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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Past thread got nuked

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11078875/#11093527
185 replies and 126 images omitted. Click here to view.
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And remember: the shemales don't have any such familial obligation towards you. But they sure as hell will try to take advantage of your maternal love. If you want a loving relationship, you will have to work for it.

But it's not THAT bad. Your motherly compulsions decrease over time, as long as you don't try to transform anyone else. So you could transform people in moderation, and limit the problem. Right?
...Right, but that leaves the SECOND problem. You also have the instinct to drain the femininity of as many women as possible (remember: succubus genes). How can you keep these evil instincts at bay? By either indulging in them and draining a poor girl, turning them into another shemale slobnerd; by gritting your teeth and resisting them... or you can indulge in motherly behavior, which will "smother" your inner evil succubus and keep it pacified. Your pick.

>I wish I was a big (at least 16 feet), soft and fluffy kitsune woman, like pic related.
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Granted! First of all, you are a nine tailed Kitsune, with many of the mythical powers that they are known to have. Illusions (including invisibility), charm magic, unlucky curses, "fox fire" (pretty, but harmless wisps), as well as some shapeshifting and the ability to possess people.

You will fuse with a fox spirit who was sealed in a stone to become this kitsune. You will remain yourself, but have a voice in the back of your head who helps you learn to be more tricky, milfy, and foxy, like a "guide" to your new body. However... the stone was broken open with the "lucky mallet" from Japanese mythology. You know... the size changing one, and that counted as it bonking you as well. Who broke you out, you ask? Me, duh. And I need the mallet for other wishes so don't count on your new size changing anytime soon.

You are a very thick 16 ft, 6 tailed kitsune, and you can earn your last three tails back through practice. However... that fox spirit was sealed for a reason (to mischievous), and while that may have been forgotten over time... you can ill afford to suffer the same fate, meaning you'll have to be subtle about your shenanigans, and don't think you can be a "good girl". The other fox in your head won't allow it, pushing your buttons if you get too "boring". You won't automatically get sealed if people see you, however. You are allowed to exist as a kitsune (just don't cause trouble that can be traced back to you)

While you CAN shapeshift, conservation of mass is in effect. Turning into a fox will make you a giant fox. I made you thicker than you might have initially desired (16 ft gives you a venus body) so you can "stretch" your height and still stay soft and chubby, letting you be even bigger. Likewise... trying to be smaller will make you more stacked. If you try to go below 8 ft, you'll be an immobile "short"stack due to the height becoming too much width.

You can temporarily GAIN size by draining vitality (making people smaller), though.
So long as your partner is willing, or agreed to it, and you don't cause problems for people who aren't okay with it (or rather, so long as you aren't caught)... growing bigger this way for sexual fetishes is seen as ok. You live in the modern world, plenty of pervs would let you temporarily shrink them and grow bigger. Just... do it back at your shrine where you have some tree cover.

Speaking of... you DO have invisibility and illusion magic, but they can have mixed results. Casting an illusion of you being smaller will be broken as soon as someone brushes against a giant fluffy tail, and invisiblity won't work well when people smell a fox/horny milf or hear you walking around naked... but they're certainly better than nothing.

Shapeshifting is what it sounds like, You can alter your appearance (but not become smaller), turn into a fox, a foxtaur, become futa... etc. Just be careful because overuse can exhaust your mana and get you "stuck" until you recharge, so if you want to be a fucknugget or giant boob slug... think twice about how willing you are to risk staying that way for a day or two.

And lastly, possession. This one is interesting, since you can cheat your size with this... temporarily. You project your body and soul as one into the body of someone willing, or someone who is either weak willed or distracted (someone strong willed who is aware of you will be able to resist). You get to control their bodies as if they were your own... but over time, hour by hour, depending on how much you "push" your disguise (walking around or relaxing isn't doing much, fucking is doing a lot), your vessel will start to grow bigger, have their assets expand, etc, as your curse bleeds through into their body. They will return to normal after you've left their body for a while, and you will be shunted out once a host reaches 10 ft.

