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It's been a while since the last one

Futa and AI are fine (it's not like we can be picky)
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The new illustrious merges are getting good. Has almost every artist, and you can mix them together in a bunch of ways. https://files.catbox.moe/8rumas.txt


Search triangle says Sulcate Corruption of Champions

schizo-gen info: https://files.catbox.moe/qctzet.png

how would someone go about making use of that giant text file, what is it for?
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Did you gen that? If so please.. more asuka taurs in that style. Another anon made this for me in that same style. Just alot more horse kek.
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It's the dansbooru tags of the artists illustrious trained on, just add one or two to a prompt and it's a whole new style and take on a subject. Noobai/other merges probably added more (less well trained) ones from e621.

Catbox should have the gen info, (rella) the artist tag. Looks like the low cfg randomly picked up ((vibrant color)), sunlight, winter, and one other tag I can't find.
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I am loving these and need MOAR
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for u
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You ever want to understand why people despise AI? Just look at these abominations and understand that the person who posted them considered them "good".
Seriously, they're so bad I can tell they're AI from the thumbnail alone.
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I keep typing the captcha in the wrong field and then I have the gall to wonder why it's not working.
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God, I had high hopes for this thread, but its nothing but low quality slop....
Next time op needs to make sure they say "no ai".
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when you feel a little besides yourself
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OP here, I agree
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I'm the one who posted the humantaurs, I've been told it was okay to post them in this thread but I should have posted a lesser number to begin with. So I apologize on that if it's the problem.
Sorry for biting your head off. Part of it was the subject matter, part was the rate of posting. The hostile nature anti-AI is because it is VERY easy to have an entire thread filled with nothing but slop.
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saving the thread with what i have.
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obligatory AI.
No problem and my apologies once again for being a bit trigger-happy earlier.
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Post it on /a/
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Why are centaur "artists" unable to resist giving them dicks bigger than a fucking car
How do you see horsecock and think "it should be 200 times bigger".
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this thread was a based find tonight
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Futa centaurs should be anally fisted while having their cock milked.
Does pressing the prostate will help boost milking?
Of course. Press and massage it hard enough and cum will blast out of their cock like a fire hose!
NTA but thank you for being understanding
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Who is the artist?
AI sloppa, probably aping Uno Makoto's style.
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Boy centaurs are GAY.
Human male topping female/futa centaurs is a patrician fetish. Good thread.
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Holy fuck stop posting AI shit
if we wanted that we'd go generate our own
But this thread allows AI, what are you nagging about?
The big problem, for me, is the volume. I get that you're exited to have 25+ minor permutations of the same exact theme generated for you, but really I don't care to see every single permutation. People seriously need to just pick one to post.
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