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women being treated as livestock and being farmed for resources like milk or meat. cowgirls are welcome as well as other farm themed kemonos.

cannibalism may be implied but no explicit gore is allowed on /d/
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That's all I want. Is it too much to ask to be a dairy cow, chained to my tiny stall and milked daily in some dimly lit factory?
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I want to chew on a cute hucows breasts or udders or even her pussy...
Would you want your breasts huge from the start or go with big and let them get huge over the years on your livestock diet and duties?
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Would you prefer to be milked by hand or by a machine?
In my fantasy, there’s a sort of conifer which grades a woman’s body after high school, and decides wether she’s meat or a milker or a normal human. Based on her grades and her body, it is calculated wether her value as meat or the value of her milk is greater than the value she can contribute to society by working. The girl is then stripped naked, collared, leashed and sent to the plant. Is this the board to discuss this stuff? Kinda wish there was an erotica board.
Committee not conifer, fucking autocorrect
2nd one. I mean the girls selected for milking would have large tits, by default but normal and would increase. They may even get their limbs amputated so that they require less food.
>2nd one. I mean the girls selected for milking would have large tits, by default but normal and would increase. They may even get their limbs amputated so that they require less food.
Acceptable. I just like to imagine some females have the perfect hucow genes just haven't been awakened yet or some gene therapy that could solve the lack of breasts, number of breasts or altering the mammary types scenarios.
I'm also sucker for breast expansion so it would nice to see my hucows grow big under my care.
>tfw bitchy classmate would have made for a great hucow because she was useless for anything else
(not real, but a fun idea to play around with)
Is it biologically possible to attach breasts of other girls onto one girl via surgery? I think it may be, provided you can reroute the blood vessels. So you can have 4 (or maybe 6) breasts per girl. The limbs can be removed and sold. Some of the girls chosen for meat will have their breasts removed, frozen and surgically attached to the limbless milkers. What do you think should happen to the milkers once they are too old to produce anymore milk?
Like with space marines extract the milk super genes and attach to the next in line of becoming a milker class. To be honest i never really cared for the meat production or reusing parts all that much. I'm more in to see their breasts leaking milk at alarming rate or being drained by milking machines.
Additionally, if the discrepancy between the estimated workplace productivity of the woman and the estimated value of her milk yield isn’t too much, she may have to become a temporary hucow for a year or two and will not undergo extensive body modification. If the discrepancy is very large, the woman undergoes limb removal, attachment of other breasts, extensive chemicals and is surgically attached to a permanent metal frame which has a tubes to supply food, water and to take away piss and shit, for the rest of her life.
I find the idea of having a set milk caste a bit rigid. It would be more fun, having the uncertainty of her future.
Meant for
So you want to go through what >>11198301 went through or what?
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I definitely want them to grow bigger and bigger over the years during my ¨work¨ (or more like captivity, which I prefer). Until they've gotten so huge and heavy that I can't even properly walk anymore, so instead I'll just have to crawl like an animal around the factory dragging my milk filled breasts on the floor and leaving trails of milk behind me whenever I have to leave my stall for my monthly health check or whatever.
Definitely by machine, I don't want to be treated like a human anymore in any way. I'm just one of the nameless, branded cows in the factory, my milk production/quality is all that matters to my owners.
What do you think about:
Also, does anyone here have experience with writing fucked-up erotica, I REALLY want to get into it this year. I have a lot of fucked-up scenarios laying dormant in my head for the past decade or so.
What exactly happens to the children of women turned to human livestock? With so much of the art of them being pregnant I always wondered what happened to their babies.
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Might as well repost one that I did. 3 pages (3 images each page). The images are AI generated, and it getting some of these shots right took some effort.
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Sometimes this stuff pops up on the /ddg thread.
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I do love multi breast stuff, and amputation as well. It does makes sense not to waste any energy for my limbs if that same energy can be used to keep up my all-important milk production.
Maybe I'm just screwed up but the tought of being reduced to just a amputated ¨cow number 751¨ with giant milk filled tits dragging across the floor is unbelievably hot to me. Spending my days in my stall listening to the constant sloshing sound of my milk pumps and just focusing on stuffing my face full of cheap tasteless fodder filled with god knows what chemicals and vitamins to keep my udders full. Just like all the other nameless cows around me, we only exist to be milked now, that's the only thing of value about us anymore.
I like amputation in a factory setting. A good way to stop the cows from wasting energy, and rebellious ones no longer have a means to escape.
I imagine that they're brought up to be cows too like their parents. There's a game called Free Cities that lets you run a hucow dairy as part of an arcology, and each time your cows birth their calves are raised in a slave school (unless you pay for private or citizen schooling).
When I play, I make sure my cows are heavily pregnant basically all the time, they make a lot more milk that way.
Ah that makes sense. I imagine dealing that many kids is difficult if this is all a single operation. Imagine turning 75 women into human livestock and getting pregnant.
i prefer this the other way but there doesnt seem to be any content.

i want to see femdom content, where men are used for their 'milk'
So basically, the setting is, girls once they turn 18, are inspected by government officials at their high school. They must wear a towel and line up and will be inspected one by one. Once their name is called, they will be brought to a clinical looking room, asked to remove the towel, spread her legs and put her hands behind her head. Then, a bunch of people in lab coats will measure every body part in a clinical manner and note it down. After that, the girl will be asked to lay down on a metallic bed, and they will prod her and measure the quality of her flesh. All while noting down her behaviour and the values of her physical measurements. The financial value of the girls body, and her lifetime predicted milk output is calculated based off these measurements. Then, the girl is sent back. After the examinations, her expected monetary contribution to the economy is calculated based on her grades. If the value of her body or her estimated total milk output is greater than her estimated monetary contribution to society, the following will happen: (to be continued)
This is what I come here for. There’s something about this that just tickles my autism. It’s not even wholly sexual.

