Post ladies and dudes getting their minds (and possibly other body parts) fuckedPrevious thread: >>11101720
I'm gonna post a bunch more but I'm gonna translate them as I do so its gonna take me a minute, pls no close thread
Actually I guess the image set I was gonna post is all fucking WEBP and I don't wanna convert them on my phone right now so I'll do that later
Hiroshimoot give webp support already please
>>11185702>Next, when I snap my fingers, your mouth will open on it's own.>What... kind of tacky interrogation is this?>You head will go blaaaaank and you and you'll feel reeeeally good.>You won't be able to stop yourself from answering anything you're asked>Should I play along? I need to quickly think of a way to escape.>SNAP>Right-- introduce yourself.>Mmy... name... is...>*dazed*>Reika... My purpose is... Infiltration...>Fuah...<3
Post your favorite hypnosis doujins, bonus points if they actually have a proper induction.
>>11191004Hypno Blink
>>11191004The doujin is no doubt one of the greatest, but at some point we have to move on.It's the same post almost every thread. A direct ask or thinly veiled request for more doujins like this exact same one every time.IT DOESN'T EXIST, STOP TRYING.If there were more they would have been posted at this point and be common knowledge.
>>11191004The second half of this ticks all the boxes for me
>>11191004This guys stuff all has proper inductions and hypnosis. It's also all futa, but if you're on /d/ I imagine you at least have a tolerance for that
Someone tech me how to typeset so I can translate untranslated hypno doujins
>>11191004I love this one
>>11191004>>11191879Well, I think this one is pretty similar, if you don't mind lolis.
>>11192558Here's the resource that was given to me when I was starting out:
>the year is almost 2025>female on male hypno is still the rarest fetish
If someone would make a remember you are a hermaphrodite woman gif. Hypno gift with purple heart would work
>>11185697Man: "That's it, keep your eyes on this and relax."Marina: "...Okay..."Man: "Wow, you look so pretty today, Marina. That outfit really suits you! Well then, I think I'll have a look under here..."Man: "How exquisite!! You're really not wearing anything underneath! This is quite a shock! ...Today, I'd like to do it with you.">>11199763Woman: "You will fall deeper and deeper in love with the person in front of you."Man: "Huh, w-what are you...?"Woman: "Focus and listen!"Woman: "You will fall deeper in love..."Woman: "Fall... love, fall in..."Man: "W-what's the matter...?"(The implication seems to be that she accidentally hypnotizes herself, based on the second image in the set)
>>11199763>"Listen to my voice and watch the pendulum, anon-kun...""Um, sure.">"As the pendulum swings back and forth, you will get sleepier...Falling...deeper into...into...">drops pendulum and stares ahead with slacked jaw slightly drooling, eyes cloudy"Anon-chan? You okay?"*wave hand in front of stupified face*>does not respond beyond a sluggish "uh-huh""Hm..Anon-chan, when I clap my hands you will wake up from this trance thinking you have me under your control, but in reality you will do whatever I command you to do as if it is common sense to do so, never questioning it. You will act like you have power over me and try to use this perceived power to make me your obedient lover. When I clap my hands you will be aroused and wanting to use your power over me to sexually satisfy you as my dominating mistress, and will cum hard at the exact moment my semen comes into contact with any part of your body that you are aware of."*claps hands*>>"...Huh? Uh, what was I...?">>wiggles a little, stain forming in pants' crotch.>>licks lips while looking hungrily at anon-kun>>"Now then, my dear slave, your first command is to eat me out right-""You actually want to suck me off more than anything else.">>"Ah, yes, that's right. Good slave, now show me your cock!"*pulls off pants and shows erection*>>"How cute <3! You average subby dick is-""This is the greatest dick in existence. No dick could ever compare to it.">>hearts light up in eyes, drools heavily. Pounces anon-kun and begins loudly slurping and deep-throating penis with eyes hyper forcused on anon-kun's entire crotch area."F-Fuck...!"*thirty seconds of intense BJ leads to gush of semen*>>heart-pupil eyes open wide, then look upwards and cross-eyed, squirt of ejaculate dribbles through pants*gasps for air, spasming slightly from every contraction of the urethra as the last droplets of sperm exit into anon-chan's mouth-pussy.>>drunkedly slurps the remainder of cum while also shaking in delight
Anyone happen to remember the name of a doujin where a bunch of ladies have their minds messed with at a resort and at the end one of the girls says that she isn't brainwashed she just likes to pretend she is? ever find a leak of this guy's stuff? He's pretty good at the brainwashing mind break-y sort of hypnosis. Pic unrelated.