Now with the rules out of the way... yes, you can 100% run a respectable shrine and fuck willing people...
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But due to the horny fox milf in your head... it won't be enough. Possessing a cute boy and teasing him by crossdressing, shrinking someone who insulted you (or just seemed like a fun target), using illusion magic to make a girl think she has a dick... you'll crave mischief, and you'll have to learn to be "sneaky" as a giantess. If you get found out, as a mercy, I'll give you an automatic magic "undo" ability so you aren't sealed again... but there's a cost. Before the people who'd seal you away forget, and the evidence is magically erased, anyone you've crossed, either by wronging or simply fucking with, will be able to bind you as their slave, getting an amount of time to toy with you equal to the severity of what you tried to pull. A day if you dressed scantily during possession or just embarrassed them, a week if you put them in a manga worthy lewd situation (did you know you can alter genders with shapeshifting while possessing someone?)

Even the most forgiving and reserved people will take this chance to get revenge, with no filters on their lewd desires. You can decide if they forget what you did or not after you serve your punishment (they will be unable to speak of it to anyone else if they don't forget).

If you're sneaky, there's no need to worry about this, or you could willingly submit if you wanted. This isn't an IMPOSSIBLE task... it's just hard.

You could get someone to sign a lewd contract to trick them into agreeing to something, people must have PROOF that you possessed them (you will exit their body nearby, making it hard to escape, but not impossible).

Regardless... you'll be addicted to the risk of these acts, so I hope you learn to get good at them fast.

>I wish I was a sexy woman who could turn people into my sapient genitals with telepathy with them during, allowing them magic senses if they lack eyes, ears, etc... and that stuff like futa cocks were possible with this effect.
>While you CAN shapeshift, conservation of mass is in effect.
One time I'm gonna turn myself into a gonlin-sized shortstack with reasonably-sized assets, and then dump all the excess mass into my tails. Shitty STR and COS, decent DEX and epically high FLFFY.

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Futa on male, futanari on male, dickgirl on male.
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god I hate these convoluted futa scenarios.
amen, brother
Those are hot. Too bad we can't story time it because of the childhood flashbacks
We can storytime the sequel though.
>Tsuiteru Kanojo
is there other non hentai futa serie like this one, i know Bra Girl and one other where the futa is half alien and wants to fuck her cousin

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Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>11056685
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Nah, I don't think I will. The original alternate breast size thread literally started with a tall ass thick Tatsumaki with Chun Li thighs.
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love Remi

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I saw that "heavy bondage" may refer to armbinders, straitjackets, special bondage gear as opposed to standard rope or tape etc. Also sometimes "long term bondage" or even "permanent bondage" are used for really extreme art.
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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day.
How did anal change your life? Have your diet improved? Have you stopped doing penile/vaginal masturbation entirely? Something else?

Previous thread >>11108681

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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I use my Helix syn V without vibrations 80% of the time. Vibes are good at the end of a long session to awake my prostate or when I finish myself the old way.
Have you considered the Aneros Psy ? You can modify its shape and move the tabs.
Nice pasta, but you missed one small thing:
>A big butt for anal is also very nice so I do squats too.
Squats do not make your ass bigger, because they don't target your glutes. People who say that squats will make your butt big are like LowTierGod that tells supermodels on twitter to "hit some squats because their ass is getting droopier", while in reality he himself has chicken fucking legs lmao.
I got fucked a few times recently by this one guy who was kinda handsome and had a huge dick, and he liked watching me fuck his girlfriend who was extremely hot too
Unfortunately his dick was so big that I just couldn't take it properly, let alone enjoy it, so he cut me loose
tfw he called me a waste of time
For the person who shills coconu oil based, thanks, it works pretty alright; I got the double oil pack and blended them into an old BD lube bottle I washed,
I also managed a neat milestone for myself and took the knot on my SM bishop near clear. It's hard to believe they label it small when it's bigger than most of their mediums.