If I was a billionaire I’d buy a ton of land. Then I’d find women who are really into this fetish. I’d build a barn specifically to human specifications and keep them as human livestock for their milk. I’d process them by tattooing each one (on the buttock, outer thigh, or both) with a livestock number or QR code that links to a digital database. The database would store details about the women. Age, height, weight, udder (breast) size, hair and eye colour, etc. It would also store info about milk quality and volume.

The women should behave and act as livestock. What they wear should reenforce this. They should definitely have collars. Perhaps with a shock feature that activates based on GPS. That way they must either kneel or stay on all fours. This collar could have a cowbell but maybe that would get annoying after a while. Perhaps an ID card with the database info and a headshot alongside the QR code would be better. Their name should be listed as “former name” though. The women should definitely be tagged with livestock tags displaying their number. Anyone living in the UK or EU who keeps even a small amount of livestock knows what a pain CPH numbers and livestock registration forms are but here I feel it adds to the experience. They should be pierced on site shortly after arrival. A lot of the drawings for this fetish show the women wearing nothing. However I feel this could get messy and unhygienic. Therefore my livestock should wear stockings and arm length gloves made from latex or PVC. It should be translucent so that the QR code and ID number can be seen clearly. There should also be some sort of leotard/corset garnment made from the same material that can support the udders (breasts) in place to make sure they aren’t damaged.

The corset/leotard should also have a ribbed/textured section on the hips for ergonomic breeding.

in keeping with hygiene and efficient management, the women should have their hair tied back in mid length twin tails with elastic band (ideally the same colour as the leotard, stockings and gloves. I will allow them bangs and moderate makeup so they can look cute for me.

With regards to food, I'd feed my livestock some sort of processed paste. The past will be sent in tubes through dildos that the women have to deep throat's if they want to eat. Same goes for water. Feeding them slop from a trough will be unhygienic. The feed will keep them thin/curvy and healthy so visceral fat doesn’t effect milk quality.

For waste management I’ll probably just use slats like most farms (the barn floor is raised on concrete slats and covers with holes that allows waste to fall below the floor. The barn is regularly hosed down so what doesn’t drop down is washed down and channeled into a slurry pit). The leotards will have holes for the women to relieve themselves. No fake tails or tail plugs. This is bad for hygiene. The women will be hosed down once every day (the latex suits help with this) and dipped (look up cattle dipping) twice a week. After dipping they will be given a change of clothes.

Cattle numbers are generally 6 digits. You also get a 6 digit herd a number which is tied to the CPH (county parish holding) number which makes up the last three digits of the herd number. The first few digits are a geographic identifier. So you’ll actually be something like cow 000751 of herd 863921. I hope you like large earrings as you’ll legally be required to have tags of not less than 55mm at the widest point horizontal and 45mm at the highest point vertical. Both will be in a colour approved by the UK government (most often yellow) as I do not feel like paying a £5000 fine for using the wrong colour.

Well behaved women would be rewarded with machine fucking either in their stalls (I would treat my livestock well and let them graze outside but they need to be indoors when it’s cold -especially over winter) or being bound in a cattle stanchion. Speaking of bondage, upon intake the women should be observed and their measurements taken inside a cattle crush modified for human proportions.

The livestock regulations are broadly the same throughout Europe. However you also generally have the national coat of arms on the tag. So a crown for Britain, a harp for Ireland, and so on. The states also have tags but there’s cases that are exempt from tagging and in some instances branding is used instead of or alongside tagging (to deter cattle rustling in places like the USA and South Africa - the cows are usually stolen to be sold for drug money though I imagine in the human livestock economy branding or tattooing would be useful in preventing stolen livestock from being sex trafficked).
To make the fantasy more immersive/believable the women should just be conscripted as cows for a period of a few years. No amputation but maybe a training regime or steroid program to promote the growth of mammary glands. It reminds me of a guy I knew who wrote an undergraduate essay on how in his view Gileads breeding system in the handmaids tail is justified in any state that acknowledges the legitimacy of conscripting it’s male population during wartime. He got a high 2:1 as his final grade for his degree btw.
Must Breed
Am I allowed to talk about cannibalism here?
I love this so much. The foreplay milking her breasts is so nice, seeing them expand like getting filled with milk and how she enjoys emptying her udders.
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>you’ll legally be required to have tags
Oh I absolutely love eartags, barcode and QR tattoos etc. Bigger the better. I'm just property that exists to create milk after all, no reason to be subtle about things like that. Branding is also great. Probably hurts like hell but definitely worth it.
¨Cow 000751 of herd 863921¨ sounds nice, the more insignificant sounding my ¨name¨ is, the better. I love the idea that my whole life is used just to make money for my owners, yet chances are that they will never even see me, or at best they do a casual inspection around one of their factories and walk past that long row of stalls where I'm kept once or twice during my lifetime. I'm just a number on a long list of cows that they currently own, nothing more.
Being so utterly dominated and exploited sounds just the best. They won't notice when I join their herd nor will they notice when I'm gone; the amount of money my milk makes them monthly is almost negligible on their millionaire bank accounts.
I've written a few stories under a pen name on DA. Not a lot of "livestock" focus as forniphilia is my preferred fetish, but I do have a story about "adopting a stray" that has a few parts that got some popularity. You can also look up guro erotica on Reddit for examples of stories
Would you molest your livestock or would you want to be molested as a livestock?
I probably pick one or two i molest daily, feeling up their growth or just use them as onaholes.
Actually, in Free Cities, if you have the breeding Future Society set and upgraded, then the calves can be sent to a breeding school instead of a normal school. So basically they're raised to be a cow just like their mother.
If I had the opportunity to turn a woman into my cow I'd probably go with the route of injections to make her breasts grow. Estrogen, Progesterone, and prolactin, Keeping her breasts in a constant state of growth until it's a clear detriment or she's so endowed that she can really only handle being on all-fours for long period of time.

