"Force Multiplication and Proportional Response" EditionA thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11169210/Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
>>11200893>>11201358 It's more the idea that such a powerful being would just absolutely love and cherish you that gets me.
>>11202337I'll just take being brutally executed like a random mob by some UR gacha waifu in a finisher cutscene.>God were just mooks but we gotta hold the line, the sergeant...>"CONTACT!">separate_ways.mp3>blindly return fire in the direction in front.>*SHRING*>The sergeant is dead now...private get a hold of the...>*SHRING!*>Private is now dead too.>"This is CPL. Anon, my team is dead, unknown force...I hold the line as best as I can!">Hear a dismissive "tsk" before the protag is in front of me. Fire but only doing 1 damage, despite her being half-naked.>"The only thing you are holding is my SP bar from recharging.">Oh god, of fuck, the environment is changing for no goddamn reason.>"CPL Anon, that's that sweaty maxxed-out UR waifu, deploying EX-version of the world boss, ETA 1 minute.">Goddamn I don't have a...>Red flash and the darkness of the void, my arm is fucking gone, it's just fucking gone.>Stabbed through the chest but she's so goddamn fast that I'm not dead yet.>Try to go for the sidearm but my other arm fades into a red mist.>"Get out of my way.">Horizontally bisected.>Stabbed through the head like some mortal kombat fatality.>Die bleeding and choking out, but I do get some upskirt while she's going through the cutscene as the boss arrives.
does this bitch count as omni?>>11202337this anon and the anon he was responding to reminded me of her
>>11202354What about being the only one being spared by her?You know, sorta like in Kill Bill, where the Bride, after fighting the Crazy 88 instead of killing the last guy, destroyed his sword and gave him a spanking with a flat part of her blade.I imagine sorta the same happening in your scenario, where you fire at her, she gives you a "really?" look, destroys your weapon, punishes you in some funny-disrespectful way, but lets you go.That said, your green is fucking hot. Acheron is OP, the animations with her are making me shiver in arousal in fear. How she mentally fucked up Black Swan without even trying.
>>11202354And then she revives you in an alternate dimension where it's just you and her. Surrounding you is some impossible-to-understand field. Sex ensues.>>11202442Nothing that cruel or sadistic. Just pure love.
>>11199737In my head a giant doesn't move slowly due to time dilation but rather to be delicate with their fragile toys strewn across the ground. They can still think and perceive the world at the same speed as their tiny victims, but if they'd also move at that same speed, the wind forces brought on by their movements would just obliterate anything in the vicinity. So they move slowly, taking their time to deliberately and deviously smother the home towns of their former friends and family out of the world.If you insist on the sci-fi maths for your enjoyment you could have the bug scientists try to explain how their giant tormentor is really just normal-sized but some omnipotent shenanigans have caused space in their place to balloon out and what's really crushing everything is the thin layer of the remaining compressed space surrounding the bigger bubble coming down on things.
>>11202445Sure I'll give it a shot.>be me>A mob respawned from utterly being obliterated by a UR waifu.>Now outfitted with the latest E.L.I.T.E. Mook Exosuit System.>Don't have a call sign yet, but if I bag a UR waifu the boys will give me one.>Deployed to the city to engage UR waifu assault on the BBEG fortress.>Get a target on the tactical map, ISR ID's her.>It's her...>Time for a rematch, bitch.>"Activating jump thrusters, moving to engage.">Jump across the city block and land.>"Warning: Target closing in, 200m, 100m, 50m, target is on top of you.">*THUD*>"You again?">*CRUNCH*>Suddenly jolted back into my seat as the cockpit exploded out of the exosuit. Tumble down the street as the exosuit explodes in nuclear fire.>"CPL, did you just eject from the exosuit...">*SCREECH*>A red blade pierces through into the cockpit and I hear metal being torn apart.>Come on, where's the emergency release!? Pull the lever, but it sparks; goddamn low-ball safety systems.>The front is torn off, and before I can even reach for my sidearm, I am ripped out of my seat and thrown across to the end of the street.>Try to get up and escape, but she slams her heel into my chest, crushing my lungs.>Throw a useless punch at her leg, zero damage, an extremely bad idea.>She fucking shishkebabs my arms with her blade.>Can't scream as she ramps up the pressure on my chest.>She leans in, her demonic scarlet eyes staring right into my soul. She whispers into my ear.>"Stop. Annoying. Me.">She kicks me to the side, my portable radio is on the ground blasting requests from HQ to confirm my status.>Surprisingly, she picks it up.>"You have one exosuit pilot about to die from internal bleeding in five minutes, Sector 12, Block 8, Street 3.">HQ responds: "Uhh...who is this?">"Next time, send your best, or don't bother.">She gives me one look of annoyance, she tosses a health kit on my lap, and teleports away.>Command is going to kill me for losing that exosuit.
>>11202337I agree, but that also applies to good women.Anon asked what the appeal of evil women was.
>>11203279To invoke the age old trope "Evil is Sexy" and sometimes you just need an omni with a few screws loose on their noggin. Otherwise a 'good' omni might be too tame and unwilling to batshit insane stuff with you.
>>11203740>>11203279How you guys feel about being humanity's shield by being some crazy omni girl's stress relief toy?Like, she was terrorizing and torturing entire world, met (You), fell in some crazy twisted love, and is now focusing all her cruelty, rage and love on you, but leaving the rest of humanity alone? So you basically hold her at bay and keep humanity safe by satisfying her needs and loneliness.
"So, you wanted ta see what I can do when I'm not holdin' back, eh?">she kicked the commander's ass>he couldn't even hit her>best swordsman in the empire, ahahahaha>now it's magic eval time"I'm gonna show you magic I made by myself.">kid you're twelve, there's no way that you've made your own magic"You're gonna wanna stand back, anon.">forest clearing, already at the edge>lurks amongst the trees"Further.">take another couple steps>P R E S E N C E>snap around to see her glowing>SSJ_goku.jpg"Drawing Circles is a wastea time. Etching is my thing. Way more durable.">a magic circle melts itself into the dirt right in front of my toe>earthquake!?>lose my balance and almost fall>rocks fly up from the dirt>no wait, fly up from underneath the dirt>rocks flying at the girl, to a ball of them floating in front of her"But even Etched Circles can't withstand more than a few hundred million M-P-S.">rocks stop emerging from the dirt and the ball flattens itself into a disc>the disc glows red hot and grows to like three meters in diameter>suddenly the disc is clear crystal, in the form of a magic circle, with runes at nineteen points>NINETEEN POINTS>NINTH LEVEL MAGIC HOLY FUCK WHAT IS GOING ON"Pure quartz crystal, formed into the Circle itself.">my the gods she really can make her own magic"The outer runes are light and heat. The inner runes form the focal point. Really simple. Point it at something you want to melt, and flood it with mana.">the points her finger at a tall mountain in the distance, the magic circle disc following"I call it -- ">wait what is she going to do to the mountain "LASER BEAM!">so much mana, too much mana!>so much light, too much light!>terrible screeching sound becomes soul-rending whoom>ten seconds of fury and hell>silence, then a thunk>open my eyes>forest on fire>half-moon shape cut into the side of the mountain>melted rock everywhere"I s'ppose I should put out the fires.">we're doomed
>>11203279It's hard to explain. You want to feel bad for all the pain and destruction they cause but you just can't resist something about them, even if everything about them goes against everything you believe in.Goddess-level power just makes her all the more hotter.
>>11171979 Got it:"Copy of Overpowered Waifu"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u3s4RnSp__GEdtwk0O0JypJ7bMO0OiUCLTNMN3YTv1M/edit?tab=t.0
>classmate at the magic academy is getting a bit too overconfident just because she is an unprecedented genius>she tells me that I'll never be able to reach anywhere close to her level>she didn't mean it in a mean or smug way she just said it in a purely matter of fact manner>that kind of pisses me even more than if she were merely being smug>I am gonna show her>I bust my ass studying and training then I go challenge her to a duel>I have managed to master the most powerful spell one reasonably and legally learn>I am definitely now among top mages for my age>Even If I don't win I am certain I'll be able to give her a run for her money>it will all be worth it to see that careless smile be briefly wiped from her face>she proceeds to no-sell everything I throw at her then finishes me off with one of most basic spells except in her hands it is equivalent to my strongest>stupid bitch still has that careless friendly smile even when visiting me in the infirmary>every day>she isn't trying yet it feels worse than if she just rubbed it in my face>I am utterly beneath her>well, she did frown slightly out of worry after seeing me collapse so technically I achieved at least a part of my goal
>>11203808When I get really tired exercising running out in the countryside I frequently start getting fever fantasies about being first contact for a giant alien Omni cute who happens to touch down in my area and her taking me home because it’s fun enough to bully me that she leaves the Earth alone.
>>11204791>>captcha 0RGY24Doubt.
>>11204791>What's a cutie like you doing in this mortal realm?>*Screams of people being burned by hellfire in the distance.*>Aww, you look so scared, you should be, hiding from me like this.>*She begins walking to your little hiding spot. Tears in reality lead to plumes of blood erupting from her demonic realm. She casually touches her blade, the sky turns crimson.*>Is this your realm? Hmph, so...mundane. Not even the barest hint of divinity, except for me, of course.>Oh, you aren't even the sovereign of your own dimension…huh? You mean these apes tell you what to do?>*She holds out her palms, a flame alights, and it shows that everyone who has treated you even slightly badly is being mutilated and burned alive by busty succubi.*>That look on your face, *slurp*, don't get me horny before I am settled in.>*Volcanoes erupt from seemingly random places.*>Don't worry dear, I am just merging your realm into my multiverse. A Demon Queen has to make sure her tithe of souls is up to par.>*The sun just fucking explodes for no reason. Only a hellish sky remains.*>Ahh, there we go, my girls will set up their blood orgies, but you adorable little thing, are coming with me.>*Your lizard brain takes over and you run.*>Gosh your pathetic attempts...mmmph.>*Heavy chains wrap around your ankles, lift upside down, and drag you back to the demon.*>Well, aren't you the one who cried out into the deep abyss? You know, when you do that anyone can hear you.>I could hear your begging from the deepest abyssal recesses.>*She brushes your cheek as you dangle in front of her face.*>My little adorable mortal, I have a palace of decadence with our name on it. Out here is where my chattel slaves are 'played with' by my girls.>*She bares her wicked fangs, bites into your neck. You can't help but get fucking horny as she laps up your blood.*>Unless you have some sort of sick, masochistic spirit. Do you want to be punished with the rest of the pathetic mortals of your realm?
>>11205326>>Unless you have some sort of sick, masochistic spiritWh-what if I actually do? Asking for a friend, I mean.
>>11206007>You shouldn't spoil me, dear.>*You get pushed into a wall, the ruined building begins to crumble. Her hot breath cooks your face.*>Hah...don't worry, I'll be gentle.>*She pulls a dagger from her drop leg and presses your arm against the wall. She circles the tip around your palm.*>Such a naughty mortal, wanting to be punished by their Queen. You are just like a blank canvas.>*She begins to apply pressure to your palm, pain shoots down your arm, you cannot help but howl. The pain is blistering, yet she's barely incised your palm.*>But I only paint in red, shh, it's okay, the pain will become worse.>*She sinks the dagger through your hand and strikes through the wall like butter. You already burnt your voicebox.*>Now for the other palm.>*She pulls another long dagger, she gives a long sensual lick, turned on by your pathetic whimpering. Quick as the wind, she impales your other palm clean though, nailing you to the wall. Aphrodisiac from her blood-infused saliva causes you to buckle as your nether region flares up. The movement gives pain on your right and pleasure on your left. She wraps her legs around you and pulls you to her.*>Nice and taught, now my dear mortal, can you give your wife a kiss? Come on, if you can kiss me I'll make you feel good.>*Her eyes shimmer, you must kiss those lips, anything to end this agony.*>*You are her blood doll, her slave, her eternal lover. She owns the last drop of your blood and soul.*>*You desperately try to reach for her lips, but the blades stop you just short of her bloody lips. Her fangs show as she fakes a kiss.*>Aww, your frail mortal body can't make it? Let me help you.>*She lifts your chin, her claw-like nails ever so gently tear your soul from flesh.*>Just a bite, a taste of that delectable soul of yours, no more, come.>*You force your soul's lips upon the demon's. You feel the agony numb away and part of your own being devoured by her.*>Huuu...Good mortal...now come with your true love.
