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You can't be a real girl unless you've taken a nice big cock
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Sex as the receptive partner is awesome, it's like I've gotten a big DLC patch that adds all kinds of options and flavors to Sex.



various combination tags of cuckquean + yaoi, bisexual, etc.

i am obsessed with this stuff and always seeking out new content but it's depressingly rare
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Strap-ons okay?
try looking for "female cucking male by stealing his girlfriend"
haha i dont even remember where i saved my example because i know there's at least one that exists but i can't find it on my stash right now
i hate it ;-;
Humiliation + anal + feminine aesthetic
The men doing the fucking is the least attractive part for me. Futa or pegging would be better.

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Girls peeing/pissing/wetting etc.

Males go elsewhere.

dog days of summer edition

Kemono list: rentry.org/omokemono2
Manga scene list: rentry.org/omogenmanga
omorashi AI models:

previous: >>11033652
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Even more VC4
Oh yeah, I need to get back into that lol
He does do wetting, but only if you comm him for it I think
Enjoy the piss of the Divine Dragon!
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Bondage being administered with the assistance of or entirely by machines, in a setting or manner that implies this is a regular normal occurrence

Sorry if there's already a term for that. But I'm a big fan
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As far as "industrialized bondage" goes, I think these bondage frames that've been popular on Pivix recently are perfect. Industrial in every way - minimalist and cost-effective to make and easy for heavy equipment and automated robots to handle by utilizing the universal grab-bar attachment at the top. Hook it to a chain and you can move it through an assembly line, even.

It really speaks to the point of this fetish; the total dehumanization of the subject into a mere commodity to be handled, moved, and utilized as efficiently and profitably as possible.
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>Hook it to a chain and you can move it through an assembly line, even.
>It really speaks to the point of this fetish; the total dehumanization of the subject into a mere commodity to be handled, moved, and utilized as efficiently and profitably as possible.
This guy gets it. This is what this kink's really all about.
Production lines are the greatest shit. Dozens, hundreds of girls in a line, trapped in cold, inescapable restraints, moved down a sequence of terrible, uncaring machines, forced to watch each and every girl ahead of her experience them one by one, helplessly waiting their turn as the line brings them closer and closer with every click, each experiences the same gradual buildup of tension and fear...aaah. It's great. Industrialized peril.
Please pretend there's actually a picture of such a factory line attached to this post.
I really love how complete yet ambiguous the bondage is. She could be on her way to being anything, from dolled up to be a child's toy to being taken to a meat processing plant, and every single thing inbetween. The one thing she knows for sure is that she's about to be processed into something for someone else to use.
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This guy gets it.
I like how there's no gag or blindfold or anything, she's free to see and scream. Why would there be? This isn't some BDSM thing, we're not a factory of perverts, it's all just business.
Blindfolded would still be hotter

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Previous thread >>10987501
Chapter just released, and next chapter hints should be posted in about a week. Probably gonna be Funou.

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

Also Fakku uncensored release never ever.
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Weiss Schnee of Elf’s world
Also what does it take for this doujin to be animated?
Im kinda hoping that working together with Fanza this can happen.
Only sexo stuff is what people want animated, and there needs to be more content for that.
Also don't monkey paw it else we will get queen bee.
If you want his artstyle to be perfectly remade, then you gotta accept Queen Bee. Honestly it'd be insane if Uno Makoto adapted them for animation given his futa history.

This is the one H series where I would kind of want a powerhouse passion project backing it since it'd look so good.

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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

No futasub it defeats the point.
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>If you ever want a fourth child, just let me know and I'll inseminate her again.
...Gross <3

That's it! Hopefully you all enjoyed it as much as I did! I hope my machine translation was at least adequate. If so, I'll try and translate the author's other work where a husband pays a professional futa stud to impregnate his wife.
Thanks for sharing this, had no idea this series existed.
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I found the artist completely by chance. His futa NTS scenarios are incredibly hot and greatly appeal to my tastes. He also made some futaxmale works as well. I only wish that he was better at drawing dicks, and that he would give his futas balls. In my opinion, it is very counterintuitive to not give a futa balls if you are going to have her breeding women. A big pair of nuts would greatly aid in showing the futa's superior virility.