Of course, to fuel growth I'd also be controlling her diet, adjusting it to properly feed her growing breasts and her milk production. A bit of chub would be permissable, especially if I like the way her figure develops but generally I'd have my cow on a bulking and fasting cycle.

> Bulking: excess food, extra progesterone to maximize milk production
> Fasting: Just enough to maintain breast size and production, extra progesterone to encourage the breasts to maintain size

Now sure, we can strip a cow of humanity, however if a happy cow produces more milk, then of course there have to be some amenities to make life more pleasurable as a being who's role is to simply eat, breath, produce milk, get fucked, and maybe bear offspring.

Whether living amenities be fucking machines and aphrodisiacs to keep my cow constantly horny, or a more casual lifestyle where my cow can watch TV or engage in basic hobbies while constantly attached to a milker.

In my eyes an ideal cow would never wear clothes, even if that means it's/her breasts sag before it's/her non-cow peers; free-use would be established, and would be masochistic enough to tolerate or enjoy painfully fast breast growth.

God I love this post; the image, and the desires being showcased

I keep thinking about making a free cities inspired game but haven't had enough of an idea for what I want it to be yet. Plenty of lore in my head for the location the game takes place in though.
op here. the other threads had discussions of cannibalism so i'd say yes. pictures or extremely gorey descriptions however would probably get removed
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So many heavy bellies and swollen milky boobs!>>11203703
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! I'm trying to convince my arcology that women should be milked and pregnant all the time, so I haven't seen that option yet
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If my owners want to molest me then it's up to them. Animals don't have any right to complain.
>Animals don't have any right to complain.
That is true. I wouldn't even say i will respect their wishes, I just know some prefer to be only hooked on milking machines and use drugs to force them to produce milk and not getting fucked or touched
That’s right. 150 pairs of milk swollen tits, 75 women turned into cattle broken from cock and being milk, and 75 babies to be born assuming no twins or more are made. Imagine the pride a man could have from doing this on his own.
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I like a lot of this. A cowbell is obligatory, but a muffled or fake clapper would make it less annoying. The shock collar would be good for teaching her not to talk like a human too.
I'd make a point of deleting names and other pointless biographical details. She won't ever use it again, and I don't care. Maybe have a pet name space for any top breeders or milkers that earn one.
What would you use for dipping, a traditional vat or a mechanical spray? I like pic related for cleaning, but maybe it's too high tech.

Skip the UK government stuff though, that's a sick fetish.
I love this, but I would make the grading occur after middle school, and then the girls' highschool experience changes drastically depending on their grade. Different classes, different expectations, different rules and uniforms and rights. This way both the girls and their highschool peers know what the girl's fate will be years in advance, with all the social fallout that entails. But there should also be means of having your grade both improve and be reduced over the course of highschool, opening up opportunities for desperation-themed stories, blackmail, punishment (including capital via demotion to meat), etc etc etc.
I wish you luck with the game anon, hope you enjoy it! Repopulist is pretty difficult and a pain to do. Typically my arcology ends up being pastoral, hedonistic, intellectual dependency, asset expansion, then repopulist for an end goal of fat, pregnant, stupid cows. But that's just my preference. I like how much variety and options there are.
Nothing so complicated. It would be a smallholding setup. 12 acres at most. I’d buy in the feed so I can have a relatively high stocking density. Although you’d be doing this anyways because women can’t digest grass. If this was an actual thing I was doing I’d go for a trad smallholder/crofter vibe (at least for the outside of the buildings and my cabin/cottage on site). So I’d have a setup similar to the one they used to use (and I think they might still use in some places) in the highlands where you have a trench dug with the walls and floor either concreted (cold use postcrete to be fair) in or made with brick. The entrance to the trench is an incline. Have the women walk through the trench on all fours. Probably the best way to do it. The women are livestock that need to produce milk but they’re not cows. You can’t pull a temple grandin on them. They should be able to see the dipping pool.

>names and other details
I should have clarified. The card should list their ID number alongside physical details that should be kept track of. Things like breast size and date of birth. Names should be listed as “former name” if at all. The QR code should lead to a digital file with up to date stats on things like milk production volume.

On the food situation, maybe the women could be fed smallholder mix, or corn pellets mixed with smallholder (dried corn+pellets basically) mix (good combo for chickens). You can normally buy both of these at farm stores which are normally within a short drives distance of most places in the uk. Imagine walking into Moles and asking for hucow feed lmao.

>skip the UK government stuff
Fighting with being pissed off at or complaining about DEFRA is part of life for people with holdings as small as an allotment to as large as an aristocratic estate. This isn’t wholly a joke btw. Allotment holders and back garden chicken owners were told to register their chickens or face criminal convictions.
To continue, this reminds me of old fashioned lambing crates. My family ha e always been a bit hippyish and have owned various livestock at different points throughout our lives. Lambing crates are a bit before my time but they were in an old handbook that my father gave me.