>>11206123Well, now that I'm a disembodied soul, what would have happened if I was punished instead?
>>11202196The one thing Miracle Yang hadn't accounted for
>>11206153Well, let's see here. You might find your soul flung into the emaciated body of a domestic slave in the deepest recesses of her opulent palace, a place of immeasurable darkness. You and hundreds of unlucky slaves are prodded along until you are strapped into a harness, then force-fed with sweet honey until you're bloated toads, then whipped into an oven as you are roasted alive over the course of days. You are not allowed to die yet and neither are the other slaves. Once cooked to perfection, you are marched into the dining hall. There is only one attending demon sitting on her regal throne.>"I can hear all your terrible starvation. Look to your fellow mortal. Eat their flesh and tear their marrow; only one of you may live."Your fellow humans abandon their reason and start tearing each other apart, like mindless animals. Your own roasted pork is surrounded by drooling slaves. They lunge for you, but their necks snap and ravenous succubi tear into their rising souls, ripping them apart with reckless abandon, only to hear a light chuckle. The bloody feast goes for hours until only you are left, spattered with entrails and blood. Your wife comes down from her perched seat to the dining seat for one. You are dragged along by her chains and bounded to the table.>"And now for the main course."With an elegant swipe of her blade, your entrails and flesh begin to spill out as she feasts upon her writhing and screaming body, only to be shut up by the occasional deep bloody kiss from her that sends you into a coma, only reawaken with more of your body picked clean to the bone. Your soul still resides in an uneaten finger.>"Now honey, have you learned your lesson? No, of course not, lick every drop of blood off my body."She draws out your soul and presents herself. You immediately get to work.
>>11206208Presents herself as in naked and covered in blood? This is a strange feeling.
>>11204837To add on to that, the story was also posted here, with some slight differences and a tiny bit more text:https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/beiges-snippet-thread.675862/
You are given nigh-omnipotence, a lesser form of omnipotence with some limitations. The limitation is:1. You cannot destroy anything in planet earth (including the planet itself) or kill any lifeform in it directly 2. You cannot change things directly on planet earth3. You cannot mind control the living beings here4. Any display of your overwhelming power will be imperceptible for the living beings hereHow do you go about remaking the planet in your image of a ideal planet?
>>11207018Same way it'll happen in real life.Send aliens.
>>11207018Make items that transform the wearer and sell it on Temu or similar site. Like cat ears headbands that you guessed makes you grow an actual cat ears.I don't remember the DJ that much, but it was about stickers or talisman that you can draw body parts on it, then attach it to your body to become the drawn body parts like pussy sticker becoming actual pussy on your body etc.I actually would seel fake attachable cow udders too, just to see who would be curious or degenerate enough to attach one to themselfes.>>11204791I want to shock Kama with my odd fetishes like oppai loli or girls with udders, but maybe it's something she already done dozens of times and doesn't faze her
>>11207018Make a proper omni to proxy bypass the limitations.You didn't limit me from creating someone of actual infinite power that doesn't encounter these limits, and I do have basic sensibilities on how NOT to get a Frankenstein scenario.
Just in time for Fox Mating Season! Here's a Kyubi Goddess CYOA for ya.https://imgchest.com/p/a846lnqew4x
>>11195986Despite what this thread may make you believe, *most* people don't want eternal magical girl pantybutt imprisonment. Most people will happily be normal-sized magical girl acolytes, cheerily growing stronger and happier and gayer with every season. Like power creep in a game, but with an infinitely wise dev team (me) and an infinitely powerful system to run it all on (my world).>>11196128Bold of you to assume I don't already experience 100% of all sensations occurring in the universe simultaneously (partly because, if I were worth my power, ought I not make a universe where I can do so without being displeased by my work?). There's no need to have it be a copy of *myself.*>>11196162Why would I need to be bratty when you literally can't even move a singular atom of my perfect form, imposing on the universe its whims by virtue of existing? I think the fact that you can just pound on it like a water flea trying to beat up a marble statue without making even a single lick of progress is pretty existentially bratty, no...? I mean, not only are you infinitessimally weak, but your target is infinitely strong. And not only can you not damage her, but you couldn't hurt her even if you were nigh-infinitely strong. And, I mean, not only that, but even if you could hurt her, she'd regenerate it instantly. And not only that, but the gap between your and her power level is widening infinitely every single quantum of time. And not only that, but even if you could, y'know, break out *somehow*... you'd just find yourself in a simulated pocket dimension that's inside of an even bigger, stronger version of her (butt), anyway. So why waste time being bratty to someone who's being existentially bullied every single moment of their life, eternally and forever? Maybe you just want a you-sized copy of your goddess right next to you, always matching your size just so she can mock you and make fun of you? Would certainly track for such a masochistic anon...
God... I want humanity to be bullied so bad.
>>11209930>giant girl wearing clearly-fatal hookWho the hell would be stupid enough to fall for this?
>>11208903>Background: Core Intelligence RD>Invitation: Akari (Requirements met after sacrifice)>Sacrifice: Single Eye (All in on Saki-Mitama)>Embraced the new life (AKA Overachiver): All techniques and campaigns.>Interlocking Background Lore for CYOA : Had a hand in the same Enforcer personality that is now in a Intelligence Frame alongside their pilot hunting down Eldritch Abominations and taking their parts like they're playing some galactic form of Monster Hunter.Does this build make sense? If not, doesn't matter. I just wanted some build continuity. And maybe making a entire family of superbosses in a already high-power setting as a result.
>>11210396Aww, sweet and humble Akari, good taste.As long as your persona gels well with the Kitsunegami and you met the relatively simple stat requirements, then yes, the build makes sense. You'll just switch out 'Bishop' with your mecha-CYOA build, that's why all Kitsunegami have a Defensive Servant campaign.But that was a hidden benefit of keeping all in the same universe, so you can have some sort of 'soulsborne' encounters with your previous protagonists.
>>11210481Nothing that was outright said about it. But I can tell you right away what that encounter would be like...The odd Abomination hunting Role-Hybrid eventually gets convinced to look the other way and let things be chill, alebit after being put in 'Timeout' through End of War given their aptitude for counter-intelligence and already odd role they can get away with letting them live and not draw the Overseer's ire as long as they continue destroying the more dangerous xenos in the sector.Some say the Hunter-Goddess disappears off to who knows where from time to time, but the truth is that's just because they've been invited to a family dinner.Goes to show how silly things are when two powerful beings clash, nevermind actual omnis.
>>11209102Exactly exactly! Bratty existentialist dread! Consent is overrated! I want to be a discarded possibility, a magical girl condemned to an eternity of adipose imprisonment against her will!. Pounding on walls of perfect butt fat, the force dispersed over an infinite expanse into nothingness and yet somehow jiggling tantalizingly around her in response, as though to say "nice try, but you belong here"An avatar watching in bemusement as a girl wedged up to her neck in buttcheek swears obscenities and squirms back and forth, that's a fun idea too.
The dream is over guys.Alice's roommate is no longer an unseen pov character we can self-insert as.We've been evicted from the flat.
>>11211296"The temptation of an author to become the self-insert in their fantasy is a forgone conclusion. Hence we have nothing but to rely on but own waifus." -Anon of the 25th year of the Second Millennium before being smote to the ground by the Omni Author-kun.
>>11211296That's not drawn by Nano so surely this isn't canon either.
>>11211748It's not Nano's art but he did post it on his account. I don't think it matters that much because most of the time he's an imperceptible speck.
Would an omni qt transform me into a helpless, hypersensitive article of her clothing with all of my senses intact?
>>11211299What would it be like to be swallowed by Alice?Asking for a friend, haha.
>>11211748I did do half of it, EdnEm did the panel on the left and I did the two on the right. I just tried to match their style as best as I could.>>11212138Most of the time>>11212341idk, vore is not really my thing. She's all about indulging mortals though, almost more than they can handle so it'd be nice I guess?
If defensive servant anon is here, just wanted to say that I read the new CYOA and I really like it! Just one thing; for Yoroza I think you accidentally included the intro twice (where the description of her sword should be).Really hope to see more of this universe in the future
>>11213409...FUCK, SHIT, AMATERASU DAMMIT! Fixed now, what an embarrassing error in Dōno-sama with wise Yozora, never trust those deceptive machines!I do appreciate the kind words! Kagura was a fun foil to write against Earth, even if was more like mini-visual novel. I do not think I am quite finished with them yet. However, the mists of Kagura shroud whatever plans I have for them now. So my attention towards to the torn-realm 'southwards' (as south as you can get on a galactic map.)The next one will probably involve Taldia. Where Earth was many choices, and Kagura was deep choices, I have to ponder how Taldia is going to work with its choices. Probably short-term gain vs long-term prosperity, as was the case with the old Taldian Empire before its downfall.
Goddesses picking (You) for themselves!
>>11213532The Overseer was definitely sabotaging you there lol. Yeah, I did like the new setting a lot and the alternative that was provided to the defensive servants. Plus it was interesting seeing what being on the ‘other side’ against them was like, the stuff with Joker and India for instance. I’m excited to see what you come up with for Taldia, and how you’ll incorporate the existing stuff into it. Best of luck!
https://www.deviantart.com/eelskin/art/Go-with-the-Flow-1148460470This is super good slice of life with omni gf
>omnipotent Tharja>makes other people's sexual fantasies come true>in exchange she gets their firstborn>as in: she steals the egg from their wombs>so that she can birth the "canon" child instead of themI have questions, but there might be something interesting in there.
>omni gf put my consciousness in her clit>gave us a telepathic connection so I beg her to change me back>not because she ever will change me back>but so she can shut me up by aggressively flicking her bean until I'm overwhelmed by the sensation and my mind goes blank
Need my soul sucked out by omni gf's kiss (she will put it back eventually after several thousand years of being played with inside her but will actually feel like less than a second has passed afterwards)
>>11216258Surely she won’t keep you as her clit forever, though. Right?
>>11216293>be me>get shanked and bleed out dead.>"That's it? That's all you could accomplish? Sigh...">her voice is everywhere, I can't understand the kaleidoscope of stars, nebulas, and galaxies that swirl around a cosmic beauty.>I'm drawn to her, as if I am sliding down a very steep surface.>"You know, when I created you, I at least expected you to conquer at least ONE world.">flung towards her and tightly squeezed in her embrace, it's maddeningly soft yet is as hot as a star.>"I suppose I am taking back what's rightfully mine. That is, Everything, your thoughts, your identity, your mind, even your very soul. It is all a part of me, and you will return there.">She plants perfect lips and I already forget who I am, no I am Her. Well, not Her, but just a drop of water in the ocean. Whatever thoughts I had of Earth are ruthlessly absorbed into Her. Thoughts from Her flood into me.>"You were so helpless, ahh. You couldn't even establish a cult? Are you that impotent?">She continues to suck her feeble avatar, there was never an I, it was just Her, Her, and Her. It ceased to be I as soon as it took its last breath.>"Are you enjoying this? Was Earth so scary that you want to part of me again?">Gotta...keep...holding...it...wants...ahh, nope, you're me now.>His mind wouldn't be able to give an answer as it dissolved into my divinity, but I would guess from this husk of a soul that it enjoys it very much.>There's only one thing left now...>*SSSSSLURP*>be actually Me, an ancient and unfathomable cosmic goddess.>Send out avatars to conquer worlds, to sacrifice entire worlds to me to live in cosmic bliss.>Only a few dozen species haven't been assimilated into my eternal paradise.>That former avatar was a lover of mine, before I became...this. It is an imperfection I keep, the distant and mortal memories of dumb love.>I keep trying to cast him out, hoping that he will become his own, yet he is nothing but myself now, doomed to return to perfection.