>...Maybe it's OK if you get cuckolded by a futanari beauty (* ̄▽ ̄) Fufufu
The artist's own words, lol.
Femboy employed at a Futa high school as a sex educator.

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"Your roommate is the universe" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11001264
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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You can't stop Alice, nothing can. She probably would pay rent, but only if you reminded her, and she'd do it in some way that still makes her look like a lazy NEET, like writing an IOU that works as legal currency.

The better question is why didn't Sana solve world hunger by flooding the planet and replacing every body of water with milk. Is she stupid?
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>Is she stupid?
Yes, but that's also a charm point
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Gods can solve world hunger in far simpler ways anon.
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Here you go Anons, the story of a tribal girl that stumbles onto fleets of Sci-Fi tanks trying to destroy her home and she goes on to kick them out of the planet:


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>tfw no omni gf that lets me realize my dream of having the whole world as my personal "Minecraft server" thus allowing me to make various megaprojects real or just make cities look better by replacing some of the fugly or boring modern architecture
>and then she decides to tease me by wrecking my projects (but she is nice so she eventually resets things)

Girls being used as livestock.

Whether that be for breeding, for milk, or something else entirely, post your human farm animals here!
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The way she’s threaded through those bars is like a MC Escher drawing
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How big should a cow's nipples grow/stretch after years of relentless milking?
Love me some huge veiny nipples.

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Men with Magnificent Mammaries or in the process growing them.
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Quick and dirty photoshop work.
Some images just have that particular vibe and I sometimes modify them a bit like this
Thats actually pretty good, got any more?

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Been a while, so time to revive a thread dedicated to one of my favourite fetishes: women dealing with a far greater milk output than they'd prefer. Lactation through clothes a plus, copious amounts of milk preferred but any amount is fine as long as they're visibly uncomfortable with it.
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that's different. worth a bump
Good shit anon. Thanks.

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Old thread: >>10990497
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>Extra fetish potential (slime girls alone have an entire genre with subgenres to themselves because it is a horny, sentient blob of shapeshifting goop that can compress itself)
>Monster is usually on the outside only, unlike real women who are the reverse
>Introduced me to gentle femdom as a fetish via Alice from MGQ (pavlovianly conditioned me to get insta diamond hard whenever I hear her VA say "hooorra~")
>Variety of types of monster girls, fetish is never stale
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The futa version should be called Oderus Smegladon
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Cyclops Supremacy
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3/4 of the fan authors have never written anything before and don't even have an idea, and it shows.
1/8th of them have an idea, but their writing are bad.
1/8th of them have an idea, have okay writing skills, but then split that remaining 1/8th into "have time and motivation" and the other...well, yeah.
The author himself has pretty much moved on from it, and isn't a terribly original mind. He took Subjugation by Fel, cleaned it up to where normies could engage with making fun fan works, and accidentally got slightly e-famous off of it and kickstarted him into whatever he wants to write, which isn't a bad gig.

The only good fics are from writers with talent and a brain- which unsurprisingly means they generally have better things to do with their time than write fanfiction of what the main author regards as just a backstory for his erotica.
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Thread focused on female pubic hair and unshaven armpits.
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Previous thread >>11022538

Post one eyed cuties and beauties!
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Simply want to see plenty out long outie bellybuttons of anime girls but I'm also looking for a higher res of this specific outie art. Anyone got it?
>>>/r/ you bozo
This isn't a fucking charity, if you want a thread you have to provide content.
That's kinds why I made this thread. Plus I'm looking for this image specifically hoping to find a higher resolution for it, don't need to be rude about it

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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10987293

Here’s a treat for you
Baby Actor by Amatarou from COMIC HOT MILK 2015 Issue #11
Previously unavailable in translated form, but now it is available to read in English for the first time thanks to the wonders of specialized MTL AI manga translations tool like Mangatranslator/Ichigoreader

Grab it while it’s hot
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Pardon my dumb ass, forgot the pic
Did they abort all the males?
You ever consider the fact that a large majority of non-human species in the world have larger females compared to their male counterparts.

> Humans are an exception

>You ever consider the fact that a large majority of non-human species in the world have larger females compared to their male counterparts.
Is that actually true? In mammals, especially? I remember looking into that at some point and my vague recollection is that I was disappointed to find it wasn't really the trend in the parts of the animal kingdom we care most about.

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