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Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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Where Malthusian men hold positions of power, discrimination against women of a specific archetype is common. This is unlike on Consumerist or Handler led worlds where persecuted women are merely accused of being feminists.
The least favorite archetype of the malthusians is the Spartiae. As stated in a previous thread, the IPE used to have problems with out-of-control Frontier Spartiae gangs that enslaved men for breeding and hoarded protein rich food. After a crack down and introduction of the less fertile urban variant, these gangs are no longer an issue. But the malthusian order still use the threat of these warrior women's resurgence to scare-monger for political power.
Spartiae are only seen in and around ports of entry on the outskirts of malthusian settlements, serving as security or sex relief. They are not allowed to leave a facility unless they are wearing a straightjacket with permission codes printed on it and an armed escort. Despite these restrictions, spartiae can still "sneak in" to the heart of malthusian held territory. That's because an all-natural women carries the latent genes for 2 other archetypes and so she could birth the hated archetype. But that's only if her husband also has the latent gene. The birth of a spartiae is legal grounds for a divorce, with both mother and newborn daughter being sold into punitive slavery. The daughter will usually grow up to accept her role as a beast of burden like in >>10995877 . Whereas the mother may need neurological reprogramming to accept her fallen status, especially if she was an upper class wife.
On frontier worlds, Spartiae and HuCows are paired together like guardian dogs and livestock by consumerist/handler ranches. This infuriates their malthusian neighbors and has resulted in occasional violent spats.
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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10929390
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Impale is an understatement. The bitch must have a hole the size of a basketball in her midsection after that.
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For me it's a jobber heroine.
How do you know it's a female artist?
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She posted herself cosplaying her oc before.
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Previous Thread: >>10907626
Same exact deal as the last one. Post blimps
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Hey so I remembering seeing a sketch/WIP account of https://twitter.com/dadada_53/ work on twitter, but I forgot what it was called. Could yall help me find it and post the name of it here?
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Thinking about writing something inflation-y, probably liquid-based, but doesn't have to be. I just tend to prefer something weightier than air for my inflation. Not sure how kosher berry stuff is here these days, so apologies if the image stirs up any shit. Not the intent. Anyway, if anyone has a prompt to get the wheels turning I'd be happy to write something short and sweet for the thread.
personally something with a girl drinking a fuckton of carbonated beverages like soda or beer and turning into a horny fizzy burpblimp

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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>Sliph back
Life good.

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This thread is dedicated to "Lift and Carry". What is Lift and Carry? It is a fetish revolving around being carried by someone, usually the opposite gender. Heavily associated with FemDom, much of LnC is based on the idea of being impressed with the woman's physical strength, usually with her being stronger than you.
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new fetish unlocked

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Previous: >>10912844

Topic is as stated, since I don't often see people talk about this side of things.
What's your ideal arrangement of people for conjoinment?
2 people? 3? Female? Male? Hags? Femboys? Bimbos? Are you part? What do you find underrated?

Bonus points for interesting answers.
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I do love Asura style conjoinments. Characters like Rouge from Ranma 1/2 have supported that.
I like Asura triplets where they have to turn their head to speak. Like the left face can only talk to you if the head turns right and vice versa. Even though all three faces share a brain, senses, and thoughts each face has her own name, personality, likes, and dislikes.
mixed height, weight, age, but they have to look naturally conjoined. also some less common conjoinments, like if a tall thicc milf was joined to a limbless girl like she was wearing a backpack. an alternative version is the milf looks pregnant but when she raises her shirt, it's actually the butt of the backpack girl
I want to listen to two-headed sisters breathing and heartbeats. I want to lay my head on their chest and feel their two hearts pulsing on my cheek. I want to hear them talk together with their voices harmonizing. I want to hear how the air flows in and out of their chest. And maybe I can hear how the air flows when they kiss each other.
Same here. I also prefer that the twins' personalities not be too similar or too different because realism.

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Post petrification/Freeze and anything else ASFR
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Are there any good magic pen stuff? There’s the gff ones, the one where the guy makes the model a sow, and the one with the phone app and the student council president, but i can’t find anything else, since “body writing” isn’t very unique of a tag to combine with mind control
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>Hypno themed rhythm game with based based based cringe cringe cringe
I...I can't even...
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Honestly, I am more interested in seeing what others like. Storys for me are hit or miss, even when in the same tags. Asking people what they like helps me sort through the dross to find what I like.

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op doesn't forget the title this time edition

>What's explicitly allowed here?
The picture/story/video's primary focus should be that of an adult woman growing into a giantess. How big she gets is up to you.

>What's explicitly disallowed, regardless of subject?
No solo male giant growth, futa, shrink, lolis, furries, or AI slop

>What about muscle content?
Assuming the girl is growing taller AND getting more muscley, you can probably post it but hyper muscle growth is a no-no. Make a FMG thread if there isn't already.

>What about a guy growing along with his gf/wife/etc i.e. "couples growth"?
Sure, why not. It's got a girl growing, it'll be ok.

>Why no futa?

