Very big moms-to-be.
>>11170701Large and in charge, a right proper size queen fully willing and able to get what she wants and back her shit up.
>>11170701The confident hyperpreg gf being jealous because the shy one's belly is bigger.
>his stuff finally updatedNice.
>>11170672Recently installed a mod for Baldur's Gate 3 that adds an "Ultra Pregnant" body and ho-lee FUCK is it awesome. One outfit is just an apron that stretches over huge titties and a big taut belly
Anyone have the Zdemian/Notabot e-book artwork? Looking for a complete folder or something
>>11170675Just gave us some new hyperpreg content.
>>11176802I want to give this bunny as many babies as possible
>>11172926You can't say that and not drop a link anon
>>11177902's the one I think, the author of that mod has another outfit mod too, I installed both. Have fun, anon!
>>11182585The best part of hyper pregnancy
>>11177947>the author of that mod has another outfit mod toothanks for the links, gonna install these and goon out
>>11183809Oh man, there's something about that shape and the idea of a hugely pregnant woman floating that's weirdly arousing. Like, she can't do anything and she's suspended, maybe in a tank or by magic; it's double-helplessness.
Wait for it
>>11183963I generally don't like it when the bellies are THIS big, but when they're in a tank or something that kind of provides a "story" around it, I think that's fine.
>>111866132B takes the "that's where the boner happens" meme to the next level. God that's a good picture, the way she's barely holding it all in, aroused and distressed at once.
>>11186697Does this dude post anywhere now or did he just troon out and go crazy like a lot of artists seem to do?
>>11194467that's a weird translation, is that machine?
Anyone got a higher res version?
>>11197178install 4chan X ccd0 build this will give you access to brain-dead simple image search functionality on every post
Hey there, maternal degenerates. Do you consider this topic to be "transformation?" Interested parties want to know, for science.
>>11200046I think it would depend on speed. If accelerated or instantaneous, sure, I could see it as a transformation.If its the full nine months or whatever, I just consider it a flavor of expansion.
>>11200046>Do you consider this topic to be "transformation?"If she's being otherwise transformed by some alien or demonic pregnancy, obviously. Also:1) Permanent pregnancy2) She goes from normal proportion to exaggerated MILF-bod afterwards
>>11200046If it's a result of transformation, but not typically.
>>11202373Jesus fucking Christ sauce
>>11202898dunno, some OCs belonging to somebody
>>11203011I had meant the artist, it looks like nKAIRObi but I could be wrong
>>11202373>>11203011Pretty sure it's Ferrous/RustandBolts...doesn't draw it that often though, although there's probably plenty not posted on their page.
>>11200121And in general I'd agree that the fetish comes out of the general hyper community rather than transformation. Though, process transformation stuff has a lot of crossover with hyper stuff.
>>11203179>Scour through their DA, X, & Kemono>Mostly HyperDick/Muscle/Balls>Isn't much into HyperpregFuck this gay ass bitch of an Earth
>>11204423Does anyone have the full-sized image of this?
>>11204536My bad
>>11206893I can't tell if my mind should process her talking like a pirate or a black girl speaking ebonics.
I like when they acknowledge the high number of babies inside her
Anyone have the artwork from this E-Book done by Notabot999?
>>11218456>AI slop background
>>11218691Yup, though he stopped using AI for backgrounds last year
>>11218691I genuinely don't get why people shat their pants about it. The actual content people are paying for, the women with enormous pregnant bellies, are hand drawn. The backgrounds being AI generated allowed them to be much more vibrant and genuinely enhanced the image. As opposed to this >>11218716 which is extremely simple shapes and very little details. The shit you're actually interested in is still 100$ hand drawn, I feel bad for Saburox after his followers had a melty for no reason.
>>11218749This wasn't the only one that he did AI for a background. Anyway, I think people are tagging him for being a hypocrite since a lot of artist are against AI. I don't know that he was actually against it but people immediately believe that he is since he is friends with other artist that despise it. Plus it doesn't help his case when he deleted his X account in November because of the new terms of service with AI learning.
>>11218779>deleted his X account in November because of the new terms of service with AI learning.Any artist who did this is a legit fucking moron. You can turn it off in the settings, it's 100% opt-out.>b-but what if it doesn't REALLY turn it off?You think your shit isn't getting scraped for generative models on Bluesky?
