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6 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
nudify or webm please and thanks
possible ? plz ND thx
remove the overalls plz and thx
bump please
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Does anyone know who are the artists of the girl in the center, bottom left and bottom right? I know that sauce is hotmilk festival all star comic, but it's a collection and there's like 50 artists tagged in every hentai site
The one in the center is Sasamori Tomoe (笹森トモエ), bottom left is Happobijin (八宝備仁), bottom right is Mataró (魔太郎).

The one in the top left is Pija (ピジャ), and the top right is Bota Motito (牡丹もちと), if someone else wants to know.
Thank you very much anon

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Step one: Upscale
Step two: deep fake
Step three: Receive my gratitude
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requesting please wizard
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upscale them please
Best one so far!
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I am looking for this girl contents. She goes by @HerrscherDante on Twitter and people call her "Dante".

She's an obvious ESL (European, possibly a German) who make findom/femdom contents specifically aim towards cucks, BBC, Interracial and BNWO.
Now, almost all of her contents seem to be locked behind a paywall but the thing is, she doesn't have Onlyfans, Patreon or Fansly because she seems to make the contents directly to the consumers via DM.
You pay her the most money in DM, she gives you the most attention. and when almost all of her fans are cucks and she is a dominatrix herself, they seem to be extremely loyal to her.

As fair as I'm concerned, she isn't active at this very moment for her personal reason.
I want her contents, it's there somewhere but extremely hard to find.
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Bump, I want this shit to

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Who makes these A.I pictures? They are waaay higher quality than anything else on the internet. Everything else looks fake but these are next level. Requesting knowledge
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They're made in Stable Diffusion (given the resolution of 1024 x 1024 I assume using an SDXL based model).

The reason they look good compared to lots of AI gens is that someone has clearly taken time to iterate and refine them. It might help to explain a little about how AI image gen works. With a service like MidJourney etc you are not able to directly provide prompts. Your input is first passed by their API and changed. Sometimes in quite a radical way (see the actual prompt output in the meta data for Dall-E compared to what you write). This gives a reliable and consistent way of creating images easily but also tends to result in reduced flexibility.

Stable Diffusion you prompt directly, and you have a wide range of tools that can change the image gen, refine it after the fact, and add post-processing onto it. Getting really good results with SD is an iterative process. They didn't just type something random into a text prompt and get these. They probably went through many stages in their workflow, and likely created hundreds if not thousands of images before they arrived here. I would imagine they also custom trained the model they are using, or at the very least had custom trained embeddings/LoRAs to improve the results. They likely also used image-2-image or control net to further balance how the image appears and have greater control. And then they may well have done some final edits outside of AI in a traditional app like Photoshop.
thank you anon, appreciate the knowledge.
but is there any popular creators of these? I only ever find them reposted on other sites

I'd guess that someone is just doing that. Popping them up on Twitter, or wherever, as and when they make them. Might be worth having a look at Civitai to see what kind of stuff you can see on there. You'll find a load of profiles of people that make all kinds of wild AI stuff.

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Can anyone find this vid?

The guy is mrrayblack
The girl lana sharipova
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This is her from what i could tell but i could find that video.

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anyone know who this is
yogurt, she's a 4chan user that posts on the /b/ trans threads.


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Pls edit my prom date in this clip. U can use the pic for some pic edits 2
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this webm with pic please kind wizards
Bump please wizard
Wizard please
Need her in something

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I'll trib anyone and anything.
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We met eachother in middleschool because the same group of bullies called us fat, we've been friends since. Like i know it's an imposible concept for you to speak to any woman, but befriending one is pretty common for most. And about her looks as i said she was fat when we were younger, she is much hotter now but yeah
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tribute her?
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There was a video on pornhub by jackplusjill. It was Jack fucking Fiona Sprouts. Something like "Amateur first big cock". They removed it from everywhere. This is the only image of it I could find.
b u m p
Noodlemagazine dot com

Search for Fiona and there are a few J+j vids
Thank you! There are tons. But somehow nope, not this one

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looking to get fakes of any kind or wank/cun tributes of my hot aunt.
Cumshop, faceswap, deepnude, etc.

anything appreciated
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Just whipped this one up too. NGL she kinda looks cute as a braphog too.

these are all great, thank you!

meant to include this one too, thank you!
OP whats your kik? I can do more edits.

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Can you do a facial on this ?

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Possible to unblur a bit and make more clear/visible?
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From the same shoot
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if you provide a clear face pic i can
More of her

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