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frenchbros why are you like this
You're just seeing things you want to see.
Wtf is wrong with frenchie
Don't you Spaniards like bulls?
this is what atheism leads to
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yeah it's just a thing they like doing at opening ceremonies
Then why is it there?
They love black bulls
Bull was a merovingian symbol and Merovingians lived in Paris region
Atheism leads to.SKARY BULLS
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing some people that he didn't even exist.
33th edition
Really more of a steer than a calf if you analyze the details
Christian are just paranoid fucks, their whole religion is based in a schizo rabbi
Why do you even live in Chile? All of Latin America was founded by Spaniards and Portuguese Catholics for European Catholics, it was not meant for your kind
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does this anger the god of israel?
Fuck this semetic shit. Let us take time this time to post lewds of Joan and sexy sexy French women.
The new world was always was for anyone who wanted to make money in a yet wild and unregulated land. If you wanted to keep your traditions, you should've stayed in Europe.

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hmm.. any noticers noticing a pattern?
>last supper gets parodied with a bunch of trannies, some fat cunt and, of course, a kid amongst the mentally ill who probably got molested to oblivion at this point
yes it's the christians seeing things lmao
I’m noticing a sudden need to replay SMTIV
I didn’t see the last supper thing until you schizos pointed it out. You really have to be at least a little schizophrenic to be religious.
You're just an ignorant mutt
Yes, it is the Christians that are schizo, not the head of state who refers to the Amaleks to bomb and raze a bunch of people in Palestine. Not the fact that there was a group of people who worship moloch, the god of child sacrifice, and intentionally using this symbolism in the modern day while parodying the last supper with a bunch of men pretending to be woman.
You didn't know about one of the world's most famous paintings? You might be a retard.
Wow, You opened my eyes. The jews fear the european sacred animal.
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>bunch of mentally ill dress up, trully believe they are of opposite sex and that they are normal
>you schizos
why did it have to be golden though? a bit on the nose don't you think?
Espanish bro, when you host your own Olympics and add bullfighting to the games you get to talk shit. Otherwise be silent.
What do they get out of this? If everything burns down they'll be going down with it.
This whole opening ceremony was the left reclaiming the title of King of the trolls by making right wingers seethe
Is there an alternative sporting event to the Olympic games for the person who is in favor of the transgender community and supports Lia Thomas?

If Lia Thomas was rejected from the Olympic games, I don't plan on watching the Paris games.
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They literally and not figuratively mocked Christianity, there isn't a schizo theme when it's clear af

If they're so edgy then why not make a guy dressed as Mohammad or a big nosed old guy rubbing his hands collecting money
Its not trolling when you're serious
>Is there an alternative sporting event to the Olympic games for the person who is in favor of the transgender community
well evidently the olympics don't reject trans people at all because they just had them prance around for 2 hours during the opening ceremony. this is the most pro-trans olympics that i've ever seen
For that decision of not letting Lia Thomas participate in the Olympics, in my opinion, it was an insult to the transgender community.
the greatest trick the devil played on people was to get them yo call him god and worship him at least once a week in dedicated temples
But it was there. Unless they built the stage around it they brought a golden calf to worship.
can anyone explain why cant FRANCE in Cloud seeding to prevent a fucking rain?
Technology is 130 yo.
That's the leftists for you. They can't be coherent. They like to blaspheme and I have no issue with that, but they fear shitting on islam.
>and I have no issue with that
You deserve everything happening in your country right now
>add bullfighting to the games you get to talk shit.
Bullfighting is the kinoest kino thing there is you faggot pothead
Leftism is all about attacking europeans
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It was already there.
I don't give a shit about christians, they don't bother me, but I don't care if you make fun of them. I just hate islam and you should be able to make fun of them too.
What do you see, a golden bike?
Good your religion is wrong and harmful
Europeans can take care of themselves bruce. Focus on the chinese for now
Dumb nigger
Mixed with garlic and surrender monkeys
>Yes, it is the Christians that are schizo
that's right
You're a participant in a spiritual war between good and evil and you're too fucking stupid to even notice it when it's in your stupid fucking face
>t. shlomo
Bulls are the most sacred animals across the majority of Indo-European religions and mythologies. Imagine betraying your forefathers just to worship a fucking lamb instead of a virile and masculine bull. You fell for a Jewish trick by not worshipping the horned bovine.
Yeah and it's really easy for an intelligent person to see which side is which
holy shit. my schizo neighbor has been telling me how the paris olympics are a ceremony to bring forth the antichrist
Trump's there?
shut the fuck up the antichrist might be coming
There's no such thing as spirits. Just kill your enemies and they will be dead
*torturing and killing black bulls

Shame that Spain has been losing their BASEDness since Franco bit the dust desu mangs.
I'm ok with people criticizing Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, etc.