The masks could be useful for linking up to tube feeders.
Thanks! I typically run pastoral and repopulist because I want to have as many broodmothers being milked as possible. All women should be pregnant and heaving out kids as often as possible, and the dairy should run at full capacity. I'd run hedonist more often, but I don't like how the fat descriptors change. Sometimes I'll just fatten my cows as their pregnancies progress for the heck of it though.
Who's Frank?
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Oh I would definitely prefer just to be a lowly dairy cow, slowly losing my mind as I get injected daily with some animal grade drugs until I'm just a pair of giant milk tanks crawling on the floor. Workers at the factory can't even view me as a human anymore, to them I'm just one more dumb cow in the herd that just needs to be drugged, fed and milked every day.
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This is why i'm doing these important research now. Gotta find the cows most compatible with the living milk factory life style. While also find a few cowgirls who will live with me as pets
So what happens when one of your owners wants to plap you full of kids?
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Well, that's their choice. If they want to fuck one of their cows, then who am I to stop them? I'm just property after all. And it definitely wouldn't hurt my milk production btw. And chances are that I would just give birth to my offspring and never see them after that, they would be raised by someone who's human. Doubt they would even care to know that their mother was a just ¨Cow 000751 of herd 863921¨ anyway.
That’s a mostly good attitude about it I guess.
Imagine finding out that your mom was/is human livestock.
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That's what I meant in >>11206576
I don't think my child would be too excited to see that his/her mom is just a mindlessly mooing dairy cow who only cares about being fed and milked anymore.
I guess your daughters could wind up becoming cows too.
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That would be fun. At least I could teach her some things like that. Like uh... how to chew your fodder quicker. Or the right way to crawl once her breasts start to get in the way of her movements.
Two generations of cows being milked and bred together. Perfect.
Imagine being a daughter of such livestock and one day your hucow genes activate. Either before, during or after puberty or with your first pregnancy.
I think it’s best when it works during puberty.
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I like that idea. And if she was adopted and doesn't know who (or what) her mother was, she's going to be horribly confused. Her breasts start to grow at a rapid rate and begin to lactate after few months, and she starts to have more and more problems at school; even the most basic math problems are giving her trouble now.
Yet the doctors have no clue what's going on with her and say that everything seems totally normal. She's probably just having a ¨growth spurt¨?
And then one morning as she's brushing her hair (after milking herself, part of her usual morning routine nowadays), she notices her horn nubs...
I just love to see their breasts balloon up for any reasons at all. So works for me
unf, perfect premise. Adoptive daughter turns out to be a hucow...
Milking bump. Cows with baby bumps.
my period came today. I am not entirely human by the way

I have discovered the genealogy of humans. We are Cro Magnons and Neanderthals with Dark City Stranger and distant Ancestor Engineers. So 1 in 40 million people is 1/4 Engineer. 1 in 68 is a Neanderthal, 6/10 are cro magnon heads, 1 in 50 million is a death meister, 1 in 150 million is A Stranger, and 1 in a megabolt is Superhero and 1, me is Superbolt.

I have many vaginas and for each 76%/100% of lineage I have a Complete Goddess.

So I have a Stranger vagina, that makes green period. I have a Vampire vagina that makes deep red shit period. I have a Jeepers creepers vagina that makes skunk swash swallowed reshat shit. And I have a Smurgy Pit Dragon Rape Goddess vagina that climaxes from just touching my anus. There is a microcellular fingerpad of actual Sow in me. And a conch mollusk front package. And also a devoured by Azathoth Dream Larvae pubusial vagina.

Also called A Z Zarg Pitash Potum

I'm Superbolt

Ask me anything or try to smell me from where you are

I admit I can conceive pigs

I feel like I want to be pig birthing livestock a lot of the time. Ask me anything
I wish I would get to conceive pigs in Lucy of cyberpunk edgerunners name.

