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I think I got AIDS by watching this
way too long
Could have been worse
Worst Olympic event I have ever seen.

Chinks beats us.
Oh she's singing again...
chika sexo
Fuck your thread/10
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Chuds can keep seething :)
4/10 pride parade
9/10 without virtue signaling
10/10 if it was a tat shorter
7/10 overall
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I want my four hours of life back!
the catwalk shit was horrifying, there were some dull moments but there were also extremely kino moments

better than anything since Beijing, miles worse than Beijing, Athens or Barcelona
Evil cannot be tolerated
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>imagine TWO TIMES
>no daft punk
you've got some explaining to do frogs
Skipped the 1936 on the reel
It was made by women for women...
2/10. Some based moments surrounded by hours of tranny shit.
At least it made /pol/-cucks seethe
75/100 from a normal pov - plenty of fun sections
1/100 from a /pol/goon pov
Pretty cool, bravo france
0/10. Gayest shit I've ever seen.
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celine was good, everything else was actual dogshit
1/10 she was the only good part, but will die earlier for it
Polcels btfo/10
10/10, world seething of jealousy as usual
had a blast
only correct answer
Take heart Americans, this wont be hard to beat.
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Boring af and too long
Some of it was retarded, but the French can still do soul and spectacle.
If you just started with the boat parade and removed the drag queens and the runway but it would be a 9/10 for me. The ending was giga-kino
8/10 maybe even 9.
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Best opening ceremony ever. Pure KINO. One jaw dropping scene after the other. Yes niggers, trannies, jews, whatever. Still great fucking show, entertaining from the beginning ot the end.

My highlight: the beheaded Marie Antoinette kek

Pride Parade/10. The best part was the final one with the tower and Celine. It was way too long. They spent 15 minutes on that horse part just for the masked woman to hand over the flag and not do anything else.
Remove all the tranny dancing/runway shit and it would be a solid 7-8/10
9/10 if you skip the boats

even ignoring the faggotry it was still just a very disjointed show. Way too much prerecorded garbage, lots of stuff went on for WAY too long. The music was top tier tho, the best in a long time
At least Rio '16 opening didn't have any sexual deviation
9/10, needed more blacks and transgenders to be a solid 10/10. Very French btw
The good:
>masked man
>an horse
>an mechanical horse
>the cauldron
>boats were fun

The bad
>lady gaga
>terrible choreography
>the entire red carpet section
>two random nonames lighting the torch
>unnecessarily long cuts and pauses

Overall not bad, it got better as it went on, better than Tokyo and Rio but worse than Beijing and London
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like being waterboarded with globohomo, the religious imagery subversion and the fat people really elevated to a whole new level
One for Assassin's Creed guy
Another for metal horse and rider
it dragged on for too long towards the end but it had some real kino
needless to say the tranny shitshow was a complete disgrace
Tu fais quoi en Allemagne, Jean-Pierre ?
Hitler NO
this desu
different and everyone seemed happy
Good stuff: the dude on the roofs, the mechanic horse, the balloon, the boats, minions
Bad stuff: all the gay shit
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Really liked how unique it was not being in a stadium, on the river seine instead... but there was all that gay propaganda. Could have been a GOAT if it was less globohomo.
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CHUDS are going to shit themselves in 4 years
a black tranny and a fat gay mexican saluting a big pride flag.... can't wait
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Too much fag, tranny and pedo shit.

Most interesting bits were this guy (all involved, with the horse included) and Gojira.
It's illegal to get paternity tests in your shithole. LMAO
>Can't get Daft Punk
>Don't play any of their music at all
That's a 2/10 from me brother
i can only expect it will somehow be worse in hollywood, anyone with a brain can see that coming. doesn't make your opening less shameful, the entire world now sees that your country is an IRL netflix show
Im noticing you didnt mention the faggotry and politics which were big parts of it
too ambitious,i hope this shit doens become the norm,a stadium event will always be better
Slay queen lady gaga slay queen Celine/ 10
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Too long, way too much virtue signalling and gay/tranny stuff, not many humorous elements, mid star acts

Good music, boat parade, Assassins creed guy, Jeanne d'Arc on a metal horse
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Thinking of all the cool things they can show off in Paris but didn't is just mind boggling
The horse and everything after that was good honestly.
wasted 4 hours and now the only way i'll watch live sports is staying awake overnight
if you exclude the fags it was nice, there was zizou and nadal and the music was nice
6/10 (-3 for the fags -1 for daftpunk)

the pozz at the 1st, 2nd hour mark was awful, but between that time there were also some kino moments, but the ceremony turned out quite good on the second half. Celine Dion finisher sealed the deal for me.

if you're a /pol/cel then its a 0/10

3/10 if there were no trannies, drag queens or any sexually twisted demon pervert freaks
It's crazy how simple it is not to have tranny shit ruin an acceptable ceremony. They really make everything x10 more cringy because it never feels natural at all.
4/10 complete wasted opportunity, and the few good bits were either short or dragged to death.
my friday night ruined
The worst opening from the XXI century, and perhaps of the whole history after Atlanta.
Frenchs deserves to be robbed, raped and murdered by moors and negroids with french passports for such abomination.
France is lost/10
I wish people could just turn "autistic troll mode" off for one second and just appreciate greatness. The ceremony is the most unique one ever it had amazing mindblowing imagery and music and represented France in every way possible both good and bad it was better than Beijing to me, because it had art and soul and rain and mood. It was unforgettable.

The gay shit is just a part of France, its the freedom to love or just wear what you want, it wasn't like they were having sex except for a couple fake kisses, they were just walking a runway which represents French Fashions a big part of their culture.

They achieved something that goes down in history and please stop crapping on French posters in here, French posters you guys are loved and we are ancient bros USA and France are forever tied together in brotherhood.
>tranny last supper thing starts
>apparently ends as the parade continues
>but then the camera keeps randomly fucking cutting back to the trannies flailing around for the entire rest of the parade

that whole sequence of about 30 minutes felt like actual parody
>faggotry and politics
That's the entire red carpet section
That was such a kino ending
Only bongs and brown /spol/ posters hated it
China still the best ever
Celine making me tear up.
Eurobeats comp

honestly, it was boring for the rest but Celine was definitely worth the wait. Gojira was a really nice surprise.
10/10 i like world events makes me feel like we can have peace.
Nothing will ever compete:

The opening ceremony 5/10
The humiliation ritual 9/11
Stfu kike
>teddy riner
>random nonames
>jap flag
Kodokan is about to ring your doorbell
I don't know if the pace was bad because the ceremony was over the city or because the organizers were incompetent tbqh
Interesting concept with some great moments but ultimately shit. People rating this event highly have likely chosen to ignore all the bad parts which made up the bulk of the ceremony.
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I'm willing to look past and ignore the men in drag and other pozzed shit. 9/10, easy. Having it on the Seine was a great move. I'd rate this even higher than 2008 Beijing, which is my all time favorite.

Good show France.
This too.
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I'm out
same mi hermano
Zoomers apparently loved it.
>robbed, raped and murdered by moors and negroids
Why would we copy you?
>>two random nonames lighting the torch
I can see why'd you think that, but they're both extremely popular in France especially Teddy. Agreed with everything else.
it should be -6/10, but Celine added one point
CHUDS already seething...
it's 2024 guys, no tranny is going to eat you
Agreed completely. Polcels should fuck off. They ruined this website a long time ago.

t. Someone who watched the 2012 London ceremony on /sp/
Humiliation ritual/10
kek thirdies are absolutely malding
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This pic goes hard

>the era of whites is OVER, look at them, old and dying... BLACK folks are in full control now

4 hours for like... 30 minutes of kino ?
Add all the globohomo shit and it was terrible.
If you make a 40 minute edit it would be neat.
The best is the architecture of the city desu.
seemed very soulful but a bit boring, very French
but it seems to have mind broken the polfags and brown people so I give it a solid 8/10
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I saw they mocked Christianity, why didn't they mock Islam? 0/10
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Did the french invent being gay or something, what did any of that opening ceremony have to do with france?
They banned russia
>he thinks LA is going to spend money on the olympics
We should take the tower back (made with American steel)
10/10 This shit was on another level. Blending 1000 years of culture in one big performance piece. Loved the boats too. Trannies I didnt like but they've always been part of the Parisian art/fashion scene. Who cares.
The good

Culture and history highlighted
Assassins creed
The horse
Eiffel Tower
Celine Dione

The bad
stronk wimminz
Some of the routines felt completely unsynched and last minute.