>>11216254 cockfucking is so hot
>>11216293>>11216481I want to do naughty things to Kama>captcha MWRAW
>>11216745Imagine getting to fluster a goddess>your entire existence has been absorbed into her but somehow still exists as a somewhat distinct entity inside her>in practice that amounts to being a little more than intrusive thought that randomly pops up and fawns over her>she was surprised by it at first and it would be easy to "correct" that and absorb you fully but she keeps you around because it is funnier that way
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28270836Pretty relevant to the recent greentexts
>>11216908But how does anything work if I've been absorbed fully? The absorption is hot but how would anything physical even work?
>>11217122NTA, but I would imagine Kama having a horny thought that is (You) that she can't get rid of. She tries to fuck you in her mindscape, but it only makes her more in heat because, technically, she's just mentally masturbating. You feel all of this as like a jelly-like mental 'substance' just floating inside her divine form that reforms to whatever Kama wills it. One day you're a hunking stud in her mind, the next a cute femboy. Anything to relieve this pent-up divine lust.>"STOOOP OH FUCK ME! JUST FUCKING CALM DOWN, SHIIIIIIIVA!!!!">You aren't really doing anything, she's just been fucking you nonstop for the past centuries, well centuries in her mental landscape, you have totally lost track of time being absorbed inside Kama. You can feel her fingering her clit madly.>"OOOOH! DON'T, FUC-C-C-KING, C-C-CUM!">She's been like this for nearly a million years from your perspective. That was after aeons of just being a incorporeal thought simmering in the back of her mind.>"AAAAAAAH!">She explodes, and you are sucked down to her nether regions into a crucible of cosmic divine lust and summarily ejaculated into a new universe made from Kama's holy and demonic femcum.>Though the universe is only a few moments old, it appears to be 13 billion years old from the inside. Turns out Last Thursdayism is correct.>"Hah, hah, haaaaah, is it gone? Phew, ewww it's all sticky and gross. Oh...he's still...lingering in there? Heh, he's thinking about becoming an astronomer, he's going to study my love juices, so hot, I need him back inside me.">A few decades of horny fantasies, she devours your universe, you spend a few aeons as her bouncing tits before you are 'promoted' back into her divine mind.>"STOOOP OH FUCK ME...">Repeat ad infinitum, you don't remember the billions times you have done this. Every time she ejects you out of her body, she takes your memories, you kind of get them back because she absorbs you but they feel like other people she fucked.
>>11217173If she's floating around naked all the time, how else am I supposed to feel?
>>11217752Being constantly fucked by infinite clones of Kama at all times while being totally subsumed in her sea of already lurid thoughts? I think you're supposed to like a sequestered thought, out of sight and out of the forefront of Kama's mind while she loves herself. But you're kind of like a sponge that sucks up all this horniness of her, but like a sponge you kind of reach an absorption limit that begins flowing back to Kama. The more attention she gives you, the more you feel her reality coalescing and convulsing. Which makes her more and more horny, which only intensifies the karmic feedback loop. She doesn't want to make you physical though, because that would mean Kama would make you part from her perfection, and we can't have that. Even outside of her body, you're still a 'part' of her, even if its rapidly congealing cosmic slick.Though I do like this whole cosmic horror aspect of it, when you are just part of a splattered mess in front of amusing Kama, maybe you do find a divine truth in your mortal existence and simply lose the will to live. You'll never be truly free from her because you are her, like a cell that is suddenly aware of its existence apart from the gargantuan leviathan, only to be reabsorbed into the whole, then aware again, as if you're a heart beating. You might just have the wrong dream and poof, the entire universe collapses back into endless love. Maybe even other people realize before you do and try every last ditch effort to prevent you and her becoming aware of each other, only for the vain hopes to fail as they are incinerated and melted into the primordial infinite love of that which created them, like something out of EoE, forever now just a passing memory and feeling, while you persist somewhat. Maybe you even try to fight for your independent existence, you'll just find out that entropy is just her love consuming everything and will consume you again...and again...and again.
>>11217894That's not horror, that's hot.
>>11218416I love this picture but I still can't wrap my head around just not... physically being there. Part of me imagined being a slime monster fucking Kama, which is also hot, but that would go horrifically wrong.
>>11212385Hm, trying to match the style of someone else with YOUR characters. I like your style better but to each their own. I wish you luck with the collab.
>>11202196Damn, the scenario in this chapter is so fucking hot.https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=15351&textsize=0&chapter=3We need more ditzy giantess feminists who consume brain rot against men but can't control their sex drive.
>>11220813This post in the /gdg/ thread reminded me how much I still miss our Knightess.
>>11219762Big kitsune are my weakness.
>>11221167Does Alice sound normal when she talks, or is that effect with her dialog showing how time/space get overwritten with what she says?
>>11221167I feel bad for the roommate. The poor guy has another goddess to deal with.
>>11221169me too
>>11221341If anything, AliceMahou's OC seems like she's more attentive than Alice is. He'll be fine. Probably.
>>11221167How long must we wait until they both get a little drunk and end up snuggled into each other's arms where they quickly fall asleep despite being in the middle of a cute kissy make-out session? All good roommates do it at least once.
I don't know if I could handle having Alice as a roommate>physical avatar of all life>I hate people>and also have an intense foot fetish
>>11221341At least there is a chance she will pay rent on time unlike Alice
>>11221548You’d be a speck on her soles on day 1 lmao
>>11221338I've never actually thought about that, I figured she would just sound normal. I just thought those looked more interesting than normal speech bubbles.
Anybody here into omnipotent catboys?
>>11221644Maybe I can pretend I don't have a foot fetish and hide in my room all day instead.
>>11223360She can read minds.Maybe she’d even inanimate TF you into her sandals. Or even worse, some random girl’s sandals.
>>11223436Like, really. Imagine what that would be like.Your vacation’s just started, and you run into her and somehow get your mind read. Smirking, she tells you that you’re about to have an unforgettable vacation before your vision goes black.When you reawaken, you see that you’re surrounded by shoes on a shelf. You try and move or yell, but you can’t. Then a cute girl walks up to you, tries you on (a very unfamiliar… but not bad sensation) and buys you.For your entire month-long vacation, you’re nothing but her pair of sandals. Worn every day, in public, everybody you pass having no idea that her cute sandals used to be a person. Being taken off at the end of a long day, placed on the shoe rack to cool off before another day of being stepped on by your new owner.Enduring the pressure of her soles and toes on your insole, which is your face. Absorbing her footsweat until her scent becomes a part of you. Having her sole imprinted on your body from heavy use.You really wouldn’t want her as a roomie?
>>11209102Well if you ask them, I think *most* people wouldn't even say they want to be your magical girl acolyte. This is obviously a stupid thing for them to say and they're wrong but point is: they don't know what they want. You know much better than they do. And if you say they're better off experiencing nothing but you're butt than that's that. Same with you saying they need to become magical girls.That said, I'd be more than happy to devote myself to you and live whatever sort of life you say is best.
>>11223487I'd actually be okay with the reality warping for a bit before it turned into horror and before she read my mind and found out about how I love her feet.
>>11224032Mind reading, imagine she just has an absent thought and the BOOM you are the most degenerate foot fetish aficionado ever.
>Thinking you have a foot fetish>Implying she didn't make you to have a foot fetish in the first place
>>11224032But deep down you probably want to know what an omni girl could do to fulfill your fetish. You might not think it. But you want to.
>>11223987Like I've always said, you don't need to actually change anyone's mind to get them to do what you want. Human beings are malleable like clay -- except, that's not quite right. No, they're more like a stormy sea of water. They slosh around and change all on their own. They'll convince themselves of new ideas, believe new philosophies, and even try to change their bodies after a particularly powerful life event.*I* don't need to do anything at all. All I need to do is have magical girls exist in the world. The superiority of that existence is self-evident. Everybody else? They can all be immortal, for free. It really doesn't matter, because, even if it takes 1000 years -- or 10,000, or 1 trillion, or longer -- each and every person at some point will find themselves tempted. Each and every person will find themselves giving it a shot, or considering it.And each and every person, too, will know more and more people who themselves will be tempted. The rising tide of magical girl presence across all known society will only strengthen the "pathway" to becoming one. More and more people will let the idea into their hearts, meaning more people will become magical girls, who will then subtly each contribute to tempting others into letting that into their hearts, too.Again, I don't need to do anything. I don't need to mind control anyone, convince anyone, or even argue with anyone. Their imperfect -- and thus, eternally changing -- minds and hearts will do all the work for me. Because once you *become* one of my magical girls, you *will never* want to go back. The count and percentage of people who admit this will only ever rise, higher and higher. It is inevitable. But it's a happy inevitability. Everyone will be cute, gay, soft, *ridiculously overpowered,* and happy. That is simply a fact, and it doesn't matter how long it takes to get there, because I have infinite time and infinite opportunities.
>>11224131If you like your butt so much, why don't you turn every pair of boobs into another butt? Heck, maybe even turn everyone's chests into portals to somewhere between your infinite butt cheeks, and the flesh ballooning out of these portals are genuine parts of your butt.
>>11224165I love boobs, too, anon. Butts are the best but boobs are right there to back them up. Unlike others, I don't call boobs fake asses. They are their own, genuine things. Boobs are a bit more... friendly. Genuine. Less teasy. They certainly can be those things, but a butt is just so very... catty. Bold. Proud. *There.* A girl slaps her ass to tease someone else -- she doesn't slap her tits (usually).Plus, boobs have milk. And milk is great, especially when it comes from magical girls. The thought of rewarding a particularly earnest, good-natured, sweet, kind magical girl with a massive, irrevocable power-up by letting her gulp down sweet, sweet, divine magical-girl-milkers-milk while all her frienemies stew in jealousy as she surpasses them in every way is positively heavenly.So, boobs have their place. Butts don't have nipples, and if they did, that'd be weird.
What are MGA’s thoughts on delicate, pampered soles and toes?
>>11224068>>11224075I already did but she moved in, that's the thing.>>11224112Yes, but number one, she can read my everything and two, she may not like it. Still hot.
It all comes down to personal preference, but for me trying to dominate the universe, play around with tiny mortals, or trap people in infinite boob dimensions seems like too much of a hassle. I'd much rather lounge around in some cartoonishly opulent god palace/dimension/reality marble plucking copies of fictional characters out of their respective series and adding them to my already massive harem. Imagine every embarrassing crossover fanfic where the author's self insert is perfect in every way and ends up in a relationship with all of their favorite anime/videogame characters and multiply that level of shameless self indulgence by a thousand.
>>11224420Kinda the same, except that i would be an absolute sub about it. I'd have a dungeon-like dimensions automatically plucking copies of various lewd creatures and characters across all porn. I would just be moved from room to room and be toyed in different ways, allowed to use just enough omnipotence to survive the various sexual scenarios (for example by giving me highly-regenerating sexual stamina that can barely keep up), but otherwise being reduced to the level of a mere mortal human.
>>11224396If she doesn’t like it, that’s all the more incentive for her to ‘punish’ you with too much of a good thing
>>11224197I'm not specifically into feet, but they're useful. They're even better for humiliation than ass is in certain instances, and they're even useful for punishing those who "don't deserve" the ass. Naturally, "clean" and "delicate" and "pampered" are all prerequisites for any good feet.How convenient that magical girls always have clean feet, of course.