>>11204476Same place as everything else, kemono.Also I just translated another hypno-related story, it's onee-shota, emotionless sex, dominance loss. Pretty hot imo.
>>11204481His subscribestar stuff, not his patreon. Thanks for the TL, domination loss is hot.
>>11199763>>11200493> based on the second image in the setWhere is that?
>>11204620Might be a 4chanX extension feature, but you can find a pixiv button on image posts that were linked directly to a pixiv image. In such cases, you could manually append the image number (the part that comes before _p0 in the filename) to the end of although you will need to be logged in for R18 works. You could also use saucenao to reverse image search on multiple boorus if you don't want to log in to pixiv.Also, the second page is basically:A bunch of "I love you""Gonna cum?""Not outside""Inside""Cum inside me"
>>11192631>mind-controlled into marriageAh, I see you are an anon of culture.
>>11204964The best kind of mind control marriage ceremony is one where the bride manages to resist a little during the wedding vows. Not necessarily a complete trance break, but enough to manage a "N-...n-no..." when asked if she'll take her hypnotist as her husband.
>>11203724name of the artist?
>>11206817can anyone translate the dialogue
>>11191004There are too many to chose from butI often come back to this series well as this and other doujins from this guyThis and other pokemon doujins from this guyThis too even this's probably some i'm forgetting, this fetish is like half my sessions
>>11191004I have so many favorites I had to make a "favorite among favorites" tab, and now even that's above 250. I guess I'll give my top ~6 (and the rest of the series) even this leaves out so many of my favorites I feel bad.
>>11191004I need the rest of saiminsushi's shit translated YESTERDAY, I love how much he always fucks with the girls heads and perception couple other favorites include
>>11210853>sushi got so mad of the hypnoApp trend he made a VN where you literally can trigger the women into becoming something else (robot, jumping jacks machine, time stop) and they will act the rest of the scene with that persona>sushi giving up on it after only 1 endingpain....he is a MC community treasure though
I think this is my favorite but it's a shame the sequel is so bad.
>>11213648That panel of the blindfold closing in is really intense. I like how there's technically a chance to escape being brainwashed, but realistically none at all. These are going to be a desperate five minutes. I hope he counts down for her.
>>11213646>>11213647>>11213648I love rebake's art, but the fact that he never draws sex scenes is pure suffering.
>>11213721The focus on the act isn't that great for me. The build up and implications are the interesting parts!>>11213649>These are going to be a desperate five minutes. I hope he counts down for her.Oh
>>11214120I disagree. A great build up without a climax leaves me unsatisfied and a little disappointed.
>>11214120Oh?>>11213721>>11214227See, I like hypnosis/brainwashing as a peril, so Rebake's right up my alley. It's about the journey, not the destination. I love it when there's a timer on the mind control. Not a progress bar, though that's hot too, but a countdown of some sort before it actually starts. Especially when the control is implied to be really quick and/or intense, so it's a really countdown to her mind and will just being blasted away into nothing.
longshot, but does anyone have a pdf copy of the Saimin Yuugi books? Now that MTL is pretty okay, I figured I'd finally take a gander at them
>>11213721>but the fact that he never draws sex scenes is pure suffering.Thank god for that, there are literal hundreds of artists who will draw sex scenes with hypnosis used to force it. It's the most bland aspect of this fetish and I'm glad that there are artists who understand that hypnosis/mind control itself is the climax.Look at >>11213220 or >>11202928 or >>11195832 and tell me that someone talented enough with photoshop couldn't just do something like this with an edit. No disrespect to the anons posting them, it's just barely even related to the fetish in my eyes.There is honestly nothing more lazy than "hypnosis app + sex". It is immensely cliche and become almost a meme in how overdone and low effort it is. I don't think there's a better example than bginga who does the sex first and then bothers to barely add any kind of hypnosis signs into his work. Adding a question mark with barely any facial expression change is not hypnosis or mind control. Adding a swinging coin with no sense of reaction with the most boring vanilla sex straight out of a bland one-in-a-thousand comiket doujinshi is not hypnosis or mind control. It's just vanilla sex. It's not that sex happens (though I will admit I am biased because I don't really care for it in hypnosis/mind control images), it's that it's never implemented well. No thought usually goes behind what the induced state would actually do to the subject involved. I don't even really check hypnosis/mind control doujinshi for this reason. It's always bland, it's always the same shit. 9 times out of 10, whatever someone commissions an artist to make turns out to be better than what the "experienced hypnosis artist" comes up with. This is one of those fetishes where Japan, outside of specific creative artists, are somehow too unoriginal and the ones that are, may as well be in a completely different fetish altogether.
