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neet Ange edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>10917174
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Please tell me there's a recording of this
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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

No futasub it defeats the point.
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Sorry, I had to go shopping.
BTW, I know this pic isn't DG, but this is Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame, the character in question, a new Hololive vtuber. Just picture her with a cock, which should be easy if you read the following:

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it's pretty bad
genuinely thirsty for any futa story but yours is pretty fucking bad sorry bro
Huh. Yours is genuinely the first response I've gotten saying it's straight up bad. Ohh well, to each their own.

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old thread:
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I wonder if theres any ticklefag drawanons in these threads. Hopefully my requests on the request thread are seen by one, eventually. If theres dozens of them making futa horse transformation inflation stuff then at least theres one who can do this.
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I want more of that, how can i find more consentickles?
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How do you tickle a robot anon?

Theme questions:

>What does Foreign relations look like when the slave trade might be illegal in other nations?
>How does the patriarchy coax women in? Safety? Trickery?
>What are some female dominated "careers"?
>And how is attempted escape punished?
>What is the political structure of the patriarchy vs that of it's neighbors?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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I have a question for the worldbuilders here who's settings center around true harems.

How is succession handled?
A man's stuff has to go somewhere when he dies:
assuming all his property isn't just seized by your world's government (unless that's actually what's happening)
also, assuming he wants to build any kind of lasting dynasty (men usually do)
he's going to have to pass his wealth onto a very small number of individuals.
Assuming that the individuals he picks are his children (By children, I mean sons)
What process, if any, is there for a man to pick an inheritor?

In concubine systems it's easy: the sons of his main/first wife are considered his true sons and his heirs and any sons his concubines produce are considered bastards. But if none of his wives are considered higher-status than any of his other wives then it'd stand to reason that none of his sons would be considered innately higher-status than any of his other sons.

So how does it work? Does he just pick a heir based on his own criteria? Is it just the eldest son from *any* of his wives? Is there like a competition or game to recognize the most suitable heir? Are male births just inherently more rare than female births so it's not a problem? Or is it that men are married into families, rather than women? So his inheritor is a man he picks from outside his family while his sons inherent the wealth of whatever families he married them off to?
>How is succession handled?
If you are talking about politics, then my answer would be elections. But I think you are talking about inheritance.
A plebian man has the right to give his property to any other plebian he wants. He can direct his property to go to who-ever he wants through a will. This will could be stored in a guarded temple, like how it was in the time of a Roman republic. Most of the time this would be distributed to his Plebian or freeman sons (with any restrictions on freeman slave ownership being respected). He also has the right to liberate (or put down) any or all of his slaves, if he so pleases. If there is no will, then we could just have his assets distributed between his Plebian sons through intestate succession per stirpes (freemen will not be included; sorry you should have joined the military). He may also elect to have some or all of his wealth put in a trust for the benefit of a wife, daughter, or liberated female slave. The trust's corpus would be managed by a government official acting as trustee; kind of like a guardian ad-litem, but for trusts. In the event that a man dies intestate with no sons then the property will go to the next closest blood relative. If no blood relatives can be found then the property escheats to the state with slaves either being sold at auction or put into the slave dole/veteran's benefits. Maybe there is also a welfare program for 'free' widows.
>Does he just pick a heir based on his own criteria?
Yes, but there are intestacy laws in the event that doesn't happen.
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A man becomes a true patriarch of the IPE when he fulfills two conditions. His RealMoney net worth surpasses a clearly defined threshold and he has climbed to the top of a imperial ministry, a corporation, or military command. As a leader of the empire, he is legally obligated to contract law firms to draft up an estate plan. Side note, when a true patriarch retires from or dies on the job, one of his subordinates will be selected via a hybrid lottery/election system to replace him.
The top two methods of distributing one's estate post-mortem is by Will or by Algorithm. The former option means that the patriarch dictates who (his sons and male friends) gets what, his real estate and other assets, and whom, his daughters and wives. The latter option instead uses a surveillance system to keep constant track of his beneficiaries and gives them an inheritance based on their transparency, decision making, and other factors. Most patriarchs employ both options simultaneously, for example each of his sons get a beloved vehicle and a nurse maid in addition to an algorithmically sized trust fund.
To keep greedy heirs from re-writing a will or hacking an algorithm, the law firms utilize Gyndroids to store proprietary information. Top secret encrypted data is uploaded into these women's nanite brains where it can only be accessed by systems within the law firm that owns them. These women don't consciously know what the data is and it normally doesn't affect her life. Occasionally a fembot might get kidnapped by operatives working for an heir and then rescued by mercenaries working for her law firm.
Yes, I am copying this idea from Johnny Mnemonic because it's fucking great.
Also I don't know why I'm hyper-fixating on double-blind social systems. I just am.
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>Pictured -- The Matriarchal Queen, captured in battle and demoted after the siege to a mere concubine. However, as her Majesty did surrender, she is to be hands off from others

There are sometimes Matriarchal Queens who show prowess and leadership in battle. Much like Jeanne d'Arc, Semiramis, Penthesilea and notable females of history, Matriarchal Queens or warriors I did have a rather unique scenario when it comes to possible Matriarchal queen being captured. The Conqueror, now her owner and Master, keep her hidden, or kept at his side, as a sign of power and dignity, or arm candy.Though they are influential to cultural and social standards, they have far better lives than the standard slaves or concubines. They are allowed freedom of movement, goods and trade, and often allowed to join the Conquering Master in campaigns against others as a symbol of his strength. During times of Peace, the conquered Queen or Warrior is often hidden away from sight, in the villa or mansion of the conquering Master. They are often adorned in luxury, and given the best meals, only because they are shown respect for fighting or being leaders themselves. That is the condition of their surrender to the Master. Disobedience is not tolerated and rights to be seen, or given contact outside the house is often revoked. I know that certain Masters can be cruel to conquered Queens, but why be so. Sometimes a beautiful conquered Queen could be breeders of great men of strength and prowess, or stationed as advisors in battle. Taking a Ruler down is one thing, but having a breeding adviser to your rule sounds even better option
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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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Ahhh you never forget prom night do you?
i meant physically not financially
never had one
would like to imagine it like this, for sure
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Last thread: >>10945017