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Post-apocalyptic Edition
Previous: >https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11089322/
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2 >> 4 >>>>> 1 >>> 3

I definitely vastly prefer Shrink and the personalized interactions it enables, but Mini GTS is also fairly GOATed. Would love to be "forced" to give a girl standing cunnilingus as she pushes me into a corner and pulls her panties to the side and commands me to service her, only to struggle on my tip toes, craning my neck up to reach her pussy.

But the 2-3ft shrink sizes I just find weird. I cannot get behind them at all, so I would definitely prefer a mega GTS over them. Honestly if 3 were like 8 inches taller or smaller it would be fine. It just hits this weird no-go zone for me.
Silly natives, she's YOUR tour guide. You're about to be taking a tour of her body, ending with an overnight stay inside her pussy.

How would you like her eggs? Scrambled, fried, or fertilized?
please let this be a normal field trip...
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"Before you go anon, you have to eat all the eggs."


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RIP previous thread, at least you didn't starve to death.
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>For real, there's something hot about a talented girl "going to waste" as a farm animal.
Hey do you know how much reading she's been able to get done?
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Gah, but that's so boring though. They're just cattle, treat them as such.
Dude we don't even treat cattle like that...
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Damn shame really.
Not really, Animal Husbandry revolves mostly around reducing stress on your animals, as that makes them more productive; Good Milk comes from Happy Cows after all!

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Letting go of your ability to move and becoming an object, your fate in the hands of others.
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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.

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Referee 2
Thank you!
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long and dark
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Can someone edit a big bulge

Theme questions:
>What's the main use for women in your setting?
>How do you take a untrained woman and make her the perfect bitch?
>Is your scenario based on Modern, Fantasy, Sci-fi, "reality"?
>Are all women enslaved or are some allowed certain "freedoms"?
>How might Chastity/Sexuality used as a tool of control?

Last thread:



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>Medical malpractice & infecting women unknowingly
Could be used to rather disturbing effect if that sort of thing can be delayed/controlled.
Like maybe the transformation stays dormant until critical mass, unknowingly spreading in the female population.
"escaped" slaves are allowed to carry the infection posing as refugees and infecting women with plasmids?

>"free" region become a prison camp would be a good twist, a gilded cage
Darker side of it could be using a restricted area like that as a zoo/"wild reserve" kind of deal as they're always monitored and recorded.
Women are free yes but they don't have many of the luxuries slavery provides.
So they can be used as a Scared straight type tool to keep slaves inline.
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>Camera pulls back from the card text to reveal it is the lettering on a building that is next to a store. A Lizz Han copy is standing by the front entrance, wearing simple gray eyeliner, black 3 inch high heels, and a sparkly silver leotard. She’s robotically twirling a sign with her originators name and the number of genecopies available on it. Men and women walk past her.
“As you may already know, Women’s Opportunity Offices provide a variety of services to women and even men. We’ll focus on just the ones that are relevant. At the office clinic, a woman can have a genecopy sack implanted in her womb. The sack should fuse with her uterine wall and grow into a healthy embryo. Upon birth, the new mother is rewarded with a RealMoney sum, one of the few ways she can legally acquire it. These girls are wombborn and unlike their vatgrown sisters, they get to grow up like every other little girl in the empire.”
>About five different family photos flicker onto screen. Each one has the same little girl but her family is different in each one.They all seem to be lower class and wearing their best outfits for the occasion. The five photos are replaced with newer ones. The GCs are now teenager and their families are older as well. The quality of their formal wear has definitely improved.
“As for the vatspawned, they can be purchased cheaply by any young man, like yourself, who can visit the opportunity office. These artificially produced women are great companions to try things privately and are completely loyal to their masters. Unlike their womb-born sisters…”
>A pair of moons rise into frame and the camera tilts downwards from them. It’s night time on a beach where teenagers are partying around a bonfire. Passing through the chaos, the camera stop in front of a Lizz Han clone wearing nothing but a pair of sandals, a sports bra, and some panties. She’s on her knees fellatioing a partier.
“So that’s the basics on Genecopies!"
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>zoo/"wild reserve"
Probably a bit of both, on one hand it's a place where women could stay and not be at risk of turning, on the other hand they are surrounded by patriarchy and literally can't leave their little hideout without potentially becoming a mindless slave.
Gives a place for men who want "real" women to find them, but of course with the power imbalance threat that ensures they more or less have to obey.