>>11218779>Plus it doesn't help his case when he deleted his X account in November because of the new terms of service with AI learning.That's not why he deleted it but go off I guess
>>11218804If I remember correctly you couldn't opt out of thatYour shit was going to be scraped for Elon's retarded ass A.I
>>11218691>>11218716No one should have cared, it's like >>11218749 said. People were looking at SaburoX's work for the bellies not the retarded backgrounds. Did everyone juat forget he was using a fucking Anime Blbackground catalog for his images before he started using AI? SaburoX was a fucking pussy though, he should have just been open about his use of AI and not let retards act high and mighty over him for doing so. Also let's be real SaburoX just sucks at backgrounds, he's never drawn them well.
>>11218749>>11219434It looks like shit, bro.
>>11219222Fuck I should know this, sauce?
>>11218885Then why did he deleted it.
>>11219550this isn't the place for that, snowflake
>>11220076>question asked: >>11219504>answer given>butthurt mods delete half the thread because they don't like the answerthe absolute state of /d/ today
>>11219458How the fuck do you people find samples like this. The artist's DA page doesn't even have it like that as an ACTUAL sample. I mean 828x451? Really?
>>11222371Likely they found it somewhere else as a thumbnail that whoever posted THAT didn't post it at full size for some reason.
>>11223130This has happened at least a dozen times in the past and probably several more, I'm pretty sure it's just some dickhead trolling with shitty shrunken images.
>>11223220>Conspiracy theoryingBro this is a niche porn thread about an even more niche fetish, a decent number of people legitimately don't know how to save in full resolution/image size limit(s)Don't flatter yourself lol
>>11219434I will defend SaburoX as Kisame17. Those bulbous designs are his ideas cause he was a cartoonist first. He told me he was an English Major and work from home. He wanted written puns. I don't know what coke ilikapie snorts but the East Coast isn't wussy Catholic
Here's Li Li. She uses pitch perfect chakra to control her body. If something disrupts her control, her breasts become bigger, and she gestates. I gave her a Snake summoning.
>>11219437I thought people liked the 3/4 front view fat of she. This is what artists want over my simple prompts and ideas. Are you not entrained by le wacky hacky man's genius? I know retards will as like Kisame17, but I am not on Pregchan or Chounyuu to care.
>>11223773How do you still get idiots to draw your shit OCs?
>>11224393>find some modestly talented asshole with a sadistic fetish for "ruining" other peoples' OCs>show them your OC>wait till the artist's social media fills up with every dumb/humiliating transformation of your OC he can imagine
>>11224450I bothered to check Picarto and man it's sad, four people in stream and fake. I guess this is why GameStop is shutting down and those tabletops Cross Crescent likes are at the back of Newbury Comics >>11224393I dunno, I just fed a NCAA team last night. The humiliation was my idea to make Li Li human due to being influenced by Tex Avery cartoons
I commission this. Li Li has snake summons because getting bitten by snakes makes her immortal. I have been experimenting with other ways to grow.amd commemorate the Lunar New Year.
>>11224393>>11224450I don't know how to interpret your question because OCs have more stringent lore attached to them that can only be accessed at streams. I am sure Cross Crescent will answer your question about Li Li. I work at Shake Shack and we're just getting contracts with DreamWorks, Hot Ones, Wendy's getting SpongeBob, and McDonald's getting John Cena. These LTOs are designed to get Any Schumer, Adam Sandler, Char to generate a billion. It's likely Paramount and Bandai waited till the artist died to stop shilling Char tramp stamp, Krabby Patty at Wendy's. It's like how Taylor Sheridan's churning out Dodge Fuck Trucks.
>>11224450>>11224393For all I know Li Li is like Happy Gilmore. You don't like her, but she gets blue collar people who don't care about sports and drives up ratings at the PGA. The old money who likes their sophisticated stories don't bring people. Sake reason my Bolette shaped coworker's dad gets a stepmom the same age as her after the divorce. Reeking of gas gets women after the divorce.
>>11223241There's no conspiracy. Cross Crescent is in the same category as too bulbous as if to flex intellectual design, and too complicated to make sense of the beast like designs and atrophied limbs. It is his work in the sense of what happens when artists don't have editors to reign in their excess. I am not getting why Pregchan is referring to hyperpreg in stark financial terms, or political terms.