11/10 because of Dion and Gojira


always based/10

5/10 (could appear more)

still worse than Rio
Apparently the Burger broadcaster cut out most of the globohomo shit. It would have been pure kino without it so I'm not surprised the American flags all liked it
>The blacks don’t pass the torch and instead burn the globe with it and it ends
Quite based
I was ready to give this shitty opening trash a 0/10 but then Celine dion rose from all the filth and scum and gave a performance of a lifetime. therefore my final score is a fair 4/10. Still overall globohomo trash.
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I liked most of the shows they put on (yes even the drag queens) but DAMN the amount of technical problems and the shit cinematography is inexcusable

shots linger too long
they take WAAAAAY to long before zooming in
gosh darn it I expected more from the French of all people
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Nice """"""""""""""""""""""""culture"""""""""""""""""""""""" Euroniggers. It's just gay shit. Your ancestors built a culture built on excellence and harnessing the highest form of art/music/architecture from the Age of Enlightenment to the Romance Period, and Frenchniggers went through a golden age of culture in the Belle Epoque, and this is how you honor their legacy.
I was watching a documentary on trains 10/10 would recommend.
>pppplease fall Europe so you can be as shit as our country
Stfu thirdie
1/10 a few sections somewhat salvaged it but the main thing i take away from it wtf is wrong with France? It’s an olympic opening ceremony not a contest to outgay Eurovision
As soon as the tranny shit stopped it was kino
Reminder that your typical /pol/cel is brown
But you avoided naming it
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ok but Teddy Riner is gigabased and 100 times more of a man you will ever be
You clearly meant Fr*nce
this is imported American High Culture.
I suggest you relax USbro it's our turn next.
It was pathetic. I hated my country before and I still hate it
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>someone saw the repetition and sabotaged the trains to stop it or at least spare some viewers the indignity
The cringe was almost as strong as the kino but in the end it wasn't 50vs50
man be careful with your glass house, you're hosting in 4 years
Well the copa america in your country was absolute kino
Show me the Spanish version of Nice and Bataclan.
Based autistic lad.
Kamala will be president when your host it lil bro
cars burned when?
Without trannies 7/10
With trannies 3/10
it was good, i love the idea of them parading on the river
could have been better like having boats decorated depending on the nation. maybe not custom made boats since that's expensive and requires a lot of money and probably not enough people to build them
lady gaga & the french cancan bit was cool, at least it's not lady gaga just being there to be there

overall good
>the troons & papa smurf appears
wtf was that
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7/10 although come on stop with the 4hrs plus.
>all these bitches on my time line with this celine dion
they played that one Stardust song, so almost daft punk. i liked the overall selection of music
>cut out that part with the runway on the bridge and the random ass pre-recorded library threesome
>ceremony becomes instant kino
It's that easy
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Can't wait for your turn. It's gonna be ten times more pozzed except without the beautiful city, art, music and culture.
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6-7/10 for now. At least it was memorable (both cringe and kino moments). Certainly better than Tokyo. Will have to reflect on it for some time.
It was faggotry and politics
Does that make you happy now nigger?
>deserves to be robbed, raped and murdered by moors
like you?
I dont mind stronk wimminz
It proves they can fight on the frontlines instead of me
Reminder that you will never be a woman.
Why do you people care so much about that shit? I don't like it either but imagine having your whole life dominated by some trannies and what people do in their bedroom. Who fucking cares.
Any your state will fail once more within that time like every other country in your continent full of failed states
Start to horse: 3/10
Horse to lighting of the fire: 9/10
Don't forget the mandatory mass shooting
>Certainly better than Tokyo
Still mad about that desu. I dunno, maybe China set the bar too high for me but I expected way more from a cultural titan like Japan. I guess the best I can say about it is I don't remember anything at all.
Mostly not about sports/10
Madrid 2004
Also 800 years of slavery
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Which documentary?
Kinda in the mood for trains.
Concept: 10/10
Location: 9/10
Performers 3.5/10
Execution 4/10
Overall: 5.5/10

The concept of not just the usual performances in the main stadium and instead having a river procession, using as much of the city as possible was probably the best idea any opening ceremony has tried before. The scale and spectacle was huge and aimed for uncharted territory. Some of it delivered and was 10/10 kino but that was the high point. Everything else it dropped away. Some of the performance sections looked like community arts college-tier, the costume design for most performers looked tacky and camp but not in a good way. The whole ceremony while ambitious was massively overlong and disjointed in parts. Without the parkour AC style mystery torchbearer it would have looked almost incoherent and most of the sections wouldn't have fitted together. It had moments that just flopped or looked out of place like that Lady Gaga part, the pointlessly overlong fashion show runway sequence and going too retarded with gay nog worship that unironically felt shoehorned in for what reason exactly? The Notre Dame, Gojira, metalic horse racing down the Seine and the finale were kino but it topped off what it was, a mess of the brilliant. the iconic and the low budget trash. The cauldron sums it up for me; the location, concept and scale are incredible, but in execution it's actually just quite bloated, boring and lacks the fine detail that could have made it the greatest opening ceremony, but instead it fell well short.
Japan got cucked with COVID. No fun shit, only 'respect towards COVID victims'
So the Masked Man did not pull his mask because?
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I stopped watching it after Chile showed up. I only regretted not watching Gojira because I had no idea they were going to be there but then saw it turned woke af so it's not that bad skipping it

Honestly I firmly believe this is just a Jewish psyop against Christianity
Supposedly lots of companies pulled out last minute due to the Covid controversy in Japan. Nintendo was among them. We were supposed to get a Nintendo themed opening ceremony (remember Shinzo Abe in Rio leaving the green pipe at the closing ceremony?) and it didnt happen. Genuinely makes me sad when I think about it.
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It would be extremely painful.
Brown hands typed this
The deadliest terrorist attack in European history happened in Spain, retarded zoomer. Also the Barcelona van attack a few years ago.
>Certainly better than Tokyo
Poor Tokyo, it's was peak covid
>Barajas attack: 193 deaths
>Nice truck: 87 deaths
>Bataclan: 138 deaths
getting fucked in the ass would be less gay than that shit
My kino ranking
>Horse on water with past Olympic montage
>Eiffel tower light show
>Celine Dion performance
>Balloon Olympic fire
>AC character as a theme throughout the show
>Teams on boats (cool idea, meh execution, should've been styled to each country)
Power gap entering SLEEP CORE
The speeches and bullshit award in-between
POWER GAP entering cringe core
>Pathetic attempts at showcasing skateboarding, breakdancing
>The stronk women statues, but it's literal who's instead of people like Marie curie et Al
>The library threesome
>Some parts of the bridge runway
POWER GAP entering gigacringe zone
>THOSE parts of the bridge runway (you know the ones)
>Covid controversy
I thought it was just Covid making people sick not an actual controversy, what happened?
I doubt they mock the Last Supper with trannies and gays. It will be shit but this was an all timer.
It was cool but I legit don't like the fact it wasn't inside a stadium. Now it will be awkward for future Olympics to go back to a stadium WHERE IT BELONGS.
Another brown polcel lmfa
It was pozzed but some parts were also sovl
Pozzedsovl even
He represents the Asscreed game series. The guy in the costume is unimportant.
Eat shit troon. I’m a democrat and so are all my friends and family. No one likes trannies, or wants to see trannies, except for a tiny minority of my party(who are mostly the trannies themselves). The right just says openly they hate troons, the left just thinks it. If there’s one way to ruin a show, it’s having trannies molest children during it. You can’t rate it above 0/10 after that
Rio literally had trannys dancing
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You watched an ad, that's why. Look forward for 2028 where Ronald Macdonald will have a 2 hour skit about gay sex.
You will never be european
Nah, I stopped minding le edgy christian interpretations when I was a teenager, that presentation was 2014 feminism, a fatass and trannies echoing the last supper
It would have been so much better if the whole thing happened in the dark. Everything was staged and filmed to look impressive when illuminated by lights, but it just looked awkward and underwhelming in daylight. Once the sun went down, it looked a lot better.

