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Do you think people are going to start questioning things yet?
>I want to fuck this phrygian cap.

Look at this smug fuck.
I forget that France made Wakfu and no lewd as good as Japan.
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>no lewd
huh, I meant lewd* not no lewd.
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Not even us, the country known for trannies and degeneracy, had that much fucking faggotry in the opening ceremony.
It's all so tiresome.
Dumb cunt
>only thing authentically french was a Moulin Rouge cabaret show
>the olympics had some gay and black people in it
How are you faggots so thin-skinned.
There is nothing to question. Transsexuals were used as show clowns. The comittees dont let them participate in women competitions
>authentically french
Pick 2
Yes and they will get shut down as usual. Stop noticing things and accept what's forced upon you.
Why do you think they don't know this is what they're supporting?
>Th-they made the Olympics GAY!!!

fucking bullshit. they should have kept the Olympics like how it started: muscled, oiled-up men wrestling in the nude.
>Do you think people are going to start questioning things yet?
Mission accomplished
>Excite the emotions
>Profit $$$
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>the fucking olympic games have to rely on the bullshit "being widely hated is free publicity" argument
It's over
whos that pokemon
Not yet. French culture was always about ridiculuos dressed fags in wigs and makeup.
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I keep forgetting that Ancient Greece made this.
So it this the gayest olympics since the ancient greek original?
I don't know, but that is the sexiest, smuggest hat I've ever seen.
Kek brilliant
To answer your question OP: They want you to. They know that most people hate their faggotry but they'll get off to the fact they can flaunt it perpetually in your face and get away with it eith no questions asked.
>Alone On A Friday Night? God, You're Pathetic
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From memory, this was literally English reasoning and propaganda for why they should conquer it too.
If you look at the English king that last invaded France before Napoleon, that makes sense.

Can't call a Henners gay that's for sure.
That's it, now I want to hatefuck this hat.
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But seriously, why have all summer olympics mascot since 2000 sucked?
Ours were so good we had a mock mascot, a fatass wombat, to take them down a notch.
Apparently a Kookaburra, Echidna and a Platypus wasn't Aus enough. Fatso encapsulated us better anyway.
>you now recall Millie the super saiyan echidna
I like how they made a brown creature blonde and blue eyed and NOBODY complained.
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here's the director, Thomas Jolly
France really is the Israel of Europe.
Hitler always did call them Africanised (was actually, ironically, a criticism of colonialism).
I think people should and will notice that what should have been a beautiful, artistic spectacle, was instead cheap and tacky
people aren't going to do anything btw
acceptance of this has only increased and will continue to increase
people used to question gays the same way people now question trannies but they will be normalized eventually, and you won't do anything about it
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I agree.
Fatso was criticising this shit in 2000 and it's just gotten worse and worse with each olympics.
>acceptance of this has only increased
I know trans people that would disagree and deal with normalfaggots attacking them nowadays.
And they mosh with skinheads so there's irony there.
don't underestimate the power of the ethnic middle class people, Ireland has just woken up
>Ireland has just woken up
Your daily mail boomers are not your average normie but it goes to show how over the top things have become.

>Portsmouth, United Kingdom
>4 hours ago
>Dreadful- it couldn't decide if it was a Pride event or Eurovision. It was certainly not about the amazing athletes.
Amalia my beloved
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Hot steamy gay sex

yall chuds just mad you werent invited to the party
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People were complaining about 2000 and 2008 and they had sports in the themes.
What were the French thinking ay?
No I'm just mad tax payers actually paid for this crap.
Because corporations don't pay tax and they call the shots for these ceremonies.
It's just fetishism for admins now, rubbing it in.
Probably too good for these olympics. They had to make the ceremony shit so they can't have her.
Isn't there supposed to be food on the table?
Where did the supper go?
Normal people are not in the questioning things business, so no.
How about questioning your need to 'question' things?
Doesn't do me any harm if two black people ignited the cauldron - and I'm white - so what's your excuse, subhuman racist?. So it was done by two black people instead of whites? So what if the latter were 'replaced' by the former? How does that harm you personally? Does no harm to me, so you don't have the right to be a subhuman racist. I'm the reason you have less right to be. If I'm not racist, what's your excuse? Are those black people who lit that cauldron in the room with you? Now point out on thre Phyrge >>143022290 where those of a different colour to you touched you personally, OP.
This is the answer. Just look at what normies did with the clown world meme. They are a lost cause.
Normalfags didn't do that.
Cancerous pigs that don't even pay for these things yet call the shots for them did that. Administrators. You know, psychopathic CEOs.

