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Hoping someone van help me find the source, not the Lil short clip, but the original full video, thank you for the help. I tried reverse image searching, typing key words and still nothing
More for ref

So i'm looking for pornstars with green eyes and dark hair, preferably long. I'm ok with pornstars working for big studios aswell as amateurish ones (pornhub, onlyfans, etc)

Pic related is Alina Lopez

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dm me if you wanna join these collages I make , planning to do more with other girls too
20 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Bump utroxx

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Please, help me combine few edits.

I need this earring from "image 1" to replace the earring on the same side from "image 2".
I tried to do it myself and even though I could match them correctly, there were slight color differences that I couldn't fix.
The result from the above have to be replaced on "original image", thus the upper side of the picture will be perfect, leaving the hands as the only problem.

Now you can try to edit the hands, if you want.

They should look like the original "hands".
There are knuckle deformations on the hand that is not holding the phone, as well as changed position of the last shown finger of the same hand.
Also, the finger above is angled differently and does not interact like it should with the pinky finger of the opposite hand.
Those two fingers look bad in general and are the most problematic issue about the hands.
Lastly, I would like the nails to be with the same shape and color as "nails".

In any case, thanks in advance for your help.
15 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
What is this j3ump shit you're doing now? I've been off 4chan for a couple weeks, so I've missed a couple episodes of The Retard Show. Did the mods word filter this faggot or something? They need to just range ban him.
go j3ump in a trash compactor

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I'm looking for an old tumbler post from around 2020.
A Dutch girl with perfect tits(70E or 32DD), very pale skin.
Her nipples were kind of half visible, her belly button was fully visible.
I know she posted more than once and this post was really popular.
It also had something to do with B&B(black and blue) I think ?
I know it's ironic to ask for this on 4chan but it's the only place I know where someone might have it.

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anyone have pics or vids of her?
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Apparantly this is her vagoo
thanks! any info how it leaked? looks different than the one above
that pussy looks tight!
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nudify this hot bitch?
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first time pic for me, but i feel you. i dont do repeats too. threads get stale
Or tele?

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Can someone remove the text?
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Here ya go, champ
Not only did you remove the text but it's also a very well done cum edit with lots of cum. Amazing work
Dm me telegram - whiterabbitOG. Only $5

post everything you got from her

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Can someone shop them both with dicks
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$8 per pic, dm me discord/telegram - whiterabbitOG
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There were 2 girls, watched it on pornhub few years back, I remember the scene going like this:

>1st girl (don't remember appearance and other features) begins masturbating in her room OR getting fucked by a dude in the room I cannot remember but most likely masturbating.

>Then step-dad (fat slight beer belly, middle-aged or slightly older, was wearing trunks i think) walks to 1st girl's bedroom door, peeks on her masturbating and starts getting an erection.

>Girl 2 (hair was a shaggy pixie cut, about the same height as the dude) walks up behind him, pulls down his trunks and starts jerking him off while he watches Girl 1 masturbate. Girl 1 doesn't realize they are by the doorway and continues masturbating.

>Dude tries licking Girl 2's face OR kissing her while getting jerked off but she doesn't let him and pulls her face away and continues jerking him off.

I remember cumming hard at that point and just closed the tab, never to be seen again. Camera was positioned in a way that Girl 1 was seen masturbating through the doorway on the left of the scene, while Dude and Girl 2 were in the middle of the scene slightly left.

pic is more or less hairstyle of Girl 2, but she had dark hair

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Looking for a specific porn scene. It’s outside on a balcony overlooking some trees and stuff and the girl is slender, tall-ish, good size natural tits (solid c maybe even a d), dark brown to black hair, pretty sure she had blue eyes. She’s doing reverse cowgirl on a guy in a chaise lounge. The guy is dark brown maybe indian could be black even. The girl says in the video something like “I can definitely cum from this”. Video has an Onlyfans watermark but I know she’s a professional pornstar cause I googled the name in the watermark, maybe it was Lilly-something, can’t remember exactly. I think the clip was like 8-10 minutes long but I may be mistaken there

>pic is maybe her but I don’t think so, similar look though

I’ve been trying to find this scene for a while now and just can’t find anything not even anything that is for sure the same girl.

To anyone able to find this I will be eternally thankful

Ai Generated, Drawn, doesn't matter; I just wanna see this cute slut getting fucked & naked.
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I will xray your pics. if you post but no one xrays it then it probably means its not a good image to xray.
No bras. swimsuit material almost never works. Material needs to be thin and semi see-through
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Try this one
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Can you try her pls?
this would be gold, can some xray
I do it for free if I like her
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When TikTok was kind of new, there used to be a self proclaimed autistic blonde Dutch girl. She’s really fucking hot and at the time she got posted on /gif/ 24/7. She basically posted thirst traps and accidental ragebait. Her most memorable TikToks were about her being proud of herself for going to the cinema alone while having autism. The other memorable tiktok is of her wearing lingerie in the snow. She also had a lot of cringey TikToks of her stimming. I think she was called “Nienkeeeee” and if I’m correct there should be a “.” somewhere in those “e’s”, but I don’t know how many “e’s” it was and I can’t find her anywhere anymore. /R/ you are my last hope in finding any footage of this girl. Again she’s really fucking hot and I’m not going to busty my nut until we find her. Godspeed /r/.

Pic not related
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I knew she deleted everything because of all the coomers and hate DM’s she received, but there must be a re upload somewhere
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