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Fucking end this humiliation ritual please I won't be able to show my flag here anymore
even iim embarrased of sharing a continent with you
>No Daft Punk or Air
>No Depardieu or Cassel
>No Houellebecq
should have voted right cuck
What are you worried about it's pure kino and the Americans are shitting themselves right now as to what they can come up with in four years following this
>humiliation ritual
Why is everyone obsessed with this buzzword recently? At least it's a good signal to just ignore anything you have to say.
It's not even that bad. You'll get over this.
This is what france deserves for spawning demonic shit known as human rights, equality and freedom
>gay interracial threesome and drag queen aren't that bad
You're way too far gone
Relax nobody remembers the opening ceremonies anyways. Yeah you had fags and negros but thats Paris. City of love and all that.
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Oh we will remember the tranny supper
No Alain Delon.
tfw he got into trouble recently for having loads of guns in his house.
Dont listen to mutt golems
wasn't he in ill health and wanted to euthanize himself to die in dignity
When you extend those things to all, they end concentrated on the hands of those that don’t deserve them, while those that do deserve are stripped of them
Theres no such thing as human rights
France, why did you invent the Minions?
i thought it was kino and fun, not kidding
you made americans jealous
this is the worst moment of my life
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Why did you guys go all out on the globohomo
bro how do you think >WE feel
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we are speedrunning the new reich
we did the whole weimar level in 3 hours
This is the future, deal with it
Because it's accurate
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Even I'm embarrased 10 gorilion miles away.Holy shit.
Don't worry brother, we'll outdo this absolute shitshow in 2028 and you'll be allowed to post again without fear.
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That's such a based quote

>a bunch of ngubus and trans instead of Jeanne d'Arc and Napoleon

This cannot continue
Blame the Olympic comitee, Pierre. They are the ones imposing and pushing this DEI faggotry.
Remember, amigo: ¡Ils ne passeront pas!
This is pure Houellebecq. Grim
I literally want to support a neo nazi party, not a mild piece of shit like Le Pen or its equivalents. Holy fucking shit, they crossed a fucking line with that fucking children
I like how he's pointing to it, he knows he dropped a banger there
Ok pedo
What's DEI?
DEIz nutz lmao
KWAF (Kek What a Fag)
replacing Whites with nonhumans
Polcel boogeyman
where do I buy a vpn/proxy that isn't blocked by 4chan?
Discriminate against Europeans
I think this is worse than 7x1.
Brazil bros, we are not the biggest jobbers anymore.
france tries to save money
the US doesn't care, they got money to throw for soft power
their weekly sunday sport games or superbowl is already amazing, the american olympics will be enormous
It's not, Ahmed. All you had to do was turn the fucking TV off and you're too weak to do that.
It's so bad I actually feel sorry for you guys.
Dick Enters your Imagination
You're so fucking clueless.
Picrel. It's the abbreviation of the three main globohomo euphemism buzzwords that form the core of the agenda.
>no pic
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Damn forgot to upload it
I hate that term too, and it’s extemely overused here, however, in this case it’s a pretty good description. I’m pretty left wing, and if our country put this show on I’d be tempted to cancel my overseas trip coming up out of embarrassment. If the Olympics hired /pol/ to do this show and instructed them to make France look at bad and stupid as possible, this is what they would come up with. If it turned out the person in charge of it browses /pol/ and is a Spaniard I would not be surprised in the slightest
Where are the millions of Islamic terrorists you imported when you need them?
They even had that Satanic John Lennon song.
The Brazilian commentator gushed on about the lyrics about no religion.
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Does stuff like this get broadcasted in China, chinks do watch the olympics after all right?
It's even more stupid the no countries part in such an event
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You've already beat us at Olympic Football when we drew against you at Olympic Rugby.
Chora idiota
The song is incredibly overplayed and overrated, but still, calm down lol
mcdonalds is hiring btw
I don’t know what to expect from ours. You are right we have tons of money to throw at shit like this, and regularly do. And it being in LA there’s gonna be no shortage of “artists” to make insane shit. On the other hand, Olympics viewership and suport here if anything leans right, or is at least somewhere in the middle politically, so there’s gonna be a lot of pressure not to go giga-poz. There’s also a lot less patriotism from all sides these days. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s mellow, uninspired and boring, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the most over the top kino thing ever, and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the most pozzed thing ever created on earth and at the end the literal antichrist is born and breaks off California into the sea where it’s blown up by 5000 volcanos and sunk into the depths. My moneys actually on a pretty lame show, so as not to offend anyone, which would be lame.
it is satanic, shlomo
I’ve given rugby a really good chance to interest me the past few days and I gotta say, it’s one of the dumbest sports I’ve ever seen. I just can’t see the appeal. It legit seems like some middle schoolers tried to come up with a sport and didn’t think it through very well
man I didn't know things were so cucked in france, I'm sorry for making fun of you now
It IS satanic, in terms of message.
>and at the end the literal antichrist is born and breaks off California into the sea where it’s blown up by 5000 volcanos and sunk into the depths
Would most of America actually mind if this happened though?
total eurangutan death
Can some explain the golden bull?????
/pol/tards are vindicated half the time.
You're brain is mush
Don't worry. Soon you'll be an Islamic nation. I'll be more worried about that.
Genuinely and truthfully, what in the fuck? Who thought that 2 hours of trannies dancing on a bridge would make for a good ceremony? Nuke Europe, I don't care anymore.
/pol/tards are vindicated half the time, mostly not out of being correct but due to Modern Liberalism being self destructive.
Honestly I can't even mock you, at this point it is just cruelty.
Globo 100% degen e satanica
it is an unmitigated disaster but it was obvious it'd be like that