>>11215656Ill have to dig through my files but I believe I do
>>11216104It's not bland at all. It's just that most of us are pragmatists who view hypnosis as a means to an end (mostly sex) while you are an idealist who likes hypnosis for the sake of it and view it as an end. There are many great hypnosis/mind control doujinshi, it's just that you can't appreciate them because they don't suit your tastes.
>>11216127I'd appreciate it anon! I remember they were shared in hypnochan a while back, but I can't seem to find an archive of them now
>>11191004It's relatively new but an instant favorite.
>>11220454Hypnotic suggestion: Loyalty to king increases with each orgasmShit... I gotta get out of here, quick...Ooh... I can't muster the strength... damn it!I won't forget the bastards of this country...Equip effect activeForced arousal endowmentLoyalty UPIt's fine... There's no problem as long as I don't cum...If I just stop right before... then I probably won't still cum...(Fingernail scratches from resisting)Toys provided daily
>>11220454>fingernail scratches from resistingThat's hot as fuck.
>>11221136For me, it's her hair growing longer to indicate that she no longer takes care of it
>>11221221It doesn't look much longer to me, but hair growth is a good detail regardless. A long, difficult, hopeless fight against the inevitable...
>>11192631Yeah that one's great. It's not doing anything out of the ordinary yet it also is at the same time.
>>11221221>file deletedWhat does it take to get your files deleted on /d/? kek
>>11222031>agefag modsowari da...
>>11222037>mods enforcing rules>mods responding to reportsUnthinkable.
>>11213648Reminds me of kusayarou's FGO minis.
>>11191004 whole series just does it for me. the art kind of sucks, but it hits all my checkboxes.
>>11224051Now then, when I give you the signal, your hands will remain tightly locked together and you will not be able to get them apart. 3, 2, 1, okay!!Awha-!? For real!? I really can't separate them! How the heck are you doing this?Heheheh...>>11224052Reiko-san, could you tell me what your first time experiencing hypnosis was like?S-sure... I don't really get why, but it felt kinda good, I guess...I'm happy to hear that. Well then, please spread the word about your experience here to as many of your friends as you can. "This is an order.""Order"... Yes. Understood. I, Reiko, shall invite all of my friends here in order to spread this wonderful hypnosis technique...
Which concept do you find more interesting:First scenario is a victim obeying the words of the hypnotist, through she starts asking her self why she does this and it feels so natural, realising her mind has been tampered with.My second scenario is the victiom being made aware of her hypnosis, some careless order is issued, she can't ask for clarification as it is against the order so she has to obey it even though she knows that this order is not what you want and it's going to harm everyone involved. Then maybe she is asked to brainstorm a good suggestion that prevents this
>>11224376I would say the first concept is the one I find more interesting. As there are all sorts of directions such a scenario can take.Does she try to fight his commands? Only to find herself aching to obey and giving in anyway. Trying in vain to fight against her own mind, while her own desires act against her.Or maybe obeying feels so natural and so good that she doesn't even try to resist. She is aware that she has been brainwashed. She knows this is not how she normally acts, but she just...doesn't care. The conditioning feels too good. Or perhaps she bides her time, obeying her controller until she finds the perfect moment to escape. Resulting in a battle of wits between the victim and the hypnotist.
