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share pics of cute boys giving cunnilingus to dominant women!
169 replies and 124 images omitted. Click here to view.
Come on
im begging this board to like women who have vaginas
all women have a vagina

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!
Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11172084/#q11172084
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Oh, and don't think you can just "rough it" forever... your vitality lets you walk around barefoot comfortably, and endure all kinds of weather... but your hair will go from "wild" or "someone's fetish" to "this is a corrupted woman from some bad end hentai" in time. Being TOO dirty is also bad, and makeup... well it looks sexy.

But when someone is trusted to do this... they can betray you, because your oath does not care if it is you or them who tips the scales towards domestication. Lose too much "wild" energy and you become more submissive. Sure, the easy way is to shave you... but that's also the worst way. Your body hair is WONDERFULLY soft and lush... but styling it too much or dying the tips will give you heavy hits to your oath. This will, of course, be reverted in time if the "offending" makeup/clothes are removed, and your hair is washed/grows back out, but people who want to tame you gals are smart.

Once you start losing dominant energy, you will snowball, meaning whatever thirsty boy, girl, or rival futa is "domesticating" you will meet less resistance from you. Simply slapping a collar on you will make you unable to take it off with your hands, and make you unable to resist them in any way an animal couldn't. Dying your hair or putting bright lipstick on you may make you dependent and bimbo like. And if they get a shirt or apron on you... you're basically their housewife until you can find a tree branch or something to rub it off on. Remember, you have to get it off like an animal would, so no hands. Rolling around on the floor trying to get it off IS really cute though... and if panties go on? It's up to your subconscious to get someone to take them OFF before you can resist again (not TOO hard...)

You may witness futa who have lost "the way", wearing collars and leashes, with stockings or reverse bunny suits on, faithfully following, often, much shorter and younger mistresses/masters, and if you speak to them...
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...They will all tell you that they don't regret it.

Now, if you want a bit of both worlds... WILLINGLY accepting something like a ring will make you a switch, sometimes craving the domination of others, and getting off to submission as well as dominance... but like the other items... you can't take it off easily, and in the case of a ring? Rolling around won't do it, you'll need to beg someone else to take it off.

You will not lose other boons like your vitality, ability to go around naked, and will only lose enough strength to make it not SUPERhuman (just really strong), so it's not that bad... question is how dedicated are you to being natural and dominant, and how much would you "compromise" with your oath for nice things like baths and being spoiled in the submissive way?

>I wish for kinky reality bending shenanigans, like a female friend turning into my literal, biological mother, perhaps with me changing as well, along with other, similar changes to reality.
Granted! You are now a succubus in a world where supernatural beings exist, like kitsune, harpies, and other beings with "expectations" of them, such as revelry OR plenty of sex being expected of satyrs, or tricking and teasing humans being expected of kitsune and some fey folk. YOUR expectation is to corrupt and seduce humans... or... was.

See, if a being fails to be good at being what they are... they will lose any divine/profane powers they may have had, leaving them just a sexy monster girl/boy/futa, not unable to atone... but left where humans can fuck with them.

YOU were summoned by an experienced summoner for your first summoning. Before this, you would have had dream planting and traveling powers, (temporary) energy drain, some disguise magic... anyways, you failed to seduce her... because she seduced YOU, and lost all that, becoming a qt girl with red skin, a voluptuous figure, horns, and soft and stretchy holes. It wasn't even your fault, either. She's done this to your sisters too. She'll summon them, use magic to appear more appealing to them, or even grow a futa cock if they'd like that, and turn every attempt to seduce back at you, making demands that you WANT to follow... no, not want... NEED to, because you ALSO get to keep your libido and mental need for sexual stimuli. She'll dote on you and give you aftercare if you'd like. She's basically a mind reader, and knows everything about the beings she summons... down to their fetishes... but has deeper plans for you than just building a harem.

You are now a "mail order succubus". Due to not needing anything but sexual stimulation, you can be tied up, boxed up, and as long as it's in a lewd way... kept like that and shipped to her friends, or people who she thinks you'd enjoy serving based on your "profile"... sometimes being packed up with another succubus or even some other being, like a disgraced kitsune.

You'll be lent out to her friends.
From other subs who want company when they visit their mistress/master (again, they will be matched with you based on your preferences), subs she knows that are switches for qts like you, or other practicing doms... you'll be bound, mailed, and traded around. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants style, only you'll probably see a few more pairs of legs...