this is why the whole "arrogant french" garbage that is parroted constantly is so fucking stupid, we haven't been arrogant in ages we're a deeply self hating people who're ashamed of our former grandeur so this is the only thing we can produce now
Whenever have /pol/tards been incorrect?
Get a grip. The eurobeat dancing was the best part of the show. They all looked so beautiful in their fashion And the music was banger after banger.
There was nothing about your own culture. You were just an American colony.
Listen to the lyrics carefully, many things are called Satanic for no reason but not this one.
>ashamed of our former grandeur
I wonder who indoctrinated you to feel that way.
Good music, terrible humans
Golden calf you're supposed to worship, don't worry about it.
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I liked Lady Gaga's song
That's Moloch, the symbol for infant sacrifice and a way to celebrate the inclusion of abortion in the French constitution.
I liked their costumes it was like watching jojo
>No Asterix and Obelix
>No Aznavour
>No Alizee
>No Daft Punk
>No Piaf
>No Satre or Camus
>No De Gaulles
>No Napoléon
>No Revolution
>No Ladybug
>No Yéyé
>No Concorde, no Ariane
>No French military
>No World Fair
No, California is easily the most hated state in the US. And they are totally deluded about this, and think actually most people like them but are jealous, which makes everyone hate them more. Obviously the right hates them. The middle generally dislikes them because they are stuck up for no good reason and wield a heavy hand both culturally and politically. The northwest states, which are generally left leaning or outright liberal don’t like them because they’ve been coming there in droves for decades and shitting everything up, driving up housing costs, and acting like cunts about it. The last part applies to various other places around the US. From my experience, the only people besides actual Californians that like them are liberals from the East coast, because they see them as their ally politically but haven’t had to actually meet them or deal with them to realize they are cunts. And all this isn’t even taking into account about half of it is now pretty much cartel territory now. So they still act like they live in a nice state and lord it over people, when much of it has turned into a shithole. If it was put to a vote, California would be kicked out of the union easily, and people know how much of an economic hit it would be. Worth it. The only thing that would give people pause is losing holywood, and the left would obviously worry about losing votes, but again, worth it.
>no cute french girls with armpit hair and thick bushes
Satanism is in itself a religious stance. You need to have a religious belief to believe in Satan.
The song is atheist and nothing more.
The Gojira part was cool at least, and at least they actually are a French band
but you got americanisrealis singer and glorification of killing their queen!!!
Many of them are satanists and atheists like satanists because they are progressive like them
>You need to have a religious belief to believe in Satan.
False, you can be an atheist and a Satanist.
Satanism isn't the worship of the devil, it's falling the original lie satan fooled humanity with it. Namely worshiping humanity, yourself as god.
gold medal post
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>taking a piss at the monarchy
>the cool part
You guys are oblivious as fuck, lol
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i thought it would be shit but this is even worse what i expected, what the fuck france
i skipped most of this and only watched the gojira part
therefore i declare it based and i love france
Good job France. Really enjoying this so far.
Atheism is rooted in Satanism. It's not about denying the existence of God, it's really about opposing it.
It really blows my mind how many non-French performers(you know what I mean) there were, and then how many of the celebs etc were Americans, or just not French. I genuinely don’t get it. This is the best opportunity your country has to show French culture, and French people to the world. So you show instead lots of homosexuals, Africans, and Americans. Was the intent to tell the world that France is made up of African American homosexuals? If that wasn’t the intent, literally why. If there was a different message I missed it
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Its moloch
The organisers are satanists
Nice artistic visions of what hell could be
The message was "we are vassals to globohomo"
that rapper rim'k was nice
The golden idol hebrews worshipped during the exodus
t.satanist bong
brennus and vercingetorix, clovis, the song of roland, saint louis, the knight templars, joan of arc, the great gothic cathedrals, the sun king and versailles, richelieu and the musketeers, the count of monte cristo, les misérables, the hunchback of notre dame, impressionism, the invention of cinema...