I'm going to write a cute omni text it's my first time attempting.>All your life you've been a friendless outcast by no fault of your own.>you get treated poorly by others despite the work you put in, you get enough to scrape by yourself>until one bad day, you get fired, mugged and are basically fucked.>you wonder off into the local forest with nothing left to lose but your life>not that it had been particularly good anyway so you figured you might as well just give up and find a quiet spot to die.>you happen upon an old, worn down church that has been seemingly abandoned for years though the alter is well kept but adorned with a symbol you don't recognize.>you've never been one to believe in any religion or gods you feel like it's a waste of time but you figure fuck it what's the harm in doing a last prayer before you hang yourself even if you don't believe in such things?>So you vent all your pent up frustration, only to be met with your expected silence>figures...>you tie the rope to a roof plank and kick the chair>you expect pain and choking but as you drop you feel only a soft thud>the fuck?>you open your eyes to find yourself infront of a beautiful yet enigmatic women, in a Victorian era cottage with you.>but it feels...otherworldly to say the least, despite that it's strangely calming.>You go to speak but she interrupts>"I am a forgotten goddess, it has been aeons since anyone has prayed to me" she speaks in a soft tone each word like honey to you>you have a million questions running through your head and she answers them all without you needing to speak>"I apologize for not being able to intervene sooner my power was weak due to a lack of prayer, no I did not create your world nor do I know who did there are other god's but they moved on to other planes of reality, even gods have certain limits though very little limits">she can read your mind like it's nothing
>>11224832>"I'm not sure if it was destiny or sheer dumb luck that brought you here, but I would cause you no harm or any hardship you have had in your life, free will isn't something we can meddle with once it was given to mortals just as a mortal could not alter the direction of the wind, we can nudge things indirectly.">she pauses for a moment.>why are you here? simple, I want to offer you something you didn't know you wanted seldom few would refuse...an eternity of bliss with me in a world with no hardships or harm to come of you with all that one such as yourself could ever hope, every desire and need fulfilled, the catch? well simply let me heal your hurt in your heart and soul, I am no devil or demon I won't nor can I force this on you">For some reason you just know she's being truthful, like some sort of strange instinct as if nature and reality itself is assuring you you've never felt that level of trust even with family.>You agree to her proposal and with a warm smile she just embraces you into a hug>all the pain and hardships you had ever faced vanish and you experience the most euphoric feeling you've ever felt>you cant help burst into tears due to the sheer raw emotion>"it's okay now, it's all over your safe here just let it out">all the pent up frustration just vanishing more as she holds you gently while rubbing your back>"I'll look after you now my sweet darling">she kisses you and you just fucking melt like butter, it's more then just lust it's true love>she take your hand and gently leads you to a new reality where you want for nothing but her love and she gives it willingly, she becomes your everything, living a quiet simple life devoted to your goddess who truly cares for you in every single aspect.>that love is spread through that reality creating a world that'd be nothing less then heaven, a paradise born of love and kindness where the only real worry is how to best spend time enjoying it.
>>11224420BasedFuck feminism and cringe culture for killing off that kind of fantasies
Girls with multiplication abilities are so hotEspecially if they can also shape shiftYou get a harem to fuck while remaining faithful to your one true loveBest of both worlds
>>11224527That sounds interesting, would you ever temporarily block all memories of your godhood after being transported into your dungeon dimension so you can enjoy the experience without the mental safety net of omnipotence?>>11224856I just really, really love gigahuge harems and I'm tired of pretending that wanting to sleep on a big naked pile of girls from dead or alive is somehow cringe.
>>11224832>>11224851I really like your afterlife. It seems so cozy. It makes we want to die.But also, I can't help but suspect that this is a Bloodborne-esque delusion, and the goddess is really just some eldritch beast hiding behind this cozy mirage, while it's slowly feeding from your emotions.
>>11224420Based, except inserting yourself into fictional universes, making them reality, and still harem-izing every girl in them
>>11224420>>11225035>>11225086I technology allowing us to slide into fictional universes can never be done, i hope at least AI and robot technology will get to a point where we'll be able to create perfect replicas of fictional characters to bring into the real world... i don't mind if it's expensive either, i have enough
>>11225085she wouldn't feed off your emotions like a vampire, it's more like when an artist creates something using someone they care about as a muse or a stranger understanding the same joke or quote being on the same wave length despite never having interacted before that like finding old love letters under the floorboards of your house and reading them and it's as if you now know them and care for them despite being total strangers, she'd pour loving emotion into you which in turn you'd express which allows her to "paint" reality causing a feedback loop that'd only ever increase, it's not a after life strictly speaking but rather a world created by her influenced by what you'd personally consider to be the ideal world since you are her muse, when she touched your kind heart it was like a burst of inspiration, using your desires as the colors of reality, she is the artist your emotions are the paint, you are the inspiration/muse which she draws from and reality is the painting that is made beautiful by your influence.
>>11220822I'm actually still here anon! I've only just realized that I haven't written a new chapter since September (oof), though that's because some exciting new professional opportunities have been keeping me busy. I'm going to try and aim for at least one chapter a thread now; I'll have something ready to post tomorrow!
>>11225035>would you ever temporarily block all memories of your godhood after being transported into your dungeon dimension so you can enjoy the experience without the mental safety net of omnipotence?Yes, but it would vary greatly from situation to situation. Sonetimes I would alter my own memory so that I believe I was some normal mortal human kidnapped by lewd creatures for porny purposes; and sometimes I would remember everything. The latter would usually happen when I want to relax and take a break from the sex, maybe watching TV (cycling between animes and video footage of what my time-displaced selves* are going through) while buried under a small pile of pillows.(*: If I got fucked only by a single group of creatures at a time, a lot of them would remain unsatisfied. So the solution is copious amounts of time travel.)
>>11224420>trying to…trap people in infinite boob dimensions seems like too much of a hassleI’d rather set up a system where that happens automatically and fine tune it to my preferences than be manually sentencing people to marshmallow hell. If you’re omnipotent people can’t fight back and that makes it boring, I’d just make immortal cute girls with hammerspace cleavage and a desire to abuse it and set them loose on reality.The actual boob hell will be for people who think they are smart for trying to kill themselves before they get enboobed.
>>11225315Out of curiosity, what would I have to do intentionally get sent to the infinite boob heavell? Possibly without committing suicide?
>>11225359To be honest I'd have it so heaven/hell is kind of misleading. Really it's just "that one lazy neet girl who doesn't want to do the conquering stuff and just teleports souls to her", and it's like the "default" ending if you die without getting caught. It's not really better or worse than getting caught while alive.Also I will make it so you don't want this somehow, like people will get caught with their phones on them and you'll see them uploading videos of themselves complaining about how cramped it is and begging for help until they run out of battery life.
>>11225086>It's been 2000 years since you attained godhood, you've lost track of the number of fictional universes you've jumped between long ago. You haven't set foot on Earth Prime in centuries.>This latest "adventure" had you plowing your way (literally) through a mishmash of different fire emblem games all combined into one giant overarching setting. You're not sure how it really works anymore, the whole system is automated based on your desires at the time.>With the big bad defeated and your quest at an end, you return to the capital with wagons full of treasure in tow, along with your small army of wildly clashing female party members plucked from a thousand different fictional settings, all dressed in attire that could barely be described as "period appropriate".>As you enter the gates in triumph to the adoration of the mindless NPC masses, you take a moment to survey your group composition and make a few adjustments.>Camilla and Iris heart have been falling behind in damage recently, time for a gear upgrade. Samus took a lot of hits in that last fight as well, it might be a good idea to level her endurance up a little. Morrigan and Albedo have been fighting for your attention lately, time to move them both into the main party and see what happens during the next adventure, etc.>After receiving your [adventure over] flag and enjoying your "reward", a weekslong orgy with most of the fire emblem characters you haven't already impregnated, you pick two or three favorites and set off to your next fictional playground.>As you and your growing band of wives materialize outside of a humble looking Japanese shrine your next quest comes to you in a sudden epiphany:>"A totally imbalanced gender ratio is threatening to throw the peaceful land of Gensokyo into chaos due to a sudden lust-inducing plague. Are you a bad enough dude to fuck every single touhou character?"
>>11225086>Hello friends on GodTube, I have a problem. I inserted myself in Silent Hill 2 and have tried to harem-ize every character and enemy - obviously after girl-ifying them.>I got "Leave" by speedfucking everything, and I got "Maria" by fucking her until her cumbloated belly tripled in size. But I can't get the "In Water" ending, despite resetting the timeline half a dozen times already.>Any advice?
>>11224420I agree. I would follow this:https://docs.google.com/document/d/18hmU5yFapTO2nln2WKpqEVJYN7uU6tbGA3srATM9Oa8/edit?tab=t.0which means every one would be part of my harem so no need to hunt themwith the exception of nanosluts and submortals (i wouldn't see them without some kind of effort so why bother), and violent aspects which i don't likeall of them would be immortali would create multiversal goddessess to create and manage multiverses for me, Ludo-Rathowm styleMultiverses would be based on bodytype (e.g. 120cm breasts = 1 multiverse, 110cm breasts = another multiverse, futa = another) with a bajillion universe in eacheach universe would be governed by a Unigoddess and would be uniquee.g. a universe full of superheroines and supervillains, a w40k universe without the grimdark, one where everyone walks in bikinis, another where everyone walks around nakedthen i would live together with them exploring and impregnating anyone who caught my fancy (which is everyone since all of them would be attractive)it would take a extremely long time for me to explore everything and impregnate everyone but it's not a racei would savour each throughly without a hurryi'm more interested in their societies than demonstrating my power on a constantly basislike how is their government like?how much people live on that planet? Or that universe?how do they live in there? What do they like to do? Anything interested happening?it would a eternal session of the sims 3 with coomer mods and realistic graphics.
For me, it’s going on a pokemon adventure but using anime girls instead of pokemon
>>11224857Would be fun having a shapeshifting gf who satisfies all of my degenerate kinks (she also shares) i got. Like turning into a loli, oppai loli, milf, preggo belly, multiple breasts, massive breasts, udders... The list goes on and on.
>>11224857>>11225988I don't think they'd be omni if they couldn't shapeshift... I still highly support the "monstergirl gains omnipotence" idea.
I have one problem, all of my omni fantasies involve evil goddesses who fall madly in love with me. This involves everyone else being subject to eternal torture and the universe being destroyed repeatedly. Nothing personal, just wanted to warn the thread, at least.
does she count as omni?
>>11227650Yes, she can be counted as omni. It's your choice, anon, to decide which character can become omni, we don't judge.But please, choose responsibly.
>>11227810What if I choose non-responsibly?
>>11227837As I written, we don't judge, so we're not gonna do anything when that happened.The one to decide what happened will be your own moral and conscience tho. So, if you're fine with your choice, then nothing happened.
>>11123692>Slowly, in spite of the haze upon your mind, a thought dawns. Your Paladin and her foe are evenly matched, both seemingly serving as vessels for divine power far beyond your own, but a critical difference yet remains. The source of such power is there, in the room with you...and seemingly spending no small amount of attention on ensuring that its powers are channeled directly into its chosen champion. And while you may not know much in the way of going up against those with godly power, you *do* know, from your studies as a page, how to manipulate the flow of magic, even if just by a hair.>And a hair is all you need---with the stakes so high, and the combatants so evenly matched, all it would take is the *slightest* of deviations to swing things in your friend's favor, perhaps even permanently. It may mean the end of you, especially if the Demon God caught on, but as things stand, the rapidly-liquifying ground may not be all that kind either, even with your Paladin's protective ward around you.>Still fighting through the disorienting fog shrouding your thoughts, you point your staff forward, muttered incantations slipping free from your lips. You need not interrupt the other being's ritual in its entirety, merely a sliver; the cutting of but a few magical strands among millions would be enough...just barely enough.>You tune it all out---the reverberating earthquakes, the shifting, oceanesque ground, the blinding flashes of light that threaten to stun you back into blissful unconsciousness. After a while, you can barely hear anything but the ringing of your ears as a result of the reverberating shockwaves, not even your own voice and breath. The words of the spell echo throughout your mind...the only place you are able to hear them.