Be forced to oral sex sows and trained to orgasm from pigsex in my anus using me as a breeder
I can also turn 59% of the universe into gimps forevermore in .23 seconds
Why is it always bondage?
Can't the women be seated in a cubical, eating the timely meal while getting milked?
I swear city people always think livestock get treated like shit all the time, you have to treat the animals nicely or else they aren't productive.
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Being treated like a disposable object that's used for by someone else to make easy profit is what makes it hot for me.
I definetly treat mine nice, but i think this thread was made with more maso and sadism in mind. Because it's livestock and not hucow farm or something alike. But true on average most farms takes really good care of their animals. after all stressed out ones don't produce as well.
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>stressed out ones don't produce as well.
In a huge factory surely that can be fixed with a nice concoction of drugs and chemicals. A few injections and pills more and the production levels are back up yet again and all's good.
I like the idea of my udders growing bigger and milkier everyday, whether I liked it or not.
All that matters to them is my milk output.
True, We don't really need to bring in reality into this. Magic drug just helps to squeeze out every cent of the perfect livestock candicates. (some anon could just open up a farmgirl thread, where the farm animalgirls are respected or something. This is for completly and udderly exploiting the livestocks by overgrowing their breasts, possibly fucking around with gene editing for multiple breasts and/or udders or whatever freakish livestock things are the masters are into)
>multiple breasts
Yes please, I just want to be a walking (barely), talking milk fountain leashed to my stall.
>mindbroken cow, obedient and silent besides instinctive reactions like moaning or cumming when being milked
>rebellious cow, still retains her pride and believes she can escape
>terrified cow, in constant despair and begs for mercy whenever she gets the opportunity
>perverted cow, enjoys everything that happens to her no matter how intense or dehumanizing
Which way, western man?
I’d take all of them.
What age do girls start producing milk? I like the idea of them being strapped up to the stalls all day the moment they can be. They can only muster a few drops? Whatever, there's plenty more where that came from.
You definetly had easier walking in, than walking out of your stall. With all the medicine, drugs and special feed you will be getting your milk producers into overdrive
>mindbroken cow
Would be fun to molest and see her dumb melted mind just only registering lewd touches now.
>rebellious cow
It's adorable, when they talk back, like they got a chance. Makes me want to slap her butt and tits.
>terrified cow
honestly i would fold and take her as a pet.
>perverted cow
If she is like Darkness then i might not be able to satisfy her growing dark desires. But otherwise like to listen her going on a rant on how i will humilate her today.
I do not really think about ages that much, but i like if their cow genes kick in around their puberty but maybe slapping them into the milking stalls when their milk actually starts to flow. Like around the age or look of Illya and Kuro from fate kaleid plus huge milky tits.
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>easier walking in, than walking out of your stall
Those monthly health check ups would be such a nuisance. Walking (leashed) for 10 minutes to the lab, and standing still and upright in front of the doctor while he's taking measurements and blood samples, sounds rough.
¨Ugh, again? Trust me, I'm fine. At least let me get milked again first.¨
>that pic
perfect gf with perfect tiddies geting in her way of daily or maybe improve her dairy life.
Yep, just imagine them bouncing and leaking on the way and then back too. But it's important to know, if hucow #256 is healthy or not. Or if she needs any kinds of booster. After all i want my money's worth from my cows.
>playing Pokemon cards with your friends when your chest starts feeling funny
>the school nurse runs some tests and confirms your hucow genes are activating
>she makes a few phone calls and eventually some employees of the local farm come pick you up
>you're quickly processed, cleaned, and branded alongside the other purchases of the day
>"Happy cows are healthy cows, let's assign this calf next to her mother so they feel more comfortable"
>meanwhile your classmates are doing math homework
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And few months later her classmates go on a field trip to the local farm and recognize her among the cows, munching a pile of fodder (with suspicious looking little pills mixed in it).
But her old self is already long gone and she only drools and smiles at them, then just gives a loud moo and continues her messy eating. While her mother's being milked right next to her, patting her head proudly.
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I like to imagine that this is the amount of growth a new cow goes through during her first 12 months once she becomes a part of the herd, and starts taking her daily dosage of drugs and nutrients.
What living conditions do you keep your cattle in?
>I just love to see their breasts balloon up for any reasons at all. So works for me
>unf, perfect premise. Adoptive daughter turns out to be a hucow...