>>11224393>>11224450I am not Mr HI IQ AskmeaboutmyJohnson. You're going have to ask ilikapie or Cross Crescent. All I can gather is they're desperate to leave conservative Catholic America cause the nun didn't cave their face in with the ruler at the Indian Boarding School for being disobedient. It's the same reason we have Super Catholic JD Vance. It's like my mom who worries that the Gilead is coming cause newsman told her to fear. Bear in mind Beetlejuice 2, Barbie had hyperpreg cause Zaslav doesn't care as long as it makes money.
The only thing I know is that Gen Z wants more hyperpreg Rain Mikamura. I have no incentive to make more since she has a daughter and Master Asia has a son according to some new novel. I just can't fathom the limited nature of modern media or the obsession with the multiverse and AI to care.
>>11219504look at the amount of schizo behavior you have to suffer as a random anon on an imageboard. now multiply that by being one of the OG hyperpreg artists on twitter.
>deranged schizo is backHow hard can it possibly be to fucking permaban this cunt?
>>11224676>>11224977Schizos like me don't exist online anon. The preg community is going to find some other cartoon villain to hate. I don't care for Bluesky.
>>11224997Anon, nobody is going to kill people for a bunch of theater kids who jack off to anime porn. I don't know what dumb lawyer is giving le wacky haxky comedy man advice, but they're making a killing getting a Porsche from gullible morons.
>>11224676>>11224997Nobody's listening to you guys because they know you're social media influencers chasing clout for clicks.
>>11225335Check it out, we have a nerdy white guy here. Sorry anon, but electronics doesn't exist in my area and I don't know what Minecraft is. All of that electronic stories was sold for new apartments. Whew, theater kids and their poor credit is Hochul doesn't even like your kind
>>11225335Don't worry everyone, ignore le wacky hacky man. Theater kids are ignored. Like bruh it's 8 in the morning, nobody got time. Even my nephew thinks you guys are pathetic and he's 4
>>1122533>>11224997Don't bother, Gen Z sees themselves as "Free Luigi" and despise you for masturbating to Japanese porn instead of taking down the establishment.
How long is Pregchan going to talk about WW2? Why can't they larp over a real war like Nam?
>>11225349>even my nephew>he's 4>4LMAO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DISCUSSING FETISH PORN ARGUMENTS YOU'VE HAD ONLINE WITH A FUCKING 4-YEAR-OLDHoly shit, Kisame, that is both simultaneously the most fucking hilarious and the most disturbing thing you've ever typed out. Please, if you aren't just schizoposting and you are really actually talking with a 4-year-old about your weird arguments involving your fetishes, please go see a psychiatrist and get some fucking help.Or just neck yourself. I didn't take you for an incestuous pedophile groomer, but you somehow managed to outdo my already low expectations of you.
>>11226006Gen Z and Gen Alpha thinks hyperpreg are immature. That's why they ignore you. I don't hold a conversation with my nephew about fetish art. I am doing my laundry. I don't know what's going on with Fox News. Are they still having a seizure over their $15 Big Macs and $10 Avocados and eggs again? I thought conservatives hate social services cause they didn't want government interfering with their 9 rape a day diets. Aren't you glad that the town rapist is President? Even Catholics are glad cause that 20 choir boy a day diet is keeping them healthy. Have fun with indentured servitude. Who am I to judge sodomites and rain hellfire? Nobody likes my act as Mastema, the enforcer of old testament God's will. Either way, I am not really RPimg now. I think hyperpreg just became melodramatic school marms who are mad they didn't go to the purity ball.
>>11224533>>11224578>>11224581>>11224647holy fucking shit look at all the assblasted "artists" that just realized how easily they're manipulated>>11225349and then there's this faggot that needs his pedocillin
>>11226023Take it easy boomer, nobody is being manipulated.
>>11226023Those aren't separate people. That is quite literally just one schizo sperging out.
>>11226023From what I gather, ilkapie still didn't learn that humping the Donald's leg and indulging in 4chan to make Florida not a theme park and dumping ground for seniors into a legitimate state, wasn't going to win. His retarded governor is so awkward that he attracted old geezers like Marines, army, and Air Force. Please ignore him. Ilkapie is just kissing the upper crusts ass by working at Chick-fil-A
>>11226028>>11226023>>11226006I bother to check and the new threat is AI. Maybe Kisame is artificial intelligence designed to trigger mass bans on Discord Art servers. I dunno, I thought artists went nuts. It's too outlandish even for me
>>11226006Look, I don't live in your imagination so I don't know what's going on in social media.