Also, why no mimes? When I think of France, I think of black-and-white art films, black turtlenecks and street mimes. There was absolutely none of that because they seemed too focused on Italian '90s music, famous Canadian Celine Dion, and RuPaul's Drag Race. Be more French!
i'm actually embarrassed to be french rn
3 or 4
Japanese ppl were against the Olympics as a whole out of solidarity with all covid deaths, they thought it was in bad taste. There were pretty big protests.
>lady just stares
You will never be white Guillermo
6/10, the good parts were great, but the bad parts were really really bad.
And that's why you should vote on Kamala Harris, despite you have voted on Biden delegates on the primaries. She is a 100% legit candidate
around 50% of male dancers are gay all around the world, this shouldn't be surprised with that.
How hard was it to not insinuate GAY SEX during a ceremony? Like what was the point of this scene
>Ubisoft is important enough in French history they get a shoutout
How. They make shit games and also their stock is collapsing.
We never got the real ceremony from Tokyo
You will never be white shlomo
We are a clown country and I just embrass it
Whiter than you, paco.
sbhut the fuck up
Honestly one of the most fun opening ceremonies I’ve seen in a long time
People getting extremely agitated when they see gays are suppressing gay feelings themselves. This is clear as day. So many fags in this thread lol
I don't like the design of the torch. It looks like it's upside down.
You will never be white Arjun
What's moot doing there?
Put some effort in your baiting
>Le everyone is actually gay mindset
Grow up, that's what groomers say to children and teenagers to get them become gay. It's even a gay fantasy to turn a straight guy gay, you're just repeating homo propaganda without realizing it
Japan got totally fucked over by COVID. The collaborators all pulled out because of COVID and the idea that people wouldn't care much about it due to COVID restrictions.
They still managed some fun stuff.
They got the Gamarjobat guys to do this, it was easily one of the best parts of the entire thing.
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He hung...
Thanks Finnbro. A few sequences were too lengthy but that's probably a side effect of where they decided to do it
Is Daft Punk popular in France or something?
You are not a woman and it is not normal to use diapers in your age.
/lgbt/ was a mistake. It reeled in all the retarded faggots and troons to infest other boards.
Too gay, even for a soccer watcher like me
Daft Punk split, they still do collabs?
Daft Punk is france's most succesful music act, it's like France's biggest cultural export
They're so big that despite not even playing a Daft Punk song, the songs they've worked on individually were played at least 3 times.
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You cannot be serious
I don't get what was so kino about the ending. Balloon is a cool gimmick and scene was cool. But besides that? mechanical horse was cool for 30 seconds but that scene took 15 minutes. Laser show had 2 minutes of cool stuff and 20 minutes of slop you get at any other laser show (and it was much shittier spectacle than fireworks).
I didn't watch the ceremony. Did AT LEAST Jean-Michel Jarre play?
>the idea that people wouldn't care much about it due to COVID restrictions
It was intentional demoralization, just like every company cancelled their April Fool's jokes that year. They knew people would want to laugh at some jokes to feel better, but they didn't want people to feel better. They knew people would watch the Olympics more than ever because they were stuck inside and wanted distraction, but they wanted to make it as miserable as possible for people.
You fucking retards Daft Punk split they arent a thing anymore fuckimg dumbasses
Top moments:
>Blue Bacchus
>Water horse
>Olympic fire in a hot air balloon
>Celine Dion singing on the Eiffel tower
They say they practically begged Daft Punk to perform and they refused over 3 times...
Found the closet homo
I honestly had no idea that Daft Punk was connected with France in any way. I always assumed they were American. All the songs I've heard from them are in English and they collaborated with Kanye West and shit. This is the first I'm hearing of them being French.
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>They didn't try one more time
Does the balloon stay afloat until closing ceremony?
>I honestly had no idea that Daft Punk was connected with France in any way. I always assumed they were American.
Lmfao classic amerifat, the vast majority of the "classics" you listen to are from European artists
No way america will do it outside, someone will shoot up the place
jesus fucking christ
>i-i-im s-so above it all
Wow anon you're so cool
>Paris is known as the city of love so here's a gay basketball, a gay terrorist, and a tomboy xer
Burguer moment
>eternitè section
>Go in front of the Louvre
>"Oh will they enter and carry the torch around with the most eternal moments of humanity in art form and the biggest reason to go to Paris?"
>They just continue to walk with no one watching

Jesus fucking christ France, you fucking retarded imbred fucks, you had it in front of you.
Or judaism
Or budhism
Or hinduism
Christianity is the only religion that gets mocked by everyone, I'm an atheist, but this shit is too obvious not to notice it.
>I form my opinion based on what the masses think or do not think
Classic herd man
I was so happy that they didn't use those soulless light-drones at any point. They're impressive to look at, but the appeal disappears almost immediately and I really thought I was going to have to watch them. But I didn't. +2/10 just for that.
what? why?
There was a lot of stuff that made me think of him, mainly the light show stuff, but I don't think they played anything from him.
I can understand the confusion honestly. Their presentation hasn't always been very french, but their work comes from the hallmarks of french house as a genre.
Tokyo had LESS viewers than Rio.
No frenchie, it doesn't cost that much money since you build over it, not on it. That is what happens in Carnaval in Brazil.

And we do yearly, so no excuses
France is cucked beyond belief
This is the worst ceremony ever because of those LGBT tranny faggot dance, let's face it

I had to give my apologize to Brazil (even if I don't remember your ceremony) and Britain.
Because there are so many children born from cheating that the government felt it would undermine social stability.
>could have been better like having boats decorated depending on the nation
How could this work with NPCs nations?
>Hey, Nauru and Kiribati have liiiitle differences in their stripes!
>I don't like it either but imagine having your whole life dominated by some trannies and what people do in their bedroom
It's the fact they shoved it in your face on a 20 minute, live international broadcast.
Did they ACTUALLY hang the Olympic flag upside down?
Infidelity in France is that high. The government just tells its men to live with getting cucked or the whole country will fall apart
>Brazil (even if I don't remember your ceremony)
I remember when they claimed to have invented flight, and everyone around the world said, "Hang on, what about the Wright Brothers?" That was top bants at the time, but I have researched it since then and they do actually make a good argument for it and the Wright Brothers tried to rig the history books to only mention them.
Gojira was the only good thing
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>japan is already making fanart of the masked torchbearer and the metal horse rider
I mean can you blame them
>Tokyo had LESS viewers than Rio.
Probably because leading up to it the news kept telling everyone how cucked and shitty and gutted it was going to be. It could have been a grand, inspiring event to rouse people out of their lockdown funk, but instead they made it shit and told people it would be shit, so no wonder people turned their attention away.
I did read this comic book about the creation of the airplane and lots of people were doing stuff all around the world at the same time, but wright brothers were the autistic ones doing in secret, while Santos was doing in mid Paris. Quite good book
The beginning sequence was good. Very french, very cool. It proceeded to get very bad and I don't know what happened after the first half hour because I left to go do something less gay.
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Atone for your sin by listening to the French artists that stepped on the trail made by Daft Punk like Justice, SebastiAn or Kavinsky. This era was absolute peak electronic music.
ceremony would've been 10/10 if they paid homage to niggers breaking shit instead of retarded faggots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWaWsgBbFsA
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They could cause a race war, unironically
Paternity tests should be automatic everywhere, and paid for by the government so women have 0 excuse to try to get out of it. Like just a normal part of giving birth, and you can opt out of it if you want to be a cuckold. If we ever instituted that the shrieking from women would be epic. And all men everywhere getting to say
>if you aren’t cheating or plan to cheat, what’s the issue?
And I love the narrative that the husband is somehow the bad guy and responsible for breaking up the family by getting the test, instead of the wife who let some other dude use her as a cum dumpster and is trying to trick her husband into raising some other dudes kid. I can’t understand any dude with kids not getting a test, how big of a retard do you have to be