Oh man yes!
>adoptive daughter gets knocked up by boyfriend in high school
>her tits balloon and leak
>her belly swells and bloats
>her hips grow, her thighs thicken
>stupid cow get fat and pregnant
>boyfriend knocks her up again
Free range, with a pasture
>her hips grow, her thighs thicken
>stupid cow get fat and pregnant
All positives.
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>So. You wished to sample our products, sir?
>She always complains so much when each monthly checkup comes around, because we have to take her off the pumps, and she has to actually move herself.
>Her breasts are so big at this stage that she has to lean back almost 45 degrees, half-squatting or sitting as she does, just to bring their center of gravity over her knees to stand upright unaided, squeezing her chest as best she can reach with her arms.
>Then she starts her awkward, straining, toddling, shuffle-walk out of her stall. It's clearly exhausting, and a huge strain on her muscles, and she's not able to keep her chest from swaying. Sometimes this swings her around, and often means they bash into or clip things.
>If she slows down too much, or stops for too long, a cattle prod to the buttock is reliably able to get her moving again, though with some verbal distress or complaint.
>She's so distracted with her body, or so desensitized by now, that she will think nothing of walking through the hallways and facilities entirely naked. She'll walk through office spaces, reception rooms, even outside or onto a public street to be loaded up, with no complaints save that for having to be disconnected from her pumps, and the difficulties of locomotion.
>Typically to meet her metabolism's demands we will need to feed her in the Doctor's waiting room. And typically, despite hard milking prior for weight and cleanliness reasons, she will still have a spillage accident either along the way, or in the room.
>We've considered bringing the medical staff to her, but unless she's sick, injured or heavily pregnant, being able to demonstrate the capacity for mobility is a big bonus to proving her physical wellbeing.
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God, seriously this is my dream life. Just treated like cattle; a disposable thing to be exploited for all my body's worth. Just one more dumb cow owned by a huge company that has been running this business for decades already.
And when I'm finally back in my stall from the health check, everyone can see the relief and happiness on my face when they start the pumps again. About time, I wasted 2 hours not producing milk to my owners! My back's going to hurt for days again and my legs are tired...
Oh well, at least I'm back home again. And there's plenty of nutritious food in my trough so it's time to refill my udders again!
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>Canon milking
>she calves, heaving her babies out
>huge thighs, extremely wide hips from the pregnancy
>breasts engorged and leaking
>puffy belly, chubby face
>knocked up again 2 months later
>good luck with classes, breeder cow!
Fat fertile cow mommy (4 calves and counting) will always be peak female form
That’s one of the peak forms for me.
>also that’s what the Anon who wants to become a cow wants to become
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Absolutely. I want to start a long lineage of productive cows. And teach my calves how to be good obedient dairy cows from day 1: Rememeber that all that is value about us is our milk, it's the only thing that matters to the factory. So let's all keep growing bigger and bigger and do our small (insignificant) part so that our owners can live happy, wealthy lives free of worry! That's why we exist after all.
Truth be told I think you’d be better off being a farm cow than a factory cow.
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I do prefer the big factory setting where I'm just one of the numbered cows, tirelessly doing my small part as property of the company and never gaining anything out of it other than having my small personal stall and daily pile of fodder (mixed with plenty of uh... nutrients).
But farm setting works as well, I like the idea of crawling back to the barn every day to be milked, me and the other cows leaving trails of milk on the fields as we slowly drag our full udders across the ground.
If I was running a hucow livestock operation I’d prefer it being a farm. All the cows would be mine to milk and plap alone.
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But what if you have ten or more cows? That's a lot of work already. I mean I wouldn't mind helping to put the pumps on the other cows etc but sooner or later I wouldn't exactly be ¨mobile¨ either.
I like to think I could handle it myself. Either that or get some middle management cow to help me.
I guess you need a energetic farmhand cow that's not as braindead and slow as the other cows.
Though I'd still choose the ¨80% immobile dairy cow¨ career path for myself.
Truth be told needing help is something I realized could be a problem with a hucow/human cattle making thing I came up with for my stories.
i do adore the idea too, to have a private farm with like 5 to 10 hucows i play and do however i wanted. Mostly breeding and molesting them. But a farm where cows are working too sounds nice too. Maybe a mixture of every type of cows. Those that like to work and those who want to break milking records or calves making.
Of course a few farmhands who help around and once in a while become part of the hucow herds as they take those hucow boosters to grow bigger breasts or start fantasiing about getting bred or end up in yuri orgy.
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>those who want to break milking records
Yup, that's me. I'll win that blue ribbon award of ¨most productive dairy cow¨ at the local farm show someday, no matter the cost!
>Of course a few farmhands who help around and once in a while become part of the hucow herds as they take those hucow boosters to grow bigger breasts or start fantasiing about getting bred or end up in yuri orgy.
Oooh a farmhand getting preggo and joining the herd sounds hot as fuck
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I really like the idea, it's a blessing and a curse at the same time. Free new hucows, but i also gotta find new helpers.
I also love the variety of how it can happen:
>just a bit of snacking on the cow feed laced with all the goodies a healthy overproductive cow needs. Could be because they are gluttons, want a bit of breasts growth, some stupid short video challenge.
>thief breaking in the hucow part of the facility. Starts drinking the milk or water meant for improving hucows.
it is a cheap price to pay, after all it's your body that will get enchanced and boosted with medicine and drugs and also altered to bigger and more milk production. You might even inspire future hucows who still try to act like humans
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I wonder how would they determine who'se the winner? Guess the only way to do it would be some kind of milking competition athe the farm show. It's not like the farmers could just say ¨yeah, my cow makes X amount of milk.¨ The amount and quality of milk must be shown to the judges.
So basically I would have to go unmilked for a few days (and eat plenty of quality hi-calorie food so I'll produce tasty creamy milk) before the competition until I feel like I'm ready to burst at any moment, and leaking milk all over the place until they finally start the pumps.
>High level 'best in show' competitions are no laughing matter. You can train years and years in advance to get to the really high levels.

>You start out with cardio, and weight training. Though the latter will come with time, you're going to want a strong back and legs to simply carry all of your bulk by the end of things, and you'll definitely need a strong, fit heart given much the same. A lot of people even start taking steroids for the strongest tree-trunk thighs one can manage.
>Then, you start on lactation and targeted growth hormones. Constantly swapping medications, delivery methods and the like so you don't develop a metabolic expectation for their use and stop producing on your own. You're getting specialized massages designed to encourage breast growth, taking various placebo and non-placebo shady pills, and listening to audio triggers constantly. You might spend five years straight with crying baby audio and suggestive hypnotherapy blaring into an ear 24/7, to trigger your body into making more and more.
>If you're serious, you're almost always going to get impregnated, maybe two or three times in a planned sequence to maximize your development. Frequently, the last one will be planned nine months out from your competition, so you're either ready to pop or just calved for your peak development.
>Even if your belly is not fat with child, it's going to look like you are, given how much food you're going through just to supply your breasts with the calories needed to make milk that rich, in that quantity. Your actual babies will be nothing next to how distended your food baby will get, and you'll gain an enormous amount of weight just by byproduct, until you really start producing. You will go from uber-fit to out of breath in three paces, and you will go from unfailingly strong to barely strong enough.
>By the time you're nearing the competition, while being 8/9 months pregnant, producing enough to feed a small village and barely mobile, you're also waking up every half hour to shovel a three-course meal down your throat to keep up with your breasts' milk production, so you're chronically sleep deprived at all hours.
>These meals are rigorously planned, but will in great part consist of your own condensed milk or butter. It's most practicable, gets any expressed hormones back into your system, is one of the more calorie-dense options for you, and it's a sport tradition. You'll start going through blocks of butter like they're sandwiches. Albiet they'll likely be delivered through feeding tube to make it easier on your tired brain and engorged, yet always starving belly to consume it all.
>This is the point where you're going to start depending on your handlers to do everything, and you'll be put under a constant medical and psychiatric watch to monitor your state of being.
>Your handlers will then have to figure out how to go about supplying and maintaining you, while getting you to the venue.
>There, you'll actually stop listening to baby noises for the first time in years. They'll stop milking you any more than they have you. And you'll actually be having to eat the butter instead of suckle a tube so conveniently. You'll actually have to try and not lactate, and that's probably the hardest thing at that point to manage.
>Your team will dress you in your costume, do you up, make you presentable. And, just to give you one more thing to deal with, they'll also edge you, because a cow on the brink of explosive orgasm is the nicest looking.
>human livestock thread
>becomes inflation thread instead

Every fucking time.