>>11228213>You feel your strength, your will, and your mind leave you as you pour what feels like your very essence itself into the ritual, slinging it outward with the arc of your staff-bearing arm as it courses, laced with inscription, at the energies emanating from the looming creature. Like a metaphysical knife, it slices through the energies present, severing a mere percentile from the whole for no more than a fraction of a second...Yet that fraction is all your Paladin requires.>For within that fraction of a second, a torrent of strikes numbering in the millions slammed against the hide of the beastwoman, her eyes opening in shock as an uncountable number of stone-shaking, mountain-breaking blows rock her body very nearly all at once. Vision blurred, you watch her go sailing through the air like a beam of light, slamming into the ground with enough force to bend it upwards like a rippling wave, a tsunami of molten earth rolling through the battlefield as the superheated ground completed its transformation into a true liquid.>In an almost mesmerizing display, the magma crashes against the gleaming ward that your friend had erected for you, splashing and rolling around it in a vision that not even your countless books on the world and its wonders had ever described to you.>And even sooner than your friend had dispatched their foe, they changed their target, a flash and flicker of their golden, gleaming blade cutting into the remains of the Demon God's ritual...followed by the great and ancient evil themselves. Sparks of both dark and light fly with equal intensity as the two beings clash, neither making any progress over the other...>...Until, reaching out her hand, you watch as your Paladin imbibes the magical energy that as-yet floods the area as a result of the dispelled ritual, her glow becoming so bright as to be blinding as wing-like constructions of flaming blades spread out behind her. The Demon God lets out a deafening roar---yet it is not enough.
>>11228214>All at once, the blades pierce unholy flesh, each stab-wound starting a holy fire that spread further and further over Azamorix's skin like embers eating away at paper. Motes of darkness trickle away like ashes and soot, that roar of what was once defiance instead becoming one of death as, inch by inch, shadowy scale by shadowy scale, the being of worship for millions of beastmen is seared away into nothing, leaving nothing but gleaming, sparkling shards of glittering light in their wake, along with the ascendant, angelic vanquisher of it all in its wake.>For several moments, there is silence. You watch as your Paladin turns, glancing towards you with a shaky, weary smile. You open your mouth to speak to her in your delirium, call out for aid, for congratulation, for the mere need to speak with her...only for a flicker of movement off in the distance to catch her eye. She darts off into the distance like a bullet, a line of rapidly-cooling ground in her wake, leaving you alone.>Your desire to be close to her in that calm after the storm almost immediately gifts you the strength to push yourself back to your feet and attempt to make your way over to her. You push through her protective bubble, its magic peeling away from your push as if it were capable of sensing your intentions. Exiting, you carefully make your way across the battlefield upon patches of cooled ground, hastening the ground's stability with spells where necessary until, panting, you make your way over to your friend.
>>11228215>She is as-yet poised for violence, her now-many blades positioned mere inches from the fallen, yet still-breathing beastwoman, the champion of the now-vanquished god. With tears in her eyes, she bids for a final blow, to let it all end now that all is hopeless.>And yet, her words strike a chord in your friend. Opening her mouth, she asks what plans the beastmen had, her voice thundering with presence even as its tones remain soft, almost delicate.>Nearly choking on her own blood, the massive, muscular beastwoman tilts her head off to the side, glancing towards the exit of the valley. Slow, and slurred, her words appear, speaking of a time when the beast tribes once roamed beyond the grassland valley, when they once made camp upon rolling vales of fresh green, and in deep forests, and tilled the lands in time of plenty. All that, until a rogue god, hungering for power, bade the humans to rise up against their neighbors in his name and drive them to the hinterlands.>You feel your thoughts waver. She speaks of the Holy One---the protector god of the capital. But such would be blasphemous! You look to your friend, confusion, anger, and more on your face. And yet, she lowers her blades, and reaches an arm down to help her once-foe return to her feet.>Slowly, she looks to you, tears in her eyes, and steps forward. She glances past you, looking out at the battlefield, at the glassy, dark rock that had subsumed the once-golden valley and turned it into a monstrous, twisted land of nigh-nothingness. And as tears roll from her eyes and vaporize upon the ground, she softly asks why she did not realize sooner...tbc
>>11228213>>11228214>>11228215>>11228216I'm surprised and amazed you didn't just choose to end it here. It'd have been so easy to let her cripple the Beast Woman, kill Azamorix, and kiss her page before calling it a story. But there's still room on the powescale, and she isn't quite omnipotent just yet. I just hope you stick to your goal of getting a continuation ready for each thread, because I'm dying to know how she'll tackle that next step on her ascension ladder when her base power is given to her by the same God she's planning to Kratos in a moment.Also, I can't wait for the part of the story where the Beast Woman and Paladin passionately kiss each other with their shared page stuck in the middle.
>>11227595tfw will never be eternally tortured and flippantly destroyed by goddesses' cute bf
You want to be absorbed into an omni's body because it is your fetish. I want to be absorbed into an omni's body because I know that is the only way my worthless existence will ever amount to anything.We are not the same.
>>11229509>pathetic men being remade in into junk in the trunk of a qt 3.14 omni.>so disappointing that they still can't reach her preferred size.>she absorbs a soul of a gigachad hero and directs it to her rear-end.>balloons her ass and squeezes all the pathetic souls outside the omni's now fat ass>they have to be remade into panties and pantyhoses to hold her jiggling butt.>her soul-infused panties constantly tear apart though.>99.99% of humanity's fate after death is just being flexible and absorbant linen in her sweat-soaked panties.>omni doesn't even fuck, she just wants to look good.
>>11219792Great read. Thanks for sharing
>>11229509Both of us can't be inside her at the same time, so you'll have to fight me.
I am so happy I recently discovered this fetish. It’s like the ultimate freedom to be as /d/egenerate as possible and indulge in any power fantasy you could want without limitations, cringe culture be damned.
>>11228898Thanks anon! In spite of not being able to work on the series for quite some time, I've actually had a general trajectory for the story planned out for a while, so there's a ways to go from here still. I'm glad that people are still enjoying this after all this time!
As an omni what would you do to lowly humans that actually managed to piss you off, whether it be for petty or justifiable reasons?
>>11230972Kill off their one true crush, wait a few years, then sic them on the offender as an extremely sexy and OP vampiress who sees sadistic torture as 'true love eternal'. Make it so that she's literally terror incarnate for this dimwit as she hunts him down. Once captured, I'll tell the Grim Reaper to 'ignore' the poor sod, as the obsessed, yandere undead tries everything in her power to make them 'immortal', but it's just a bunch of guro and depraved bloodplay, with a hint of aristocratic roleplay. I'll review every 6 months or so to see if the offender needs some false hope, like an escape or something, only for them to be dragged back into the torture chamber by their lovely crush.
Thinking about an omni rearranging the stars to go back in time, and stealing a sweetheart from egyptian times
>>11230566why is she such a bitch?
>>11231235I had an Ancient Egyptian girl phase for a while. Botes from Azur Lane ended this but the idea of an all-powerful Ancient Egytpian goddess is hot.
>>11221167God I wish I could have that omnipotent blonde make me her foot bitch.
>>11230972I'm very partial to the exponential waiting room dream or the ocular mermaids, but I've already talked about them here, so I should probably try to come up with something new...Like for example anything, be it object or being, that is smaller than the person being punished will get enveloped by their skin the moment they touch, leaving it stuck like a piece of shrapnel wedged in someone's flesh.It's already bad enough considering what'd happen to all their clothes the moment the curse is enacted, but it'd be especially dreadful once another person gets caught under the skin like that. The thrashing would be so painful, but even worse, once the victim has suffocated, the punished will have to live with a dead decomposing body wedged against them. Unless of course they cut open their own skin and manage to pull it all out; assuming they can find a knife bigger than them or perhaps a powerful laser...One of the most fun parts of this curse is that the more things get absorbed the bigger the person becomes, thus letting them absorb bigger things. If they wouldn't lose their mobility after absorbing their first car, this could have become a very grotesque game of Katamari.
>>11230972Only weaklings fantasize about torturing others out of revenge/resentment.
>>11231419nobody appreciate her twisted idea of love
Bad people will receive: A yandere super strong futa, with enormous cock and pressure jet cumshots that can make you literally pop like a balloon.Good people will receive: A yandere super strong futa, with enormous cock and pressure jet cumshots that can make you literally pop like a balloon. (With extra durability to ensure no harm is done and any serious pain is turned into pleasure instead)
>>11232549And perfectly bland people, neither good or bad?
>>11232585They are gonna have to clean the resulting messes and if they don't they may get attacked by a cum slime spawned from futanari cum.
>>11230972Find their worst enemy. They are now that person's super-submissive maid. They live only to serve and please this person and will be much, much happier than they were before doing it.Everyone gets a happy ending.
I'm not sure if this counts, but I like the idea of girls who are technically mortal/not divine/more normal using a supposed omni's invulnerability against him, making him suffer like prometheus.Ex: These oni sisters manage to beat up some god or demigod. They can't mortally injure him, but they do enjoy making him wail in pain as they shove their clubs up his ass.
>>11232120Anon is right. The real gods just torture people for no good reason. They don't even find it fun or sexy, they just stomp down on lowly mortals because that's kinda what they deserve.
>Good news worms. I made your worthless planet, humans included, unbreakable.
>>11232918>planet is now unbreakable>kills billionsWhy are they like this?
Asking for a friend. How do you stop a cow goddess into breast expansion? Like at first i thought the only target mature females, but i'm starting to see a category best described as oppai lolis too. Or is it something omnipotent characters do, because they can do anything they want?
>>11233139no sense of right or wrong, just pleasure.
>she likes girls but not in a sexual way
>>11233309I'm sorry that you have to find out like this but there's no stopping her. Once your cowwess runs out of female chests to balloon out she'll slowly start expanding your budding boobs too.
You know what? Fuck you. (grants power to your mortals)
>>11233699so what? Just turning them peak male/female or maybe like super powers too?
I hope someday AI becomes advanced enough to be able to generate images or even videos of perfect quality that can understand and accurately represent multiple characters from many franchisesI want to make my crossover harem a realityBeing able to draw must be nice
>>11233699>give them powers>them punish them for abusing their powers
>>11233893Both, depending on several factors including their personality, how likely they are to abuse their powers, and how bored I am.>>11234303The punishment always takes the form of me giving someone else powers, and then telling them "You want to keep those powers I just gave you? See that gal over there? Fuck her up."
>>11234311>Both, depending on several factors including their personality, how likely they are to abuse their powers, and how bored I am.Neat. I always dreamt of having the power to transform others and use it responsibly (doing lewd ERP in real life with online friends). Though i also adore the once in a while "you ca fuck this person up free of charge too." But never been too keen about taking over the world or become something God like. Just a mansion full of friends i transform to my (and their taste)
>>11231913>leaving it stuck like a piece of shrapnel wedged in someone's flesh.I think about this a lot but didn’t have a good way to describe it. I frequently imagine people getting imprisoned in a cute girl’s buttcheek like that, but they don’t die or suffocate or anything. They’re just doomed to spend eternity jiggling around desperately trying to free themselves and getting nowhere.
>>11234581Or maybe dunking people into a really big slimegirl?