The gayest show in entire planet.
>Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine.
no way lol
>want to know if your wife's a whore
>that will be a year in prison and 6 months of salaries to pay, mon ami
It was the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life, no exaggeration.
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>pol pol pol pol chuds chuds chuds chuds
rent free lmao
even normalfags hate it
>[YouTube] Justice - Stress (Official Video) (embed)
This clip is a reference to the movie "La Haine". Both good stuff that are about thugs life but without being some inclusive bullshit.
Also ye this ceremony was a mixed bag. Some very very good bits with great visual designs and a kino mixtape. All of that ruined by some faggot ass shit and artists or characters that aren't even fucking French. A real shame man.
Honestly even ignoring infidelity baggage you definitely want to know your heritage for shits like medical history. But children's lives don't matter in face of women's convenience and leverage
Absolute shite, like the London opening was.
These Frenchies had no excuse making it this bad, at least Japs had the covid excuse.
Of course the most evil, soulless, faggot countries had to have the worst openings.
Btw that wasn't Joan Of Arc on the horse, that was the Death, The Rider of the Apocalyse, on a pale horse. Predictive programming of some event that will bring death in the future, like the victorian hospital act that was in London's opening. They actually did show Joan of Arc in the beginning as an inflatable caricature sitting on the river bank with those purple dancing faggot near the beggining of the ceremony. Very disrespectful depiction of their their saint.
I didnt mind the actual disabled people being catered and celine dion. The rest was awful and evil.
I feel sorry for frenchbros, i wish there was more about pre revolution france and not this evil shit
DNA testing isn't illegal, only PATERNITY testing. You can get your DNA tested, you can get your kids' DNA tested, but you can't ask someone to directly compare your DNA to your kids' DNA in order to determine paternity.
It was one giant long drawn out humiliation ritual.
had better things to do than waste an evening watching it / 10
Makes s/pol/ seethe so it was good
>celine dion
It's sad that France has so little to offer on the global stage that they had to bring in a French-Canadian and say, "Eh, close enough..."
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god will not be mocked
it was very good if you ignore all the bad things
Japs probably memory holed him after he spent his career flipping grorious nippon judokas around the mat
I shit on your christian god, and all other gods all over the world.
Religion is the most poisonous ideological cancer.
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3/10 I found the boats to be very cheap, all different types and nothijg linkingthem together, multiple teams sharing boats, seemed very last minute. The women of france thing was fine if a little cliche.
The catwalk thing seemed completely incongruous to olympics i didnt really get the point it was like that meme and this will sell the olympics?
I didnt watch anymore after the boats so maybe it got really good
He was pretty based. Our records attest of his legacy. I think people would rather attribute it to the Wright brothers because their design is basically the foundation of all the planes that came after.
Pretty damn bad, I gotta say.
come travas como el puto de Mbappé
what was kyle trying to say there at the end?
was he breaking the fourth wall and apologizing for making a joke?
Easy there katanabro
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There were a few bits of kino after the boats like the armored horse lady.
>you are a powerful, almighty being
>toss a meteor at them?
>no, make it rain for 2 hours
If Serena Williams had actually fallen over or thrown up in the boat like she seemed she was going to then it would've been an 8/10.
you're right
So you didn't like it either but you can't be caught agreeing with a conservative on anything.
Exactly what you would expect from the cradle of degeneracy that is fr*nce.
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too much faggotry, It looked more like a gay pride parade than the olympics and it was disgusting. And of course the excessive presence of blacks
Just bad...
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keeping them alive and French is far worse fren
That would have been fucking funny. Imagine the .webms here.
Yeah definitely more poisonious than men thinking their women and himosexual relationships.
That was good il give you that

London 2012 will be the best
absolutely disgusting as expected of france which has been a wretched hive of scum since the revolution. that my flag is based upon their bloody banner fills me with disgust
Last one I watched fully was London, had some gay shit but I did enjoy Mr Bean and 007 stuff was kino. This one today was complete garbage from start to end
ofc the yank loves the niggerfest of london 2012
Ignore the gay shit and it's kino
I wouldn't want to be part of that shitshow either.
The only part I liked was the AC dude, and that was pretty much an ad for Ubisoft. Pretty grim.
the blasphemy of the last supper, the mocking of the fine queen Marie Antoinette maligned by the dysgenic. retarded shitskin
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>has been a wretched hive of scum since the revolution
That is correct.
>that my flag is based upon their bloody banner fills me with disgust
The flag isn't representative of that shit except the red part. Royalty (blue), sanctity (white) and blood (red).
Don't worry anon, the French didn't know Lady Gaga is American.
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>finnish flag
>a weird vidya game character
>all in the same frame
I love it
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does anyone honestly feel like the 'globohomo' stuff is just sort of boring and passe at this point?
like we've been doing this for at least a decade, oh wow, trannies? men kissing each other? wow, I've never seen such a thing before, truly innovative
I'm not shocked, I'm not scandalised, I'm not titillated, I'm not offended, I am BORED, change the fucking record
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>the queen
>james bond
>mr bean
>isambard kingdom brunel
Ah yes very woke
An add for Ubisoft CANADA to top it off. The French Ubi made Rayman who was nowhere to be seen. They could have used Rabbids instead of fucking minions at least.
I thought that the assassin was a hook to draw us in, I was wondering who it was behind the mask and they would reveal it to be someone interesting
but no, it was just a ubisoft advert. They accidentality put a literary device in there and didn't realise it, just profoundly retarded
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This webm was in your ceremony
you should be angry your old rival managed to beat you at being the most pozzed subhuman scum on the face of the earth. sorry for your loss i'm sure you'll rectify that shortly as you always do
the catwalk at most should've been a 2-minute thing, I get it, france is known for high fashion, why would you stick with that for like 40 minutes
Rabbids fucking around during the ceremony would have been pretty kino.
>Rabbids get hold of the torch
>One is put one fire
>Plunge into the Seine
The possibilities are endless. What a missed opportunity.
I was thinking exactly the same thing the last few days. The culture warring will end when both sides feel they aren't getting enough angry reactions to make it fun.
Flashing balls live worldwide in presence of a minor /10
There were some cool things and I understand they were trying to innovate by mixing the march of countries into the show. However I think it broke up the show's pace too much.

Great talent. But I'm afraid a few years down the line I'll remember the cringe more than the great.

I would call it more or less even with the London Ceremony. Had higher highs but much lower lows.

Beijing still reigns supreme.
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I feel like america has and is moving on from it to a degree, but europe is always like 10 years behind so won't get the memo
I would have made more sense. The minions bit was just like... whats going on ? What did I just see (as many things were)
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Don't be a hopeless faggot, that is why your continent is getting so cucked. Stop being so passive over this shit. It will never be normal, it's an aberration and will still be in 1000 years
>Had higher highs
Name them
i'm a faggot and that shit is fucked
I don't know why they keep pushing drag queens in everything, it's not even that entertaining
there's a lot more interesting demonstrations of 'gay' culture
didn't watch but 100% POZZED
Almost like they dont care about gay people or gay culture and its part of some agenda or box ticking
I hated it so much
i thought it was supposed to be about french culture, not gay culture
Boring with a few highlights
Quads hold more power, spain was the worst
pozzed/10. Disgusting.
From now on I will call this country "France".
i would have tolerated the catwalk nonsense if it didn't keep cutting back to it while the parade continued
nobody fucking cared, someone in the production clearly REALLY wanted to accentuate that shit so I can't even blame people who are mad about it. At best it was just obnoxious, every fucking few minutes cut to a drag queen flailing around for 3 seconds, why?
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Its just really important that any children watching see ok?
>One jaw dropping scene after the other
The absolute state of Fr*nce
It could be worse - or better maybe
The ending was much better, for one. Really well executed. The water games of Ravel in the rain couldn't have been scripted.