Another side effect of losing your powers, is, well... you're cute. REALLY cute. It's hard to describe, but people will just want to hug or headpat you when you pout, frown, or get embarrassed. To be fair... you ARE a succubus who, objectively, couldn't take care of herself, so you are kinda cute like a housecat... a being that needs human help to get by. What are you going to do, whore yourself out on the streets? No dear, get your sex from her GOOD friends so you don't get kidnapped or into fights with other monster girls... speaking of, they'll smell domestication on you, and tease you for it. Won't help that some of her friends are succubi and similar creatures who KEPT their status as sex gods and seducers...

They aren't mean though. I mean, sure... they'll put collars on you, practice bondage knots on you, and keep you tied up for fun... but after whatever kinky stuff they put you through, they might lay you down and put a movie on for you and your fellow sub to enjoy, or maybe a futa dom who borrowed you will unbind your arms and let you play a video game with her, cuddling you before sending you to HER friend, and maybe you'll make friends who want to see you again (or tease you again), and you might even attract orgies over a shared fondness of you.

Your sex life will be incredible... so long as you accept that you lost before the game even begun, and you're just a cute lil red sub to be teased and doted on now, with people having the gall to mail you to REALLY drive home how fall you've fallen... but you're an endearing sub. Maybe you'll make some good friends? Grow close to mistress?
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>I wish I was some sort of exotic (genie decides) futa with hardcore "mommy" energies, enough to make anyone from cute boys to mature office ladies find comfort in my presence should I offer to coddle them.

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As usual post detachable head stuff, no guro
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I don't care either way if done well enough but I rather it stay in places like the /ddg/ and what not if only top keep things tidy between artists and renders. Also most places have hide tags for AI art.
Hey, is this a Breaking Bad reference?
Yeah, the amount of spam from people like that is ridiculous. You make one half-assed thing and you get swarmed with requests/creepiness.
The main discord itself is also pure-cancer. The mods and the "in crowd" act like they are in charge of the entire fetish and set rules for it.
I get it it's an obscure fetish but why does it always attract creeps with no semblance of privacy?
It feels like this fetish is in a death spiral.

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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: >>11100069
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Valentine's is soon approaching...
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I like bunny boys.
I kinda don't like cat boys, and regularly bemoan that I live in the world where catboys are the standard

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Turn Into A Girl and Become the Otaku Circle's Princess Encore!! edition.

Previous thread: >>11221097
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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11206680
Belt Thread: >>11193312


>Lock Tracker & Chaster Pointers


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>You should definitely get the lockbox...
fucking hell
I ordered it, that's like 40 dollars plus shipping gone.
Least I can use it for handcuff keys and stuff too.

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Too many days without this kind of thread
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off to a poor start huh

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Futanari on Male, Dickgirl on Male

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Congratulations on having the most homosexual thread on /d/, i grantee most of you will end up as faggots with ass parasites in the future

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Chieri Edition
Previous: >>11204761
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Previous Thread: >>11195425
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>Anyone who's art look close to lewdlemage or even MetalForever have nothing to fear
metalforever's art is passable but the sequences (they are too lazy to be called comics) he makes these days are way more tame and boring than what AIslop anon makes
ezkerbkun is a better example of an artist that makes really hot stuff in a simple style
>The most established an artist is, the more content they have as training data, the more they should fear AI cutting into profits
both metalforever and lewdlemage earn close to $5000 from their patreons. they are not going out of business anytime soon.
as for your lewdlemage LORA pics they have issues such as
>six fingers
>inconsistent background
>inconsistent hair
>eye browns
>weird eye coloring
>ears and hair fuse together
No human artists would make mistakes like this, pretty telling this is AI. who would pay for quality like this?
you only notice those issues because you know it's AI so you apply extra scrutiny
as for whether it's worth the money, that's not the point
nobody should be monetizing AI sloppa like this
instead people will stop paying artists when they can just generate their own images in that person's style
I'm also a big fan of observer/enabler stuff and you definitely don't see enough of it made. Besides that you captured the cruelty and the appeal of being in a relationship with a predator really well. your descriptions of wg and her body are also pretty hot. That part about trips to the mall was diamonds. all I could really ask for is that you write more lmao. Personally i'm big on milfs so that's always an area i'd love to see more of. Keep up the good work mate

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"Water" edition.

Kemono list: rentry.org/omokemono2
Manga scene list: rentry.org/omogenmanga
omorashi AI models:

previous thread: >>11177744

Males, futa, and the like go in the other thread please.
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None in particular, I think. Since I'm one of those who prefer to see the girl making it (or mostly making it) instead of fully wetting herself.
I prefer them wetting in public. Their humiliation caught on camera.
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ah, aoi kurage, great artist, he made some games too, one mainly omo, the others are uw (underwater) but some still have omo in it. i got a collection with a ton of his art and games. i got this some years ago, since then it almost disappeared, except for here:
(the girl here looks so much like the main character in one of his games, sokoumi Z)

here's some more of his works, i recommend y'all to take a look:


also here's a pic from their omo game:
Yep, that's it! Thanks! Now if only I could find the english version that was on omo.org... :P
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Oh neat, Hamuko-chan was in my favorites from a long time ago and I recently read that latest upload. Always fun to suddenly find myself aware of an artist by name after seeing one of their works in the past

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Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?