>>11234959Eternal butt prison only
>>11230972That's a curious premise because I'd have long since turned off my ability to get pissed off over such trivial things. Not even the vilest little rebel could do anything worth my anger, because I'd prevent it. They can cry and scream and rage against my will as much as they like, but there's no need to get mad over someone who can't even hurt you, hurt anyone you love, or even hurt themselves without your permission (and if they were broken enough to do that last thing, I'd sooner feel bad for them than be mad at them).So, to even address your premise, I need to make an assumption that "I" am a projection of myself with intentionally limited capabilities and a more normalized, mundane, human ego. With that in mind, I suppose I could get mad at someone, but what would I do? I suppose it'd depend on what they're doing that's so aggravating to me in the first place, but the running theme would naturally be "making their toys stop working." If they scream, their voice gets weaker. If they punch, their muscles feel more jello-like. If they craft creative insults, they find themselves inexplicably complimenting what they hate instead. This is, of course, assuming I don't just knock them over and sit on them first. That said, I suppose it also wouldn't be past me to go find a BDSM magical girl and tell them "have at 'em" before letting them take care of them. It's always going to depend on the specific circumstances, as there's really no one-size-fits-all solution.In any case, no pain is needed. No torture. Stooping to doing something that would make me feel bad is just me punishing myself, rather than me punishing them. There's no need for it.
goddesses so big they destroy universes just by existing!!
>>11234959But that's my fetish. I don't know how I'd feel about sharing it with other people. I'd want it to be MY personal hell!>>11235221She looks flustered for some reason. Also, everyone is just dead. How are we supposed to do anything to or with her if we're dead?
>Wake up>Turn off alarm>Get up>Look out window>Omnipotent trap roommate came in his sleep after his giant dick punched through a wall and now the universe outside our house is full to bursting with his divine seed>AGAIN>Third time this weekAt least my boss doesn't get mad about me having to wait for roomie to wake up and fix it.
>>11235202I’m finding my brain starting to think about what my magical girl transformation sequence should be and that seems unnatural for my brain so can we move on I think the world has enough pre magic backstory now
>>11235224>She looks flustered for some reasonProbably because she didn't mean to, but her divine bod couldn't help itself!
>>11235562Well, anyone who was alive to witness it is dead, so what about OUR universe?
>>11235304Put him in a chastity cage. He'll be so puzzled by the thought that a mere mortal thought he could cage his giant dick, that he'll just forget about being horny for at least a week.
>>11235221>When you learn that your entire universe is just a single thread of the goddess's panties. Literally every reality and universe, every other entity that has ever existed, are all contained in her panties. Every being together can only manage to become a pair of panties for her.
>>11202196kindly requesting a source for more omnipotence stories, thank you
>>11233699Dissolving myself into a new form of energy just so mortals can channel my infinite power as long as it fits my perverted ideals and tastes is a pretty easy and cheap way to do it honestly.Though once said energy is discovered humanity will just corrupt itself and become a hivemind of lewd monsters that constantly try to out-'evolve' each other as a result of what my ideals are though... oh well, at least it'll be very comfy.
>>11236309What I would do with that energy...Option A: Use that energy to remain human-looking, yet still be comfy. Basically doing things like making myself capable of not being ripped apart or driven insane by pleasure when a kaiju-sized monster fucks me in the ass; and if I'm really good at this, chaning things so that I would barely notice the kaiju-dick up my ass.Option B: Become booba.
Can someone repost that googledoc where literally everything is your harem in the most literal way possible? Planets? Its a anime girl? The atoms your harem of cute waifus? The omnipotent deities who rule over reality? All of them your bitches
>>11237218You mean Transcendent Harem?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vc1-mtdLJk540T_GRPb2xU3fZKfo0CdwjAZEcYTQvaM
>>11237297Imagine the pantyshots
It would take some time before this power really goes to my head, but I think I'd be quite relaxed about it. Would probably just summon fictional girls I like whenever the mood strikes me. First though I'd create Kaguya from touhou project. Killer body, tall elegant but with mouth wateringly huge tits, ass and thighs. She's otherwise calm and relaxed but absolutely loses it when I stick it inside her. She also doesn't like shoes or socks unless i tell her to wear them. I'd also use my power to travel the universe with her in a way that makes us immune to shit like radiation or other stuff. I'd probably fuck with constellations and planets to make her happy or entertain her. Would also transform myself into what she considers to be the perfect man.
>>11237297That one, thank you File is long enough that trying to download it normally crashes the browser on my potato laptop but I at least managed to save it on the phoneReally fucking epic piece of work
>>11222844>those musclesFor the love of all that is good, why, why do people do thisThat's not even hypermuscle anymore, that's just straight elephantitis, who the hell gets off on anatomy that distorted and bloated I've never understood it
>>11237671Honestly, I feel myself on the other side of the spectrumI think is better when girls that don't look to have a single muscle just launch those monster freaks away with a flick of a finger.It not only shows the power disparity, but the whole unfairness of the people working all their life to get strong getting destroyed by a girl who sat on a couch playing videogames is the most amusing shit ever
>>11237297The "heaven-hell transfer" stuff really intrigues me. It's so cartoonishly cruel, but I love omnis that are increidbly selfish and callous towards mortals. The idea of an omnipotent, all powerful being subjecting someone to horrible mental anguish while feeling the exact inverse in bliss and happiness is hot to me. Even though they're powerful enough to skip the cruelty entirely they still let their slut followers throw away their lives to make theirs better, simply because everything they do is correct by virtue of being a goddess.
>>11237879>It's so cartoonishly cruel, but I love omnis that are increidbly selfish and callous towards mortalsYou can just skip the whole process and kill us all. A lot easier on the mortals.
>>11238222>"I don't fucking remember giving you permission to terminate yourself. Gear up Legionnaire! I want you combat ready by 0600 local hours! We are with the patriotic assault wave 10 out of 25 on the sustained siege of the mech foundry complex, you will die for the Republic where I command you, when I command you. Is that clear, legionnaire!?"Your death isn't yours to decide, but being mowed down by rapid fire plasma batteries on a frontal charge might be a swift end. Beats being agonizingly drained by a succubus that gets torture and mutilate your body, mind, and soul.
>>11238334>die horribly but quickly>get trapped in hell for nothingI mean, pretending I'd be sent to paradise where a harem of cute girls is ready to ravish me for eternity doesn't always work.
Okay, instead of being sent to hell for nothing you'll get sent to hell for not subscribing to an omni's channel.You didn't worship her properly so you kind of deserve it. And no excuses like "How was I supposed to know that some streamer chick is actually an omnipotent being?".
>>11238537One of my fav giantess/Omni scenarios is people getting warped onto some bratty streamer’s soles/between buttcheeks/cleavage etc because they piss her off in some game/chat. And wherever they end up at is their “hell” where they don’t die and have to hope she randomly remembers them one day and takes pity.Also another scenario, omni streamer girl starts accepting donations to do the same thing to anyone the donor wants, and the minimum donation is so low that it upends society.
>>11238543Oh right I forgot>omni streamer bragging about her new gaming chair>it’s infused with the souls of noobs
>>11237879Nah, I'd go in a different, kinda-opposite route. The final destination of all mortal souls is to be eaten by me, where they will live in an organic afterlife where they shall be fucked, eaten and respawned endlessly at my leisure. Over time, all the soul's mortal attachments will be slowly digested away, leaving only eternal, submissive bliss.For evil souls, the process starts out as painful rapey torture; but over time, the experience will go from horrifying, to discomforting, to comfy, to blissful. Good souls get to immediately start to a more pleasant stage.Demons and angels both obey me, and operate under the same principle, with the former eating evil people to punish them and the latter eating good people to reward them (whether or not the experience is permanent is another matter entirely). Of course, the final fate of all demons and all angels is to be devoured by me - along with whatever soul they managed to absorb in the meantime - as a reward for their good service.
>>11238543The advantage of simping for an omni streamer is that she might actually let you be her boyfriend. At least in some alternate reality or two.
>>11238537>>11238543>Chaturbate with an omni goddess>she accepts all kind of freakish requests, from voring planets to do bath streaming in the pacific ocean.>go through various phases, from evil monstergirl to gentle goddess>fans make lore wikis for her characters and she makes it real>"i'm hungry, i think i will eat... *spins the wheel* Tokyo!">"oh no, my evil counterpart from another dimension has hijacked my stream">"today is my birthday! i shall grant a small wish to every one of you"
>>11238537>Die>Find myself in an office>Sitting in the chair is my Oshi>She tells me this will decide where my soul endsWhat?>"Anon, can you explain why you didn't pay 500 bucks for a super chart on this date?"What??>"I needed that money for a new anime figure, anon, I am afraid your trip to the afterlife is canceled"WHAT????>She turns me into a new PC mouse and plays Diablo 1 till I break>Pretty sure she could have given herself infinite money
>>11238537She can do her worst!
>>11238537Imagine her mods are just literal space marines that just fucking kill you when you break her stream rules.
>>11231913>Waiting room dream or the ocular mermaidsWhat're those?
>TFW you can overcharge the candy bean to massively increase the area of effect
>>11240211>TFW you discover that the amount of flavor generated remains the same>so athe regular candy beam can turn an object into a regular, small, sweet candy cane>while the candy kamehameha can create a city of "sweets" that taste like water>depression.jpeg
>>11240211>>11240218This is the actual end of all life. There would be no escaping it. I would be far less horrified if it was an omni 21 or some other female Majin sending pieces of herself to eat everyone.
>>11234314My version would be a bit more widespread. I'd announce my existance to the world via a post with a trip declaring a massive godly act I was about to perform. Something really helpful but very obvious like stealing all the jew gold and replacing the arms of every child rapist with nubs. Once I've established the godly tripcode I'd use it as a medium to fuck around. Make some choose your body threads here on /d/ and actually grant them for my bros. Maybe announce a few IRL mmo events like "There is now a live T-rex somewhere on earth, have fun". Maybe put an island on the map with alot of legendary weapons and spawn raid bosses there, with an enchantment that respawns anyone who dies there to the dock without any equipment or clothing. Just make the world alot more fun for everyone.
>>11239503The Waiting Room Dream>you've been having the same dream lately>you always come to on the floor of an unfurnished and generally featureless room>there aren't even any windows or doors>it's just you and a countdown clock on the wall>the only thing that changes between dreams is the time on the clock>it started with just 15 minutes that you had to wait out before waking up again>but the next time it was 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours>every time you're stuck waiting out that stupid clock to tick down in what feels like real time>you just woke up from a quick 3 hour nap, but in your dream you had to sit through an agonising 16 hours>you're starting to get scared of falling asleep againThe Ocular Mermaid>shortly after cutting someone in line, a tiny pale mermaid, barely larger than a bacteria, suddenly found herself alive and swimming through the liquid in your eyeball>you don't notice her while she is just hunting down and eating other bacteria to grow big and strong>maybe you catch glimpses of her by the time she is the size of a floater, and moved on to gnaw on your vascular tissue at the front where the retina is thinnest>she will eventually become large enough to cast a considerable shadow, though you're unlikely to notice her as she will have started chomping into your retina proper, creating permanent blind spots>once she's big enough to completely fill out your eyeball, she will use her cat-like tongue to slowly tear away the white of your eye from the inside>if you're lucky she will eventually bite into your optic nerve and eat her way into your brain>if you're unlucky she will burst through your iris and vomit out hundreds of her offspring, which will quickly burrow back into your body to repeat the painful process everywhere else (the same happens if you try to surgically remove her)
Re-posting the omnipotence cyoa from a few years ago since I like seeing/discussing builds with other anons. https://imgchest.com/p/o24ag52g4lj
>>11240312>Suddenly, the sky darkens, then becomes pitch black. It's as if all the stars suddenly turned off.>Thunderbolts strike out of nowhere, and a strong wind starts blowing.>Then, she appears. A gigantic humanoid, pink flesh and green and yellow scales, all covered in a glowing aura.>The effect is slightly ruined by her chewing lazily on something. But you don't have time to think about that for long, because she then descends towards the Earth.>Closer and closer she gets, until suddenly she's face-to-face with you, her giant head occupying your field of view.>Then, she speaks. A deep voice that makes the earth beneath you tremble with each syllable.Yooour wiiish iiis graaanteeed...>She then begins to lazily blow the bubblegum she was chewing on, forming a huge baloon.>Paralyzed from terror, you can only stare. And that's when you notice the slight lumps on the gummy orb. A golden ring trapped beneath the surface. A tuft of white hair.>The dragon-girl blows one final time, allowing the inflated Android 21 to float away from her.>The poor unconscious android gently floats down. If the end of all life is indeed coming, you have no idea when it's gonna wake up. Days, maybe. Months, perhaps.>The dragon...ess?... then turns around and leaves, mumbling something about meeting "dad" on the "lookout".