>Then, over-bloated, ravenous, chronically sleep-deprived, struggling to bear your own bodyweight, at the frustrating edge of orgasm and aching, needing to be milked, you will be lead on parade and put in a lineup with all the other competitors. You'll get a chance to display yourself with some well-drilled motions, and you may be interviewed to get a chance to talk about yourself and answer some thematic questions on stage.
>It does not matter how shy you are. You will not care about the crowds of people. You won't be with anything going on. You will probably cum, spray milk, stain the ground underneath you with all manner of bodily fluids. If you're interviewed you will give bad answers and look like an idiot. You will moan, whimper, pant and moo. You'll probably beg people to fuck you, to breed you, feed you, or most likely milk you.
>If you haven't orgasmed on stage, you always will when you're actually hooked up to the pumps and milked. Especially if it's a venue that allows spectators to go around and physically interact with the competitors during these hours.
>Again, it does not matter how shy you are. People will touch your body everywhere, in places you didn't know you had, and you will not care. They'll probably make you cum again, and you'll almost definitely embarrass yourself further, but you won't care at all.
>But I tell you this. There is nothing quite so magical, so sororital, as standing in that lineup, and looking at the girls either side of you, seeing that exhausted, over-straining, mindless but proud look in their tired eyes, a look which only you will ever wear or truly understand. Or the feel of her white-knuckle grip as you reach and entwine fingertips.

>Afterwards you might need to calf in days or even hours, but otherwise it's months of rest and recovery, just sleeping, eating, and, if your farm allows it, getting to finally spend time with your calves again, somewhere in between the two.
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There are generals on /trash/ fairly consistently. Not the fastest but some of them have Discords.
I know that might sound like a "from-bad-to-worse" kind of suggeestion but I feel like some of the more /d/ stuff of last decade has moved there and some of the more borderline /h/ things make it to /d/.

I like how condensed this set is. Good chekov's funny television screen.
Depends what your definition of fucked up is, but yeah. Personally I'd recommend AO3, as they have a very good tagging system for pretty much every fetish you can imagine, and they allow original work, not just fandom work. Best advice I can give is write for yourself and just do what you want, don't worry about what other fags will think unless you specifically ask for feedback.
God this is such a dream. It's so hot to imagine devoting my whole life for such a specific purpose. And I'm doing it all just so that my owner gets all the fame and prize money; once the show is over I just return to my stall and continue to be fed and milked, business as usual. Only that I will never be the same physically or mentally again after all that training. Normal movement is next to impossible thanks to my massive body, and occasionally I think my calf is crying somewhere nearby and I instinctively start spraying milk all over the floor, even though I'm the only cow in the barn.
And my owner obviously won't ever let the production levels of his #1 prize cow drop either so I will keep up my training regime mostly unchanged even after the competition (at best I'll be given a few weeks of rest). After all, there will be a new farm show every year, and he expects results from me. So I will spend all my days focusing on just eating and getting milked, even during nightime I have to wake up 3 times to eat a new pile of food, hormones and shady pills to supply my breasts and keep up my milk production. And when I'm sleeping the pumps are kept running on low power to encourage my lactation more and more.
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World building questions and whatnot for any fags interested.
>What do you use your livestock for? Milk, breeding, [spoiler]meat,[/spoiler] competitions?
>How do you manage their production? Do you use hormones and drugs, or all natural? If you use them for breeding, do you impregnate them yourself?
>How do you treat your cattle? Do you have certain ones you show favoritism to, or are they all just product to you? How do you deal with the ones who misbehave or don't follow the rules?
>Do you give them names, or are they only known by an identification number?
>What kind of setting do you prefer to raise your livestock in? Factory, barn, lab? Are they allowed to walk and free roam, or are they kept restrained 24/7?
>What do you livestock look like? Do you allow them clothes or keep them naked? Skinny, chubby, fat? Do they have animal features like cow ears, horns, tails? One pair of breasts, multiple, an udder?
Anyone else fans of this Artist?
I like to imagine not all women become livestock, but that the big farms send out agents who look for potential stock. This could involve volunteering (poorer women would be coerced with the promise of cash compensation, which they won't have much need for eventually), using wordy and impenetrable legalese to trap women into livestock contracts they didn't realize they were entering into, or hunting if the prize is good enough (this would be illegal but most law enforcement would look the other way if it's not too blatant. Or perhaps women over a certain bra size are automically cosncripted and some are working regular careers hiding it well. Maybe the hunters would be government inspectors in this case.