the potential for kino is immeasurable, but no instead get fat trannies and american slop
France isnt france anymore
Did that guy take a picture specifically to be put next to his own quotes?
>and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the most pozzed thing ever created on earth and at the end the literal antichrist is born and breaks off California into the sea where it’s blown up by 5000 volcanos and sunk into the depths.
I'd never stop clapping if it happened
you do realize france is an african colony at this point, dont you pierre or is it kawabinga?
Your country hasn't been yours for some time.
I honestly wonder if that happened, and especially on camera, if impromptu parties would break out across the US and various places around the world. I kinda think they would. Would be a hell of a party I think
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No Huysmans...
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We could have had a lot of cool stuff from french history, why did you have to doom us all?

We could have had a full company of middle age chevaliers marching in full armor with the rain hitting doing that distinct sound when hitting against the metal.
They could have also been dressed as crusaders, with one being Godfrey de Bouillon while we hear the words: "How could I wear a crown of gold where he wore a crown of thorns?"
We could have had some pikemen accompanying them too and suddenly Jeanne D'arc waving her flag.
Then we could have had something similar to the monarchy parading. Then something about the revolution.
We could have had Napoleon and his soldiers.

But no, we had peak globohomo. I'm super mad that Argentina doesn't have this stuff in its history, we would have done it so much better but we have little history previous to the 1800s
Yeah I didn't hear them play Daft Punk, weird

But they did play Justice, M83, and DJ Mehdi
Zeus kidnapping princess Europe
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no st. Louis
Kek france is so irrelevant they’re pretending canadians are French now
wild how he mogged all his wives
>don't worry about it.
Canadians rescueing French civilization once again.
France will be better off when it inevitably becomes an Islamic country.
When was the first time they rescued france?
When they landed on those beaches 80 years ago. Ever heard of that story
You're not supposed to ask about the graven idol
Don't worry about it, champ. Watch the drag queens dance with children
Can you say they were rescued if this is what they became? Literally everyone hates France. The Right, the Left, the Muslims, the Christians, the Farmers....only Jews and Liberals love France.