But WHY does it have to be using trannies and drag queens all the time? Which is not even a critique from them it's just shock value theatrics, there is nothing to be gained with this BS superficiality except total worldwide hatred against them.
I don't believe that the devil or moloch or any of those characters exist, but if you haven't realized yet that very powerful people worship them, you're an idiot.
Because there's no criticism of Christianity to be made that isn't "it doesn't let us troon out"
Here, read some scripture about the antichrist. Could you spot it?

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im so tired of niggas who just learned what Moloch and the bull statue even was in the last 4 years (because they 100% didnt discover it naturally through reading the bible) and are now seeing every bull statue as schizo shit. i cant believe that fucking paul bunyan was about moloch worshiper im literally shaking
yea that's what i said. He adds bullfighting to the games and he can talk shit all he wants.
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>american evangelicals
That was blatant humiliation ritual if I ever saw one I tellya what
european sacred animal is the lamb, its why kikes always wish to slaughter them
Scared of reading scripture verbatim from the bible?
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That reminds me of a vintage poster I saw at a French restraunt I went to on vacations.
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based Minoan poster
oh i thought you were some liberal making a smug comment
yeah it definitely could be him
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>the virgin french cow
>the CHAD Roman Wolf
Stop noticing!
I forget if I read the actual Bible passages, but I remember in religious classes in grade school and high school reading about the Hebrews and Christians killed in a giant bull oven. I remember a bunch of other demons / pagan gods too.
even without getting into how fucking stupid "predictions" are that anyone can make one, amercian evangelist in particular are a disgrace to the christian faith and anyone who follows any of these "people" should be taken as nothing more than a joke.
I thought it was something like that.
I thought the Gauls used the symbol too.
What's the bet they never once showed pic.

We had abo myths, brumbies and snowy river.
pretty cool poster desu mang
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I was going to comment about DRM but then I noticed you said IV, a 3ds game.
>should be taken as nothing more than a joke
And yet, 2024 western laws concerning these "jokes" are passed as federal regulation that other "not jokes" must abide by under fear of penalty...
They did that at a uni once and it literally resulted in a massacre at a gig.
French people have been in stockholm syndrome since.
Christcuck larpers are mentally ill
How drunk do you think he was here?
European means white
It is not chinks subverting us but jews. Jews just blame china.
It's like that time Matt Stone and Trey Parker wanted to mock Mohammad and legal stopped them saying they didn't want to be blown apart by a bomb in the building and that's when they realized they were being edgy retards and stopped bothering legal LOL
christschizos fuck off
anyway i'm off to the hospital. my gf is having her 5th abortion today and i'm transitioning and having bottom surgery. science is amazing!
oh my darwin thats amazing anon!
Based noticer
>Christcuck larpers are mentally ill
Well, if my grandmother had hooves she would have been a cow.
>Depicted a real life woman who got her head chopped off with dozens of beheaded women
>ahh thats fine
>Wait is that a hecking cow?!
Definitely crossed the line.
This is actually by definition of what postmodernism art is. Parody upon parody upon parody. Critique upon critique upon critique. They are literally incapable of forming arguments because contemporary philosophy has made it impossible to do Greek dialectics.

My belief is in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Which parts?
Postmodernism is a setup for something else
And the 1/2moon and star one?
Yes, and that something else is more religious than philosophical, thus European man need to recover theology. This is a theological war. Not just philosophical. Not just moral. Not just political.
They are attacking the very foundation of Imago Dei.
This goes one step beyond "God created Man and Woman"
Of course because philosophy is not everything
Oh that shit I don't give a shit about.
What I do give a shit about is state terror operations that exploit this theme at tax payers expense.

Now that's an abomination.
That's not even a calf
1. Freaks at the table is an open parody of the Last Supper. Only instead of Jesus there is a fat woman with seven spokes sticking out of her head (like Hecate, the goddess of the Moon and darkness; by the way, the Statue of Liberty, made for the Americans by the French, also has seven rays on her crown!). The fat half-naked satyr on the plate is the flesh of Christ. And the little girl, apparently, is Judas Iscariot.
2. Woman on horse (Joan of Arc) is the most obvious horseman of the Apocalypse, which is indicated not only by the gloomy and uncomfortable music, but also by the disturbing montage with inserts of black-and-white photographs from the early 20th century, which depict people in uniform (World War I).
3. The severed head of Marie Antoinette.
4. In place of the raising of the flag - a golden calf.
5. The Olympic flag was raised upside down.
6. At the end, a white ball, representing the earthly sphere, was symbolically set on fire.
That's right. Unfortunately most people don't think that way because of secular modernism. And even more people unaware of philosophy end their worldview at the political level. This is what we see in most of American politics.
Also the sexualised child
religions earn the right to be taken seriously by non-believers. christians themselves don't care about christianity, so why should a bunch of french secular queers give a fuck either? christian imagery is western art, and the french queers decided to have fun with that art. their aim was to rile up all the western social conservatives who themselves don't go to church or express any tangible christianity outside of hating islam and homos, and it worked. you walked into their trap, clap clap clap.
What do you mean by state terror operations?
>Of Joan
You are a blasphemous nigger and a fiend, kindly leave this world at once.
This might be the only thoughtful post I've ever seen in this place
Its not
all good things
Yes. Any religious revival has to begin from within the Church. Paris has an amazing Orthodox Church filled with zealous converts and descendants from theologians who escaped Bolshevik Russia with a righteous fury against Communism. It's beautiful and traditional. Join us.
>christians themselves don't care about christianity
When did the religious people become the fedoras? So much cringe
That entire ceremony was a humilation ritual for France.
Oh come on. They shock people with these things to put people into a state of trauma induced stupor so they're more pacified and less likely to revolt.
Shell shock.