>>11240211>>11240218Reminds me of a comic about a guy wishing that the whole world to be made of chocolate and all people in caramel. His third wish was infinite appetite.
>>11240765Yep, inflated 21 about to blow up Cell-style. Maybe it'll be less painful if I time a nice fap session to her blowing up.
Helping a girl win the future diary game and watching her do as she pleases with the universe (and me)
>>11240211Love the idea of turning an entire city into candy. There's probably more examples, but pic related always comes to mind.
>>11240383I certainly see your vision anon. Like i would catch a child rapist and turn them into my (oppai) loli sex toy with extra puffy vulva. Or a rapist into a pregnant woman with as many babies as he has raped.>Make some choose your body threads I was thinking of mysteriously appearing in an random empty vacant building and letting people know they can have their dream body here, but then suddenly disappearing and watching on the side lines if they still love their new and odd bodies, like goblin, imps shortstack. Cowgirl or at least breasts that needs to be needed constantly or enjoying the addons like extra breasts or udders.
>>11240758It just devolves into giving other characters the growth or evolution path (Cloning or absorption on a odd day) in some manner for me.After all, for me this kink isn't about me getting the power, but cute women becoming or being unfathomable and truly infinite beings.
>>11240758I like how this also caters a bit to my twinning and assimilation fetish, I'm glad the author took the suggestions from the anons on /cyoar/ to include it, me being one of them
>>11240758>Selfish mode>Paths:Absorption (Spit it out, Brain Slug, Silent Drones) and Evolution (Nesting ground, Viral transmission, I mutant) plus the Mysteleh 3 point pregnancy boon for fifteen favor points>Scales: Psionics, Willpower, Strength, Eromancy>Nemesis: Executors, Star Guardians, Matrons of Hell, Aspiring hero, Tentaculus [+1 path] >Drawbacks: Time Dilation, Keeping your word, Primal, Clumsy [+12 Favor]My plan is to become a giant monster and I've set up my build accordingly. First I would set up shop in an isolated cave or dilapidated building and turn it into a slimy nesting ground. Then it's just a matter of using my psionic powers to lure in hapless victims with promises of infinite pleasure. Once they've been absorbed and spat back out with my tentacle parasites controlling their every move I'll puppet them into luring in more victims to grow my power. Most I'll keep inside of me so I can grow. Others will be constantly impregnated to create genetically enhanced monsters infused with my DNA. I don't really need to worry about my drawbacks much. I don't plan on communicating with my victims beyond simple commands and any other damage I cause by accident is an acceptable loss.Since I'm playing the role of a rapebeast monster my choice of rivals was obvious. At first I have to lay low and build up power until I get targeted by hot killer nun girls, but eroge has taught me that with enough mindbreak sex they'll make good brainwashed puppets. Same goes for the magical girls, the smoking hot demon women, and the hero protagonist who are of course all destined to lose and become tentacle seedbeds. When it comes to tentaculus I don't know, either he absorbs me and becomes an even bigger interstellar rape blob or vice versa. Either way the destiny of every living being in the universe is to get absorbed, with the (un)lucky ones that assisted my ascension being turned into undying seedbeds that I fuck for all eternity as a reward.
>>11241627I wonder if being caught by Tentaculus automaticaly counts as a loss or if you can exploit it with Selfish Lover
>>11240758I remember asking long ago in the cyoa thread that the extra path bonus in the Nemeses section and the Additional Paths are two separate bonuses you can get but I'm playing it again today and now have a question that never crossed through my head at the timeDo the restrictions of addtional paths apply only to Additional Paths or are you also restricted to only one boon per Path unless you spend points even if you get extra paths with the Nemeses description's bonus?I assume the answer is no since the restriction is only mentioned in Additional Paths but I'm not sure
>>11242089Nevermind, I forgot about the description in the Path section for some reason
Any reading recommendations you wanna post for light/web novels or mangas featuring omni or ridiculously overpowered FeMCs? Preferably omnis>Haruhi>Qualia The Purple>Medaka Box I guess these are no-brainers for most people but Qualia really needs more recognization, I was hesitant in posting it here since posting the manga here itself basically a spoiler but I think its fine as long I don't elaborate any further
>>11242997Mirai Nikki can fill that niche too
>>11240758Sure why not:>Selfless mode>Freebs: FS, GP. PL, Makeover>Primary Path: Vampirism- Soul Husking and Song of the Succubus>Secondary Path: Reverence- Smooth Talker, Confessional (Bonus)>Secondary Path: Sensuality-With Benefits>Boons: All Vereniah Powers, Blessing of the Unseen (11 points)>Scales: Eromancy, Miracles, Agility, Willpower, Intellect>Nemeses: Stage One: Executors, Queen of Vice, The Beast. Stage 2: Star Guardians, Librarians, Greys, Assmilators (One Path) Stage 3: Marauders, Matrons of Hell, Disciples (One Path), Stage 4: Elder God (Uran)>Drawbacks: Mortal Wants, What Have I Done?, Psychic Beacon (+6 points)>Beneficiary: Grab some ugly medieval loner aristocrat's daughter, sacrifice her in a cult of pleasure to Vereniah, she comes back as a extremely beautiful being that makes Helen of Troy jealous at a fucking base.The theme is pure decadence and hedonism of higher pleasures and indulgences before one final night of deathly and endless ecstasy. Her powers are meant to maximize the amount of power from her prey. She won't immediately drain them into husks but sip and savor that reverence and sensuality which basically warps their free will to her sinful pleasure. Anyone who tries to defy her will have their secrets completely naked, a horde of angry devotees sic'd upon, lordly (soon celestial) lovers enraged by their actions, and if that doesn't work she can personally deal with them. Once she 'acquires' a title of land, she'll turn into a burgeoning hedonistic paradise and 'invite', coerced or not, into paradise. They may stay for weeks until the Matriarch decides to grant them the ultimate pleasure and become a servant. Her pocket dimension will be her fertile training grounds for her lustful flowers to hone their skill and mastery of pleasure. I would expect her to basically corrupt the Earth and turn into a literal planet of paradisaical pleasure that draws in all sorts of beings across the universe for her to devour and husk.
>>11242997Don't have any omnis off the top of my head but here are some recommendations for very powerful female MCs.Shadow Skill was the quintessential Overpowered FemC anime for a very long time. The manga is hard to find in translated form these days but the anime is basically a non-stop cavalcade Elle's of crazy fights and feats of strength. Click below to watch her punch a meteor in half.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GP-vjQY0zcThey actually toned Elle down in the animated material. In the manga she's even more OP. The only version of it that's been translated all the way through that I can find is in Brazilian Portuguese though, strangely enough.There's also Cheat Eater Isekai Shoukan Kotogotoku Horobubeshi (picrel) which is just an OP FemC no-diffing city-destroying Isekai protagonists. The english translation hasn't been updated in a while but if you read moon runes it's still going.It's far more down to earth and gritty, but I also really like Claymore which is all about half-monster knight girls hunting down other monsters. May not entirely scratch the omni itch since even though they're extremely powerful relative to the rest of their setting it's still a really struggle-filled journey for the MC and most of the girls in it. I think it's really good though.
>Congratulations! Your combined knowledge has finally reached the threshold of being worthy of Me! I'm so proud of you.>You'll now get the same offer I give every civilization. You'll all get to vote on whether I absorb all of you. Your planet and all life on it will get to become a single eyebrow hair for Me. I'll absorb all of your knowledge and memories, so there's nothing to worry about. You'll get to make Me even more glorious!>You're free to say no, but that's never actually happened before. Every hair on my head is a galactic civilizatoin that submitted to me.>I'll give you all a year to worship me before making your decision.
>>11244069>Of course, option two is to become my devoted worshippers and continue to develope until you've colonized the galaxy. Then you'll finally be worthy fo being a full hair or the equivalent of a few fat cells on my butt or breasts.>If your devotion is fanatical enough, I might not be able to resist turning you into a pubic hair or a bit of skin down there.
trying to look at pectoriah shit on kemono and half the images are broken. angery
Hypothetical questions: if the current you become omni, what would you do with your variant/alternative self? Meet them? Uplift them? Make a council of you? Denided their omni potential? Erase or absorb them all to make only you and just you, be "The One"?
>"Mmmmh, was that the last of your royal guards, Your Majesty?">The red-haired succubus gently throws a desiccated husk to the ground, landing with a simple thud.>You were the king of this land, entrusted by God to rule over this land and its people, now trapped in your own throne room.>Her scarlet eyes glow as she lays them upon you. You're next in this massacre... You try to ask pity and mercy on this godless being and...>Suddenly it doesn't matter anymore as your lips and mouth are assaulted by the demonic beauty.>Instantly your faith is shattered, you feel the presence of God fleeing from your kingly body from the torrent of ecstasy that is flooding into your soul.>"Mwaaaah, my very own King to devour. But something doesn't seem right...I am pretty sure you had a prince...but you taste like a...">No, no, no, how can she know this?>Her smile croons into a wicked thing. "...a kissless virigin? Has the king been cucked? Oh, I suppose you're one of those pious kings... It doesn't matter, I'll grant your first, best, and final experience.">Her crimson flames burn her seductive outfit into an alabaster beauty that nearly blinds you. Her blood-red wings wrap around you as she crushes your body against the wall.>Despite her inhuman beauty, she has the strength of a beast, while your kingly strength is sapped by the burning ecstasy that is pumping through your soul, body, and mind.>She resumes her lavish feasting by forcing her luscious lips back on you. Her fiery lust consumes your vitality as you begin to spray your seed through your clothes and armor.>"That's it Your Majesty, cum just like that for me. It feels good, doesn't it?">You dismissed the Sin of Lust for being easily tamed. But as your psyche and thoughts burn in her rapture, if you could tell anyone...>She begins to voraciously devour your kingly essence, you scream out in pain, just like the past victims. It is a pleasure so pure that your feeble mind cannot handle it.