But don't worry, Britbro. Your ceremony was a smooth sailing with no nonsense and that should also be commended.
Is that american reality or some other cuntry?
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Gotta love the NPC's who brought their kids out without a single thought forming in their head about whether this would be a good idea or not.

To them the statements "gay pride parade is a family event" and "tolerance is the worshiping of unrestrained oversexual faggotry" are labeled as TRUE.
It felt really cheap to have multiple countries on one boat. Give everyone their own boat.
I was with friends and went home so i missed the end
I didnt like the overexposure of drag queens but there were plenty of french culture in the show.
The hooded character was much a reference to AssCreed as it was to le fantôme de l'opéra and Arsène Lupin, the cancan was quite bad in its execution but thats peak belle époque culture, Lady Gaga just did a Zizi Jenmaire impression, the hooded figure went to the Louvre and in its travel through time paid hommage to the french pionniers or cinema, the marseillaise included the long version lyrics that you rarely hear these days, I thought the LVMG commercial wasnt really well made but I think thid and the catwalk are good references to french luxury excellence, the "ménage à trois" part was dire in its execution but it took place in the Richelieu National Library and reference quite a lot of vaudeville theatres pieces through the books held by the actors, all the while having costumes inspired by popular theatre figure Arlequin. Gojira segment had the revolution, Aya Nakamura segment had the army's orchestra and singing choir, while the final act of the relay and the lightning of the torch took place in the same spot when the Mongolfier brothers first took flight.

No, there were a lot of references to french culture, the problem is that there were some production hiccups (pretty bad camera work), that there was an overexposure on dragqueens and that people talking about french culture simply dont know about french culture so they think there werent any.
>it's a perfect homage to French culture
>for people who are already well-versed in French culture
I don't think they got the memo that this was for a global audience and not a French one.
Ok but why do you have to replace them with trannies and faggots everywhere?
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Apparently Sydney was the best opening ceremony and I was so bored by it as a kid I went to bed.
Though that said, Beijing was interesting. Had North Korea qualities and was dystopian.

France seems to also be dystopian, so they got that right.
I don't know really though, I didn't bother watching it and I'm just going on impressions because opening ceremonies are BORING.
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Some kind of bigots huh...
Mum told me she wasn't well or something, she's a big fan.

But... why was a Canadian singing at the French olympics?
There are heaps of good French artists like Daft Punk or Young Gods... I can't think of any others kek.
You don't know the french people very well, do you
>the hooded figure went to the Louvre and in its travel through time paid hommage to the french pionniers or cinema
Bbc commentators laughed at this bit.
>I didnt mind the actual disabled people being catered
But what will they do for the Paralympic ceremony now?
This looks like from a dystopia themed scifi movie.
Gojira was on the bill?
Did they burn the rest of the ceremony afterwards?
In some ways, the trannies and drag queens everywhere are a pushback from decades of cultural repression from religion.
In a way, you have to blame Christianity for these extreme forms of public self-expression.
Have you noticed how it's almost always the older gays and trannies the one's who are more militaristic about it, while the younger ones are more chill (with exceptions of course)? Why do you think that is?
As a chill gay I hate the LGBT ideology that has formed in the last decades, but I blame religion for bringing it into the world, not the other way around.
Was Atlanta bad?
I was drinking breast milk I think at the time.
complete garbage
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>US opening ceremony is just a black woman (him/they/sus) publicly denouncing every country for their hate crimes against blacks and ending on a massive kneeling for Saint Floyd
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They tried to force politics and show that they are morally superior as a country and the same can be said for the Olympic committee, while having discrepancies such as allowing Israel being part of the Olympics and banning Russia and Belarus.

Without considering the politic aspect that was pretty much at every moment of the inauguration until the end, there were some cool things like the metal horse and the opera phantom, some of the boats or the laser show in the Eiffel Tower, the music was subpar, like it was chosen by a Millennial that think that eurobeat, metal, Lady Gaga and Celine are still a modern or cool.

I also appreciate the gesture in the end with Zidane, Nadal and other Olympic athletes, but like every part of the inauguration it had a political agenda behind, with the last pass of the torch between the oldest french medalist winner to a pair of young black people, indicating that the future of France is dominated by black people, just like their representation of a black woman pretending to be the women from the famous "La Liberté guidant le peuple" art piece.
I don't see it in this thread.
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pic related
>pedo shit.
I on;y just tuned in, what bit should I skip to t oavoid this part haha
>we groom children because our culture was oppressed
yeah, makes zero sense, you monkey
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I'm worst than an athiest and I also see this.
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They built of bands like The Young Gods and shit though.
You need to learn French industrial/electronic music history.
If the next ceremony sucks it's the leafs fault
>we groom children-
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>Christians prevented us from grooming kids and corrupting culture so we're grooming kids and corrupting culture extra super hard to show them how wrong they were about us
Is France that into Dark Souls?
Makes sense.
This ceremony was full of undead roaming the earth.
>to a pair of young black people
They are both popular athletes with multiple Olympic gold medals, the woman is 50+ btw
Americans actually cut away and showed adverts during part of our ceremony. We had a tribute to the victims of the 7/7 terror attack, and NBC decided this was something Americans wouldn't care about so they sold them some Pepsi and Big Macs instead.


what about the "love" section which was 2 faggots and a mutt girl in a gang bang
a rightwing lunatic set off a nail bomb
okay, this is based
Who's that guy in the suit taking the torch from the assassin guy?
Oh eww it's ubisoft advertisement.
Wow how soulless was this ceremony?

God dam I am no longer complaining about Sydney and Beijing. All since Beijing (aside from Japan because did it even have one?) have been soulless as.
I just said I hate LGBT ideology and expression. It obviously gives us a bad name.
I'm just pointing out how a repressive way of life creates monsters, you imbecile.
>corrupting culture
This is meaningless drivel
Christians were never repressing gays, just saying they couldn't marry because marraige is a religious sacrament between men and women, NOT man and man, and Christ is explicit about this.

I'm 38 and grew up in NYC. Gay amd tranny shit has been going on since the 90's, none of this is new. What's new is it being pushed as normal and mainstream despite it being a very small minority of the population.
Fuck they would have been perfect for the final part with the laser show...Imagine a Daft Punk right at that moment.
wasnt your argument that trannies come from decades of oppression? then how come there are puberty blockers for teenagers?
just like mentally ill trannies you cant even think straight
Daft Punk are fucking washed but at least they still have some sense in them
>marraige is a religious sacrament
It's a secular legal process
Ah so being gay is all just childish rebellion. Islam is stricter than Christianity that must explain why gay culture is so big in the middle east
>build up of a bunch of accomplished french white (i'll give parker a pass) athletes walking passing it off to one another and walking together
>stop and give it to two random niggers who go on and light the cauldron by themselves
reminder though you wouldn't know it by prominent roles given, france is less than 5% black
westerners deserve everything that is happening to their countries
Zinedine Zidane.
Incredible french soccer player that is incredibly chill off terrain, but very, very hotheaded on the field.
Case in point, while he was magical in the world championship in 2004 (I think), he singlehandedly lost the match by headbutting an italian that insulted his sister.
Fast, strong, kind, but with the wisdom of a freshwater mussel.
>0:00 to 0:02
All of these people, aside from the furries, are likely groomed sex slaves. Many are literally like that from childhood too.