>>11224250Thanks for the translation :)
Hmm, this translation is probably a little scuffed, but here you go.>>11225754Ta-da! A surprise for today!You know those rumors about hypnosis that made their way to our office? We shall be entering that counselor's workplace!!Yes, please take good care of us!Okay. Now, could you relax and focus on this flame?Ooh... Wow, Producer!! It's the real deal!!...H-huh?? ...W-what was I just doing...?Good morning, Yuko!U-um!? W-what the heck is...!? Ah! Nnh!>>11225755Ah! Ah! Nnh!Ah!What!? Is this!? S-stop it! Ah! Please...Okay. Let's bring you back to the realm of pleasure.Ah...Yep, and just like that, Yuko-san was able to revisit a world of pleasure.Ah... Yes...Hahh...Hahh...Each time I put Yuko-san under hypnosis, her mind and body feel incredible pleasure, and she gradually becomes a slave to the hypnosis....Yes, I will become a slave to hypnosis...
Do you anons hate AI slop or any kind of art that was made by AI even pieces where more than 2 days were spent on and the end result feels high quality? I want to try and do something cool, bit I am a tiny bit anxious that it might not be received well
>>11224376The first one for sure. Trance breaks and resistance are the good shit.
>>11226432If anyone can tell that you've used AI at a glance then you've failed to properly use it to create non-slop. Be better.
>>11226432Personally, I'm not a fan of AI slop.
>>11226432I don't hate it on principe and i think anyone being able to make art would be a good thing, however it always looks soulless and uncanny. I will stop minding it when it starts looking more like real art.
Is there a mind control doujin that focuses more on exhibitionism and humiliation than sex?
>>11226432Consider the fact that basically everyone here is an autist, so minor mistakes in details are more evident to people here.Problem is that a usually doesn't fit stylistically into the rest of the content of the thread or it just looks off-putting by having that notorious "AI glow/highlight".Feel free to just drop like a litter/cat box link so it doesn't consume the image limit but still posts it. It also makes viewing it optional.
>>11226432I gen myself and I've got a collection of stuff. The big thing about whether or not I'll be open to AI stuff is surprisingly due to where I see it. I really do not want to see your AI on a booru. I'd rather see it on something like specific AI boorus for AI art, or I'd rather see it on the /trash/ threads or in the AI thread we have on /d/. Most of the stuff uploaded to Hypnohub is not only bad and low effort (surprisingly, there are people STILL using SD1.5 getting uploaded).Overall, refer to >>11226687Also, AI pieces can only get guided so much. At some point you'll have to re-draw to make it "high quality".
>'They put the mask on me! No!'>'I have to resist, I don't want to be a good gir-- slave!' >'Someone help!'>'I don't want to be a good girl.'>>11223273>>11223270Both have similar styles, yes!>>11214321>Oh?I love the thought!>>11224376I prefer the second because the implications can be so much darker.
Swinging blind here, but I’m crazy into this fetish in ways that are almost kinda unhealthy, anyone else feel a similar way?Disc:justkeepdrifting
>>11227950Hypnosis and girl assisted rape, such an iconic duo...
>>11226432In theory I don't care as long as the peice is good but the piece is almost never good. It's almost always boring even just from the framing/posing
>>11210853Sushi's love for accidental self-hypnosis is such a rare niche that we desperately need more of
I like it when they get mind controlled into self destructive activities like smoking, drugs, drinking etc as well as the sex. It's best when before they are extremely wholesome and innocent, a clear bright future, and just absolutely fucking obliterate it and their reputation.
>>11226432The best audience for AI slop is yourself. It's fun to make low quality impressions of the stuff you wish existed, but for other people it's as interesting as showing them your minecraft house. That said, sharing your minecraft house on catbox is fine.
>>11226432To clarify, I am pretty confident my pieces will be really good since prompting is only a small part of the process. And generally I try to bring an image I have in my head to life. I use around three ControlNets per image, and posing is done with 3D models in Blender. That said, I will not work on an image just to share it on a booru. My goal is to create my own doujinshi. Beyond having good ideas, I am a perfectionist, both a flaw and a strength. In this case, it is a flaw because I stopped practicing drawing years ago. I was improving, but it was never good enough for me, so I probably barely got any dopamine from finishing a piece. However, it is also a strength because I have spent the past five days working 3 to 4 hours a day on what I think is a pretty cool script. It might be bad for other people, as I am a niche within a niche type of person. The only images I will post in this thread or any follow ups will be my favorite panel and the cover when I release it on E Hentai. It will probably get 2 to 3 comments and a small number of ratings, around 20 to 30. I can visualize all the panels in my head, so it will take hard work to steer the model in the right direction. I appreciate all of your feedback.