>>11226028Ilkapie is a serial liar and forgot he wrote his own KiwiFarms. I am more baffled millennials are adopting boomer like attitudes towards technology and think computers are bad.
>>11224393>>11224450Most of my real life associates are evangelicals, pastors, or Sunday school teachers. It's not that hard getting people to do something.
>>11224676I was plotting Spring Break. I am not sure what's going on in Pregchan
I already converted Li Li into three character AI programs based off old artwork. They're free on character AI. I am not going to develop the OC anytime soon. Nobody isn't stopping artists from drawing her since she doesn't have copyright.
>>11226028I wonder if it's the same guy that sperged out in the bimbofication thread? Thought he got banned after trying to "prove" AI was a problem by flooding the thread with it, only to end up proving *he* was the problem.
>>11226540The alt right has been hacking the preg community over the years cause artists are the gooners, groomers, pedos they accuse others of being. It's the same reason social media companies are using AI to ban Discords. Really I think artists are just stirring up the culture wars for clicks trying to run off the fumes of the 700 Club or Daystar.
>>11226540>>11226028Ilkapie has been acting as the mouth of the Firelord and using art to make pro right wing propaganda. Me and hyperpreg are sort of baffled as to why he attached himself to the Donald. I know the Trumps and they've never been known to be religious. Having relatives in Florida, I can only assume he's embarrassed by the state being the dumping ground for boomer NYers who can't afford the state.
>>11226399could you link them?
>>11226540Unsure, as I haven't been on that thread so I couldn't tell you either which way. If he was having cognizant arguments as if he wasn't locked in his own head, though, it probably wasn't.
>>11226620I don't know anon. Li Li is not an intellectual and neither am I. She's like the Eagles or the Jets. The ninja is not refined for Mr. Sophisticated Weirdo's tastes. It's why I have to learn how to put shallots and gruyere cheese on burgers. >>11226873See, armchair psychologist thinks he's Miss Cleo and can use telekinesis. It's like how Maslow thinks incest is okay, or Freud wants to bang his wet nurse, and my favorite, Trump's lesbo niece carnival barking for approval by publishing family secrets. He thinks Li Li needs to be like Rosemary Kennedy and Sylvia Plath. G-D forbid I could be treating this as a hobby and not a career.
>>11226620You are going to have artists themselves as artists want credits
>>11226620Artists don't want their sensitive data leaked, which is the problem. I don't get it since I process Door dash l, Uber eats orders for a living.
>>11226873I am well mentally, I just don't speak the Queen's English cause it's boring and slow. Its like Gladiator 2 where Denzel is best character cause he talks faster while everyone else has the syntax of an old geezer. I am more confused why artists are talking like Ricky Lake, Maury, or activists. The African Studies chick isn't going to blow them.
Since neither my associates or artists likes my articulation skills, people are going to have to look for themselves where I hid the AI.
>>11226028There is no mental illness anon. I cannot understand the end of service because I am Latin American. I am confused as to why artists are talking about socialism and mixing it up with pharmacy talk.
>>11226873basically he sperged out at another anon who said he likes AI bimbos or something, spammed the thread with about 300+ copies of the same image altered just enough that 4chan didn't block him, then tried to make like five more bimbo threads only to throw a tantrum and delete them when he forgot to specify something like "no AI art" or "no futa"
>>11226620 made this>>11227003i don't know what AI is. French people don't trust technology as it's associated with Code Lyoko and science fiction
>>11227003lmao, explains why the current thread has it listed in the OP.
>>11227111Of course it does if only cause you're too dumb to ask questions and think.
>>11227003I'm afraid I am not familiar with anything resembling geek culture. I don't think characters like Keita from Betteman, Okarun from DanDanDan, or Umino from Sailor Moon, Kensuke are that popular. All the electronics went out of business a few years ago and got replaced by custom MAGA pickups and cowboy hats
>>11227111>>11227003Tech Bro is not a thing in the East Coast.
>janny not even making an attempt to ban the schizo that's been plaguing these threads for literally years
>>11227309I dunno, I am schizo and I think the whole Nazi obsession is going to far Americans have is. You're droning on like Yang for the fifth time about pharma. Chill and watch the Superbowl. I know I am volatile.