I know 4chan complains about the trans kids, but those leather dogs are real fucking slavery shit. They get fed all sorts of sedatives and abused into obedience.
But the more salient point is that they keep having to squash out a problem that's supposedly cultural
Absolutely yes. I think there's starting to be a backlash now because it's so basic and people are just rolling their eyes when they aren't seething about muh Africans in the Olympics.
>two random niggers
Thats like saying your flagbearer was a "random nigger". Riner has 3 olympic gold and 11 world championships
The only thing happening to my country is the worship of money, which is absolutely nothing new
Your country has grenade attacks, which make /pol/ chucks seethe. Not you though, you're in on the joke.
They hung the Olympic flag upside down. How do you fuck up that badly?
Definitely inspired by that but that's way earlier. I'm talking about the French Touch era.
Marraige is a theological term and concept. A civic union is a secular legal term and process. The problem is that in the early American government at least, the citizens were overwhelmingly Christian so they used marraige to denote that civic legal process: it was one in the same. But now in America, very few people are Christian, so we should enact a seperation of Church and State once and for all: all unions, straight or gay, should be civic unions, and then you get your marraige done through your church. I anticipate a Supreme Court case on this very matter in my lifetime.
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That's just miming ain't it.
Not sure if I like that.
Yeah the olympics are notorious for that shit.

Although Black Sabbath were live at Birmingham. Last commonwealth the queen saw btw (kek).
>illiterate nigs blowing themselves up half a world away makes pol seethe
all right
>Christians were never repressing gays
I hope that's a joke. Just because they don't state it explicitly (and a lot of Christians do), centuries of Christian morals bring its consequences. Conversion camps? bullying? murders? Where do you think all that comes from?

you're a retard

>Ah so being gay is all just childish rebellion
Being homosexual isn't. Expressing it by parading naked in the street and dressing like woman is.
Homosexuality has existed as long as mankind, it was Christianity that converted it into something bad, so it turned itself into something bad too; that's my whole point.

Also, trannies =/= homosexuality.
it's not the same, but that's another topic.
wtaching it now on catch up
>burkina faso
wtf never even heard of that
That's complete retardation, so you're probably right
So that explains why Sydney was so cautious on that shit. That state behaviour was fucking new to people here back then because 9/11 hadn't happen so it was on the news from memory about how obnoxious it was (they weren't like that ever again after 2001).
Going from memory, Riner (the dude) is the most accomplished french athlete, he's huge in Judo. His inclusion, at least, makes sense.
The one athlete with more medals than him is at the other olympics : were we at Winter olympics, we'd have Fourcade, which is white.
>Christ is explicit about this.
I'm not sure he is and Sodomy, not love, is the sin.
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>that bit where the tadpoles see an alligator in the sewers and immediately run
So lesbians are allowed
>that people talking about french culture simply dont know about french culture so they think there werent any.
In the part where he's flying through space for Une Voyage Dans La Lune or whatever it's called, and he passes Le Petit Prince, he also passed the Statue of Liberty buried in the sand on another planet. This is because Planet of the Apes is based on a French book. However, the BBC commentator saw it and said, "And that's the...erm...Statue of Liberty. It was a gift to America from France, you know. That must be why it's there."
>I hope that's a joke. Just because they don't state it explicitly (and a lot of Christians do), centuries of Christian morals bring its consequences. Conversion camps? bullying? murders? Where do you think all that comes from?
From reason
>it was bad
why are trannies like this?
I find it reasonable to kill all brazilians.
Nice argument.
What's retarded about it? That the government shouldn't be defining my theological, religious sacrament?
>Conversion camps?
Extremely rare and fringe, please don't act like they were common at all.
Children are bullied for everything: being fat, having glasses, being ugly, being short, dressing weird, you nameit. Hell, I was called faggot all through jr. High even though I had a gf. And newsflash: the students bullying me weren't Christian. Sticks and stones, anon.
Not really in Christian countries. Maybe in Muslim one's. And again, extremely rare. You're reaching on all of these
Atlanta had Gloria Estéfan
Hmm, I had no idea the FBI blamed Jewells bombing on a scapegoat to divert from Waco.
>it was Christianity that converted it into something bad, so it turned itself into something bad too;
Uhh no. It was condemned in pre-Christian Greek, Chinese, and arab philosophy. You obviously have an axe to grind against Christianity.
You can try.
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Might be me but I thought I saw domr La Jetée in the guy standing there before AssCreed hops in the montgolfière.
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Did they at least have 2D sexo?
I bet they couldn't even get the degeneracy right.

It's just garbage for the sake of pissing people off instead.
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These pup mask are fucking hilarious every fucking time.
1 point each for cripple breakdance, scary horse and celine dion although it would have been funnier if she sang non je ne regrette rien
Marriage was copied from roman marriage which was a civil contract
Watching it back and catching the beginning, the start of the torch relay was fun. Set up that it wasn't in a stadium (though why, who knows), had a neat action bit, the part with the kids going through the catacombs was something you couldn't do elsewhere, and then you have the masked guy on the boat. A good start, really.
Honestly, I think a lot of the issue with the opening was that it just was spread out over too long a time and had a bunch of filler because of it.
i hate the antichrist
gojira 8/10
everything else cringe
this is the post
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Oral sex and masturbation is sodomy.
Why don't Americans know this?
You're not the first to ask this and you have way more Christians than us.
God damn.

How do irreligious people in Australia know more than Christians in America about their own religion?
What is with your education system?
This is just a standard history lesson.
>In a way, you have to blame Christianity for these extreme forms of public self-expression.
This is false.
Firstly, drag and LGBT are a modern invention centered in USA.
Other countries (yours included) has had crossdressing for centuries (a legacy of Spanish medieval histrionics).
The centralization of LGBT into a cultural monolith is an invention of the USA as a fifth column towards their globalist hegemonic agenda.
Of all the things to blame religion for, this isn't one of them.
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Apologize to Muslims, the real ones not the majority of refugees
In Christianity no, it wasn't. Marraige is a theological term. Civic union is a political one. Marraige in the sense you're using it is civic, but the term is theologic. Just like how 'ego' is not a theological term but a psychological one.

Be that is it may, the Romans still had sense about them and knew men and women being together is natural, and men being together unnatural, so only men and women could wed in Pagan Rome.
Speaking of Gojira, anyone remember where it happened, or what countries were passing while they were going?
the post that reunified yugoslavia
Why can't they just focus on sports in olympic ceremonies?
I blame Sydney for starting this trend of irrelevant nonsense in Opening Ceremonies.
It should just celebrate sport in their country, not just be a tool for tourism. We started this shit and China worsened it and I kinda feel bad for this.
>You're reaching on all of these
Not reaching, just giving examples. They're examples of religious morals shaping how the world sees a group of people. They're expressions of homophobia and thousands more exist.

>You obviously have an axe to grind against Christianity.
Of course I do, the world kind of ended when Constantine did what he did.
We're still in the dark ages. Religion is still holding us back.
But you're right, I shouldn't be singling out Christianity, all Abrahamic religions are cancer.
>It was condemned in pre-Christian Greek, Chinese, and arab philosophy.
It wasn't. All of those societies permitted homosexual relationships one way or another.

>a legacy of Spanish medieval histrionics
Oh so Catholics. Christians. duh
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My wife is literally gushing about this shit with her loser friends. They ate it up. It's over.
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it was a prolonged humiliation ritual for the goyim to see who is in chanrge and what is the present and the future for the white man...

seethe cope and dilate goyim...
should be common sense
of course the brits also didnt miss a beat sucking their own dicks
>Marriages helped families to build economic and political bonds and alliances. Matrimonium, the root of the English word matrimony, defined the role of wives as mothers (matres) who would produce legitimate children, as eventual heirs to their parents' estates. The most ancient form of marriage, traditionally reserved to the Patrician social class, claimed the husband's right to control his wife and her property. In later developments, the bride retained control over her dowry; the resources of both parties formed a heritable estate.
Sodomy has been used as a legal term for court cases and it only referred to anal sex, hence the assumption that sodomy is anal sex. The Americans are not being weird about this, it's a perfectly understandable misunderstanding given the legal context.
Wait what was wrong with the london 2012 opening? I thought the general consensus was that it was pretty fucking good.
>I thought the general consensus was that it was pretty fucking good.
>Not reaching, just giving examples.
You're reaching by implying they're common at all. They aren't andnever were. In ancient Greece, China and Arabia you could be put to death for participating in a homosexual act. Now you're just making up facts. Homosexualityis degenerate and abnormal: putting on the airs of a mock male-female relationship and using eachother assholes to masturbate is simply not normal, anon. It never will be, and deep down, you know it. Face reality.
>Sodomy has been used as a legal term for court cases and it only referred to anal sex
I'm not talking the legal term.
I'm talking the biblical term.