Questions for slaves:
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.

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I feel like us slaves shouldn't really be punished for a small hornest mistake like that, we're not exactly smart anyway. Enthusiastically saying ¨Yes, Master!¨ when getting new orders is just instinctive for any well trained slave who enjoys her insignificant role in his Master's life. We just desperately want to be useful.
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What you feel and think doesn't matter too much, but yes, I do think it's only right that you don't get punished for stuff like that. I wouldn't hang out with people who treat their own slaves like that, ruling over slaves with only fear instead of also heavily instilling obsessive yandere in them is just not good mastery.

Like you said, you're not very smart and desperately want to be useful. Using fear to make you do as your told isn't a good idea since you'll just be walking on eggshells the entire time, scared of when the next beating over the most minor infraction will come. Best to make you fear the consequences of failing in your life's purpose of serving your Master since you are so happy your life is only about Him. You'll already do anything He says, it's just what you are. This is also why a well trained and happy slave considers Master's scolding a lot more painful than Master's whip.
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
I want her to see me as her beloved master who she would do anything to please.
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
I'd focus on training one slave.
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?
Heiarchical obedience.
>How do you break a slave?
Hypno sessions, drugged food and drink, drugs that intensify arousal, hand feeding her, bathing her. Tying her to a chair and taping vibes to her nipples and clit.
>How do you eliminate their old identity or their bad habits?
Hypnosis and drugs.
>How do you force them to accept their new life?
Show them how good things will be if they just submit to me.

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>whilst trash like us are just chained to rails above our heads, price tagged and left to be sold on a whim
Of course, and as we're not really considered high value goods, we're free to be touched as well. While an attendant would ensure no one damages the merchandise, passers-by are free to grope and violate us at their leisure.
The valuable virgins get comfort, and are decked out in lavish garments to showcase their sublime beauty. We, on the other hand, are kept naked for easy use and inspection.

>maybe for storage, but i think it would be very disrespectful to Master to stand whilst he's speaking to us as though we were somehow his equal
I definitely agree. What could be better than to be forced to change positions on a dime?
When master enters the room, we slaves are to instantly drop into a modified dogeza. This requires that we silently strip, neatly folding our clothes (if we are wearing any) and assume the position until bid to rise.
When addressed with whatever identifier we're given, we're to raise our heads only to speak, then return to dogeza.
By the way, the form of dogeza required of us is done with breasts and nose both pressed against the floor. This is hard for me to do, so I can't imagine how challenging it would be for someone with 34Bs.
It's not uncommon that our master "forgets" to let us out of our dogeza, not that we are given any lenience on our duties on account of that.

like this >>11222218

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And in addition to the usual dogeza, don't forget your bench duties. We slaves should be ready to quickly kneel down and stay completely still at a moment's notice if there are no seats avalable for Master. He should never have to stand when we're around.

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No AI, hyper muscle or futa allowed

Previous thread: >>11174405
Hyper muscle thread: >>11215505
Muscular futa thread: >>11158956
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Artist name please?
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Space Edition
Previous: >>11219559
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You could just watch it on Youtube
I've never seen this before and I love it, would happily pamper her feet
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This might be an unpopular take, but I don't think SH would've gotten nearly as big or as memorable if it was just a CG viewer. JRPGs are long because the process of playing slowly hacks your brain into identifying with the characters. Also as far as amateur JRPGs go, SH is actually not that bad. Its world design is quite solid. The combat is boring but at least it lets you run away easily.
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Thanks, I'll check them out. Always been meaning to get into Helck, always reminded me of Conan the Barbarian-style 80s trash which gives me the warm fuzzies.
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I'd be inclined to agree. If it didn't have the slow burn I'd probably forget about it. But I'm one of those people who prefers when size content has an attempt at some meat behind the story and isn't just a revolving door of disjointed size scenes.

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Doing it again edition
A thread for purely biological female chastity. Belts, edging, and anything else related to keeping girls locked up and needy!
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the mirror has porn physics
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Nira-moli/Isma released a new comic (KDA Latex Comic) featuring female chastity.
If anyone would be willing to share it/update the Kemono page that would be cool :

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