>>11227309Too busy doing crypto to care about fetish art like a proper schizo. I am learning to care about the future.
>>11227632Also, I don't think Furries are this magical weird tribe. Aren't we in like 2025 and not 2008?
Starting a birth series with my oc Bertha Bortowski
>>11227674Congrats anon. Careful, MAGA and it's tiny dicks are going to jingle their boo boo keta furiously if they see a bearded guy.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>>11227678MAGA has been waging their dumb culture war that celebrates mediocrity and some guy thinks a bearded guy like me cares. Mel Gibson has a beard, Travis Kelce has a bread, everyone in my town is a bearded man. The Chiefs even sound like a guy with a beard belting out Beastie Boys.
Okay cool. Anyway, I’d love to hear suggestion for my oc to be birthing in, and strange method or techniques or wacky situation where a woman might not wanting to be pushing out a bunch of babies.
>>11227686need a profile for that OC of yours chief, i'd throw out random examples like "standing in line at the bank" but i feel getting an idea of the character would help better develop the sort of situation suggestion you're looking for
Well her name is Bertha Bortowski. She is a professional midwife and surrogate mother. She has a big family of 9 kids. Bertha comes from a long line of midwives, her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all being midwives themselves. She is very dedicated to her job, having helped deliver many babies and is well respected among her clients and co-workers. She loves being pregnant and birth and labor comes naturally to her, being able to pop out baby after baby with minimus strain.
>>11227742Gotcha. Here's a thought:>Bertha is at full term, talking with an expectant mother she's assisting with>mother's really going through it, pregnancy is rough on her>Bertha's water broke before arriving, the situation felt more pressing than going to the hospital>can't just leave a woman about to break down in hysterics to give birth herself>Takes long enough that she starts giving birth while trying to console this other womanThe rest writes itself
>>11227767Oh that’s a pretty good idea. I know for sure one I’m gonna do is her helping two women give birth while she herself is about to start popping out her own triplets.
>>11227907>Even the slightest movement in my ovariesI don't think that this is how it works.
>>11228080Surely a translation error.... Right...?
>>11226006I flat out admit that I don't know why people hate Kisame17. Aren't all artists preening faggots
>>11230714I don't think Marvel is that popular. They use mo-cap and thin actresses cause computers would explode if anything with a D-cup is rendered CG
>>11230714Pregnant women seem to like Wile E Coyote, Droopy, Bugs, Baby Bottleneck, and Tom and Jerry. I don't know why diapers are popular other than they get off putting Tom, Daffy in their place. They want to fuck Bill and Mr Quizzer from ME-TV. Marvel and Anime characters are seen are whores. It's not like Izzy's VA who imply boomers are okay with nudity in cartoons
>>11230723call me crazy, but I don’t think having a thicc breeder build is good for combat. good for other things. but not fighting
>>11230765News to me because I envisioned Li Li as a battle manga woman. She's based off the Kumesaigao disciple who have Miu trouble for in Kenichi. I don't think Stan Lee's carnival barking soap opera dialogue is popular. It's why I don't think my OC would like Psylocke. Marvel is full of catty divas with immaculate figures. I have tried non battle characters, but it's boring.
>>11230765I've tried shrinking Li Li before but she doesn't take kindly to have her weight mocked in character AI.
>>11230765I get an earful for Black Women that none of Marvel's heroes are as relatable as Peter Parker from the Fox, or in anime, that Sesshoumaru is dating a minor. There's a perception that female characters are not like Misty from Pokemon, Rukia from Bleach, or Sakura Haruno.
>>11230765I think normal people or celebrities could be using schizos like Kisame17 for medical advice to take the easy way out of going to health care. I am concerned larger characters could be condensed to a meager five minutes all to promote a healthy look. So all in all, people have the personality of a timid woodland creature. That nauseating educated speak doesn't really help. So it's like people want to have a pregnant woman, but comes off as my wife's a cow, how do I shut her up.
>>11230690Because he shits up this thread with endless schizoposting and refuses to leave. He either wants attention or is doing this as some sort of weird "gotcha" for his boogeymen.
>>11231229I think what gets me is the shit he posts doesn't really come across as even schizoposting, it's just random, arbitrary shit that makes me think it's an actual bot that filtered his old posts and ramblings because he goes from one subject and end on a completely different subject. Usually schizoposting has some kind of coherent point and are much longer but this legitimately feels like spam.