Although from memory in my country it included at least oral.
So... is Seine dirtier that Thames and Danube?
>everyone is talking about it
an astounding success
Lot of pozzed crap and stalling. Could have focused more on french history, culture, and athletics. Not a fan of the non-stadium and river format. But it had its redeeming moments. The last third landed which is the most important part. Could have been much more though.
And in America it's basis wasin the theological sense, that's what I'm trying to get at. You're defined it from it's antiquated sense
You're a faggot if you don't lay down the law.
Are you retarded or just dumb?
Because sport is the same everywhere, so every ceremony would be the same. Opening ceremonies should be a representation of the culture of the host nation, to get you into the mood for the energy of that country.
Why is no one talking about the fact it was about 2 hours of stuff dragged out into 4 hours? That was the number 1 issue by far. The slow pace was brutal. I can’t believe I managed to finish it, I kept zoning out or doing other shit. And I’m not a zoomie scum so my attention span is fairly normal
I thought I had been pretty clear. I guess not. No sense in continuing, since you're being so hawty and unreasonable.
Edgy retards just want to seethe about literally anything. They're addicted to butthurt.
It literally pouring rain and the zesty dancing faggots aside, it was way too long.
I loved it. I think London and Beijing were 10/10.
Too bad Tokyo got fucked by covid.

You're making up facts too, but whatever, I know how those conversations go, it becomes a link war. My point is:
>is simply not normal, anon. It never will be, and deep down, you know it.
I know it and I accept it's not normal. That doesn't mean it has to be inherently *bad*. Being an albino it's not normal. It's not normal to be infertile. It's not normal to be born without a sense of smell. But it doesn't have to be *bad*. If you turn something that people can't control into something *bad*, you're inviting trouble, you're inviting pushback. Why now? idk, maybe because of the internet? You cannot kill us or avoid us.
>Gojira this
>Gojira that
I thought you guys were saying they used an animatronic of the Japanese lizard but it’s just some random band? Disappointing.
Traditionally, opening ceremonies have their fun bit at the start, and then you get the parade of the athletes which is unironically multiple hours of Eritrean javelin-throwers and shit-tier archers from Turkmenistan. Everyone hates that bit, so this time they decided to merge it into the main ceremony to protect us from the shit three hours of "and here come both the athletes from the Seychelles".
they did not do cool stuff in Tokyo, because of muh masks, and empty venues, and stuff
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>Being an albino it's not normal. It's not normal to be infertile. It's not normal to be born without a sense of smell
Those things aren't a choice anon: but it is a choice to choose to partake in homosexual behaviour, and you shouldn't. Just like it isn't "normal" to be an alcpholic, but one is born that way, so they have to pledge abstinence to drink their whole life. It's the same with homosexuals: the Christian view is that if you are gay you must pledge abstinence your whole life, in the same way an alcoholic pledges abstinence. And the same way you conquor any vince: gambling, straight sex addiction, drug addiction, etc. It's a vice: a perversion of something healthy and normal, and they only way to defeat it is discipline, fortitude, and self-control.

Tchykovsky and his brother were gay, amd in his letter to his brother, he called homosexuality a disease, and that the only cure was abstinence, which he commited to, and believed it allowed him to compose gloripus music that all generations have admired. Maybe one day, you'll harness the same power.
Imagine if countries still had their own unique ethnicities and style of dress, so we could actually enjoy the parade of different peoples from around the world.
Instead of the French delegation just be black people in western-style suits, and then the British delegation being black people in western-style suits, and then the American delegation being black people in western-style suits.
I do feel bad for the nips, they got a rough deal. despite the covid they were able to do a decent opening ceremony, I'm quite certain that had covid not been so they would have pulled off something far better then 2008 and 2012.
Bref, un bougnoule quoi
Zidane est kabyle donc il est peu moins con que l’arabe moyen.
covid and the fact that covid delayed it meaning no more abe is what ruined it. the rio promo was kino
Lmao, you're such a brainwashed little twerp, but I'll bite.
Why is homosexuality a vice? What harm does it do to its participants?
Je veux bien t'accorder ce point
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>Why is homosexuality a vice? What harm does it do to its participants?
He said after seeing the evolution of it: troons, pedophile and mentally challenged people targeting your kids with propaganda.

Yeah, I really don't know why it's a vice anon...
All the parts with the masked torchbearer are pretty fun. Shame they seem to have just dropped them later on with no mention or seeing the torch be passed.
Early Christians were roman citizens, their marriage was modeled after the Roman marriage with an added pinky promise to God
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7.5/10, it was crazy enough in both a good and a bad way, but it being crazy means I didn't fall asleep like for every other opening ceremony so far.
Would've been 8.5/10 if NOT for the shitty guy in charge of the awful camerawork. They picked up that supposedly world renowned Britbong that covered muh prince marriages and queen death or some shit. No wonder the camerawork was like for a funeral.
Shitty weather didn't help in the end, but having rain actually improves images when it's dark, it's a double edged sword. I though they should've made the entire ceremony at night.
It's masturbation into someomes asshole. It's a perversion of mans natural sexual appetite the same way straight man masturbating to straight porn is. It's deluding your understanding of two types of relationships: platonic love between man and man (which is good and healthy if it stays that way and does not become erotic), and heterosexual erotic love between man and woman which is perfected in marraige and the fruitsof that marraige are childbirth and children. which for gays becomes bad when they delude themselves into believing their erotic male-male relationship is the same as an erotic male-female one: it isn't, and can and will never be. It's no wonder so many gays I've worked with and met in my life are highly unstable, eratic, and have all sorts of vices and addictions. At least I recognize my vices and try to put the reigns on them: gays think there is no problem whatsoever with their's.

Deep down you know all of these things to be true. Maybe one day, you'll understand.
sure, you loved the 30 minuted of faggy draq queen dance do you?
What an incredibly silly thing to say.
>vast majority
Don't flatter yourself
Early Christians were spread out all over, they weren't just Roman. Trust me, when they were in the Christian temple performing their marraige sacrament, one of the last things they were thinking about was the civic implications.
>6 months of salaries
Do slavs really?...
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London had triangles, very sus
No, but I laughed so munch instead of being asleep that it ended up being funny. And burlesque was always a thing, even if not my cup of tea. Also it made the shitty mudslime countries cut off the signal, which is always a plus. Sending the message live on international TV to billions of them that we simply don't give a fuck, suck it up, cope and seethe, is based.
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Et 1 cuck de plus, 1.

Tu m'étonnes qu'avec des pd pareil le monde se fout de notre gueule.
>le monde se fout de notre gueule.
Bah qu'ils le fassent, ça changera pas ma vie, et ça me permet de vivre SANS LOYER dans leur crâne :^)
Et si ça les débecte de venir dans ce pool de muh dégénérescence, encore mieux. Y'a trop de touristes ces dernières années, en plus.
I wonder how those people on the poles were kept on them. There had to be some way to keep them up regardless of what happens, right? Given there weren't anyone around them in case of a fall nor did it appear like they were clipped to lines above like others were.
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>troons, pedophile and mentally challenged people targeting your kids with propaganda.
That has very little to do with two men or two women having a romantic relationship, but I know concepts and definitions are difficult to grasp for some people.
>the evolution of it
Just like Christianity ended up in genocide lmao. Everything can be corrupted.