I don't know why people hate those niggas so much but sometimes live just be like that
This is why your president called for elections
Don't Escape IMAGINE
It's funny
there actually were parts about Les Misérables and the dawn of cinema
no, you deserve it
How did that save france? Pretty sure they killed it there
You lost for Great Britain
You lost for Prussia
You lost for Hitler
You lost for Algerians
You lost for Vietnamese
No Jean-Michel Jarre also
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I know that feel bro
there's still an outside chance this could become another Munich '72, so don't lose hope.
>Olympics hired /pol/ to do this show and instructed them to make France look at bad and stupid as possible, this is what they would come up with.

insanely based and deductive yankee, a rarity
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>The Brazilian commentator gushed on about the lyrics about no religion.
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To go further:
For the truly wise, the problems date to Protestant Reformation. To the omnipotent, to when Octavian Augustus died without having a direct biological son as his heir
You weak weak man.
For the unfathomably wise:
The problem dates to when Constantine made that jewish cult the official religion of the Roman Empire.
>the absolute state of the human race

i'm an atheist, and i find this terribly grim, probably cause most of my values were drawn from christianity and i still keep to them

otherwise known as
aya nakamura (the black rapper with big tits) butchered an Aznavour song and Celine Dion sang a Piaf song
>No Françoise Hardy
>No Joe Dassin
>No Michel Berger
>No Sardou

So. Many. Missed. Oppurtunities.
>2008 kino opening
>2012 kino opening
>nothing but shit since
Japan was awful for the lack of ambition (I cannot believe they didn't make a Gundam to carry the torch or have a guy on the Akira bike carry the torch, easiest basedface moments ever) but France just wasted everyone's time with this OTT bullshit
Dutch East Indies
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I just watched this
What the actual fuck????
is she french or american?
she ate the last supper ALL OF IT AHAHAHAHAH
Youre an idiot
Deserved lmao
Japan got fucked by the pandemic, so it isn't entirely their fault there.
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yeah whatever
no gundam just tells me they weren't even trying and took the pandemic as an excuse to half-arse it
They didn't show anything before the revolution. It's like France is born in 1789.
It wasn't THAT bad, except for the transsexual bridge that lasted for hours, that was THAT bad
He was a tiktoker
How's that secular revolution working out for you?
octavian jobbed to germanic tribes
his only truly revolutionary accomplishment was how good he was at propaganda, hence why he has become the model for european dictators since
>they got money to throw
If you only knew how bad things really are…
Why do they have to insert this sorta shit into EVERYTHING now? Why?
unironically satanism
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That Gojira bit was pretty good
Can I get a QRD? The world is too pozzed for me to care about the Olympics
it's over
ah yes blaming america as usual. you have always been the gayest nation and now you don't need to hide that.
>death metal band opens
>trannies carry the torch
>recreate the last supper with drag queen as Jesus
>giant mechanical bull
>let’s of weird blood/gore imagery like Marie Antoinette holding her severed head
>weird Assassin’s Creed product placement
It's not your fault, this has been a global phenomenon for a while and some areas of modern civilization are more affected by it than others. The ideologic pendulum is already starting to swing in the opposite direction these days.
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To the ungodly, post-humane wisemen of kind:
The problem dates to when the first form of life trasncended from a concept to reality
nevermind this is possibly the most grotesquely disgusting abnormal thing I've ever watched in my life.
I'm killing myself right now.
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the FUCK were you thinking!
KEK underrated
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wait what is this?
You know what that is
They were pozzed
Did you even watch it. Listen to their speech
At least you have good music.
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Everyone knows France is already dead ._. This country has no future.
Good proxy for africans
Lots of blacks in that Oz commercial
Also a bitch in a wheelchair
>1% funny snoop dogg holding blunt shaped thingy lmao
>99% globohomo hell on earth
Just keep whitoids away from the event, next event should be exclusively black americans, timmies are a bunch of freaks
>Marina Cavazzana : Sickle cell disease is one of the most common genetic diseases in France. Due to a significant mixing of populations, more and more babies are born each year with this disease.
Diversity is - Ack
Kek I saw that too, it's just a tear on his fishnet.
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You niggas deserve worse than this for unleashing liberalism upon the world. Fuck you and your shitty revolution.
is he the best FRENCH author since Céline?
So you’ve been here for what, 3 months tops?
It's why they do these things.
this is the price you pay for murdering your rightful monarchs
This just means tested for, not tested positive right?
The Hunger Games dystopian nightmare unironically come to life
The Brazilian media is criticizing in a way I've never seen before.
The (((americans))) will put a stop to that
but enough about the Jacobins
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I think Macon only bid for the Olympics so Daft Punk would come back together but it didn't work
I think he did it to show off their zesty negros
Go back
>stop pointing out what we do!
More like NegrOlympics
broadcasted on China Central Television
the host was completely speechless during those scenes
Though it's okay when Japan does it.
I assume the spamming started to convince themselves/pol/ isn't always right, Cena naked at the Oscar started it.
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No, we need more tears.
Come on. Cry.
Cry more.
What are you talking about?
It's literal state cycle of abuse shit to pacify protests in France.
They can't do this to muslims because they shot back, remember. So they only target the remaining demographic the elites control. They are petty and pathetic in France.