>transformation stays dormant until critical mass
I like that as a sort of weapon for a larger, more advanced patriarchal force. Something that can be leaked into a free region and let to gestate before activating right before an invasion.

Are womb born Genecopies just clone lookalikes for their original? Like they have their own memories and personality?
That's kinda interesting, what kind of roles do these women fill? Simply being lookalikes?
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Boys being dominated by futa, me women and turned into traps, sissies, bimbos, etc.
As long its feminization its welcome
Except eunuch/castration, it has its own thread already
And bringing up real life shit either
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Anyone have a recommendation for something similar to SISSEKAI? I can only refresh the page looking for a new chapter so many times...

Pic unrelated. Just felt I needed to provide something
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No supportive feminizing bf to
>Force you to wear feminine things
>Have you take pictures
>Gently push you forward
>Make you take care of yourself and make goals for improving yourself

Why even anymore.
also something im into
theres this, it kinda sucks though and i wish it was better/longer
the movies "the assignment" and "the skin i live in", also deal with it but i havent seen them yet

Family is going out of town this weekend
What are some things to buy so I can feel like a sissy this weekend?
Or just things to have a fun sexual time

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Bursting Boy Bladders

oh and traps and stuff go here too I guess
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Poor Bridget got his masculinity retconned.
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We know, Juli.
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It's kind of funny how both Kieran and Carmine are both perfect omo baits. Kieran is pathetic and bulliable, while Carmine is a haughty bitch and you want to knock her down a peg.
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11100086
Belt Thread: >>11100686


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Did anyone ever encounter this design? So discreet.
It looks kinda flimsy though.
I actually have that exact one in pink, the small one on the chart you posted. Its okay, it aims more downward and is more against the balls than I care for. Still a nice lightweight cage thats like a rubber material so you dont even notice it after awhile. Its not my fav cage I own but better than some metal ones or the clear plastic ones you see. A nice cheap mid level cage.

Also my girlfriend used her vibrator on me while I was wearing that one and its nice to cum in while wearing but doesnt hit the same as some of the other designs. Hopefully my review helped
Anything I can do about discomfort while lying down? Sitting upright and standing don't feel as bad as the tightness of the ring when I lie down, and it makes me anxious.
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Recently found that the author that drew pic related cosplayed as his own character. Chastity cage and all.
Funny stuff.
Sorry, hyper busy week for me haven't been able to check til now.
The ring I'd say is about the same or slightly less comfy that HT ( I have 3 lengths for v3 and v4) but still noticing les pinching and bunching at the bottom of the ring.
The cage itself however is an upgrade in every sense.
I maybe should have gotten one length size up, but still beyond comfy with belt on to help.
Yes, I am circ'd, kind of loosely so it will cover most of the head after a few hours inside the cage

A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11076033
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Cuteboys give the best hugs.
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Question from a newfag
Why do you guys have this thread on /d/ when you barely post porn, couldn't you keep it on some place like /cm/ and just use catbox for the NSFW stuff?
it tends to get flooded with arguments about trans people. I'd rather just post cute boys without all the gender politics drama
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Understandable, people sure can be a pain in the ass about that shit.

Just realized nobody made another tentacle thread after the board nuke. Let's post pictures of tentacles and their victims! Futa/pregnancy/light body modification is okay but no body horror assimilation stuff.
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