>Deep down you know all of these things to be true. Maybe one day, you'll understand.
That 'killing with kindness' thing you Christians do only works on retarded people, stop it.

Everything you said is based upon the idea that 'sex=bad' that religion brought upon in their fantasy books. By your logic masturbation is bad too, as you say. 'Sex=bad' is not an argument, is a moral code imposed by a centuries old political regime that took advantage of the retarded masses believing in ghosts and sky people and talking snakes.
>which for gays becomes bad when they delude themselves into believing their erotic male-male relationship is the same as an erotic male-female one
You're doing the same thing you did earlier with the 'normal' thing, if you talk to any intelligent gay man he'll tell you, we don't *want* it to be the same, that's the whole point, we don't want woman-male bullshit into our male-male or female-female relationships. OF COURSE it's not the same that's THE point.
You said absolutely nothing, you're just confirming you believe in religion because that's what you were taught, not because you have ever given it a thought.
You also didn't answer my question. What harm does it do to two consenting adults having a romantic relationship? I'm waiting.
>I though they should've made the entire ceremony at night.
I keep saying this. Lots of the camera shots would have been great if the buildings and people were lit up in the dark, but just looked lame during the day.
2/10 and I am being generous
They wanted the twilight light from the setting sun and got cocked by the rain / clouds.
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>ça changera pas ma vie
Bon goyim, mange, fait caca, dort, consume, baisse la tête, laisse les rênes de ton pays à ceux qui veulent l'envoyer droit au mur.
L'orgueil? Le patriotisme? Le respect de tes ancêtres et de ton histoire? Que neni, voila 5€, va t'acheter ta figurine kikoolol et nous faires.

Finally there's one worse than Atlanta.
Looks like a wojak in the background.

captcha: SHHTN
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>That has very little to do with two men or two women having a romantic relationship, but I know concepts and definitions are difficult to grasp for some people.
Limited brain capacity.
The argument needed to accept homosexuality is the same foundation that use troons and pedophile. It's impossible to accept one and let the others out of the room.

But eh, I know concepts and definitions are difficult to grasp for some people.
You didn't say anything, you just repeated what I said and thought it was a sick burn. Learn to read:
>Everything can be corrupted.
>Everything can be corrupted.
>Everything can be corrupted.
Homosexuality has nothing to do with transgenderism, pedophilia or grooming, nor any of those things are exclusive to homosexual individuals.
Get a fucking dictionary, retard.
a 10 min youtube video counts as a documentary now
I see literal metal bands with self hating homophobic transgender people all the time.
I believe this.
This is how mind blowingly cancerous only 80 years of American cultural hegemony have been.
Some are becoming pretty high quality.
It's plagiarised shit largely for many though.

Still not 90s BBC tier production. I don't think we'll ever reach those heights again other than with Attenborough (who's nearly 100 and still doing it) and Cox (who is far superior to anything Sagan was).
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Thank god the US Secret Service wasn't in charge of security tonight. Though it's still two long weeks.
Those sneaky Russians snuck a nuke into Paris. It’s like in that video game Battlfrield 3.
Damn it nigga shut the fuck and stop replying
he is trolling u
nobody is as retarded as he is and still able to find 4chan to post on it
you are being rused
stop fucking replying
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I was merely joking with the 0% brain, but turns out, you are quite close to it, congrats.
>Everything can be corrupted.
There is nothing about corruption, you idiot.
The arguments that you need to use to defend homosexuality are the same arguments that allow transgenderism and pedophilia to co-exist in that same motion.
If homosexuality is not a mental sickness, then why transgenderism and pedophilia would be? It's a slippery slope.
Incredible to be so retarded and still browsing this website, fucking tourist man.
>metal bands
Are you really asking this question?
I'm watching the opening now. This is your threadly reminder that you think you hate the French, but you do not hate the French enough.
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>Sar do not respond to him, sar, the right wing are winning if you respond to him
>The arguments that you need to use to defend homosexuality are the same arguments that allow transgenderism and pedophilia to co-exist in that same motion.
How? Explain.
>If homosexuality is not a mental sickness, then why transgenderism and pedophilia would be? It's a slippery slope.
Again, how? Explain why what you're saying makes sense. It doesn't btw.
why are you not in the same time zone as france?
Too much anglophilia.
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>Please spoonfeed me, I have 0IQ.
I already answered you.
>All the arguments needed to defend homosexuality can also be applied to defend transgenderism and pedophilia.

If I say that you are still clean while being covered in poop, then, being covered in vomit also mean you are still clean.

How is that so difficult to understand?
>ad hominem ad hominem ad homimen
Cool, now you exposed yourself.
What I said, and you failed to understand, was that every 'cause' or belief can be corrupted, taken to extremes, and used to raise other causes that have nothing to do with the original cause. That's why I exemplified religion taken to the extreme by using it to commit genocide. That happened to homosexuality, which is different from the other conditions/acts you mentioned.
But you couldn't understand one simple phrase, you absolute moron.
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>was that every 'cause' or belief can be corrupted
There is no corruption. 1 + 1 = 2. The fact that 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't mean that 1 + 1 was corrupted to explain 2 + 2, no, it mean the root cause of that logic lead to that conclusion, and there is nothing you can't do about it without destroying that entire logic from the ground up. There is no corruption nor fall back possible.
>That's why I exemplified religion taken to the extreme by using it to commit genocide.
Which is totally stupid and why I didn't bother responding to it, you are mixing so many stuff it's not even funny anymore.
>ad hominem ad hominem ad homimen
You don't belong here, go back, tourist.
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Google's front page logo, for a time was ducks.
Sitting ducks.
Expect a state terror attack.
They're not subtle about these things. Just look at "Harvest Festival".

This is state terror.
The people of France are being targeted by their state like other western states, all leveraged by cartels and blackmail.
It's to pacify people. Put chickens in cages.
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>There is no corruption. 1 + 1 = 2. The fact that 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't mean that 1 + 1 was corrupted to explain 2 + 2, no, it mean the root cause of that logic lead to that conclusion, and there is nothing you can't do about it without destroying that entire logic from the ground up. There is no corruption nor fall back possible.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA unironically kill yourself. WOW. And if not, maybe some English lessons?
Transgender people are literally a scapegoat for state terror operations and it's obvious now.
They literally use them as the face of the terror nowadays.

Often trans people are bona-fide to this too. It's kinda disgusting how low the state will go to terrorise people.
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>no more argument
>complain about typo/english mistake
I accept your concession.
I don't think transgender people need help from the state to fuck shit up, they do it themselves alone already. That cultural war didn't happened out of thin air.
>Not being a hypersensitive gaylord who doesn't sweat excessively over things is equivalent to eating shit
This is an exemplar frenchman, celebrating eating shit cause he thinks it proves expressive freedom and how much he can take it in stride. They dont see the difference between worshipping filth and not censoring and will gladly participate in the former thinking it proves the latter.
Easily a 1/10
Heh my state television refused to air it this year and totally forgot about it.
She started her career singing in French in Quebec and France
She won Eurovision 1988 representing Switzerland
and then early 90's she started recording stuff in english and just became a super start after that and the titanic shit and stuff
>>no more argument
Says the one who never had an argument to begin with and couldn't explain himself lmao
jfc why am I still replying
>The bad
>lady gaga
Was actually extremely good near perfect performance
>terrible choreography
Dancing is gay anyway
It made it even more LE EPIC
>the entire red carpet section
Are you gay?
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>but bruh, you didn't have an argument...
I'm getting baited by a guy with 0 IQ, let that sink in for a moment.
Still no argument lmao, lets keep going
When will we have another SOVL opening ceremony like Beijing

False demoralization info
It was shit.
The only cool parts were the boats concept and the Eiffel Tower.
At least better than Tokyo
>The deadliest terrorist attack
you mean based attack
IIRC, I think it was the episode where George Lucas and Spielberg "raped" Indiana Jones, and he was having a meltdown about it.

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