That's why France revolts every 50 years normally. Hell, Britain literally exploited revolts in France for many many centuries, long after they lost their legitimate norman claim to the throne.
It was fucking up Britain's economy likely.

That and war time economy was good eating.
everything started with the french revolution
That's a joke, its supposed to be bizarre. The bearded troon on the ceremony wasn't a joke, you are supposed to champion it. You burgers legit don't understand things and can't differentiate situations that have an element in common.
you guys are pretty funny, i'll give you that
if I were an athlete and had seen this I would already be on a plane back home
I don’t know why everyone is blaming the US. This nihilistic globohomo philosophy comes from France.
money doesn't exist
I was generally fond of the French.
Now I wouldn't bat an eye if Paris were engulfed in nuclear hellfire.
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You literally voted for this, be ashamed
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two tops and one bottom
What a newfag
I don't know the nation's real name, but hold your head up high as the nation called Mbappe.
Nobody is blaming America. They're wondering why France chose to use American artists and celebs instead of their own.
You've been buckbroken so hard that you see any mention of America alongside something negative and you assume you're being blamed for it.
Don't be, people who watched this shit is becoming aware of what's going on in the west.
You're just a martyr and I salute your sacrifice. This time it was you, but it could've been the UK, Italy, us, etc.
Yeah if it were just whites but the country is filled with nogs
the opening ceremony had Gojira playing actual metal in it, that single fact makes it based beyond belief and the best ceremony ever by default
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part of me wants to leave europe in the next 30 years but i hate foreigners and don't want to become one. the eternal dilemma
Go to Iceland
Surely you can pretend to be a native Icelandic speaker. I have a friend who moved there a while ago and he told me they gave some phone app that shows them their heritage, they use it to prevent inbreeding because they live in an island etc. If you go there not only you will leave this shithole, you can go have sex with a lot of icelander girls just like your ancestors did.
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maybe but then you'd have to live in iceland don't know if i can stomach the darkness i can barely handle it here. not a bad idea though
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Polish commentator said something like "world without God and without nations is sadly just communism". And leftists on twitter started howling at him for calling them out
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That's right, flee bitch.
> No Eiffel 65
I am blaming america
>No The Young Gods
So Gojira passes but not Young Gods?
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>we did the whole weimar level in 3 hours
Or in other words, an entire bukake worth of weimar.
>joan of arc
That witch is why you are like this.
England could have save you and then we could have avoided the world wars and this shit.

She's not a saint at all, she's a demon and she was literally mingling with a child blood libelist in the form of Gille de Rais.
obsessed? buzzword? or maybe some noticers started noticing
>For the unfathomably wise:
no that's for troon subhumans who worship troon pagancuck gods or just regular troon subhumans like you.
Aren't his adult kids engaged in a legal fight with his Japanese girlfriend/carer right now?
no Joe Le Taxi :-(
Gojira was sick
I love how all of you people live better than 99.9% of every human that ever lived but because it's a little bit boring you have to pretend your the greatest martyrs in history because your grandparents had it a little bit better than you
Can i catch up on how shit this was somewhere? i don't want to watch the whole thing

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