe before injuries
>near prime kd
>prime melo
>prime cp3
>prime iggy
>prime (lol) love
>young westbrook
>young harden
the only player who's better now is ad and that's because he was a rookie
PissStain Pedo in college:
>*tryharding every game*
>*muttering to self* lock tf in pissy! lock in! theyre gonna have REAL basketball players in the league you’re not gonna be able to score on so this is your only chance to make something of yourself!
>think of that sweet coaching job with those sweet sweet kids some day!
>*statpads 30 points on 40 shots over a future door to door toilet seat salesman* AGGGHHHHH IM FUCKING HIIIIIMMMM IM HIIIIIIIMMMMMM

CurGoat in college, knowing that 4 NBA Championships, 2 MVPs, 10 All-NBA selections, 10 all star appearances, 2 scoring championships were awaiting him:
if we know that and it's that obvious then why are the professional sports analysts claiming that 2024 is the best team ever when it clearly is not
recency bias and they do this with every team, its just how sports work
2023 FIBA wins gold if they had a better center than JJJ no cap fr fr. JJJ got so exposed as a reboundlet on that squad.
Luka for Trae and a first round pick (Cam Reddish)
tbf JJJ has never really been a good center, he just gets forced to because mempiss always has injured C's come mid season
Lukek has no more career accomplishments than Trae despite having two star teammates (brunson, kyrie) while Trae is playing with /nba/ posters
Now that EdGOD is here, JJJ can play his natural position and unlock
The 2012 team had 4 reigning all NBA 1st teamers in the starting lineup and the 5th starter was the DPOY. I loved watching that team. Westbrook played elite point of attack defense on that squad regularly just stripping the opposing pointguard at the top of the 3 point line and then running for a dunk. That team would regularly blow teams out so bad, they would put a pre-rookie AD (the 12th man) on the court for a whole 4th quarter and just practice throwing lobs for him to dunk on yuros with.
People kept coping that Memphis was better with him at center small ball memes, but the second they were forced to do so they'd lose the playoff series. It was such a bad meme and cope and we just say a whole season with him at center and they were one of the worst teams in the league. They better pray Edawg is ready or they'll be a playin team at best
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>Cryami will watch mein CeltCHAMPIONS raise 18

Skitz and Stench duo suicide that night?
he can play smallball in limited mins but it just doesn't work over long stretches. It's mostly because for some reason he's a really bad rebounder
PissStain Predator would be a black Austin Rivers in today's game
ireshart doesn't know ball and its so clear.
That faggot on the left has zero aura.
Who Stench i missed the meta update
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>most underrated

>phoned in gold, dunk of death team

>most JUST

>prob best starting lineup


>modern version of the 2000 team

>literally just KD carrying a bunch of overrated bustas

>the bench of the dream team: old dudes who can (probably) still go
t. The only PissStain Predator fanboy in the world
That's Bulgaria's new name because his flag always leaves a stench in the general
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pistol pete is greater than you'll ever be
the stench was posting earlier today. this thread reeks of it because he was here.
Lmfaoooooooooo that nickname clinging to him forever like a bad stench i fear
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Tyler Herro with a new look. Revenge SZN incoming.
This dude wanna be black so bad
Jokic is the perfect player for Russ to play with.
Russ knows his time is running out to get himself a ring. He will be locked in.
I'm optimistic that this will work out really well and Denver will be a top-2 seed again.
JJJ gets dragged over the coals but he's still a better big than Paolo, Bobby, and Kessler. Could've brought someone better than those guys too.
Embarrassing. Fuck this clown wigger piece of shit.
>tyler herro makes the same $$ as luka
>that other wigger from the bulls makes more $$ than either of them
this league's trash
>NBA All-Wigger first team.
C - Holmgren
PF - Theis
SF - DiVincenzo
SG - Podziemski
PG - Herro

>NBA All-Classy first team
C - Sabonis
PF - Love
SF - Robinson
SG - Caruso
PG - Reaves

>NBA All-Euro first team
C - Jokic
PF - Porzingis
SF - Markkanen
SG - Wagner
PG - Doncic
which teams are actually fun to watch?
With what they had, they probably should have started JJJ and Kessler together in the front court. Put them next to a hyper athletic perimeter in Haliburton, Edwards, and Bridges and you have a better shot. But what USA really needed was a rebounding big with size who didn't just come off his fucking rookie season like Paolo and Kessler and I'm not sure USA had anyone interested in that. Someone like Claxgod, Jarrett Allen, or even like a Kevon Looney type makes a huge difference in that team since their perimeter play was so much better than the rest of the teams in the tournament
Love is a punk
Pacers, Nuggets, Magic
Doncic is a wigger
pistons were league pass superstars last season
the most watchable pistons moment from the past 5 years is when that one guy went after lebum for punching him in the eye "inadvertently"
the people wanted malice in the palace part 2 so bad
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>that facial hair
>"For me, the best player I've ever seen play is called LeBron James."