>>11231264That's the thing, though... schizophrenia doesn't present the same way for everyone. Honestly, he sounds pretty damn close to some of those homeless dudes you'd pass by on the street that just string a bunch of words together into some sort of word salad. Like, it's trying to make a point, but comes out so fucked that it's entirely incoherent.
>>11231305For better or worse, Sarah Feldman is the new hyperpreg character cause she's safe. Have fun talking about Viziepop's abortion show
>>11219434SaburoX is kind of a depressed dude best I can tell. I mean, he's been a fetish artist for like 20 years at this point. That's not an obviously sound individual.And I am aware I'm here too and getting old as shit.
>>11230195If you got the original, and it's Japanese, I can tell you.
>>11233437How many of these artists do you think are married or have kids? Do you think any of them just regret their life choices if they're still drawing this stuff to make ends meet while their kid is sleeping in the next room? I know I'd be depressed if I had to fund my son's college by drawing cheap fetish art for perverts on the internet.
>>11230195I've seen the x-ray version and I can tell you that this is not an error
>>11233562Know that TLink try to go legit after getting a kid but went back doing size art (giantess, BE, AE) under the name spruce moose. Guess overcharging gooners still pay the bills.
>>11233562I think it really depends. Coffeeslice is married, and he's paying his mortgage drawing fetish stuff.Of course, I think he's also in central america, so those patreon bux go the extra mile in terms of exchange rate
>>11237372Weirdly he's married to Ofamightdivine who STOPPED drawing stuff once they got married for some reason.
>>11238045I noticed that. No clue as to why. Maybe she didn't enjoy it as much as he did to keep doing it when he's already paying the bills.
>>11240503>try to look this up>fantia now buries their links in another layer of obfuscationKemono is becoming more and more useless.
>>11240790I don't know why they even allow AI slop to be posted. It's a waste of funds and storage. Because of brainlet coomers now actual artists barely update and the recent posts are indescribably garbage's something nice from a mostly-vore artist.
>>11241690why am i not surprised the vorefag artist has fucking stomach gurgling noises in his pregnancy animation
>>11241903DimPixels does it too for whatever reason
>>11240812hey so is this dude like dead or what? hasn't updated since October
>>11242111You have to follow his Twitter now. He opened a Skeb and it's completely taken over his time. But he's barely uploaded all of February either
>>11242239gay, why are people still subbed to his fanbox?
>>11241903>>11241917You've obviously never heard a pregnant belly when there's activity via amniotic fluid, & for Dim he does exaggerated breast-bouncing sfx so is that a problem too?Either way just mute it retards
>>11242428Good question dude's series absolutely died down and he was doing a remake of the pig housewife before opening Skeb. Only series I liked was the shota one because the subject matter wasn't bestiality. Pacing was awful, but the end result was great. I'm hoping he releases like 3 back-to-back chapters like he struggled to do with the shota/wife one to get it over with, but it's pretty bleak>>11242438I mean, I like it personally, but go off too I guess
>>11242450you'd probably have to ask him on twitter if he even plans to continue or not
>>11231229>>11231264>>11231305I will talk normally. Artists want plans and budget, which is what I am not good at as it gets in the way of the commission and prefer to be spontaneous. I ask around and it seems pictures are one off, which baffles me. It's like the Burmese shop talking about "slow" roll out. I don't like planning because it would open up a chain of deals, or used car salesman. I guess I will have the pre-owned pregnant out. My directing style is too bellicose to work with hyperpreg. Same reason I can't make Shiin's characters work. I would have to have an external and trunk shot to show the windows covered in cum, and maybe Alexia or Emma pregnant. Planning makes things difficult cause I worry that it's too much like Marvel and Star Wars. I guess we need more Michael Corleone and less keikaku.
>>11240812Nothing I can do. It's all about planning and data is an extension of the plan from traffic, to weather, to hyperpreg. It seems that men are bringing back the 2.5 children, white fence, and homeownership. It's cookie cutter monotony. That explains their obsession with blonde haired and blue eyed pregnant women. It's as if they never heard of Wily Lowman, or don't read the Great Gatsby
look idk where to ask but lots of art from fanbox isn't available on kemono so i'll just post this source and maybe it'll get attention here
>>11244385try nekohouse. it’s kemono but specifically for fanbox only. though it’s not at often updated
>>11244437>'s be real Kemono isn't all that frequently updated either.