9/11 and everything since in this freak show is basically this.
A mass population control technique.
Even trannies are being impacted by it and they're being exploited as the tool of shock.
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>When did the religious people become the fedoras? So much cringe
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More than humiliation ritual.
It's literal psychological trauma to induce things like dementia to more people die faster and accounts are cleared up in the financial sector.

Glorious capitalism.
What a miserable failure and a tyrannic regime.
I find both cringe because they're so easily suckered by manipulators for financial gain.
95% of christians either upfront will say the bible is horseshit, or at the very least look sheepish and be ashamed by it when some atheist comes out with a remotely harsh sounding bible verse.

they don't take it seriously.
And that's why no one takes them seriously either and take Islam more seriously.
It's not a calf, it's a bull, and it's been there like many of the other statues you'll see this Olympics
>When did the religious people become the fedoras?
The truth is they're both fedoras because they don't talk about anything anymore.
Only when they are bossed around without being aware of it.
And even more so if the response is with blood, right?
Ban check
A Greek Othrodox guy living in Japan?
That is my dream...
Such cope
imagine still being in your atheism phase in 2024 lol.
I'm glad that the West is becoming more secular desu, we gotta do something about Islam though.
the golden calf is from the jew half THOUGH
Why are the French so obnoxious? They aren't as clever as they think they are. They aren't as cool as they think they are. they aren't as sophisticated as they think they are. They aren't as smart as they think they are.
Most of what they end up creating is just obnoxious, self-absorbed shit. This opening ceremony mad the British one look acceptable in comparison. This is the sort of thing that's to be expected form the kind of people who thought Jerry LEwis was some sort of revolutionary genius.
The Olympic spirit is about overcoming differences in culture and nationality, fostering friendship, solidarity, and fair play to contribute to a peaceful and better world.

However, the thread is filled with people dominated by prejudice, hatred, and a sense of superiority.

If you truly want to present yourself as an awakened person, stop sowing discord and promote unity. Together, in love and peace, let's unite and erase Japan from the Earth.
That's not a calf, dummy. Look at the horns. That's clearly an adult bovine.
>oy vey, don't believe you lying eyes goyim
-> >>143028456
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lmao You had me going until the last line.
>I don't have a real response so I'll just imply he's Jewish
looks like a cow to me
there's a calf
Isn't it supposed to be an adult Auroch like in those ancient French cave paintings?
what does that mean? I don't get it
>an event that is about countries being pitted against each other is about fostering friendship, solidarity
Do people really buy this shit?
It's an event about dominance over opposition and being real fucking smug when you achieve it.
It was arguably meant to fill the void warfare would normally satisfy for people.

At least that's what the greeks used it for so Greeks would stop killing each other over nothing.
Stay mad, Christ cucks
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merely a coincidence
You are 12.
Most Christians, especially in Europe, are not biblical literalists.
Wait until you find out about Super Bowl XXXIII
Hello Muhammad
That's Zeus.
What’s funny is I bet most Christians didn’t think twice about the last supper bit. And of the loud 1% that did find issue, they’re not mad about the parody, they’re mad that it was queer people. Okay, you hate queer people, we know. No one is surprised buttkiss has a problem. Maybe one day they can all find bigger problems to worry about. It’s comical that a man in a dress can be so damn triggering.
That's literally the Islam you fucking mapuche maligno asqueroso
>even tho it’s anti Christian I bet Christian’s didn’t hate it but actually I hope they did

You understand we’re going to massacre every single one of you? And quickly
Classic christian baby temper tantrum.

>Claim to be more righteous than islamists
>Descend into the same insecure violent tendencies
Dogmatists really are the biggest morons on the planet
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So is that stupid ballon supppsed to be the torch/cauldron? If so thats super lame and gay.
Idolatry symbolism.
>Gaslighting this hard
You're not going to do shit, because you're a little fucking pussy like all Christians. At least Mudslims kill and bomb people who mock their religion. What do you do? Go on your knees for the kikes who do the mocking. You're a faggot and so is your God

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