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No AI, no futa, hyper/immobile welcome
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I think the intent is that the gravity of her boobs pulled in the plane mid-air
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knocking up someone with giga boobs is extremely hot
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I miss LVCN...
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Once breasts reach such size, cleavage must cease its linear trajectory. There is so much fat between, that the consistent force of the two monuments colliding begins a zigzag down the middle.
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hi Anon How do i write to a girl like that
You might wanna specify who you’re talking to and what you’re talking about

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I LOVE her.
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If all women had breasts like this, they would finally drop the pretense of trying to be independent and successful like men
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Indeed I wish more women where like my mommy I do notice big boobs women are more relaxed compared to chestlets and ass bitches
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Huh, I think you're onto something. We need to start adding some necessary uh.. ¨vitamins¨ in their drinking water.
how'd she get there.
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Rest your head on them
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Nice captcha I have
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Must make Policework hard I imagine.
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Nobody draws breasts that look softer.

This artist is better at this one thing than everybody. He also makes clothed breasts that really get the imagination going like nothing else. It's incredible how much he can accomplish with these daily scribbles. Easily one of my favorite artists and not even because of talent.
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Like... write a girl like that?
Lillian, Lily, groaned as she woke up. Another weird day with huge tits again.

We'll get back to you. We're still working on your case. Blah blah blah. What's the point of the government have a department for supernatural affairs if they can't fix me?

Reaching over my left side I used both hands to pull my left breast over and push it across my stomach to the other side so I could roll out of bed.

I worked my lower body over the edge and stood up, my breasts dragging across the bedsheets with me hunched over. I reached for the bra whose strap I looped around the bedpost and worked each cup under my bust, one breast at a time. This part was always hard. I stomped my feet as the cups slid across my nipples while I was positioning them, barely managing not to come. Then I went for the left cup and I went weak in the knees, falling onto my tits as I failed to remain standing during the orgasm. At least they're comfy to fall on. I thought the size of them would be the worst but I was wrong. The nipples are definitely the worst part and fuck the pervert who did this to me, whoever they are.

When I finally leaned into my tits and managed to get the bra fastened I looked at the clock. 14 minutes to get out of bed. I'm getting better at this.
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Wouldn't that make the men grow boobs, too?
It's happening IRL. A 20 year study shows an increase in the rate of Gynecomastia beyond the rate expected from population increase alone.
That can only be a sign of a lot of other bad things. More than I care to get into right now.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be affecting women. And you know the men aren't going to get anything decent. We're all getting poisoned and can't even get decent side effects.
Gonna sell bottled breast expansion water and says it's full of electrolites made for females. Then become youtube famous so that teens end up buying it instead of milfs oopsie
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