Post big people kissing, fucking, fighting or anything in between.
The more people getting caught in the middle or trying to spoil the fun the better.
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i agree, but since we have a thread going we might as well just bump it when it hits page 9 or 10.
I have a pretty "standard" fantasy for any anime/video game/manga/etc woman I like. Start out around a few stories and slowly grow as we fuck. Police and then military response escalates, but obviously they can't do shit. It always ends with some kind of world ending finale. Cumming the planet down her throat after a blowjob, crushing it between my cock and her cervix, destroying it between our tongues with a kiss, etc.
For particular characters I might mix it up. Like with Darkness I'd want to do shibari but with subway trains as the ropes.
>so few giant couple stories based on existing IP throughout the web
>Writing had an Ace Attorney one that was getting frequently updated and had great description of Apollo and Athena railing each other through the city
>was starting two new GC storylines too
>been completely abandoned for more than 3 months now
Actual F.
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to whoever that anon was, lemme know if you want more femdom shit in chapter 2 as i can make adjustments now before going on to the main rampage/sex part.
Very hot. The only suggestion I'd make is to maybe not use "titter" that much. I will be looking forward to future chapters.

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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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A Kancolle story with an abyssal installation as the protag played to its logical conclusion if the game was R rated.
For the un-informed the setting is about humanized battleships and installations are shipyards
Good lord i want to impregnate Seaport Hime with the whole Abyssal girl fleet.
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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.

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How granny-ish are we talking?
he probably refers to bloomers
please remove the pasties
requesting decensor
requesting removal of the micro

Previous: >>10915360
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I had a teacher once tell me that a friend of his made decent money as an IT guy for a cruise ship. Years later and I'm now fantasizing about doing that primarily to see how much weight I could gain over the course of a single tour of duty with the free or discounted food.
cruises are already a weight gain trap from what i hear, especially carnival.
you're on whats effectively a floating buffet
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I'm seeing a cute guy that is pretty petite but has a nice beer belly that he grabs or "fondles" during casual conversation, possibly inadvertently. He doesn't know his much that turns me on!
Should I tell him I like that part of him a lot? I don't want to seem like I'm just after his body though.
>pic not really related, neither of us is that big
Do you want him bigger? I feel like you can either go the route of telling him and seeing how he reacts, probably positively if he likes you. I mean you could also go the don't tell him a thing and make sure he gets 'plenty' to eat.

Hello /d/. Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
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this was my first kink-became hyper-obsessed with it because I measured myself as I grew up and ended up quite large. Since there's so little content for it, I sometimes look up proven enlargement methods and calculate how much bigger they'd make me. Before it went down, I'd use visualizer.net to see what it'd look like and just jerk off to the results. None of these methods are safe or reliable, but even if they were, it would be a terrible idea at my current size. That said, if they ever manage to crack the code there's a 50/50 chance that I'll do it anyway
>it would be a terrible idea at my current size
"Too big for sex" is very, very hot.
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Continued from >>10977350
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Happy birthday Aoko
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Kitty wants to suck ur dick
Need to lick
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Glue, slime, mud, quicksand etc
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Feast Edition

Previous Thread >>10995564
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this might be silly, but just once, I wish I could see a Karbo vore sequence where the prey comes to terms with their fate and tries to enjoy the remaining time, instead of crying and thrashing until the end.
It feels bad to see all these tinies suffer
>How did you guys find out you had this fetish
(least original origin story ever coming:) as a kid I noticed that I was oddly drawn to scenes in cartoons where characters got swallowed whole... then, even before I reached puberty, I started fantasizing about a giant naked woman swallowing me whole. then one day I discovered the search term "vore" and things got fucky after that

>and how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
I'm still a virgin, so I can only hope that once I settle down with a woman, I'll find that regular sex is enough for me
But even if I never find a gf, eh. I can manage just fine with the occasional fap
He does have stuff with hypnosis in which the prey are basically zooted out of their minds on Vivian's magic sauce.

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by Toiletghost
- Minase Iori
- Shirasake Koume
- Takane Shijou
- Zelda (Oracle or Toon)
- Yakumo Yukari
there's really not enough skinsuit art of this position

A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>10931138
204 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
You can just learn Hiragana and Katakana in like 1 or 2 weeks and then get by just using google translate and DeepL. The most important part is learning grammar, learning kanji comes with time.
I even checked the Chinese and Korean version of the futa tag, there are some good stories but most of the authors all go into great length about how rich, successful, of high political status and how much governamental power the family of the girl in question or the girl wields.
Some go extra autistic with the sounds.
>Any recommendations?
yeah but can't post em right now as i don't remember names or authors.

Some stuff is wildly different and more hit and miss depending of what you like or you can stomach but, I recommend:
Have you read 003Jhonny stuff?
とりかご if you are ok with stuff on the smaller scale of hyper dicks or sperm.


Basically all the futa stuff of this guy:
Thanks, I have read a couple of stories from ジョニー003 before. My Japanese isn't all that strong, so I haven't read a ton yet.
Just use google translate.
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Working on the variant miniset and slowly losing my mind

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