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also i love mini gts / extremely slow growth SO much. the thought of someone running into increasingly inconvenient scenarios because she's so much bigger than the world around her but actively trying to down play it is so good and i wish there was more slow growth literature wise. 2 to 3 inch spurts (and then like 6 inches as she gets bigger) over a few seconds once or twice a day is so slept on i think

That project is clearly abandoned and left for dead.

Promises on their Dekkawa website that "oh hopefully it will be released in 2017, 2018, or 2019 but it's now 2021!"

"Please wait patiently!"

Just declare that this is either dead or is in development hell despite how "simple" it looks for a damn mobile game.
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anyone got pv of dekkawa girlfriend でっかわ彼女 by room6? room6 deleted it after vtuber promo.

PV showed tall girl's thighs.
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Previous thread: >>10954361
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Regrettably so
Artist is CaptureTheFlag on Furaffinity
Protip: click on the little triangle next to any posts' number to utilize the insta-Saucenao tool. Just be careful, the google image reverse search function seems to be broken on 4chan, and if you want to use that you'll likely have to use it manually.
Anyone else know what happened to shadowfaps? i swear in my book they were the king of vore. i miss them so much :(
Damn just because he's russian? Fuck this shit man
Cool, snakefag shit sucks

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Now with proper thread name.



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No way! Ftm skinsuit is awesome.
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Random question, but is anyone a patron of bocahcaboel on patreon or fanbox? Could you put their stuff on kemono?
Could you also update tslove kemono?
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Does anyone know what this series is?

Cute and pretty boys with big pussy destroyers between their legs.
Let's all love lovely boys.
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10897055/
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(reposting this green from 4 yrs ago since it's relevant)
> Imagine being a young guy, finding out that your body is dead-set on making you hyper-sexualized and there's not much you can do about it. You may either embrace it and enjoy the growth, or you could try suppressing it in vain, fighting off a losing battle.

> Despite the fact that you can barely fit your junk inside your pants, it continues to expand and yearn for more room. It's getting difficult to hide, you can't wrap your hands around it anymore, and your hands aren't big enough to cover its entire length. It's massive, certainly way larger than it should be, it's grown too much, yet it wants to get even bigger, to become more unmissable.

> If that was all you had to worry about, maybe it would be easier, but your overgrown dick also has to fight for space against your round giant balls, compressed between your legs. Sitting down without crushing them has become more of an issue lately, and you're starting to wonder how you're gonna hide them once they've outgrown the empty space between your thighs.

> And these balls are active. Extremely active. Eager to produce copious amounts of sperm all day round, increasing the production even more at the sight of any other unmodestly dressed person outside. You avoid sexual thoughts to the best of your ability to make sure you get home with ONLY your underwear soaked rather than soaking your entire legs with precum, or at least you try but it's not been easy. Even with all that effort, your body can only contain so much cum inside it. Your nuts aren't going to wait for you to take care of yourself, they're making cum fast regardless of whether or not you have the space to handle it. It doesn't matter if you already feel full to the brim, they're gonna make sure you get even fuller.
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> You need to look for an outlet to release, or you'll risk making puddles of precum around you. Any bathroom will do, though public ones have been a trial, since it's impossible to properly contain the streams of cum that come out of your dick, you end up making a mess that's painful to clean, and loud to others. But at home, you have an entire bathroom just to yourself. You can finally take care of it, all these suppressed horny thoughts you had the entire day flash in your mind, everything that you've been fantasizing up to this point, all of it free. It leads up to a massive orgasm that sends your entire body shivering, your massive member throbbing heavily at each spurt, with streams of sperm jolted out of your insides with enough strength to hit the ceiling.

> And then finally, after such overwhelming pleasure, a much needed rest. You feel so much lighter and at ease just from unloading...that is, for a few minutes, until your overly productive balls happily start filling you up again, and then the cycle starts again. You balls feel warmer, and they churn heavily, and your cock starts to leak again. Now it's only a matter of hours before you become as pent up as before.

> You can't stop leaking. You can't stop making cum. You're a mess, a perverted and horny mess desperately trying to hold itself together. It's too much, everything is overgrown. Yet, when you measured yourself today, you were several inches larger than last time, your balls were almost tearing your underwear apart, and for the first time you came so much that you couldn't even find any proper way to measure it, everything you have at home is too small to contain all your cum.

> You don't know how you got to this point. You never saw yourself as a overly-lewd person. You never thought that this is the future you'd have. But there's not much you can do about it now except wait until your growth spurt ends, even if so far it has shown no signs of slowing down.
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draw fag back have fun with oc

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What, no slimegirls/boys thread? There is now. Slime has no gender so I don't care what's in or on it.
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Search slime_boy on danbooru and rule34.
very cute~!!
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>will eat (You) because she hates humans
Why do I want her so bad, though?
Hate and love are literally two sides of the same coin. Turns out Emotional intensity is arousing not necessarily just love.

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Big and bigger edition

Previous: >>10948515
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>the dream
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this is clearly the best type of outfit for giant boys

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Old thread: >>10954268
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What do you think about monster girls with extra, non-humanoid heads, my fellow anons?
More headpats have to be provided, but it is cute.

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