I like to imagine women with steady careers aren't typically conscripted as livestock. But large-breasted women would never truly be safe. I have a coworker with great big breasts and I like the idea of betraying her by contacting one of these agents and having them meet me at my job after hours. I would arrange for her to meet me privately and then I'd turn her over in exchange for the right to use her. Or in the reality where big breasted women are legally required to be stock, I'd simply notify the authorities and they'd come to our job and remove her clothes, measure her, and end up chaining and branding her in front of us all.
I like the idea of 2nd generation cows being automatically chosen to be dairy cows as well. They never have any say in the matter, since the authorities know that they have the genes to be a good cow. So they start their training from day 1; to them being treated like animal and taking all of these weird hormones and drugs is completely normal, that's all they've ever known. And they don't want to let their mothers down either so they will do their very best to be the most productive cows ever.
As a result these 2nd generation cows are highly valued and known for their enthusiasm and huge milk production numbers from young age.
I wonder if it's safer to keep the 2nd gens in school anyway because there's always a runt of the litter. You don't want to waste a ton of resources and have them torn out to have moderately large breasts. And then you've burned a potential laborer too. Just tmy view. They would still be marked from birth and monitored. And upon coming of conscription age (maybe moved up a few years earlier for 2nd gens), she'd be tested - with lower requirements for prescription (just an unfortunate caste thing). I imagine 2nd gens would grow up with a ton of anxiety knowing they are most likely going to the farm eventually, but they'd still have some hope so it's not completely inhumane.
What do we do with women who don't have large breasts but they still have a pretty good body in general? In the interest of avoiding wastefulness
>human livestock
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I like the idea of 2nd or even 3rd generation cow schoolgirls fighting a losing battle against their cow genes that are slowly taking over. Being sent to a farm is only a matter of time now. She won't be able to hide her ever growing lactating breasts anymore when the it's time for the next mandatory doctor's visit. She's been under their close surveillance for a year already, since she's clearly ¨showing a lot of promise, like her mother¨.
Trying to have a normal day, sitting in class, and the principal interrupts class to allow a group of doctors in to sit in the back and "observe" her
Eh, I'd prefer they get to keep their personalities and preferences, just that the cow genes kinda bimbofy them. That way part of the field trip can be the class asking her questions and interacting with a cow up close.
>"You wanna touch them? Go ahead, but they're sensitive so please be gentle."
>"Clothes? Eh, I don't miss them too much. Cows don't wear clothes anyway."
>"Being milked feels great! It's just like getting a comfy massage."
>"I dunno why they keep us tied up and gagged half the time, but I don't mind it."
>"Um, Miss Farmhand. Are the boys sick? They're all really red in the face and fidgeting."
I wonder if she'd be all pissed when the time comes or if she'd feel relieved. They say the waiting is the worst part.
A bit of everything. Nothing on my girls goes to waste. Pleasant company, physical labor, sex, and then eventually meat. They get milked of anything they can be, including esoteric assets like mana.
Mostly natural, a few tricks.
I treat them very well for what they are, even dotingly. Each earns its own rewards though; a disobedient girl might get fast tracked to disposal.
They all have the same name, since they're all clones of the same original chattel girl.
It's a large rural property with a clearly marked border. They wear locked cuffs and collar 24/7 and are caged overnight, but are otherwise allowed to wander. Shock collars keep them on the property.
All the same soft-looking girl with goat horns, repeated dozens of times and all at various ages. Their horns are scrimshawed with magic restraints and siphons, and they're provided warm and comfy uniforms.

Livestock is livestock, which doesn't automatically mean cow/milk animal. Girls of all body types can be put to productive or pleasurable use, just like chickens, horses, pigs, and goats also all have their uses on a farm. A lot of what they can be used for overlaps heavily with the slavery thread; the difference being slaves are still considered biologically human even if they don't have rights or legal status. Whereas the livestock are more like animate objects, and are much more likely to be used up and replaced in a short timeframe. They're meant to be consumed, metaphorically and/or literally. Sundry. Disposable. Purpose-centric expendables.

"What they're good for" is limited only by what you can figure out a practical or entertaining purpose or end for them. A lot of people here prefer them as this or that, but that's just a preference, not a rule. Your preference is objective reality for your girls, and they can't be allowed to think otherwise. Tools don't decide.

It's not cannibalism if they aren't people.
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>I wonder if she'd be all pissed when the time comes or if she'd feel relieved
I'd say that depends how long it takes or how completely have her cow genes taken over her daily life. If she has to spend most of her free time milking herself, and excusing herself from the classroom every 20 minutes to go to the toilet and relieve some of the pressure from her breasts that keeps constantly building now (and failing most her classes as a result). I'd say she welcomes her transfer to the farm at that point.
>It's not cannibalism if they aren't people
Even if treated as livestock humans are still humans, and if other humans eat them it's still cannibalism. Plain and simple.
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I can't decide what I like better:

1) Wrangling girls in raw rope, hogtying and cattle driving them like dumb animals, lassos around their necks, keeping them inarticulate and emotional.


2) Locking them in permanent cuffs and collars, putting them in neat and orderly chain gangs, socializing them enough to be pleasant but submissive conversationalists, and letting them participate in some human-like activities.
I'll take 2. No need for human-like activities though. Just use and milk me for what I'm worth.
Tough, I bought you to use all of you, so you're gonna be player 2 in my couch co-op video game between milking sessions.
Hear me out. How about treating them as humans except for when it's time to wrangle and hogtie them? Seems like it would really crush their spirit.
I guess we can do that, but don't get mad at me if I get too excited and end up spraying milk all over your controller and couch. The chances of that happening are high.
more artists should draw their cows fat
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New plan. I'm setting a milking stall up in front of the TV. You'll be tied down bent over into it with your arms behind your back, holding the controller. Since you only need your hands to play, and only need your chest to be milked, you can do both at the same time. Maybe I'll make a sub-game out of increasing or decreasing your bondage or other punishments and rewards depending on how the game goes.
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Healthy, well-fed cows slowly crawling around the barn.
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I agree. I find the idea of women being treated as livestock for milk, breeding, or even labour, very erotic, but cannibalism just ruins the appeal for me. Even if they were monster girls and not technically human, eating them would be would be a turn-off.
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that's a very fat cow
i like it
Alright, which of you was it?

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Ummm, L-look at these happy cows!
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I've universally preferred smaller petite girls, but this artist makes them look so warmly squishable.
i don't remember ever coming from penetration before, thanks anons

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