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>ynr that one trophy pissi won

The prestigious Ballon d'Or worthy competition is back

>What is Leagues Cup?
The Leagues Cup is an annual soccer competition between all clubs from Major League Soccer and Liga MX
World Cup format, no ties in groups if tie they go to penalties and the winner gets an extra point

>When does pissi play?

Day one:
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For me its club tijuana
Riggi won't play he's injured
pls watch our cup
My as well fuse them
Mexican soccer is dead
>watch our leagues
This group stage format is retarded as fuck, if this competition needed to exist (which it doesn't), they should've atleast done top 16 MLS teams and top 16 Liga MX teams in 32 team format
our (leagues) cup
will they rig it again?
POOmASS choking again
i hate pumas and their cocky fans they deserve to be humiliated
>3 - 1
they always embarrasing our league
>Pumas had won 3 of its last 4 matches the other being a draw
I don't think it's coming home
We don't care about this friendly cup
not a friendly cup messi won ballon d'or for winning this
>Tijuana with 70% possession
>losing 3-0
it's not looking good ligmabros
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In this stadium chile beat Mexico 7-0, It could be a bad omen...
Honestly, kino tournament so far. My favorite moment was Osorio flipping out for no reason.
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>be Crew STM
>Crew ask me if I want to pay for tickets for this Mickey Mouse tourney
>lol no, get that gay shit out my face, opt out
>still get a complimentary ticket to the first Crew match of the tourney
MLelS really wants this stupid meaningless tournament to succeed that they're giving out free tickets to season ticket holders. Looking forward to the Aston Villa game though.
Eh I mean every tournament is stupid, meaningless, and a blatant cash grab
did the mexican teams used their youth academy squads?
intersisters our reply?
nightly bump

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