>"I only know Michael Jordan from his clothing line, I never saw him play on the court, that's why I think LeBron is better." -Victor Wembanyama
sixers grizzlies rockets
He's a zoomer retard who cares
that's usually how these things go. Time marches on
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Post based American players
Fake quote btw.
Wemby is too high IQ to make a basic logical fallacy like that. "I think LeBron is better than Jordan because I never saw Jordan play" is retard-tier logic.
LeBron is just better than Jordan no matter what. Even if you watch highlights it's easy to see how they just aren't as talented as today. The dribbling is shit. The defense is only good because the offense was worse. Their defense would not work against the likes of Kyrie or Steph who would be way better than Jordan in his own era..
The logic is refusing to attempt to evaluate someone who you haven't properly eye tested, which is a much more intelligent stance than most basketball fans
Their faces look so fucking dumb it's great
Big Punisha, still got what you looking for
>The dribbling is shit.
hahaha. zoomies be like "look at his handles dawg!"

no one gives a shit zoomie
Yeah ok. Kawhi and Jimmy would average 10 steals a game in Jorfrauds era
imagine not starting a versatile stretch big in 2025
I prefer to let the oldheads live in their delusions. They won't listen to facts and basic logic, so it's pointless to point out how they faced almost zero NBA players in their international killing spree, which, I'm sure was amazing to watch, but you may as well put the 2024 USA team up against college teams and get the same basic matchup.
Jokic isn't versatile whatsoever, offers zero rim protection, and hardly stretches the floor. He's still the best player in the world. Really makes you think.
Embiid will stretch you big for sure
>He's still the best player in the world.
nobody actually believes this, right?
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The numbers don't lie. One of the greatest 4-year statistical peaks ever.
Imagine if he had other all time greats on his team like LeBum, Jorbum, and Kobum had. He would have at least 4 rings already.
Nugs still have some few cap space left before hitting 2nd apron right? can they do something with that?
lots of stinky niggers in here
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Nephews think people give a shit about their opinions.

Nobody cares you fucking retard.
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damn they're getting prime Russ ong
The two guys with the shittiest facial hair genetics in the league
Tatum's no bueno too
t. Arab who had a beard since he was 4
I feel like you either got good facial hair or a good hairline. Look at Harden nigga all kinds of fucked up hair but the beard saves him
Tatum can actually grow a full beard though.
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Kawhi would have been out of the league in 5 years because his knees are dogshit and no team was paying top money for somebody to play 35 games a season for 10 more years.

NBA wasn't a bitchball load management league back then.
Alex Caruso though.
It's about shape and layout as much as quantity
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See what I mean? Klaw can rock any dread but he's a beardlet
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Yeah I got nothing this nigga ugly af
Imagine the aura boost if Jokic grew his shit out
That look doesn't fit his vibe. Looks too hockey player
>steph vs magic
>bird vs magic
>lebron vs mj
>hakeem vs shaq
>kobe vs duncan
>garnett vs dirk
>cp3 vs nash
>steph vs kd
>wade vs kawhi
>chuck vs malone
Steph, Bird, Bron, Shaq, Duncan, Dirk, Nash, Steph, Wade, Chuck
>daily inceltic/weapschizo/bulgaria schizofest
These are still a thing?
2bh the last few days reminded me how tame those guys were compared to actual /pol/schizos like the ones currently touring the board
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You ready to tap in gang?
Im tired of not having a phone, I’m tired of not having a home to have one in if I did have one on. Im tired of drowning in my sorrow; I’m tired of having to borrow a $1 for gas to start my old Monte Carlo

are we highjacking this thread for olympic basketball
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Y'all better put this pic as the next /nba/ edition.
Straight up AURA
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fuck spain and their merc negro
without him they wouldn't even qualify
and im not talking about garuba but the point guard who carried them everywhere
Why doesn't Spain produce good basketball talent anymore?
They don't have any good 6'10-7 footers anymore

Also all their guards and forwards aren't that good at shooting. Australia has better shooters despite having dyson daniels and giddey starting
Japan Germany on
Ruinous Hachimura
Jokebitch getting his booty blasted tomorrow

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