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Literally the best part of the opening ceremony
It was the only good part, so yes, it was the best part.
>glorifying murder
isn't that completely against the olympic spirit?
Heh, yeah dude. Kill the white supremacist patriarchy! Punch the nazis and ROCK, my guy! F"*@CKing ROCK and ROLL my dudes!....and guess what? Hail satan whilst I'm at it. Yeah I said it, whatcha gonna do about it chud? Take your sh*"t religion and shove it, b*tch!!! Rock on....so fvcking metal....
Why do the fucking French think their country began in 1789?
marie antoinette literally did nothing wrong and didn't deserve that.
also french pigs raped and murdered her children. true story
The French worship the Revolution in the same way Russians worship WW2. It's literally part of their culture.
That was probably the only example of them doing a live performance on the side of the river parade that actually worked and was fun to watch.
It's propaganda/regime reinforcement like how Russia glorifies WW2. It is because aside from that, the pillars of the modern French state are retarded, and increasingly lack legitimacy.
I think the armored girl was Jeanne d'Arc from early 15th century
It was absolutely legally distinct Joan of Arc. They wanted to get her in there but obviously could not do it, either they couldn't do it in good faith or because they were denied the ability to do so by the IOC, so they just made her a faceless knight instead.
dude, the french are bunch of zesty niggers. they probably also think they built the pyramids.
>they probably also think they built the pyramids

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i'm ok with all the faggotry and satanist shit but this was too far
boot licker
real democracy
Noooooooo you can't make fun of actual historical events that were deeply important to your nations history like the french revolution nooooooooo it'll hurt the feelings of me, the guy who isn't actually french and learned about your nation and culture from my armchair nooooooooooooooo
That’s right, we need to murder all rich white attractive talented people so obese negro transgender refugees can twerk on their corpses.
Why does the french revolution immediately make you think of black transvestites
The French Revolution was important to France like a diagnosis of cancer was important to your life
>Guys, I'm thinking about trannies again
>if I stop licking them boots, the trannies win
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>i'm ok with all the faggotry and satanist shit but this was too far
Would have looked better at night with some creepy lighting in the windows
Every fucking country has a specific hard on for war and murder
This wasn't making fun. They used a heavy metal band to shock normies that it was serious
i'm not religious
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What did you just say faggot?
BTFO, not an argument
Isn't this kinda insensitive and tone deaf? I mean like to glorify it and embrance it considering all the recent beheadings of peace in france?
On top of my head there was that school teacher, a catholic priest and I think an elderly lady in a church?

It feels off
In what way? France back then
cvlt as fvck
The Notre Dame part was pretty cool
It had its moments that were kino, but they also focused too much on retarded transsexual shit
It makes me seethe a little because you know it could have been an amazing good one if they weren't so focused on pushing an agenda
Really, really debatable
And the USA started in 1776 according to you?
Because it was the world's first successful socialist revolution and it led to all the niggers and trannies we see today.
Wrong. Celine Dion was the best part
>decapitated aristocrats singing to metal with blood streamers pouring out from the windows
>threesome sequence
based France
>random jump roping and half pipe on a boat
>borrowing Anglo celebrities
>the whole roof sequence
cringe France
Abortion is applauded nowadays.
We figured from your flag.
Louis XVI is long overdue an apology
I didn't watch this but it seems scary.

>snoop dogg cripwalking with the torch
I mean, I love it, complete cultural victory etc, but what were they thinking?
An heavy metal band decapitated a woman and then they sing about that
So we just gonna ignore that the Monarchy came back to France less than 30 years later
Some of you talk like 50 year soccer moms and have the gall to call others fags
>umm this is heckin problematic sweetie
did you watch the opening ceremony? they literally cut straight from one to the other
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she did nothing wrong
>armpit licking
My one weakness!!!
Crazy how all the fagshit managed to outedge a literal headless woman covered in blood with metal music
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Im sorry but as one who actually is a big defender of antoinette i found this really tasteless,bordering on bad taste. Antoinette was big humanitarian and of the most misunderstood profiles in history
Russian won WW2. French executed their royalty and population over not waving the revolution flag hard enough, declared war on every single bordering nation and ended in a disaster that was Grande Armee. One person you could celebrate in all of this was Napoleon but he was nowhere to be seen
true, I had to turn it off once it got to the trannies on a runway, it was too much
Did the USSR include any mention of ww2 during their olympic ceremony? If not then the point is moot. Glorifying the death of anyone in a sporting event/festival is irrelevant
You only figured that because you're a retarded American. Brazilians are some of the biggest christcucks in the world.
In Europe it is generally agreed that we, the Dutch, built the pyramids. Please know your history.
You still bow down under a far away old hag, shut up
So with enlightened "free will" you chose to host trannies, niggers and nonchristians in your nation and now your opening ceremony?
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are they warning the Elite with the Guillotine yuh?
It's just kind of awkward when you have numerous royalty/aristocrats from foreign countries invited to your ceremony
behead all austrians
you angloids gave the knee for years against racism and shit, you are a fucking clown
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Anyone got a high quality webm of this scene?

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