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Previous thread: >>11042716
118 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>y'all niggas need (something that doesn't exist)
yeah sure whatever.
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I hate this style so much
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Post tickling right now that the boards got nuked please or I will die
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I require more examples of this.
You sick fuck. Head to /trash/ with this dogshit. Next thing you know we'll be getting handholding threads posted.

Girls So Dense We Created A Black Hole Edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>11082331
183 replies and 108 images omitted. Click here to view.
What's happening now?
Nothing really, catalog just sped up enough to kill our thread in like half an hour
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even though it's nice to know it died of almost natural causes it triggers my OCD to have it archived before bump limit lol
We are up on /vt/

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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous thread >>11086694
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Sorry to be a bother, but would anyone happen to know of an image in which a JK is crying while being forced to eat some censored meal and it's heavily implied with a school ID card that said meal is the remains of her friend? I think it was a two panel comic with greyscale art
No, I think many of us are curious. I’m pretty sure I have seen that before but can’t remember. Was it maybe this user?
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Previous thread: >>11095972

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality

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150 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Well with shit like this
It's not exactly a wonder.
what artists? there are still plenty of japanese and western artists that still draw farts
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Why has there never been a fart edit/version of this?
There is none. They still make fart stuff and have gone on to making bigger and better things. Stop getting mad over nothing.

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Thank you anon, could you do this one too?
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Not that anon but here you go.
Received a low and tight recut for losing to Julian.
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Entire board purged edition: >>11093243

Authors Pixiv(has all useful links there like twitter, dlsite, and fanbox): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5773248

So make your choice, Mother or Daughter?
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He redid a few panels when sold the collected versions of the manga.
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Yuri's tits shrunk by 80% and Funous tits grew by 80%.
Honestly he should keep these proportions, Yuri was always susposed to have modest breasts compared to the Elves.
Yuri returned to her onsen era breast
she should be a modest japanese isekai transfer
>Kawa always thought they were too big for actual lewds
Fucking coward, it's a drawing, he can draw Yuri take massive dicks or even make them disappear in her mouth without problem, even if it's unrealistic or physically impossible, it's done all the time by other artists, and it's 100 times better than making the sizes inconsistent and dicks randomly getting smaller during sex, I fucking hate this decision so much, the point of this manga are the massive futa elves.

It went pretty well last time.
Self Destruction is still pretty niche so regular popping is welcome.
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I like to imagine the internal pressure leading up to the burst being quite pleasurable for them, before the final burst being orgasmic sensation that also knocks them out, with them finally waking up a little later in a stupor after healing back up
That's Assholish of them ngl
Not even gonna try and help her?
What could the do to help?
Make her puke?
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Frog edition

Board got nuked, so I'm setting up another thread.
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Two girls being tightly packed inside a stomach is a rare but welcome event.
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Needs to happen more. Two women butt naked in a stomach with nowhere to go but rub their curves against one another? Hot.
The 69 position is the cherry on top. Wonder if they try to keep their dignity and just struggle awkwardly until digestion or just go 'fuck it' and go to town on one another's pussies. Gonna be soup soon anyway, might as well go out feeling good.
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That's what makes fucking during vore hot though
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upgraded :)

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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We need more pics of Lilith with a fat ass
>But there is 7 pages of that on Rule 34
Not enough
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>We need more pics of Lilith with a fat ass
Can't agree enough
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Girls getting glorped.
4 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Aw yea

Purge/d/ edition.
Post breasts that are each bigger than the girl's head, but smaller than her torso.
No futa allowed. No hyper allowed. Only high quality AI (no AI-eyes, melting, or other shit like that) allowed.
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>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, premium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, free, heavily censored)
https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui (local, free; check the OP in the threads of the Related boards’ section to get further informations)

>Anon-made size LORA for local SD
Ochiko art style: https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
Cramped - minigts growth: https://civitai.com/models/519243/crampedgrowth-concept

>General NovelAI guides

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>be Yilx
>have anon lurking on a Taiwanese image board spend a long time to collect and tag all your works
>install SD and start generating endless pics based on your art style
>draw some adjustments when needed
>sell your newly generated pics on Patreon
This but unironically.
Wow. I'm honored to have my degeneracy signed off on by the actual artist. I wouldn't even mind if he used it to pump out more art, desu - as far as I'm concerned the whole point of making and sharing it is to increase the amount of size stuff on the Internet.

Tagged and trained an initial LoRA on the dataset you posted. Pic combines the result at weight 0.9 with the Yilx LoRA. I think it probably needs some more work (right now it either cooks faces or misses details on her clothes) but it's clearly doable.

I'll keep tinkering, but if you'd be up for putting together some additional images (ideally in other styles or that show her full body in other poses) I can tag/train on those too and it'd probably help.
Looking great so far! I went and tried to scrounge up some more pictures, mainly a few from the game's discord made for that previously mentioned artist.
Hopefully these help: https://files.catbox.moe/u3hkfy.zip
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Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>11056685
94 replies and 86 images omitted. Click here to view.
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love Remi

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