Normalfags are just zoning out from this shit. Clocking out.
They don't care anymore because it's too painful to care about and they have to get food on the table.
Dogs don't complain to masters about their antics, they just pray they're given food that day or a walk.

So this is what the olympics is about now.
Corporate corruption and state tyranny.

It's not about normalfags at all. Normalfags are rabbits in headlights.
>boomers are not your average normie but it goes to show how over the top things have become
The concept of 'Normies' has just been destroyed. But then...:
...the word 'Normie' never had the right to exist in the first place, as the above evidence proves. Average Americans not only accepting what they're seeing but fully embracing what they've never seen before. That's normal Americans at a sport that's as normal as apple pie, voting Republican and owning guns.
There is now no such thing as 'Degeneracy'. Liking VTubers is normal. You now only have the right to deal with it.
look at bottom left corner.
It's a show no different than a festival.
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No, ecelebs make shitty amounts of money promoting this crap nowadays and talk positively about it to merely promote their own platform.

In reality, most people at those fields don't give a shit about anything but the Baseball.
Some even psychologically disassociate themselves in these moments.
That's why they have these soulless dead eyes nowadays.
They're brain is turning off.
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>most people at those fields don't give a shit about anything but the Baseball
>massive queues at the Hololive merch stand: where there were more baseball fans than those of Hololive's VTubers
>That's why they have these soulless dead eyes nowadays.
Yeah. Because you'd personally know about that, amirite? Baseball is more popular in that country than Cricket, correct?
Either Hololive has gotten a whole lot more fans or your opinions are wrong. Choose wisely.
>How does it harm you PERSONALLY when the jews in mainland Europe are killed, Mr. Cohen?
kek at the interpreter reaction in the bottom right corner
It's full of fruitcakes, are you blind?
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Eh vtubing is kinda amusing as a phenomena.
And it kinda juxtaposes to the sport, where people sort of keep away from cheap pop culture like this.

So I can see what they're doing here.
But the ecelebs jerking this off on youtube is pure cancer.
I don't really care about anon streamers, aka, vtubers because we started similar shit before vtubing and I feel we're kinda responsible.
Sure it's cancer now, but I saw it's roots here.

But I'll bet most people were just confused and going "what the fuck is this shit?"
The goal was clearly marketing to us with bait.

Pity baseball is inferior to cricket in every way.
every single time lol
not white people, white "people" will follow globohomo to their graves. With a smile on their faces
Portugal, you are begging for a slapping today.
Show me on the doll where France touched you?

On the Lisbon bone?
What's the hand sign for "the west has fallen"?
Two hands together praying for no more beatings.
Can't be the horns, they would trigger violent reactions from fundamentalists.
i finally get why some right wingers support russia
Same desu
The animators actually drew her naked
What do French Jews even sound like?
Because their community of right wingers got sock puppeted and exploited by ex-KGB?
Actual nazies hate Russia for Stalingrad.
I'm not sure what you mean by this post. vtubers appeal to normal people and always have because it's just reactor content that allows ugly women to make money from stupid men the same way as attractive women do. The people at the stadium just see a cartoon avatar because that's all it is. There's no depth to it, which is the key to vtubing's meteoric rise in popularity.
This isn't like some niche VN getting popular, it's a regular girl making noises in exchange for money.
no the npc theory is real.
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That's the most french thing they could ever do.
In the ancient Olympics the athletes performed naked covered in olive oil. This is far from gay by comparison.
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>Next Olympics is in fucking Los Angeles
Gay woke nonsense, homeless people near the stadiums and taking up hotels nearby, chicano "culture" in the opening ceremony, a decent chance Phelps will have to share the Olympic torch with some sheboon, and ofc completely justified "do Americans really?" posting the whole month
>vtubers appeal to normal people and always have
Whatever helps you sleep at night freak
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Actually, I think that was jewish, not french either.
That wombat sucked too.
No lol

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