>>11244416>At first she rubs her naked body upon your armor, the metal begins to melt, and the garments begin to light into a crimson fire.>The metal is actually liquid metal and burns your body, yet it feels like hot water rolling down your lower body.>The Succubus, however, introduces the concept of true torment and pain. She breathes deeply while locked in the never-ending kissing and your strength is sucked out of your body, and cums out. The blood of kings is reduced to a simple lust that empowers the red-haired demon and sends a shockwave of pain throughout your body.>The feeling of a tight constricting while simultaneously being suffocating as she devours more of your strength. The only thing that makes the pain go away is to hold and embrace her, thrusting your virgin tool into her crucible of lust.>"Good, you're learning so fast, my King." She breaks the kiss and whispers into your ears. She gives you a sensual lick that causes your heart to freeze, but with a simple flame to your chest, your rapidly dwindling existence is 'saved'.>"No, Your Majesty, I. Want. It. All.">Her inescapable lips feel like actual fire with blazing heat. Everything of your life, blood, soul, mind, seed, and even thoughts are burned into a lustful ambrosia for her to devour. How was your kingdom even supposed to fight a paragon of pleasure?>You try to reconcile with your Lord and Savior on what heinous crime you were guilty of, but you've long since forgotten what faith is.>More and more of your vitality is ruthlessly pumped out, leaving only empty ecstasy in its wake.>"Mmmm, are you even a King? Your guards put up more of a fight...but I won't complain, you taste absolutely divine. But all wines eventually run out...don't they?">She stares into your eyes, you can barely see anything except for her blistering radiance. She forms a crooked smile while cocking her head, a giggle comes forth.>"Oblivion awaits my dear unless…you wish to remain with your mistress forever.”
>>11244398Hivemind of onmnis ofc
>>11244416>>11244417What actual hell awaits if the King says yes? This seems a lot less hellish than the guro-obsessed one from last thread, but that's probably because everyone else is already dead.
>>11243004This is what it's all about. "Evil" omnipotents with tortured pasts given all the power in the world to live a life of excessive decadence and hedonism. Draining away the souls of the people that wronged her, and the people supportive of her, and people she's never seen before in her life just to sate her appetites. Using otherworldly pleasures as a lure and a tool of control is also hot.
>>11244729B-but why would she drain the souls of people who supported her? Is she THAT evil?
>>11244881Kind of related, but I had this idea of an omni who doesn't see eating the souls of her followers/supporters as evil, but as a reward, because by being eaten, they become part of her, ascending to godhoodIs a matter of view, if she is existence herself, the one that decides what is good and evil, then what ever she does is goodNow you gonna spring yourself to make you delicious or not?
>>11244398Feminize them, uplift them to demigod status, and add them to my growing multiversal gigaharem. Since they were all "me" at one point I'll give them privileged positions over the rest and allow them greater freedom to use their powers as they see fit when they're not on the clock. But make no mistake I'm going to fuck myself a lot.
>>11244889My vore fetish doesn't work like that, damn it! Godhood sounds nice but not when everyone else becomes one, too!
>>11244889Also, the whole idea was a nun/priestess that learned her god she had been worshipping all her life was fake. she finds this an error in reality; God must exist, and if it doesn't exist, then somebody should take the place to fix this error, and of course she decided she, somebody who expend all her life worshiping the doga, should be the one who becomes god>>11244915The unbelievers don't get to become part of her, their existence shall suffer for eternity by not becoming part of her, the souls stuck in her divine stomach experience her holy acid melting them, forever
>>11244924I always wonder who could be behind these posts>just die horribly bro, it's so much better than living!I almost want to jump in but I'd take a hug first.
>>11244954Fine, I can hug you once and call you my little pog champ, but then you get turned into a candy
>>11244956But then I'd be dead.>turned into (a) candyThis isn't the giant dormant 21 from earlier, is it?
>>11244535>>11244910Nice choices.
>>11244398Nothing, we'd leave each other in peace. Why would I fight myself? I love me.And besides, if we tried, our different brands of omnipotence come from the same source (me), so they would interact with each other in a way that doesn't allow any me to prevail over me.
>>11244398Assuming alternate universes exist by the time I ascend. They have become my metaphorical limbs, avatars across the multiverse that live their best lives along with their harems of choice.If there aren't any, I'll just retroactively make them and stick with plan A anyway because it's nice and convenient for there to be a bunch of me's.
>>11244668>"A wise choice, my dearest King.">Her molten ruby eyes gaze upon your dimming and fading eyes, she smirks.>She takes her index finger and ring finger of her left hand, a spark of crimson ignites from her perfectly manicured hands.>She licks her flaming fingers, which causes the scarlet flame to erupt.>"Now, do not scream...too much.">Before you have a chance to plead, she presses her fiery fingers onto your forehead. Instantly enraptured by the fiercest yet most divinely pleasurable flame imaginable.>You spew forth whatever amounts to your mortal soul, now only her scarlet flame animates you.>Your screams are heard across the land as you burn into a charred and blackened corpse.>You whine and whimper as the flames devour everything inside your body, what's left of it of course.>All doubts are burned away, all fears replaced with tormenting ecstasy.>You must kneel before her overwhelming presence...your goddess and her divine flame.>The sensation to burn. It is all you feel and know now, like embers drawn to a roaring fire.>The Succubus leans forward and cups your marred face, your eyes have been opened, your feeble mind can see the absolute perfection of her beauty, pleasure, and bliss.>You see the vision of a beautiful paradise, where wine flows like water, succulent meats that satisfy every taste, fragrant perfumes ever so intoxicating, a garden of pure decadence and bliss.>A garden that she was the Mistress and beckons you, like the long lost call of home.>"Come with me my dearest King, your eternal reward awaits." You stretch out your blackened arm to her flawless palm, driven only by her desire.>Nobody knew what exactly happened to you. >Legends say that God Himself punished your wickedness.>Yet every once in a while, the tales of a blackened man skulking in the darkest recesses of high places, like embers scattering upon the thicket and kindling of depravity of the indolent nobility.>Ready to unleash the Inferno.
>Eat the entire universe>Then grab the afterlife, and pour everyone's souls out into your mouth like Nerds candy
>>11245169>>11245523Nice choices as well.
>>11245523>get eaten alive last thread>get burned alive this oneWell, now I know poeple WEREN'T all horribly killed and heard me.
If you had truly unlimited power and could do whatever you want, is there any reason to not be experiencing endless happiness at all times? Not just in an infinite pleasure coomer way where you're orgasming 24/7 (even though that's part of it). I mean boundless happiness, fulfillment, joy, etc. Every positive emotion cranked up to the maximum absolute limit - which for you would be no limits whatsoever. Since you're a god you could switch it on and off at will without having any negative effects or chance of becoming addicted.
>>11245856Without sorrow there is no joy. You need to experience negative emotions to be able to truly experience positive ones.
>>11245880>Without sorrow there is no joy. Cringe and coping mortal pilled
>>11246004Why do goddesses feel the need to funpost here? Why not just live your whims out on us?
>>11246004Being a coked out nigger faggot chasing highs as an eacape from the real world is not heck'n based.
>>11245880>>11246004If you want to rule the world, you must rule ALL the world - and that includes the bad. You aren't a pansy-ass king wannabe who only wants to rule the easy oart of the world, don't you?
>>11244398I think I'd really like to visit myselves in every alternate universe, and pretend to be a wish fulfilling fairy for them from their early childhood onwards. There's pretty much no wish I wouldn't grant for my alternate selves, save for anything that'd compromise me.It'd be nice to see what sort of person I'd have turned into with that sort of freedom or how the wishes would differ between alternate versions of me, but more importantly, I'd stay with them until the moment of their ascension so I can snatch that away from them at the last moment. After that, my alternate selves get to live on a nice farm up-universe, while I travel back in time to visit my next me.
>>11244398Personally, I'd prefer to be "The One", just me and only me in the whole multiverse, when I become an omni.The media "convinced" me that alternative self/variant is a bad idea, and I'm not mature enough to meet my other selves who, more or less, are different from me.I might change that and will my alternate selves/variants to exist when I reached enlightment and fix all my personal issues by using omni. (or not)
>>11245880Omnis make the rules, sorry
>>11246042How do you know that they didn't already have their fun on the world and then they just reset everything and made you forget? And they only come here because it's also fun to taunt you while you're in the dark.A little bit like in this very fun story: https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=7150
>>11240758>Selfish>Path: Synthetic Perfection(T-1000, MECHA)>Cloning(Agent Smith)>Reverence(digital love)>Gifts: Mysteleh's regrowth>Scaling power: Intellect>Nemeses:Planet X, Star Guardians, Greys, Elder GodNormally I go for slime girls in these but I don't like running around eating people. Liquid metal is a nice work around. I didn't actually need cloning or reverence powers since I'd eventually learn a tech equivlant, but I wanted enemies to make things interesting. With this I can make a galactic empire consisting primarily of myself, each an unaging regenerating superintelligent connected to a network aware of almost everything happening in it's entire territory that can assimilate any enemies or criminals. The army compromised of combat drones, advanced mecha each with ace pilots(me), promising conscripts piloting prototype units and trained by experts(me), and led by a commander of unparalleled strategic prowess(me). Reverence with digital boon is particularly useful for this method. Every alien shitpost about my objectively correct tax policies will only make me stronger. The scale of my power and machines would grow until my larger bodies are the equivlant of a galaxy sized russian nesting doll powered by dyson spheres, firing dead planets as ammunition and maintained and repaired by civilizations living inside it.The Greys and monsters will be cake to deal with, just stock and standard xenos exterminatus. Star guardians will be fun. An evil mastermind approach would conceptually lose to them, but luckily I'm also a /m/an. Their power of friendship will be met with the even stronger hotblooded mecha protagonist. The ultimate fight will be the elder god. I'll probably have to be a universal neural network where all matter is made up of my nanobots and just hammer them with psychic and electronic attacks, synthetic viruses, chemical attacks, and heavy star ordinance from every concievable angle until their body is destroyed completely.
>>11245880You wouldn't forget about sorrow and negative emotions just because you gained the powers of a god. You're not bound by rules or your own biology or "fairness" or anything else anyway. Why not enjoy yourself and spread that joy to others?
>>11246620Honestly? You got a good idea there aside from your misunderstanding of how nemesi work.>>11240758>Selfish Mode>All Freebies>Primary Path: Limit Breaking (Pause, Selective Distribution)>Secondary Path: Growth (Kaiju of the Week)>Tertiary Path: Absorption (Slime Body (Free), Brain Slug)>Gifts: Apoxus's Hardiness, Mysteleh's Regrowth, Exchange of Power to patch up the Growth Path with Make Yourself at Home (uses 12 favor)>Scaling Powers: Physical Ability, Willpower, Intellect, Eromancy, AgilityNemeses: Queen of Vice, Greys, Marauders, Matrons of Hell, Aspiring Hero, Rival, Entropy (+4 Scaling powers, 2 additional stage 3 and 1 additional stage 4 for extra paths)>Drawbacks: Keeping Your Word, Psychic Beacon (+6 along with the +2 for explaining my build makes it 12 total for favors)A pretty slow start overall until I reach Stage 3, until you account for the fact I am a Kaiju of the Week build. The Nemesi chosen aren't completely hard countered, but due to Limit Breaking being my primary path, they're going to find more then they bargained for as a combination of my gifts and boons are designed to catch up to even the aspiring hero if they get ahead, and get a rather epic duel with my Rival. And knowing I shouldn't be entirely alone.. why not host a bunch of lifeforms on my ever strengthening body through Make Yourself at Home? The Scaling Powers coupled with new abilities from Kaijus will make me an absolute fortress of a slime world.This eventually culminates to having to deal with Entropy, now usually there would be no real planning ahead for this one but.. Kaiju of the Week literally doesn't care much of the state of the universe. As long as I use it, I'll be calling challengers until I finally break through to be truly omnipotent.Once I'm done ascending I'll just go around powering up a bunch of waifus in other universes, along with putting the first universe back to before the CYOA started.
>>11246666I just realized I had 1 favor point left over because I assumed I started with four for some reason, assume it got into Apoxus's presence.>>11246650nta, But your idea is going in the right direction for what I would ideally use omnipotence for, just spreading joy.But I also get that anon's point, hence why one should always set up a 'subconscious omniscience' to put it in a way we mortals would comprehend. So that you don't implement that infinite bliss in such a way you accidentally something out of yourself.
>>11246620>Digital loveSo you'd know if I was horny and wanted to coom into a cute liquid metal girl?