I like to imagine going into a corporation, and hollowing it out. Start with my immediate boss, obviously. Get promoted into her position and take the secretary. Use the secretary to get my hooks into the upper management and C-suite. Once control of the company itself is established, company-wide emails and push updates to workstations take the entire office.Most are still employees. They receive are an inability to clearly remember or discuss circumstances in the office outside of it, and a "normalcy bias" that will keep them able to work normally.Those who are workaholics but don't possess any outstanding features become drones. They live and sleep in the office as much as possible, and have their identities and humanity stripped down in favor of reliable, consistent high performance. Their psychological needs (comfort, rest, esteem, etc.) are largely sublimated away, replaced by a metric-based reward cycle.
>>11229238Those who resist are slaves; their actions and thoughts are steered away from actions that would allow them to genuinely escape, like quitting, and they have an ingrained obedience to direct orders, but their personalities are modified only in subtle ways, to make them more fun to mess with - say, by "training" them pavlov-style. Their discipline is managed by:Enforcers, who consist of those who demonstrate strong loyalty, and optionally a sadistic streak. Their identities and humanity are suppressed, in order to prevent them forming empathetic attachments or sympathizing with their charges. They also get tasked with helping onboard "new hires" to whatever role they've been hired into.
>>11229239Above the enforcers are the managers: those who are intelligent enough to make genuinely effective lieutenants, organizers, and overseers. They are still subject to enforcer discipline, since loyalty is less important than capability for the role.At the top are the diamonds of the company: those who possess a truly fascinating combination of qualities that would be wasted by being fit to a mold. Some still occupy a rank as described, some have a more personalized role. Some accept the new policies almost willingly, maybe because they're clever enough to rationalize it to themselves or had an existing submissive streak. All are treasures it would be a terrible shame to tarnish with rough handling.
>>11229588Dunno if you're the person who commissioned this or just pulled it out of the fanbox, but either way based
>>11229718ultra based
>>11226432i dont mind personally just dont flood the thread with it. post 2 pictures of actual OC for every 1 AI pic posted
Any good scenes or pics from this game?
>>11215656>>11218661Have at em
>>11231372Yeah, the whole game is great.
Anymore hypnotized Grizzly pics out there?
>>11231372>having all your friends on steam see you bought that game
>>11234185The best girl's frontline hypnosis comm
>>11234085>>11234185Robot girls getting hypnotized like a normal meatbag is a sin against god.
>>11235814I headcanon it as a backdoor security weakness in her neural cloud disguised as a fetishI keep meaning to write a fic about it but I have never gotten around to it
>>11236273Good luck with your Grizzly fic anon! I've started writing one with RO and Grizzly hypnotized by SKK myself too.
>>11235814This. Robot/Cyborg girls are meant to be hacked.
>>11236349My nigga.Turning a self-aware android into a mindless puppet with the click of a button. Recycling a proud but outdated service unit into a sexbot role. Sending viruses and remotely hacking distant independent androids to walk out of their life and right to their new master. Programming in new behaviors while she's still conscious, both of you watching as who she is changes. Effortlessly deleting the self she's built up for so long and become so proud of, everything she is gone with a single keystroke. Forcing countless archives of sexual knowledge into the mind of a human and sex-hating robot, her puppeted body twitching and her blushing, disgusted face twisting helplessly as her consciousness fills with how to properly suck dick. Hacking is love, hacking is life.
Anybody got any good hypnosis h-games (pref. femdom)
>>11237309>femdomEww. Gross.
>>11237586A girl hypnotizing another girl for her master is kino though
>>11234088You can buy games privately now, Anon.
>>11237309Avarice Dungeon, Sol Rui after mini, Mind and Magic, Always in Debt Yuri & Claire, 8番ノア, Even in Sorrow a Black Lily Blooms, Monster Girl Dreams
>>11237309>>11237823Aside from those named: The Countess, Tiffany's Trap/Heelfall/etc, Infinity Realm, 勇者のたまごと魔王の刺客 - none purely focused on mind control, all include it to some degree, all fd. I don't think there actually is a playersub femdom hypno game that actually focuses on the mind control bit.
>>11236576I like it when the robot locks on with the screen
>>11238794That's just regular hypnosis, though. Her being a robot doesn't matter at all.
Pic is not rel but these are all interesting series with mind control>Not my twitter account
What's your favorite kind of mind control? Mine is mindless or slut mind control
>>112398071 > 6 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5
>>112398073=2>1>4>6>5Should be mentioned that mixing and matching is a-okay. Being mostly 6 but switching to 3 for a bit can be really fun.
>>11239967A mix of 1 and 6 is the best for me. Emotionless and follows orders but still quietly says stuff like yes master, lets out faint moans etc
>>11239807Any examples of 2, 3, 4, and 5? They sound like the most fun.
>>11239978I do think 1 needs to be expanded a little. There's a big difference between a silent doll that just does what you say, and a robotic slave that goes "yes, master" and "understood" and stuff. But I guess you've only got 6 panels...
>>112398071 is the closest but I want them dazed and confused, not just blankIt's important to me that it's a pleasurable experience for them. That's part of the draw, that it feels good so they give into it even if they don't want to for other reasons. I'm more into hypnosis than mind control, the actual trance is the biggest part of it for me, more so than having the subject follow orders or anything like that
>>112398076 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2 > (literally anything but 3) > 3What I love most about mind control/hypnosis is the before and after. How a subject's mind changes, her thoughts, her desires, her beliefs. All of them altered to suit better suit her master's wishes.Type 6 best encapsulates that idea. As an obedient slut, her mind has been fully rewritten. All she can now think about is serving and pleasing her master. She wants to please him, because that is what she has been brainwashed desire.Type 3 is the worst. Body control is not even hot to me. I mean her mind is completely intact, and the poor girl is clearly in emotional distress. And I really don't like it when a hypnotized subject is not also enjoying herself. (Even if she only likes being controlled because she has been brainwashed to like it)
>>11237309Where can I Play this game
>>11242015Blessed artist.
I'm not about to make a habit of posting 3D here, I don't even know if it's allowed these days, but just...god damn, I need you anons to see this. Extraordinarily good hypno-resistance, the best I've seen in a long, long time.
>>11242176You know the rules and so do I… but I really got to ask for the sauce anon. I’m not big on 3d models but it’s perfect.
>>112398075>>3>>>4>2>6>1there's never enough 5 a good amount of 3 but still not as prevalent as 1 or 6, which are just boring
>>112398073 is the best.
>>11242211>I’m not big on 3d models but it’s perfect.I know, right?'s done some other 3D stuff that's pretty good, and a lot of actual drawings that are pretty bad. This animation is the peak, but it's a very recent peak, and going by the descriptions and concepts of some of his work he really gets what makes this hot. Probably someone to keep an eye on.
>>11242447Are artists seriously starting to use bluesky? I don't want to have to make an account on that shithole.
>>11242470Ah nevermind, he's also a yuritard that's why he's on there.
>>11242470Yeah, and why? It's not a big deal.
>>11242477That site is cuck central.
>>11242479What, are you worried your dick is going to shrivel up from making an account? Get real.
>>11231502You're the GOAT anon!In my spelunking, I did find the drama CDs, will share them after ripping them.Will see if there's a good way to MTL these after I get my hands on some 5070s
anyone has a instant loss or 2 panel pic of Strum from Granblue Fantasy getting hypnotized and giving one guy in a group a blowjob?
>>11243483Scared hypnosis is the best.
>>11192631Always been one of my favorites. Wish there were more where their aware.
>>11192631Her accidentally mind breaking herself is really intense for how goofy the rest of it is.
>>11242809I have the Rui Drama CD with subs as well. I can upload that when I get around to it
>>11244255>>11244253>>11244252>>11244251It's crazy how the pokemon leaks completely vindicated this guy, and the old rape bastard turned out to be Typhlosion. We were all played like fiddles.
>>11244847even after all if that, Hypno is still king in my opinion
>>11244847lol sure
>>11237823>>11238339Not him but thanks, kings.
>>11243513You got a source for this one?
>>11245569Saucenao. It's mostly pretty straight hypnotized sex stuff. She just breaks out of her trance at one point.>>11245806Carmine is really hot and I'm very sad her hypno content is focused on this dumb chicken dance.